What to do no connection server. Why not connect to the server? Causes of lack of connection to Battlefield

By default, from a laptop or computer when using Wi-Fi connections, the Internet and network must be connected automatically. The user should not think about what and where to turn on how when working with wired internet.

Here, one of the main advantages of this connection is the possibility of inclusion from the first second, without expectations.

But it happens that it is not possible to automatically connect to the proxy server. What it looks like and what to do a simple newcomer in the Internet community in this case. The reason for such a problem is hidden in the connection settings to the proxy server. You could change them:

  • by chance - a combination of keys, or with a sudden de-energization (in the absence of uninterrupted), etc.;
  • due to the virus, the settings are very often flying due to the end of the remote malicious software (software).

What do you look like connecting errors with a proxy server?

The complexity of such problems is that when the Internet is connected, which will look at the command line, both enabled, and even there will be torrents to work and Skype can work, but it will be impossible to start working in any window. It will open, but not loaded. Everywhere it will be written that there is no connection to the proxy server.

The signature can be in English, in Russian. Only one tab or different browsers can open. And maybe such an error fall out in all browsers.

There is no connection to the proxy server, just means that an automatic connection with a network that does not require human intervention is disrupted somewhere.

No connection to the server

An important remark - automatic connection problems are not connected with the operating system (OS). Therefore, there can be no problem here. The difference will be small only in correcting such a problem in different Operations -7, or 8, or 10.

In this case, the main thing is not to test, do not say that repairs will cost much money. And it is not necessary, in the impulse of impassable and with a hot head start with:

  1. Reinstalling the browser (s);
  2. Reinstalling the entire OS.

Correction of connection error on the example of a browser chrome

To correct errors with a proxy server in any browser, the first thing to find the user is simple settings.

After pressing the button, the settings window opens. But they may not be displayed. Therefore, you need to see the user on the window, and if there is no something with the signature of the proxy server, click the Change Proxy Server Settings button. Then the user will see on the screen a window in which you should choose to change the Internet settings.

It will automatically open on the connection parameter (if not, you need to select it) and then the button is pressed - setting up the network.

After the user in a new window must put a check mark on the automatic parameter definition parameter and click OK, to correct the connection.

And then the Apply button is pressed and you can check the error correction. Mozilla works on a similar scheme. But the end of the procedure is slightly different. Through the settings are additionally, then the networks are already selected to configure. Be sure to choose the item without a proxy. It will be better this way.

Corrections through the properties of the browser

After in all browsers, the user has corrected shutdown settings to the network, you need to update the connection through Windows. For this, such a sequence of actions is performed:

  1. Through the start and control panel, the properties of the browser are selected.
  2. In the new window that appears, the automatic connection to the proxy is selected again (the window will be one to one, as when fixed in Google Chrome). And changes are made.

Internet connection check

And now you can try to adjust the automatic connection to networks through the tools available in the OS. For this, the start is selected, then the control panel and the network management center.

Network Control Center

Then you need to select - change the adapter settings. Then you will need to bring the mouse to the "Connection over Local Network" label and select Properties, after clicking the right mouse button.

In connection to the local network, in the network tab, you must mark the check mark or highlight the string. Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4). And how to always click OK.

Then you need to make an active line with connection, get up on it, and press the property button that is slightly lower. A new window will appear. It must also be automatically selected and the IP and DNS addresses.

Just in case, you can still start through the command line the following phrase - IPConfig / Flushdns. But this requires administrative rights.

Correction of automatic connection virus errors

Worse, things will be faced if the automatic settings were separated due to failure, turn off the light or not to the end of the cleaned virus. Then the computer will have to "treat." Settings for the cause of the virus can fly in two cases:

  1. After checking the antivirus;
  2. Due to the pickled virus.

You can fix such errors with the same antivirus. But the program must be easier not to invade the settings, for example, this AVZ.

In this program, you should select the system recovery of the system settings and put all the checkboxes, exactly, as in the figure below. Then you should click perform marked operations.

After that, you can download the browser again and try whether Internet pages opens.

As for the anti-virus programs directly, in this case it is better to use disposable checkers, without constant installation on a computer. It can be:

  • Kaspersky Remontal Tool;
  • Dr.Web.

Registry Cleaning - as an option to fix auto-connection to the network

Another option to fix automatic connection - clean the registries.

In the operating line, the OS window is recruited HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ WindowsNT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Windows \\

In the window that opens, you need to check the folder or file appinit_dlls. Nothing should be in it!

In the 10 OS version, this file will be called Autoadminlogan.

All possible options for connecting to a proxy server are moved. If nothing helped, you should call the masters. So it happened to the computer more seriously flying settings.

Error message Connection Failed - What to do?

Another problem with connecting to networks and with work on social networks. Very often, when loading sites on the Internet, an annoying window of such a content appears:

Connection failed error

This error very often can be mentioned as ConnectionFailure error. Such inaccuracies should be remembered when searching. It is just the magical option when you can enter on some sites, and on others knocks out this error. There are most likely no reasons for the virus. In most cases, such a problem causes:

  1. Blocking network screen (prohibits access to site or sites);
  2. Communication priests (no connection with the site);
  3. Antivirus machine forbade this site;
  4. Changed settings from the Internet service provider.

To solve the problem with the network screen, you will have to turn on and off the brandmaer. In case of blocking sites due to the included antivirus, you will have to disconnect such a lock on the antivirus. That's how it may look at Avaste. All you need is to update the antivirus to remove blocking links.

Signature update

And if there is no truth in any proposed version, it remains only to call the provider and find out if there are no prophylactic work. Yes, and there is this option that they cut off the wires in the yard or the user did not pay for the services.

Setting the network access and shutdown it on Windows 7.8, 10

Connecting to a computer network or laptop can be carried out in two ways:

  • through a wired network;
  • through a wireless network using Wi-Fi.

But besides these nuances there is another type of operating system to be taken into account. And if the seven and eight of the modifications are similar to each other, then the top ten can be their difficulties.

On how to connect an Internet connection through a wired cable and through a wireless network for 7 Windows, it is very detailed and available officially published on Windows. The 8 version is connected to the Internet it is necessary about the same.

Thus, the user is not confused and will not be lost, if suddenly the computer starts swearing, about inaccessible pages. It will be enough first to independently try all the above methods, and only then go to the workshop.

On this page, we will describe the possible methods of solving the problem, as a result of which you can receive such a message:

This error occurs when your computer cannot connect to the game server. This may occur for the following reasons:

  • work your antivirus software or firewall;
  • blocking connection in the settings of your marchutizer;
  • connection blocking at the Internet provider network device level.

To solve the problem, please do the following:

  1. Try to completely disable your firewall \\ antivirus \\ fireroll. Or make it a temporary deletion of checks at all. Also to configure your firewall you can visit the next page.
  2. If you use a router (router) when connected to the Internet, and technical features allow you to connect without it, please connect your computer directly through the LAN interface.

    In what cases is it possible?

    This method of solving the problem is possible if the technology of your connection is FTTX. If you get access to the Internet via xDSL or PON, it is impossible to connect without a marchutizer. To find out the technology at which you use access to the Internet, you can visit the site of your provider or contact his phone support.

  3. If, in addition to Warface, there are difficulties with access and other resources, it is worth contacting the Internet provider support. When contacting, you must describe in detail the problem and specify a list of resources to which you do not have access.

    If the problem with the connection occurs not only in Warface, but also in other games, the cause of the difficulties that have arisen is worth looking for the side of the Internet provider. In this case, you need to contact your Internet provider support and describe the situation. If the Internet provider requests you to provide you, to provide you find it difficult to contact us. We will try to help!

  4. Follow these steps:
    • Click "Start" and enter "CMD" in the search field.
    • When you appear in the program "cmd.exe" in the list, click on the right mouse button and select the "Startup on behalf of the administrator" in the menu.
    • In the window that opens, alternately enter the following commands:
      • ipconfig / Flushdns.
      • netsh Winsock Reset.
    • Restart the computer.
  5. Clean the operating system booting according to the following instructions.

If these actions did not help, create a request to the support service from this article.

Now we will learn what should be done if you suddenly did not manage to connect to the server when playing. These situations are common among fans of online games. And they should not cause panic. After all, it is often possible to correct the situation easily and simply. There are exceptions. But they are rare. And only in some cases you need to really raise panic. Let's think why the message writes: "Failed to connect to the server."

the Internet

The first version of the development of events is perhaps very often. And they do not need to be afraid. After all, the occurrence of our current error occurs due to the fault of the user. The point lies in the Internet connection.

If you saw the inscription: "Failed to connect to the server", then it's time to check if there is a network signal. Most likely, it is missing. It may be an ordinary "departure" of the Internet, reboot the modem or an accident at the station. The main thing is to find out the reason that there is no connection.

Call your provider and ask if everything is fine at the station. Explain that you have a connection. In case of a crash, wait until it is fixed, and then continue working with the Internet. If you are faulty modem - replace it. Did the settings? Return them back and renew an attempt by authorization. Happened?


Not? Then we think further why you cannot connect to the server. For example, you can see the news on the official website of the game. Perhaps, just at this time, technical works are carried out on the server or a new update is loaded. In the news about such events, it is customary to write in advance.

What if the problem arises precisely for this reason? Just wait. From you here nothing depends. As soon as the update is loaded, as well as all technical / preventive work will be completed, you can connect and play again. So take patience.

By the way, if the works on the servers are planned, then the exact time of their holding will be reported to about a day before the event. So, a message type "failed to connect to the server" should not scare you. Plus, it is often time in the news is written by Moscow. Do not attempt to start the game local time before work is completed. You still will not work. Only once every time you lose time, and spend your nerves.


But there are other situations when you have to see the message: "Unable to connect to the server." What to do? Search for a reason. For example, quite often this kind of events are worried about users of popular online games during holidays and holidays. Why so it turns out?

All because of the great influx of visitors. The main server does not cope with the load. And therefore does not allow some users to play. In order not to "overdo it". So the server retains the performance of the toy. In the case when there is suspicion of overload, it is enough to wait a while and repeat the attempt to authorize. Most likely, as soon as the flow of visitors decreases, you can again get into the game. And there will be no problems.

Viruses and hacking

And the panic should call such moments as the probability of hacking your account and, accordingly, infection of the operating system. If in the case of viruses, you can still somehow fix the situation, then the hacked account returns in games is extremely difficult.

Scan the system, force all dangerous objects, and remove the remnants. Clean the computer registry (manually, you can use CCleaner). Next, reboot and repeat the authorization attempt. If the operating system is clean, then the problem is precisely in hacking your account.

What to do? The first move is to contact the toy administrators. Prove them that you are a real account owner, and then ask you to return access to the profile. There is a similar type of reception only in rare cases. So hope is not particularly worth it.

The second version of the development of events is the registration of a new profile. Only now suffer to make you not hacked. As soon as confirm the actions, resume attempts to enter the game you have chosen. Now the message: "Failed to connect to the server" will not bother you.

As you can see, dangerous situations in our today's question. And therefore should not panic. In fact, the problem of connecting to servers in games is found very often. You just need to know for which reasons this error occurs. In principle, if you saw that you failed to connect to the server, it is better to check the Internet and read the news on the game site. Most likely, after that, the situation will become clearer.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

If you cannot connect or lose all the time connecting to our servers, the following tips will help you improve the quality of the connection.

This information will be useful for players on PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox.

If you need help connecting on your mobile device, check out the following articles:

Do you constantly lose connection during the game? Losing or get a fine for incomplete game?

We understand how it may be unpleasant, especially if you do not even know where to seek help. Is this a problem with EA servers? Is it in connecting to the Internet? And maybe everything is right?

We hope that the following information will help you find out the reason.

You can check the statuses of the servers of many of our games right here on the EA Help website.

If the shooter near all servers is directed up, then the matter is something else.

If the arrow is directed down, then maybe preventive work or we have problems.

Try another domain name system (DNS)

Internet providers translate ordinary Internet addresses (like a site) to computer (consisting of numbers) using a domain name system.

If something used with the DNS you want, then connect to the Internet will be very difficult.

In this case, the transition to alternative DNS can help.

Here are some free options that you can use:

EA does not own and does not control Google DNS and Open DNS and cannot make changes to their pages or systems. You use these websites or DNS servers at your own risk.

Use wired connection

Wired connections are much more reliable than wireless. If you play via Wi-Fi, try to connect your device to the router via the network cable.

Change the location of the router

Are you too far from the router and can not stretch the network wire? Try transferring the device as close as possible to the router. The range of the router can be quite small. What do you leave the router, the most likely a connection problem.

Depending on the location of the router, your device may be more difficult to maintain communication with it. Walls and large objects become a hindrance. Other electronic objects (for example, microwave oven) can also interfere, since they also transmit signals. If something blocks the router signal, for example, it is under the bed or in the box, it is more difficult for it to establish a connection with your device. Put it in an open place, direct the antenna (if any) in the direction of your device and check whether the signal has become stronger.

Use wireless connection? Change your Wi-Fi channel.

If you live in a densely populated area, for example, in a large number of apartments, other networks can be interfered. Channel change will help limit the number of networks and thereby stabilize the wireless connection.

Imagine that neighbors in all apartments and all houses nearby are loudly listening to music or watch TV. It will be harder for you to hear what you are listening to you.

Changed the wireless channel, you seem to wear noise insulating headphones on your connection and clean the signal from extraneous noise.

Contact the Internet provider to get help on changing the wireless channel in less busy.


Check all the steps of your connection

If the router is running, you can connect to the Internet and view websites, but during the network game connection is broken, it is worth checking the data transfer from your device to our servers.

To do this, we have a special PC program. It is called UOTRACE.

Even if you do not play a PC, the test will demonstrate the overall state of your network connection.

In this way you can find out how good you connect on other devices.


When you stop the request, UOTRACE displays information about packet loss and response time.

Explanation of the test results

During these tests, pay attention to the following details.

  • High response time. If the response time is often above 150 ms, you will notice delays and during the game. If the response value is above 200 ms, most likely, you have connections breaking.
  • Loss of packages. If you observe the values \u200b\u200bother than 0% or 100% in the% loss column, it means that data loss is loss in this area. If the packet loss is observed in several places or if the percentage of loss is high, most likely, the problem is connected. Write down the nodes where the packet loss occurs and report it to your Internet provider.
  • The big difference between the best and worst response time. This is a clear sign of an unstable connection. The difference between the best and worst response time should not exceed 100 ms. Otherwise, this means that your connection is very unstable, with large amplitudes. This leads to delays during the game, which is very distracting. If you see this problem in UOTRACE, report this to the Internet provider.

If you appealed to the EA certificate, and the EA gaming consultant asks you to provide a UOTRACE report:

  1. Click on the button "Edit (edit)" and select "Copy (Copy)".
  2. Open Notebook in directories All Programs\u003e Standard In the "Start" menu.
    • You can also find a notebook in the Start menu itself.
  3. Insert the results in the notebook and save the file in a convenient place for you.

Swipe the test twice and save both files for us. So we can compare the results and it is better to understand what is happening.

Play Mac? Spend tests in Traceroute and Pathping

Since the UOTRACE program is available only for PCs, on Mac You can test tests in Traceroute and Pathping. Traceroute and Pathping programs will help determine the quality of your compound, just like UOTRACE.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Double click on the button "Terminal".
  4. Enter the terminal in the window traceroute Easo.ea.com\u003e ~ / Desktop / Trace.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new text file will appear on your desktop. trace.txt.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Double click on the button "Terminal".
  4. Enter the terminal in the window traceroute -S -q 30 Easo.ea.com\u003e ~ / Desktop / Pathping.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new text file Pathping.txt will appear on your desktop.

Check both files for delays (designated by three stars ***). Delays may indicate problems with connecting your network to our servers, as well as pay attention to the high response time values \u200b\u200bthat may indicate the overload of your network.

In modern OS, there is a function of installing a proxy server. In simple language, this is a special server that provides access to a local computer to the global Internet. The computer receives the settings automatically or does not use proxy at all. Proxy error requires user intervention if it is not caused by the provider itself. On the methods of solutions for PC and mobile devices will be told in this article.

Possible causes of errors

The most common cause is the static proxy server address that is not working. When you try to access the Internet, naturally, packages are sent to nowhere, as the server address is incorrect. How these settings have changed - another question. Perhaps an update occurred or the user independently made adjustments, not aware of his actions. Also, the wrong proxy could include your browser.

The second reason is a malicious software. The virus could change the proxy server settings or give a false message by misleading a user. Be sure to spend the system scanning and remove viruses. In rare cases, such problems are associated with the provider. First, call the operators and find out whether everything is fine.

Correction Methods on Personal Computer

If the error occurs on your computer, we recommend checking the system settings, browser, various extensions, additions and VPN services, if you use them. Each of these options will be described in more detail.

Disabling the proxy server in the operating system

Often, to eliminate the error, it is enough to turn off the proxy. This is performed in the OS settings. Next, instructions will be given for the latest operating systems from Microsoft.

Windows XP, 7, 8

In the data of the OS, the proxy is performed according to the similar instruction:

Click "OK" after entering the parameters, and then be sure to restart the computer.

Windows 10.

The "dozen" offers an alternative to the control panel menu - "Windows Settings". After you fall into this section, you need to do the following:

If there is no result, and the proxy server is still set, then try to disable the parameter parameter automatically. Otherwise, we recommend looking for a culprit using anti-virus software.

Disabling the proxy server in the browser

Lifting access can directly your browser. We present instructions for deactivating the proxy server to the most popular browsers.

Google Chrome.

The browser from Google also includes the ability to change the proxy. This follows:

Please note that you need to press the computer mouse arrow by the row, and not on the square icon on the right. Otherwise, you will simply redirect to the online store Google Chrome.


For "Opera", the procedure is performed almost identically to other browsers. As soon as you run it, follow:

Mozilla Firefox.

Users of Fire Lisa will also not prevent a proxy through the browser. Perform this will not be difficult:

As you noticed, this browser has its own unique proxy settings menu, so Firefox users need to be particularly attentive. Also, with a negative result, you can set an auto-definition item and try to access the Internet again.

"Yandex browser"

Browser from Yandex also opens up a standard tab where you can set the proxy address. To open it, do the following:

Internet Explorer.

In the "Internet Explorer" and newer EDGE there is a proxy deactivation menu. Disconnection is performed according to the following instructions:

Do not forget to press "Apply".

Disable VPN.

If you use VPN utilities, then try to deactivate them. In the Opera browser it is supplied complete, so make sure the function is disabled. In the address bar should not burn the inscription VPN in blue. Turn the built-in switch to the "Off".

Disable extensions and additions in the browser

Most VPN utilities are presented as a supplement (expansion). Repeat network access can also be other extensions, so it is recommended to check each. The technique is quite simple: disable all extensions and try to enter the Internet. If everything works, one by one includes existing extensions, testing network performance. If the Internet disappeared after activating a specific addition, it is the culprit.

You can go to the extension and additions section through the standard browser menu. In Firefox you should open the Tools tab. Each extension can be disabled or completely deleted from the computer.

Check the parameters of the Internet connection

The absence of the Internet may be associated with incorrect settings, for example, it becomes incorrectly obtaining IP addresses. If your provider offers static IP, then it must be installed in the settings. Otherwise, activate the automatic receipt of IP and DNS. This can be done according to the following method:

After that restart the computer and check the network performance.

Registry check

It is recommended to check the Appinit_DLLS parameter in the registry. It can be responsible for the appearance of a proxy server error. To check it out, open the "Run" string, and then enter the command-command Regedit. In the registry itself, go to the next way:

Search and remove viruses

In the network it is easy to "pick up" unpleasant viruses, which will limit access to specific sites or completely block the Internet. You can clean the system by any antivirus, however, we recommend using the Dr.Web Cure IT utility. It applies for free, while it contains a base of several tens of millions of viruses for comparison and search. Cure IT does not require installation, while it can work directly from the flash drive.

The user is enough to run the program, choose if necessary to check and start the analysis. Soft can cure viruses, move them to quarantine or delete. The duration of the scan depends on the number and scope of the analyzed files. For a 250 gigabyte disk, the process will take several hours. It is allowed to use any other stationary antivirus: ESET, NOD32, AVAST, Kaspersky. To do this, go to the appropriate section and run the full check.