Information system commissioning certificate. Commissioning of information systems gost


Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy

Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
______________ V.N. Rudenko
« 09 » _ November __ 2011


Automated information system for project management, developed under the state contract dated November 7, 2011 No. ГК-158-ОФ / Д01.
In accordance with the joint decision of the Customer (Ministry of Economic Development of Russia) and the Contractor (OTR 2000 LLC) to put it into trial operation.

Commission consisting of:

Chairman of the Commission:

Deputy Director of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy V.N. Rudenko,

Commission members:

S.V. Pushhakov, Acting Head of the Electronic Society Development Division of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy,

A.V., Advisor of the Department for Methodological Support of the Organization of Interdepartmental Interaction of the Department of State Regulation in the Economy. Matveenko,

Leading consultant of the e-society development department of the Department of State Regulation in Economy N.N. Kirsanova,

Head of the direction of LLC OTR 2000 A.I. Kuleshova,

O.V., Project Manager of OTR 2000 LLC Strakhova,

Leading analyst of OTR 2000 LLC Yu.M. Gudkova,

Researcher of the "Real Sector" direction of the IEP named after E.T. Gaidar E.R. Batarshin.
since "_ 08 _" November 2011 by "_ 09 _" November 2011 conducted preliminary tests of the applied software of the automated information system "Project Management Portal" (AIS PPU), installed in the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia.

  1. The preliminary tests were found to have been successfully completed.

    1. The main stages of development were carried out in accordance with the Terms of Reference.

    2. Developed by the documentation meets the requirements operation of software.

    3. The software is prepared for trial operation.

  1. The list of functions accepted for trial operation (section "Requirements for functions performed by the system" of the technical task):

    1. Maintaining a list of projects.

    2. Working with design entities.

    3. Working with indicators to assess the status of work on the project.

    4. Analytical module.

    5. Document library.

  1. The list of documents provided to the commission required for the trial operation:

    1. "Description of the AIS" Project Management Portal "" (Passport of the system);

    2. "Instruction of the administrator of the AIS PPU";

    3. "User manual for AIS PPU";

    4. "Program and methodology for testing AIS PPU";

    5. "Test tasks for AIS PPU";

    6. "Role-based instruction describing the procedure for working with AIS PPU as a project management tool" Interdepartmental interaction "".

  2. Commission decision: To accept the software for trial operation from November 9, 2011.


  1. Preliminary test report No. 1

  2. Preliminary test report No. 2
Commission members:

V.N. Rudenko

S.V. Pushchakov

A.V. Matveenko

N.N. Kirsanova

A.I. Kuleshov

O.V. Strakhova

Yu.M. Gudkova

E.R. Batarshin

Test operation acceptance certificate is formed based on the results of preliminary tests and includes: conclusions drawn from the results of complex tests; assignments for trial operation.

The time period of the commission

In this section of the acceptance certificate, the start and end dates of the work of the acceptance committee for conducting preliminary tests are given.

The beginning of the tests - November 01, 2010.
End of testing - December 31, 2010.
The total duration of the tests is 44 working days.

Name of the customer organization, the executing organization and the co-executing organization

The name of the organizations of the participants in the tests and those who made up the certificate of acceptance of the information system into trial operation is given.

Organization-customer - JSC "Customer".
Executing organization - JSC "Executor".
Co-executing organization - Co-executor LLC (if any).

The composition of the AIS functions accepted for trial operation

The list of the AIS functions accepted for trial operation is listed. Functions can be transferred both system-wide and by subsystems. The functions are taken from the section "Requirements for the functions performed by the system" of the technical assignment for the creation of an information system.

List of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support checked during trial operation

This section of the acceptance certificate provides a list of tests carried out during trial operation. The list of tests is taken from the "Scope of tests" section of the Test Program.

In the process of trial operation, the tests presented in the table below should be carried out.

List of documents to be submitted to the commission

This section of the acceptance certificate provides a list of the documents provided to the commission necessary for the trial operation.

Instructions for the formation and maintenance of a database (data set), version 1 of 12.09.2010.
- User manual, version 1 dated 09/14/2010.
- ...

Assessment of the conformity of the accepted AIS to the technical specifications

An assessment of the compliance of the accepted AIS with the technical specifications is given.

Based on the results of preliminary tests, the System meets the requirements presented in the document: "". Version 1.0.

The main results of acceptance into trial operation

This section of the acceptance certificate lists the main results obtained from the results of the experimental operation of the information system.

Based on the results of the trial operation, the following main results should be obtained:
- The system is operational;
- Subsystems of the System - interact;
- The system meets the requirements of the document "Terms of reference for the creation of an automated system." Version 1.0 .;
- All characteristics to be assessed are within acceptable limits.

The decision of the commission on the acceptance of the AIS into trial operation

The decision of the commission on the possibility or impossibility of accepting the information system for trial operation is presented.

M.V. Kovtun October 2010.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 676
"On the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases"

In accordance with Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. To approve the attached requirements for the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases.

2. To establish that the measures provided for by the requirements approved by this resolution are carried out by the federal executive authorities within the budgetary allocations provided for by the federal law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year and planning period for leadership and management in the sphere of established functions.

3. Recommend that other state bodies, in addition to federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as state non-budgetary funds management bodies, local self-government bodies, be guided in their activities by the requirements approved by this resolution.

to the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases
(approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 676)

With changes and additions from:

I. General Provisions

1. This document defines the requirements for the procedure for the implementation of measures for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems (hereinafter referred to as the system) and further storage of information contained in their databases, carried out by federal executive bodies and executive bodies. the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the executive authorities) in order to increase the efficiency of the implementation of the powers of the executive authorities as a result of the use of information and communication technologies, either by executive authorities acting as public partners and private partners in accordance with agreements on public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as a private partner) in order to implement these agreements.

1.1. When the executive authorities or private partners implement measures for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of systems and further storage of the information contained in their databases, the following should be performed:

a) requirements for the protection of information contained in systems established by the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, within the limits of their powers;

b) requirements for the organization and measures to protect the information contained in the system;

Information about changes:

Clause 1.1 is supplemented with sub-clause "c" from April 27, 2019 - Resolution

c) requirements for the protection of personal data provided for in part 3 of article 19 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data" (if there is personal data in the system).

Information about changes:

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2017 N 555 Requirements supplemented with clause 1.2

1.2. In order to fulfill the requirements for the protection of information provided for in paragraph 1.1 of this document (hereinafter referred to as the requirements for the protection of information), the executive authorities determine the requirements for the protection of information contained in the system of the executive authority, for which they carry out:

a) determination of information subject to protection from unauthorized access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, provision, distribution, as well as other illegal actions in relation to such information;

b) analysis of regulatory legal acts, methodological documents and national standards that the system must comply with;

c) classification of the system in accordance with the requirements for information protection;

d) identification of threats to information security, the implementation of which may lead to a breach of information security in the system, and development of a model of threats to information security on their basis;

e) determining the requirements for the information system (subsystem) for protecting the information contained in the system.

II. Requirements for the procedure for creating a system

2. The basis for the creation of the system is:

a) the obligation of the executive authority to create the system, provided for by regulatory legal acts;

b) the decision of the executive authority to create a system in order to ensure the implementation of the powers assigned to it;

Information about changes:

Clause 2 was supplemented with sub-clause "c" from April 27, 2019 - Resolution of the Government of Russia of April 11, 2019 N 420

c) the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of a public-private partnership project;

Information about changes:

Clause 2 was supplemented with sub-clause "d" from April 27, 2019 - Resolution of the Government of Russia of April 11, 2019 N 420

d) the decision of the highest executive body of state power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, if the public partner is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or a joint tender is planned with the participation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (except for cases of a joint tender with the participation of the Russian Federation).

3. The creation of the system is carried out in accordance with the terms of reference, taking into account the model of information security threats provided for in subparagraph "d" of paragraph 1.2 of this document, as well as the levels of protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, depending on the threats to the security of these data and requirements of this document.

The model of threats to information security and (or) the terms of reference for the creation of the system are coordinated with the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, within the limits of their powers in the part related to the implementation of the established information protection requirements.

The terms of reference for the creation of the system must include the requirements for the protection of information contained in the system, formed in accordance with subparagraphs "a" and "c" of paragraph 1.1 of this document.

4. The terms of reference for the creation of a system and a model of threats to information security are approved by an official of the executive authority who is entrusted with the appropriate powers.

5. The procedure for creating a system includes the following steps that are sequentially implemented:

a) development of documentation for the system and its parts;

b) development of working documentation for the system and its parts;

c) software development or adaptation;

d) commissioning works;

e) conducting preliminary tests of the system;

f) conducting trial operation of the system;

g) conducting acceptance tests of the system.

6. The stage of development of documentation for the system and its parts includes the development, coordination and approval of documentation to the extent necessary to describe the full set of design solutions (including information security) and sufficient for further work on the creation of the system.

7. The stage of development of working documentation for the system and its parts includes the development, coordination and approval of documentation containing information necessary to carry out work on putting the system into operation and its operation, and the procedure for operating the system, containing information necessary to carry out work to maintain the level operational characteristics (quality) of the system (including information protection) established in the design solutions specified in paragraph 6 of this document, including:

a) a list of employees' actions when performing tasks for the operation of the system, including the list, types, volumes and frequency of work to ensure the functioning of the system;

b) monitoring the performance of the system and components that ensure information protection;

c) a list of malfunctions that may arise during the operation of the system, and recommendations for actions when they occur;

d) a list of operating modes of the system and their characteristics, as well as the procedure and rules for transferring the system from one operating mode to another, indicating the time required for this.

8. The stage of software development or adaptation includes the development of the system software, the selection and adaptation of the purchased software, as well as, in the established cases and procedure, the certification of the developed system software and information protection tools in accordance with information security requirements.

9. The stage of commissioning includes autonomous adjustment of hardware and software parts of the system, loading information into its database, complex adjustment of hardware and software of the system, including information security.

10. The stage of preliminary testing includes:

a) development of a program and methodology for preliminary tests, in accordance with which the system is checked for operability and compliance with the technical specifications for its creation;

b) checking the system for operability and compliance with the terms of reference for its creation;

c) elimination of malfunctions identified during such tests and making changes to the documentation and working documentation for the system;

d) registration of a test report and an act of acceptance of the system for trial operation.

11. The stage of the trial operation includes:

a) development of a program and methodology for trial operation;

b) trial operation of the system in accordance with the program and methodology of trial operation;

c) revision of the system software and additional adjustment of technical means in case of detection of deficiencies identified during the trial operation of the system;

d) execution of an act on the completion of trial operation, including a list of deficiencies that must be eliminated before the start of system operation.

12. The stage of acceptance testing includes:

a) testing the system for compliance with the terms of reference for its creation in accordance with the program and methodology of acceptance tests;

b) analysis of the results of eliminating the deficiencies specified in the act on the completion of trial operation;

c) registration of an act of acceptance of the system into operation.

III. Requirements for the procedure for putting the system into operation

13. The basis for putting the system into operation is the legal act of the executive authority on putting the system into operation, which defines the list of measures to ensure the system is put into operation and sets the period for starting operation.

14. The legal act of the executive authority on putting the system into operation includes:

a) measures for the development and approval of organizational and administrative documents defining measures to protect information during the operation of the system, the development of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts and methodological documents of the federal executive body in the field of security and the federal executive body authorized in the field of countering technical intelligence and technical protection of information, as well as national standards in the field of information protection;

b) measures for attestation of the system in accordance with the requirements of information protection, as a result of which, in the cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the compliance of the protection of information contained in the system with the requirements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and on information protection is confirmed;

c) measures to prepare the executive authority, as well as the private partner, in the event of a public-private partnership agreement, for the operation of the system;

d) measures for the preparation of officials of the executive body, as well as employees of the private partner in the event of a public-private partnership agreement for the operation of the system, including those responsible for ensuring the protection of information.

15. Commissioning of the system is not allowed in the following cases:

a) failure to comply with the information protection requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the absence of a valid certificate of compliance with information security requirements;

b) the absence in the register of the territorial location of objects of control provided for by the Rules for exercising control over the placement of technical means of information systems used by state bodies, local self-government bodies, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, on the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 675 "On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for in part 2.1 of Article 13 and part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection ", information on the placement of technical means of the information system on the territory Russian Federation;

c) failure to comply with the requirements of this section identified in the course of control in accordance with the Rules for exercising control over compliance with the requirements for the procedure for creation, development, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases, approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 675 "On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by part 2.1 of Article 13 and part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Protection of Information. "of this document. legal act a) preparation of legal acts related to the decommissioning of the system;

b) work on decommissioning the system, including work on uninstalling the system software, on exercising rights to the system software, dismantling and writing off the system hardware, ensuring the storage and further use of the system's information resources;

Information about changes:

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 11, 2017 N 555, paragraph 23 was supplemented with subparagraph "c"

c) ensuring the protection of information in accordance with the documentation for the system and organizational and administrative documents for the protection of information, including archiving information contained in the system, destruction (erasure) of data and residual information from machine storage media and (or) destruction of machine storage media ...

24. Unless otherwise established by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the storage periods for information contained in the databases of the system are determined by the executive authority and cannot be less than the storage periods for information that are established for storing paper documents containing such information.

25. The period for decommissioning the system cannot be earlier than the expiration date of the last measure provided for by the legal act on the decommissioning of the system.

The procedure for putting the EIS into operation.



According to GOST 34.601-90 “AS. Stages of creation "and GOST 34.603-92" Types of NPP tests "As part of the stage of putting the system into operation, the following works are carried out:

1) organizational preparation of the automation object for putting the IS into operation - implementation of design solutions for the organizational structure, provision of subdivisions of the object of management with instructional and methodological materials, introduction of information classifiers;

2) staff training - training of personnel and verification of their ability to ensure the functioning of the IS;

3) IC equipment with supplied products (in the case of the need for such a delivery described in the TOR) - receipt of serial and unit production components, materials and assembly products, conducting incoming quality control;

4) construction and installation work - Carrying out work on the construction of specialized premises for the placement of technical equipment and IS personnel, the construction of cable channels, the installation of technical equipment and communication lines, the testing of the installed technical equipment, the delivery of technical equipment for commissioning;

5) commissioning works - autonomous adjustment of hardware and software, loading information into the database and checking its maintenance, complex adjustment of all system facilities;

6) preliminary tests - testing of the IS for operability and compliance with the terms of reference in accordance with the program and methodology of preliminary tests; elimination of malfunctions and amendments to the documentation on the IC, including operational in accordance with the test report; registration of the certificate of acceptance of the IS for trial operation;

7) trial operation - trial operation of IS; analysis of its results; completion of the IS software; additional adjustment of technical means of IS; registration of an act of completion of trial operation.

8) acceptance tests - tests for compliance with the technical specifications in accordance with the program and methodology of acceptance tests; analysis of IC test results and elimination of deficiencies identified during testing; registration of an act of acceptance of IP into permanent operation.

The commissioning of the EIS represents a gradual transition from the existing control system to an automated one. At the same time, not only the degree of use of technical means for data processing increases, but also the management methods themselves change accordingly.

In accordance with the spiral model of the system life cycle, starting from the technical design stage, EIS subsystems, task complexes or individual components capable of independent functioning are put into operation in stages, as the working documentation and technical means are ready.

The commissioning stage includes pilot operation of task complexes and their acceptance into industrial operation after acceptance tests. The entire system is taken into commercial operation after the completion of the acceptance into operation of all complexes of tasks.

One of the important features of putting the system into operation is the presence of a certain period during which the parallel operation of the existing system and the new EIS is carried out. In technical systems, one device is replaced by another, most often sequentially in time. Sometimes a new machine is installed in place of the old one - in this case, neither the new nor the old equipment works for some time. If the new comes into operation before the old stops working, then they work independently of each other. When commissioning an EIS of an organizational type, it is fundamentally impossible for a situation in which neither the old nor the new system worked for at least a short time. Moreover, in order to check the correctness of all the laid down solutions, the commissioning of a new system is carried out gradually during trial operation by the following steps:

1. Checking a subsystem or a complex of tasks on the full volume of real data, but not in the real time required for control.

2. The operation of the new system on the full volume of real data and in real terms in the control mode, when the results obtained are not used for management, but are compared with the results obtained in the previous system and analyzed.

3. Transition to management based on the results of the new system while keeping the old system in operation in case of possible failures and unforeseen situations.

4. Final transition to the work of the new system.

The parallel operation of the system is extremely unfavorable for employees. They have to do double work with increased stress. System developers should strive to reduce the period of parallel work, which essentially depends on how successfully the development and debugging of the system is carried out. It is unacceptable to transfer at least part of the debugging and debugging of the system for the period of trial operation. Changes during this period are inevitable, however, one should strive to ensure that only those remain that could not have been foreseen before the start of trial operation.

Trial operation overlaps the testing process. As a rule, the system is not fully commissioned, gradually. Therefore, from the point of view of the content of the system, commissioning goes through at least three phases:

2) accumulation of information;

3) reaching the design capacity.

initiates a rather narrow circle of errors - mainly data mismatch problems during loading and loaders' own errors, that is, something that was not tracked on the test data. If debugging "on live" data is impossible, then you will have to simulate the situation, and quickly. This requires very qualified testers.

During accumulation of information the largest number of mistakes made when creating an information system will appear. As a rule, these are errors related to multiuser access. Such errors are often overlooked during the testing phase. This is apparently due to the complexity of modeling, as well as the high cost of automation tools for testing the information system under conditions of multiuser access. Some errors will be difficult to fix as they are design errors. None of the best projects is immune from them. This means that, just in case, you need to reserve time for localization and correction of such errors.

During the period of information accumulation, one may encounter the famous "base fell". In the worst case scenario, it turns out that the DBMS cannot withstand the flow of information. If it is good, the configuration parameters are simply incorrect. The first case is dangerous, since it is rather difficult to influence the manufacturer of the DBMS, and the customer really does not like links to the DBMS technical support service. It is not the manufacturer who will have to solve the problem of DBMS failure, but you - to change the scheme, reduce the flow of requests, change the requests themselves; in general, there are many options. It is good if the time to restore the database fits into the planned time of the project.

The system reaches its design capacity at successful coincidence of circumstances - this is the correction of a number of minor mistakes, and occasionally - serious mistakes.

GOST 24.208-80 Requirements for the content of documents of the "Commissioning" stage

By the decree of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated May 14, 1980 No. 2101, the introduction period was established

from 01.01 1981

This standard applies to technical documentation for automated control systems (ACS) of all types, developed for all levels of management (except national), and sets requirements for the content of documents developed at the stage "Commissioning" in accordance with the requirements of GOST 24.101-80


1.1. Documents developed at the “Commissioning” stage are referred to as acceptance documents for the automated control system.

1.2. When drawing up documents for a part of the ACS, the content of the documents is limited to the framework of the corresponding part of the ACS.

1.3. Depending on the purpose and specific features of the automated control systems being created, it is allowed to include in the documents additional information, the requirements for the content of which are not established by this standard.


2.1. Completion certificate

2.1.1. The document is intended to record the fact of completion of a separate work when creating an ACS.

2.1.2. The document does not apply to construction and installation and commissioning works.

2.1.3. The document must contain:

  • name of the completed work (s);
  • a list of representatives of the developer organization and the customer organization who have drawn up the act;
  • completion date of work;
  • name of the document (s) on the basis of which the work was carried out;
  • the main results of the completed work;
  • conclusion on the results of the completed work.

2.2. Test operation acceptance certificate

2.2.1. The document is intended to record the fact of completion of the commissioning of the automated control system as a whole or its parts into trial operation.

2.2.2. The document must contain:

  • the name of the ACS (or its part) accepted for trial operation and the corresponding control object;
  • the composition of the acceptance commission and the basis for its work (name, number and date of approval of the document on the basis of which the commission was created);
  • the composition of the functions of the ACS (or its part), accepted for trial operation;
  • list of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support, checked during trial operation;
  • main results of acceptance into trial operation;
  • the decision of the commission on the acceptance of the automated control system for trial operation.

2.3. Industrial operation acceptance certificate

2.3.1. The document is intended to record the fact of putting the ACS (or its part) into industrial operation.

2.3.2. The document must contain:

  • the name of the control object and ACS (or its part) accepted for industrial operation;
  • information on the status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental), its composition and the basis for its work;
  • the time period of the commission's work;
  • the name of the developer organization, the co-executing organization and the customer organization;
  • name of the document on the basis of which the ACS was developed;
  • the composition of the functions of the ACS (or its part), taken into commercial operation;
  • a list of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support accepted for industrial operation;
  • list of documents submitted to the commission;
  • conclusion on the results of trial operation of the automated control system;
  • assessment of the conformity of the accepted ACS to the technical specifications for its creation;
  • brief characteristics and main results of the work performed on the creation of an automated control system;
  • assessment of the scientific and technical level of the ACS (according to design data) *;
  • assessment of economic efficiency from the introduction of automated control systems (according to design data) *;
  • decision of the commission;
  • recommendations of the commission for the further development of the system *.
* Mandatory only upon acceptance of the ACS as a whole.

2.3.3. The program and test reports, minutes of the commission's meetings, acts of acceptance into industrial operation of previously adopted parts of the ACS, a list of technical means that the commission used when accepting the ACS are attached to the "Act of acceptance into industrial operation". At the discretion of the commission, it is allowed to include additional documents in the application.

2.4. Work schedule

2.4.1. The document establishes a list of works, deadlines and performers of works related to the creation of works.

2.4.2. The document for each work included in the list must contain:

  • job title;
  • start and end date of work;
  • the name of the unit participating in the work;
  • the name and position of the executive in charge;
  • the formula for presenting the results of work.

2.5. Work order

2.5.1. Depending on the stage of work on the creation of an automated control system, the following types of document are established:

  • an order on the readiness of the control object for construction and installation work;
  • an order on the readiness of the control object for commissioning;
  • order to start trial operation of the ACS (its parts);
  • an order to put into commercial operation the automated control system (its parts).

2.5.2. The document "Order on the readiness of the control object for construction and installation works" must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the control object to carry out construction and installation works;
  • determination of the construction and installation area;
  • the procedure for admission to work;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the work and the safety of the mounted equipment;
  • list of responsible representatives of construction and installation organizations performing the work.

2.5.3. The document "Order on the readiness of the control object for commissioning" must contain:

  • message about the readiness of the control object for commissioning;
  • list of technical means of ACS to be adjusted;
  • an indication of the procedure for carrying out adjustment work;
  • the procedure for admission to the commissioning;
  • a list of representatives of the customer organization responsible for the commissioning;
  • a list of responsible representatives of organizations performing commissioning work;
  • instructions on how to eliminate installation errors and the persons responsible for the performance of these works.

2.5.4. The document "Order on the start of trial operation of the ACS (its parts)" must contain:

  • the name of the ACS as a whole or its parts undergoing trial operation;
  • the timing of the trial operation;
  • a list of officials of the contracting organization and the developer organization responsible for the trial operation;
  • list of divisions of the customer organization involved in the trial operation.

2.5.5. The document "Order on the commissioning of the automated control system (its parts)" must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the ACS or its parts, hardware and software, taken into industrial operation;
  • a list of officials and a list of divisions of the customer organization responsible for the operation of the automated control system;
  • the procedure and terms for the introduction of new forms of documents (if necessary);
  • the procedure and terms for transferring the first person to work in the conditions of the functioning of the ACS.

2.6. Order on the composition of the acceptance committee

The document must contain:

  • the name of the accepted ACS as a whole or its parts;
  • information on the composition of the commission;
  • the basis for the organization of the commission;
  • the name of the customer organization;
  • name of the developer organization, co-executing organizations;
  • the appointment and objectives of the commission;
  • terms of commencement and completion of the commission's work
  • instructions on the form of completion of the work of the commission.

2.7. Work program

2.7.1. Depending on the content of the work, the following types of documents are established:

  • test program;
  • trial operation program;
  • work program of the acceptance committee.

2.7.2. The document "Test program" is intended to determine the procedure and scope of preliminary tests when transferring to trial operation and acceptance tests when transferring the automated control system to industrial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the ACS as a whole or its parts to be tested, with reference to the points of the "Terms of Reference" for the creation of the ACS;
  • list of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support subject to testing;
  • the procedure for testing individual components of the ACS support and individual ACS functions;
  • conditions and terms of testing;
  • the procedure for registering tests and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating deficiencies and making the necessary changes to the technical documentation;
  • indication of the form of presentation of test results.

2.7.2. The document "Trial operation program" is intended to determine the order and scope of the trial operation.

The document must contain:

  • the composition of the functions of the ACS and its parts subject to trial operation, with reference to the points of the terms of reference for the creation of the ACS;
  • list of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support subject to trial operation;
  • the procedure for personnel actions during the trial operation of the ACS elements and individual functional subsystems;
  • conditions and terms of the trial operation;
  • the procedure for registering the results of trial operation and identified deficiencies;
  • the procedure for eliminating the identified deficiencies and making changes to the technical documentation;
  • an indication of the form of presentation of the results of trial operation.

2.7.2. The document "Program of work of the acceptance committee" is intended to determine the procedure for the acceptance of the ACS into industrial operation. The composition and content of the document is determined by the regulatory and technical documents approved in this industry.

2.8. Test report

2.8.1. The document is intended to record the results of preliminary tests during the transfer of the ACS as a whole or its parts for trial or industrial operation.

2.8.2. The document must contain:

  • name of the test object;
  • list of officials who conducted the test;
  • the purpose of the tests;
  • information about the duration of the tests;
  • a list of points of the terms of reference for the creation of an automated control system, for compliance with which the tests were carried out;
  • the list of items of the "Test Program" for which the tests were carried out;
  • information on the results of monitoring the correct functioning of the ACS;
  • information about failures, failures and emergencies that occurred during testing;
  • information on adjustments to the parameters of the test object and technical documentation.

2.9. Negotiation protocol

2.9.1. The document is intended to agree on deviations from previously adopted and approved design solutions, when, in the process of experimental operation of the ACS as a whole or its parts, the need for their correction was revealed.

2.9.2. The document must contain:

  • a list of considered deviations with an indication of the document, deviations from the requirements of which are subject to approval;
  • a list of officials who drew up the protocol;
  • justification of accepted deviations from design solutions;
  • list of agreed deviations and terms of making the necessary changes to the technical documentation.

Reissue. May 1986