How to make it so that the font does not change in word? Why does not the font change in MS Word Word does not change the font.

In the text program Word, the default font is Calibri, which is not very convenient for work and is unpleasant to the eye. I think many people change it to Times New Roman. I personally work with this font. Changing to Times is not very difficult:

  1. Right in the Word on the toolbar, in the main Font tab in the lower right corner there is an arrow - click on it. To put it simply, after opening the program, we type the key combination Shift + Ctrl + F.
  2. You will see a dialog box in which you can set the required font, its style, color and size.
  3. At the bottom of the window you will see the "Default" button - after setting, click it.
  4. The program will ask you the question "Change for the current or for all documents?". Choose "for everyone" and click "OK".

Everything is great! You got rid of the annoying Calibri. But if you do not have Word 2007, then the settings may not be saved. Then you can use another option in order to remove the standard font and set your own as the default, along with changing the text formatting settings in the Word:

  1. Again, go back to the Home tab and look for the Styles function, click the arrow in the lower corner of the window.
  2. A style dialog box will appear, where at the bottom, near the Parameters, you will see 3 buttons. We press the third - "Style management".
  3. Here we select "Normal" and click "Change". Then we set the desired settings - Times New Roman font, set line spacing, font size, alignment method and indents, if necessary.
  4. Be sure to mark "Use in new documents" and click "OK".

In theory, in the seven and ten, problems should not arise with changing the standard font. But in XP, there are sometimes glitches in the Word and then you have to go into the registry:

  1. Pressing the Win + R keys at the same time.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, type regedit.
  3. Find the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT folder, and in it the .docx folder. Go to it in Word.Document.12 and then in ShellNew.
  4. On the right, you will see the NullFile registry key. Click on it and click with the right mouse button - select "Delete".
  5. Instead of NullFile, we create our own key. We call it Filename (or whatever). We prescribe Wordshablon.docx in its meaning.
  6. Now go to the path C: WindowsShellNew and create a Word file with the same name Wordshablon.docx, where you can set all the default settings - from font to text color. We save everything and use it.

In the last setting, there should certainly be no failures. If you change to Times, it will remain so for all documents.

MS Word has a fairly large set of built-in fonts available for use. The problem is that not all users know how to change not only the font itself, but also its size, thickness, and a number of other parameters. It is about how to change the font in Word that will be discussed in this article.

Lesson: How to install fonts in Word

The Word has a special section for working with fonts and changing them. In new versions of the program, the group "Font" located in the tab "Home", in earlier versions of this product, the font tools are located in the tab "Page layout" or "Format".

How do I change the font?

1. In a group "Font"(tab "Home") expand the window with the active font by clicking on the small triangle next to it, and select the one you want to use from the list

Note: In our example, the default font is Arial, you may have it different, for example, Open sans.

2. The active font will change and you can start using it immediately.

Note: The name of all fonts presented in the standard MS Word set is displayed in the form in which the letters printed by this font on the sheet will be displayed.

How do I change the font size?

Before changing the font size, you need to learn one nuance: if you want to change the size of the already typed text, you first need to select it (this also applies to the font itself).

Click on "Ctrl + A", if this is all the text in the document, or use the mouse to select a fragment. If you want to change the size of the text that you are just planning to type, you do not need to select anything.

1. Expand the menu in the window next to the active font (numbers are indicated there).

Note: In our example, the default font size is, you may have it different, for example,.

2. Select the appropriate font size.

Advice: The standard font size in Word is presented with a certain step of several units, or even tens. If you are not satisfied with the specific values, you can enter them manually in the box with the active font size.

3. The font size will change.

Advice: Next to the numbers showing the value of the active font, there are two buttons with the letter "A"- one of them is more, the other is less. By clicking on this button, you can change the font size step by step. The larger letter increases the size, and the smaller one decreases it.

In addition, next to these two buttons is another one - "Aa"- by expanding its menu, you can choose the appropriate type of text writing.

How do I change the weight and slant of the font?

In addition to the standard appearance of large and small letters in MS Word, written in a particular font, they can also be bold, italic (italic - with a slant), and underlined.

To change the type of font, select the required piece of text (do not select anything if you only plan to write something in the document with a new font type), and click one of the buttons located in the group "Font" on the control panel (tab "Home").

Button with letter "F" makes the font bold (instead of pressing a button on the control panel, you can use the keys "Ctrl + B");

"TO"- italic ( "Ctrl + I");

"H"- underlined ( "Ctrl + U").

Note: Bold font in Word, although it is denoted by the letter "F" is actually bold.

As you understand, the text can be bold, italic and underlined at the same time.

Advice: If you want to select the thickness of the underline, click on the triangle next to the letter "H" in Group "Font".

Next to the letters "F", "TO" and "H" there is a button in the font group "Abc"(strikethrough Latin letters). If you select text and then click on this button, the text will be strikethrough.

How do I change the color and background of a font?

In addition to the appearance of the font in MS Word, you can also change its style (text effects and design), color and background on which the text will be located.

Changing the font style

To change the style of the font, its design, in the group "Font", which is located in the tab "Home"(previously "Format" or "Page layout") click on the small triangle located to the right of the translucent letter "A"("Text Effects and Decoration").

In the window that appears, select what you would like to change.

Important: Remember, if you want to change the appearance of an existing text, select it first.

As you can see, this tool alone already allows you to change the color of the font, add a shadow, outline, reflection, highlight and other effects to it.

Change the background behind the text

In Group "Font" next to the button discussed above is the button "Text highlight color", with which you can change the background on which the font is located.

Just select the piece of text you want to change the background of, and then click on the triangle next to this button on the control panel and select the appropriate background.

Instead of the standard white background, the text will be placed on the background of the color of your choice.

Lesson: How to remove the background in Word

Changing the color of the text

Next button in a group "Font" - "Font color"- and, as the name implies, it allows you to change this very color.

Select the piece of text you want to change the color of, and then click on the triangle next to the button "Font color"... Choose a suitable color.

The color of the selected text changes.

How do I set my favorite font as the default?

If you often use the same font for typing, different from the standard one available directly when you start MS Word, it will not be superfluous to set it as the default one - this will save a little time.

1. Open the dialog box "Font" by clicking on the arrow located in the lower right corner of the group of the same name.

2. In the section "Font" select the one you want to set as the default, available by default when you start the program.

In the same window, you can set the appropriate font size, style (regular, bold or italic), color, and many other parameters.

3. After completing the necessary settings, click the button "Default" located in the lower left of the dialog box.

5. Press the button "OK" to close the window "Font".

6. The default font, as well as any additional settings that you may have made in this dialog box, will change. If you applied it for all subsequent documents, then each time you create / start a new Word document, your font will be installed immediately.

How do I change the font in a formula?

We have already written about how to add formulas to Microsoft Word, and how to work with them, you can learn more about this from our article. Here we will also show you how to change the font in the formula.

Lesson: How to insert a formula in Word

If you just select a formula and try to change its font in the same way as you do with any other text, nothing will work. In this case, you need to act a little differently.

1. Go to the tab "Constructor" that appears after clicking on the formula area.

2. Highlight the contents of the formula by pressing "Ctrl + A" inside the area it is in. You can also use the mouse for this.

3. Open the group dialog box "Service" by clicking on the arrow located at the bottom right of this group.

4. A dialog box will open in front of you, where in the line "Default font for formula regions" you can change the font by choosing the one you like from the available list.

Note: Despite the fact that Word has a fairly large set of built-in fonts, not all of them can be used for formulas. It is also possible that you will not be able to select any other font for your formula besides the standard Cambria Math.

That's all, now you know how to change the font in Word, and from this article you learned how to adjust other parameters of the font, including its size, color, etc. We wish you high productivity and success in mastering all the intricacies of Microsoft Word.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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15.05.12 Detailed instructions

Available in new versions of the program Microsoft Word 2007 and Microsoft Word 2010 one feature that annoyed me terribly: default font size and style... And if you got used to the Calibri type rather quickly, its 11-point size looks too small on a 19-inch monitor. Every time before sitting down to write another article or instruction, I had to increase it to 14. It's not difficult, but unnecessary meaningless clicks were terribly annoying and took away precious time that could be spent on something more creative.

Deep down, I suspected and hoped that somewhere in the Word settings, the default font size and style could be easily changed, but an attempt to delve into the settings on my own did not lead to anything. And then I finally decided to google and find out how to turn the 11th font into the 14th - the procedure took about a minute.

How to change the default font in Word 2010: step-by-step instructions with illustrations

1. Make sure you have an active tab home... Then in the group of teams Styles in the lower right corner, find a tiny arrow icon and click it:

2. A style window will open, at the very bottom of which there are 3 icons: Create Style, Style Inspector and Style Management. To be able to change the default font size and style, click on the last icon - Style management:

3. Make sure the tab is open in the dialog that appears. The change and the style is selected Usual and then click on the button Change to open the window for changing the font style:

4. If you want to change the default font from Calibri to any other, in the list of fonts, find and select the appropriate font type (for example, Nimes New Roman or Arial). Here you can also change other settings for all new Word documents: size, style, color, indents, spacing, etc. Change the size from 11 to 14 in the drop-down list and before clicking OK, change the value of the radio button from Only in this document to In new docs using this template:

Otherwise, new documents will not display the changes we made to the default font settings. Now you can press the button OK and use the right comfortable fonts for Word 2007 / Word 2010, which was covered in this short, but hopefully helpful, tutorial.

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If you even sometimes inserted text into Microsoft Word from some other file, for example, with the * .pdf extension, then you probably came across a situation when it was impossible to change the writing style of letters. Let's now figure out what the problem might be, and what to do to still change the font for the text.

The first reason may be rather banal - you have not selected the desired fragment due to inattention. Therefore, select either everything printed or a small piece and select one of the available font options from the drop-down list.

Some people are faced with the following situation - they inserted information into a document from the Internet and cannot change the words so that they become the familiar Times New Roman or Arial.

In this case, you can proceed as follows. Go to Start and find in the list or through the search bar.

Return to the main document and copy the piece you are working with from it - select it and select the appropriate item in the context menu, or after selection press "Ctrl + C".

After that, do the opposite - copy the text from Notepad and paste it into Word. This can help.

There is another option. To do this, select the desired fragment and on the "Home" tab click on the button "Clear format", or, in newer versions of the editor, "Clear all formatting".

If none of the above has helped, and at the same time you are trying to apply some beautiful font from the list to the text, then it simply cannot be selected for Russian-language words.

The fact is that some fonts are not created for all languages, and when you use one of these, the printed may simply not change.

Therefore, it is worth choosing from the list something else that is applicable to your text.

If you haven't picked up anything, then you can install additional fonts in the Word. Click on the link to download a set of 179 pieces, and you will also learn how to install them there.

Everything from the drop-down list can definitely be applied to the English-language text. Highlight words, choose a font, and the typed will change appropriately.

These are all the methods I know that you should use to solve the problem with the font that cannot be changed in Word.

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If you even sometimes inserted text into Microsoft Word from some other file, for example, with the * .pdf extension, then you probably came across a situation when it was impossible to change the writing style of letters. Let's now figure out what the problem might be, and what to do to still change the font for the text.

The first reason may be rather banal - you have not selected the desired fragment due to inattention. Therefore, select either everything printed or a small piece and select one of the available font options from the drop-down list.

Some people are faced with the following situation - they inserted information into a document from the Internet and cannot change the words so that they become the familiar Times New Roman or Arial.

In this case, you can proceed as follows. Go to Start and find in the list or through the search bar.

Return to the main document and copy the piece you are working with from it - select it and select the appropriate item in the context menu, or after selection press "Ctrl + C".

After that, do the opposite - copy the text from Notepad and paste it into Word. This can help.

There is another option. To do this, select the desired fragment and on the "Home" tab click on the button "Clear format", or, in newer versions of the editor, "Clear all formatting".

If none of the above has helped, and at the same time you are trying to apply some beautiful font from the list to the text, then it simply cannot be selected for Russian-language words.

The fact is that some fonts are not created for all languages, and when you use one of these, the printed may simply not change.

Therefore, it is worth choosing from the list something else that is applicable to your text.

If you haven't picked up anything, then you can install additional fonts in the Word. Click on the link to download a set of 179 pieces, and you will also learn how to install them there.

Everything from the drop-down list can definitely be applied to the English-language text. Highlight words, choose a font, and the typed will change appropriately.

These are all the methods I know that you should use to solve the problem with the font that cannot be changed in Word.

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Sometimes corporate permission settings or some add-ons change the default font to the original font. In this case, you can try several options.

Checking permissions

    Click the button Start.

    In field Search enter Normal. dotm and press the button Search.

    Right click Normal. dotm and select the item properties.

    In the tab Are common make sure the checkbox only reading not installed. If installed, remove it.

    Open the tab Safety... In chapter group or user names select your name and make sure you have write permission for the field permissions .

    Click the button OK.

If you are unable to clear the Read Only check box or do not have write permission, contact the person in charge of computer systems at your company.

Disable add-ins

If you have write permissions but your default font selection is not fixed, you may need to disable Word add-ins and change the default font after that. Here's how it's done:

    Please select file > Parameters > superstructures.

    In the list Add-ons find one of the settings you want to disable and remember the add-in type indicated in the column A type.

    Select this add-in type from the list Control and press the button Go to.

    Uncheck the boxes for the add-ons you want to disable and click OK.

    Repeat steps 1-4 for other types of add-ons.

After you change the default font, enable the add-ons.

    Please select file > Parameters > superstructures.

    Select the add-in type from the list Control and press the button Go to.

    Check the boxes for the add-ons you want to enable and click OK.

    Repeat steps 1-3 for other types of add-ons that you want to enable.

Note: It is not necessary to disable the Document Inspector add-ins.

To always use your favorite font in Word, select it as the default font.

The default font is not saved

Sometimes, organizational permissions are configured so that instead of a new default font, it is constantly restored to its original version. In this case, try the following: