Eliminate the error "Bootmgr Is Missing. Bootmgr Is Missing - What to do and how to fix? WHY BOOTMGR IS Missing

BootMGR IS Missing error occurs when you try to download Windows XP operating systems, 7.8.10 and is really critical. After passing the test and activation of the BIOS firmware, the computer tries to run the OS installed on the hard disk, but cannot do this because of the absence or malfunction of the so-called boot sector.

The critical sector (or the boot sector) is a special sector on the disk at 0000: 7C00, which records the initial load code of the operating system. This code is launched not by Windows 10 itself, and firmware recorded in the computer ROM. The appearance of the BootMGR IS Missing error means that at the above address is not written at all what is expected. And that the initial load code of the Windows 10 system is simply not there.

It is curious that some operating systems store their boot sector not in a certain portion of the hard disk, but in the usual file. Then at 0000: 7C00 is hosting the address of this boot file.

Sometimes it happens that this file was accidentally erased or moved to another place. Then its recovery will provide a normal system load. But there are other options, which we go to consideration. There are several ways to solve this problem. We describe them all in order.

Fashion first

We will use a special recovery tool in the process of starting the system in the so-called recovery environment - "WinR". To do this, we will need a Windows 10 boot disk. Insert this disk into the DVD-ROM of your system unit and restart the computer. No need to set up the boot order in the BIOS - after the BootMGR IS Missing error appears and the Windows 10 launch failure is automatically loaded from the disk. However, for the most confidence, these settings are better to produce.

To do this, start in the BIOS by pressing one of the special keys (usually the "F2", "DEL", "F10" keys, or, less commonly, "ESC") and after the BIOS menu appears, we are looking for a section with approximately the name: " BOOT ORDER. " Before us will appear a list of computer boot sequences from different carriers. This list can be edited using the arrow keys. You will need to move the laser media to the first place in the list and save the modified configuration. Then download problems with DVD-ROM will disappear.

Download again from the boot disk and in the menu that appears, select "System Restore". This is the notorious Winre. Next, a window for selecting the recovery parameters will appear and it will be prompted to specify the partition of the hard disk with Windows 10 installed in it - do it. In the menu that opens, again select "System Restore", specify a specific instance of Windows 10 and click on the "Next" button. The "Recovery Recovery" item appears - you need to choose this item and nothing else to do the system will do everything and the BootMGR IS Missing error does not distort you anymore. Before the next case.

Method of the second

This option is not much different from the previous one. In the fight against the error "BootMGR Is Missing" - we still use Winre. At the initial stage, it will be necessary to do the same as above: to find the Windows 10 boot laser disk and correct the BIOS settings, but at some recovery stage, these paths will disperse. After selecting an instance of the operating system being restored, you need to do a different choice - to accept the "Command Line" option in the system restore parameters.

Many have already understood that such a choice means the need to introduce some commands. Indeed, a full-screen console with a regular, familiar Windows, invitation to enter instructions opens. You should not be afraid, we will not come up with nothing. For our purposes there is a ready-made command: BootRec / RebuildBCD. The only thing to do is to type it in the terminal and wait for the resuscitation results of the boot sector. If you do everything right, then the BootMGR IS Missing error does not arise and the computer from Windows 10 will load normally.

The third way, special

The option described below is only suitable for computers with pre-installed resuscitation tool when starting. In order for them to take advantage, you do not need to do anything from what we did before - in this and consists of all of his charm. Remove all CDs from the computer and reboot when the "F8" key is pressed - this is a standard way to get to the special download options menu. You need to have time to have time to click until the Windows 10 logo appears, otherwise you will have to do everything first. Next, the menu appears where you want to specify the desired instance of the reanimated operating system. Specify the desired option and click on "ENTER". You will be requested by password and login OS - specify them. After that, you will also get the "Restore System" menu already familiar to you and you can use one of the already described methods.

Here, perhaps, all that you need to do to get rid of the Bootmgr Is Missing error. But, we have a few more comments on this topic.

First remark

Many modern OS still keep their boot sectors in files. For their service purposes, they are removed small, hidden from users section on the hard disk, the volume of about 100 MB. There are no labels in this section, but it is in it that the boot file with the BootMGR name is stored. Problems with this file - there is the usual reason for the appearance of the error "bootmgr is missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart. " All these arguments are pushing on the idea of \u200b\u200banother way to restore performance. To make it all in the same command line with which we dealt with above. So:

You probably have already guessed that we have done the same as in the second way, only made it manually. This is another way to get rid of the obsessive error "Bootmgr Is Missing. Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart. "

Second remark

Sometimes it happens that the disk on which the OS was placed, ceased to be active. This is another reason for the impossibility to load normally. In this case, the BootMGR IS Missing error is not caused by the lack of or breaking the boot file, but by the fact that the disc partition, with the OS placed on it, is not active. To activate, we use the same console. We recruit DiskPart and List Partition. I remember the number of the hidden partition and type the SELECT command with the number of this section as a parameter. Then we consistently perform the Active and EXIT instructions. All of our section is active.

Now our story about what to do with the BootMGR IS Missing error on computers with version above XP can be considered complete.

To withdraw from the spiritual equilibrium of a person who is very weakly disassembled in computer technician, in its operation, maybe even the simplest system failure.

If one day, when you turn on the computer, instead of the usual boot of Windows, you suddenly detect the message "Bootmgr Is Missing", you should not panic, but to concentrate attention and tune in to perform certain actions, of course, it is necessary.

Boot "Bootmgr Is Missing" meets, in principle, often, but she worries users by the fact that it is always provoked to the most inappropriate, in the view of the PC owners, the moment when it is important to fulfill work, quickly need to write an essay or in the near future to answer the letter .

If you familiarize yourself with the recommendations, how to eliminate Bootmgr Is Missing, what to do at this moment, then you will be able to quickly return the performance to your computer, run your usual Windows.

We offer you in advance to study the reasons provoking bootmgr is missing Windows 7. Such knowledge will allow you to prevent unwanted surprises to ensure that Windows is correct.

Most of the problems that occasionally arise from time to time are the consequences of the actions of the users themselves who do not have sufficient knowledge, therefore allow some "strategic" misses.

Mastering the necessary skills, having understood completely, what to do in such situations, it will be psychologically easier for you to meet such a problem, and afterwards it is also just to solve it.

What provokes a mistake

The BootMGR IS Missing error is associated directly with Windows bootloader. The bootloader is a program that is focused on launching some programs simultaneously with Windows.

Due to the BIOS system failure, it cannot detect the bootloader, so it suspends the process without loading Windows, but by issuing the message "BootMGR IS Missing".

You can provoke such a problem by the user who used to turn off the computer, violating all existing requirements and set rules - simply by pressing the shutdown button or pulling out of the outlet. When the electricity is turned off or a sharp voltage drop in the network, it also happens.

The fact is that the system is constantly referring to its system files and when the work is completed, it also saves changes to its boot files. If at this time the computer is simply turned off, then some files may turn out to be unfinished, and the file system table is incorrect. Because of this, the next time you turn on the computer may not boot and issue a variety of errors, including such.

Also, the system error can act as "brief" if you decide to change the settings directly in the BIOS itself, without having the appropriate knowledge.

By the way, such a problem situation is inherent in those who seek to quite often clean the operating system from excess garbage. All this is correct, if you delete, really, temporary files and other unnecessaries. However, inexperienced users can go deeper and delete inexperienced operating system files, without which it will simply be easy to start.

Little children left to play computer games unattended, like to push on different icons, accidentally fall into different folders and can delete something there, move or rename. Sometimes these are important system files ...

Unfortunately, such an error may occur if your computer visited the peripetias, as a result of which the hard disk came into disrepair or seriously damaged. Falling from the table is sufficient, especially in the on state.

An undesirable surprise may also arise if any antivirus programs have been installed on the computer or a timely update of their bases is not made. In this case, viruses penetrate the PCs, leaving serious traces provoking all sorts of system failures.

Rules for elimination of error

Owning information as to what reason the BootMGR IS Missing error occurs, it is useful to figure out what exactly needs to be done to restore Windows performance.

There are several action options, you have to try some of them alternately until the problem is eliminating.

BIOS settings

If there are several hard drives on the computer, the BIOSs can be knocked up the settings, as a result of which the wrong disk will be specified. Naturally, the operating system will not be able to boot, because it will turn to the disk on which there are no boot components. Open the BIOS, go to the "BOOT" section, in which it is important to specify exactly the disk from which Windows starts.

If there is an error in the BIOS settings - correct it

Also, the automatic failure can occur if you have connected a USB flash drive to a computer that acts as a boot. PC will take her for the one that is responsible for launching Windows, trying to start the OS from it. If you find a USB flash drive in a USB connector, just remove it and re-run the computer.

Keep in mind that a problem can serve as a different device connected to USB ports. For example, the computer may not be loaded due to the connected W-Fi adapter - this small "antenna". Although this is not a flash drive, but also a similar electronic device, and the BIOS can perceive it as a boot device. It can also occur with USB modems. Their shutdown often helps solve the problem.

You can also use the automatic recovery environment that the OS developers presented. In order to take advantage of this offer, you should restart the system, and at the time of the subsequent startup quickly click on the "F8" button. By this you can cause a kind of menu on a black background. Among the proposed features, select the "Troubleshooting" string, then press the Enter key.

Maybe such actions will be enough, the system itself will be able to recover damaged files and start safely. If this does not happen or you will not be able to call the menu by pressing the "F8" button, you can have to try to restore the system launch in a different way.

Recovery using a boot disk

You can restore Windows if you use the boot disk or flash drive. For this, the disc is inserted into the drive or flash drive in a USB connector, after that the computer reboots.

Do not forget only in the BIOS to set the desired device - DVD or external drive as a boot disk. So that the flash drive appears in the list, you first need to insert into the USB port. In order for the BIOS to save your changes, press the "F10" button. In this case, the changes are saved, and the computer itself will reboot, and the selected boot disk will start.

Sometimes there is no need to go to the BIOS itself and find the settings there. When the computer only turns on and passes tests, you can see the inscription there, similar to that "F8 - Select Boot Menu". This means that by pressing the F8 key at this time, you can call a convenient menu in which to choose any of the available boot devices. On different computers, this key may be different, and on some inscription is not displayed. The F8, F12, or F11 keys are usually used. On computers with the Foxconn motherboard, this is the ESC key.

After the first boot program window appears on your computer screen, you can select action options. Since you do not need to reinstall the operating system, but it is important to restore it, you will need to select the "Restore System" item.

Select the first item - Start Restore

After checking the system files for errors, the next window may occur in which you select "Fix and restart". Everything should be corrected automatically, the computer will reboot, the operating system will start, and the BootMGR IS Missing error will no longer appear.

Unfortunately, this luck does not always have a place, the stubborn error occurs again, the mood has worsened to you once again. This indicates that something else needs to be done, so you should go to the development of the following recommendations.

Apply command line

If you again found a BOOTMGR IS Missing error message again, use the boot disk again, do all the actions that have been described above, only after loading the first window, select the "Command Line" item.

We launch the command line without vain, we will restore the disc partition on which the damaged BootMGR file is.

To figure out how specifically, the disk is this file, you need to dial originally "Diskpart", then "List Volume". A list of disks will open, it is important to pay attention to the letter of the disk, the space of which is 100 MB. It is also marked by the label "reserved by the system."

More command "diskpart" you do not need, so complete its action by typing "exit".

Now in the command prompt, type "Copy Bootmgr C: \\", after passing on the CD-ROM - to do this, enter the letter of this drive and colon in the string, for example, "E:", as in the screenshot below. As a result of such actions, you will be able to copy the damaged file to your disk on which the operating system is installed. A system will be announced about the successful completion of the operation, specifying that one of the files was successfully copied.

If even after such actions, you still see the error "BootMGR IS Missing" on the screen, should be interfered in the process that allows you to check which particular disk has the status of active.

In this case, something complicated in this case is not necessary if you strictly follow the recommendations. Initially, dial "diskpart", and then "List Volume".

Select the disc to which the operating system is installed, pay attention to which digit is set next to this disk, then enter "SELECT DISK 0 or 1".

Next step must be introduced "List Partition". Now in the list that appears, you need to figure out how the bootloader is installed on the disk. Most often, this disk should have a volume of about 100 MB.

Enter the new command phrase "Select Partition 1 or 2", then immediately - "Active", "Exit". The system will benefit your corrections safely, make a specific disc active and asked to reboot.

Additional ways

If, despite all your efforts, an error occurs anyway, and the operating system is not loaded, what to do you may understand by checking the performance of the hard disk.

It is necessary to go again to BIOS and carefully look at whether the disk is visible there on which the system is installed. This information is displayed on the first screen at the entrance to the BIOS, as it refers to an important one. You can also look into the list of boot devices in the Boot section and see there. If there are serious damage to the hard drive, you will not detect it there, nothing will be restored. In this case, you will have to buy a new hard drive and re-install the system and all programs on it. Old Winchester can be given to those skilled in the art that may try to restore important files for you if they are there - work projects, valuable photos or something else.

If the hard drive is visible, but it is damaged separate clusters, you can use special programs, such as HDD Regenerator, which "enroll" your hard disk and please you with the resumption of computer performance. In this case, nothing will have to do anymore.

There is an additional software, which is MBRFIX, Bootice, Acronis Disk Director, capable of successfully reanimate the operating system, but to work with such programs best in the presence of certain knowledge and practical skills - some of them can easily completely remove or format the whole sections of the hard drive .

You can attribute a computer to a service center where experienced masters will quickly recover your computer, while you also need nothing to do.

However, much tempting to act as a "Lekary" for his computer, rather than as a third-party observer. Try to perform successively all the described actions, to return your own working capacity to your PC.

There are several options for displaying the error "bootmgr is missing" by your computer, and the most common one is:

Bootmgr Is Missing.
Press Ctrl Alt Del to Restart

Bootmgr Is Missing.
Press Any Key to Restart

Couldn't Find Bootmgr.

BootMGR IS Missing Error is displayed immediately after turning on the computer after passing POST tests.

Possible causes of BootMGR IS Missing Errors

There are several possible causes of BootMGR errors. The most common cause is spoiled files, broken sectors of the hard disk, damaged or poorly fixed interface hard disk cable.

Another reason is an attempt to boot a computer from a non-boot disk, for example, if you forget to remove the disk from a DVD drive, a floppy disk or a flash card, and the computer tries to boot from them.

What to do when mistaken Bootmgr Is Missing in Windows?

  1. Restart the computer. BootMGR error may be an accident.
  2. Check your optical drives, drive and remove USB flash drives, discs and memory cards from the computer. Often, the BootMGR IS Missing error appears when your computer is trying not from that disc. Ideally, just disconnect all external devices from the computer.
  3. Check the boot sequence in the BIOS and make sure that the correct hard disk is the correct hard disk and its correct partition if your BIOS is the ability to specify the disc partition. If you do not know what to do in the BIOS, then try to set an automatic configuration.
  4. Check for connecting all cables to the hard disk. BootMGR error can be caused by a faulty or nonconnected power cable or controller cable. Try replacing the PATA or SATA cable if you suspect that it can be faulty. In the case of a laptop, this item is better to fully fulfill.
  5. Run Windows Restore (Startup Repair of Windows). This type of installation will replace all missing or damaged files, including bootmgr.
  6. Write a new boot sector in the Windows section section to correct any possible file damage, configuration problems or other problems.
  7. Restoring download configuration data (BCD).
  8. Net installation of Windows. If the first seven points did not help you, reinstall Windows. This must be helped, and if it does not help, then you have only a few options.
  9. Motherboard BIOS update. If the BIOS update did not help solve the problem, then you have obvious hard disk problems and you need to attribute it to the service for checking, since something probably broke something in it.

Well, finally, you need to know that BootMGR errors belong to Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating systems and later. But Windows XP does not use bootmgr, but uses NTLDR.

When working at a computer on the monitor, system messages can appear with the names of various errors. The advanced user is not confused, and what to do with the usual jower, unfamiliar with the subtleties of computer terminology? That is why many people are lost and do not know what to do if the BootMGR IS Missing error constantly appears when the PC is started.

This error is quite common and quite solvable. Therefore, it is not necessary to give in to panic and immediately run for help at the nearest service center for the repair of equipment.

In case of such an error, instead of the usual boot of the Windows operating system and the appearance of the desktop only a black screen with the inscription bootmgr is missing is displayed.. The line below is usually written Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart. Translated this means "Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination to restart the device." However, if you execute this recommendation, the error is likely to appear when the computer is then downloaded.

The main causes of the problem

As a rule, the overwhelming majority of computer problems when working with Windows appear according to the fault of the Users themselves due to the inept usage of computer devices or programs.

However, possessing certain skills to work for a PC, a person becomes much more comfortable and easier to resolve any problems that arise. And subsequently such cases when completely unknown what to doIf the Windows Boot Manager error appears again and again, it becomes much less.

The Bootmgr Is Missing message appeared on the monitor screen. What to do? Windows XP or Windows 8, 10 OS version - computer user with any version of the Windows operating system may encounter this error. It is connected directly to the Windows loader itself.

Windows bootloader is a program that is responsible for launching various types of utilities simultaneously with the turning on the operating system. But because of some kind of system failure BIOS (BIOS) cannot find this loader when you try to turn on the OS and writes a message on the screen about it.

There are several reasons that may lead to an error.

  1. Incorrect settings in the BIOS device. For example, when a user who is poorly disassembled by a user who does not have a proper set of knowledge and skills, decided to rapidly change the settings in the BIOS system of a personal computer or, for example, a laptop.
  2. Frequent incorrect shutdown of the computer. For example, if the device is constantly turned off directly from the outlet when it still works.
  3. Too frequent cleaning of the PC from excess garbage, that is, temporary files and cache. For example, you can make a case when, due to the inexperience, the user accidentally deleted a system file for saving space by counting it unnecessary.
  4. A serious system virus that penetrates the device in which there is no high-quality antivirus program. And the virus may appear on the computer in the case when the user has not updated the antivirus bases for a long time.
  5. The most serious reason for the occurrence of an error is physical damage to the hard disk. This can happen when the computer is inactive carrying out anyway or in cases of physical impact on the device, for example, a strong shaking or something like that. In such a situation, the hard disk of the computer can be very damaged and come into disrepair. To resume work for such a PC, you will need to repair or replacing a hard disk to a new one.

Independent elimination of failure

If the PC user approximately represents the reason that an error may provoke, this will noticeably simplify the task of eliminating it. To understand what to do, if Bootmgr Is Missing Error in Windows 7 Or any other version of the OS appears regularly, it is important to make sure that the hard disk of the device was not coarsely physically exposed. Otherwise, it should be attributed to the repair of the hard drive of the device or even completely replace it.

For other situations, when the user is confident that with a hard disk everything is in order, other methods of solving problems are suitable.

Correct BIOS setup

Most advanced PC users advise first of all to enter the BIOS device. It is possible that the correct occurrence of the error is the wrong selected boot disk. The system can load Windows OS Only from the disk on which the operating system is installed. But if a CD-ROM of a computer is selected as a boot device, and there is no disk from Windows to the PC, then the device will not be able to start loading.

First of all, going to the BIOS (in some cases it is called an EFI / UEFI) of the computer, make sure that in the section called andanced Bios Features, in the First Boot Device points and the similar devices where the operating system is available.

Most often in the section called First Boot Device, most users select Hard Disk, and in the Section Boot Device section - CD-ROM. When choosing such settings Computer first of all will attempt to download the operating system From a connected inner rigid disk, and in the second line - through the drive inserted into the drive.

Note: If your OS is on a flash drive or a USB hard disk and you want to download it, it means that as the first launch device (i.e., in the First Boot Device section, you should select a USB flash drive or USB device, Not hard disk.

In addition, the system failure that causes the infinite appearance of the bootmgr error may occur after connecting to a bootable flash drive. It is likely that the PC will try to start the OS with it, and you have already removed the flash drive or packet from the flash drive to the loading components from the device.

System Restore (System Restore)

Another method that can help eliminate the problem associated with BootMGR error, as well as similar to it, for example, when the inscription appears Missing MBR Helper, Invalid Partition Table, NTLDR Is Missing or Bootmgr IS Compressed, is the launch of the Windows system restore to its previous state. In many modern computers, there is a convenient recovery mechanism - the system's status rollback to its operational regime.

To start using the built-in System Restore utility (System Restore), you should restart the computer and at the time you start clicking on the F8 key on the keyboard. E. if everything is done correctly And the recovery utility is built into your device, the unique menu will appear. Moving at its items, you must select a string called "Troubleshooting a computer", and then click the Enter key.

Probably the start of the system to restore the system will be enough, and the computer will be able to restore all damaged files and eventually starts without problems.

Using the boot disk

Bootmgr Is Missing Windows 7. How to fix this error using a toolkit that is on the boot flash drive or disk with Windows.

Procedure for the use of this method:

Apply command line

In the event that no one of the proposed solution methods helps you, and the BootMGR IS Missing error when installing from a flash drive still appears, try another way to fix the computer. First it will be necessary to do all actions. From the previous method using a boot disk or flash drive, however, when the first window appears, you must select the "Command Line" section instead of "system restoration".

A command prompt window will open. To restore the normal operation of the computer, do the following:

Other methods solving the problem

In general, there are many verified methods for correcting BootMGR error. For those cases when nothing helps, there is a special software that allows you to reanimate the operation of the operating system. These programs include Bootice, MBRFIX and many other similar properties and functionality of the utility. Keep in mind that it is recommended to use this software only in the presence of knowledge, skills and good experience for the PC, since otherwise you can only worsen the situation by provoking new problems.

In addition, pay attention to the state of the hard disk of the computer, is it displayed in the system of the system. If only some clusters are damaged at the hard drive, you can always use hard disk recovery programs. For example, the HDD Regenerator belongs to such utilities.

However, if hard drives have serious physical damage and it is not displayed in the BIOS, the computer should be attributed to a specialized service center. There, the repair will be engaged in experienced masters who will quickly lead your computer in order.

Hi friends! We will restore the bootloader today in the Windows 7 operating system, run on pop food will be interesting 🙂

In fact, errors with the loader in Windows 7 are pretty often. Yes, they can arise from many factors. For example, you wanted next to Windows 7 to put some other OS, in this case the bootloader may be damaged, or not to properly turn off the computer (immediately from the outlet).

About what you have problems with the bootloader you will most likely learn from the message on the screen "Bootmgr Is Missing. Press Ctrl + Alt + Del to Restart ».

After such a message, you need to try to restore the bootloader, in fact we are further and we will deal with.

How to restore the bootloader in the bootloader in Windows 7?

In Windows 7 there is a very good function " System Recovery", That's it, we will restore the loader. You can only use the system recovery, you can only boot from the installation boot disk from Windows 7.

So look for a disc, and if you do not have it, then download and write down on the disk, I already wrote.

We take our boot disk with Windows 7, insert into the drive and restart the computer. If the download from the disk did not go, then we read the article and dig into the BIOS.

After you have started downloading from the disk, we are looking forward and seeing such a window:

Click on.

Note "Use the means of restoring ..." (As shown in the picture above) and select the operating system to restore (I do not have any OS, because I started the disk on the virtual machine), you will have an operating system there. All chose? Click "Next".

Press . Way to find problems.

And then, if problems are found, troubleshooting will begin.

After the correction process, you will see a message that the problem is solved, or that I failed to restore the computer. Personally, my method has always worked. There is another way to restore the loader, through the command line, but I will write about it later.

I would like to note separately that often, problems with the loader in the Windows 7 operating system appear precisely through mechanical damage to the hard disk. Therefore, as soon as such errors begin to appear, it is worth paying attention to the hard disk work. Good luck!