How many channels does the hotbird satellite show in mpeg2. Configuring a satellite dish for HOTBIRD reception by yourself

Satellite TV is extremely relevant, it provides an opportunity to watch channels in high quality without compression, which attracts many people around the world. In search of the best companions, many have found Hotbird, but few know enough about it and its features.

First of all, it is worth knowing that the hotbird satellite television itself is focused more on the European market, since the French company owns the 13th satellite. Many lovers of Russian channels, tuning in to this satellite, are faced with the fact that there are quite a few channels in Russian there (I mean open ones).

Of course, there are much more paid ones, but for fans of free TV, this satellite will not be one of the best. However, if you are interested in foreign channels, as well as channels with Russian subtitles, then this is an option for you.

The main list of satellite-supported broadcasts includes channels from the following countries:

  • France.
  • Switzerland.
  • China.
  • Portugal.
  • Poland.
  • Italy.
  • Germany.
  • Turkey.
  • etc.

It should be noted that there are also channels from other countries here, but there are fewer of them, since the main target audiences are located in the above countries, as well as broadcasting companies.

In addition, a sufficiently large coverage area makes the satellite more and more in demand in our time. While in Russia, you can watch many free foreign channels, and even Russian, but there will be only a few dozen of them.

Of course, the coverage area, although wide, has its limitations. For example, it is optimal to receive a signal from this satellite, being in the territory:

  • Europe.
  • Central Asia.
  • China.
  • North Africa.
  • The Middle East.

Unfortunately, residents of other regions will not be able to receive the signal, since the coverage area is limited and has its own certain limits.

The advantages of this satellite

Among the main advantages of the Hotbird 13e are the following:

  • List of more than half a thousand channels.
  • Broadcasts in different languages ​​originating from different countries the world. Including Russian programs.
  • Many channels in open access for which you do not need to pay a monthly fee.
  • The highest quality of modern digital broadcasting.
  • Large and extensive coverage area that covers almost all regions of Russia.
  • Possibility to subscribe to paid channels, which will provide even more opportunities for spending your leisure time watching TV.

All it takes to start taking advantage of all of these benefits is to set up a move with the Hotbird 13e. This is done quite simply, does not require any special knowledge and skills. You will also need special equipment capable of receiving and decoding channels.

The satellite allows you to use an antenna with a diameter of 0.6 m to 0.9 m, which is very convenient, since such antennas are inexpensive, do not require much space for installation, they are easy to adjust and receive a signal perfectly.

One more important point... If you find yourself in an area that covers the coverage area, you will also need to make sure that there are no obstacles in the path between the antenna and the satellite.

In fact, even trivial tall buildings or trees can damage the signal, it will not reach you, and you will not be able to take advantage of satellite TV.

Call in advance a wizard who will test the connectivity before installing and configuring the hardware. So you can save yourself from unnecessary costs that will turn out to be in vain.

In case, if you do not enter the coverage area, you can always find other satellites to which you can connect to watch your favorite programs.

Usually, the setting takes place already depending on which satellite, channels and provider have been selected. The equipment that you will use also plays a significant role. It should not only meet quality standards, but it should also be compatible with your plate and your TV.

Installation subtleties

Often, if you order equipment from any company, the wizards install and configure themselves. The parameters of the terrain, coverage, as well as other subtleties that can play a role when connecting are taken into account.

The connection itself takes place in several stages:

Stage Description of work
Purchase of equipment You order equipment (plate, receiver, cables, etc.), experts advise you which models are best to choose, depending on your goals. There can be a significant difference in antenna diameter, frequency range, sharing capabilities and other functions. For each item of the product, a thorough analysis is necessarily carried out in order to find the necessary set for you.
Equipment installation Usually this stage begins with the departure of the master to your place of residence, where he makes the necessary measurements, draws up a connection and installation project. If this was done at the purchase stage, the wizard simply installs and connects all the items that were purchased earlier so that you can use them.
Equipment setup Most of the problems for unknowing people arise with the tuning of the antenna to receive satellites, as well as with the settings of the receiver, which must decode the signals. Here you need to know all the frequencies of the channels, and the possibilities of connecting to a TV, the Internet, etc. It is best to entrust this stage to a professional, and not do it yourself, since unknowingly you can make a number of gross mistakes.
Package selection In order to decode signals from paid channels, you need to connect to them. This is very expensive with each channel separately, which is why many providers offer channel packages that you can use. Usually they mainly concern regional programs that are published in Russian. But there are also many channels that support Russian subtitles.

If you want to use free channels, you will need a list of them to configure on them. Such lists can be found in a variety of sources. The most versatile is the lyngsat service. It contains a list of all channels, both open and closed.

You can independently customize broadcasting according to their tables, choosing the necessary frequencies and the necessary channels from the list. It should be noted that for a hotbird, the number of Russian channels is very small. Still, the satellite is more focused on other regions (Europe and Asia).

But there are also Russian broadcasts here. There are about three dozen of them in the public domain. These are both large regional and local channels that are relayed by satellite.

Satellite capabilities

Sputnik 13e is special in that it offers several types of broadcasting:

  • Television programs.
  • Radio channels.
  • Internet.

By connecting through a provider, you can receive any of these services and enjoy all the benefits of a stable satellite digital signal.

The satellite is owned by the famous French company Alcatel, and therefore the quality of the equipment and the signal transmitted with it is always at the highest level.

To make the most of the Hotbird's capabilities, and especially if it is the only companion to which you configure your equipment, it is advisable for you to purchase any of the paid packages.

A subscription will give you the opportunity not only to take full advantage of satellite capabilities, but also to watch private channels. For example, if there are only about 20 open Russian channels, then there will be about a hundred of them with a package.

Many channels are broadcast around the clock, and therefore you can easily watch them at any time. This will especially delight fans of specific channels - sports, cultural, news, erotic, etc.

1. Based on your location, select the desired satellite dish diameter, depending on where you live, the antenna diameter can range from 0.8 to 1.2 meters. For Nizhny Novgorod and the region, the minimum diameter of a plate with a radius of 90 cm.
A detailed coverage map of the HotBird 13E satellite is located here.

2. Tune the antenna to the HotBird 13E satellite.

1. The satellite dish MUST be positioned very accurately in the direction of the satellite.
Approximate direction to the "HotBird 13E" satellite
In the central region - to the southwest.
2. There should be no obstacles between the antenna and the intended position of the satellite. There should be no trees, houses or other objects within a radius of 20 meters.

An example of typical obstacles

3. The plate should only be placed in an open area. It is impossible to install a plate mirror inside the balcony or attic.

First you need to decide in which direction you need to direct the mirror of the plate. To do this, we need 3 parameters: the azimuth value for our settlement without taking into account the magnetic declination, (since the magnetic declination is taken into account on the maps), the value of the elevation angle, the angle of rotation of the converter.
For Nizhny Novgorod and the region, these values ​​will be:
- azimuth values ​​216 °
- elevation values ​​20.34 °
- the angle of rotation of the converter is approximately 19 °
In order not to lose the direction found, it is worth identifying a landmark for yourself, which we offer you to determine in two ways:

Determining a compass landmark

1. We go out into the street and take a compass with us.
2. We stand with our backs to the building on the southwest side of the object, where you plan the installation.
3. Determine the direction to the north by the compass (i.e. when the red arrow of the compass points to 0 ° on the dial).
4. We postpone the azimuth values, for Nizhny Novgorod and the region it is approximately 216 °.
5. Visually select and remember a landmark, for example, a building or a tree (the received direction will be the direction to the HotBird 13E satellite).

Defining a landmark on the map

1. To determine the exact direction to the satellite, we take a map of the settlement (printed, for example, from search engines Internet)
2. We mark the object where the antenna installation is planned.
3. Determine the north direction on the map.
4. Put a protractor on the map so that the zero is directed to the north. We mark 216 ° on the map - this will be the direction to the HotBird 13E satellite.
5. In the received direction to the "HotBird 13E" satellite, mark a reference point.

Assembly of a plate for "HotBird" with a diameter of 90 cm

We choose a place on the building for mounting the antenna holder with visibility to the landmark.
For installation we take with us:
- Perforator or drill for drilling holes in the place where the antenna bracket is attached;
- Anchor bolts, screws or through pins for fixing the antenna bracket to the wall;
- Insulating tape and a sharp knife for cutting the cable;
- Wrenches (10mm to 22mm) or adjustable wrench;
- Pencil or felt-tip pen for making marks on the antenna mount

The bracket can be secured with anchor bolts, screws, or through studs to provide the greatest strength against possible storm and wind loads. The section of the pipe to which the antenna is mounted must be strictly vertical.

We assemble a satellite dish, in accordance with the attached diagram

The converter is installed in the holder on the remote antenna rod "with its head" to the antenna mirror, securely fix the angle of 19 ° taking into account the required clockwise rotation angle for Nizhny Novgorod. mark and marks after 5 *. It should be noted that the converter must be LINEAR POLARIZED, unlike the converter for NTV + or Tricolor TV.
Slide the antenna onto the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that it is possible to move the antenna alternately vertically and horizontally with some effort.

Start cutting the cable, remove the outer insulation 15 mm from the edge. Without damaging the center conductor, remove 10 mm of dielectric with foil. Peel back the remaining shielding foil of the cable. Screw the F-connector onto the cable until the center conductor appears.

Connect the cable to the converter, connect the other end of the cable to the satellite receiver.
The cable is connected to the receiver STRICTLY when the receiver is disconnected from the 220 volt network.

If the antenna is the highest point on the building, then lightning can strike it with a high probability, so you need to worry about grounding and lightning rods. A lightning strike into the antenna can lead to failure of the entire equipment complex or to injury. When installing antennas on balconies, loggias, walls of buildings that already have grounding, additional grounding is not required. If the antenna is installed on heights, cottages, summer cottages and there are no lightning rods, it is necessary to contact the construction organization for the installation of appropriate lightning rods.

Connecting to a TV and setting up the receiver

Turn on the TV and set it to receive video from the video input to which the receiver is connected.
Turn on the receiver. After turning on the receiver, the initialization process of the receiver is displayed on the TV screen. If the receiver has not been previously configured, the Main Menu appears on the screen after initialization is complete.
Insert the smart card into the slot of the slot in the direction of the arrow shown next to the slot
Make sure that the HotBird 13E satellite is in the list of satellites of your receiver, if not, enter the data manually.

Required data for setting:

Turn on the receiver, go to the Installation-Channel Search menu. In the list of satellites on the left, select HotBird 13E. On the right, in the menu, select
LNBP: On (turn on the converter power)
LNBP Type: Universal (universal type of converter)
LNBP Freq: 10600/9750 (indicated on converters)
22Khz: Auto (signal to switch disc)
DISEqC: None (keep it that way)

Then comes the most difficult moment that requires a lot of exposure - this is tuning the antenna in planes. Exposure is required - literally a few millimeters, and there will be no signal. Not that it will be bad, but it will not be at all! The setting is as follows - it is necessary to install the antenna in a certain vertical position. After that, you need to very, very smoothly rotate the antenna in the horizontal direction and at the same time carefully look at the quality scale, first in one direction, and if the scale does not change from 0, then in another.
If the signal cannot be found in the entire horizontal plane, you need to slightly change the vertical angle of the antenna and start moving again in the horizontal plane until the signal appears. When a signal is found, you need to try to move the antenna even more smoothly left-right and achieve the maximum level of signal quality. Having achieved this, you need to try to achieve an even larger signal by very smoothly moving the antenna up and down.

Satellite dish HotBird is one of the most popular European satellites.

The satellite broadcasts mainly European state channels of such countries as: Germany, Italy, France, Switzerland, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, as well as Asian countries: Turkey, China, Vietnam, etc. Broadcasting is based on the principle of reaching the entire audience of these countries - news, films, serials, entertainment programs, music, sports, children's programs and cartoons. Satellite dish HotBird makes it possible to keep abreast of the life of these countries and improve the spoken language of your chosen language.

Advantages satellite dish HotBird:

  • You get over 500 channels without subscription fee in various languages ​​of the world, including Russian;
  • The digital quality of the signal is incomparably better than from reception to an over-the-air antenna;
  • The presence of subscriptions to paid channels will qualitatively complement thematic and linguistic diversity.


  • Satellite dish 0.9-1.2 m
  • Linear polarization converter
  • Satellite receiver (with the ability to receive paid channels)
  • RG6, SAT cable

Cost of connection with equipment, standard installation: RUB 7,490

List of HotBird channels.

Open channels.

English-speaking channels:

MTA International Supreme Master TV Eurotic TV Casino TV Physique TV The Word Network MRTV-3 Russia Today GOD Europe Hope Channel Russian Travel Guide CCTV 9 Al Jazeera English Pentagon Channel Yes Italia NHK World France 24 (in English) Alminber TV Prophetic World TBN Europe (Trinity Broadcasting Network) Church Channel JCTV Smile Of A Child Call Shop TV Daystar TV Network

Islam Channel Islam Channel INI - Inspiration EWTN Europe DW-TV Arabic (Deutsche Welle) Bloomberg Europe LoveWorld Christian network Dubai Sports 3 Senato italiano

Al Jazeera Sports Global KICC TV 3ABN (3 Angels Broadcasting Network) Voice of America (VOA) VOA Persian Voice of America (VOA) Coming Soon TV World Fashion Channel Holy God The Spirit Word Channel Press TV Nile TV International BBC World News EuroNews JSTV - Japan Satellite TV Luxe TV.

German-language channels:

MTA International RTL 2 Schweiz RTL Schweiz RTL 2 Schweiz ZDF Das Erste DW-TV (Deutsche Welle) DW-TV Arabic (Deutsche Welle) RTL 2 Schweiz Erde & Mensch xxx Action TV Arte ( France) S Neu Jerusalem SFi EuroNews.

Italian channels:

RTB International Deejay TV La 8 La 9 Telenova Rete Oro Number One Channel One (Italy) Cinquestelle Dipre TV Salute Videolina Sardegna Uno Sat TelefortuneSat Mediashopping TV Moda Tele Padre Pio TEF Channel Telelotto Studio Europa Globe Media New Television GBR Super Tennis TRSP Elefante Telemarket Telenord Trentino TV Elite Shopping TV Italia Sat 8 Betting Channel Made in Italy Odeon (ProSat) Napoli Nova TV Luna Sat Italiamia 2 StarSat TeleCampione StarSat Motori TV Play TV Mediatel Lolita Oasi TV TizianaSat Diva Futura Dipre TV Italiani Nel Mondo Channel - IMC Link SRL promo Health & Beauty TV Thou TV Sardegna Channel BergamoSat Taxi Channel YOUDEM La Nuova TV Umbria Channel Italia 8 Prestige Jewels Sorg3 Telelombardia Tivu Tivu Nessuno TV Toscana Channel Canale 50 TeleTirreno, TBNE Italy (Trinity Broadcasting Network) E TV Emilia Romagna Viva l´ Italia Channel One Minute TV Casa Italia Mondo Arte Galaxy TV Italia Galaxy TV Italia Casting Channel TLA Italia Mia ASO Sat Tele A + Tele A Pianeta TV Telepiù Channel RTL 102.5 Italia Channel Carisma TV Quore TV Cartomanzia Lotto Sat Jewels Sorg2 Passione Pesca BLU Conto TV 3 Conto TV Italia Sat Napoli Mia Punto Sat Mantova Rolsat Roma Sat Canale 8 Telecolore Gold Shop TV7 Lombardia Nostradamus Nostradamus TV Sei Mon-Fri 19-24h / Sat-Sun 14-24h Italy Sat Libera Canale Italia TR 2 Sat - Tele Roma 2 3 Channel Rai Uno Rai Due Rai Tre Rai Med Rai Scuola Senato italiano Rai News 24 Camera dei Deputati Rai Sport Più Rai Storia Rai Nettuno Sat Uno TV 2000 Rai Gulp Nuvolari Italia Uno Rete 4 Canale 5 ACM - Architecture & Construction Materials High Life TV Telemarket 2 Radio Radio TV MediterraneoSat 1 TeleFoggia Challenger TV Puglia Channel Salento Channel St udio 100 Fuego IN TV (Italy) Universal Tivu Ulisse Coming Soon TV House Channel K2 (Italy) Free channel Bio TV Etruria Channel / Cortona Notizie Mare TV TelePace TVA Vicenza Carpe Diem EOS Network People TV BLUTV Mediolanum EuroNews Luxe TV Sky Play IT.

French channels:

MTA International Al Maghribiyah TVM Middle East Arrabiaa TVM Europe Assadissa Medi 1 Sat Arriadia BRTV - La chaîne Berbère Telesud TV 5 Monde (France Belgique Suisse) TV5 Monde Europe France 24 (en Français) RTBF Sat TV5 Monde Europe Arte (France) Beur TV BFM TV France 24 (in Arabic) Arabic language: 14h-18h GMT Canal Algérie Algerie 3 Direct 8 EuroNews Luxe TV

Armenian channels:

Armenia TV Shant TV Public TV of Armenia TV Armenia

Spanish channels:

TBN Enlace TVE International Canal 24 Horas Bethel Television EuroNews.

Russian channels:

Music Box Russia Sarafan Russian Travel Guide Strana TV RTR Planeta Vesti R1 TBN Russia Smile of a Child Russia Pali Television K + CNL Russia RTVI Info ORT International (Perviy kanal Vsemirnaja set) RBC TV EuroNews Luxe TV.

As well as channels in other languages, such as Dutch, Greek, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Serbian, Slovenian, Macedonian, Croatian, Turkish, Kurdish, Arabic, Farsi, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian and Thai.

Paid channels:

NOVA is a carefully curated list of channels in Greek that will satisfy even the most demanding viewer with ease. You can dive in and enjoy the most exciting sporting events, the latest bloggers, historical and educational programs, as well as news from around the world. All channels have clear images and high quality sound.

SKY Italia - today your choice of Italian and English channels is even richer: only you can subscribe and experience the entire SKY offer. Latest films released in the hall, Big sporting events - Win when you want. If you have the desire to learn at every moment, documentaries show you in life in all its forms. Science, nature and history, but also music, cuisine and culture: You continue to report with the world, mastering the amazing foundations of life and gastronomic cultures of our planet. For the little ones, there are channels where children can have fun turning a smile into a burst of laughter.

Today we abstract a little from Tricolor, NTV Plus and Pay TV in general. There are many satellites that broadcast channels in the clear. This means that you do not need to pay a subscription fee for viewing.

One of the most common satellites with big amount different channels i is hotbird. Hotbird is translated from English as Firebird. This satellite occupies a convenient position for central Russia at 13 degrees east longitude. From this satellite you can watch channels in Belgian, English, Italian, German, French, Polish, Arabic and other languages ​​of the world. But we are primarily interested in channels in Russian... Since this satellite also contains several channels in the Armenian language, we will also talk about them.
In this article I will tell you how many and which channels in Russian and Armenian languages ​​are broadcast from the Hotbird satellite, and what you need to configure them.

What diameter satellite dish is required to receive the Hotbird satellite?

To watch channels from satellite, you need a satellite dish with a diameter of 0.8 meters. I tuned the antenna to the satellite even 0.6 meters, and it worked surprisingly well, even in rainy weather. It is quite possible to use satellite dish from Tricolor or NTV Plus. But I would still recommend 0.8 antenna.

Can I use a converter from Tricolor or NTV Plus?

When receiving satellite signal in the case of Tricolor and NTV Plus, a circular polarization converter is used. For Hotbird, linear polarizations are used, therefore, a converter from Tricolor and NTV Plus will not work. Purchase an LNB with linear polarization.

Where is the Hotbird 13E satellite located in relation to the Tricolor?

The orbital position of Zharptitsa is 13 degrees, and Tricolor and NTV Plus are 36. This means that the satellite dish should be turned 23 degrees to the right if you stand behind the dish.

To tune the satellite, you will need a special device or assistant who will monitor the signal quality on the TV while you tune the antenna. Use transponder 11034 / V / 27500 for tuning. Begin to slowly rotate the dish vertically and horizontally until the signal appears. Achieve maximum strength and quality reading.

When setting satellite receiver can be used automatic search... In this case, the system will configure you about a thousand channels, among which there are only a few in Russian and only three in Armenian. I suggest using my best practices and setting up the channels of interest to us in manual mode... For your convenience, I have presented a list of all channels in Russian and Armenian below.