Who created the first arithmometer in 1672. XVII century digital mill

Mathematical engineering originates at the end of the XIX century with the invention of arithmometers. Among them - Thomson's car, as well as a single car. The latter is considered to be the prototype of all arithmometers, it was one of the most popular. The Oder arithmometer at one time committed a breakthrough in this industry.

The arithmometer was invented in 1874. But the production of arithmometers began later. At that time, his design was the most successful of similar instruments, famous to the world at the time. The main element of the device was the so-called single wheel, which was a wheel with a variable number of teeth.

Oder arithmometer

The wheel of the oder had nine teeth, the angle between the two of them seemed to be per unit. The arithmometer had one wheel, which was provided to one category. It worked like this: the number of teeth, which put forward by the lever was equal to the number installed.

When the handle turned around, the teeth were joined with intermediate gears and rotated the wheel of the counting register. The angle on which this wheel turned was proportional to the number exhibited on the levers. Thus, the established number was transmitted to the meter.

Oder was not the only one who worked in the direction of developing a similar wheel. Patents for similar inventions had laminated and Baldwin, but they could not be implemented in the finished device. Therefore, the developer of the device became Oder.

Vilgoldt Teoflovich Oder

Oder was born in Sweden in 1869, after a while he moved to Russia. He worked and lived in St. Petersburg, first at the factory, and after the service at the expedition of the preparation of state securities, the most important enterprise in St. Petersburg at that time. The expedition was engaged in the preparation of states of the state, it was based on the purpose of controlling and eliminating the possibility of manufacturing in factories of fakes, which before its appearance was found often.

During the work, the Oder showed himself as an outstanding inventor with a creative approach. He was engaged in mechanization of production sites and successfully. Including its arithmometer was intended for the mechanization of the numbering of credit billets - operations, which before it was performed manually. Thanks to him, we also received such inventions as turnstiles, which were subsequently applied on steamers, voting box, cigarette paper.

Adding machine

The device had a reliable design, which was so successful that, after a long time, there were practically no change. In addition, the advantages of the counting device were physical parameters and a convenient form, which allowed it to be widely used and to facilitate the performance of the calculator.

The characteristics of the device were as follows:

  • the volume of the device was small, the area he occupied was only 5 by 7 inches;
  • the device has high strength, and a simple mechanism of work allowed it to be easily repaired;
  • when working skills change, the action with an arithmometer could be produced quite quickly;
  • learning work on an arithmometer did not take much time and was not difficult, everyone could learn to work with him;
  • the arithmometer always issued a truthful output result, subject to all actions properly.

Since after the invention of its device, Oder did not have means for the start of production, he decided to convey the rights of the invention of Königsberger and Co.. Unfortunately, it was possible to build only a batch of arithmometers. They were released at the Ludwig Nobel plant, and today it is believed that only one device from this party survived. This unique sample is in the museum. The basis of the first patents were taken, which distinguished this arithmometer from the following features issued by serially:

  • in contrast to the usual arithmometer, the handle of this sample rotated in the opposite direction: clockwise at subtraction, and when adding - against;
  • the result meter was located above the counter of revolutions;
  • the numbers were applied on the wheels, and the arithmometer had special windows for their reading;
  • the discharge of the installation mechanism was equal to the eight, the counter of the results is ten, and the revolutions - seven, which was somewhat less than that of serial samples;
  • the details costs the number 11, it is assumed that this is a factory number.

Several years, the dress worked on the new version of the arithmometer, and later he invented the device whose design included intermediate mechanisms and allowed to rotate the handle towards more familiar to humans. For the addition operation and subtraction, it now turned clockwise, that is, from himself. The installation numbers carried on the front panel, and the meters are near. The accuracy of the calculations also increased, because the registers became greater.

The production of new enhanced machines began in 1886 in a small workshop. But there were some difficulties: it turned out that all rights were preserved for the company "Keninsberg and Co.", so the variety meters was illegal.

In 1890, he appealed to the Department of Commerce with a request to give him a ten-year privilege for the release of improved cars. Thanks to this resolution, he finally becomes the legal owner of the invention. A small workshop, where the inventor with partners began to release the first models of an improved design, gradually expanding and becomes a plant. In the first year of its work, they made only 500 arithmometers, and after six years their annual volume amounted to 5,000 such devices.

The arithmeters are widely known and exhibited at international exhibitions. In 1893, they were presented at the World Exhibition in Chicago and received the highest award, after - a silver medal at the exhibition of the All-Russian industry in Nizhny Novgorod and Golden - in Brussels, as well as in Stockholm and in Paris.

In 1807, he becomes the sole owner of the plant. And since 1897, the arithmometer is made by the "Mechanical Oder Mechanical Plant". Oder himself and further engaged in design activities, gradually begins to invent new models, and the design of the mechanism is improving. The standard discharge of the installation mechanism at that time was nine, thirteen for the results meter and eight for the revolutions counter. In addition, the carriage becomes greater tank.

The sale of the arithmometer is engaged in the trading house Emmanuel Mitenza, and it costs 115 rubles. After the death of V. T. Oder from the heart disease on September 2, 1905, his business continued his friends and relatives. The new brand under which the devices are produced at the factory, called the "single-original". The plant after the revolution is renamed, and the release of the arithmometer is terminated.

The release of mechanical counting machines in the 1920s in the State Mechanical Plant named after Dzerzhinsky in Moscow is reborn. Gradually, the arithmeters will be improved, begin to be produced under the other brands: "Union", "Dynamo", "Felix". The latter were the most popular. Felix arithmometers were distinguished by smaller dimensions and improved mechanism transport. A lot of them were produced in the USSR, several million cars in 40 years without making significant changes in the design of the device.

Further development of the arithmometer

The production and production of devices continued throughout the world. Among them, the most famous were "Fatsi", "Voltaire", "Merchant" and others. "Fociite" was a direct descendant of an allender system arithmometer. In 1932, the first key arithmeter was developed at its base. Under the brands "Brunsvi", "Walter" and "Triumfator" were developed the first electromechanical arithmeters. The domestic similar machine "VK-1" was created at the Penza Plant "Rovmash" in 1951.

After it, it became the basis for the release of semi-automatic machines with ten keys "VK-2", "VK-3", which at one time got very widespread.

One of the most successful modifications of the Oder arithmometer produced in the Soviet Union is the Felix machine. She worked reliably and was widely available.

Now the arithmometers are considered rarity. They can be found mainly in museums and in private collections. And the cost of the earliest and rare models can be high enough.

Intended for accurate multiplication and division, as well as for addition and subtraction.

Desktop or portable: Most often, the arithmometers were desktop or "cast" (as modern laptops), occasionally there were pocket models (Curta). This was different from large outdoor computing machines, such as tabulants (T-5M) or mechanical computers (Z-1, Charles Babbja difference machine).

Mechanical: The numbers are entered into the arithmometer are converted and transmitted to the user (displayed in the windows of the counters or printed on the tape) using only mechanical devices. In this case, the arithmometer can use exclusively mechanical drive (that is, it is necessary to constantly twist the handle to work on them. This primitive version is used, for example, in Felix) or produce part of operations using an electric motor (the most perfect arithmeters - computing machines, such as "Facit CA1-13, "almost any operation use an electric motor).

Accurate calculation: The arithmeters are digital (and not analog, such as the logarithmic ruler) devices. Therefore, the result of calculation does not depend on the reading error and is absolutely accurate.

Multiplication and division: The arithmeters are designed primarily for multiplication and division. Therefore, almost all of all arithmometers have a device that displays the number of additions and subtracts is the speed counter (as multiplication and division is most often implemented as a sequential addition and subtraction; more - see below).

Addition and subtraction: Arithmometers can be addition and subtraction. But on primitive lever models (for example, on Felix), these operations are performed very slowly - faster than multiplication and division, but noticeably slower than on the simplest summing machines or even manually.

Not programmable: When working on an arithmometer, the procedure is always set manually - immediately before each operation, press the corresponding key or rotate the corresponding lever. This feature of the arithmometer is not included in the definition, since the programmable analogs of the arithmometers practically did not exist.

Historical Overview

Models arithmometers

Felix Accounting Machine (Water Museum, St. Petersburg)

FACIT CA 1-13 arithmeter

Mercedes R38SM arithmeter

The models of the arithmometers differed mainly according to the degree of automation (from non-automatic, capable of independently perform only addition and subtraction, to fully automatic, equipped with automatic multiplication mechanisms, division and some other) and in design (most common models based on Oder wheel and roller leibitsa) . It should be noted immediately note that the non-automatic and automatic machines were produced at the same time - automatic, of course, were much more convenient, but they were approximately two orders of magnitude more expensive.

Non-automatic arithmeters on the wheel of the Oder

  • "Ariθmometer system V. T. Oder" - The first arithmometers of this type. We were issued during the life of the inventor (approximately 1880-1905) at the factory in St. Petersburg.
  • "Union" - produced since 1920 at the Moscow Plant of Accounts and Machines.
  • "Orindinum" Released since 1920 at the Dynamo plant in Kharkov.
  • Felix - the most common arithmometer in the USSR. Produced from 1929 to the end of the 1970s.

Automatic arithmometers on the Wheel of the Oder

  • Facit Ca 1-13. - one of the smallest automatic arithmeters
  • VK-3. - His Soviet clone.

Non-automatic arithmometers on roller Leibnia

  • Thomas's arithmeters and a number of similar lever models produced before the beginning of the 20th century.
  • Keyboard, for example, Rheinmetall IE or Nisa K2

Automatic arithmometers on roller leibitsa

  • Rheinmetall SAR is one of the two best German computing machines. Its distinctive feature is a small ten-fold (as on the calculator) keyboard to the left of the main - used to enter a multiplier when multiplying.
  • VMA, VMM - His Soviet clones.
  • Friden SRW is one of the few arithmeters that can automatically extract square roots.

Other arithmometers

Mercedes Euklid 37ms, 38ms, R37MS, R38MS, R44MS - These computing machines were the main competitors for Rheinmetall SAR in Germany. They worked a little slower, but possessed a large number of functions.



  1. Place on the levers the first term.
  2. Turn the handle from yourself (clockwise). At the same time, the number on the levers is entered into the summation meter.
  3. Welcome on the leafs the second term.
  4. Turn the handle from yourself. At the same time, the number on the levers will be added to the number in the summation meter.
  5. The result of addition - on the summation meter.


  1. Place on the levers reduced.
  2. Turn the handle from yourself. At the same time, the number on the levers is entered into the summation meter.
  3. Place on levers ready.
  4. Turn the handle on yourself. At the same time, the number on the levers is subtracted from among the summation meter.
  5. The result of subtraction on the summation meter.

If a negative number is obtained when subtraction, the bell rings in the arithmometer. Since the arithmometer does not operate with negative numbers, you need to "cancel" the last operation: without changing the positions of the levers and console, check the knob in the opposite direction.


Multiplication of a small number

  1. Place the first factor on the levers.
  2. Spin the handle from myself while the second factor will appear on the scrolling counter.

Multiplication with console

By analogy with a multiplication of a column - multiply by each category, recording the results with the displacement. The displacement is determined by the discharge worth the second factor.

To move the console, use the handle in front of the arithmometer (Felix) or the arrow keys (VK-1, RheinMetall).

We will analyze example: 1234x5678:

  1. Move the console left until you stop.
  2. Place a multiplier on the levers with a greater (on the eye) of the amount of numbers (5678).
  3. Twist the handle from myself while the first figure (on the right) of the second multiplier (4) appears on the scroll counter.
  4. Move the console one step to the right.
  5. Similarly, do items 3 and 4 for the remaining numbers (2nd, 3rd and 4th). As a result, the scrolling meter should have a second factor (1234).
  6. The result of multiplication is on the summation meter.


Consider the case of dividing 8765 to 432:

  1. Place on the levers divilah (8765).
  2. Move the console to the fifth category (four steps to the right).
  3. Mark the end of the whole part of the dividated metal "commas" on all the meters (commas must stand in the column in front of the number 5).
  4. Turn the handle from yourself. In this case, divisible is entered into the summation meter.
  5. Reset the scroll counter.
  6. Place a divider on the levers (432).
  7. Move the console so that the Senior Delima Compact is combined with the Senior Dimension of the divider, that is, one step to the right.
  8. Twist the handle on itself until you receive a negative number (busting the sound of the bell). Return the handle for one turn back.
  9. Move the console one step left.
  10. Take items 8 and 9 to the extreme position of the console.
  11. The result is the module of the number on the scrolling meter, the whole and fractional part are separated by the comma. The residue is on the summation meter.


see also


  1. Organization and technology of mechanization of accounting; B. Drozdov, Evstigneev, V. Isakov; 1952.
  2. Accidents; I. S. Evdokimov, P. Evstigneev, V. N. Kriushin; 1955.
  3. Computational machines, V.N. Razankin, P. Evstigneev, N. N. Tresvytsky. Part 1.
  4. Catalog of the Central Bureau of Technical Information Instrument Engineering and Automation Tools; 1958.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 tons and 4 extra). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Photos of the VK-1 arithmeter (Roward), including from the inside (an increase in the clique mouse)
  • Arif-ru.narod.ru - a large russian site dedicated to arithmometers (rus.)
  • Photos of Soviet arithmometers on the site of Sergey Frolova (Rus.)
  • rehenmaschinen-illustrated.com: photos and brief descriptions of many hundreds of models of arithmometers (eng.)
  • (eng.)

who created the very first arithmometer? And got the best answer

Answer from the Lunar Cat [Guru]
150-100 BC e. - Antikitsky mechanism has been created in Greece
1623 - Wilhelm Shikkard invented "Computing Clock"
1642 - Blaze Pascal invented "Pascalina"
1672 - Calculator Leibniz was created - the first arithmometer in the world. In 1672, two-digit appeared, and in 1694 - a twelve-digit machine. Practical distribution This arithmometer did not receive, as it was too complicated and roads for its time.
1674 - Morlanda was created
1820 - Tom De Colmar began serial production of arithmometers. In general, they were similar to the arithmeter of the leiby, but had a number of constructive differences.
50s. XIX century - P. L. Chebyshev created the first arithmometer in Russia.
1890 - the serial production of oder arithmeters - the most common type of arithmometers of the 20th century. The oder arithmometers belongs, in particular, the famous Felix.
1919 - Mercedes-Euklid VII appeared - the world's first computing machine, that is, an arithmometer capable of independently carry out all four main arithmetic action.
1950s. - flourishing computing machines and semi-automatic arithmometers. It was at this time that most of the models of electromechanical computing machines were released.
1969 - Peak production of arithmometers in the USSR. About 300 thousand "Felix" and VK-1 released.
the end of the 1970s - the beginning of the 1980s - about this time electronic calculators finally displaced the arithmeters from the store shelves

Answer from BhanNobelos[guru]
Professor Mathematics Wilhelm Shikard - the first secessable mining machine on hex.
A more advanced arithmometer with binary numbers created in 1673 Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz. The first mass production of arithms with accuracy to the 20th decimal sign since 1821 by the Creator of Charlel Xavier Tom de Colmar (user response "Lunar Cat" - not exactly ...)

Answer from Vova de Mort.[guru]
Johan Sebastian arithmometer

Answer from Odins.[guru]
it is the car with wheels and numbers to appear in the times of the Ridge Current
and so some of the early Her appearance was in ancient Greece when a certain copper device was found on one of the sunken Gole, and show many astronomical objects

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnits in 1694 created a car that made it possible to mechanically perform multiplication operations and received the name "Calculator (arithmometer) leibice". The main part of the arithmometer was a stepped roller, the so-called cylinder with a different length of the teeth, they could interact with the countable wheel. And moving this wheel along the roller, it clings to the required number of teeth, which ensured the installation of the desired figure.

Essentially, the leibness arithmeter was the first arithmetic machine in the world, which is designed to perform four main arithmetic operations and allowing the 9-bit multiplier with an 8-bit multiplier to obtain a 16-bit product. Compared to the Pascal device, the arithmometer significantly accelerated the execution of arithmetic operations, but did not receive a special distribution due to the lack of demand and construction inaccuracies. But the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe leiben was very fruitful - install a stepped roller into his arithmometer. Photos for comparison can be found on the Internet.

According to Norbert Wiener - the holy patron of cybernetics could be both leibhers, meaning his work on a binary number system and mathematical logic. However, in those days, scientists rarely turned out to be theorists, so Leibniz became a milestone in the history of informatics and cybernetics. So the prototype appeared - the first arithmeter 1672.

Until a certain moment of its development, humanity, when calculating items, was content with the natural "calculator" - data from the birth of ten fingers. When they were missing, I had to invent various primitive tools: Counting pebbles, sticks, abacus, Chinese Suuan Pan, Japanese Soroban, Russian scores. The device of these tools is primitive, however, the treatment requires a fairing skill. For example, for a modern person who born in the era of calculators, to master multiplication and division in accounts is unusually difficult. Such wonders of "bone" equilibristics are now under power, perhaps, only a firmware dedicated to the secrets of the work of the Intellevian microprocessor.

The breakthrough in the mechanization of the account came when European mathematicians began to invent the arithmeters. However, you should start a review with a fundamentally different class of computers.

Tepique branch

In 1614, Scottish Baron John Never (John Napier, 1550-1617) published a brilliant treatise "Description of the amazing table of logarithms", which introduced a revolutionary computing method into mathematical use. Based on the logarithmic law, relatively speaking, "replacing" multiplication and division by adding and subtraction, there were tables that facilitate work, first of all, astronomers operating in large arrays of numbers.

After some time, Wallen Edmund Günther (Edmund Gunter, 1581-1626), to facilitate computation, proposed a mechanical device using a logarithmic scale. For several, the scales were attached by the scales for several exponential laws, which needed to operate simultaneously, determining the amount or difference of the segments of the scale, which made it possible to find a piece or private. These manipulations demanded increased care.

In 1632, English mathematicians William Oddred (William Oughtred, 1575-1660) and Richard Delamina (Richard Delamain, 1600-1644) invented a logarithmic ruler in which the scales are shifted relative to each other, and therefore, when calculating, the need to use such a burden Like circus. Moreover, the British offered two constructions: rectangular and round, in which logarithmic scales were applied on two concentric rings rotating relative to each other.

The "canonical" design of the logarithmic line appeared in 1654 and was used all over the world until the start of the era of electronic calculators, England Robert Bissaker became its author (Robert Bissaker). He took three subdued planks with a length of 60 centimeters, bought two external metal rim, and the average was used as a engine sliding between them. That's just a runner that fixed the result of the operation made, this design did not provide. The need for this, of course, Sir Isaac Newton (ISAAC Newton, 1643-1727) was spoken of the useful element in 1675 (ISAAC Newton, 1643-1727). However, his absolutely fair wish was implemented only a century later.

It should be noted that the logarithmic method of calculations is based on an analog principle when the numbers are "replaced" by their analogues, in this case, the lengths of the segments. Such analog is not discretened, it does not increase by the unit of the lower category of the number. This is a continuous value that, unfortunately, has a certain error occurring during its measurement, and low performance accuracy. In order for using the logarithmic line to be processed, say, 10-bit numbers, its length should reach several tens of meters. It is quite clear that the implementation of such a project is absolutely meaningless.

On the same ideological principle as the logarithmic ruler, analog computing machines (AVM, Analog Computers) were created in the twentieth century. In them, the calculated value was the electric potential, and the computational process was modeled using an electrical circuit. Such devices were universal and made it possible to solve many important tasks. The indisputable advantage of AVM compared to the digital machines of that time was high speed. As an indisputable disadvantage - the low accuracy of the results obtained. When powerful computer systems appeared in the 1980s, the problem of speed was not so acute, and AVM gradually went into the shadow, although they did not disappear from the face of the earth.

Torch arithmetic

It may seem on the surface glance that the court of history cost even more ruthlessly with another type of computing mechanisms - with arithmometers. Indeed, now they can only be found in the museum. For example, in our polytechnic, or in the German Museum in Munich (Deutchems Museum), or in the museum computationally in Hanover (Ponton Computer-Museum). However, this is rooted incorrectly. Based on the principle of action of arithmometers (bonnetal addition and shift of the amount of private works), electronic arithmetic devices were created, "head" computer. Subsequently, they covered the control device, memory, periphery, and, in the end, were "wet" into the microprocessor.

One of the first arithmometers, more precisely, the "summing machine" was invented by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) about 1500. True, nobody knew about his ideas for almost four centuries. The drawing of this device was discovered only in 1967, and on it, IBM recreated a completely efficient 13-bit summing machine, which uses the principle of 10-teeth wheels.

Ten years earlier as a result of historical surveys in Germany, drawings were found and a description of the arithmometer, made in 1623 by Wilhelm Schickard, 1592-1636 (Wilhelm Schickard, 1592-1636), a professor of mathematics at the University in Tubingen. It was a very "advanced" 6-bit machine, consisting of three nodes: Devices of addition, subtraction, multiple device and a block of recording intermediate results. If the adder was performed on traditional gears that had cams for transmission to the next discharge unit, the multiplier was built very sophisticated. In it, the German professor applied the "lattice" method when, with the help of a "naught" to the shafts, multiplicate table corresponds to each figure of the first factory for each figure of the second, after which all these private works are folded with the shift.

This model was workable, which was proven in 1957, when she was recreated in Germany. However, it is not known whether the shikqard himself can build his arithmometer. There is a certificate contained in his correspondence with Astronomer Johann Kepler (Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630) as to the fact that the unfinished model died on fire during a fire in the workshop. In addition, the author, soon died of cholera, did not have time to introduce information about his invention into scientific use, and it became known only in the middle of the twentieth century.

Therefore, Blaise Pascal (Blaise Pascal, 1623-1662), which was the first not only designed, but also built a workable arithmometer, began, as they say, from scratch. Brilliant French scientist, one of the creators of probability theory, the author of several important mathematical theorems, the naturalist, opened atmospheric pressure and determined the mass of the earthly atmosphere, and the outstanding thinker, who left such not those who did not lose the essay as "thoughts" and "letters to Provincialu, "was in everyday life with a loving son of the President of the Royal Chamber of Fees. The nineteen-year-old young men, in 1642, wanting to help the father who travelery a lot of time and strength, making up financial statements, he designed a car that could add and deduct numbers.

The first sample was constantly broken, and two years later Pascal made a more advanced model. It was a purely financial car: she had six decimal discharges and two additional: one divided into 20 parts, the other at 12, which corresponded to the ratio of the then monetary units (1 Su \u003d 1/20 Live, 1 day \u003d 1/12 Su). Each category corresponded to the wheel with a specific amount of teeth.

For his short life, Blaise Pascal, who lived only 39 years, managed to do about fifty counting machines from a wide variety of materials: from copper, from various wood species, from ivory. One of them was a scientist who presented to Chancellor Segeye (Pier Seguier, 1588-1672), some models sold out, somehow demonstrated during lectures on the latest achievements of mathematical science. 8 copies reached our days.

It is Pascal who belongs to the first patent for Paskalevo Wheel, issued to him in 1649 by the French king. In respect of his merits in the field of "computing science", one of the modern programming languages \u200b\u200bis called Pascal.


It is quite clear that "Paskalevo Wheel" fought inventors to improve the summing machine. A very original decision was suggested by Claude Perra (Claude Perrault, 1613-1688), Brother of the world famous storyteller, who was a man of broadest interests and unique abilities: doctor, architect, physicist, naturalist, translator, archaeologist, designer, mechanic and poet. In the creative heritage of Claude Perra, the drawings of the summing machine dated 1670, in which rails with teeth are used instead of wheels. With progressive movement, they rotate the amount counter.

The following design word - and what! - said Gottfried Leibniz, 1646-1716), the transfer of merit and classes whose classes can be replaced by two taught words "Great Thinker". He made in mathematics such a lot that "Father Cybernetics" Norbert Wiener (Norbert Wiener, 1894-1964) offered to canonize the German scientist and "appoint" the holy, patronage of computers.

The first arithmometer of the Leibniz produced in 1673. After that, more than 20 years engaged in improving his counting machine. The 8-bit model obtained as a result of a stress search could be subtracted, deduct, multiply, divide, erected into a degree. The result of multiplication and division had 16 characters. Leibniz applied in its arithmometer such structural elements that were used in the design of new models up to the twentieth century. First of all, it is necessary to attribute a moving carriage, which made it possible to significantly increase the speed of multiplication. The management of this machine was extremely simplified by using the handle, with which the shafts rotated, and the automatic control of the number of additions of private works during multiplication.

In the XVII century, of course, the speech of the mass production of arithmometers leibitsa could not go. However, they were not so much released. So, for example, one of the models went to Peter I. The Russian king ordered a mathematical machine very peculiar: presented it with the Chinese emperor in diplomatic purposes.

An overview of the design ideas related to the improvement of mechanical counting machines would be incomplete without mentioning the Italian Mathematics of Giovanni Poleni (Giovanni Poleni, 1683-1761). He began his scientific activity as a professor of astronomy of the University of Paduan. Then he moved to the Department of Physics. And soon he headed the Department of Mathematics, replacing Nicholaus Bernoulli on this post (Nicholaus Bernoulli, 1695-1726). His hobbies were architecture, archeology and design of ingenious mechanisms. In 1709, the field demonstrated the arithmeter in which the progressive principle of the "gear with a variable number of teeth" was used. It also uses a fundamental innovation: the machine operated by the force of the incident cargo tied to the free end of the rope. It was the first in the history of "arithmometry" attempt to replace the manual drive by an external source of energy.

And in the 1820s, English Mathematician Charles Babbage, 1791-1871) invented the "difference machine" and began to build it. During the lifetime of Babbja, this unit was never built, but more importantly, when the project financing was dried, the mathematician came up with an "analytical machine" for general calculations, and for the first time formalized and described the logic ... computer. But, however, this is a slightly different story.

Large players

In the XIX century, when the technology of accurate metal processing has achieved significant success, it became possible to introduce an arithmometer into a wide variety of human activity, in which it is now customary to speak, it is necessary to process large data arrays. Counting machines Charles-Xavier Thomas de Colmar, 1785-1870 became a pioneer of the serial manufacturer of counting machines Tom De Colmar (Charles-Xavier Thomas De Colmar. Entering the Leibnia in the model of operational improvements to the model, he in 1821 begins to produce 16-bit arithmeters in his Parisian workshop, which receive fame as the "Thomas Machines". At first, they were worth the expensive - 400 francs. And produced in not so much and large quantities - up to 100 copies per year. But by the end of the century new producers appear, competition arises, prices are lowered, and the number of buyers increases.

Various constructors both in the old and in the new light are patented their models, which differ from the classical model of the leibant only by introducing additional amenities in operation. A call appears that signs the error type of subtraction from a smaller number of more. Set of levers are replaced by keys. An attached handle is attached to transfer an arithmometer from place to place. Ergonomic indicators increase. Improved design.

At the end of the XIX century, Russia was involved in the world market for arithmometers. The author of this breakthrough was the unrigious Swede Viligodt Teoflovich Oder (1846-1905), a talented inventor and a successful businessman. Before the release of counting machines, Villega Teoflovich constructed the automated numbering of banknotes applied when printing securities. It belongs to the authorship of the machine for packing a papyros, an automatic voting box in the State Duma, as well as turnstiles used in all shipping companies in Russia.

In 1875, the Oder constructed its first arithmometer, the right to produce the production of the Machine-building plant "Ludwig Nobel". 15 years later, becoming the owner of the workshop, Viligodt Teoflovich settles in St. Petersburg, the release of a new model of an arithmometer, which is beneficial from the compactness existing ones at that time, with compactness, reliability, simplicity in circulation and high performance.

Three years later, the workshop becomes a powerful plant producing more than 5 thousand arithmometers per year. The product with stigma "Mechanical Plant V. T. Oder, St. Petersburg" begins to conquer world popularity, he is awarded the highest awards of industrial exhibitions in Chicago, Brussels, Stockholm, Paris. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Oder arithmometer begins to dominate the global market.

After the sustainable death of the "Russian Bill Gates" in 1905, the dealer continued his relatives and friends. The point in the glorious history of the company put the revolution: Mechanical plant V.T. The dress was converted to the repair plant.

However, in the mid-1920s, the release of arithmometers in Russia was revived. The most popular model, called Felix, was produced at the factory. Dzerzhinsky until the end of the 1960s. In parallel with Felix in the Soviet Union, the production of electromechanical countable machines of the VK series was established, in which muscular efforts were replaced by an electrical drive. This type of calculators was created in the image and likeness of the German Mercedes car. Electromechanical machines in comparison with arithmometers had significantly higher performance. However, the crash created by them was like shooting from the machine gun. If a dozen "Mercedes" worked in the operating room, then in noise, it resembled a fierce battle.

In the 1970s, the electronic calculators began to appear - first lamps, then transistor - all the mechanical magnificence described above began to move to museums, where it is still.