Creating a teacher's personal information space. Personal information space

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Lesson 7.
Organization of information space

§ 1.6. Representation of the information space using a graphical interface

Representation of the information space using a graphical interface

Information space. When working on a computer, the user runs programs and uses data stored in files. Files with programs and data available to the user are its information space.

If the computer is autonomousThe information space includes a hierarchical system of folders of this computer.

If the computer is connected to the local networkThe information space includes a folder system available to the user on computers connected to the network.

If the computer is connected to the InternetThe user's information space is expanded by files located on computers connected to the global network.

Information Space is the user-friendly folders and files on the local computer and in computer networks.

Representation of the information space using the graphical interface. The information space available to the user of the computer is presented in the form of a folder system. In Windows and Linux operating systems, the vertex of the graphical interface is the image on the folder monitor screen. Physically, the desktop folder is on the system disk in the computer's user folder.

The following level is represented by folder icons. A computer (Root folder in the Linux operating system), Basket and Personal user folder (Users), the analogue of this folder in Linux is Home folder (Fig. 1.35).

Fig. 1.35. Desktop icons:
in the Windows operating system (A); In the Linux operating system (b)

In folder Computer (root folder) The following level folders are root folders available on a computer hard, optical and removable disks.

The root folder of each disk in the Windows operating system contains a hierarchical system of nested folders, which displays the hierarchical file system of this disc (Fig. 1.36).

Fig. 1.36. Display of the hierarchical system of folders
in the graphical interface of the Windows operating system

In folder Basket Deleted folders and files are stored.

In folder Net There are folders of computers connected to the local network.

Icons and labels on the desktop. After loading the operating system on the monitor screen appears Desktopwhere some folders are automatically placed. To quickly access frequently used folders and applications, the user can create their shortcuts on the desktop (links in the Linux operating system). In order to open the folder or start the application, just click on the appropriate icon or the label (link).

Task bar. At the bottom of the screen is located Task barwhere the start button on the left (the menu button in the Linux operating system). Click the button on the button Start Calls the Start menu (menu of launching applications in the Linux operating system) that allows you to run programs.

In the center of the taskbar Claimed application windows and folders are located.

On the right on the taskbar there are hours. Lefter There are indicators of the system status, including the keyboard layout indicator. Value indicator Ru denotes that the Russian keyboard layout is currently used, ENG. Indicates an English layout.

Control questions

1. An image of which folder is the top of the graphical interface of the operating system?

2. What are the main elements of the desktop?

3. What is the difference between icons and labels?

4. What is placed on the taskbar?

An increase in the information flow and the need for operating an increasing amount of information forces us to reasonably approach the organization of your information space. The main tool for organizing a personal information space in the computer's memory are folders. They are a means of organizing and presenting computer system resources (directories, files, programs, etc.).

All folders operate equally regardless of their contents. By installing suitable parameters for folders, you can quickly execute the tasks. To set the open folder parameters, you must execute the Folder Service / Properties command. In the window that appears, all the necessary folder parameters are set (see Fig.). Folder Properties Window

Copying and moving folders as well as copying, and moving files. To copy the folder, it is enough to drag it with the right button to the place where it must be copied. When the context menu appears, you can select Copy to copy the folder or move to change the folder location. To renaming the folder, the context menu is called and the command is selected to rename.

Having considered the technical aspect of working with folders, we describe how to form your informational space. The documents generated by the user must be strictly structured, and the folder appears in this case. If all documents are stored in one folder, then after reaching a certain critical mass, the user will be difficult to navigate in their own documents. And the actual time of work will be spent on finding the desired document.

Protect your back

The main rule: do not sit back to the door. This means that you can always get a blow in your back. You can betray, and you fail with any intrigues inside the office. In this case, no talismans will help. Having very good to hang on the wall behind an image of a non-rocked mountain. It can be snow-covered, but should not look sinister. Mountain landscape is preferably selected without water spaces. Snow in this case is not considered water. Also, your position will strengthen the image of a large sea turtle or photography of the bank building. Try to sit face in your most favorable direction or in one of the best directions, and so that no "poisoned arrows" was not directed at you. The angles of cabinets and walls can be poisoned arrows, tables of other employees, ostrooty plants, ceiling beam.

What do you have on the table?

Make sure that your review never broke the stacks of folders and pile of paper. The space in front of you should be free. Any jet of folders and paper delay and accumulate stagnant energy. Tables are preferred wooden, light colors. The size of the desktop attracting good luck is: Length-152 cm, width - 89 cm, height - 84 cm. On the stones you can write or even engrave any wishes. Crystals choose to your taste. For growth and prosperity, the company needs that its employees are satisfied, energetic and cheer. Regularly get rid of the sources of bad qi. Separate employees in accordance with their individual favorable directions. Happy staff - the best domain of the company.

Your talismans

Even if you are working in the office, where, besides you, a few more people, and therefore, you can not particularly affect the choice of your place, you still always have the opportunity to slightly change the workspace. Very good, if on the left and right of the desktop are cabinets as an immacitation of protection. The windows to the left of you are preferable than to the right. Remember, the north of the desktop where you are sitting. Accordingly, the south is opposite. There is a place for a crystal pyramid. On the left diagonally, install any abundance symbol. The most common one is hot with a bag of money, a dragon or a three-lab frog with a coin in the mouth. If the corporate routine does not imply a Chinese symbolism, put any item symbolizing money for you. For example, dear written set. Do not forget about the amazing power of Chinese coins, especially bandaged with red silk thread. Put them under a computer or phone. The statuette of Ganesh to the right of you will help and protect in business. The figure of the rooster is an excellent means of protection against envy on the side of colleagues. Put its image to your desktop and let it "shove" all your problems. It will be very effective if the office is close. It is believed that the porcelain figure of the rooster of golden color has a greater force than another coloring. Sometimes people suffer because of a single person who spreads gossip and prevents working. Put on the table a figurine of a happy buddha face to the person who is the source of your trouble.

Information resource covers all divisions and services of the organization. In this sense, we can talk about the information space of the enterprise, understanding under this term not only information and means of its processing, but also the geography of informational relations.

The information space of the organization (IP) is formed using the technical means of processing information, computer and telecommunication technology. Depending on the form of their interaction and use, four main levels of implementing the IP organization can be distinguished.

At the first level Implementation of the IP organization Factographic information on completed economic operations is formed in the form of tables of a specific database (database). The processing of these tables allows the main types of accounting: Operational, accounting, administrative, tax, etc.

Realization of second-level IP It assumes the use of a powerful database management system (DBMS), which allows not only the basic operations for processing factual information and maintain all types of accounting, but also to provide the preparation of various analytical documents. At this level of implementation, interaction with the Internet is formed, which makes it possible to implement electronic document management and contributing to the accumulation and generalization of corporate information.

Third-level IP model Reflects its separation into separate infosystems: logistics, accounting and reporting, personnel management, etc., each of which is formed its IP. Here also creates general information display information for management. The PP of this level is used in its "data pool" structure, which determines not only the possibility of receiving and storing operational information, but also a means of pre-treatment for predetermined algorithms. These algorithms are configured to a pre-installed system of analytical reports. The third-level IP model provides for the implementation of economic activities on the Internet, for example, a visit to trading platforms, the use of electronic payments, etc.

Fourth Level IP Organization It assumes its expansion through the use of front-office structures, which can provide stakeholders using the Internet (suppliers, partners, customers, investors) in accordance with the authority data, Fig. 1.4.

Fig. 1.4. Model of information space organization

The processes of formation of the IP at this level are carried out with the help of the firm back office. The system management is carried out using the management information system associated with the cockpit system. Cockpit implements a demonstration of graphic analytical reports using demonstration LSD tablets.

1.4. Information management information systems and their classification

To build enterprise management information systems (ISU), it is necessary:

1. Formulate the main objectives achieved by the enterprise in the process of using IT.

2. Assess the state of the structure of the current ISUP, its document management and the need for virtualization.

3. Choose the directions of application of the information resource both within the enterprise (at the level of the Corporation) and outside the enterprise (at the virtual level).

4. Determine the desired enterprise management model.

5. Set the content of the necessary software and technical support to achieve the goals.

6. Develop a personnel training system.

7. To form an appropriate manufacturing service.

8. Develop the structure of the relationship, management and protection of hardware and networks.

9. Estimate the expected level of costs and achieved results.

When building an IPPE, it is also necessary to take into account the increase in the risks associated both using the information obtained in ISUP and the ability to conduct e-commerce and marketing activities, to protect the ISU from external and internal information diversions.

To form an ISUP, you can use various organizational approaches, the main of which are:

1) acquisition of individual software and hardware modules and independent construction of an enterprise information system;

2) appeal to enterprises to system integrators that provide qualifying services for installing software and technical support;

3) appeal to consulting (consulting) companies that advise the implementation of completed projects, acquiring the necessary information system;

4) cooperation with the system integrator creating an information system and the leading hardware and software package during the time consistent with the customer;

5) the implementation of information projects and the provision of software and hardware services with specialized integrated independent organizations. This approach was called "Autosoring" (from English, Outsourcing). In this case, the enterprise manager only enjoys information from a software and hardware complex belonging to a third-party organization.

ISUP can be classified using various criteria: the organization of the control loop, the management method, the application of the corresponding IT, and the like. Consider the classification of ISUM depending on the level of the implementation of the organization's information space: accounting, analytical, integrated and dynamic systems.

Accounting IS. Organize the issuance of documents (as a rule, on paper) on the status of individual economic processes of the organization. These systems are focused on the formation of the first level SP. The complexity of processing information in paper technology (various formats, various dictionaries) leads to the fact that the final information is created, as a rule, by the time it is no longer needed. These systems allow you to receive information on the current state of the production process, accounting for personnel and keeping the accounting and reporting system, which is valuable to solve many problems of small and medium-sized enterprises. They are aimed, as a rule, on the processes of organizing various forms of accounting, displaying current information and issuing analytical reports.

Analytical IS.Using various methods of information analysis, make it possible to show the trends in the development of the organization's business processes, to organize an electronic document management. They allow you to form an IP of the second level.

Integrated IS. Provide access to employees to the necessary information in real time, which allows you to control the execution of the process at any stage, providing processes management. They also provide mechanisms for controlling and coordinating various components of the business environment. These systems form a third-level SP.

The use of an ISUP integrated type allows you to intensify the following questions:

 information support at all stages of reporting work, accelerating the reporting process;

 Clarification of data by providing direct access to operational information;

 analysis of the state of functional processes of the company and the advance warning of negative processes using the possibility of an operational transition to business details (details of its individual customers, economic operations or business processes);

 Integrated holistic look at corporate information, i.e. providing the latest information on all the most important indicators - critical factors of the successful activity of the company;

 Operational response to organizational changes or to the rapid provision of new information without attracting additional information channels;

 Development of prognostic expectations in business, which allows you to implement modern business management methods, monitor the management process and find ways to develop business.

Dynamic IS. aims to search for new methods for the interaction of business participants in order to obtain maximum profits. They allow you to synchronize the processes of managing the firm with the actions of interested business participants: suppliers, customers, partners, etc. Dynamic systems form conditions for the implementation of the Fourth SIP. Dynamic ISUP are focused on finding the most effective relationship, synchronization of information processes directly in production, between various partner organizations, customers, investors. They combine the advantages of integrated ISUP and Internet technology, implementing electronic business.

Information space

Today, the Internet already exists available for experiments the information base of this volume, which was previously difficult to submit. Moreover, the volumes of this database exceed several orders of magnitude that the decade has been available back. In August 2005, Yahoo announced that it was indexed about 20 billion documents. Last year's achievement of Google company was less than 10 billion documents, i.e. In one year, the number of open accessible to the simple information from the Internet has doubled. According to the Web Server Survey Service in August 2005, the number of Web sites exceeded 72 million. Thus, the given data confirm the exponential nature of information growth.

This growth is accompanied by a number of problems such as:

1) disproportionate growth of information noise;

3) weak information structure;

4) multiple duplication of information.

Traditional Web is also inherent in such disadvantages, as an abundance of "information debris", the impossibility of guaranteeing the integrity of documents, the practical absence of the possibility of semantic search, the limited access to the "hidden" Web.

Information space is a set of results of the semantic activities of mankind. It can be understood as in the figurative sense and in an idealistic, the last approach is developing in philosophy, as well as in para- and pseudo-propelled studies, then the information space can be understood as "the world of names and titles associated with ontological" (physical).

The information space may also be considered a set of banks and databases, technologies for their support and use, information telecommunication systems operating on the basis of general principles and providing:

1) information interaction of organizations and citizens;

2) satisfying their information needs.

Strictly speaking, the informational space, being one of the primary concepts, cannot be accurately defined. Most often, this term understands how logical opposition to the object (subject, physical, material) world.

It is usually considered that the information space is the same as the semantic space. From a practical point of view, it is.

The main components of the information space are: information resources, funds of information interaction and information infrastructure.

The problem of "knowledge" is likely to never be reduced to any complex of tasks that could be finally solved in a purely technological way. On the contrary, it apparently will require serious studies in various directions, including at a fairly high theoretical level. One of the central issues in this regard, in our opinion, is the attitude of the information and semantic space, which, as a rule, is given unnecessarily attention. They often even identify them in the literature, without any reason. The fact that these two categories in no way is identical, obviously flows out of the difference in their nature: the information space form data physically recorded on certain carriers, while the semantic space generates complexes of abstract concepts associated with subjective assessments given by the person. The most natural seems to determine the network semantic space as many units of meaning, relevant in this sociocultural context and presented on the network. Under the unit of meaning, we, as usual, we understand the elementary category, allowing us to build subjective appraisal judgments about things and processes relating to the world around us. In real life between them, of course, there is a completely definite relationship, but the finding of this connection seems to be a very nontrivial task.

Basics of searching for information on the Internet.

Search for information is the task that humanity is already solved by many centuries. As the volume of information resources, potentially affordable to one person (for example, a library visitor), have developed increasingly sophisticated and perfect search facilities and techniques that allow you to find the necessary document.

All information found in many years of information and receptions of information search are available and effective and when searching for information on the Internet.

Consider the general scheme: the author creates a document. The user has an informational need. This information need is often (as a rule) can not even be accurately expressed by words, and is expressed only in the assessment of the documents being viewed - it is suitable or not suitable. In the theory of information search, instead of the word "suitable", the term "primant document" is used, and instead of "not suitable" - "not personal". The word "primant" comes from the English "pertinent", which means "related to the case suitable in essence." Subjectively understood the purpose of the information search - to find all the personal and only personal documents (we want to find "Only what we want, and nothing more").

This goal is ideal and unattainable. We are often able to estimate the penette of the document only in comparison with other documents. In order to be with what to compare, a certain amount of non-repetitive documents is necessary. These documents are called - "noise". Too much noise makes it difficult to allocating primary documents, too small - does not make confidence that a sufficient number of personal documents have been found. Practice shows that when the number of incorrect documents lies in the range from 10% to 30%, the searching feels comfortable, without being lost in the sea of \u200b\u200bnoise and considering that the number of documents found is satisfactory.

When the documents are much, the information retrieval system is used. In this case, the information need must be expressed by means that "understands" information and search engines - a request must be formulated.

The request rarely can accurately express the informational need. However, many information and search engines for the reasons described below cannot determine if this or that document corresponds to the request. To solve this problem, a synthetic criterion was introduced - the degree of compliance of the document request, which is called "Relevance". Relevant document may not be personal and vice versa.

The structure of the information space.

The structure is a combination of stable relationships and links between the elements of the system. The structure includes the general organization of the system (subject, process, phenomena), spatial and temporal location of the components of the system, etc. The structure is formed not any connections and relationships, but above all, natural, essential. The most important links and relationships (among the essential) are called integrating; They affect other natural bonds, determining the overall specificity of the structures within the system.

The main structural components of the information space in its synergistic representation are information fields and information flows.

The information field is a combination of the entire information concentrated in this amount, regardless of its form and a state in the separation of both the reflection object and the subject of perception. The information field is formed by objective, genetic and idealized information. The movement of information in the information field is carried out by physical connection between the recipient and the source of information materialized in the information flow.

The information flow is in the general case a set of information moving in information space through communication channel. Information flows may proceed both inside individual infospheres and between them, depending on the availability of communication channels. In this case, the meaningful nature of the information flow is depending on the characteristics of the communication channel, so on the transmission of the information flow on the graphical object, it is necessary to use the communication channel, which ensures the transfer of visual images (images), otherwise inevitable inaccuracies and distortion of the content transmitted in the information flow and its Recipient perceptions.

In the organizational and technical aspect, the structure of the information space is a set of databases and banks of data, technologies for their use, information and telecommunication systems, networks, applications and organizational structures operating on the basis of certain principles and on established rules that provide information interaction with users, as well as satisfaction their information needs.

The information system is an organizationally ordered set of specialists, information resources (issues of documents) and information technologies, including using computing equipment and communications that implement information processes - receiving input data. Processing this data and / or change your own internal state (internal links / relationships), issuing a result or a change in its external state (external relationships / relationships).

Information systems are conventionally divided into simple and complex.

A simple information system is a system, the elements of which are functioning in accordance with the rules generated by the same mutually consistent multiple axiom.

A complex information system is a system that contains elements operating in accordance with the rules generated by many axioms different from each other. It is assumed that among the rules of functioning of various elements there may be mutually contradictory rules and objectives. Violation of protective barriers in the interaction of elements of a complex system with each other leads to reprogramming of these elements and / or their destruction.

The means of ensuring automated information systems and their technologies include software, technical, linguistic, legal, organizational assets (programs for electronic computing machines; means of computing equipment and communication; dictionaries, thesauruses and classifiers; instructions and techniques; provisions, statutes, job descriptions ; schemes and their descriptions, other operational and accompanying documentation) used or created when designing information systems and ensuring their operation.

The composition of the technological and organizational components of the information space in the generalized version includes:

1) Information and telecommunications infrastructure - the territorially distributed in the country (countries, the world) computers related to the network by means of communication and telecommunications.

Information infrastructure is a medium that provides the possibility of collecting, transferring, storing, automated processing and disseminating information in society. The information infrastructure of the Company is formed by the set:

a) information and telecommunication systems and communication networks, industry of informatization, telecommunications and communication;

b) system of forming and ensuring the safety of information resources; access systems for information and telecommunication systems, communication networks and information resources;

c) information services and information market industry;

d) training and retraining systems, research.

2) Information resources on machine media, first of all - specialized information arrays in the form of automated databases, as well as information resources distributed by Web sites on the Internet. Information resources include separate documents and individual arrays of documents, documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, foundations, data banks, databases, other information systems). Information resources are objects of relations of physical, legal entities, states. Information resources may be state and non-state and as an element of the composition of the property are owned by citizens, government bodies, local governments, organizations and public associations.

There are a number of features that distinguish information resources from other types of resources:

a) they are not consumed and are not subject to physical, but moral wear;

b) they are essentially intangible and not known to the physical carrier, in which are embodied;

c) their use allows dramatically to reduce the consumption of other types of resources, which ultimately leads to colossal savings;

the process of their creation and use is carried out using computer equipment.

3) Methods and means of applied mathematics - algorithms and software (complexes) that ensure the functioning of hardware platforms (systems).

4) Organizational measures that ensure the functioning of the components of the information space (conference, the activities of working groups of specialists, etc.).

5) Legal measures (norms) - information legislation, international agreements and contracts, other national and international regulatory legal acts.

6) the market of information technology, communications, informatization and telecommunications, information products and services.

The information space of social systems includes the following:

1) information units that generate information:

a) in the media - group communicators (media editions) and key communicators (communicators directly included in the media editorial reports, personifying information of this media);

b) Newsmakers (English Newsmaker - letters. "Creator of News") - Public Opinion Leaders (Politicians, Leaders of the Economics, representatives of the cultural elite, etc.);

(c) Experts (interpreters) - specialists, actively and professionally working with information, from their comments (interpretations) the nature and form of information flows (political scientists, economists, sociologists, etc.) depends;

(d) The leaders of opinions are quite active people, in contrast to the above categories not tied to certain information distribution channels, having a cumulative need to disseminate information (in small and medium social groups);

e) Manufacturers of special information (theater, cinema, advertising in all its manifestations outside the media, fashion, goods, money (in mass communications), architecture, etc.).

2) Communication channels:

a) formed media and MK (printed, electronic and other carriers);

b) interpersonal communications channels (interpersonal communication);

c) Specialized - aimed at narrow groups - professional, elitar, etc. (specialized professional publications, partly - Internet);

d) other (cash channels).

3) areas - in social systems are formed according to certain socio-psychological principles, included in a specific network (information channels). Areas included in certain channels at the moment can intersect; Also distinguished areas not included in the channel (s), but under the influence of the context, the overall rhythm of information processes and synchronizing through secondary impacts.

In relation to the information of the region (in social systems) are divided into:

a) information generators (supernovators) ~ 3%;

b) innovators (quickly perceive new from generators) ~ 15%;

c) center (moderate innovators / temperate conservatives) ~ 30%;

d) Supervisators (practically do not perceive changes due to rigid internal barriers to all new) ~ 15%.

To one of these components, in particular, the virtual reality is generated in the form of virtual analogues of real objects and processes (for example, chats and forums, electronic banking, electronic commerce system, geo-information systems, electronic document management systems, automated design systems and physical processes etc.), which are based on relevant software and hardware platforms and information and telecommunication networks and communication systems. Which is perceived by a person (user) as a model-deputy real reality or as a certain reality, primary with respect to objective reality.

Mass creating integrated in the global information space of such information resources as Web sites and publishing materials in the "online" mode (from English on-line - "on the line"), generate a situation where users cannot benefit from it, so As the number of information resources, the content of which they need to be controlled, becomes too large. Thus, important information for users (in principle, available in the information space) is technically not available, as it requires too much time and / or money to "bypass" the necessary resources. As a result, there is a qualitative change in the structuring of the information space. These changes consist in "professional segmentation" of the information space of global information networks, first of all - the Internet. Members of a specific professional community use a general standard to represent online their resources. This allows them to start a network service that the specified regularity collects additions / updates from private information resources (Web sites) into a single database. If all the information resources of the professional community are included in this resource system, the control over the receipts to this integral database replaces the control of the content of the original set of resources.

Mass "professional segmentation" of information resources in global networks in principle provides significant advantages. It is possible primarily where there are quite large professional communities (or interest groups), whose members behave online online.

Thus, the information space is a rather extensive concept that different researchers are interpreted in different ways, but most scientists converge in the fact that the information space is virtual possibilities for obtaining and using information, part of what we touch and see.

One of the promising areas is the creation and development of the information space of scientific communications, designed to ensure info-communication support for the process of scientific research. Next, we consider in more detail the structure and functions of the information space of scientific research.