How to insert a screenshot into a text document. How to make printscreen using the PRTSCR key

One of the new Microsoft Word 2010 options is the ability to take screenshots (screenshots) and insert them directly to your document. It should significantly speed up the creation of a document, and today we will show you how to use it.

To make a screenshot, go to the tab Insert. (Insertion) and in the section Illustrations. (Illustrations) Select the command Screenshot (Snapshot). The menu opens Available Windows. (Available windows), where miniatures of all active windows opened at the present time will be shown on your desktop. You can also make a screenshot on your own by choosing Screen Clipping. (Screen cut).

In this example, we chose a picture from the Firefox browser, the window of which was open. The drawing was immediately in the document, and the tab was opened. Picture Tools. (Working with drawings) in case you need to further edit the pattern.

If you need to get a snapshot of a specific screen area, select Screen Clipping. (Screen cut).

When the screen covers the translucent haze, specify the area that should get into the snapshot. To do this, press and holding the left mouse button, select the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe screen.

The snapshot will immediately fall into the Word document and, if necessary, you can enjoy it.

This very convenient opportunity helps to create documents much faster. You no longer need to think about buying and configuring a third-party program to create screenshots for Microsoft Word.

Step-by-step instructions for creating screenshots in two ways and their subsequent insert in the text document of Microsoft Word.


Our article "" described in detail the creation procedure screenshot Built-in programs of the program Microsoft Word. With the subsequent addition of the resulting image into a text document. However, the screen snapshot function from the editor itself is available exclusively in the package versions. Microsoft Office 2010. and later. The question arises: how to be people who use packages Microsoft Office 2003. and 2007 where the screen snapshot function is program Word. absent?

In this article you will find detailed instructions for creating screenshotov and their inserts into documents Word..

How to make a screenshot and insert into the document in the Word?

Due to the fact that in old versions Microsoft Word. No screen snapshot function, to create screenshot We have to resort to third-party means. There are many programs that allow you to "take pictures" the entire screen or separate area, but the article will consider two ways to create screenshotov built-in tools of family operating systems Windows.

Screenshot Creating: Printscreen Button and Paint Graphic Editor

The first way to create screenshot - this is the use of the key Printscreen.", Which is present on any keyboard of any computer. The sequence of creating the following:

Step 1.

  • Open on your screen a window that you need to take a picture and press the " Printscreen."Located on the right side of the keyboard in its top.
  • Open menu " Start", Go to section" All programs», Expand the folder" Standard"And run the program" Paint.».

Step 2..

  • Using a combination of keys " Ctrl + V."Insert created screenshot to the working area of \u200b\u200bthe opened editor.
  • You will display an exact copy of your screen at the time of pressing the " Printscreen." On the toolbar, click the left button on the pencil icon to reset the selection, after which you again select the " Selection", Highlight the desired on screenshot Area and click the icon in the form of scissors for trimming screenshotif there is such a need.

Step 3..

  • After editing an editing, click on the icon in the upper left corner of the program and select the list in the list. Save as».
  • Set the file name and select the folder to save your screenshot.

Creating a screenshot: Built-in Windows Scissors tool

Method for creating a screenshot using tool " Scissors»It is much more convenient to have been described above. You do not have to open additional programs to insert the image and cut the desired area from it. The tool allows you to immediately select the desired part of the screen you want to capture. This happens as follows:

Step 1.

  • Like the last time, open the window you need, an application or a document that you need to take a picture, then expand the menu " Start", Go to section" All programs", Open the folder" Standard"And run the tool" Scissors».

Image 5. Search and launch scissors tool.

Step 2..

  • After starting the tool, your screen will be blocked a little. You need to hold the left mouse button and select the part of the screen you want to convert to the graphic file.

Step 3..

  • After selecting the desired area, release the mouse button. You will appear in front of the selected part of the screen. Optionally, you can trust something on the resulting image using the tools " Pen" or " Marker».
  • For preservation screenshot Click on the section " File", Select a line" Save as", Set the file name and select the folder to save.

Insert a screenshot in document Word

Now that you have got acquainted with two simple ways to create screenshotov, you can move to their insertion into the document Word.. This is done as follows:

Step 1.

  • Run the program Microsoft Word.Create a new text document or open earlier.
  • At the top of the program window, expand the section " Insert", Mouse over the mouse over the line" Picture"And in the lateral list that appears, click on the line" From file.».
  • A window will open where you need to choose screenshot, pre-stored on the computer.

Image 8. Insert a screenshot in Word.

Step 2..

  • After selecting the file, in the document Word. Display made by you screenshot. If you click on it with the left mouse button, the image settings panel will appear where you can change its transparency, contrast, set the display settings and much more.

Finally, it should be said that the article provides an example insertion. screenshot in text document program Microsoft Word 2003.which is distinguished by the interface from Microsoft Word 2007.. However, the sequence of adding an image to the text remains exactly the same.

Video: How to insert an image in Word?

How to make a screenshot of the screen (from English. Screenshot) Very often you have to hear this word when it comes to extracting the image from the monitor screen, laptop or mobile device.

In fact screenshot - This is a grip or snapshot of the screen of the active area or part of the image that the user sees on the computer display. The need to make the screenshot of the screen appears mainly when you: Create technical documentation for work or other document on the similarity of the course / thesis project, play computer games for removing the best moments and, of course, contact the remote help of specialists in solving computers related to computers .

How to make a screenshot on a computer

To make a screenshot on a computer, you need to press only one special key on the keyboard located in the upper right corner with the inscription "PRT SCR SYSRQ" / Print Screen - this is the function of creating a screenshot of the screen. After clicking, the screen snapshot will be stored in the exchange buffer until you insert it into the Paint graphics editor or Word text editor.

Open the desired program - Paint or Word, insert the drawing using the built-in function in the programs, as indicated in the figure or use the CTRL + V key combination to insert the image and save the document.

Thus, we made a screenshot of the screen on the computer entirely. If we need to take a snapshot of one active window, for example, it will be the site page on half of the screen, then you need to press the keyboard key "Alt + PRT SCR", insert and save the document.

How to make a screenshot on a laptop

Make a screenshot on a laptop, just like on a computer. This procedure is practically no different, but there is a slight difference, in case you have a special "Fn" button on the keyboard and is used in conjunction with the "Print Screen" key.

The main purpose of the key is quick access to additional and multimedia features. Usually this button is located in the lower left corner of the laptop keyboard. Using the combinations of the "FN" + "PRT SC" keys you can make a screenshot on a laptop. By making a screenshot of the screen, save the result in the image of the desired format or add to the document for further presentation.

How to make a screenshot on android

Oddly enough, but it is still possible to make a screenshot on android and this is evidenced by the easiest way, which is briefly told in the completion of the article "How to make a screenshot".

The most common way to make a screenshot on android is the simultaneous pressing and holding the "volume decrease" and "inclusion" of the device to the characteristic sound. After the sound, the notification menu will appear an alert that the screenshot is ready and is located in the "Screenshots" folder.

How to make a screenshot on samsung

Finally, a few words about how to make a screenshot on Samsung. The above method will not suit, so you need to use a different keyboard shortcut on Samsung devices. To make a screenshot on Samsung, you must simultaneously press and hold the "Turning on" and "Home" button on the smartphone.

Now you know how to make a screenshot on different devices, and which keys need to be pressed for this.

Many users of the Windows operating system are known that if you press the "PRTSC" key, the system will make a screen shot, which will then be inserted into any graphic editor and process or save. However, few people know about how to create a screenshot in Microsoft Word. And this is possible and much simplifies the work of those who work in Word and needs in the insertions of screenshots.

Step-by-step instructions for creating screenshots in Microsoft Word

Official way, how to make a screenshot of the screen in Microsoft Word, the following:

  • Open the document. Go to the "Insert" tab and choose the "illustration" (in versions of Word 2013 and above) or immediately choose the "snapshot".
  • Select the grip area.

  • The document instantly appears a snapshot of the selected screen. You do not need to insert it manually. It is enough to specify the place to insert, putting the cursor in the right place.

  • In the Word itself, you can immediately process a snapshot at once: select a frame, brightness, trim.

IMPORTANT! The program itself determines the size of the screen snapshot, adapting it to the field of the document. However, the size of the photo after can be changed manually.

In such a simple way, you can make a screenshot of the screen in any version of Windows, automatically inserting it into the Word document.

Dear users! We often require you to confirm the truthfulness of information. To do this, we ask you to make a screen scot (screen) correspondence, pages in social. Networks, screen scot documents and much more.

Screen (or Screen Shot) is a photo of your monitor, or rather the photo of what is depicted on it at the right moment.

There are two ways to get a photo monitor photo:

  • First method

1) Take the camera, phone with a camera and so on.
2) Open the necessary document or photo on the computer on the computer monitor, and take a picture.

  • The second method (Screen Shot is featured in quality)

2) Open a photo on the computer monitor, document - full screen. On the keyboard, click "PRINT SCREEN". So you copied the image on the monitor.

3) In order to see Screen Shot, open any photo editor, such as Paint.

4) Open the blank sheet, and click "File ---\u003e Paste" or the key combination "CTR + V"

5) The program opens the photo of your monitor. Using the editor, you can cut the unchecked, sweat / paint the data that you do not want to advertise. Then, as when working with other photos / pictures - click "Save, like ..." and save your screen scot as a picture.

6) Now attach the picture to the letter in your mailbox - and send us!

We hope that this brief instruction will help you to make screen shots and we will be able to place your information about fraudsters on our website.

For all questions you can contact us.