The role of information technologies in the professional activity of the translator. Information Technologies Translated Dip Slave Use of Technology In Translation Activities

1. Informational and technological competence of the translator.

2. Automated translator workplace

2.1. Work with a text editor. Automatic translation text editing.

2.2. Electronic dictionaries and translation. Electronic libraries

2.3. Electronic text cases and translation

2.4.Computer translators

I. According to many scientists, an important component of the professional competence of the translator is the technical component, which involves the ownership of the appropriate technical means, and first of all electronic. A graduate in the direction of training 035700.62 "Linguistics" profile "Translation and Translation" should have according to the preparation standard among other things, the following competencies:

Own the standard ways to solve basic typical tasks in the field of linguistic support of information and other application systems;

Have computer skills as a means of obtaining, processing and manage information;

Have the ability to work with information in global computer networks;

Be able to work with electronic dictionaries and other electronic resources for solving linguistic tasks;

Own the foundations of information and bibliographic culture,

Own a methodology for preparing translation, including searching for information in the help, special literature and computer networks;

Be able to issue a translation text in a computer text editor;

To be able to work with basic information and expert systems, knowledge presentation systems, syntactic and morphological analysis, automatic synthesis and speech recognition, processing of lexicographic information and automated translation, automated identification systems and personal verification systems.

I call here those competences, where the ownership of information literacy is explicated explicitly, and in addition, many other competencies include this concept implicitly, for example.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be argued that a modern linguist, a specialist in the field of translation cannot do in its professional activities without information means of obtaining, processing, storing and transferring information. These funds include such electronic resources as:

Text editor,

Electronic bilingual and single-language dictionaries for online and offline operation;

The Internet;

Terminological databases;

Specialized terminological dictionaries and glossary;

Automatic editing programs;

General and specialized encyclopedias, encyclopedic dictionaries;

Electronic stylistics guides;

Electronic corps of parallel texts and concordaners;

Electronic libraries;

Online newspaper and journal archives;

Programs "Translation Memory" / Translation Memory

Machine translation programs;

New communication technologies, etc.

II. Due to the fact that the technical means began to occupy an increasing place in the professional activity of the translator in practice and the concept of an automated translator's workplace appeared in theory. AWP includes technical means as a computer, scanner, fax apparatus or fax modem, printer, Internet with all components (email), telephone, as well as electronic resources. Translation of computer technologies is called an automated translation. The term SAT is used to designate the automated translation. English Term - Computer-Assisted Translation, Computer-Aided Translation - Cat. In a narrow understanding of this concept to SAT include such translation automation systems as SDL Trados, Deja Vu, Startransit, Wordfast and others. According to Wikipedia, "Automated translation is a type of translation when a person translator translates texts using computer programs designed to facilitate the translation process." With a wide in Technology, SAT includes electronic dictionaries, and machine translation programs, the Translation Memory system, sink checkers, grammar check programs, terminological databases, full-text search tools, concordants, etc.

III. In the Microsoft Word text editor, with which, as a rule, translators work, there are a number of functions important for the translator. This Spelling and Grammar Checker is a means of testing spelling and grammar text. The program allows you to control the spelling of words.

Programs for checking the correct syntax and text style in the text editor included in the orphan control unit:

1. The Bullfighter program checks the spelling, syntax and text style in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint applications,

2. English Writing Software

3. Grammar Checker 7.0

4. Grammar Slammer-Non-Windows 4.0

5. Grammar Slammer 4.2

6. Grammatica English.

7. Spellcheckplus

8. Whitesmoke English 2009

The program that includes the Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007 package makes it possible to find the following types of errors: spelling and punctuation (arrangement of hyphens, the use of capital letters, non-compliance with the spelling standards of the selected version of the English language, etc.), grammatical errors (violation of the coordination of the fae to the subject, incorrect Constructed verb design, double denial, etc.), stylistic errors (cliche, conversational words, jargonisms, misuse of the word, etc.)

The text editor Microsoft Office 2007 has a function of transferring a selected text or the entire document from one language to another ("built-in translator") on the "Review panel", you can also track differences between two texts, i.e. Changes that are entered into the translation text after the completion of the translator over it. When is such a comparison needed? If the text translator works alternately with the editor, the translator receives a piece of text from the editor and can compare and see the changes made.

The "Thesaurus" feature allows you to find synonyms or antonyms that can be used to avoid repeats translated.

It is known that

2.2.Electronic dictionary - a computer database containing specially encoded dictionary articles that allow you to quickly find words, often taking into account the morphological form and with the ability to search for words combinations, as well as with the ability to change the direction of translation.

Advantages of electronic dictionaries:

1. High speed processing;

2. Portability of information carrier;

3. Availability of the latest vocabulary due to rapid updates, especially in rapidly developing areas (nanotechnology, computer technologies, etc.);

4. Simultaneous access to several dictionaries;

5. Ability to change the direction of translation.

Recently, there has been a tendency to increase the interest of translators to online dictionaries, because All of the above characteristics are peculiar to them more than offline.


1. Double-check / inaccuracy of some data

Among the well-known dictionaries, ABBYY Lingvo, Multilex, Polyglossum, Context 7.0, Elsevier (Version 2002) and others should be called.

Multilex Delux 6 is 28 English-Russian and Russian-British common, thematic and intelligent dictionaries, including Oxford English-Russian Dictionary, Large Russian-English Dictionary A.I.Smirntitsky, English-Russian Frameological Dictionary A.V. Kunina , Linguerous Dictionaries of the United States and the UK.

ABBYY Lingvo X3 - 150 dictionaries with a total volume of 9 million bills on the websites of users of this dictionary you can find useful dictionaries and info and

In addition, ABBYY has developed a professional system for creating, storing and replenishing ABBYY Lingvo Content dictionaries. With it, you can create, update, replenish and analyze dictionaries of any complexity, create dictionaries based on existing and export them into various formats.


ELSEVIER (Version 2002)

On the forums of the site "City of Translators" and the Association of Lexicographers Lingvo, the question of which dictionary is better - there is no definite answer ( and

Links to bilingual and multilingual dictionaries can be found on the Internet on the following sites:,,,,,

In scientific and applied understanding, the use of dictionaries not all scientists cause absolute delight. So, B.N. Climzo believes that they are learning the translator to think. - Americana English-Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary - Anylexic, Version2 - Babylon.

www. - Context - English-Italian-Russian On-Line Dictionary On Oil and Gas - Lingvo ABBYY - Winlexic Microsoft Glossaries 2005 - new large English-Russian dictionary

www. dictionary A.I.Smirnitsky - site T. Gervi Champi

The largest virtual library in the world is the National Electronic Library at the US Congress - National Congress Digital Library.

Library - Free Electronic Online Library

& Concordants - List of contexts where the desired unit is represented in its lexical environment and is characterized by a set of statistical data.

In the simplest case, it is an alphabetical list of words in the text with those contexts in which they met.

The current period of the development of society is characterized by a strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. An integral and important part of these processes is the computerization of translation processes. Computerization of the translation process has become one of the important tasks from the very beginning of using IT in science. The dream of creating automatic translators did not leave scientists from the very beginning. And at least a complete transaction in the field of activity of machines at this stage of development IT is impossible - the presence of a human factor as the ultimate decision making is still necessary - the task of the developers was all the assistance to the translator through IT. The introduction of computer tools in the process, initially focused only on a person, its ability to selection of a suitable option at the level of experience and sense of style, requires special attention to detail and technique. In addition to the development of a suitable in different types to perform the relevant related tasks, training specialists are also coming to the use of these programs, the creation of comfortable conditions for their application.

Computer technologies are designed to become not an additional "incatch" translated, and an integral part of a holistic process, significantly improving its effectiveness, to become a "right hand" of the translator, speed up the process of translation and make it more technologically.

At this stage, the possibilities of IT translated are used in incomplete, insufficient volume.

The main reason for the current situation is insufficient attention to the possibilities of using IT at the stage of education. In the preparation of translators in our universities, there is no attention to the possibilities of IT - not only there is no separate course, but there is no talk about studying this issue on the program. The teachers themselves are not always familiar with the question, so their advice also cannot fully satisfy the needs of students. At the present stage, finding the possibilities of using IT with a translation of 90% is the task of the student-translator.

Relevance of the study: The current period of the development of society is characterized by the strong influence on it of computer technologies, which penetrate all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. Improvement of IT auxiliary capabilities in various fields, including in such an important area as a translation.

The object is to achieve modern information technologies during the translation process.

The subject is computer programs and Internet resources designed to help the translator during the translation process.

Objective: to highlight the possibilities of using SIT when translating at the current stage of development, to propose options for improving the efficiency of the use of achievements.

· Examine the history of the development of computer technologies in the field of translation;

· Examine the available available tools for translation, both in and Il

· Consider electronic dictionary Lingvo, electronic translate Promt.

· Relax the advantages and disadvantages of modern translation systems.

· Examine options for improving the efficiency of TSP.

Chapter 1 The history of the development of modern information technologies in translation.

The implementation of translation with a computer is a complex, but interesting scientific task. The main difficulty is that natural languages \u200b\u200bare poorly formalized. Hence the low quality obtained using MP text, the content and form of which serves as an unchanged object of jokes. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bmachine translation leaves the roots far into the past.

For the first time, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility of machine translation was expressed by Charles Babbage, who developed in 1836-1848. The project "Digital Analytical Machine". The idea of \u200b\u200bC. Babbja was that the memory of 1000 50-bit decimal numbers (50 gear wheels in each register) can be used to store dictionaries. C. Babbage brought this idea as a justification for a request from the English government of the funds necessary for the physical embodiment of the analytical machine, which he never managed to build.

And after 100 years, in 1947, W. Weaver (director of the Department of Natural Sciences of the Rockefeller Foundation) wrote a letter to Norbert Winer. In this letter, he suggested using decryption techniques to transfer texts. This year is considered the year of the birth of machine translation. In the same year, an algorithm for the implementation of a single transfer was developed, and in 1948 R. Richenas proposed the rule of splitting the word to the basis and ending. In the following two decades, the machine translation system has developed violently.

In January 1954, the first IBM Mark II machine translation system was demonstrated on the IBM-701 car. But in 1967, the Specially Created Commission of the US National Academy recognized the "Machine Translation Unprofitable", which significantly slowed down the study in this area. The new lift machine translation is experiencing in the 70s, and in the 80s it becomes cost-effective due to the comparative cheapness of the machine time.

However, the USSR studies in the field of machine translation continued. After demonstrating the IBM Mark II system, a group of vinity scientists began developing a machine translation system for a BESM machine. The first sample of translation from English into Russian was obtained by the end of 1955.

Another direction of work arose in the department of applied mathematics of the Mathematical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now IPM them. M. V. Keldysh RAS) on the initiative of A. A. Lyapunov. The first machine translation programs developed by this team were implemented by the "Arrow" machine. Thanks to the work on the creation of MP systems, such a direction as applied linguistics was formed.

In the 70s, a group of developers of the Russian Academy of Sciences under the guidance of prof is over the creation of MP systems. G.G. Belonogova. The first of their MP system was developed in 1993, and in 1996 after a number of revisions were registered with Rosapo called Retrans. This system was used by ministries of defense, communication, science and technology.

Parallel studies were conducted in the Lagpy engineering linguist laboratory. A. I. Herzen (now Pedagogical University). It was them that was the basis of the most popular MP "Promt" system now. The latest versions of this software product use high-tech technologies and are built on the basis of technology of extended networks of transitions and formalism of neural networks.

Chapter 2 Classification of machine translation (Larry Childe)

"The new members of the Compuserve Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bForum often ask the question of whether someone could advise them a good machine translation program for a reasonable price. The answer to this question is invariably "no". Depending on the responding, the answer may contain two main arguments: either that the machines are not for the translation, or that the machine translation is too expensive.

Both of these arguments are to a certain extent fair. However, the answer is not so simple. Studying the problem of machine translation (MP), various subsections of this problem should be considered separately. The following separation is based on Lari Child's lectures conducted in the 1990 International Conference on the International Conference on the 1990 Technical Communications:

Machine translation systems automated text translation. In this case, the units of translation serve words or phrases, and the latest developments allow us to take into account the morphology of the word translated. "Developed MP systems are translated by a given developer and / or corrected user translation algorithms."

To implement a machine translation to the computer, a special program implements the translation algorithm under which the sequence is definitely understood and strictly certain actions on the text to find translations in this pair of the languages \u200b\u200bof the Yaz1-Sumy2 at a given direction of translation (from one particular language to another). The machine translation system includes "bilingual dictionaries, equipped with the necessary grammatical information (morphological, syntactic and semantic) to ensure the transmission of equivalent, variant and transformational transferants, as well as algorithmic means of grammatical analysis, implementing any of the formal textual processing Grammar. " There are also separate machine translation systems designed for translation within three or more languages, but they are currently experimental.

Currently, there are two concepts for the development of machine translation systems:

1. The model of a "large vocabulary with a complex structure", which is laid in most contemporary translators;

2. Model "Mean-text", first formulated A.A. Lyapunov, but so far not implemented in any commercial product.

To date, such machine translation systems are most famous as

PROMT 2000 / XT company PROMT;

Retrans Vista companies Vista and Advantis;

Socrates - Arsenal Company Programs.

In the systems of the PROMT family, a practically unique morphological description for all languages \u200b\u200bwith which the systems can contact are developed. It contains 800 types of victims for the Russian language, more than 300 types, both for German and for French, and even for English, which does not belong to flexive languages, is allocated. More than 250 types of kinds. Many endings for each language are stored in the form of wood structures, which ensures not only an effective storage method, but also an effective algorithm for morphological analysis.

Instead of the adopted linguistic approach, which assumes the allocation of consecutive processes of analysis and synthesis of proposal, the basis of the system architecture was the presentation of the transformation process as a process with an "object-oriented" organization based on the hierarchy of the processed components of the proposal. This made it possible to make Promt systems stable and open. In addition, this approach made it possible to apply various formalism to describe the translation of different levels. In systems, network grammar systems are also working in the type of advanced networks of transitions, and procedural filling algorithms and transformations of frame structures for analyzing complex predicates.
A description of the lexical unit in a dictionary entry, which is actually not limited to size and may contain many different features, closely interconnected with the structure of the system algorithms and is structured not based on the eternal antithesis syntax - semantics, but based on the levels of text components.

At the same time, the systems can work with not fully described dictionary articles, which is an important point when opening dictionaries for the user, from which it is impossible to demand a fine handling of linguistic material.

The system highlights the level of lexical units, the level of groups, the level of simple proposals and the level of complex proposals. All these processes are connected and interact hierarchically in accordance with the hierarchy of text units, exchanging synthesized and inherited features. Such a device of algorithms allows the use of different formal methods to describe algorithms of different levels.

Electronic dictionary is usually a computer database containing specially encoded dictionary articles that allow you to quickly find the desired words and phrases. The search for words is carried out taking into account morphological combinations (examples of use), as well as with the possibility of changing the direction of translation (for example, English-Russian or Russian-English).

The main difference between the SMP lies in the fact that the ES provides a translator of the entire spectrum of the words or phrases recorded in his database, leaving the choice of the most suitable option for a person, while the SMP itself selection of an option from the database based on the algorithms built into her .

Lingvo. Translated from Esperanto language means "Language", what is the articles in ABBYY Lingvo dictionaries (Lingvouniversal and Lingvocomputer).

ABBYY Lingvo has no full-text translation feature, but there is an interpreted translation of texts from the clipboard. In some dictionaries in English, German and French, most words are voiced by professional speakers - native speakers.

The program includes a Lingvo Tutor training module that helps memorize new words.

In addition to the existing 150 professional dictionaries, the result of the lexicographic work of ABBYY employees and authoritative paper and electronic dictionaries there is an extensive base of free user dictionaries for the program. Dictionaries are pre-verified and are generally available on the website of the Lingvo Lexicographers Association.

ABBYY Lingvo X3 varieties:

· ABBYY Lingvo X3 European version - 130 generals and thematic dictionaries for translation from the Russian language into English, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese and French and back.

· ABBYY Lingvo X3 multilingual version - 150 generals and thematic dictionaries for translation from the Russian language into English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Latin, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Ukrainian and French and back.

· ABBYY Lingvo X3 mobile multilingual dictionary - a dictionary for smartphones, communicators and a PDA, containing 38 modern full dictionaries for 8 languages.

· ABBYY Lingvo X3 English version - 57 generals and thematic English-Russian and Russian dictionaries.

· All versions contain intelligent English dictionaries (OXFORD and Collins) and a large explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova T. F.

In addition to the above-described funds for employees for helping the translator, there are also special ILs that allow you to search for translation online, without the need for downloading and installing any software.

Il can also be divided into two types: Dictionaries and similar on the principle of online databases and machine translators.

The most famous online dictionary can be rightfully recognized by the Internet version of ABBYY Lingvo. In addition to the already familiar disstainment and provision of dictionary articles, the site offers a large range of additional features:

FineReader Online is a convenient online OCR service that recognizes your images, PDF files or documents of documents and converts them to the desired formats - Microsoft Word, Excel, TXT, RTF or PDF with the ability to search

Written translation - Development of representatives of ABBYY Lingvo, which allows the customer to optimize costs. The type of translation and its cost are determined by the purpose of the document, the thematic area, the volume and timing of the project

Individual training on the phone (or on the Internet - via Skype)

Online version of ABBYY ALIGNER for aligning parallel texts and creating database Translation Memory

The service "Translation by phone" is a teleconference, in which a remote translator participates in addition to you and your interlocutor

Additionally, you can pay attention to such a resource as Urban Dictionary. This online database is created to dating users with a constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with a portable value, conversational revolutions.

As for online translators, it is sufficient to note that most MP programs have an Internet version, including Promt. They offer the same set of functions as their program "counterparts".


Currently, computers occupy an increasing place not only among programmers and engineers, but also in the environment of a wide variety of users, including linguists, translators and specialists in need of operational translation of foreign language information. In this regard, electronic dictionaries and programs carrying out machine translation are a very convenient submitumed tool in order to save time and optimize the process of understanding foreign language information. In addition, there are now programs-translators who can produce more or less adequate translation of foreign language texts and may be aware of specialists in various profiles.

This topic of research can be considered quite modern, since the history of development and implementation in the daily lives of personal computers (and even moreover, such as it would be "under the power" to carry out more or less modern programs of machine translation) is hardly more than fifteen years. This topic acquires a special relevance, if we consider the fact that it is at present that the Republic of Belarus is increasingly integrated into the international community and that, along with economic and political barriers, impede this largely language barriers. At the same time, professional translators capable and wishing to exercise such a community communication process in all spheres of science and culture, not so much. This was a consequence of the fact that at this stage the process of learning a professional translator takes a lot of time and highly laborious. Therefore, it is now that it is especially relevant to the search for ways to automate the process of translation carried out by a person to maximize, so that, on the one hand, to make it easier to facilitate the difficult work of a person-translator, and on the other - to make this work as efficient as possible. It is possible to carry out this, only as possible by integrating the efforts of specialists in the fields of cybernetics, programming, psychology, and the main thing - linguistics.

In this paper, a study was made to the modern TSP market, an accessible translator.

Various types of translation types using IT were studied and described.

Fully automatic translation;

Automated machine translation with human participation;

Translation carried out by a person using a computer.

The various types of TSP are described and analyzed and analyzed:

Electronic dictionaries;

Machine translation systems;

Internet resources for translation.

An overview of the specific products available at the moment were analyzed their capabilities, advantages and disadvantages.

At this stage of the development of IT, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: the most promising direction of the use of TSP is a fully automated translation. The development of software in this area is occupied by the minds of leading scientists and is one of the priority areas of research in the field of computer linguistics.

Now the most popular is the use of TSP as auxiliary tools in the process of translation. In this area, modern developments provide the widest opportunities for the search and interpretation of words and expressions. There are databases not only in certain words, but also database of sustainable expressions, jargonis, slang, etc.

The main task in improving the transformation process can now be considered to be the introduction of TSP at all levels, from the primary process of teaching the translator in high school to the popularization of TSP in the media. Now the existing TSP capabilities are used in incomplete.

References References

1. Belyaeva MA English grammar / - M.: Higher School, 1987.

2. Bloch M.Ya. Theoretical Fundamentals of Grammar / - M.: Higher School, 2000. - 280 s.

3. Vaichman G.A. New in English grammar // Tutorial for In-Ts and Faculties Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b/ - M.: Higher School, 1990.

4. Ilish B. A. Modern English // Modern English. Theoretical course: textbook for ped. And teacher. In-Tov Forers. Yaz. / - Leningrad, 1980.

5. Kazakova TA. Practical frameworks / - St. Petersburg., 2002. - 324 p.

6. Kachalova K.N., Israelich E.E. Practical grammar English / - M.: Forenburghizdat, 1957.

7. Kutuzov L. Practical Grammar English / - M.: Veva, 1998. - 200c.

8. Semenov A. L. Modern information technologies and translation // Credit benefit for studies. Higher. Studies. Vehicles / - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 224 p.

9. Wikipedia - online encyclopedia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - Access date: 12/29/2010.

10. Online-Dictionary ABBYY LingVo [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Access date: 12/29/2010.

11. Online text translator Company Prott [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Access date: 12/29/2010.

12. Urbandictionary - The Greatest On-Line American Slang Dictionary [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: http: / - Date of access: 12/29/2010.


database, 3 , 10

the Internet, 3 , 5 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 19 , 22

computer, 4, 5

machine, 2 , 3 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 13 , 14

transfer, 2 , 3 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 24 , 25

translator, 5 , 8 , 13 , 16 , 24

program, 5.

resource, 3 , 13 , 16, 18 , 19 , 24, 25

vocabulary, 3 , 5 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 16 , 18 , 19 , 24

electronic, 3 , 5 , 11 , 18

Internet resources in the subject area Research

ABBYY Lingvo - family of electronic dictionaries. Created by the Russian company ABBYY. On August 13, 2008, a new version X3 (X is three volume of vocabulary of vocabulary is more than 8.7 million units.

Multilingual version covers 12 languages \u200b\u200b- Armenian, Russian, Ukrainian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Latin, Chinese, Portuguese. There is also a European version - 130 dictionaries in 7 languages \u200b\u200band Anglo-Russian-English electronic dictionary.

SMP PROMT - one of the most well-known resources of MP, translating both separate lexical units and complete syntactic integers: proposals, TCTSTS.

In the systems of the PROMT family, a practically unique morphological description for all languages \u200b\u200bwith which the systems can contact are developed. It contains 800 types of victims for the Russian language, more than 300 types, both for German and for French, and even for English, which does not belong to flexive languages, more than 250 types of victims are allocated. Many endings for each language are stored in the form of wood structures, which ensures not only an effective storage method, but also an effective algorithm for morphological analysis.

Online multilingual translation of text and dictionaries. This resource is the largest online dictionaries complex. It also provides the ability to transfer text to 52 of the European Union language in all directions (from any language from the list to any other language from the list). Used in many international departmental and educational structures.

This online database is created to dating users with a constantly changing and rapidly updating sphere of English slang, phrases with a portable value, conversational revolutions.

This resource allows users to independently contribute new words and expressions in the database, complement the definitions of existing ones. Each article besides explanations of the expression contains examples of its use, taken from popular texts, songs, movies. The site also contains sections "The Word of the Day" and "Word of the Year", where the most popular words and expressions of the day and the year chosen by users are presented by users, respectively.

Wiktionary (Wiktionary) - Freely replenished multifunction multilingual dictionary and thesaurus, based on the wiki engine. One of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation.

The Internet system, which includes 14 bilateral electronic dictionaries. Currently, this is one of the most complete and most popular automatic online dictionaries Runet. The most fully represented by the English-Russian-English, German-German and French-Russian part of the dictionary. The least fully - the Kalmyk-Russian-Kalmyk part of the dictionary. In addition to the Internet version, the offline version of the Multitrans is distributed.

Valid personal site in WWW (hyperlink).

Appendix B.

Appendix B.

Appendix G.

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrov

Faculty of Humanitarian Pedagogical L

Department of Theory and Practice of Translation B

Under the discipline of the framework of translating activities of translators

Theme Innovative Technologies Translated

Kaidarova A.A.

(initials, surname)

______________ ___________

(signature) (date)

Machine translation in the life of the translator

Machine translation and their types and functions

1.1 Machine translation in the life of the translator

The most vivid examples of how new technologies become indispensable tools for performing certain works can be found in our daily life. It is now difficult to imagine harvest without a combine, work at factories without all sorts of machines, and washing without a washing machine. Previously, all this work was performed manually, and there is no point in talking about how much time and strength people spent on performing these types of work. There are good reason to believe that quite soon the technology Translation Memory will also firmly enter the life of translators, and its use will become the same common thing as cutting vegetables in the kitchen process, it used to be assumed that a written translation is extremely creative, akin to writing artistic Books, no wonder, many famous translators became famous as poets or writers. However, today the realities of life require accuracy of information transmission when transferring and efficient performance. The modern specifics of the written translation lies in the need to transfer large volumes of often repetitive technical or business documents. Technical translation generally requires the rigor of the style and canonation of forms, and who will be thinking about creativity when you need to translate hundreds or thousands of technical documentation pages in record time. In the documents, typical turns are constantly repeated, and if translators are forced to manually translate once with the same thing, it significantly reduces the speed of their work, and as a result, the company's profit.

The productivity and quality of the translator depends on its personal experience and the ability to constantly learn from the experience and knowledge of other people. What is your own experience in translation? This is the memory of the translator to which he appeals every time to remember whether it was faced with one or another word, phrase or proposal, and how it was translated by them for the last time. The use of other people's knowledge is reduced to the search for the most suitable words and expressions in words. However, sooner or later, each translator has a natural question: how to make not only dictionaries at hand, but all previously made translations related to a certain sphere?

New problems require new solutions. One of the new translator tools was the Translation Memory technology (TM) - a database where the transfers made are stored, sometimes it is called the "Memory of Translations". Translation Memory is often confused with machinery (Mahcine Translation), which is also certainly useful and interesting, but its description is not the purpose of this article. The use of TM technology increases the transfer rate by reducing the volume of mechanical work. However, TM will not fulfill the translator, but will greatly facilitate its work. The principle of operation of TM technology is rather simple - in the process of translation of the pair "The source text - the final (translated) text" is accumulated in the database (or databases) of the data and then used to transfer new documents.

To facilitate information processing and comparing various documents, the Translation Memory system breaks all the text into individual pieces called segments. Such segments are most often suggestions, but there may be other segmentation rules. When transferring a new text, the system compares all segments of text with already available in the database. If the system manages to find a fully or partially coinciding segment, then its translation is displayed indicating the coincidence as a percentage. Words and phrases that differ from the saved text are highlighted. This is a kind of "tips", to some extent facilitating the work of the translator and the reduction time required to edit translation. As a rule, the threshold of coincidences is set at a level not lower than 75%. With a smaller percentage of the coincidence, the costs of editing text are too increasing, and this segment is manually translated faster. It turns out that when working with TM, the translator remains to translate only new segments and edit partially coinciding. Each change or new translation is stored in TM, and there is no need to translate the same twice!

Like a diligent student, Translation Memory remembers terms and suggestions based on which the so-called "translation memory" is built. TM is a constantly growing base (or base if the translation is performed according to various subjects) of data that "remembers" all the transfers made, and can become a "language memory" on the product or on the company's activities as a whole. The translation memory database is replenished and growing with the translation of each new document, therefore the time spent on the next similar translation is reduced, and the financial costs are reduced accordingly.

This technology helps to significantly reduce the consumption of funds and time for the translation of technical documentation through the use of repeated text fragments. In addition to reducing the complexity of the translation of the system, TM allows you to withstand the unity of terminology and style in all documentation, as well as reduce the cost of the subsequent layout of translated documents.

Calculate the benefits that TM technology provides:

Improving the productivity of the translator. It is easy to see that the substitution is even 80% of the coincident segments from the transfers base, can reduce the time of work on the translation by 50-60%. As practice shows, it is possible to edit the finished translation much faster than to translate re-"from scratch."

Saving funds as a direct consequence of time saving.

The unity of the terminology of the style in the presence of the transference base on the subject of the translated document. This is especially important when transferring narrowly specialized documentation.

Creating continuity of the workflow, which guarantees the lack of failures in the company's work. The means spent on the creation of the translation base are not costs, but rather investment in stable and high-quality work, which increases not only profits, but also the cost of the company itself.

Of course, not everything is so cloudless and technology Translation Memory is not deprived of a number of significant drawbacks:

Large starting costs. It is obvious that for productive work with the Translation Memory system, a ready-made database of transfers on the subject of texts, which are planned to be translated. Without such a database, the Translation Memory program can help anything. Therefore, it is necessary to either buy such a database or create manually.

Large handmade. Even with a good translation base, the number of 100% coincidence will be very limited. Therefore, it will not be possible to fully automate manual work using Translation Memory.

Note that there is also the possibility of integrating TM systems with machine translation systems, which gives additional advantages in working with large documentation flows. The user can extract terminology for subsequent work with it, to make its own user dictionaries, connect additional dictionaries and, finally, the translation of segments that do not match the TM transfers already available in the database will be automatically implemented.

1.2 Machine translation and their types and functions

translation Machine technology

The active introduction of modern technologies in various fields of activity makes it possible to reduce the costs of time and effort to perform any work. Not exception has become the region of linguistics, especially such directions as a legal transfer or, for example, technical.

Translations of technical texts are distinguished by the impressive amount of documentation that must be translated into the shortest time. Various programs are designed to solve this task - translators and electronic dictionaries.

These technologies are able to help a professional translator when the task is to perform a qualitative legal transfer from English in a short time. An experienced translator perfectly understands that the translated text of the text requires further verification for compliance with the original and amendment. In this case, the transfer of legal text using the program should be checked not only by the linguist itself, but also a qualified lawyer. Many newcomers and young freelancers, scoring a request "Legal Transfer online" in the search engine string, use sites found on request. As a result, they perform only two actions "copy text in an online translator" - "insert text into a document", i.e. Get a machine translation and send it to the customer. As a rule, only a highly qualified translator operating in the authoritative translation bureau is carefully read in the original, checks all the information obtained during machine translation with the source documentation, uses various electronic dictionaries to adapt all terms and formulations in line with the legal features of both countries. As a result, he receives a qualitative legal translation of the text. This approach to the organization of labor is called automated.

To automate its translation activities, many linguists use online translators, such as Promt, Google, Transneed, online dictionaries Multitran, Lingvo, MrTranslate and other online resources. Many companies are developing programs for offline use. At the same time, programs that fulfill the legal translation from English and to this foreign language on the basis of general and specialized Lingvo dictionaries, as a rule, are well coped with the task of translation, most words, dialect expressions, technical and legal terms correctly interpret. This is explained simply - ABBYY Lingvo is constantly improving its own products and cooperates with the best translators.

The mansion is the CAT system, for example Transit, Trados, Wordfast, Across, Meta Texis, Star, etc. They are at a much higher level, unlike programs - translators and portals, which offer legal transfer online, however, are inferior to many transfers. They are characterized by the presence of special memory Translation Memory, in which the correspondence is accumulated. When legal text is transferred, the program compares the text with the information accumulated in its database and evaluates it. Thus, the linguist will only need to edit the material to get stylistically and logically connected text. SAT systems are greatly popular among translators, because, fulfilling the legal transfer, the linguist database formulates independently. This allows you to accelerate the process of its further work, despite the fact that the translator first spends quite a sufficient amount of time to analyze information, consulting with lawyers and finding an unequivocally correct interpretation of a specific legal term or wording. So a professional translator not only accumulates knowledge when the legal text is transferred, but also rationally distributes its strength, and the customer will always receive a high-quality text translation.

Agree, no car, no resource that offers to fulfill the legal translation of online is not able to feel all the subtleties and nuances of the text that see an experienced translator. Naturally, the more vocabulary and the terminological framework of the program - the translator, the greater the possibilities will have a tool, the better the machine translation will be. However, to feel the specifics of the text and the transfer can only be able to make a master of your business - a high-class linguist.

Consequently, the legal transfer from English or the help of software to it requires further adequacy inspection, equivalence and literacy. A highly qualified translator here is given a dominant role.

If you occur a dilemma: contact the solid translation agency or delete yourself with software products or online translators, preference will be given to the first option. Legal translation Online or not edited machine translation can only be used as reference material. In addition, the translation agency, in contrast to innovative instruments, will be responsible for the work performed, for the accuracy of all information and the adequacy of the resulting text.

It is known that when legal translation is carried out in the framework of business cooperation, the accuracy of translation, a competent and correct statement of text, full compliance with the text to legal systems and the traditions of both countries, as well as the right decoration in accordance with world standards and standards, is very important. The above indicators affect the mutual understanding of the parties to the speed of signing contracts, contracts, agreements and other legal documents. As a result, the qualitative translation becomes the key to the successful and productive cooperation of companies or the applicant and the employer.

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In addition to the translating knowledge of the translator, you must be able to use various equipment serving its activities, as well as auxiliary objects. The simplest help of the translator is his notebook.

The interpreter (even if it is not synchronist) should be able to use the cabin of synchronist and know its device and technical equipment: microphones, switching buttons, monitor. In the event of a malfunction or unsatisfactory sound quality in the cockpit, it should immediately report on this on duty, which is always located near Cabin synchronists. Primary acquaintance with this kind of equipment occurs during the training training of translators, in the cabins of the educational conference room, as well as in specialized audiences like "Prism" and "Spectrum".

The translator also uses the ability to use a voice recorder, a tape recorder, a video recorder. The translation of the modern level is unthinkable without work skills on the computer, the ability to extract information from dictionaries in electronic form, the ability to use the Internet.

Currently, the translator's activities cannot be submitted without the use of information technology. Already at the stage of job search, the translator appeals to various sites, email addresses of possible customers, sending their resumes, etc. Getting text for subsequent translation, communication with the customer and all further translator activities are also mediated by information technology. All this makes it necessary to teach students using a computer in his future professional activities. However, as learning experience shows, the simple acquaintance of students with existing information technologies is not effective. At each of the stages of this complex professional activity, the use of information technologies has its own specifics.

The first stage in the activity of the translator is the stage of obtaining an input text and preparation for its translation.

The next task of this stage, which also precedes the transformation process itself, is to acquaint with the subject of statement, clarifying the subjects of the text and the selection of related dictionaries and reference literature. If the translation text is provided to the translator in print, the modern features of the computer allow you to scan it and use the text optical recognition system to transfer it to the electronic view. Only after that the translator proceeds to the next stage of its activities - understanding and interpreting the foreign language text in the specialty.

Using a computer, the ability to request the necessary information via the Internet allows you to significantly expand the information and reference search in the activities of the translator of scientific and technical texts. As the translators surveys have shown, in this stage of their activities, the translator may:

1. Participate in professional chat rooms with native speakers.

2. Use electronic dictionaries and on-line systems automated


3. Search publishing on the topic of translation.

4. Attend the translators forums, i.e. Use Internet opportunities for professional communication.

5. View the latest news on the topic of translation to clarify the context and terminology.

The information obtained can be applied to an electronic dictionary, which is conducted by the translator throughout its professional activities.

The next step in the activity of the translator is the synthesizing stage, i.e. Actually the translation of the understanding text. When the text is generated, the translator should simulate its understanding of the future recipient, and also take into account the discursive and genre parameters of the text of the text in Russian. With a written translation at the stage of creating a clear text in Russian to help the translator, a computer came, which makes it possible:

1. Choose synonyms of words.

2. Use electronic dictionaries.

3. Use an electronic translator when translating some standardized genres, such as a patent or instruction.

4. Create a translator's notes system to the most controversial or as requested to clarify the context places.

The final stage in the translator's activities is to check and pass the transfer made. Currently, all translated texts must be presented in the electronic version. The wide possibilities of computer technologies greatly facilitate the editing and design of the text of the translation. Thus, using the computer at this stage it is possible:

1. Check the spelling and grammatical structures in the translation text;

2. Apply formatting templates (in accordance with generally accepted in the country);

3. Get statistics on translated and translated text (number of characters, words, paragraphs, etc.);

4. Use graphic elements (graphs, diagrams, tables, drawings, etc.).

Chapter 1. Socio-cultural conditions for the development of professional translation activities and the system of preparation of translation

§one. Development of translation and translator training system.

§2. Translation specialization as a prerequisite for the emergence of additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication".

§3. Features of the preparation of the translator in new technological conditions.

Conclusions on the first chapter.

Chapter 2. Theoretical foundations of the formation of professional competence of future "translators in the field of professional communication"

§one. Modeling professional activity and vocational training.

§2. "Competence" and "competence" as the system-forming elements of the integral model of the translator.

§3. Functional and competence analysis of translation activities.

§four. Information and technological competence as a component of the integral competence of the translator.

Conclusions on the second chapter.

Chapter 3. Conditions for the formation of the information and technological competence of future "translators in the field of professional communication"

§one. Approaches to the professional training of the future "translator in the field of professional communication."

§2. Composition of the information and technological environment of the translator.

§3. Experimental study of the formation of information technology competence of a translator based on the course

Computer transfer of translation.

Conclusions on the third chapter.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Modular training for the translation of scientific and technical texts using information technologies 2010, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Alferova, Dinara Advna

  • Formation of professional competence in students - future translators using teaching thesaurus 2010, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Matveev, Olga Nikolaevna

  • Interdisciplinary bases of the basic linguistic training of a translator 2004, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Porshnev, Elena Rafaelievna

  • Methods of setting language and translating (program "Translator in the field of professional communication", English) 2006, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Zheninko, Andrei Aleksandrovich

  • Formation of translation competence in the field of professional communication in students of non-language specialties using informational and communications technologies 2009, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Artenenko, Olga Aleksandrovna

The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Formation of the information and technological competence of the future" translator in the field of professional communication ""

The relevance of research. In today's world, the consistent promotion from national closets to cooperation and mutual understanding is still sustainable as a tendency to form the global community into integrity. The transition of modern society to the information era of its development, the widest areas of application of computers, the creation of a global computer information network of the Internet contributes to the combination of knowledge and intelligence of people around the world without their division by state, economic, social and religious borders. Translation activity is an objective necessity, serves as the interests of states and peoples in the matter of comprehensive expansion of cooperation and exchange of professional, scientific, cultural and spiritual values, and meets the needs of the person.

The large-scale intercultural dialogue, a means of maintaining intercultural communication, which is unthinkable without carrying out translation, has contributed to broad diversification and professional and subject specialization of translation activities recently, which influenced the translators' training system, which is now carried out not only in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the specialty 620100 - Linguistics and intercultural communication (qualifications - linguist, translator), but also on the basis of the state-commissioned minimum of the content and level of graduate preparation introduced in 1997 to obtain additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication".

The translator in the field of professional communication "is a special kind of professional competence, its total competence includes, along with the competences, which has a linguist translator, also a vocational competence.

An analysis of the literature showed that the changed demands on the activities of the translator in the context of the information society cause the need to further change its vocational training, which in modern conditions should ensure the entry into the informatized practice of professional translation activities (P.S. Brooke, D. Guadek, D. Robinson) .

Significant number of problems related to vocational training, including the professional training of the translator, was developed in domestic pedagogy: training specialists for professional activities and improving the efficiency of training in high school (Yu.K. Babansky, A.A. Verbitsky, E.F. Zeer, I.Ya. Lerner, V.A. Slastin); Improving the language training of specialists as a common-breed problem (I.L. Bim, N.I. Gez, I.A. Winter, A.A. Leontyev, G.V. Rogova); informatization of education and various aspects of the use of information technologies in education (V.P. Beshpalko, B.G. Gershushin, I.G. Zakharova, E.S. Polyat, V.A. Tranne, I.V. Tranne); influence of information technologies on the content of the training of a specialist (A.P. Ershov, B.C. Lednev, E.I. Mashbits, I.V. Robert); Psychological and pedagogical aspects of information and technological training of specialists (V.A. Sadykov); Preparation of dual qualifications specialists (N.Sh. Valeeva, A.M. Kochnev); Various conditions for ensuring the training of civil servants (L.A. Vasilenko, Yu.N. Karpova, N.L. Uvarova); Professional preparation of translators on theoretical, methodological and lingvometric levels (I.S. Alekseeva, V.N. Komissarov, L.K. Latyshev, R.K. Minyar-BE-Lorchev, O. G. Obermeco, E.R . Porshneva, V.I. Conditions, I.I. Khaleeva).

Various aspects of the professional competence of the translator were affected by domestic (I.S. Alekseeva, Ya.B. Emelyanova, V.N. Commissioners, L.K. Latyshev, R.K. Minyar Beloruchev, OB Obemeko, E.R. Porshnev, Z.G. Soshina, K.V. Shaposhnikov) and foreign scientists (M. Balina, R. Bell, V. Vilss, D. Guedek, W. Kauc, D. Kairali, V. Coller, S. Campbell, A. Neubert,

K. NORD, P. Newmark, A. Pim, M. Pleas, R. Tinsley, G. Tour, B. Harris, L. Hewson, Shriv), who actively began to raise issues of the information and technological component of the translator (D . Kairali, B. Mossop, K. Nord, P. Newmark, M. Pleas, D. Robinson, M. Sofer, R. Tinsley) and individual aspects of its formation (F. Ausmukhl, L. Baucker, M. Baker, . Gerding-Sens, J. Godfrey, D. Guedek, J. Zapolly,

3. Justhe, A. Pim, Laszllo, O. Krachunesca, R. Chriss, S. Stringer-O "Kiff,

4. Neck). Domestic researchers viewed the conditions for ensuring effective training of students for the use of information technologies in the future professional activity of the economist (A.L. Denisov, J.V. Inoshetseva, E.A. Kovaleva), lawyer (V.P. Sumilin), Military (O. A. Kozlov), teacher (V.V. Aleinikov, N.N. Dikanskaya, G.A. Kruchinina, E.I. Kuznetsov, M.P. Petchik, LD Maltsev).

Analysis of the scientific work listed above allows us to talk about the timeliness of the undertaken, because Currently, the structure and content of the non-rigorous component of the preparation of the translator did not become a subject of special study of the preparation of translators for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", as well as the content and formation of their information and technological competence. Thus, contradictions are observed:

Between the development of the information nature of modern society and its technologicality and the invertation of the pedagogical foundations of the formation of the infatational and technological competence of future specialists, including "translators in the field of professional communication";

Between the changed requirements for the translator's activities, the result of which was the introduction of additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", and the injecting theoretical foundations of the design of this type of training;

The objective practice of implementing the program of additional qualifications, on the one hand, and insufficient developing problems in theoretical and practical plan, on the other hand.

These contradictions determine the problem of study, which is formulated as follows: What place is the information and technological competence in the structure of the "translator in the field of professional communication", what are the pedagogical foundations of its design and formation during the educational process in the university?

The purpose of the study: to identify and substantiate the composition and features of the content of education in the formation of the information and technological competence of the translator for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", test them in experimental work, outline ways and directions for further study of this problem.

The object of the study: the professional training of future "translators in the field of professional communication" in the highest professional educational institution.

Subject of research: Formation of the information and technological competence of the future "translator in the field of professional communication."

Research Hypothesis: The process of training a specialist in the university for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication" will be effective if:

Pedagogical conditions have been developed that ensure the compliance of the training of a "translator in the field of professional communication" with the requirements of the information society;

The structure and content of the information and technological competence of the "translator in the field of professional communication" are determined;

A software and methodological support for the formation of the information and technological competence of the future translator in the process of its preparation in the university has been developed.

In accordance with the purpose of, object, subject and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were delivered:

1. Based on the analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological and re-production literature: a) to determine the structure of the competencies of the "translator in the field of professional communication"; b) determine the place of information and technological competence in it; c) reveal approaches to its formation.

2. Develop and approve a set of pedagogical conditions for the formation of the information and technological competence of the "translator in the field of professional communication" in the process of developing additional qualifications in the university.

3. Develop the didactic support of the course of computer support, which includes the course program, thematic and calendar plans, as well as select information and computer resources and means adequate to the goals.

4. Conduct a pilot experimental verification of the effectiveness of the developed conditions for the formation of the information and technological competence of future translators.

The methodological basis of the study is a systematic approach reflecting the universal relationship and the interactiveness of phenomena and allowing to investigate the essence of all components of the pedagogical learning system; A competence approach involving the formation of competence as an integrative ability to mobilize organized knowledge, skills, skills and personal qualities depending on the purpose, context, situation, executable role and function; cultural approach as a specific scientific methodology of knowledge and transformation of pedagogical reality, implemented in pedagogical practice as a principle of culturality, a personality-activity approach as a specific methodological principle, which is aimed at the formation of specialists who have not only a high level of intellectual development, but also capable of active Professional activities, which is a condition for the development of the personality.

The theoretical basis of the study is:

Theoretical provisions of system-functional, integrative, qualifying approaches to the design of the content of training and development of the model of a modern specialist (A.A. Kirsanov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, V.E. Rodionov, E.E. Smirnova , V.M. Sokolov, G.V. Sukhodolsky, H.J1. Uvarova);

The theory of the competence approach (I.A. Winter, E.D. Bogovich,

A.n. Dorofeev, A.K. Markova, V.M. Monakhs, A.I. Nizhnikov, V.A. Slastin, E.N. Solovyov, Yu.G. Tatur, Yu.V. Frolov, A.V. Khutorskaya, J. Equal, N. Khomsky);

Theory of activity (A.A. Verbicksky, Ji.C. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, N.V. Kuzmina, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, N.F. Talyzin);

Theoretical provisions on information technologies in the formation and informatization (B.S. Gershyshno, I.A. Vasilenko, I.G. Zakharova, O.G. Levina, E.S. Polyat, V.A. Tranne, I.V . Tranne);

Scientific regulations on the readiness of the future specialist for professional activities (B.G. Ananiev, E.A. Klimov, L, a. Kandybovich,

B.A. Slayshenin);

Provisions of the theory of the preparedness of the teacher to use information technologies (N.A. Oganeyanz, I.G. Zakharova, G.A. Kruchinina);

Theory of translation competence (M. Balina, R. Bell, V. Vilss, D. Guedek, J. Delili, D. Kairali, W. Kauc, V. Koller, S. Campbell, A. Neubert, K. Nord, P. Newmark, A. Pim, M. Pleas, R. Tinsley, Tour, B. Harris, A. Hurtado, L. Hewson, G. Shriv, V.N. Commissioners, E.R. Porshnev, E.G. Ten);

Theoretical provisions on the information and technological competence of a translator (D. Kairali, B. Mossop, K. Nord, P. Newmark, M. Pleas, Z.G. Soshina, D. Robinson, M. Sofer, R. Tinsley);

Theoretical regulations on the training of information and technological competence of the translator and its composition (F. Ausmukhl, Ji. Bucker, M. Baker, K. Gerding-Sens, J. Godfrey, D. Guedek, J. Zapolly, E. Yusthe, O. Krachunesca , R. CRISS, G. LASTSLO, A. PIM, S. Stringer-O "Kiff, Ch. Neck, P.S. Brook, A.Ji. Semenov, Yu.V. Tissren, A.P. Chuchakin);

History of translation, translation activities and translation of translation (I.S. Alekseeva, N.K. Garbovsky, V.N. Commissioners, A.N. Panasyev, O.V. Petrova, E.R. Porshneva, V.V. Probnikov , O.E. Semenets, S.V. Tyulev, A.V. Fedorov);

The theory and practice of translation (JI.C. Barhudarov, M.P. Brandes, Yu.N. Vannikov, BC Vinogradov, V.T. Kovalchuk, V.N. Commissioners, L.K. Latyshev, I. Levy, A. Lilova, I.I. Rezzin, Ya.I. Rezker, V.Yu. Rosenzweig,

A.V. Fedorov, A.D. Schweitzer);

Basics of teaching translation (I.S. Alekseeva, R.K. Minyar Belorukhev,

B.N. Commissioners, L.K. Latyshev, A.F. Shiryaev, V.I. Conditions).

Research methods. To solve the tasks and testing of the initial provisions, a complex of complementary research methods was used, comprising: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on research, study and analysis of pedagogical experience, a pedagogical experiment, during which the survey, testing, observation, survey and the method of expert assessments were used; Qualitative and quantitative analysis of experimental results.

The conceptual-terminological apparatus of research as leading includes such concepts as "Additional qualifications", "Translator in the field of professional communication", "Professional translation activities", "Professional competence of a translator", "Information and technological competence of a translator".

Additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication" - qualification assigned to graduates who completed universities in the specialties of higher professional education and those who have fulfilled the main specialty for the minimum of the content and level of graduate training for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication "(Government requirements).

A translator in the field of professional communication is a translator, whose activities are aimed at intercultural communication in the field of basic professional activities (state requirements).

Professional translation activity - Special Recision-based activities, which is a polyfunctional type of interstitial and intercultural communication and consisting in understanding and transmitting the content of the text created in the language of one culture by reformulating in the language of another culture in writing or oral form, for the information accuracy of which translator It is fully responsible (E.R. Porshnev).

Professional competence of a translator - an integral combination of bilingual, cultural and cognitive, professional and subject, transformation and information and technological competencies, which is a complex complex of knowledge, skills, skills, psychological properties and personal qualities (abilities) potentially necessary for the implementation of professional translational Activities (working definition).

Information and technological competence of the translator - an integral component of the professional competence of a translator, which represents a set of knowledge, skills, skills and ability to apply information resources and technologies, software and network tools for the implementation of professional translation activities with a computer, the formation of which is a prerequisite for the development of professional The competence of the translator contributes to further self-improvement in professional translation activities (working definition).

The scientific novelty of the study is that in it:

The content of the information and technological component of the system of forming professional competence of the translator is developed;

The conditions for the formation of the information and technological competence of the future specialist in the additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication" are disclosed;

The development of a comprehensive integrative discipline "Computer Provision of Translation" for Additional Qualification Specialists "Translator in the field of professional communication" is substantiated.

The theoretical significance of the study is that in it:

There is a theoretical substantiation of the specifics of the competence of the "translator in the field of professional communication";

Theoretically substantiates the need to allocate and determine the content of competence in the use of information technologies in the competency model of a modern specialist and its reflection in the standards of higher professional education of a new generation;

The information and technological component of the professional competence of the translator is specified and specified, which can be used in the development of higher professional education standards of a new generation in translational specialties.

The practical significance of the study is that:

The content of the preparation of the future specialist in the additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication" in the use of information technologies in their professional activities is determined;

Software documentation and teaching materials of the Course "Computer Provision of Translation", which can be used in the preparation of future specialists in the additional qualification "Translator in the field of professional communication", in the preparation of future specialists in the specialty "Translation and Translation" (Qualification "Translator. Linguist "), as well as in the system of advanced training of translators.

Experimental research base. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service (VMAGS) and Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky (NNU). The pedagogical experiment was covered by 238 students of VVAGS Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, studying in the specialties "Jurisprudence", "Finance and Credit", "State and Municipal Management" and additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", as well as 74 NNU student.

The main stages of the study. The study was conducted during the eight years from 1999 to 2006 and provided for three stages.

In the first stage (1999-2001), the topic of the dissertation study was formulated, its object and subject were identified; The analysis of scientific literature. We studied the methodological, pedagogical, psychological, linguistic and other literature on the topic studied. The hypothesis was formulated and the objectives of the study were determined. Related studies under the pedagogical experiment were carried out, during which the following tasks were resolved:

The level of information culture is determined in university students on the example of VVAGS students;

Analyzed indicators of the psychological readiness of students to the educational process based on the use of computer technologies, in the study of the discipline "Computer transfer";

Psychological, pedagogical, methodological features arising from the application of the computer in the process of studying the transaction are identified;

It is clarified how the use of computer technology affects the process of forming information technology competence of students;

The role of the teacher is determined in the "Computer Provision Translation" classes.

At the second, learning stage of the experiment (2002-2004), the accumulation of actual material continued, the features of the interaction of the teacher and students were identified in the "Computer Provision of Translation" classes, including the difficulties of psychological and didak-tico-methodical nature in such classes . A program of experimental work was developed, aimed at identifying the effectiveness and optimization of the training process by electronic means of the translator.

Based on the systematization of the capabilities of information and computer resources and resources, the selection was selected and a classification of means and resources of translation assignment was developed, analyzed their use for translating activities.

At this stage of the experiment, monitoring of the work of groups and conversations with trainees were also carried out in order to determine their attitudes towards experimental training and evaluating its effectiveness.

At the third stage (2004-2006), experimental work continued on the formation of the information and technological competence of future translators, refined the place of course "Computer Provision of Translation in the System of Training" of the Translator in the Sphere of Professional Communication ". In parallel with the work carried out, the change in the relationship of students to the use of information and computer technologies was carried out in the practice of translation, as well as changes in the nature and frequency of their use. A comparative analysis of transfers using computer technologies made by students before and after studying the course. The data obtained were processed and systematized, as a result of which final conclusions were formulated on theoretical and practical parts of the study.

Testing and implementation of research results. The results of the study were discussed at the International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Pedagogical Management and Progressive Technologies in Education" (Penza, 2000), the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality of Life: Problems of System Scientific Justification" (Lipetsk, 2000 ), International Scientific and Methodological Conference "Modern Technologies for Preparation and Retraining Management Personnel for State and Municipal Service" (Khabarovsk, 2000), All-Russian Scientific Resignation Conference "Education at the Millennium Railway" (Tver, 2000) , All-Russian Conference "Foreign Language - XXI Century: Actual Problems of Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bin the University" (Nizhny Novgorod, 2000), as well as on methodical seminars and meetings of the Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bVVAGS and the Department of English for the humanitarian specialties of the Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky.

The accuracy and validity of the results of the study and the conclusions made on them are provided by the initial methodological positions corresponding to the subject of the study, adequate to the objectives of the research methods, supporting the current theoretical and practical development of pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, computer science and translation studies.

The main provisions endowed with the defense:

1. The formation of the information and technological competence of future translators in the field of professional communication is an integral part of their professional training on additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication". The design of the information and technological competence of the translator is ideas about the integralness of the information and technological component in the structure of the professional activity of a specialist in the era of the information society and new technological conditions of work. The formation of information and technological competence contributes to the development of the overall professional competence of the students, thereby contributes to the holistic training of a specialist.

2. The integral set of professional competence of the "translator in the field of professional communication" includes, along with the bilingual-style, cultural and cognitive, professional and subject and transformation competence, information and technological competence. This is due to the fact that this competence allows you to optimize and rationalize the process of working the translator in the information society.

3. The combination of pedagogical conditions ensuring the formation of information and technological competence of the translator includes:

Theoretical substantiation of the role and place of this competence in the integral set of professional competence of the translator, which, in turn, determines the structure and content of the formation of this competence;

Information and computer resources and means providing translation activities, a system of tasks aimed at mastering them;

Accounting for the motivational psychological state of a student;

Interdisciplinary-integrative qualifications of a teacher, the total professional competence of which includes pedagogical, psychological, biligvistic, cultural and cognitive, professional-subject, translation and information and technological competence. The totality of these Terms provides an increase in the motivation of students to use information and computer technologies to ensure their educational and future professional translation activities.

4. The course "Computer Provision of Translation" in the general training system of the "translator in the field of professional communication" is an integrative interdisciplinary course that allows you to simulate the practical activity of the translator at the stage when it is already owned by the Bilin-Guistical, cultural and cognitive, professional and objective and actually Translation competences, because it relies on previously formed skills and skills relating to these competencies and contributes to their further development.

5. The content of the Course "Computer Provision of Translation" covers the study of information resources and technologies, software and networks suitable for the implementation of professional translation activities using a computer. This corresponds to the changed conditions of professional translation activities in a modern information society and ensures the competitiveness of the future "translator in the field of professional communication" on the current market of translation services.

Similar dissertation work in the specialty "Theory and Methodology of Vocational Education", 13.00.08 CIFR WAK

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  • Business game as a means of training future translators to corporate communication 2011, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gerasimova, Natalia Igorevna

  • Methodical system of training of students in the specialty "Translator" in the modern language situation in Tajikistan 2011, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Yunusova, Anna Abdulatifovna

Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education", Inyutin, Nikolay Gavrilovich

Conclusions on the third chapter

1. The studied studies on the stating stage of the experiment led to the conclusion about the need to form the information and technological competence of future "translators in the field of professional communication", because Most students can somehow use computer tools in the preparation of their translations, although not satisfied with the results of their use, regardless of the level of general information and technological competence. The desire to take advantage of modern technologies in translation activities were contrary to ignorance of funds and resources that are suitable for use in translation activities, so students spoke in favor of the introduction of a special course that would contribute to the use of a computer in the context of future professional activities.

2. The formation of the information and technological competence of the translator is possible on the basis of the "Computer Transfer Computer" course, subject to the creation of an appropriate educational information and computer environment that simulates the application of a computer in translation activities, i.e. Creating a computer workplace translator.

3. Creating a computer working place of the translator requires analyzing resources and funds that use translators in their professional activities, their classification, the selection of the most relevant, in terms of solving the tasks of future professional activities.

4. The translator's computer workplace consists of:

1) computer hardware (system unit, providing sound, graphics and video, Internet access, read and write information on interchangeable information media, storing a large amount of data (hard disk); monitor that provides a comfortable job; printer for quick and high-quality printing; scanner for entering information into a computer; microphone for entering voice information; keyboard for long-term comfort; mouse or other manipulator convenient for operation);

2) Software (software), which, together with hardware, provide a translator with various features and allow you to perform various types of operations needed to perform tasks during your professional activities (general-purpose programs (archivers, antiviruses, file managers, system recovery programs After failures, system optimization program); recognition programs (symbolic, voice) information; converting programs of the original and output text information; text elements converters (transliterators, transnuumators, etc.); text processors and formatting means; testing systems (spelling , grammar, style); linguer-proof utilities (concords); machine translation systems; translations; programs for searching, streamlining and statistical information; programs for working with Internet resources; means of recording and printing transfers);

3) local electronic resources (dictionaries, reference books, texts of texts, parallel text housing);

4) network resources Internet (dictionaries, glossary, reference books, encyclopedias; search, converting information, machine translation, text inspection tools, consulting with colleagues-translator and specialists, receipt and delivery of translation to the customer, professional periodicals, unions).

5. The skills and skills necessary for work on the "typical" computer workplace of the translator associated with the implementation of the information and technological competence of the translator form the following groups:

Linguotechnological (thesaurus, spell check, dictionaries, text cases, parallel texts),

Communication and technological (email, web browser),

Information and search (dictionaries, encyclopedias, search servers, library catalogs, text cases, parallel texts, translation storage drives, terminological databases),

Information and management (management of translation storage drives, control of dictionary-terminological bases, files),

Production and technological (symbolic / voice information recognition systems, text processor, interface of the translation drive, keyboard utilities);

Technical and technological (hardware, means of maintaining the operating system performance).

These groups of skills and skills are only in a different rearrangement of a functional spectrum of translation.

6. Professional translation As an integral part of the document processing requires that the translator can effectively work with electronic means on the entire technological chain, ranging from receiving the text of the original (on paper, electronically on a diskette, CD / DVD or email ) Before providing it in the appropriate form to the customer. Therefore, the basis of the structure of the course "Computer Provision of Translation" is based on the technological principle, and the structure of the course "Computer transfer" - to reflect the technology of working with the text, depending on the available funds and resources, as well as the specifics of the type and type of the ordered translation product. .

7. Intellectual activity on the mastery of information and computer technologies implies the presence of bilingualistic, cultural and cognitive, subject-special and translation competencies, as well as the ability to show mental and cognitive activity, independence and self-organization when solving translation problems. At the heart of the ability to solve professional translation problems in a situation of use of information and computer technology, there are complex interprecotect knowledge, skills and skills that contribute to the establishment of professional thinking of the future translator and ensure its readiness to the practical application of information and computer funds in their professional activities.

The formation of information and technological competence becomes effective after future translators in the process of learning in the university have accumulated the "critical mass" of knowledge, skills and skills. This allows them to fully rely on the experience gained during the development of the block of practical linguistic and translation disciplines.

Knowledge, skills and skills acquired during the study of the course "Computer Provision of Translation", students have the opportunity to widely use with further study of the discipline "Practical course of professional-oriented translation" and during translation practice.

8. The educational process should be focused on the development of the creative nature of thinking (creativity), responsibility, independence and cooperation in solving tasks, because They acquire the status of professionally important qualities in the context of translation activities.

Methods of pedagogy cooperation have the greatest efficiency, from the point of view of growing flexible, self-developing systems of professional knowledge and abilities. The use of them contributes to the formation of intelligent skills necessary for further independent and creative work in translation projects implemented by teams from several translators working on a large text array.

9. A teacher implemented by the course of "computer support" can act as a researcher, coordinator, consultant, facilitator, expert. Its integral professional competence includes pedagogical, psychological, bilingual, cultural and cognitive, professional and subject, translation and information and technological competence. This condition provides an increase in the motivation of students to use information and computer tools to ensure their educational and future professional activities.

10. Analysis of the results of an experimental study on the formation of the information and technological competence of the future "translator in the field of professional communication" on the basis of the "Computer Provision Translation" course showed the expediency of learning how to use information and computer resources in translation, because It contributed to the fact that students became easier to navigate in the choice of computer tools and resources; felt the taste for using the computer; They realized that the computer facilitates the work, felt more confident in handling a computer; Noticing improved translation quality.

All graduates who studied for additional qualifications "Interpreter in the field of professional communication" use computer support, and 96% believe that they do it successfully. All students consider information and computer resources an indispensable source of information, and 100% consider working with information and computer tools in an integral part of translation activities.

Training within the framework of this course has a positive impact on the development of general information and technological competence of students.


1. The study showed that the translation activities arising in deep antiquity throughout the history of its development differ in high adaptability to socio-cultural conditions for the development of society. The changed sociocultural situation in Russia at the end of the XX - early XXI centuries. It caused a wide diversification and specialization of translation labor, as well as the need to prepare a large number of translators and new approaches to its organization, which contributed to the introduction of additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", preparations of which differs from the preparation of the Linguist Translator.

2. It has been established that in the new technological conditions of the information society, the content of professional translation activities, which is impossible without the use of information and computer resources and resources, and preparation for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication" should contribute to the perception of a computer as a component of the future professional environment Translator's activities.

3. The initiation of the theoretical foundations of the information and technological component of the preparation of the translator detected during the study caused the need to build a holistic model of the professional competence of the translator, in which the place of a separate component of the information and technological competence was determined. The research materials suggest that information and technological competence, along with the bilingual, cultural and cognitive, professional and objective and translating, is an integral component of the professional competence of the translator. The information and technological competence of the translator, represents a combination of knowledge, skills, skills and ability to apply information resources and technologies, software and network tools to carry out professional translation activities using a computer.

4. During the pedagogical study, a special course of "computer support for translation" was developed and tested, aimed at the formation of the information and technological competence of the future translator. Analysis of information and resources used in the translation activities made it possible to select the thematic content and structure of the "Computer transfer computer", determine its goal, tasks formed on its basis of skills and skills, which have formed the basis of the developed discipline, thematic and calendar program. .

5. Based on the developed model for the formation of professional competence of the translator, the "Computer Provision of Translation" course was integrated into a curriculum on additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication", in accordance with which it is studied at the stage when students can rely on the whole spectrum, Acquired to this competencies, and use information and technological competence in the course of further transfers.

6. The results of an experimental study on the formation of the information and technological competence of the "future translator in the field of professional communication" on the basis of the "Computer Provision of Translation" course showed that this course served as a means of forming the information and technological competence of future translators and the research hypothesis found its confirmation.

7. The results of the experiment on the formation of the information and technological competence of the "Translator in the field of professional communication" prove the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions aimed at the formation of information and technological competence, which, along with the development of a scientifically based model of the competence of the translator; identifying the specifics of the model of competencies of the translator in the field of professional communication in the conditions of the information society; The development and implementation of the model for the formation of the competence of the translator suggests the creation of an integrated interdisciplinary course "Computer Provision of Translation" in the training system for additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication"; selection of its content; development of educational and software for the "Computer Provision of Translation"; Interdisciplinary-integrative qualifications of the teacher, the total professional competence of which includes pedagogical, psychological, bilingual, translation and information technology.

8. Generalizations made on the basis of experimental work, make it possible to conclude that the content of the translator training system must be supplemented and implementing information and technological competence, which leads the translator preparation system in accordance with the due sociocultural changes in the objectives, objectives, professional content Translation activities, interdisciplinary in its nature and requiring possession of modern information and computer technologies.

9. The type of information and computer resources used in the dissertation study can be a basis for organizing a computer workplace translator in educational institutions with similar courses, serve as the basis for further development of the problem.

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305. Addition to the curriculum

306. Specialty 061000 "State and Municipal Management" (for groups of in-depth study of a foreign language)

307. Name of discipline Distribution for semesters General Fund (hour.) Including distribution by courses and semesters of group classes

308. Exams (sections.) DiP. tests (sections) of abstracts and coursework Audit, fund of time from it ind. sn. Himself. Work 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course

309. Lecture Lab. sn. Stratic. sn. Semin, classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

310. F.O.oo Optional (1564h.)

311. Practical course of in-depth study of foreign language 2.4 1,3,5564 782 782 782 136 136 136 136 136 102

312. Total on the training unit number of hours of training sessions 1564 782 782 782 136 136 136 136 136 102

313. Number of exams 2 1 1

314. Number of DIF. tests 3 1 1 1

315. The number of audited hours in Ned. 8 8 8 8 8 61. Training planPo Additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication"

316. Name of discipline Distribution for semesters of communities of the Time Fund (hour) Including the distribution of courses and semesters of group lessons

317. exams (semi) DNF. tests (sections) essays N course works Audit, a fund of time from it ind. sn. Himself. Work 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course

318. Lecture Lab. SNAND PRACT. sn. Semn Classes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

319. ODOO Common disciplines (748 me)

320. Introduction to Linguistics 5 68 34 16 18 34 34

321. Basics of the Theory of Language Language 6 136 68 34 34 68 68

322. Practical foreign language course 8.9 6.7 476 238 238 238 34 68 68 68

323. Stylistics of the Russian language and culture of speech 5 68 34 18 16 34 34

324. SD.OO Special disciplines (752 hours)

325. Translation theory 7 68 34 18 16 34 34

326. Practical Course of Professionally Oriented Translation 8.9 6.7 476 238 238 238 34 68 68 68

327. Workshop of the written translation of 6.7.8 100 (36 HR) 100 12s. 12c. 12c.

328. Computer Provision of Translation 8 108 51 51 6 51 51

329. Total on learning blocks Number of hours of training sessions 1500 697 86 527 84 6 797 68 136 136 187 136

330. CHNSLA exams 6 1 1 2 2

331. Number of DIF. tests II 2 2 3 2 1

332. Number of audit hours in Ned 4 8 8 11 8

333. Distribution of student hours on semesters 68 166 166 217 3161. Curriculum

334. Discipline: Computer transfer of the translation of only hours by curriculum 108 of them: audit hours -51

335. Independent work -511. Individual classes 6.

336. Control form: Offset in 8 semester1. Objective and tasks of discipline

337. Thematic content of practical sessions Section 1. EUM and peripheral devices Composite elements of the computer and their use by the translator in their professional activities. Sanitary standards when working with computer. Ergonomic security.

338. Keyboard utilities. Utilities to expand the capabilities of the clipboard.

339. The main formats of text documents. Programs convert text document formats.

340. Application of utility-converters of text elements. Utilities for text transliteration, utilities for writing numbers with words, the program translation programs in different measurement systems.

341. Electronic texts of texts. Parallel text case. The use of concordant program for linguerine analysis of the text hull. Use of statistical and search utilities.

342. Section 7. Memory Memory Systems (translation drives) The possibilities of translated drives and the range of their application.

343. Software for the effective operation of the Internet translator (browsers, reference catalogs, programs for downloading materials, postal programs).

344. Independent work and advice The independent work of the student includes the preparation for practical classes and preparations for testing.

345. Consultations are conducted within 8 semesters as students appeal.

346. Volga-Vyatka Academy of Public Service Department of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bThemed Plan Additional qualifications "Translator in the field of professional communication"

347. Discipline: Computer Provision Translation

348. Topic General Fund of Time Auditing Fund Time Lectures Practical Classes Seminars Individual, Independent Work

349. EUM and peripherals 2 1 1 1

350. Work in the Windows 8 4 4 operating system 4 4

351. Text processors and spreadsheets 16 8 8 8

352. Information recognition and conversion program 12 6 6 6

353. Electronic translator resources 20 10 10 10

354. Machine translation systems 16 8 8 8

355. Translation drives 20 10 10 10

356. Internet in the work of the translator 8 4 4 41. Total: 10 8 51 51 6 51

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