Email password generator. How to create and remember Reliable password

Almost all the protection of personal data in the network provides passwords. Whether it is a page of VKontakte or an account of the payment system, the main guarantor of security is a set of characters known only to the account holder. As practice shows, many people come up with passwords, even if not the most obvious, but accessible to the selection of intruders. To exclude account hacking, the variability of symbols in the password must be maximum. Such a sequence can be invented independently, but it is better to use one of the online generators available on the network. It is faster, more practical and will mostly secure you from losing personal data.

Powerful password manager for all desktop, mobile platforms and browsers. Among the available tools has an online combinations generator that does not require authorization in the service. Passwords are created only in your browser and the LastPass servers are not transmitted.

The finished sequence of characters is absolutely random and does not contain any patterns. Password generated in LastPass (especially if it is long), you can use it without rest to protect personal data on the network.

Method 2: Password Generator Online

Practical and convenient tool for automatic creation of complex passwords. The resource is not so flexible in the setting as the previous service, but nevertheless has its own original line: not one, but at once seven random combinations immediately. The length of each password can be set in the range from four to twenty characters.

Method 3: Our service

We also have the simplest generator on our site, which allows without additional settings and parameters to get both alphabet and alphanumeric password using a different register.

Using Avast Passwords, you can create safe passwords for any site without leaving it. In addition, this program can automatically enter saved credentials, passwords and credit card data. Automaagically.

Free download

Question and Answers about password generator

The following are answers to common password generator.

Is it safe to use Avast password generator?

Absolutely! All passwords created using Avast password generator are created locally on your computer. They are not saved anywhere and are not sent anywhere. Created passwords are not available even for Avast. Just do not forget to close this page after creating and copying a password to other people who use your computer, have not seen it.

Why do you need random password generator?

Because come up with a really random password to a person is difficult. Users often use words or numbers that mean something for them: the nickname of the pet, the maiden's name of the mother, the birthdays of children, lyrics, etc. The problem is that such a password is easy to guess.

Do not forget: no people are guessing, but computers. An ordinary computer can check more than one hundred million passwords per second, and when installing hacker tools based on a graphics processor, this figure reaches billion passwords per second. The length of the password and its complexity is extremely important.

Therefore, do not risk. Use the random password generator to create long, really random passwords that will not be able to hack even the most powerful computers.

Reliable passwords are really long (more than 16 characters) - and random. Exactly. But the problem is that people do not remember long and random passwords. That's why Avast Passwords is needed - a free password manager, which can not only generate long and really random passwords, but also remember them all and perform automatic login to accounts.

Do you need to have a unique password for each account?

Yes! Use the same password for multiple accounts is extremely dangerous. If the hackers find out a password of one of the accounts, they will have a password and to all the rest. Therefore, never use passwords. Use different unique passwords for each account. (A simple addition of an exclamation mark or other symbol at the end of the password does not make it unique or reliable. Hackers can easily hack such password variations.)

What passwords come in the top ten?

Let's call 10 of the most unreliable passwords of 2017. In no case do not use them. The use of any of them or their varieties is just an invitation for hackers.

1. 123456
2. Password.
3. 12345678
5. 12345
6. 123456789
7. Letmein.
8. 1234567
9. Football.

Remember that short passwords are unreliable passwords. They are very easy to hack. For the greatest reliability, the password must be long, complicated and contain an arbitrary row of characters. In addition, common words and phrases should be avoided to prevent an attack with the selection of the dictionary. Only in this case the password will be reliable.

Create reliable passwords at any time using Avast Passwords!

You can return to this page at any time if you need to create a secure password, however, installing Avast Passwords is much more convenient. Built-in password generator can automatically create reliable random passwords on any web page without having to leave it. Moreover, Avast Passwords is absolutely free and can synchronize passwords on all your computers, mobile phones and tablets.

Password generator creates passwords in real time. Created passwords are not saved anywhere and displayed only on your device (PC, tablet or smartphone).

Each time you change the settings, pressing the "Generate" button or reboot new passwords.

"Default" to generate passwords used English lowercase and capital letters, numbers and some service characters. To change the characters list, use "Password Generator Settings"

Password generator settings

Password length
Password generator creates passwords from 5 to 30 characters long. Initially, passwords are generated 10 characters long. In general, it is not recommended to use passwords less than 7 characters long. The use of longer passwords is recommended for more resistant protection against hacking, but most likely it will be uncomfortable to save or memorize.

English and Russian letters
Traditionally, English (Latin) letters are used for passwords, however, the Russians can be used. Russian letters significantly increase the complexity of passwords while trying to hack by brute force, but be careful, perhaps some systems do not support passwords, which contains Cyrillic. It is recommended to check.

Figures in the password must be sure. The presence of numbers in the password improves the quality of the password, while passwords with numbers are easier to remember.

Special symbols
Passwords that include special characters, the most resistant to hacking. Many systems during registration require that service characters be included in the password. We recommend not to neglect the use of similar characters and include them in the generated password.


Russian Symbols Similar to English and English Symbols Similar to Russian
If you use both English and Russian letters when using the password generator online, you may encounter the problem of visual "similar" of some English and Russian characters. Such letters as a and a, b and c, s and c, e and e (A, Ai, VE, bi, ES, SI, E, and) are different letters, although they look equally. In order to avoid confusion upon subsequent use of passwords, use the appropriate settings item.

Eliminate vowels or eliminate consonants
Use these additional settings items if you want to eliminate vowels or consonant letters when generating passwords.

Eliminate similar symbols
Look at the symbols I, L, 1, | (Ai, El, unit, vertical trait). Such letters, symbols and numbers are very similar when writing, therefore, errors may occur when saving and subsequent use of the password. In order to eliminate such errors, use this setting item.

Other settings

List of used characters
In the list of password generator used characters, all the characters from which passwords are made taking into account current settings are made. The list can be edited - delete unnecessary and add the characters you need. When you delete or add characters in the list editing window, new passwords are automatically generated, taking into account the changes made.

Reset settings
All settings made in the process of using password generator are automatically saved in your browser (cookies). The settings are saved, but not passwords! As mentioned above - passwords are generated by new ones each time. In order to reset the settings in the original state, use the "Reset Settings" link. When reset, new passwords are automatically generated, taking into account the initial settings.

Link to password generator
If you want to send a link to the "password generator" to a friend or publish on social networks, copy the address from a special window located at the bottom of the generator body. Together with the link, the settings you have selected are transmitted.

Thanks to this online generator, you have an excellent opportunity to create a password for a given length and complexity. Password is a guarantor of protecting your information. You know - who owns information, he owns the world! So it will not be superfluous to protect your data (probably extremely important) long and slapper password. Password generator online will select such a combination of characters that will allow you not to worry about the safety of personal data. Try it yourself right now!

  • 2cescrc6n6.
  • mrDSgavka6.
  • wodjp9i0yh
  • yJ099UMHLF.
  • iU6X8JBHB1.
  • k5LXLORM8X.
  • rp7m8st36f.

Please help the service with one click: Tell your friends about the generator!

Program Password Generator

To find a password correctly, let's first find out what he is. The password is a simple set of randomly selected characters, identification code for recognition. The system will not be able to do this without entering this particular set.

There are cases when passwords are selected, learned or just guess. It is necessary to prevent such incidents that you need to create a good and reliable password using password generator online.

Random password generator

To create a sophisticated password, follow the brief instruction:

  • Select the characters of a different register: large and small letters, numbers or punctuation marks for absolute complexity;
  • We do not recommend taking well-known data for password, such as date of birth, name and surname;
  • And it is better: use random password generator for this purpose online.

How does password generator work?

Get a challenge password online very simple:

  • Select the password length (up to 20 characters);
  • Check the ticks near those characters you want to get in the password. You can choose both one and several options: numbers, capital or lowercase letters, punctuation, additional characters;
  • And just click the "Generate Password" button.

And now useful information for reflection. If you put 6 latice characters of one register to your password, then the hacker learns your password for 31 seconds, if 8, then in 5 hours 50 minutes, if 10 characters are 164 days, if 12, then 303 years old.

If you put 6 symbols of the latice of different registers, numbers and punctuation signs, then you can choose a password for 2 hours 45 minutes, if 8, then you will need 530 days if 10 is 6,700 years, if 12 - 30, 995,620 years.

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