Possible ways to uninstall Windows update. How to uninstall problematic Windows updates Uninstall windows 7 updates

It is the most advanced and multifunctional system at the moment. The developers are constantly improving and supplementing it, accidentally introducing new errors and bugs. Installing updates automatically can often fix many problems, but sometimes vice versa. After the next update, the OS may freeze, and the installed applications and programs may stop working altogether. This can happen for a variety of reasons. For example, changes to the operating system kernel damage drivers or cause them to malfunction. However, you shouldn't turn off automatic updates. It is easier to remove some of them in case of breakage. Let's figure out how this can be done.

How to uninstall Windows update.

Before deleting everything at once, you need to clearly understand what these updates are and what their function is. As mentioned earlier, the system itself downloads the add-ons that appear when connected to the Internet, and then integrates them after a reboot.

They are needed for:

  • The normal functioning of the software;
  • Protection against all kinds of viruses;
  • Simplifies the installation of Windows components and drivers.

Microsoft developers also argue that by disabling automatic OS updates, the user risks not only grabbing a bunch of viruses and other "network" problems, but also deprives himself of the ability to install the latest programs and drivers, which can negatively affect the operation of any equipment and system in the whole. It is possible, and even necessary, to view the installed updates. To do this, go to the "Control Panel", open "Programs and Features" and select "View Updates". The system will provide all the information about what was downloaded and when.

Removal methods

So, you've decided to get rid of the downloaded files after all. Let's take a look at how you can uninstall Windows 7 and 10 updates.

Using the control panel

This method requires only a couple of minutes and a couple of mouse clicks.

ADVICE. the log displays the latest updates by default, but you can view everything by clicking on "Installed Updates".

  1. We find the package after which the PC malfunctions appeared. This may be the last of them, or maybe the previous one, if the problems have arisen for a long time.
  2. We remove updates using the appropriate command.

There is also another way. You can get to the list of updates through the "Programs and Features" item in the Control Panel. There is a tab "View installed Windows updates". Next, we proceed as in the previous paragraph. Do not forget to restart your computer after cleaning.

Using the command line

It happens that the OS refuses to remove packages, or immediately installs them again. In this case, you can uninstall the latest Windows 7 and Windows 10 updates using the command line. To avoid errors, use this method only if Control Panel refuses to delete files.

  1. The first thing you need to do is write down the package number you want to remove by adding the kb prefix to it. Example: kb: 12345678.
  2. Next, go to "Start" and select "Run". A command prompt will open.
  3. We enter there: wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 12345678 Remind, 12345678 is the package number.
  4. Press Enter.

IMPORTANT. The PC will immediately ask you to reboot the system, but this cannot be done! First, you need to prevent the computer from downloading add-ons without the user's consent. This can be done in the same Update Center, by prohibiting the system from installing updates without your knowledge (the "Settings" tab).

  1. Only now can you restart your computer.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to clean the system of innovations. But I would like to note that it is advisable to create a recovery checkpoint before carrying out manipulations in order to avoid the final breakdown of the system. We also remind you that automatic updates can be removed and configured if they constantly cause problems in the OS. Update Center allows you to prohibit the installation of packages, ask for permission every time, and view and install only the necessary add-ons, and not all suggested ones.

Friends, today I wrote an article how to uninstall updates in Windows 7 in case some update after installation brought you problems, but this happens. In my memory, this has happened many times, an incorrect update comes out and is installed in the system, then Windows starts to glitch, there were all sorts of problems, it is not enough to list them here, the most interesting thing is you are looking for a problem anywhere, but not in this one.

For example, quite recently, users began to contact me with complaints that switching the keyboard layout to the right by ALT + SHIFT stopped working for them, the reason was found out quickly, the KB2970228 update was to blame. If you also have similar problems, then you need to remove the update and then prohibit its new installation in the system settings.

How to uninstall updates in Windows 7

You can remove any update installed in your Windows 7, if you need it in the future, you can install it back. All this is done very simply.

In the Computer window, left-click on the "Uninstall or change a program" panel

View installed updates

Click on the update we need with the right mouse and select Delete

We prohibit the installation of an incorrect update

Right-click on the Start button and select Control Panel

system and safety

Windows Update


We choose to Download updates, but the decision to install it is made by me. Now, no update will install in Windows 7 without your knowledge.

After a while, the update will be downloaded again, but it will not be automatically installed. Go to Windows Update again. Important Updates: Available.

Check the box for the update you want, right-click on it and select Hide update. Mark the rest of the updates with a tick and click OK. Updates are being installed.

You can restore hidden updates at any time. Go to Windows Update and select Restore hidden updates. Check the box for the update you want and click Restore.

A good and instructive article on how to properly remove necessary and unnecessary Windows updates. I do not know why you need to delete the necessary updates, but the unnecessary ones may well come in handy. The article was written at the request of visitors.

Before proceeding with the removal, you should know that Windows updates are released in order to fix the found vulnerabilities in the system and make it better. Therefore, it is not recommended to delete them. It's another matter if after such updates the system starts to work unstable or you need to free up some space from unused updates (and there are some). But about all this in order.

First, let's figure out how to properly remove any updates installed in different versions of Windows.

How to uninstall updates in Windows XP

There is also another way to uninstall updates in Windows XP.

To do this, go to the Windows folder on the system drive and look for folders there with a blue name, something like this:

As you can see, their name starts with a $ sign. Inside is the spuninst folder, inside which is the spuninst.exe file, which you need to run to uninstall the update.

How to uninstall updates in Windows 7

Start -> Control Panel -> select the type View on Categories and choose system and safety:

View installed updates

We get the list by selecting and highlighting the update from which, you can delete it:

How to uninstall updates in Windows 8

In the G8, everything is practically the same as in the G7. I will show you how to do this only if selected View on Large icons:

You can also uninstall updates through. This method does NOT work on Windows XP.

Run and enter the command:

wusa.exe / uninstall / kb: 100500

where 100500 is the update number to remove. Of course, you need to know it, and it is also advisable to run the command line as administrator.

Finished with information about deleting all deletions. Now let's focus on if you need to remove unnecessary updates. Yes, yes, there are some. The fact is that if you have installed Windows for a long time, then it contains a bunch of unnecessary updates. Let's look at an example.
Let's assume that the system is about 3 years old. All updates are downloaded and installed correctly. But after one update, more and more new ones are released, which often "overlap" old updates with their "patches". And what is done with the old ones, which have already been downloaded and have been "blocked" 10 times? Yes, they are in the system, and more specifically, on the system partition of the disk, the space of which is always not enough.

I wrote about this a year ago in an article. Windows XP doesn't have it. You can read the article in more detail.

In addition to that article, I want to give one recommendation for cleaning unnecessary updates (this article is not in that article).

So, go to My computer and click on the system partition (this is where Windows is installed. There is also a special icon and often this is a disk WITH) with the right mouse button. In the context menu, select Properties.

The information collection procedure will begin. You have to wait. How much time? Depends on the system load. Sometimes a minute is enough, and sometimes ten:

After waiting and the system has scanned all the files that can be cleaned without losing functionality, you need to scroll down the list in search of the item "Clean up Windows updates" and put a tick on it. You can also put some other check mark along the way (for example Memory dump files and Debug Dump Files), the benefit of the description is present at all (we read and think if you need it). Then click OK:

If after you have chosen Disk cleanup and you do not have an item with Windows updates to remove, then click on "Clear system files"

and in the next window, look for, put and delete:

Where are Windows updates stored

Of course, in Windows, updates must be stored somewhere. For all versions (Windows XP, 7, 8), the folder for storing updates is the same. She is on the way:

System drive -> Windows -> SoftwareDistribution -> Download

This is where all the folders and update files are located:

What is all this for? No, not for deletion. It is wrong to delete from here! This is more for general information, and also so that you can create a backup copy of this folder.
For example, you save everything from here, then reinstalled Windows or went to a friend with a new OS, or an error occurred - in general, there can be many situations. You will simply copy the saved updates and you will not need to search or install them. In short, you understand what I mean.
It should be understood that not all updates from this backup may be suitable for another system. From seven to eight, of course, will not work, and you also need to take into account.

Also, if the name express is in the folders or files of the update, then you need to know that such updates are not reinstalled.

That's all for me. Now you know how you can remove all Windows updates, as well as where they are located, how to disable them and create a backup.

Any update, especially if it affects system files, is a potential threat to system stability. Despite the fact that updates are tested both by Microsoft itself and by administrators on their own, situations when installing an update leads to a complete inoperability of the system from time to time. What to do in this case? We will talk about this in this article.

The main problem, it is also an undoubted merit, of Windows systems is their diversity. It is almost impossible to calculate the number of possible combinations of hardware and software running on it, therefore, no matter how carefully you test updates, there can always be such a combination of hardware and software that will be incompatible with this update. Most often, problems are associated with third-party drivers or low-level software running at the kernel level.

A separate conversation is unlicensed systems. Most often, activation is bypassed by patching and replacing the kernel. This in itself is unsafe and fraught with potential problems, and with updates that affect the kernel, you risk getting a system failure, which has happened more than once. Various amateur assemblies available on the Internet are also subject to this disadvantage, many collectors immediately include a patched kernel in the system or force the activator to start immediately after installation, without checking the presence and validity of the system key.

So it happened on the last Tuesday patches. Another security update KB3045999 for Windows 7 on reboot resulted in a "blue screen of death" (BSOD).

Users burst out with yet another reproaches to Microsoft for releasing "buggy" updates, but it soon became clear that only systems with a patched kernel were affected by the error. Nevertheless, the problem also affected completely law-abiding users, who were too lazy to collect and, in order not to pump out gigabytes of updates, simply downloaded a suitable assembly from the network.

We will not discuss the moral and legal aspects of using unlicensed software, let everyone solve this issue independently, but rather consider ways to restore the system.

Installation disc or Windows PE

This is the most affordable, although not the easiest way. Any disk from a compatible system will do, the only condition is compliance with the bit width. You should also remember about backward compatibility, i.e. to restore Windows 7, you can use disks not only from Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2, but also Windows 8 / Server 2012. In some cases, you can try to use a disk from an earlier system, but not all options may be available, for example, you will not be able to implement the instructions below with a Windows Vista / Server 2008 disc.

If you are using Windows PE, then it must also be created based on the current OS version or later, the bitness must also be the same.

Let's boot from the installation disk and on the screen prompting you to install the OS, select the item System Restore.

The utility will detect the installed OS and offer to proceed to automatic system recovery, there are few options here, so click Further.

But waiting for the end of the wizard's work is completely optional, especially since he cannot help us, so on the next screen we press Cancellation.

Then take your time and select the link in the window that appears Show advanced system recovery options.

Now you have the opportunity to exit to the command line, which should be used.

If you booted from Windows PE, you will be taken to the command prompt immediately.

After that, you should clarify which letter the system drive received. With the standard markup, this will be the letter D, the letter C will be given to the service section. To check, run:

After making sure that this is indeed the system drive, you can proceed to the next steps. Before that, it would be nice to clarify the name of the problematic update, as a rule, this is easy to do using the Internet. Then we get a list of all installed packages with the following command:

DISM / Image: D: \ / Get-Packages

In the output, we find the number of the required update and copy the package name, if it is unknown, then remove all packages with the date of the last update.

In order to copy the name of the package in the command line, select it and press the key Enter, just right-click to paste.

To remove the package, run the command:

DISM / Image: D: \ / Remove-Package /PackageName:Package_for_KB3045999~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

where as an option PackageName provide the package name obtained in the previous step.

Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset

Diagnostic and Recovery Toolkit ( Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset, MSDaRT) is a tool based on ERD Commander from Sysinternals and is available with a Software Assurance (SA) subscription, but it is not hard to find on the web. To work with Windows 7, you need MSDaRT at least version 6.5, version 8.0 is current

We boot from the MSDaRT disk, remember that compliance with the bit depth is a mandatory requirement, and on the first screen, after choosing the language (in our case, version 8.0 is used), select Diagnostics:

Then Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset:

After that, a window with a selection of available tools will open in front of you, we are interested in Hotfix Uninstall or Removing fixes.

Working with the wizard is not difficult, we select one or several updates and remove them:

As you can see, working with MSDaRT is much more convenient than with the command line, but it requires you to prepare for possible emergency situations in advance.

In both cases, after removing the problematic update, you should reboot and carefully analyze the reasons for the failure. We hope that this material will help you quickly restore the system after an unsuccessful update.

Greetings to all users who want to learn more about their computer, Denis Trishkin is with you again.

At some point, many owners of complex computing devices are faced with a situation where they run out of space on the system disk. This is due to constant Windows updates, a cluttered desktop, or insufficient initial volume markup. The latter problem is solved by increasing the volume. The home screen is self-cleaning. But how do you uninstall old Windows 7 updates? After all, initially it was impossible to do this. Don't worry - there is a way.

During the installation of system updates, old files are replaced with new ones and remain on the computer. They can be found in the WinSxS directory, which is located in the Windows folder. This approach allows you to abandon the last add-on at any time, as a result of which the computer will remain fully functional.

But on the other hand, as the OS is constantly updated, the folder grows significantly in size. So, it turns out that the longer Windows is installed on the computer, the larger the size of the WinSxS directory. This is of concern to many users, especially those with small system volumes.

From the beginning, Windows didn't have built-in uninstall capabilities. So it was necessary to bypass the protection in various "dark" ways and still clear the desired directory.

As a result, Microsoft decided to release the KB2852386 update. It is it that allows you to say goodbye to unused versions of add-ons. This product is the OS Disk Cleanup Wizard and is called the Windows Cleanup Tool.

Important! The update is optional. It is installed on the appropriate tab in the wizard. Alternatively, you can download it manually.

Installation Requirements( )

You need to know that this add-on is only suitable for Windows 7 updated to SP1.

If the utility is downloaded manually from the company's website, users are asked to confirm the authenticity of the OS using programs. If the installation is via built-in capabilities, validation is not performed.

How do I uninstall old updates?( )

The first thing that many people want to know is not even how, but is it possible to delete these files at all? I can safely answer - yes. After all, they are no longer used by the system anyway.

So, to delete unused files from the C drive, you need:

Automate the process across multiple devices( )

If there is a need to carry out this procedure on several devices at once, there is no need to carry out a long list of procedures on each one. You just need to automate the system.

This is done through the registry, which is subject to minor adjustments.

To do this, in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Update Cleanup parameter is created DWORD, to which we assign the value “ 2 "And call StateFlags0022... The last two numbers can be different, the main thing is to remember them.