Personal Cabinet Yves Rocher. Personal cabinet yves rocher client number Yves Rocher where

I have never bought anything before Iv Rocher and was absolutely not familiar with any terminology, nor with products (only once I gave me spirits and varnish). And then I gave me a 20% discount from another store and I decided that it was time to order. As a habit, I went to look at this site reviews and slightly angled at the sight of words: boutique, couples and so on. It turned out that this is not so difficult, but about everything in order.

check in

Registration usually does not cause any problems, I introduce the data, I confirm the mail and go to the site. And here it writes when entering that the password is wrong. I'm shocked, the fact is that Passwords I copy from the keeper of passwords and during registration and at the entrance, that is, not in manual, input errors could not be. I have not been thinking for a long time, click recover password. I look, and in the mail 2 letters, one with reference to establish a new password, and the second sent earlier with the login and password itself. And here I see that in my passage, letters from the top register moved to the bottom. As such a failure could have happened, I do not know, earlier with such a thing. I installed a new password, this time successfully entered.

What I still did not like it, this is that the password in the open form is sent to the mail. The site guarantee data security, they really use a secure data transfer protocol there, there are input sessions, individual input to track the order. And passwords they send in open by mail. "Wonderful". You see, the mail cannot guarantee you 100% security, an email can also be intercepted. Therefore, I am with distrust to sites that send me a password right so on the mail (such, by the way, to recalculate on your fingers).

Order decoration, bonus code and parcel tracking

When setting goods to the basket, it was important for me to dial the amount of free shipping, otherwise it would be quite expensive. For delivery by mail it is 1300, for the delivery of PickPoint 1500. While I chose, I realized that the range is not so big. Toilet water was afraid, because I and with the store bought in the store is not lucky, but I don't really sneeze at all, I can't.

Actually, gathering the basket, I enter my bonus code, passing at a special link, and I write "the minimum order amount for this bonus code 650 rubles." In the basket scored 1500 rubles. I did not find adequate information about this (2 google pages went around), I went on the desired link, I waited (suddenly the problem on the site), the only acceptable option that the code is not working. I tried several codes from other sites, at one generally issued an error "The minimum order amount for this bonus code 0 rub". This is already ridiculous. You can make an inscription that the code is not active or something like that.

As a result, I found a discount of 300 rubles () that it was about 20% of the value of my order, calmed down, designed and paid.

A confirmation came to me that the order was accepted, for some reason in two copies. And then the unknown came. It turned out to track the order, you need to know the client number, which, if this first order and on the Internet will be listed on the invoice when receiving the first parcel. Such a closed circle. Or you need to call and recognize. It was not my option, and soon I received a message from the PickPoint service that the order was taken to service.

I've gottented that online stores inform me to mail that the order was sent, and even simply was staffed and ready for shipment. Here, if I chose an order by mail, I don't even know if I would have learned something weeks about my package if I hadn't called, of course.

Now the parcel is received and I know my client's number, I can track my parcel, which came me staffed, quickly.


Bank cards, electronic money, there is a paypal, which is defined for me plus, since this system I trust my card more than another.


Free from 1300 rubles by mail, otherwise about 200 rubles. I chose for myself delivery to Pickpoint Pickpoint, as the fastest and comfortable, and here is also free. From the moment of acceptance of the order, 2 days passed and I have already received a parcel in a cute orange box without queues and people in principle.


He came home, opened the box and was a bit disappointed with packaging.

Packed badly. The box is not quite in size, it was possible less, then nothing rumbled and did not risen to break / break. There is no foam plastic, such as, for example, when ordering on LUNIFERA. Just threw out everything, no perfectionism as in

My order

Everything that ordered, including gifts and probovables, everything has come to whole and unharmed.

Screwd the dispenser to the shampoo, unpacked and touched the cosmetic bag - adhesive, not ah. I understood everything, while I can say that it has lost only with green tea (gel for the shower and deodorant), I did not like the smell. Hair oil did not like. I like the rest, I will try.


I did not like that the product does not have the composition.

I was still struck by all this system with favorable offers, couples, special discounts, shares and other things. Without this, of course, order is completely unprofitable (I found my discount). This is a very good marketing marketing, which makes it even still, call in the system of girlfriends, etc. Discounts, gifts, promotions, free probes - this is what puts us and often do not think about the adequacy and price proportion. And in this store they are really big.

Of course, to buy on a special offer with gifts will be cheaper than without it. But I think it is not worth discussing that no one would give any gifts if it were not included in the price with all discounts and pseudo-free shipping.

Buy or not of course to solve everyone, depending on whether you like products. I have not yet formed your opinion about the product, but about the site is quite. Therefore, we summarize.

Minuses .

Having done it quickly and without problems. After that, it's time to make your first order in the online store, especially since we have prepared a separate detailed material - instructions for the first order in Yves Rocher.

Immediately want to say - you should not scare. Yves Rocher is an online store with a huge audience, and extensive experience in receiving and sending orders. It is thanks to this experience that the site creators have provided everything that needs users when making purchases, so the site interface is intuitive and convenient to use.

Your first order in Yves Rocher - step by step

If, after registration, you just a second time attend the website of the online store, then even in this case you will not have big problems. Just follow these instructions, and you can not just issue your purchase as quickly and without problems, but also to get certain bonuses that are only available to experienced Cosmetics Cosmetics Roshe.

Summary for ordering:

  1. Go, and enter your login and password.
  2. Get acquainted with relevant shares on the site.
  3. Learn yours.
  4. Visit the catalog - put your favorite funds in the basket of the site.
  5. Take a purchase using promotional discounts.

Go to the site

First you need to enter your personal account, more precisely on the site under your username and password that you specified during registration. When you enter the store under your credentials, the system will be able to offer you individual bonuses and gifts, and you will also be easier and faster to issue your first order in Yves Roche.

We look at the promotions

In the modern world, the promotion is an integral part of the policy of any self-respecting online store users. Yves Rocher is no exception - on the main page of the site you can see special offers. Using this information, you can adjust the list of your purchases for more benefits.

Your personal gifts in the basket

After that, we advise you to look into your basket on the site - in the upper right corner of the site. Do it, even despite the fact that you have not added anything there. Online store could have already prepare for you special bonus gifts that you get, having completed an order.

We add to the basket Products

Now it's time to go to the catalog - in the sections of the online store you are interested in. Here everything is simple - choose the goods you like, and you get the "Add to Cart" button. The system will remember everything that you put in the basket on the site, and then you will only have to make your purchase by pressing multiple buttons.

Registration of order and delivery

When all that is needed is added to the basket, it's time to make your purchase to send it to you. In the basket you will most likely be asked to choose your guaranteed gifts. In addition to those gifts that the system will automatically add to you (as for other users), you can additionally choose gifts depending on the amount of purchase and the number of purchased goods.

Another opportunity to save is the use of a special promotion for a discount. You can choose this promo code on our website. Select the appropriate coupon, and specify it in a special field in your basket on the site.


Now you have access to a new value of your order, taking into account the discount. You will find a "place an order", and you will need to choose a shipping method (by mail, at home by courier, or to a special issue of issuing in your city). All your contact details and address address - address and telephone - you indicated when registering, thereby simply simplified the process of purchase.

We told you how to make an order to Yves Rocher on the Internet, and at the same time save. Use the corporate cosmetics, and you will always be in a plus!

A huge number of women and men from all over the world are customers online store Yves Rocher. And how many people still have to try natural French top quality cosmetics from the world famous brand?!

Each client is an important link of the entire YVES Rocher business. And everyone does not just pay special attention, everyone is assigned to a certain ID - the number of Customer Yves Rocher. As a result of the user assignment, the user falls into the online store database - after that, the person opens the full possibilities of using the online store, as well as shares that are held on a regular basis.

You will learn:

How to find out the number of client Yves Rocher

For the first time with your number (the so-called identification number) you encounter immediately after registering on the website of the official online store. The number is assigned once after entering your data into the customer database, and after that it cannot be changed.

Problem: Forgot your client number

If such a problem happened, and you completely forgot your personal number of the Yves Rocher client, then you should not be upset - the situation is fixing.

  1. The easiest way to find out your client number is to log in to your personal account on the site. If something else, you have also forgotten the password from a personal account, you can easily restore it - when requesting it, will send you to that mail with which you were registered on the site ( passwords are best stored not on the computer, but write to a special notebook - approx. editor). In this very personal office on the main page you will find your room.
  2. Another option is to explore letters with orders that could send you when you deliver your orders. As well as emails with confirmation of your orders or with informational materials. And there and there may be your client number, the main thing is to carefully examine their content.
  3. An option for those who could not use for the success of two previous ones - try contacting the online store manager on the phone scheduled. You do not lose anything at the same time, and the polite and friendly employees of the online store Yves Rocher will help you in solving this problem (believe me, you are not the first, who has it arose.

Where to enter the client number

The client number must be used by you every time when placing an order, not only through the online store site. Be sure to save the number, and further use it.

This number is indicated in a certain place - in the order form, including. You do not miss this place, as it is clear enough. The same applies to the online store site - be sure to specify your client number.

Try not to lose the number of client Yves, nor access to your cabinet website online store. So you will save your time and nerves!

Resource - Make order Yves Rocher - This is the official website of the company for the production of French perfumes and cosmetics Yves Rocher. - This is a company that deserves the highest praise. The company's products are qualitative and tested by many scientific research, thousands of customers prefer Yves Rocher, as a personal assistant in the form of beauty and body care! - The place where the catalog of all products of the company Yves Rocher is assembled. Come on the site, register and see all the latest new products of Yves Rocher products, compare prices, order the product you need and enjoy the use of Yves Rocher's products. registration on the site Allows each user to participate in the draws, promotions and supermen. You can order cosmetics or perfumes directly on the site without leaving home, it is very easy and convenient. If you are a lover of remote shopping and prefer only natural and organic cosmetics, then order the products of Yves Rocher on the site!

In order to make a purchase, optionalodibo adheres to tips that appear at each stage of the design procedure:

  1. Select your favorite position and add them to the basket.
  2. After watching the entire range, return to the basket and double-check the goods that are in it, as well as their number.
  3. Make changes to the number of positions, choose gifts if they are provided by activity conditions, as well as use the bonus code if it is available.
  4. Activate the "Order order" button and register or authorize on the site.
  5. Decide on the desired delivery and payment method.
  6. View the order Once again and make sure that the basket is exactly the goods that need its sum above the minimum (890 rubles).
  7. Activate the "Complete Order" button and expect a letter confirming the purchase of an email to the email address that was introduced during registration on the Yves Roshe Republic.

Important! When choosing a delivery method, you need to pay attention to the cost of this service and the timing of its provision.

Order Yves Rocher by client number

IN Yves Roche Order By the client number becomes accessible after the client's room is assigned, which is provided after the first purchase in the online store and is available in a separate window during the design of all purchases in the Personal Account.

In order to place an order by the client number, you need to make a number of manipulations that are described in the previous paragraph and when requesting the system. The minimum purchase amount in this case is 890 rubles (shipping fee is not included).

Interesting! Until August 13, 2017, there is a free shipping service throughout Russia. On the website of Yves Rocher, track the order by the client number and check the order by the client number, by going to your personal account.

In Yves Rosh, the order form by the client number becomes available after selecting the corresponding tab on the panel.

What is the order form

The order form is a way to purchase goods through a mailing list with favorable offers, which comes directly from the seller to the client.

There are such types of blanks:

  • The public order form in this form can be provided with a variety of suggestions that are valid for both new and regular customers of Yves Rocher.
  • The nominal form is provided with a specific person who has the right to use it in a limited period of time.
  • The form for new customers is provided to new customers of the company who have the right to receive a gift for the design of the first and second purchase on the minimum amount (may vary under the influence of external and internal factors).

All types of forms have special numbers located in the upper corner.

In Iv Roche, the bookbands at the phone are serviced by consultants who are assigned to customers their numbers.

New bookbands and valid orders forms come to the mail and displayed in the Personal Account. Also Yves Rosh Blanca Orders 2017 can be found on special thematic forums, where customers are divided by secret (and not quite) alphanumeric combinations. Blanks can be represented both in electronic and in print. Paper departs on the mailbox at the specified accommodation address.

Conditions for the purchase of a product may differ among themselves and periodically change. For example, receiving a gift or partial payment of its cost, depending on the amount of purchase 1590, 1690, 1990 rubles, or any other amount according to the announced rules of the seller (conditions may be different).

Order Yves Rocher at the order form number it is necessary to conduct on the official website, by going to the "Mail Sending on the Internet" tab. To do this, you need to be a registered user, because during the purchase of a purchase will have to enter the client number. The minimum purchase amount in this case is 890 rubles (shipping fee is not taken into account).

To Yves Roshe Ru Order of the order forms (publicly available) can be made as follows.:

In an automatically opened window, you must enter the client number and index:

  • After entering this data, an automatic transition to the "order form" is carried out.
  • Next, the names are open to which the product numbers must be entered (codes of 5 digits), which are under the description of each product.
  • We pay attention to what amount needs to be purchased to get a gift. With the help of one form, you can get not alone, but several gifts, if you observe the terms of the seller.
  • Before choosing a way to pay for the purchase, we all check again and press the "Payment upon receipt" button (or another method at your discretion).
  • After all manipulations, the email address must come to the successful purchase.

Before making a customer forms in Yves, you need to familiarize yourself with the terms of the provision of discounts and gifts, and whether the selected item has the claimed criteria.

In Yves Rosh, the order for the order forms can significantly save, having received a discount of up to 50% (sometimes more) to favorite flavors or any other cosmetic or perfumes depending on the number of the form.

Where to take coupons and promotion for a discount

Coupons and promotional discount can be obtained by visiting the existing promotional proposals.

Actual coupons and forehead forms Yves Roshe 2017 are presented at the top of the list called "Active Coupons".

Important! Completed coupons are presented at the bottom of the page, so when choosing a promotional offer from the seller, you must be attentive to not spend your time and money.

The granted promotion must be copied and entering the "Enter your bonus code" to the appropriate field at the final stage of the purchase. If the promotion is entered correctly, then the information about this is to appear at the top of the basket as a message "Your bonus code was successfully entered."

Important! If you enter a promotion and wait for the message about the successful introduction of the code, but not complete the purchase of the purchase, interrupting the session, the code becomes invalid.

In order to significantly save on purchases, you can try to combine several proposals from currently operating:

  1. Super Present;
  2. 5% online discount paying;
  3. Email discount when distributing information about Yves Rocher among friends;
  4. Gifts-surprises in the case of a subscription to the newsletter from the company;
  5. Other interesting offers of the seller.

The combination of several interesting offers of Yves Rocher will be able to make the process of purchases of cosmetics not only pleasant, but also economical.