Check if the domain is busy. Bulk domain checker for availability

We have all the most popular domains:

.com .org .net .info .biz .de

and further 250+ domains!

Domain availability check


The cost depends on the domain zone. To find out the price, just hover the cursor over the icon, or enter the required domain in the search bar and click the "Check" button. Finding and choosing a good domain using our service is not difficult - even if you are doing it for the first time.


On the SIM-NETWORKS website, you can easily check the domain for availability - there are several hundred different zones to choose from. From well-known generic top-level domains (gTLDs) to various regional and country-specific domains (ccTLDs).


There are many convenient payment methods: Webmoney, Yandex.Money, LiqPay, Visa and MasterCard credit cards, PayPal, Privat24, Bitcoin, Skrill, American Express, QIWI wallet, as well as bank transfer. When ordering a free domain on our website or in billing, you automatically choose a reliable partner for long-term cooperation and successful work.

Important information

Domain checks are not logged... We do not resell domains and do not put up for auction expiring domains that have not been renewed by their owners. Here you can check a domain name for availability in all zones and place an order at a convenient time for you, without fear that someone will see the results of the check and take an excellent domain in a couple of minutes. However, it is worth remembering that other webmasters, as well as cybersquatters and people who trade and resell domains, are constantly on the lookout for beautiful domain names. They strive to immediately take any good name - domains from the .COM, .NET, .ORG, .RU zones are especially in demand. Therefore: if you like a free domain, reserve it as soon as possible.

Please wait, checking in progress ...

Domain name selection rules

Our domain name matching system helps you find the best name for your site.

We understand that you are a busy person, so we tried to make the process of selecting and registering domains as simple and fast as possible. You can check domains in several domain zones at the same time. To do this, in the domain name field, enter the full domain name, for example, or only part of it, for example test. We are ready to offer you both the most common domain zones and specialized domains for your business. Our domain selection system will analyze the selected name in various domain zones, as well as suggest its own options, based on the dictionary of synonyms and their translation. The name can be specified in Latin or Cyrillic characters, you cannot mix them together.

In order not to take a lot of your time, all domain check results are grouped into two tabs "Main result" and "Alternative". Just add the names you like to the cart. The domain cannot be reserved, so after the domain names are selected, we recommend that you pay as soon as possible.

Are domain names of my choice reserved?

The name cannot be reserved. Until the domain is registered, it is available for registration to everyone on the Internet. Therefore, we recommend that you pay for the name immediately after you have selected domains for yourself.

When checking whether a domain is free, you need to remember:

    Several people can apply for domain registration at the same time, both in our company and with other registrars. Registration will be performed on the one whose payment will be received first. Therefore, after the domain name has been verified and the invoice has been received, it is better not to delay the payment.

    Domain registration applications for which payment has not been received during the validity of the contract account are removed from the queue.

    If it is impossible to register a domain name, after receipt of payment, funds are automatically credited to the user's balance. If desired, the funds can be returned to the subscriber in the same way that he made the payment.

    When checking the availability of a domain, pay attention to the special registration conditions. If such conditions exist, information about this will be to the right of the name of the checked domain.

You will be comfortable with us.

FREEhost.UA is not only one of the largest domain name registrars in Ukraine, we also provide hosting services. Therefore, choosing our company, you get a full range of services for doing business on the Internet. And our round-the-clock support is always ready to assist in resolving emerging issues.

How do I find a domain name? Come up with it yourself or use the help of our system - a domain name analyzer. The site address is formed from two main parts (name + domain zone), separated by a dot:; The zone can also consist of parts separated by a dot:; If the web resource is aimed at foreign countries, it is preferable to use names consisting of Latin characters. Cyrillic is allowed in restricted Russian zones. How to choose the right domain? Strictly following the recommendations.

The domain name must:

  • be sonorous but simple;
  • easy to read,
  • remember the first time;
  • be relatively short: 3-10 characters (63 characters are allowed in total),
  • reflect the theme of the site so that users immediately understand where they are.
How to check the availability of a domain? Enter the invented name or the main key (thematic) word in the search bar. Check the desired areas. Start check. If the domain is free, it is advisable to buy it right away. If it is busy, the analyzer will offer variants similar in spelling, from which the appropriate one can be selected. You may like the name generated by the system better. Take this opportunity, see all the options.

Correctly chosen domain

A well-chosen name of a web resource automatically becomes a brand and improves the project's reputation. The attitude of visitors depends on its sonority and semantic meaning. Sites with memorable domain names are easier to promote: they are easily recognizable, and users are more likely to visit them. Register a domain with a carefully thought out name. When the website becomes known, the name change is not profitable - it is easy to lose traffic, partners, customers. Large companies should register their name in different commercial zones to avoid competition. If it is easy to make a mistake in the spelling of the name, they register all possible variants of distortions (typo domains) and make a 301 redirect to the main project. Our service checks domains in all zones. When monitoring, the available options are visible - it is easy to choose names for several resources. Some geographic (,, or new zones (club, online, best, trade) are little used, there are much more opportunities.

Register a domain for the desired period (1-10 years) immediately after verification, while it is not busy. Making a wholesale order (several sites in one zone or one name in different zones) will take much less time and will have a beneficial effect on the cost.

It is not difficult to choose a beautiful and memorable name for your website using the smart domain verification service. The search for free domains is carried out in the following ways:

  • Enter the keyword in the search form in Russian, for example "auto", "fast car", or in English - "car", "auto".
  • Or enter a domain with a zone, for example, auto.rf.

Don't include complex options. The simpler and shorter the domain name, the better it will be remembered. Click the "Match" button. Domain verification will take only a few seconds, during which we will form a corresponding list of free domains.

The service will also offer to use synonyms for keywords, with the help of which you expand the range of choice among words similar in meaning.

You will be able to find the domain in the thematic domain zones. Sites in such domain zones will instantly convey the essence of your proposal. Just select the category that suits you best (sports, business or finance) on the left and start choosing domains.

By checking the "Show busy" checkbox, you will see information about occupied domain names. If the domain is busy, see the available options in other zones and synonyms. Click the "Buy" button opposite the suitable free domain names, complete and pay for the order through the Control Panel. Be sure to indicate the correct details when placing an order, since it is on them that the name of the site will be registered.

Hello friends! When registering domain names for sites, it is not uncommon for a new project to fail - search engines do not allow pages to appear in the TOP of the search results. All this is due to the fact that earlier on this domain a govnosite could hang and sanctions were imposed on it. To avoid such surprises, today we will talk about how to check employment and find out its history.


The domain name of the site is the address at which Internet users find your resource by entering it in the address bar of the browser. As I wrote in the article about the domain is an integral part of the site. And if we talk about the process of creation, then this element comes first.

It is with the registration of a domain name that the history of a new Internet project begins. In the article on how to choose a domain name for a site (), I wrote about the selection technique, but there I did not say anything about checking the history, although it does matter.

Consequences of mistakes when choosing a domain

The site address has two aspects that will influence its future life. Both of them have an impact, but the degree of this impact is different.

1. Aesthetic component

A significant role in the future popularity of the site is played by euphony, ease of perception and memorization, as well as the associativity of the domain name.

Short domains, in which all characters sound unambiguously, are easy to remember and write. If in the address of the site its direction is also easily guessed, then it has a definite advantage due to the human factor. People in many situations will give preference to him.

Basically, such domains will have a bonus in offline promotion methods, as well as a small increase due to behavioral factors.

True, as far as search engines are concerned, this bonus is small and there is no particular sense in chasing expensive rare names on purpose. Better to invest in developing a good website.

2. Historical component

The domain name of the site is registered for a period of one year, i.e. each year, the rights to use it must be renewed. This means that the now free address could have been previously used by another owner, and he had a certain life and history.

Some people specifically look for domains with history in order to use the authority they have earned (, puzomerki). But another situation can easily happen. You weren't looking for any authoritative domain, you just picked a suitable site name. We checked the freedom, registered and started working with him, not suspecting anything.

A surprise may await you here. In its past life, the address could not only collect a trust, but, conversely, collect fines and sanctions from search engines. Who knows what kind of site was hosted on it, and what black SEO methods were used by its owner. The site was banned or pessimized and it became unprofitable for the owner to continue its development, he refused to renew the domain, and he was free.

As a result, you found this free domain, made a good site on it, but it is not indexed or indexed, but does not want to get into the TOP - it turns out one hemorrhoid is useless. Sometimes, the problem is solved by itself over time, sometimes the correspondence with the employees of the search engine helps, and sometimes it is impossible to get the site out.

In any case, unnecessary problems will take a lot of time and it is not a fact that you will be able to fix everything. In the third part of the article, we will talk about how to check the history of a domain in more detail, and now let's learn how to search for free ones.

How to check domain availability?

Checking if a domain is free is a very simple procedure. Domains are registered directly through registrar companies or through hosting providers that host sites - they have one base, and we check it using it.

At the beginning of the article, I posted a form for verification, here's a repeat, you can enter the address directly in it. Alternatively, you can use one of the sites listed below:

Domain check on SprintHost -

Domain check on TimeWeb -

On any resources, the check is carried out according to a similar scheme, only the design of the forms may differ.

How do I check my domain history?

So, we figured out the freedom of domains, now you know which addresses for your site you can count on.

Unfortunately, search engines do not provide information about whether the site address was used before and whether any sanctions were imposed on it. You will have to find out all this yourself through the history of the domain.

All free site addresses are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Never used before - their history is clean, which means there are no sanctions.
  2. Previously used, but exempted for reasons not related to sanctions - they can also be used, and sometimes you can get bonuses due to links purchased by the previous owners.
  3. Previously used and abandoned due to the fact that the domain came under sanctions.

We can determine the 2nd and 3rd groups only with a certain probability, by indirect signs, but we can determine the 1st group of sites with 100% accuracy - we will start with this.

Whois domain history

The easiest way to find clean addresses is to look at your domain registration history. There is a whois characteristic, it contains all the owner's data and information about the servers to which the domain is linked. After deleting the site, this data does not disappear.

If there is no information about the past owners, then this name was never used. There are many paid services that provide this data, few free ones, one of them is (Unfortunately, it only works with Russian zones, we will check the bourgeois zones in a different way.)

Enter the desired name and click the "find" button. The service will give out all the information it knows with a breakdown of dates.

If the history is clear, then the domain is clean and you can safely register it.

If the domain is not Russian or its history turned out to be tainted by something, then we move on to the next point.

Domain check for sanctions

As I said, it is impossible to unambiguously determine the attitude of search engines to unregistered domains, and we will use indirect signs.

Let's start with the site itself - we need to find out what was there in the past. If the frank GS (govnosite), then 99% that he is under sanctions.

There is a very convenient service that stores copies of all pages of the site with a time layout. With it, you can see how the site looked before.

How to check domain history using

Go to the page and enter the site address to be checked into the line.

Some time ago I had a website, then I abandoned it and did not renew the domain, I used his example and did a check, this is what happened:

In the results of the check, the service shows a temporary tape and marks the periods during which the pages of the site were hosted on this domain. Where there was no site, cells remain empty, and where there was some data, black bars are displayed.

In my example, you can see that the site on the domain first appeared at the end of 2011 and stopped working in 2013.

But that is not all. With a blue dotted line, I highlighted the line where it says that the site version was saved 7 times in the interval from October 11, 2011 to December 29, 2013. If you click on any of these dates, we will open the archived version of the site for this date - this is how the site looked then:

Mentioning a Domain Name on the Internet

The next step to help us better understand the history of a domain is its footprint on the web. Any site that has existed for a while has left its mark in the form of its own mention on other resources.

All we need is to open the site and specify the site address in the request. In the results, we will see everything that the search engine robots know about it.

If the site has existed for a long time and the owner has been promoting it, then there will be a lot of pages in the search results for this request. You will need to manually parse these pages. From them it will be possible to understand by what methods the site was promoted (whether good links or cheap rubbish were placed on it) and in what context it was mentioned.


A free domain does not mean its purity in the eyes of search engines, and if you do not want problems, then take the time to check the history of your domain name before registering.

In most cases, it is easier to choose a different address than to deal with the consequences of past bans and search engine filters.