SIM card menu services megaphone. Megafon service "Sim menu" for connecting entertainment content

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Cellular operators provide a huge number of paid information services and subscriptions. And Megafon is no exception - this operator offers to connect paid SMS messaging using the Megafon Pro option.

1. How to find out what exactly the money is spent on

Cellular operators provide a huge number of paid information services and subscriptions. And Megafon is no exception - this operator offers to connect paid SMS messaging using the Megafon Pro option. An inexperienced user of a mobile phone can accidentally connect unnecessary options, which will eat up money on the balance at a catastrophic pace.

So, first you need to find out which subscriptions are connected to the subscriber through "Megafon PRO". There are two options for how to do this:

  • On the mobile device, in the menu, you need to find the "Sim-menu" icon, in which the Megafon PRO portal is located. Going to the "Subscriptions" section, the subscriber will see what paid services he has subscribed to.
  • When the next time an SMS message comes with information, send a response message with the text "LIST" or "LIST" and wait for an SMS with a list of subscriptions.

2. How to disable the "Megafon PRO" service

After the subscriber has made sure that unnecessary subscriptions are tied to his number, they need to be disabled. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Using the "Sim-menu" in a mobile device. You just need to go to the desired category in the subscriptions and disable those that are not needed.
  2. Send a reply message with the text "STOP" or "OFF" to the number from which the mailing list comes.
  3. Call 0500, wait for the operator's answer and use it to disable all unnecessary options, as well as get additional information.

Sometimes subscribers spend a lot of money, stress and time to solve a simple question: how to turn off Megafon Pro? This service offers paid news, weather or sports subscriptions.

Many Megafon customers consider the service not only useless, but also unnecessary because of the expense of money from the account to pay for it and want to turn it off.

Megafon Pro: what is it?

Megafon customers often ask the question: what is Megafon Pro? Megafon subscribers have the opportunity to subscribe to "MegafonPro" and use an extensive resource on the Internet and on the phone. The latest in world entertainment and news from around the world can be accessed if this option is active.

It includes the following information:

  • Directory (telephony), which includes a city poster and other useful information;
  • Entertainment notifications, which include quizzes, contests and games;
  • A news source that contains information coming from all over the world, as well as updates from Megafon;
  • A resource created for chats and other types of dating, as well as communication between people.

The application is written on the SIM card of the Megafon operator, and it is difficult to remove it from it. The service does not take up a lot of phone memory and is relevant for outdated models. Modern smartphones also have the ability to use pop-up subscriptions from Megafon Pro or disable them.

How to find "Megafon Pro" on the phone?

When using the iPhone, resources can be found by this combination: settings, then go to the phone, and then to the SIM-programs.

Many phones that work on Android allow you to use Megafon Pro by searching for the corresponding menu in the settings. Therefore, it is easier to find an option in the Android system than in other devices.

The technologies of this service are outdated and not every subscriber needs it, but since it is paid, the operator leaves it to send a personal subscription code and use it. However, you can refuse it, but you need to know how to do it correctly.

The main thing is to follow all the rules for disabling it without errors.

Megafon Pro disconnection rules

Since the resource is recorded on a SIM card, it is impossible to cancel it in the client's personal account, but it is possible to check which types of paid subscriptions have been added to the phone number and disable them.

View the available Null subscriptions as follows: go to the SIM card menu and click the "Pro" tab. Then you should go to "Pro" and press the word "subscription", and then view the list of available resources. In this menu, you have the option to delete unwanted subscriptions or disable available resources.

There are several ways to disconnect from the service called "Megafon Pro":

  1. If you need to remove Megafon Pro on a modem for the Internet or a tablet device, you need to remove the SIM card from the device and insert it into your mobile phone, and then do the above steps through the settings.
  2. The second option is suitable for subscribers who prefer to use SMS messages created in Megafon. To disconnect, you need to send an SMS with the text "Off" or "Stop" to the number from which messages from Megafon are received.

Perhaps in the future the company will develop the ability to turn off Megafon Pro via the Internet by logging in through a personal account, but today this is impossible.

The Megafon Pro service can be turned off, as well as other options provided by the mobile operator, but for this you need to know how to do it. After a detailed study of the rules on how to use Megafon Pro correctly, the subscriber will not want to say goodbye to the subscriptions and they will seem useful to him.



Disabling "Megafon Pro" requires certain knowledge regarding the search for a service in the phone and its correct disconnection. Subscribers must independently decide which subscriptions they need, and what they can unsubscribe from so as not to spend money from the account.

In many cases, "Megafon Pro" is a useful information resource of an entertainment nature, so you should think about giving it up or not.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine a person without a mobile phone. Now there are many different services and services for users of smartphones and simple mobile phones. But there are also various services from telecom operators. For example, the MegaFon company has the MegaFonPRO service. This service is available to subscribers of the MegaFon cellular network and combines three technologies: GRPS, WEB and SIM menu.

What it is

Many subscribers have a MegaFonPRO subscription. What it is and what it is for, we will consider in this article. This service is a huge resource of the necessary information on the phone and the Internet. All the latest mobile entertainment and world news are now available anywhere. MegaFon PRO is:

  • source of interesting information (all company and world news);
  • a great resource for entertainment (games, music, quizzes, contests);
  • directory (poster of your city, etc.);
  • dating and communication (forum, chat).

Internet portal services

On the WEB-portal you can find a lot of useful information and interesting entertainment. There is data on tariffs, services, promotions, as well as all kinds of mobile entertainment: melodies, pictures, videos, games, etc.

A registered MegaFon PRO user has access to additional resources:

  • the most popular songs in various formats;
  • apps and games;
  • high-quality desktop wallpapers;
  • videos;
  • interesting SMS services.

In addition, from this portal you can send SMS messages to your friends, as well as receive MMS and WAP settings for your phone, and of course, subscribe to the mobile portal of the service.

How to implement

This service also has a mobile version of the site. If you are unable to access the site from a PC, then you can find the necessary information through the phone, for this you need to add "m." To the address http: // after "http: //". A lot of interesting videos, pictures, music and useful information about MegaFon - all this is on the site. To use the portal on your mobile, you need GPRS settings, which can be found on the WEB-portal of the service or by calling the information service of the network.

SIM card services

When buying a SIM card, each subscriber automatically receives a special MegaFonPRO menu. What does it do? Thanks to the automatic SIM-menu, you will have access to the following data and entertainment:

  • poster;
  • addresses of the nearest cinemas, sports clubs, shops;
  • humor, entertainment, chat;
  • melodies, pictures, quizzes, contests, etc.

As you can see, it is very convenient and practical to use MegaFonPRO. We figured out what it is, and now we will consider how you can disable this service.

know how to disable the service

Quite often a situation arises that the subscriber wants to disable such a subscription. Indeed, the service is quite confusing. You can often come across messages from users like: "This is a special scam to" cut "money from subscribers." This is a bit different. The service, as you could see earlier, is quite useful, but somewhat tricky. It will take extraordinary intelligence to figure out what's what in MegaFon PRO. Disabling a subscription is also quite realistic. Not everyone has time to deal with this, so our article will help you quickly figure out the problem. The main thing is to distinguish between ordinary mobile subscriptions and the PRO service from MegaFon. They are a little different.

What is this application and can you get rid of it

You can often come across questions about MegaFonPRO: what is it and how to remove it? But this application is written on the SIM card and cannot be removed from there. It is relevant in budget phone models, but also in complex smartphones such as the iPhone. In the latter, you can find it like this: "Settings" - "Phone" - SIM - "Programs". On many smarts it is located right in the settings and is called "MegaFon PRO".

It is impossible to remove this application from. Similar applications are available from almost all telecom operators. But you can turn off all subscriptions and not use these services.

How to find out which subscriptions are connected

To determine the number and names of subscriptions that are on your number, there are two options:

Any mobile phone has a special SIM-card menu (mentioned earlier), which gives access to the PRO portal. We go into it, go to the "Subscriptions" item and see a list of all services that are connected to the SIM card.

  1. Alternatively, you can simply send a message with the text "List" or List to the operator's information number. In response to SMS, you will receive a list.

How to unsubscribe from MegaFonPRO services

There are several ways to unsubscribe from PRO subscriptions and disable access to the portal:

  1. The first way is through the SIM menu. We go to "MegaFonPRO" and find the "Subscriptions" section. Here you can either disable a specific subscription, or disable them all by the menu item of the same name. If you need to unsubscribe from a tablet or modem, then you need to pull out the SIM card from the device and insert it into any phone. Further, all the same actions are performed.
  2. The second method is suitable for those who prefer SMS. To cancel all subscriptions of the portal, you need to send a message with the text "Off" or Stop to the number from which SMS from "MegaFon" are received.

Today, unfortunately, there is no possibility for MegaFon PRO to disable the subscription and service through the Service or personal account. But the mobile operator "MegaFon" is expanding the possibilities and range of additional services and options for its subscribers, providing more and more convenient functions for the network's clients. Most likely, the ability to disconnect through your personal account or Service will also appear soon.

As you can see, this service is not so difficult to disable, and it does not present any particular problem. But at the same time, it gives the user a lot of useful information and functions, the main thing is to understand how to use the PRO portal from MegaFon correctly.

This is on all tariffs!

What is SIM Menu Portal?

SIM Menu Portal? these are new features of your phone. The portal is a section of your SIM card menu and allows you to quickly and conveniently receive various reference, information and entertainment services, the list of which is constantly expanding.

Now you do not need to memorize many service numbers or carry a notebook with you. You just need to select the desired item in the menu of your phone, and you will receive an answer in the form of an SMS message.

In addition, with the help of the SIM Menu Portal, you can receive information about the state of the account, find out the addresses and phone numbers of the nearest city objects, meet interesting interlocutors, receive the latest news and much more. The portal will help turn your mobile phone into an electronic guide to your city and will provide an opportunity to access entertainment services at any time by pressing just a few keys.

The service is included in the basic package of services and is provided without additional subscription fees.

The SIM Menu portal consists of the following sections:

1. My phone.
The section "My phone" offers to place the logo of the "MegaFon" network on the screen of the mobile phone, allows you to receive information about the state of the account, contact the operators of the service centers, and also helps you set up your mobile phone to work with the "Mobile Internet (GPRS)" services, " WAP-access "and" MMS-postcard ".

2. Communication
With the help of the section "Communication" you can find new friends and chat with them. The section offers you convenient opportunities for registering and searching for interlocutors by gender and age.

3. Entertainment.
Using the "Entertainment" section, you will get access to a constantly updated database of anecdotes, aphorisms, toasts, horror stories, you can look into the future with the help of a common, business or love horoscope for the current day, keep abreast of gossip, the latest musical hits and even get an interesting culinary recipe.

4. Help.
The "Help" section will help you find the nearest pharmacies, restaurants, gas stations and much more, as well as tell you what weather to expect in the cities of the Northwest region. In addition, with the help of this section, you can always get the rates of major currencies and keep abreast of the latest news from various areas of life, from the latest political events to hi-tech achievements.

5. Sports.
With the help of the "Sports" section, you will always be aware of the latest events in the world of football, hockey, tennis, basketball, motorsport and will be able to get the results of the latest matches and meetings held within the framework of competitions in these sports.

6. Customization.
The "Settings" section will help you customize the appearance of the Portal SIM Menu - change the language of the Portal menu, and in the future will allow you to add the most interesting and relevant sections for you.

How to download the SIM Menu Portal?

Loading of the SIM Menu Portal for subscribers of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod regions and the Republic of Karelia occurs automatically.

Each subscriber of the Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Pskov, Novgorod regions and the Republic of Karelia will receive an SMS message of the following type:

"MegaFon" privetstvuet Vas! Dlja dostupa k novym uslugam otkljuchite i zanovo vkljuchite telefon. V menju telefona dobavitsja novyj razdel.

After receiving such an SMS message, you must turn off your mobile phone and then turn it back on. Then you need to find a new item "SIM Menu" in the main menu of your phone or in its subsections depending on your phone model and select the preferred presentation of SIM Menu items? Cyrillic or transliteration. To successfully complete the download, you must follow the instructions received in the SMS-messages.


If you want to speed up the loading of the SIM Menu on your mobile phone, send an SMS containing 101 to the service number 000001.

If any problems arise during SIM Menu loading, it is possible to stop the loading process by sending an SMS message containing 000 to the service number 000001.

To remove SIM Menu from the menu of your mobile phone, send an SMS containing 111 to the service number 000001.

If it is impossible to send an SMS message from your phone, you can rearrange the SIM card to another mobile phone and perform the above steps.

To reload the SIM Menu, send an SMS containing 101 to the service number 000001.

Service cost

All services provided within the sections "My phone" and "Settings" are free of charge.

The cost of services provided under the sections "Communication", "Entertainment", "Inquiries" and "Sports" is 0.10 USD (excluding indirect taxes).

You can also get information about the cost of services by selecting the menu item "Menu tariffs" (sending this request is not paid).

Tariffication is carried out at the moment of choosing the final menu item marked with the ">" icon in accordance with the tariffs of the section used.
In this case, your phone generates a special SMS-message and sends it to one of the service numbers allocated for the operation of the "SIM-Menu" Portal. The answer to the request comes with an SMS message from one of the numbers in the 0008xx service range. If you have ordered the "Detailed account" service, in the call list all calls to the services of the "SIM-Menu" Portal will look like sent SMS messages to numbers from the mentioned range.

Note: sending ordinary SMS-messages to service numbers of the 0008xx range may entail billing, but the services will not be provided.

MegafonPro invites users to receive various information, mainly for money. There are services that people connect voluntarily, but some, for example, "Kaleidoscope" are installed automatically when registering a sim card. Whether users like it or not, pop-up messages appear endlessly on their phone displays offering to order a continuation of news, anecdote, weather forecast, etc. for money. This is very annoying when working with a phone, and therefore the question arises about MegaFonPro - how to turn it off?

MegafonPro is a whole portal, the shutdown of which costs 170 rubles. You can turn it off completely by going to the central office of Megafon. To complete the application, you need to confirm your identity with a passport or driver's license. I calculated that if 100,000 users want to turn off this service, Megafon will receive 17 million rubles. Quite good business is being put together these days, isn't it? First, you impose on people, otherwise not to say, certain content that no one needs, and you require a little compensation for turning it off. Yes, well thought out.

You can disable the "Kaleidoscope" service for free, which is connected by default when you buy a SIM card. It is she who manages the pop-up windows with various offers. If you confirm the service, money is withdrawn from your balance, and an SMS comes with another yellow "duck". An unnecessary function, isn't it? Then turn it off quickly!

In order to turn off the "Kaleidoscope" on Megaphone, you can use 4 convenient methods:

First option... Go to the menu of your phone. You will see a Sim services icon or something similar, depending on your phone model. Then click the "Kaleidoscope" item - you will see various subscription options (weather, news, humor, exchange rates, etc.) with "+" signs. Click opposite each item "Functions" - "Disable subscription". After that, a "-" sign should appear in front of each section. That's it, now on your display there will be only what you need, without the so-called spam and pop-up messages.

Second option- the official website of Megafon. You can go to your personal account by entering your data. Then go to the "Service Guide" section. Here you can see all services and subscriptions connected to your number, as well as manage them with one click.

The third option- a call to the Megafon service center at 0500. You can directly contact the operator and use it to disable unnecessary subscriptions, or do the same by dialing command numbers on your phone that help you navigate to one or another section of service management.

Fourth option- a visit to the Megafon office, located not far from the house. Do not forget to bring your passport so that the staff can identify you as the owner of the room. In the office, you can also find out what services you have connected - and deactivate them if they are not needed.