Mail service i 37. Mail service company: reviews, features and services

1. I ordered a radio tape recorder on the site, I sent a package from Post Service Ltd. for Venera Ltd. I paid for the product by mail, the item does not match. How to get the money back?

1.1. Write a claim to Venera LLC, if the funds are not returned, then file a statement of claim in court.

1.2. Hello Sergey. According to paragraph 4 of Art. 26-1 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the consumer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days.
In the event that information on the procedure and timing for the return of goods of good quality was not provided in writing at the time of delivery of the goods, the consumer has the right to refuse the goods within three months from the date of transfer of the goods.
The return of a good quality product is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product are preserved. The consumer's lack of a document confirming the fact and conditions of the purchase of the goods does not deprive him of the opportunity to refer to other evidence of the purchase of goods from this seller.
The consumer does not have the right to refuse a product of proper quality, having individually defined properties, if the specified product can be used exclusively by the consumer who purchases it.
If the consumer refuses the goods, the seller must return to him the amount of money paid by the consumer under the contract, with the exception of the seller's expenses for the delivery of the returned goods from the consumer, no later than ten days from the date the consumer submits the relevant demand.
To return the goods and receive money, you need to write a claim to the seller with a request to pick up the goods and return the money. If you do not receive a response within 10 days, go to court with the same request.

2. Ooo post service sent by mail the wrong product that ordered and the payment was transferred by pim mail cho to do how to get the money back?

2.1. Hello. Make a claim, if you do not receive an answer within 10 days, go to court.

2.2. In accordance with Art. 26.1 ZoZPP, the Consumer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - within seven days.
Contact the seller with a reasoned claim.

3. I received a letter from "mail service" LLC, stating that I was declared the winner and 1,000,000 rubles had already been transferred to the account, you only need to choose a convenient one for confirmation from the three proposed dates and take the money. Earlier, I told them by phone about a lottery ticket, which matched all 5 digits to receive 1,000,000 rubles. The letter contains a certificate for receiving the prize. I would like to know if this is true or a divorce?

3.1. Good day to you.
Dear Anastasia, in this case it is a rather suspicious situation. But you need to understand what kind of lottery it is, what its tricks are, and are they not scammers.

4. A letter came from the mail service and bank csb ltd that I won 1,800,000 rubles. I think that this scam started again or I am mistaken.

4.1. Hello! Yes, they are scammers.

5. I received a letter from Post Service LLC stating that I won 1,800,000 rubles and these funds are on the account of Bank CSB ​​OOO, for this I need to place an order for 1,000 rubles from the catalog ON DOM and on April 30, 2016, I will receive through my bank branch data 1 800 000 rubles, tell me this is another divorce.

5.1. Hello. You are right, Vasily. Another divorce. Good weekend.

6. I was sent a letter from the company Post Service LLC, PO Box 49 Moscow ASC, 140981 with a bunch of different pieces of paper from the company NA DOM. In particular, one of them claims that I won the Main Prize - 1,800,000 rubles. There are also various pieces of paper with the details of LLC BANK CSB. Is this pure scam or something else?

6.1. It means. that you have to order in this firm goods for a huge amount and then. it is possible, but unlikely, that you will win a prize in the lottery. So decide whether it's a scam or not

7. Can Post Service LLC be punished for fraud with prizes? They sent a whole package of papers with certificates and codes for winning 1.5 ml. rub. with the condition that I make an order from the catalog. I fulfilled the condition, but the winnings on 02.20, assigned to receive in the Savings Bank, were kept silent. I called, the operator said that they got others insolent.

7.1. The question is not clear at all. What does Sberbank and Mail service have to do with it? How is it all interconnected?

7.2. Hello
Yes, file a claim first, and then a claim to Art. 131 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation

8. We received a letter from the company "Mail to Home Service" LLC that we can win 20,000 rubles. I told the child that this was a hoax, but he did not believe me and sent all the passport data and my TIN. I sent a letter. When I opened the reviews about this company to her on the Internet, she understood everything, but the job was done and the passport data was sent. My question is, can they use and hang some kind of credit on us, and what to do now.

8.1. They can use it. you just need to be careful and contact the police in time.

8.2. This is not very good, of course. But they will not take credit for copies and data, and for what purposes they can use it - these are scammers. Actually, they need money, not your data. They ask them to make everything look legal.

9. I am in the magazine on the card of the participant of the action Happy number LLC Post Service won the main prize of 1,500,000 rubles. I registered by phone, received a letter a month later, with confirmation of the prize, which they promise to deliver on February 20, 2016 at the Sberbank office, also a catalog for products and a receipt are enclosed in the envelope, maybe. further participation is subject to the condition of purchasing the goods. Is there any point in further participation and wait for the receipt of the prize.

9.1. you can pay with a receipt and get nothing
common fraudulent scheme, you are not the first, you are not the last

10. Please answer! Received a letter about winning a promotion! Mail service Indicated by LLC Bank CSB. Moscow city. Bik 044664527. INN check point 77558468802044271469. Is there such a bank with the specified details? Or is it cheating? Are you invited to get a big win? Thanks for the answer.

10.1. check on the website of the tax office.

11. The letter came to me from: Pochta service LLC PO Box 49 Moscow ASC.

11.1. Hello!
THESE are scammers. DO NOT receive


12. Can LLC mail service really pay out the prize that it promises for the purpose of conducting a marketing campaign?

12.1. What answer do you expect from people who have no idea about the existence of the mail service and its jokes?

12.2. maybe, of course. Although I am not personally familiar with such a company. however if:
1. Some payments are required from you for "paperwork or other payments"
2. They are asked to provide personal bank data (card number, expiration date, three-digit code, etc.)
3. They ask you to perform other actions related to both real and potential costs for you,
then they are scammers

13. I received a letter from Mail Service and Bank CSB ​​LLC that I won 3,000,000 rubles?

13.1. Hello. They are 100% scammers. There is no such bank.

14. I received a letter from Mail Service and Bank CSB ​​LLC that I won 3,000,000 rubles? Do you think this is a scam or not?

14.1. Good day! They are scammers.

15. Here I received a letter from ooo mail service and in the pesma lay ooo bank csb that I won 3,000,000 rubles.

16. LLC Mail Service At home sent me a letter stating that I received an account at your bank 310.255.009 in Russian currency 2,500,000 Signature Nazarov N.А. Do you have such a leader and can this information be true. Respectfully yours Masyuk Valentina Fedorovna. Thank you.

16.1. These are scammers 100%.

17. Please answer! Received a letter about winning a promotion! Mail service Indicated by LLC Bank CSB. Moscow city. Bik 044664527. INN check point 77558468802044271469. Is there such a bank with the specified details? Or is it cheating? Are you invited to get a big win? Thanks for the answer.

17.1. They are scammers. Letter to the toilet

18. LLC MAIL SERVICE FIRM, ON THE HOUSE, BANK CSB ind code 77000025319. a letter came with a bunch of documents saying that we won 2,700,000 rubles. It's a scam or not.

18.1. 99 percent scam!

19. The company Post Service LLC informs that your bank has opened an account in the amount of 2,600,000 rubles in the name of Zinaida Maksimovna Dadalko, address: 184209, Apatity, Murmansk region, Severnaya st., 16, apt. 31, you also issued me a badge for identification and a passport of the winner. Is this true or just another scam. Answer, please.

19.1. This is another "Horns and Hooves"

20. I received a letter from the address of LLC Post Service PO Box 49, Moscow ASC, 140961 with a message about winning the action ON DOM and winning the main prize. We sent the winner's passport, badge and ID. CSB bank card. Please let me know if this is a scam and what kind of bank is it?

20.1. Hello! yes, it's a scam

21. I have received a letter from Post Service LLC, according to which I am recognized as the Winner of the promotion and I am entitled to a large cash prize. However, all these documents raised great doubts, since the information received includes Meggie Mall and Bank CSB ​​LLC (Moscow). How can you assess this situation?

21.1. Hello Anara! First, remember if you participated in any promotions. And then find out the conditions for receiving the prize. If they demand money, buy something, pay any taxes or duties, you should know that you are being cheated by scammers.

22. The paper came to the post office! It states that a certain company ooo (delta service) will check the smoke channels! And for this I have to pay 250 rubles! I don’t understand what I have to pay for? I would post a photo but I don't know how!

22.1. Good evening. Pay nothing, ignore

23. I received a letter that I won 2,300,000 from the company Post Service LLC with an identification card of the CSB bank. Whether I can find out a scam or not.

23.1. Consider that you have learned. One hundred percent scam.

24. How to notify the operators of Pochta-Service LLC to stop sending me letters with catalogs? They were numb!

24.1. Just throw them away.

25. Do not tell me how to be. Letters began to arrive from LLC Mail Service. After reading all the reviews on the Internet, I realized that these letters are clearly not the first and not the last. They are just scammers. How to avoid receiving emails from this sender? Where to go?

25.1. Just throw these letters in the trash can.

25.2. Mark them as spam. You can contact the technical support of your e-mail

26. I was looking for work at home. A response from Stroy Service LLC came to my e-mail. I filled out my resume on their website. Then I received a response with an attached application for admission to remote work with a request to fill it out and notarize it, as well as a request to send this ready-made application and a copy of the passport of the first and second pages in a response letter. It was said that the firm would prepare an employment contract and send it by mail, but nothing was sent and the site mentioned above stopped working. Can my passport data be used in this case and how?

Best regards, Galina.

26.1. Yes, it is possible, contact the police with a fraudulent report

26.2. Yes, they can use your data, I advise you to contact Roskomnadzor and the prosecutor's office.

26.3. Galina, you urgently need to file a statement with the police about the fact of fraud.

26.4. They can, but in any case, such use will be illegal. In the event that something is issued for you, you will need to write a statement to the police about fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

26.5. They can use your data anywhere, for example, when obtaining a loan.
Now contact the police with a statement of fraud and the Moscow prosecutor's office with a request to check the activities of this company.
At the address indicated by you, send a certified letter with a return receipt, in which indicate that you are withdrawing your application and demand to return it to you immediately, as well as to stop processing your personal data.
From now on, check the company on the website in the section "Electronic services" - "Check yourself and your counterparty".

26.6. For this, they started such a site to take the data. Can be used. Contact the local police with a statement.

26.7. So far, these persons have not committed any offense and it is pointless to go anywhere. There is no fraud here yet, since according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation:
Article 159. Fraud
(as amended by Federal Law of 08.12.2003 N 162-FZ)
(see text in previous edition)
1. Fraud, that is, the theft of someone else's property or the acquisition of the right to someone else’s property by deception or abuse of trust, -

Nobody took possession of your money. But be careful!

26.8. Can my passport data be used in this case and how?
This is a type of fraud and in some banks you can get a loan on a photocopy of your passport. True, provided that someone from the bank's employees, even a minor employee, is in collusion with the fraudster. This is a rather complex and dangerous type of fraud for fraudsters, so it is unlikely that it is widespread to such an extent that it is possible to collect scanned copies of passports for it.

26.9. This company has fraudulently obtained your personal data from you and, in addition, is engaged in incomprehensible activities, contact the prosecutor's office.
The prosecution authorities exercise supervision over the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms by federal ministries, state committees, services and other federal executive bodies, representative (legislative) and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, military administration bodies, control bodies, and their officials. persons, as well as governing bodies and heads of commercial and non-commercial organizations.
According to Article 22 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", the prosecutor, while exercising the functions assigned to him, has the right to: check the execution of laws in connection with information received by the prosecutor's office about facts of violation of the law; require the heads and other officials of the said bodies to submit the necessary documents, materials, statistical and other information; allocation of specialists to clarify the questions that have arisen; conducting inspections on materials and appeals received by the prosecutor's office, audits of the activities of organizations under their control or subordinate to them; call officials and citizens for explanations about violations of laws.
The prosecutor, on the grounds established by law, initiates proceedings on an administrative offense, demands that persons who have violated the law be brought to other liability established by law, warns about the inadmissibility of violating the law, submits a submission to eliminate violations of the law; protests against legal acts contradicting the law. The prosecutor has the right to go to court with a claim for the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or an indefinite circle of persons.

27. I was looking for work at home. A response from Stroy Service LLC came to my e-mail. I filled out my resume on their website. Then I received a response with an attached application for admission to remote work with a request to fill it out and notarize it, as well as a request to send this ready-made application and a copy of the passport of the first and second pages in a response letter. It was said that the firm would prepare an employment contract and send it by mail, but nothing was sent and the site mentioned above stopped working. Can my passport data be used in this case and how?

Best regards, Galina.

27.1. Small chance for this. I think you shouldn't worry.

In the modern world, each of us needs to be careful when receiving certain proposals from various organizations. Fraudsters have developed many schemes to lure money out of people's pockets. Unfair organizations constantly change their name or use the name of a well-known brand in order to increase the loyalty of potential customers. This is confusing to many people who think they are interacting with a real company.

What it is?

Mail Service is the largest fraudulent network that many are familiar with firsthand. People who like to read magazines and newspapers have seen the name of the company on the pages of various publications. This organization holds lotteries and guarantees participants a 100% payment of winnings. The lottery rules are simple, since the participants only need to correctly solve the crossword puzzle or erase the protective layer. After the participant has sent the correct answer to the specified address, he receives a lot of papers from the Post Service LLC company. Reviews of numerous participants report that this is a real scam, since the company makes money on the trust of people.

The essence of deception

This type of fraud is common in many print media, where it is proposed to solve the words in a crossword puzzle. Participants who sent a response to the specified address or called the hotline phone number automatically go to the database. According to the generated base, they send letters about winning, with the condition to place an order for a certain amount.

Recipients receive colorful envelopes with a lot of papers. They contain information about the ongoing promotion, but no specific conditions are specified. Important information is located directly inside the envelope, which none of the recipients pays attention to.

Can I get a prize?

To receive a prize, a participant must order goods from the catalog for a certain amount. Only after that the fraudsters promise to transfer funds to the client's account from the details of the Post Service company. Reviews say that this is a deception, which fell for millions of citizens of our country. You need to know that even when paying for the ordered goods, you can not expect any winnings from the company. Print media are not ashamed to post such information on their pages, and people still fall for the hook of the Post Service company. Feedback from participants informs that you should not believe in the honesty and fairness of the drawings and various lotteries.

People who expect to receive their winnings call the hotline. Operators request the participant's data and say that after a certain time a letter will be sent to the mailbox with instructions on how to receive the prize. LLC "Post service" collected responses about winning money exclusively in a negative way, since the participants became victims of a real deception. Fraudsters lure money out of the pockets of participants and then send their promotional items by mail again.

LLC "Post service": reviews about winning money

User reviews indicate that the activity of this company is a real scam of people for money and fraud in its purest form. Many people want to make big money with a minimum of effort. It is for this category of people that the tricks of the Post Service company are designed. Reviews about the win, which cannot be obtained, are completely negative, and some participants showed an active civic position and turned to the relevant authorities. However, the company's activities are still flourishing, since the specified company details are false and very difficult to find.

Negative user reviews report that scammers are aimed at extorting money from the most vulnerable category of the population - pensioners. The older generation trusts people and the information coming from them, therefore they naively follow all the instructions.

Features of deception

Many people say that this is a quality deception that is aimed at gullible citizens. If you look closely at the information in the letter, you can see that all phrases about a big win are accompanied by asterisks. The footnotes are located at the bottom of the document and contain information that winning is possible only "if you are chosen as the winner".

Such papers have been sent to citizens for 10 years, but there are still people who believe in a miracle from the Post Service LLC company. "Take-home" reviews receive extremely negative reviews, as its reputation has declined significantly due to the widespread advertising.

Products presented to the attention of users in catalogs deserve special attention. Many reviews report that all things are of low quality, but their prices are very high. Ordering the goods does not guarantee the subsequent receipt of the prize, since the participant receives a letter stating that after a certain time the next promotion will be held. "Mail service", reviews of which are extremely negative, compulsively sends letters and deceives gullible citizens.

The target audience

The target audience of Post Service is retirees, lonely people and people in a difficult financial situation. Fraudsters take advantage of the financial and moral weakness of these people and drag them into their scams. For this, knowledge of the characteristics of human nature and various methods of psychological influence are used. The company distributes catalogs with goods and forces members to place an order for completely unnecessary things. Many deceived citizens wrote applications to the prosecutor's office, but they still have not received decisive action.


People who believed in the possibility of easy money voluntarily enriched the developer of the service. Lovers of easy money will find many unpleasant surprises. People act as sponsors for the scammers, so they can't get anything. Real user reviews communicate potential dangers and warn other people not to get hooked on scammers. It is necessary to realize that if there is no work, then there is no earnings.

Scams thrive and live for many years, and people continue to naively believe the promises of such companies. It is gullible people who bring the main income to such organizations. Don't trust promises of fabulous cash prizes or other tempting offers.

Hello everyone!
My name is Vladimir, and I want to warn you against my mistakes.
He considered himself an intelligent, experienced person. And now they lit up like the last sucker.
A year ago, in February 2015, I received a letter by mail from the At Home company (Post-Service LLC, PO Box 37, Moscow ASC, 140961). Nice and cozy name, isn't it? They promised a big win if I order products from their catalog. After looking through the catalog, I made an order and, as indicated, sent it by mail. And it began !!!
They began to bombard me with catalogs and letters with messages that I was the winner and the happy owner of first 1,500,000, then 2,500,000 and finally 3,000,000 rubles. Moreover, letters came not only from the company "At Home", but also from the catalog "Health and Comfort" (LLC "Post Service", PO Box No. 168, Tver, 170000). All that was required to receive a prize was to place an order for a certain amount from the catalog. I am a pensioner, and money would certainly be useful. And I bought into their promises!
Throughout the year, I regularly made orders from their catalogs, bought goods, sent checks. All the goods were sent, but naturally I did not receive the money. Moreover, the final of the action was constantly postponed. I tried to call the indicated numbers, but the operators do not want to talk or talk about their financial illiteracy, they apologize and swear by the health of their children that the payment will be added to the other.
Alexey Vorontsov, head of the company, Tatyana Yakovleva, Maurice Leclair personally promised to come and present me with a prize. But ... things are still there!
It's a shame that firms with such cute names are deceiving pensioners, who, due to their gullibility, give their last money to buy Chinese consumer goods, which can be bought in stores much cheaper! I’m wondering whether to sue them.
People, don't trust these firms, don't make my mistakes!

Vladimir Vasilievich, Moscow.

Each of you, little freebie lovers, probably dreamed of winning some large sum of money. But I won. Now I will tell you my secret of success.

The first step is to buy some bright and almost free newspaper or magazine. In my case, it was either a newspaper or a magazine with the mysterious name "Oracle". I'll be honest - I didn't buy it, I saw it from my parents and became interested in this cute piece of paper attached to the "Oracle".

Wow! As much as 1.7 million rubles! In general, I am a winner in life, and this time, as always, I was lucky. I erased four cherished fields and - oh, Gods! - there is a winning combination! - three ladybugs and a chamomile.

Well, here's the first million won. It remains only to call the coveted number 8-800-100-00-36 and become the proud owner of a whole heap of cache. Especially for you, my dear reader, I have recorded this conversation. Sorry for the quality of the recording - this was the first time I used this software on a mobile device.

As it turned out, everything is not so simple. Well ... let's read the terms of the promotion more closely.

* LLC "Post service" (127220, Moscow, Nizhnyaya Maslovka st., 8 OGRN 1057749621115) (hereinafter referred to as the "Organizer)" conducts in order to promote new goods in catalogs within the period from 15.07.13 to 15.10.13 (extended until 15.12.13 ) a marketing campaign with the main prize of RUB 1,700,000 This promotion is not a game, competition, lottery, public promise of a reward or any other risk-based event. telephone and inform the number of the game card. Potential participants who have provided their data by phone, the organizer will receive a catalog with the organizer's product offer at the address indicated by them. in the final of the action 12/15/13 claim the main prize - 1,700,000 rubles. Participation in the promotion is registered until 2.12.13. The winner of the main prize will be determined in the final of the promotion no coincidence a special commission in accordance with the "Rules for conducting marketing campaigns..... etc.

Not by chance - is it clear to you? This is no longer a prize draw, friends! This is a real competition!

We go to storm Yandex, armed with the phone number of the organizers and find that in addition to my ladybirds and daisies, there are also safes with the same amount from the Liza magazine, the same piece of paper attached to Arguments and Facts, and from a very fresh one - careless lawyers , bred poor pensioners on their last hard-earned money with a promise to knock out the due prize through the court.

Meanwhile, the site of the organizers of this whole story continues to live and there are no sanctions. I very vividly imagine a poor granny who almost ordered herself a bunch of all kinds of lewdness from catalogs at first, and then almost slapped her entire life 170,000 rubles put aside for a negligent lawyer. I would like to see this moronic lawyer.

Years go by - nothing changes. Ten years ago, all sorts of magazines came in packs, in which there was a guaranteed prize and photographs of the winners, but here everything is still - now and then a golly divorce, as in this case.

When our people have more intelligence, I’m even afraid to think about it.