1 s does not work on windows 10. You are an avid gamer game World of Tanks

We often ask the question of whether 1C 7.7 will work on a new computer and how to transfer it there. Everything is not so difficult as it seems. First, copy to the removable medium of the 1C 7.7 base, which must be transferred to the new computer. Ways to databases can be found when launched 1C 7.7 label.

We launch a new computer and copy the base in the place that you have identified for them and remember the path.
Go to the Windows system partition (disk C) Next Program Files (x86) and copy a 1CV77 folder here
Next, go to this folder and find the BIN folder
it is looking for an executable 1cv7l.exe file.
Create him a shortcut on the desktop and run.

Now we have an empty here, so we show the platform where the bases are located. Remember I said to remember the path to the bases 1c7.7? Now we need to reach it. Click Add, call the base and go to the place of storage of the base 1C by pressing three points. You need to just go to the database folder and click OK.

When you first start the database, this error may occur,
but we do not disappear, but launch the database 1C 7.7 in the configurator mode.

Next, we go to "Administration" next "Code Page Tables IB" Select "+ Current System Installation" Click OK.
Even if when you open it, you will already stand "+ Current System Installation" still click OK. A dialog box appears. We click yes. We wait. All base is ready to run in the "Enterprise" mode. All base works. But the following situation may occur

We need to find the v7plus.dll file. You can try through the search. Most likely it is stored in your database. So it must be transferred to the Bin folder of which we created the platform label. Now we need to register this library. To do this, you need to create a label on the desktop this library. Click on the right mouse button on it and go to the properties. In the field, we prescribe "REGSVR32" click Apply and OK. Caution Do not erase quotes! The shortcut has acquired the following appearance. Now we run on behalf of the administrator (right-click "Run on behalf of the administrator") and the All Library is registered. We eliminated this problem.

If you have another kind of error when transferring you, write in the comments. We'll figure out

For more than six months, Microsoft offers all Windows Windows 7 users and Windows 8 free to update to Windows 10. According to the developer's assurances, this is the best operating system. But is it worth a hurry with updating? Now we will consider in detail this issue.

Work program 1C Enterprise 8 on Windows 10

There are no surprises in this issue. All software products from the line 1c enterprise 8 (, server 1c enterprise, etc.) work perfectly on the new operating system, however, as on all previous Windows. On the other hand, we cannot argue that 1C on Windows 10 works faster. It works exactly too. And then the question arises: "Is it worth changing sewing on soap?".

In what cases is it worth updating on windows 10?

Despite all of the above, Windows 10 can be useful. I strongly recommend to upgrade to Windows 10 in the following cases:

1. Program 1C Enterprise 8 is buggy or crashes.

In this case, the instability of the work may be associated with the drivers or settings of Windows itself. The transition to Windows 10 can solve this problem with a positive way.

2. You are using a pirated version of Windows.

If you are a user who is unlicensed (illegal) Windows, then right now you can upgrade to the new Windows and completely free to become the owner of the legal version of Windows 10. This is the only way to get Windows 10 free! Free Windows 10 is provided to all PC owners based on Windows 7 or 8.1, including those who use pirated versions. This was officially announced by Microsoft's vice president of operating systems Terry Maerson.

3. You are an avid gamer game World of Tanks.

No one more merit is known - Microsoft companies or game developers World of Tanks.But the fact remains: on the prevailing number of computers on Windows 10 the game World of Tanks is better. The picture is more smooth, more FPS, the game is faster loading, and what else does the gamer need?

Thus, we disassemble all the basic options when it is necessary to update on Windows 10. In all other cases, I recommend not to rush with the transition to a new operating system. If you decide to install Windows 10, I have a hurry to calm you - the system has the ability to roll back to the previous version of Windows that you have installed. At thought you are given 30 days. It is enough to love or wave Windows 10.

How to upgrade to windows 10?

Updated to Windows 10 in two ways. To update you, it is enough to have installed Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 (you can pirate version).

1 update method to Windows 10
Just enable the installation of your Windows updates and after some time will see the offer to go to the new operating system.

2 Method of updating to Windows 10
Just go to this page and click the "Update Now" button. Installing the update will begin immediately.

With the advent of the new tenth version of the operating system, many are interested in how to set 1C on Windows 10. Although many users have already appreciated the functionality and convenience of the new system, 1C software users: the company has noticed the fact that programs from 1C create many errors when working on the tenth Winduse. Despite all positive quality, Windows 10 is a frankly raw and unfinished system. Specialized software, such as 1C: Accounting, works on this system with failures.

Windows 10 can be installed in two ways:

  • Updated with 7 or 8 version of Windows;
  • Install the version of the system "from scratch".

Regardless of the method of implementation during operation with 1C 7.7 and other versions there are certain problems. Therefore, if you decide that the cause of the problems of incorrect installation is incorrect output.

Failures when working with 1C on Windows 10

One of the most common mistakes that occur when working with programs from 1C version 8.3 and others on the tenth windows are departures up to the point that the program writes "the program's work" stopped. It is noted that after installing 1C: the enterprise on the absolutely empty Windows program is practically not functioning, and when installed on the updated to 10 version 7ku - it starts, but a lot of minor errors will be done, which interfere with normal operation.

Some versions work on 10 windows better, some worse. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, it is better to test your version of software for compatibility with the tenth windows and only after that hold an update.

The most common mistakes that may occur when working with 1C to Windows 10:

  • Indexing errors;
  • Encoding problems;
  • Lack of logical integrity check;
  • DLL operation failures;
  • OpenConf errors, etc.

If you are unable to solve all problems yourself, you should seek help in a specialized company. Experienced programmers, engineers and customizers will quickly fix all violations and failures in the system.

Installation order version 8.3

If you still decided to install 1C on the tenth version of Windows, the installation process itself will be a little different from a similar installation by 8 x64. First of all, you need a package to install 1C software. It can be purchased as a disk with software or download from a special site.

The resulting archive should be unpaired - it is usually unpackled independently, but any archived programs can also be used. After that, in the folder in which you placed unpacked files, locate the installation file and run it. By running the installer, you will need to click the "Next" button and start the installation process.

On the new page, the installer will prompt you to choose a couple of suitable system elements that you want to install. You can choose all or just some of the listed:

  • 1C: Enterprise;
  • File version, or thick client;
  • Subtle client;
  • Server;
  • Expansion modules for server;
  • Translation programs for different languages;
  • Server administration;
  • Server for storing all important configuration elements;
  • Converter.

Selecting all the files to be implemented, click on the Next button again. On the next page you will need to choose a language on which the product will be started. Press the "Next" button again.

Transfer 1C with Windows 7 to 10

If you have selected the server in the installation components, you will have an additional screen to select the server settings. After all the settings are selected, you will be left to "install".

After the installation is completed, the program will give you a choice to install a protective driver. If you are going to get the keys to the program by emulator, you do not need to install this driver. This is completed on this installation process, you can hang the process and restart the computer.

The most rational way to get the stable operation of the 1C software on the tenth windows is to transfer from Windows 7. This is not such a complex process, which it seems. The first thing you need to do is copy all the databases for removable media, disk or flash card. Subsequently need to be transferred to the computer after reinstalling. The location of the base can be found when starting the program.

After that, deal with the transfer of the platform itself. Go to the hard disk on which you have a program. Usually this is a C drive. There find the Program Files folder and copy to the removable media and it.

You can now update the system to Windows 10. When the process is completed, and you will receive a computer from a new OS, you can take the transfer of 1C back to your computer.

How to implement 1C 7.7 when transferring?

First copy to the database PC. Do not forget to remember the exact way where you copied them. After that, go to the disk with the Program Files folder and copy the 1CV77 folder stored earlier. In this folder, find the nested bin. Love the 1cv7l.exe file in it, create its label on the desktop and run.

When opening the program it will be empty. To find the databases, click "Add" and go to the place to which you put the database. Code will find the desired folder, click OK. After that, you need to run 1C 7.7 to the configurator mode. In the "Administration", find the IB Table Page Page and select "+ Current System Installation". Confirm the action and wait a bit. The program will start as usual and will work as high quality as possible.

Working with such a fresh system, like Windows 10, is fraught with problems. To install 1C and use it much more difficult to use it than on Windows 2000. If you are not ready to face such problems, do not rush to go to Windows 10 and wait until all the problems are eliminated.

Many users, after Windows 10 update, there are some faults and malfunctions in the computer device. The main ones are the following:

  1. Windows 10 is not loaded for a long time.
  2. The system does not want to run and work.
  3. Black screen.
  4. The appearance of a blue screen with errors.

To eliminate them, it is necessary to understand the sources of failures and possible methods of getting rid of these sources.

If, after the last update of Windows 10, the system does not start, remember how it led itself to turn off or reboot. Perhaps some program booted, or the error appeared after connecting the new device and viral software. During the elimination of such problems, the system can improve or worsen their work. Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared for its recovery and return to the original, working condition.

The system does not start or loaded for a very long time.

The system is loaded for a long time or not loaded at all - this problem occurs when you start a large number of additional programs or connecting to the malicious software process. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to check the computer to viruses and prepare an electronic medium with Windows installation files 10.

To solve the problem takes the following steps:

  1. Using the media, load the device in safe mode. In the menu, select the source from which the system modules and drivers you need will be downloaded.
  2. Open Task Manager. This can be done using the Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC keys. Find the Truckup tab.
  3. The autoload contains the entire list of applications that can boot along with the start of the system. It is necessary among them to choose the minimum that is needed for normal operation of the computer, the rest are disconnected.

These simple actions will help reduce system boot time and improve its launch.

Working with a safe mode is useful when removing viruses, unnecessary programs, correcting driver errors, activation of an administrator account.

In addition, you can perform optimization and disk defragmentation:

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Select the Computer tab, C. disc
  3. In the window that opens, find the property item, click on the Optimize button.

Using the CCleaner program, you can delete all the garbage files from the disk and the erroneous keys from the registry.

If Windows 10 is not working after updating, the system is restored to an earlier working condition. This method is suitable only if the computer creates a system rollback point, recovery points. To do this, you must have the following procedure:

  1. Restart the system. As soon as it turns on, press F8.
  2. The recovery menu appears.
  3. Go to Diagnostics, then additional parameters.
  4. Find the Restore tab.
  5. Following the instructions, select the recovery point to the retractable state from the available list.
  6. Restart the computer. The current version of the operating system is removed.

The appearance of the blue screen

Critical_Process_died. The error code is accompanied by a warning "Computer run incorrectly" or "Windows system boot incorrectly".

In such cases, the usual reboot helps.

Incaccessible_boot_device. An error may appear after upgrading to Windows 10 or BIOS motherboard, when a computer is restarted after a system roll back, breaking the rigid drive, when damaged files.

The easiest option to eliminate this error:

  1. In the Automatic Recovery window, select Advanced Options.
  2. Among the list of parameters, you need to find the download parameters - to restart.
  3. After restarting the system, press the F6 button to restart in secure mode using the command line.
  4. Alternately enter command phrases:
    • sFC / SCANNOW;
    • shutdown-r.

System files will be checked and restored if damaged.

The appearance of the black screen

There are faults in which the computer device does not turn on, and the screen after the update is black. This problem occurs with the incorrect installation of video card drivers, output from sleep mode, deleting the virus, download updates.

The screen can have 2 types:

  1. With mouse cursor.
  2. Without cursor, solid, black display.

In the first case, the screen can be not only with the mouse cursor, but also with a rotating wheel. What does this mean and how to do in such cases?

Software failure

This happens when the system loaded only the first time before Windows 10, when turned off and immediately turned on or rebooted the computer. The program failure arises as a result of the update.

To restore the system, you must update it again.

Conflict Systems with primary drivers

Previously installed drivers can create a conflict with the system, so to eliminate this problem, do the following:

  1. Find Start - Control Panel. In the Power section, click System Parameters.
  2. In the Operation Completion Parameters, remove the checkbox from the Row to enable quick start (recommended).
  3. Save the settings.
  4. Click on Start. Find the computer tab.
  5. Right-click the properties and follow the following steps - Device Manager - video adapters.
  6. Find your video card and refresh drivers. Drivers are installed or automatically from the Internet, or with special software.

In the second case, when the screen is only black without a cursor, use the start of the system in safe mode:

  1. Hold on the keyboard the SHIFT key, constantly click on the F8 button to open the secure mode. This starting system is simple, but does not always work.
  2. In the window that opens, locate these sections: Diagnostics - Advanced Options - Command Line.
  3. Type the BCDEDIT / SET (GlobalSettings) command AdvancedOptions True.
  4. Click the ENTER button.
  5. In the newly opened window, click Continue. Continued download.
  6. In a new window, select Enable Safe Mode.
  7. Press ENTER.

Correction of virus activities

If the computer does not load, the screen is solid, black, then, most likely, the system damaged a malicious viral security. Try to use the easiest way.

Upload Windows 10 in secure mode, check the anti-virus application and delete infected files.

If viruses have damaged the Explorer.exe file, which is responsible for the operation of the graphical interface, you can implement the following operation:

  1. Press CTRL + ALT + DEL simultaneously or open the Start menu.
  2. Go to the Task Manager, then start a new task.
  3. In the string write explorer.exe, run the task.
  4. Through the string, pressing the Win + R button, enter the REGEDIT command.
  5. Expand HKLM branch.
  6. Go to Software.
  7. Next, click on the Microsoft - Windows NT - Current Version tab.
  8. Open the WinLogon folder, then the Shell item and double click.
  9. Change the value to explorer.exe.
  10. Save the settings.

Relief from the work in the operation of the system after its update to Windows 10 is not difficult and does not require technical knowledge and skills. After completing one of the operational procedures, the system load will be carried out without delays and failures. Computer work will work out.