Help you choose a good history tutor? Message history in Skype Tutor in history and social science online.

Good afternoon, respected students and their parents. My name Angelica Vladimirovna and I offer you my help in preparing for exams (OGE and EGE) on history and social studies. I have been a school teacher for more than 25 years, I know perfectly well a teen psychology and find a common language with disciples of different ages. For the past five years, I teach social studies at the relevant level including the profile right and economy. My students are the winners of the Olympiads of a different level, intellectual contests, represent their research work for contests.

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Maria Andreevna - online tutor on history

Hello! My name is Maria Andreevna, I am a teacher of history and tutor online. He graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov in the specialty historian, ethnographer, raising the qualifications in the magistracy. At the end of the university worked at school, taught history in grades 5-11. Also for several years, she held the position of a methodologist at the Department of History of the State of the Russian Faculty of State Department of Moscow State University, so familiar with the advanced teaching methods of history.

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Sergey Anatolyevich - Remote Tutor in History, Socology

Good day. My name is Sergey Anatolyevich, I am a remote tutor in social science, history, sociology, philosophy and political science, psychology. I have two higher education. Work experience in the specialty for more than 18 years, since 1999, he taught history and social studies in the Technological Technical School, in the future he continued his professional activities in SOSH as a teacher of history and social studies.

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Evgenia Bairovna - online tutor in history, social science

I welcome everyone, my name is Evgenia Bairovna, and I professionally engage in the training of schoolchildren to the exam and OGE in social studies and history, also pull up schoolchildren 5-8 classes in the school program. I also have experience in private school to prepare for exams in mini-groups. I consider the creation of a favorable atmosphere of one of the main tasks in the work of the tutor. I create a relaxed atmosphere in class, this is how schoolchildren can reveal their potential fully.

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Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - Tutor History and Social Science on Skype

Hello, dear students. My name is Dmitry Vyacheslavovich and I am a remote tutor in social science, history, world artistic culture, philosophy and political science. In 2008, I graduated from the historical faculty of RSU. Kant (now BFU), Department of Foreign History and International Relations. I am a specialist in the field of diplomacy history. The main scientific activity was devoted to the history of the Communist International.

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Alexander Vladimirovich - Lecturer on History, Social Science, Property through Skype, Cand.Irs. Nauk

Born in Sverdlovsk (now - Ekaterinburg), Russia 28.03.1974, Russian. From 1978 I live in Kharkov, Ukraine. At the moment I have experience in teaching - 18 years. Tutoring experience - 8 years. I am a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. A diploma of higher education and the scientific degree of a candidate of historical sciences was confirmed in the Russian Federation. In 1998 - 2014 I read courses: history, history of culture, lawwork, political science, sociology.

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Olga Aleksandrovna - Tutor in history, social science, philosophy on Skype

At all times, education was considered the highest value. Whatever the skeptics are about the fact that the degree of good education is now not in demand, I can say with confidence and on my experience that only solid knowledge, a wide range and professionalism remained and remain in the first place. Receiving knowledge is, first of all, the process of communication, the ability to transmit and perceive knowledge. After all, you can only teach the person who wants to learn himself.

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Svetlana Yuryevna - history tutor and social science online

Hello, my name is Svetlana Yurevna. I am a school teacher, as well as a tutor on history and social science online. I love my work, so I'm glad for my disciples and their result, and try to do everything possible so that they would achieve great success. The main thing in my work with the students I consider the motivation, so for me the main thing is to interest the child with objects that I teach.

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Natalia Mikhailovna - Tutor in history and social science online

Good afternoon, my name is Natalia Mikhailovna. I am a tutor on history and social science. In 2009, he graduated from Tver State University, worked at the Department of Theory of Law from 2010 to 2016. He taught the discipline "Theory of State and Law", "History of the State and Law of Russia", "The history of the state and the rights of foreign countries." His studies on history and social studies spend remotely on Skype using various additional didactic materials, as well as interactive tools.

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Kirill Andreevich - Lecturer for History and Social Science on Skype

Let me introduce myself, my name is Cyril Andreevich, a teacher of history and social studies on Skype. In addition to the above disciplines, teaching and other profile items - philosophy, sociology and political science. The total pedagogical experience is 9 years, during which he successfully prepared students to the Olympiads, Level OGE and EGE, admission to humanitarian universities, and also took an active part in holding master classes in the framework of the GEF for students of secondary, senior and students of law colleges and Academies.

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Tatyana Sergeevna - online history tutor through Skype

Hello, my name is Tatyana Sergeevna. I am an online history tutor. She graduated from a private higher education institution of the Orthodox-Holy Tikhonian Humanitarian University in Moscow. He studied at the Department of History of Russia and Archival. Passed archaeological, excursion and pedagogical practices. Distance learning saves time to both the student and the teacher. Modern technologies allow the disciple to study at home even during illness and cold and keep up with the school program.

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Natalia Vladimirovna - Tutor in history and social science online

Good day! My name is Natalia Vladimirovna. I am a teacher and an online tutor of the most interesting items at school: stories and social studies. A little bit about yourself. Communicable, hardworking, demanding of yourself and others, optimist. In 2001 he graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. I have a qualification "Historian. Lecturer in the specialty history. " For more than 15 years I work as a teacher at school, teacher in college. And also have two-year experience of online teaching disciplines of history and social studies.

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Nikolai Anatolyevich - online history teacher and social studies

My name is Nikolai Anatolyevich - a tutor on history and social science online. My pedagogical experience is more than 7 years old, in first formation I am a history teacher. After a year of work at school, he entered the second higher classroom in his own university, but already on the specialty jurisprudence, which was very useful in teaching social studies, in particular partitions relating to the right.

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Albert Najipovich - online tutor in history and social studies

Hello, My name is Albert Najipovich! I am a tutor on history and social science according to Skype. By profession - teacher history and social studies. Higher education received in 2000, graduated from the historical faculty of Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Institute, the specialty "History", the qualification of the "history teacher". In addition, I have an additional specialization "Socio-humanitarian disciplines".

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Olga Leonidovna - Tutor to the exam in history and social science on Skype

Hello, dear gentlemen! Allow me to introduce yourself, my name is Olga Leonidovna, a teacher and a tutor on history and social studies through Skype. I am ready to help you prepare for the delivery of any exam for these subjects: Ogte, Ege, Move, etc. My pedagogical experience for more than 25 years, the experience of the tutor is also considerable, in 2004 I have already prepared for a trial exam. History or historical science, as I would like to call this subject, it means a lot to me.

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Online tutors on Skype history - lessons for schoolchildren and students

Most schoolchildren choose history to pass in the form of an exam, since the university chosen by them requires confirmation of current knowledge at a high level on this subject. The school teacher is most often not able to physically pay time for a more in-depth study of discipline with each student. In addition, the exam includes a large number of questions that are not detailed in school lessons, but are studied only superficially. What to do? Assist in studying the subject will be able to tutors history skype school , Knowing all the nuances and subtleties of the exam.

Online history tutors can:

  • To work out the entire previously poorly studied material with students;
  • More in-depth to disassemble the most difficult topics from the course;
  • Familiarize with all the "underwater" stones of the exam and verification work.

Online tutors on the history of Russia. Effective preparation for OGE and EGE on Skype.

Already the first year, the exam is carried out on history and the results are quite disappointing. Many schoolchildren revaluate their knowledge, relying only on the program that gives the school. However, independent preparation is very complex, as it does not have a systemic approach and a view from an experienced specialist. Literate parents understand all this and take care of the qualitative education of their children, using tutoring services on Skype history. Teachers use the most advanced techniques in teaching children, watching all innovations and exam adjustments. Often teachers are andskype social science tutors.

We note the following activities that spend tutors of Skype history:

  1. Eliminate the flaws of school education on discipline;
  2. Clarify how to work properly with historical information;
  3. The hidden potentials of students are detected, aims to a high result;
  4. Focus on the execution of a complex partC, taught the analysis of the author's position, as well as a literate definition of problems;
  5. Strengthen analytical, mental and logical skills of schoolchildren.

In the process of learning the tutoring of the Skype story for clarity, the provision of material uses online boards, thanks to which the Skype story becomes interesting and demonstration.
Modern technologies provide significant assistance to tutoring on history through Skype. We also note that online tutors for Skype are in demand and students of colleges and universities.

Remote tutors on history. Note the advantages:

  1. Individual nature of training - remote lessons with tutorials of Skype history are being developed according to an individual scheme, as well as taking into account the characteristics of each individual student;
  2. Comfortable environment in class - a good tutor for children in Skype history (Skype) will provide a calm and working environment in the lessons, which leads to an excellent result;
  3. The price of history lessons with a tutor via Skype is below the cost of traditional classes with a teacher, as the cost of training does not include third-party passage costs, rental of leases, procurement of textbooks;
  4. Online tutors will be able to lay the necessary luggage knowledge in the minds of their wards, and they will also develop good personal qualities.
  5. Reducing the cost of time, that is, to deal with the tutors on Skype no need to go somewhere. Training takes place at home in the usual setting.

Absolutely to each student tutors on the Skype story on Skype are the first introductory lesson. On him, the teacher will get acquainted with the listener, will determine his goals and objectives, tested for the presence of knowledge, will form a further future perspective.

History is a humanitarian subject studied in schools and higher educational institutions. History As an educational item has been introduced in almost all courses of the majority of specialties as narrowly directed (history teacher, archaeologist, historian and others) and specialties that are not directly related to history (lawyer, political analyst, journalist, military and others).
With this broader use in real life, the story has become an incredibly relevant subject to study among students of schools and students. In most cases, in addition to the secondary school, additional classes are often required. Currently, a relevant method for obtaining additional knowledge is to study history with a tutor on Skype.

The process of distance learning history by Skype

The process of learning history through Skype is a full-fledged individual lessons with a tutor, conducted not in the school office, but through visual video or audio communications in the interactive mode. Otherwise, no fundamental differences from the structure of school sessions are not. Requires the necessary technical means:

  • personal computer (laptop, communicator, tablet);
  • technical communication device (headphones, webcam), in the absence of a built-in device;
  • skype program (Skype), on the official Skype website, the program is available for all users completely free of charge;
  • connecting to the Internet (Internet speed is not important, but should not be minimal, which makes it difficult to conduct lessons).

The structure of the lessons of the history of online is built from several stages, one part of the lesson is planned in advance, that is, in it, the teacher comes to the student a new information in various forms of knowledge of knowledge, and the second part is most often not planned, represents the "Question-answer" form. In an unplanned form, the student asks the teacher the issues that arose in the learning process or questions that are interested in directly a student in any historical region.

To work at remote history lessons on Skype, online history tutor uses:

  • methodical theoretical material;
  • practical material (tables, comparative graphs and diagrams and others);
  • visual material (drawings, photos, diamers, chronological filmters);
  • enchanting material (presentations, test tasks, homework).
  • On the site you can find topically teaching rehearsals of history, with experience and experience in Skype.

Skype story lessons. The main directions and courses of study

Skype history training can be divided into several courses:

1. Skype story studying course.

The course includes the acquisition of knowledge within the framework of the general education course and is aimed at improving performance. In principle, it is suitable for both students and students.

2. Preparatory course of Skype history.

The course is designed for schoolchildren who are preparing for the delivery of the USE and GIA. Such a course is one of the most relevant, teacher gives a student not only knowledge, but also psychological preparations for the process itself.

3. Special Skype History Course.

The course is designed for people who want will receive special historical knowledge, as a rule, they are required to improve the qualifications, obtaining higher education (higher, second, special and other).
In principle, anyone who wishes can receive help in gaining knowledge for any historical issues - the desire to learn. History Tutoring Through Skype can be an excellent means of training for participants in state-owned high-level olympics. Also, distance learning history is particularly beneficial for a number of features for labor migrants, which, according to new legislative standards, the examination of the history exam has been to obtain a working visa.

The main advantages of studying the Skype story:

  1. Individual approach.
  2. Saving cash and time.
  3. Availability.
  4. Efficiency of learning.
  5. Comfortable setting of classes, fully excluding various stimuli.
  6. Full parental control of the learning process.

This list of advantages is far from complete, but most significant in the distance learning. Training of Skype history becomes especially relevant for graduation schoolchildren when the regularity of lessons should be optimal for successful training, and the financial side of the issue and lack of time becomes the most acute. An individual system of classes is the only tool that a student can prepare for the delivery of GIA and EGE according to the results of which their further future depends on the results.

It is worth noting that the fears of parents about the pedagogical composition of online tutoring are in vain. Only teachers who have high qualifications participate in Skype remotely. The entire teaching staff has documents confirming their specialization, scientific degrees and titles. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the teaching team consists of existing teachers of universities, thoughts, schools and lyceums. Most of them are marked by prizes and diplomas in the field of teaching.

Good knowledge of history is needed not only to those young people who are going to link their lives with learning and teaching this science. Tourism, international relations, social work, management, economy - this is not a complete list of specialties for which the history exam is required. Therefore, history tutors are rarely unclaimed.

In small towns, find a teacher, consonant in tutoring, very hard. The fact is that good tutors there are gripping, therefore they have so more than enough wards. Of course, you can try to "smooth out" the desired teacher, but not all this can afford, especially since the tutoring is the thing and so notable. Perhaps this problem can only solve the Skype story tutor.

Training of the history of Russia on Skype is very similar to the usual, the only difference is that the teacher and the student communicate not face to face, but through Skype - a free program intended for online conferences.

To start classes of universal Skype history, it is enough to have a high-speed Internet connection and a computer equipped with a webcam, microphone and speakers (all this is usually in any more or less modern laptop). Such classes are not worse than traditional any usefulness or effective. In some cases, the Skype story learns even better than in school, on courses or with a regular tutor!
Among the advantages that online history lessons should be noted as follows:
the opportunity to do at home (well, or in any convenient location where there is an Internet access), which saves a lot of time;
A large selection of candidates (Help in training offers many tutors from different cities and countries, so it is usually not difficult to find a suitable candidacy);
relatively low cost (online study is cheaper than the usual largely due to the fact that neither students, not teachers do not need to pay the road to the place of study);
The ability to record lessons on video, which allows you to return to the already mastered material if necessary.

Usually, Skype history tutor is managing training so that it meets the needs of the student and took into account his personal features. An individual approach and the use of the most suitable techniques allows you to achieve excellent results in a short time. As a result, the story of Skype is not worse than in the "offline" mode.

The site project makes that the Skype story for children becomes truly affordable. It involves only specialists with extensive experience in teaching history, which are capable of "pulling out" knowledge of students and prepare them for any exams (EGE, OGE / GIA, CT, etc.).

Good afternoon, respected students and their parents. My name Angelica Vladimirovna and I offer you my help in preparing for exams (OGE and EGE) on history and social studies. I have been a school teacher for more than 25 years, I know perfectly well a teen psychology and find a common language with disciples of different ages. For the past five years, I teach social studies at the relevant level including the profile right and economy. My students are the winners of the Olympiads of a different level, intellectual contests, represent their research work for contests.

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Maria Andreevna - online tutor on history

Hello! My name is Maria Andreevna, I am a teacher of history and tutor online. He graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University. Lomonosov in the specialty historian, ethnographer, raising the qualifications in the magistracy. At the end of the university worked at school, taught history in grades 5-11. Also for several years, she held the position of a methodologist at the Department of History of the State of the Russian Faculty of State Department of Moscow State University, so familiar with the advanced teaching methods of history.

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Sergey Anatolyevich - Remote Tutor in History, Socology

Good day. My name is Sergey Anatolyevich, I am a remote tutor in social science, history, sociology, philosophy and political science, psychology. I have two higher education. Work experience in the specialty for more than 18 years, since 1999, he taught history and social studies in the Technological Technical School, in the future he continued his professional activities in SOSH as a teacher of history and social studies.

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Evgenia Bairovna - online tutor in history, social science

I welcome everyone, my name is Evgenia Bairovna, and I professionally engage in the training of schoolchildren to the exam and OGE in social studies and history, also pull up schoolchildren 5-8 classes in the school program. I also have experience in private school to prepare for exams in mini-groups. I consider the creation of a favorable atmosphere of one of the main tasks in the work of the tutor. I create a relaxed atmosphere in class, this is how schoolchildren can reveal their potential fully.

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Dmitry Vyacheslavovich - Tutor History and Social Science on Skype

Hello, dear students. My name is Dmitry Vyacheslavovich and I am a remote tutor in social science, history, world artistic culture, philosophy and political science. In 2008, I graduated from the historical faculty of RSU. Kant (now BFU), Department of Foreign History and International Relations. I am a specialist in the field of diplomacy history. The main scientific activity was devoted to the history of the Communist International.

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Alexander Vladimirovich - Lecturer on History, Social Science, Property through Skype, Cand.Irs. Nauk

Born in Sverdlovsk (now - Ekaterinburg), Russia 28.03.1974, Russian. From 1978 I live in Kharkov, Ukraine. At the moment I have experience in teaching - 18 years. Tutoring experience - 8 years. I am a candidate of historical sciences, associate professor. A diploma of higher education and the scientific degree of a candidate of historical sciences was confirmed in the Russian Federation. In 1998 - 2014 I read courses: history, history of culture, lawwork, political science, sociology.

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Olga Aleksandrovna - Tutor in history, social science, philosophy on Skype

At all times, education was considered the highest value. Whatever the skeptics are about the fact that the degree of good education is now not in demand, I can say with confidence and on my experience that only solid knowledge, a wide range and professionalism remained and remain in the first place. Receiving knowledge is, first of all, the process of communication, the ability to transmit and perceive knowledge. After all, you can only teach the person who wants to learn himself.

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Svetlana Yuryevna - history tutor and social science online

Hello, my name is Svetlana Yurevna. I am a school teacher, as well as a tutor on history and social science online. I love my work, so I'm glad for my disciples and their result, and try to do everything possible so that they would achieve great success. The main thing in my work with the students I consider the motivation, so for me the main thing is to interest the child with objects that I teach.

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Natalia Mikhailovna - Tutor in history and social science online

Good afternoon, my name is Natalia Mikhailovna. I am a tutor on history and social science. In 2009, he graduated from Tver State University, worked at the Department of Theory of Law from 2010 to 2016. He taught the discipline "Theory of State and Law", "History of the State and Law of Russia", "The history of the state and the rights of foreign countries." His studies on history and social studies spend remotely on Skype using various additional didactic materials, as well as interactive tools.

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Kirill Andreevich - Lecturer for History and Social Science on Skype

Let me introduce myself, my name is Cyril Andreevich, a teacher of history and social studies on Skype. In addition to the above disciplines, teaching and other profile items - philosophy, sociology and political science. The total pedagogical experience is 9 years, during which he successfully prepared students to the Olympiads, Level OGE and EGE, admission to humanitarian universities, and also took an active part in holding master classes in the framework of the GEF for students of secondary, senior and students of law colleges and Academies.

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Tatyana Sergeevna - online history tutor through Skype

Hello, my name is Tatyana Sergeevna. I am an online history tutor. She graduated from a private higher education institution of the Orthodox-Holy Tikhonian Humanitarian University in Moscow. He studied at the Department of History of Russia and Archival. Passed archaeological, excursion and pedagogical practices. Distance learning saves time to both the student and the teacher. Modern technologies allow the disciple to study at home even during illness and cold and keep up with the school program.

Sign up

Natalia Vladimirovna - Tutor in history and social science online

Good day! My name is Natalia Vladimirovna. I am a teacher and an online tutor of the most interesting items at school: stories and social studies. A little bit about yourself. Communicable, hardworking, demanding of yourself and others, optimist. In 2001 he graduated from the historical faculty of Moscow State University. N.P. Ogareva. I have a qualification "Historian. Lecturer in the specialty history. " For more than 15 years I work as a teacher at school, teacher in college. And also have two-year experience of online teaching disciplines of history and social studies.

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Nikolai Anatolyevich - online history teacher and social studies

My name is Nikolai Anatolyevich - a tutor on history and social science online. My pedagogical experience is more than 7 years old, in first formation I am a history teacher. After a year of work at school, he entered the second higher classroom in his own university, but already on the specialty jurisprudence, which was very useful in teaching social studies, in particular partitions relating to the right.

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Albert Najipovich - online tutor in history and social studies

Hello, My name is Albert Najipovich! I am a tutor on history and social science according to Skype. By profession - teacher history and social studies. Higher education received in 2000, graduated from the historical faculty of Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Institute, the specialty "History", the qualification of the "history teacher". In addition, I have an additional specialization "Socio-humanitarian disciplines".

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Olga Leonidovna - Tutor to the exam in history and social science on Skype

Hello, dear gentlemen! Allow me to introduce yourself, my name is Olga Leonidovna, a teacher and a tutor on history and social studies through Skype. I am ready to help you prepare for the delivery of any exam for these subjects: Ogte, Ege, Move, etc. My pedagogical experience for more than 25 years, the experience of the tutor is also considerable, in 2004 I have already prepared for a trial exam. History or historical science, as I would like to call this subject, it means a lot to me.

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Online tutors on Skype history - lessons for schoolchildren and students

Most schoolchildren choose history to pass in the form of an exam, since the university chosen by them requires confirmation of current knowledge at a high level on this subject. The school teacher is most often not able to physically pay time for a more in-depth study of discipline with each student. In addition, the exam includes a large number of questions that are not detailed in school lessons, but are studied only superficially. What to do? Assist in studying the subject will be able to tutors history skype school , Knowing all the nuances and subtleties of the exam.

Online history tutors can:

  • To work out the entire previously poorly studied material with students;
  • More in-depth to disassemble the most difficult topics from the course;
  • Familiarize with all the "underwater" stones of the exam and verification work.

Online tutors on the history of Russia. Effective preparation for OGE and EGE on Skype.

Already the first year, the exam is carried out on history and the results are quite disappointing. Many schoolchildren revaluate their knowledge, relying only on the program that gives the school. However, independent preparation is very complex, as it does not have a systemic approach and a view from an experienced specialist. Literate parents understand all this and take care of the qualitative education of their children, using tutoring services on Skype history. Teachers use the most advanced techniques in teaching children, watching all innovations and exam adjustments. Often teachers are andskype social science tutors.

We note the following activities that spend tutors of Skype history:

  1. Eliminate the flaws of school education on discipline;
  2. Clarify how to work properly with historical information;
  3. The hidden potentials of students are detected, aims to a high result;
  4. Focus on the execution of a complex partC, taught the analysis of the author's position, as well as a literate definition of problems;
  5. Strengthen analytical, mental and logical skills of schoolchildren.

In the process of learning the tutoring of the Skype story for clarity, the provision of material uses online boards, thanks to which the Skype story becomes interesting and demonstration.
Modern technologies provide significant assistance to tutoring on history through Skype. We also note that online tutors for Skype are in demand and students of colleges and universities.

Remote tutors on history. Note the advantages:

  1. Individual nature of training - remote lessons with tutorials of Skype history are being developed according to an individual scheme, as well as taking into account the characteristics of each individual student;
  2. Comfortable environment in class - a good tutor for children in Skype history (Skype) will provide a calm and working environment in the lessons, which leads to an excellent result;
  3. The price of history lessons with a tutor via Skype is below the cost of traditional classes with a teacher, as the cost of training does not include third-party passage costs, rental of leases, procurement of textbooks;
  4. Online tutors will be able to lay the necessary luggage knowledge in the minds of their wards, and they will also develop good personal qualities.
  5. Reducing the cost of time, that is, to deal with the tutors on Skype no need to go somewhere. Training takes place at home in the usual setting.

Absolutely to each student tutors on the Skype story on Skype are the first introductory lesson. On him, the teacher will get acquainted with the listener, will determine his goals and objectives, tested for the presence of knowledge, will form a further future perspective.

The best school teachers "Distance-Teacher" on Skype history

Other teachers

About the subject

History - Very important social science, which raises a person in man, forms its intellectual development and creative thinking. To know the history of his country is the duty of every citizen of this country. It is also important to know the world history, since all events in the world are intertwined and interrelated: the development of the economy, the external and internal life of countries, international relations and culture in one degree or another come into contact with each other.

Video tutorial on history on the topic: "Alexander Nevsky (1252-1263)"

Read more about the teacher

History is a general educational subject, it is studied from grade 5, and it is very important to study it both at school and in the university, since it performs a number of socially significant functions: intellectual-developing, cognitive, ideological and many other functions.

About the history of history

History is a very popular subject among schoolchildren upon admission to universities, especially on legal and humanitarian specialties. Therefore, a lot of school graduates choose a story as a mandatory subject, that is, we will hand over the history of history.

The delivery of the exam on history is perfectly, and therefore, a successful enrollment in a prestigious university requires very deep knowledge and skills on this subject. Modern demands on the knowledge of schoolchildren on history when passing the exam is quite high - it is necessary not only to navigate to navigate and very accurately memorize historical dates and events, but also to be able to apply these knowledge when working with historical information. And this requires a certain system approach in preparing for the exam on history, as well as the modern method of teaching this subject.

For a school teacher, to prepare a student to the excellent surgery of the USE is very difficult and even a difficult task. After all, if the school is not profile, then there is no additional hours to prepare for the exam, which are simply necessary for the formation of solid and confident knowledge from a student.

In this situation, an experienced teacher is simply necessary as air for a student!

Video tutorial on history on the topic: "Patriotic War of 1812" (Part 1):

Read more about the teacher

Need online - history tutor? We are at your service

In the modern world, there has been a practitioner of remote lessons (online lessons), since after many years it is this technique that was equally effective and effective both in Russia and abroad. What does online lessons mean? An online lesson is a regular lesson with a real history tutor, which conducts training and the preparation of the listener is remotely using the Internet. The student and communicate with each other through the Skype program (Skype), while they can be in different ends of the country or even the world, sometimes in different time zones. The story of Skype is real!

After all, it is not always possible to find a good tutor on history in your city, now the possibilities of the Internet and the Skype program allowed "approaching" to the most experienced tutoring of the country from the most prestigious universities and schools of Russia.

Teachers "Remote teacher" Apply the most modern techniques that have already allowed many of our students (now students and graduate students of prestigious universities in Russia) to bring the level of preparation for the exam on history to the highest level. Each online tutor on the history of our team with great desire and willingness will help every graduate of the school to expand its knowledge in the subject and pass the exam only on perfectly!

We offer directions for learning Skype history

1. Total online course

The overall rate is intended for those listeners who want only to start learning this subject with "zero", who needs to "pull up" current performance, as well as close existing gaps in history knowledge. This course will help the schoolboy in doing homework, will prepare for any verification work or control work on the overall program of the history of Russia and the world.

2. Specialized online course

The specialized course provides for a deeper study of the subject and intensive training in the following areas:

GIA on Skype history;

EGE on Skype history;

olympiad on Skype history;

You can choose yourself or ask for help to the school administrator, which in the shortest time will select for anyone who wants, whether it is a student, a student or an applicant, the necessary teacher, depending on your individual wishes, preferences, tasks and objectives of the subject.

Before the start of the main training, every new student of our school we offer to take advantage of the action - free trial lesson!

About the free trial lesson

You can sign up for a free trial lesson by filling out the record form.