Deleting unscrewed apps Android. How to delete an application from android if it is not deleted? How to Delete Appendix: Step-by-step instructions

Articles and Lifehaki.

Each user of the device on the "green robot" should know how in android remove unnecessary programs. After all, they not only clog the memory of the phone or tablet, but often and "eaten" the battery energy, "steal" speed.

As a result, the equipment can "hobble" than surely will soon begin to annoy the owner of the phone or tablet computer.

In addition, these unnecessary programs can "register" in the cache. And this again affects the operation of the device. Therefore, from such a trash should be easily eliminated.

Removal procedure

The whole process is simple to madness. Having done the removal procedure just once, you will probably clean your phone / tablet from the accumulated programs yourself without tips and instructions.

Well, while here's a short action plan. Stick all the points in order - and everything will turn out.

  1. Find on your device "Settings". Press.
  2. Now in the settings, find the "Application Manager". Again, press it in it.
  3. Decided that you will delete from android? Look for this program by name. Found? Then you are ready for the next step.
  4. You choose the necessary one (but the application is already unnecessary), click on it. You will be offered to "forcibly stop", "Clean the cache" and "Delete".
  5. You understand that you press, because your goal is to get rid of the "bread" you are not used, and the place is occupied. Click "Delete".
  6. How will the warning always jump out that the program will be deleted and are you sure in your actions. You certainly confirm that the application you do not need, so "delete, Andryusha, delete." Agree by clicking "Yes."
  7. Everything. The application irrevocably left your device.
On some devices, you can simply delete "dragging" into a virtual garbage bucket. However, in this way, all the "tails" are unlocked. Sometimes somewhere in the depths itself remains a trace, it also takes place, and the processes slow down.

Therefore, it is more correct to use the first method through the "Application Manager". Reliable and cleaner comes out.

What can not be removed from android

  • Even if it seems to you that this program you are not needed, but it is systemic / utility / stood initially, it is impossible to touch it. This can lead to "death" of android.
  • Even if you have never launched it and do not have the slightest idea why it is generally installed, it does not mean that it should be deleted.
  • In addition, many android devices that are still on warranty service, after removing such "embedded" initial programs lose the entire guarantee.
  • As soon as Root is received by the right to remove such programs, manufacturers are "wash your hands", refusing to you in the future warranty repair and maintenance. All further "shoals" you will pay yourself.
So remove just what they themselves installed, so to speak, outsource.

All people currently constantly pump out any new applications on the phone or tablet, but always comes the moment when it becomes simply unnecessary. Then the question arises how to remove the application from the Android phone. Moreover, it can be done in completely different ways, however it is important to remember that some applications have the property to leave after themselves unnecessary files that are considered garbage.

In this case, you can remove this or that application can be without urn for the main system of the phone. That is, you can not only remove the application itself, which you no longer need, but also the very files that are able to clog the memory of your device. In addition, using one or another way you can easily find out how to remove a shortcut from the phone, as well as certain hidden applications that can also overload your device. By the way, deletion implies the destruction of files not only from the memory card, but also from the internal memory of the phone or tablet.

Why do you need to delete applications from android

Many users are interested in why you need to delete applications from android. What are the advantages of periodic cleaning, if there are enough applications on the phone so that the memory is not completely filled? In fact, this process is simply extremely necessary for the usual phone, as it helps him to maintain his performance. In addition, to the benefits of deleting unnecessary applications, or those programs that you no longer be used are as follows:

  1. If you do not clean and delete unnecessary files, the phone responds to your actions not as fast as before. Periodically, the phone may slightly slow down, and if its memory is clogged with a variety of outsiders, it can be reached that the device starts to hobble so much that to bring it into a sense, you will need to restart the system.
  2. Naturally, the chapter in this case becomes the presence of memory in the phone itself. That is, if you do not clean periodically memory, you can simply overflow it in the phone, which means that you will not only not be able to upload new applications to the phone, but even update the previous ones. The fact is that there is also a certain margin of free space for updates, so you simply deprive yourself with the ability to download the appropriate applications that you really need because your device's memory is clogged with unnecessary files.
  3. Once you delete all unnecessary files, you can concentrate your attention on those applications that you really use. In addition, you will not spend your precious time on any useless entertainment programs, so you can deal with more useful things.
  4. Currently, there is such a tendency that when you download some kind of application, then with it you download also advertising that will periodically pop up when you enjoy this program. For this reason, your device will slightly slow down in the process, even if you do not turn on the application. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of the program, except for removing the reason for its occurrence, that is, the application directly, because of which it appears.

How can I delete the application from the phone

When you are wondering about the removal of programs, then surely you have an interest in how to delete the VC application from the phone, or another social network or messenger application. It happens that it is necessary to simply remove the application and download it again, since before it worked incorrectly or accidentally moved the settings. In fact, delete the social network or the messenger can also be as well as any other application. There are several methods to erase a particular application from your phone's memory.

Through the standard application manager

In order to use the standard application manager, you must first find it through the program menu. It is not as a separate option in the phone, but is located inside the settings. So, first, we need to go to the phone settings and click on its icon. Next, it is necessary to make the following:

  1. Once you have found application manager in the settings, you need to go to the next tab, which will be called "applications".
  2. In the Application section, you can find the program you need and open information that will tell where the program is located, how much space it takes on a memory card or in the memory of the phone itself. In addition, you can learn not only this data, but and how many cache contains this program how the data is spent in the operating system.
  3. You can not delete the app if you need to release your device's memory slightly. It will be enough to use such a function as the suspension of the operation of a particular application. Just click on the appropriate key after the application opens, and then simply move to the internal memory of the phone or on the memory card this application, depending on what exactly you want to free up memory.
  4. If you still aimed to remove the application, then simply click the button just below the program stop key, which will be called - delete the program. After that, the removal process will begin, so it is not recommended to close this window, and even better not to use the phone at all while the removal process is underway.

Remember that in order to delete the supplies massively, the standard settings on the phone are not enough, a special program is needed. Through the phone settings, you can delete literally several programs, and all the others will not be removed at once from the device.

How can I delete an application using CCleaner

This is an application-cleaner that will help you remove not only extra applications quickly, but also takes care that all unnecessary files also have erased from your device. For example, many people wonder how to remove a label on android. This program will also help.

To remove the application unnecessary to you from the phone using this program, it is enough to do several elementary actions:

  1. First you need to go to the playmarket and download this application. By the way, it weighs it quite a bit, because only the verification of the phone for garbage is included in his specialtization, as well as the destruction of all programs that have become unnecessary for you.
  2. Open the main menu of the application, and then go to a special tab called "Application Management".
  3. In this subsection, you can see all the applications that you currently use, as well as those that are in the disconnected mode. In addition, you have the opportunity to see the system requirements of a program, as well as how much is the internal space of the same program. Then you need to choose the section you want. If you still want to delete the program, then go to a special application of removing applications.
  4. Once you click on some specific application, you will display not only his name, but also size, so that in this section you can also find the information you need on a particular application. Next, select those elements that are intended for deletion.
  5. Once you have allocated all that you no longer need, just move them to the basket. To do this, just click on the basket icon.
  6. The program will ask you to confirm that you really want to delete this program. Confirm your solution, and then simply wait until the program terminates the removal process.

The advantages of this program are that with the help of such a program and its functional, you can delete applications not one by one, but several. To do this, it's just enough to choose the number of elements that, in your opinion, are no longer needed. By the way, this application can not only help you get rid of programs in general, but it can also be used to periodically clean the system. To do this, simply sometimes open the program and click on the Quick or Complete Device button.

How can I delete a program from a phone with Clean Master

This program is the same effective to remove unnecessary applications, as well as the previous one. In addition, you can use it to clean from unnecessary files and accumulated garbage. The Musor often receives such elements as temporary files that for some reason remained in the phone's memory and simply occupy an excess space, as well as a variety of duplicates and other files that remain from the use of certain applications. It happens that the program simply "forgets" to destroy the files that it used before, and now they are no longer needed. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a periodic check for the presence of garbage, otherwise your device will simply refuse to work on you.

The functionality of this application includes batch removal of unnecessary programs, as well as with it you can move applications from a memory card to internal memory and back. It is thanks to such an option that you can distribute the memory available in your disposal in such a way that it does not overload too much on a particular carrier. For this reason, in order to delete the program on your device, just follow the following instructions:

  1. Similar to the previous application, opens the playmarket and download the application. It is worth noting that it also weighs quite a little, so you can not worry about the fact that you do not have enough internal memory in the event that the volume of free space is not very large.
  2. Once you launched the application, you can immediately press the start button to check how much your device is littered with a variety of unnecessary files. After that, by the way, do not forget to check how much the space of the phone was released, as it will help you to check the efficiency of the application. The fact is that sometimes programs can be installed incorrectly due to the lack of the required amount of memory.
  3. After that, go to the tool partition, and from there you will need to go to the additional tab, which is called the application manager.
  4. As soon as you do this, the system will ask you to confirm the need to delete programs, and for this you have to allow the application to access these programs. Just press the Allow button in the pop-up window and go directly to the deletion itself.
  5. In the manager, you will need to mark those applications that you want to delete, and then click on the basket icon or simply press the removal key.
  6. After you have pressed the removal button, you will need to confirm that you want to delete selected applications. Remember that the system will always ask you to confirm your actions, as you delete this or that application is a matter of five seconds, but to restore, especially if there were some data, it will be almost impossible.
  7. In the event that you are not sure what you want to delete this or that program, then simply click the Cancel button and delete only those applications that you are not needed for sure.

How to delete applications using System App Remover Pro

You can also use this program that you can also download through the playmarket. To remove all the unnecessary programs from the phone using it, after the application is successfully established, make several elementary steps.

Any user who buys a new phone wants that the device worked as long as possible without glitches and lags. Today it will be about the phones that are released based on Android. The first time the use of such phones should not be accompanied by a reboot and off without the user's knowledge. And this sometimes happens and failing that the obsessive standard Android applications that run and work without the knowledge of the owner of the phone.

Today I will tell you how to cope with such applications and facilitate your phone.

Why do problems arise with applications?

Today, such a variety of mobile phones based on Android, which is worth the choice very carefully. But, choose and buy a device is still half of trouble. A real march will start when the user of the new phone will face applications and components of Android, which he is absolutely not needed and few people know about their existence. Such grief applications bring only harm to the phone. If you do not disable them on time, you can expect such problems:

Of all the variety of applications on Android, the most necessary these are these: email, browser, phone, SMS / MMS, download, camera, settings, engineering menu, Play Market, SIM menu, contacts, FM radio, google settings , Hours, tasks, music, video player, backups (Google Drive), organizer, calendar, file manager, voice recorder, weather, navigation.

There are also a couple of applications that are popular among users, but everyone else only takes place.

For example, the manufacturer has installed the main applications on Android, which considered it necessary. But, the distributor company can supplement this list of applications, such as: Skype, Google Mail, Google Chrome Browser (Alternative to System Browser), Google OK (Google Voice Search), Film Studio and your own applications.

But, on this list of applications does not end. After all, there are also cellular operators, which are also not labeled and write their applications. For example, if you connected to "BILINE", you will be waiting for the default application "My Beeline". If you bought a smartphone or tablet from the MTS company, the following applications will be installed on the device: "where children", "second memory", "Personal Account", "Direct Transfer" and others created for convenient control of additional services on the SIM number MTS cards.

It pleases that all these applications do not need to search for long. Most often, they are immediately rendered on the desktop and have a manufacturer's branded logo. Also pleases that all these branded applications can be removed without special root access. Let even be installed by default before setting it on a showcase in the communication salon.

Is it possible to delete system applications on Android?

On Android, you can do any manipulations with applications, including the removal and change of the above. Only for this you need to have root rights. Files of all installed applications are default in one place, namely in the System / App folder and all of them are closed from recording.

Since the requirements for the removal of system applications were a lot, programs have become popular to help get root access with one touch of finger. There are a lot of such applications, the most popular among them Easy rooting toolkit, Gingerbreak, HTC Quick Root, RootExplorer, SuperoneClick, Visionary, Unlock Root, Unrevoked, Z4Root.

What kind of application is suitable for your device, you can check using the test that is in each of the applications.

For example, the RootExplorer application will allow you to change the level of access for system folders, while setting your "Read / Write" attribute to them. After installing this application, you can create, edit, rename, delete and perform any other actions in folders that Located in the System / App. This program has free access, and you can easily download it with Play Market.

List of Application Applications

The list of applications that will be shown below will allow you to find and delete the most unnecessary. There are no applications in the list, the removal of which can lead to failures in the device. You can safely remove them without fear that the phone or tablet will begin to bite.

How to remove the application correctly?

After you download and install the application that will give you ROOT rights, you will get access to all folders in the internal memory, including system. Now you can do everything you want with embedded applications.

But, and here you need some rules. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to delete applications, I still recommend that you make it the plan for the first time, which I will write below.

The first step is to install the application "SystemApp Remover".

The second step is already working in this program itself. You can not only delete user data, but also save or restore them. If you have a complete deletion for your chosen application, you will see a window with a "Delete" and "Disable" on the screen of your phone or tablet.

Problems that may occur when removing programs

When you delete any application you have chosen, you need to delete not only the ARC files, but also files that have an ODEX extension.

The ODEX extension indicates a file description of any application. If you do not delete it, then you are in the Android operating system register, unnecessary records will appear, which will affect the speed of the smartphone as a whole.

Once you turn on your phone or tablet based on Android, the entire registry is loaded into RAM. Thus, the device works constantly, in full fighting, so to speak. At the time when you turn off or restart the Android system, all this data are stored in the internal flash memory of the device.

My advice to you, before deleting any system application from the Android device, first you just need to disable it and use the phone or tablet in this way. Perhaps there will be any failures or hanging without this application. Then it is impossible to delete it in any case, but on the contrary, you will quickly turn it on so that your Android device work, as before.

I wrote you a list of applications that can be removed without fear for the work of the smartphone. But there are applications that, on the contrary, do not delete. We are talking about applications, without which your device will lose in performance and use it inconvenient. This is a kind of bones of each device. We are talking about applications: "phone", "messages", SIM menu, "Settings", "Navigation" and "File Manager".

After you delete all the applications unnecessary to you, traces will still remain from them. In folders "/ System / Lib" and "/ Data / Dalvik-Cache" will continue to be information about remote applications. The first folder cannot be touched. Any changes can entail the consequences that will be displayed at the work of the smartphone. The second can be cleaned if you have a full reset of android - hard-reset.

Of course, the SystemApp Remover application is very convenient and understandable to use. But you need to be very neat. Before you delete any application with this utility, I recommend that you make a copy of this application itself. Perhaps at first glance, an unnecessary application is of great importance for the firmware Android device. System applications that directly depend on the work of Android processes and services require extreme accuracy. Yes, some may say that it is not difficult to make a new firmware. But, it is better not to bring the condition of your phone before it should be reflashing.

The flashing procedure is fulfilled and at home. But, because it will have to spend time, and the first time is not a fact that it will turn out.

If it is very negotiated to delete system applications on Android, then with the phone there may be big problems. Most often, a hurry or inattention in this case leads to such consequences: SMS is not sent or it is impossible to accept or make a call, access to the Internet for Wi-Fi tools is lost, cyclic restarts or long-term hangs when the device is started. And this is not a complete list of trouble.

Return deleted system applications

Remember the main rule - before you delete the Android system application, be sure to make the backup of this application. This is a very important point, since some applications that do not affect the work of one smartphone can affect the work of another. Therefore, you copy not only the files of the Arc, but also ODEX files. Now I will tell you a specific example of backup for Titanium Backup tool. Also, as well as to remove applications, it is necessary to obtain ROOT rights for the backup procedure. How to do it, I told a little higher.

Download and install the Titanium Backup application from After installing it, we start, while assigning the superuser rights to the application.

For further work with the application, you must open access to the system folder. Now you need to open the Backup Copies tab. This folder will have a list of applications that you can copy. After that you need to select the property for the Android list - applications by which it will be available to you.

Simple words - you need to sort the list of applications according to one main criterion.

Now open the action bar, which will be above the selected application if you click on its name. Click the window "Freezing!". Thus, you will create a backup.

In order to save the application, press the "Save" button. You have to open each of the applications and save it a copy. But, it is worth spending time, as this is the only insurance in case you delete an application that does not affect the work of the smartphone or tablet.

If the blocked application is still influenced by the device, it must be returned. To unlock and run the Android application, you need to do the same steps as described above, but instead of "freeze", you need to choose "to defrost".
In order to restore the remote application, you need to start Titanium Backup again, sort the list of applications for the presence of backups and restore each of the applications separately by clicking on "Restore".

There is another way to save applications. With it, you can save them all at once. To do this, you need to run the Titanium Backup program and open the use of the full "system" copy of the Android and select "Make a backup of all system data". If in addition to system applications you want to save and others, then select the item "Make a backup of the entire user software and system data. "

If you still delete some system applications that were especially important, they will need to restore. To do this, run the recovery tool in the Titanium Backup program.

To restore, you must select "Restore all System Data". If you have deleted the user applications that you also want to return, then select "Restore the missing software and all system data."

We delete all unnecessary system applications at once.

After you have learned to use the "freezing" system applications, you can already make a list of programs that you absolutely do not need to use the device. After making sure that without these applications your device works fine, it's time to proceed to remove them. But that Do, if there are many such applications? Delete each of them manually the process is long and boring. Now I will teach you how to avoid all this.

To remove all unnecessary applications in one fell, you will naturally need root access. But, besides this, you can not do without a file manager on a PC or on the smartphone itself.

If you delete immediately on your smartphone, then you need to find and open the standard Android file manager. First of all, you will see the Arch files you are going to delete.

Then go to the System / App folder and manually delete the entire application that you do not need. If you know exactly what the applications you want to delete are called, then use the search file search for convenience.

Very important: Components that are composite parts of the Android operating system and marked with a web address in the "mirror" display of the view of the COM.Android.<ресурс>or having an icon in the form of a green android robot - removal is not subject to.

Look for applications that do not have such an inscription. For all others there will be normal names that coincide with the names of the programs that you have chosen to delete. If you delete a file that is an integral part of the Android operating system, the complete edge crash will come. Then you can not do without a complete software recovery program, which you can hardly spend yourself.

But, even this problem will help you to correct specialists in service centers. Only cost it will not be cheap.

If we make the correct cleaning of your garbage smartphone, then you will avoid sudden losses of the built-in software and refusal to work your smartphone. Moreover, with proper cleaning, the device will start working at times faster, as you free the internal memory. In some, after removing unnecessary system programs, the battery on the device keeps the charge longer, and traffic consumption is reduced at times.

I hope my tips will help you, and you will speed up the work of your smartphone. Thank you for being with us.

The user of the new device on Android, regardless of the manufacturer, detects pre-installed programs that will never use, but cannot be removed. In this material, we will tell you how to remove unnecessary applications on Android to save the system from useless "garbage".

Types of Apps

OC Android, in the form in which you get it on a new device contains applications that can be divided into several large groups:

  1. Custom. With this category, everything is clear. It includes programs that are installed and used by the device. You can delete them, update, set re-at any time.
  2. Installed by the manufacturer or factory. Present at the time of purchase of the device. The user can update them, but cannot be removed without root rights.
  3. Systemic. These include Google Services and Standard Android. Applications of this category cannot be removed without risk damage the device's operating system.


The term root or superuser came to Android from Linux. In this OS, this is denoted by the account, the owner of which has the right to perform any operations, including with system partitions. Ways to obtain administrative rights on android more than 30 pieces. They differ depending on the manufacturer of the device, the installed processor and even the version of the OS. On the smartphones of one brand, for Android 5.0 and Android 6.0, it can be completely different procedures. For example, for MEIZU MX 4PRO, which works on Android 4.4.2, everything comes down to banal registration on the manufacturer's website, during which you accept a responsibility agreement for your actions.

For this reason, you will not stop on receiving root-rights, implying that you will find a way for your device. We have a separate article for this.

Required programs

Painlessly delete embedded applications, more reliable using third-party programs. You can download them at the Google Play store after receiving administrative access to the device.

ES conductor

After installation, to provide full access to the smartphone file system, you will need to turn on the root conductor in the settings.

The next step, go to the direct removal of interfering applications. We use the file manager with administrative rights to go to the system partition / System / App. It stores all installed in programs as APK files.

Long pressing, will call the additional menu at the bottom of the screen and the position of the selection from the application icons. At this stage, using administrative rights, you can delete previously unsubstantiated programs, including those related to Google services.

The system will warn you about the irreversibility of these actions. Confirming the choice, you will use your root rights. Any action performed with their use, OS perceives as definitely correct, so be careful and delete really "extra" applications.

This program can not only clean the system, but also delete standard apps on Android, after you provide it with appropriate access. The choice of CCleaner fell due to the fact that it has versions under all popular OS, and families to users. The program implements the possibility of cleaning software cache and batch removal.

Using the built-in application manager, you can disable or delete them, at your discretion.

When working with system services, you will receive a warning. Each program that uses root-access when working with Android files will be warned about caution.

Warnings issued by the system give the time required for belief in the correctness of the actions performed. Having the ability to delete applications that are not deleted in another way, the user must be attentive and careful not to cause critical changes.

Another free manager specially created to work with the system after receiving root rights. Its main purpose, in contrast to previous programs in our review - delete the applicants built into the device.

As you can see, the functions Jumobile allows you to perform all types of operations. Moving sewn applications to the memory card, you can release the location on the device without deleting them.

An attempt to remove Facebook Lite pre-installed in the system causes a familiar warning about a possible impaired integrity and stability of the system.

Useful feature implemented by Jumobile developers is the ability to work with deleted files. The choice can be made according to the alphabet or by the date of installation in the system, as more convenient to the user. Noting the checkmarks to be uninstalled the program, confirm that you understand the consequences of the actions performed and clean the device from the "garbage" in it in one click.


The ability to clean the smartphone from bonuses that are imposed on the manufacturers are always present, in each version of Android, on the device of any brand. The main care of the owner will receive root access and select the program with which these actions will be performed.

Recall that the receipt of root access is considered by manufacturers as an action that takes off the device with warranty service. No one will refuse to repair if a protective glass is broken on a rutal telephone, but if the malfunction becomes a consequence of the fact that native native applications or services are deleted from the device - the warranty case is not recognized. Therefore, before performing actions with a smartphone, associated with changing or modifying, make sure that it will not damage the operation of the operating system.

The number of companies producing Android devices is constantly increasing. A couple of years ago, no one heard about such manufacturers as Xiaomi or Leco. And today they begin to compete with such giants as Samsung and Lenovo. Competition is also in developing applications for its devices, whatever users would take advantage of all the capabilities of their devices. That is why when buying a new phone or a tablet, it turns out to be almost all filled with different programs, they are also called systemic either. Do they need or just take free space, solve you. But if you still decide from not the necessary programs, but at the same time and clean it, to speed up the work, we will tell you how to delete pre-installed applications on Android.

What applications can be deleted?

There is no single list of programs that can be safely removed without harm system, so everyone should determine which of them are not needed. We offer a list of basic programs and those elements whose removal will not hurt the work of the Android device, for example, Google maps.

List of programs:

  • Voice search or set;
  • Help and support from the manufacturer;
  • Standard email client or browser (Internet);
  • Not used video, audio players;
  • Non-needed Google Services (Maps, Gmail, GTalk, etc.);
  • All kinds of games, books, etc.

In no case, do not delete at random applications or file, it can lead to a failure of the entire system! Any application is a file with an APK extension. This file is worth deleting. If you have it, you also need to delete files with extension.odex. Then this procedure can be considered correctly.

This is how the program file itself looks like:

But the list of possible to delete system applications:

  • Accuweatherwidget.apk - weather informer;
  • AnalogClock.apk - Widget Analog Clock;
  • Bluesea.apk, aurora.apk, etc. - all kinds of living wallpaper;
  • Chaton_market.apk - Chat from Samsung;
  • Encrypt.apk - encryption memory card;
  • Geniewidget.apk - news widget;
  • Googlepartnersetup.apk is another Google Social Program;
  • Kobo.apk - magazines;
  • Layar-samsung.apk - a reality augmented browser;
  • MobilePrint.apk - Remote Printing Documents;
  • Plusone.apk - another social service from Google;
  • Samsungwidget * - different types of widgets from developers from Samsung;
  • VideoEditor.apk - video editor;
  • Voice * .apk - programs for working with voice;
  • Zinio.apk - Internet logs.

How to remove not necessary pre-installed applications?

Deleting standard programs without root rights, that is, manually, is carried out in the usual way. Choose "Settings", Further "Applications". Activate the desired, and click delete.

There's nothing complicated here. Difficulties usually occur when, removal is not possible, or an error pops up when performing an operation. Then it is necessary to take advantage of special programs or simply disable it (see more details in our video).

  1. We use ES conductor.

About where to download and how to use it we have already written. As part of this material, we will tell you about deleting on android.

After starting the conductor, we turn to the right or press the top of the window, depending on the version, to open the menu. It is necessary to find and activate the "root conductor", to obtain rights to delete pre-installed programs. It is usually located in the "Means" section.

Now it is possible to move to the deletion procedure itself. In the Android system, pre-installed applications are on the internal memory in the System / App folder. We highlight the touch required by the file and click Delete.

Some of them download their updated version in addition to the "DATA / APP" folder. We recommend that you check the availability of a program deleted.

Faster way, it is uninstalling files from the "System" menu section. It is in the initial menu, the "Apps" tab.

  1. We use Cpleaner.

We have already published the installation and work instructions. To delete preset programs, start the Cleaner and log in to the main menu. We are interested in the system tab. Choosing it.

The window that opens will have a list of all programs available for removal. You do not have to search for yourself, where the applications are located. Removal is carried out automatically, literally a pair of clicks (before removing the client will ask). And then, it will restart your device yourself, for the correct completion of work.

  1. We delete the preset programs using Titanium Backup.

In this video, we offer you a visual instruction of another way to delete system applications on Android.

Note once again that if you are not sure about the purpose of one or another program, it is better not to remove it. We hope that this material was useful to you. Located questions, ask them in the comment. We will try to help.