Launch the language bar. How to return the language bar to the desktop

How lucky most people living abroad are - they do not need to worry about switching the language from Russian to English and vice versa, since their main language is English. But in Russia the situation is not so happy, on various forums on the Internet, users more and more often write that they have lost the language bar in Windows 7, and they do not know how to return the language bar to its place. Well, I will try to answer this question as briefly and easily as possible.

In fact, the procedure for bringing the language bar back to a prominent place in the tray is usually simple, but there are situations when you have to delve a little deeper into the system settings. By tradition, I will reveal to you several ways how this can be done, from which you yourself can choose the most convenient and fastest for you. It is worth noting that if the easiest way, in your opinion, did not help, then you need to use all that are described in this article.

Fast decision

Method one. It implies the return of the language panel through another panel - "Control". Let's do some simple steps with you: go to the "Start" menu, "Control Panel". Now click on "Regional and Languages".

If the "View" parameter is selected as "Categories", then we are interested in the item: "Change the keyboard layout or other input methods", which is located in the "Clock, language and region" section.

Go to the "Languages ​​and keyboards" tab, then click the "Change keyboard" button.

As soon as we went there, firstly, on the "General" tab, we make sure that there are two languages, for example, Russian and English. If there is a desire to add, or for some reason one of the two above was not in the list, we click on the “Add” button of the same name and, in fact, select the languages ​​we need to work with the computer. We confirm the actions, but we are in no hurry to leave, because we still need to check the "Language bar" tab.

The checkbox should be opposite the option "Pinned to the taskbar". Now you can click the "OK" button to confirm your actions.

If the language bar is not displayed anyway, then proceed to the next method. It consists in restoring the language bar using the task scheduler in Windows. To go there, you need to do the following: right-click on the icon on the desktop "Computer" (if it is not there, we find the same word in the "Start" menu), select "Control" (here it should also be noted that you must be are authorized under an account with administrator rights).

In the list on the left there is an item "Services and applications", and in it the sub-item "Services".

As soon as this is done, we are looking for in the right part of the window, among the huge number of services, the one called "Task Scheduler".

If it is stopped, start it by clicking on the "Start" button. Also check that it starts automatically, if it is "Manual", then select "Automatic".

Now click "OK". If everything is correct, we restart the computer and rejoice, because everything should start functioning!

Making changes to the registry

All the steps above may not solve the problem, but how can I restore the language bar in other ways? This time, the Windows registry will help us, but I immediately warn you that if you try this particular method to return the language bar, be extremely careful and follow the exact instructions described by me. If you change or remove an important setting for Windows, the system may become unstable or not boot at all.

We will now add the language bar utility to startup. If the windows 7 language bar disappeared, then this method must be performed without fail! First, try downloading the file . Then unpack the archive and run the file. Messages will appear, everywhere we agree with the changes - by clicking on the "OK" button. In the event that this could not be done, then we do it manually.

Then we go along the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run. After that, in the right part of the window, right-click on an empty space, select "New" - "String parameter".

We give it the name "ctfmon.exe".

Then we click on it twice with the left mouse button. An input field appears, there you need to copy this line: C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe, after which we save the changes by clicking "OK".

After that, restart your computer, otherwise the steps above simply will not apply.

A temporary solution to the problem, but with a result

I decided to tell this method at the very end, although it could have been written at the very beginning of the article. Read on why. What to do if the language bar disappeared in Windows 7, but none of the above still worked? Third-party software will help us, which itself will be able to launch its own interface, which will display the language bar. For this function, of course, the well-known Punto Switcher program is suitable for everyone. After installing this program, an icon of your keyboard layout will appear in your tray. That is, we actually did not solve the problem, but as you understand, we need to look for a way out and this program just helps us with this.

Users who have not used it may not like it, as some of its settings can seem very intrusive. But do not forget that the program contains settings that you can easily customize for yourself.

It will not be difficult to download and install it. To download the program, go to. Click on "Install" on the right, the program will be downloaded but not installed.

After downloading, install the program.

Advice. If the program does not start (not in the tray), then you need to restart your computer. This usually helps, you may need to reinstall the program - which is very rare.

One more little nuance. If you just saw that the language bar is not visible and immediately went to the Internet about how to restore the language bar, then you can try to restart your computer.

On this note, I say goodbye to you! All the best!

The language bar is an icon in the taskbar that allows you to quickly change the keyboard layout or input language. When you switch the language using the keyboard keys, the language bar also reflects the changes that have occurred. Sometimes, as a result of careless actions or due to the malicious influence of the installed programs, this panel disappears from the desktop and it becomes unclear which layout is being used at the moment. The simple instructions below will tell you how to replace the disappeared language bar. There are two ways, let's take a closer look at both.

To return through the Control Panel, do the following:


The second way to get the missing panel back is to edit the operating system registry. It happens like this:

Task Scheduler

In addition to the actions of programs and the user, the disappearance of the language bar may be due to the fact that the Task Scheduler service has stopped working. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to restore the language bar for this system service to work correctly. To start it, do this:

In Windows 7, there is a small problem - sometimes you cannot see the familiar language bar, which can be extremely inconvenient especially for novice users who switch keyboard layouts with it. But this useful element of the system can be returned at any time, and for this you can choose one of several possible options for action.

Using system controls

Using this tool, you can try to restore the desired item in one of the most accessible ways:

A check mark should be placed opposite the bottom line, which is responsible for displaying text labels on the language bar.

The fastest way to get to the layout settings window

In order to use the tool we need, we don't have to enter the computer control system. Moreover, you don't even need a Start button, which can be useful if the problem is caused by malicious applications. We will use hotkeys and the standard Windows 7 Run utility:

  1. Press Win and R at the same time, the "Run" window will appear;
  2. Write the line intl.cpl in the field for entering commands, press Enter, and then the configuration tool will open.

Next, you just need to follow the steps to configure the utility, described earlier in the last section. If, in the end, the element cannot be returned to its usual place, more laborious manipulations will have to be performed.

We use the system registry

First, you should try to make changes to the registry manually. To do this, you need a standard Notepad editor. Here enter the following three lines as in the picture.

  1. In the list of commands on the "File" menu, select "Save As";
  2. Name the file Run.reg and in the bottom line of the file type, instead of text, select the item "All files", confirm saving the changes.

Now all that remains is to run the file you just created and click "Yes" in the window for confirming registry changes. If, after a reboot, the desired element of the system was still not returned, you will have to use other options for making changes to the registry.

System tools for modifying the registry

Now, to return the Windows 7 language bar, we will use the capabilities of the built-in registry editor:

  1. Open Run (Win and R), write regedit in the command line, press Enter;
  2. In the left part of the window, open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder, in it - Software, then the nested directories Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion and Run;
  3. In the left window of the program, find the CTFMon parameter, the value of which should be C: \ Windows \ system32 \ ctfmon.exe.

If the above CTFMon parameter with the required value is present in the list, then the reason for the absence of the system element is not in the registry. If not, perform CTFMon recovery yourself. For this:

  1. On the empty field of the left window, right-click and in the context list the items for creating a string parameter;
  2. Name the latter CTFMon and double-click on it to set the previously named value.

It will remain to reboot, after which it should be possible to switch the layout in Windows 7.

Using third-party utilities

If it was not possible to restore the language bar in Wnidows 7 by all the methods described, then the best replacement for it would be the third-party program Punto Switcher from Yandex. This utility displays a similar element in the same place in the same way and can be used in the same way. In addition, Punto Switcher provides users with additional, sometimes very useful features:

  1. The program automatically switches the layout if the user forgot to do so and types, for example, Russian text in Latin;
  2. If an error is detected when typing a word, the program issues a sound notification;
  3. Checks spelling automatically;
  4. The floating program indicator can be marked not only on the taskbar, but also anywhere on the screen;
  5. Punto Switcher can translate Russian text of any size into transliteration, the reverse action is also possible;
  6. The utility remembers the history of the texts saved in the clipboard;
  7. Create templates for automatic replacement of phrases using the built-in tools;
  8. With the help of your own diary, you can keep track of what users are typing on the keyboard, information is sorted by date;
  9. The meaning of any word can be found in Yandex dictionaries and Wikipedia using the Punto Switcher quick search function (select a word and press Win and S).

In any operating system, it is a universal tool for switching the language and keyboard layouts. However, on Windows systems, the icon representing the language currently being used in the system tray often disappears. How to install the language icon on or return the missing panel itself will now be considered. To carry out such operations in the system itself, you can use several simple techniques.

Default language bar settings

In general, absolutely in all versions of Windows, the language bar is in an active state, so there is no need to apply any specific settings or change parameters.

True, sometimes some users wonder how to install the language bar on the taskbar additionally. It is not clear only why to do this, because in the system itself it is provided from the very beginning. However, this can be done by installing a special program to automatically change the language. Most of these software products embed their own icon into the system.

But what to do when the standard system settings have disappeared? This is what will be discussed now.

How to set the language to the taskbar automatically?

Please note right away that the short-term disappearance of the language icon and keyboard layout in the system is possible. Such a situation can be observed, for example, at the moment of launching some resource-intensive application. This is fine. The icon itself, as well as the panel, will be restored automatically after the completion of loading executable files and program components into RAM, the load on which reaches a peak at a certain moment, and Windows is simply trying to free up system resources. But after all, some applications or viruses can block the operation of the language bar, and sometimes users, without knowing it, simply turn it off.

So, when asked how to set the language bar on the taskbar, the easiest solution is to check its settings in the regional and language section, which is located in the "Control Panel".

Here we are interested in the tab of languages ​​and keyboards, in which we need to select the item to change the keyboard, then go to the settings tab of the panel itself and make sure that opposite the docking line in the "Taskbar" there is a mark about use. It is also necessary to enable the option of displaying text labels. If you apply other settings, the panel itself may be hidden or, even worse, be located in an arbitrary location on the screen, so access to it may be difficult, if only because the user simply does not pay attention to where it is in the given moment.

How to get a missing language bar back in Windows 7: checking the scheduler service

These were the simplest settings any user should know about. But they do not always give a positive effect.

Another solution to the problem of how to install the language bar on the taskbar, if it disappeared for some reason, can be diagnostics of the so-called task scheduler. You can check it in the services section by calling the appropriate editor using the services.msc command in the Run console (Win + R). You can act differently, using the administration section for access, called from the menu of the right click on the computer icon.

In any case, you need to double-click on the service name and on the general parameters tab and make sure that the automatic startup type is set.

Autorun settings

Sometimes the problem of the disappearance of the panel and the icon may be that the element itself is disabled in autorun. The easiest way to view all the services launched at the time the system starts is through the configuration. You can enter the settings through the msconfig command in the Run menu, and then select the appropriate tab. In Windows 10, you can also get access through the standard "Task Manager".

Here you should pay attention to the ctfmon process, which is responsible for displaying the panel. If it is inactive, you just need to put a tick on it, after which you will need to perform a complete reboot of the system.

Checking system registry keys

Finally, the solution to the problem of how to install the language bar on the taskbar may be to change some values ​​of the registry keys.

First, we call the editor (for this, use the regedit command in the Run menu), and then select the HKLM branch, in which you need to sequentially go down the directory tree and find the Run folder there. On the right side, we find the ctfmon.exe key (if there is none, you need to create a String Value string parameter and give it an appropriate name). Next, we either check or write the full correct path to the file with its name (this is the System32 folder in the Windows directory on the system disk).

Instead of an afterword

That's it for considering the language bar issue. In principle, all of the above settings, in fact, duplicate each other. Which of them to apply, everyone decides for himself (what is more convenient or simpler). On the other hand, issues related to viral exposure were not considered here. Troubleshooting this type of problem will require completely different methods. But everything that has been presented to users will help in any case. The option of activating the process in the system registry can be considered ideal, since other methods sometimes may not work (for example, if there are software conflicts in the system itself.

However, through the right-click menu on the taskbar, if you select the panels section, you can create your own panel and include language layouts there.