Data transfer. Data transfer data transfer 1c

Promised to tell a similar type of convolution, it lies in transferring data between databases 1c, the formations of the necessary documents on the introduction of primary residues and other analytical information.

The task was as follows:
Base Managing trade in 22GB. It had to be collapsed. To get similar to both with reference books, remnants, information registers, with saved user settings, which, in principle, makes processing from the ITS disk "Konktinformation Base.epf".
But when I tried to make a cushion of the base, I realized that it would chain not one day. The amount of data is very large, the convolution itself lasted about 8 hours, and the deletion of data would take several days. Then I decided to transfer data.

I will describe the steps that I did:
1. From the base that I need to collapse (in the future I will call it the base source) unloaded the configuration.

2. Created an empty database (the base receiver is called it).

3. In the database, the receiver loaded the configuration that unloaded from the source base.

4. With the configuration delivery, the data conversion goes (luggageloads toxml82.epf) - designed to exchange data between the configurations the same in metadata implemented on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. Handling "Unloading Data Download XML" is built in almost every configuration and are usually located in the service menu.

Read the certificate for this processing.

In the database, the source open the processing "Unloading Data Download XML" and select data for unloading.

At this stage, you do not produce unloading documents, unload only constants, reference books, information registers, feature plans.

It is necessary to know exactly what data to unload, if we doubt then go to the operation menu and select the desired object and analyze it. For example, the information register: the price of the nomenclature, I did not unload the access objects.

5. In the database, you open the "Upload Data Upload Download Uploading" processing, switch to the Download tab, select the unloaded file from the source database and click on the Download Data button.

6. In the database of the receiver check the downloaded data, go to the list of users based on user data Create IB users. We leave from the base receiver and go to it under the users created, of course, passwords did not spread, their users will be re-made.

7. Now move the remnants of goods and pricing documents. Not to do without improvisation here. These actions are produced in the database source. The remnants of the goods did as follows, for each warehouse made an inventory, created a document "Calling goods" and filled out data from the inventory document through the Change button. Created a document "Setting the price of the nomenclature" and filled it at the prices of the nomenclature. Documents "Purpose of goods" and "Setting the price of the nomenclature" transferred to the database receiver.

8. With debts a little harder. The first should be obtained by the debts of counterparties. This can be done one of the type reports "receivables at intervals" or "Accounts receivable for debt periods". I received debts with the help of processing "Console requests" there is such a processing on ITS discs, I was so more convenient for the exit, I immediately got the table I needed. The received debts of counterparties copied to the MS-Excel document.

9. Files with debts from the source database I moved to the database to the document "Enter the initial remnants by mutual settlements", for this there is another remarkable processing on the "Loading data from a table document", which I helped to enter the residues.

10. Control of residues, debts, prices all this is done by typical reports such as: "Validity by goods in warehouses", "Cost assessment of a warehouse in the prices of the nomenclature", "Accounts receivable for debt timing".

Here are such not quite simple movements I suffered residues. The time for it was spent about 12 hours.

P.S. Want to know what data should be fill out when you start working with the basis of the Trade Management? Go to the Help menu - the function panel and select Getting Started. You will see reference books and documents that you need to fill out when you start working with 1C enterprise.


On a personal computer (hereinafter - Computer 1), on which the 1C platform is installed with the required base, start 1C, select the desired database and click on the configurator. In that case, if you first go to the 1C database on a computer 1, after starting the platform, an empty window will open on the screen in which there will be nothing more. Select the Open Configuration option on the menu. After literally a few minutes on the left, a red window called "configuration" with a complex structure of the components of the elements will appear.

Perform a copy of 1C databases to a computer 2. To do this, run 1C and select the "Save Configuration to File" option. Transfer it to Computer 2 by placing the place you have chosen: the database will later be made of it.

Add a database. If this is the first launch of 1C on the computer 2, then the platform itself will do everything for you: when it is started, the window will be displayed with the following message: "There is no configuration in the list. Add? ", To write" Yes. " After that, select the "Creation of a new information base" option, indicating that it should be without configuration. Then select the directory prepared for the database and click "Configurator". A minute later (sometimes less), a red "Configuration" window will appear on the monitor screen, in which various configuration elements will be presented in the form of ancient scheme. Load it with a copy by clicking "downloading a configuration from the file" or "Download Information Base".

After downloading, the 1C platform will offer a configuration update: To do this, select "Update database configuration".


Remember, if at the time of copying information from a computer 1 Someone works with 1C on this PC, some files are not copied.

Helpful advice

This method of copying a database is partially flawed, since it can be copied to its configuration, but not available reports, fonts and other settings.

The software developer 1C in 2011 announced that the configuration of 1.6 will not be supported in the new version. In this regard, there was a need to convert 1C database to the editorial office 2.0. How to do it?


Install the latest version on the personal platform 1C. Run the software. Open the Base List section. If it is empty, click "Add ...". Put a tick near the item "Adding to an existing information base". This section allows the information base in this version of 1C, which is located on this computer, on the server "1C: Enterprise" or on a local network. Click "Next".

Enter for the database, select the location of the information base (on this PC, on the local network, on the 1C server or on a web server). It is desirable to be added to the base on this personal computer, so select this item. Click "Next".

Select a directory in which the information base is located. Click "Open" and "Next". In the window that appears, leave everything unchanged, i.e. Authentication option and start-up mode are selected automatic, the connection speed is normal. Check that the version 1C: the enterprise has been indicated last. If you need to change some parameters, then click the "Back" button. After filling out all the data, click the "Finish.

Probably, each 1C specialist came across the situation of the need to transfer data from one information base to another. In the case when the configurations are different, you have to write data conversion rules. These rules are created in the 1C configuration "data conversion".

Also, data can be transferred using. Many configurations 1C 8.3 there is a typical functionality for configuring data synchronization between different configurations and seamless integration with 1C document flow.

But when the data must be transferred between absolutely identical configurations, you can simplify the task and use the standard upload and download processing via XML. Please note that this method, as well as data conversion, compares the objects over a unique identifier (GUID), and not by name.

You can download this processing on the ITS disk, or by reference:

It is universal and suitable for any configuration.

Consider an example of unloading the Handbook "Nomenclature" from one information base of 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0 to another. There will be a prerequisite for the Parent (group) "Woodworking".

Uploading data from 1C in XML

Go to the information base, from where the data (source) will be unloaded. Be sure to check them, provided for all possible conditions in order to avoid the occurrence of undesirable consequences.

Open the upload and loading and downloading XML data (Ctrl + O).

We are interested in the "Unloading" tab. First of all, specify the name of the file to which the data and the path for saving will be unloaded. In this case, the data is unloaded "to the file on the server".

In the processing cap, the period in which the selection will be carried out. Also, for periodic registers, you can specify a method for using selection by period. If you need to unload movements together with documents, the corresponding flag is set. In this case, we overload the directory, so you do not need to set anything in the header.

Let us turn to the selection of data for unloading. In the table part of the processing form, select the configuration objects that you need to transfer flags.

The column "unload, if necessary," means whether it is necessary to overload this object if the requisites of the reference book overloads is referred to. For example, the position of the nomenclature overloading has such a measurement unit that is not in the database. If in front of the reference book with units of measurement, the flag in the "Unload, if necessary" column, will create a new position. Otherwise, as the value of the props will be the inscription "<Объект не найден>"And its unique identifier.

In a simple case, without selections, adjusting the overload of the nomenclature will look like this.

In this example, you only need to select the nomenclature that is located in the Woodworking folder.

Similar processing for 8.2 allows you to install selection in a convenient form for each configuration object. In 8.3, unfortunately, there is no such functional. One of the options for the output in this situation will be the selection of the necessary positions on the "Additional Objects for Unloading" tab.

You can add objects here as manually ("Add" button) and the query ("add a request ..."). With their large quantity, the second option is preferable.

In this case, the request will be as follows. Fill in the settings, execute the request by checking the data, and click on the "Select Result" button.

After you specify all the necessary objects and additional elements for unloading, click on the Upload Data button. They will fall into the XML file, the name and path of which were indicated earlier. The results of this operation will be displayed in messages.

In this example, it was necessary to unload only 3 positions, but five unloaded. All because in front of the Handbook "Nomenclature" in the "Unload If necessary" column, a flag was installed. Together with the right positions, their parents overloaded.

Download directory from XML

After successfully unloading data from the configuration - the source in the XML file, open the database - receiver. The structure of objects and their details should coincide with each other. In this case, the transfer is carried out between two standard configurations 1C: Accounting 3.0.

Open the processing in the database. This processing is used both for unloading and downloading data. Click the "Download" tab and specify the path to the XML file in which the data was previously unloaded. After that, click on the Upload Data button.

The download result will be displayed in messages. In our case, everything was successful.

Handbook "Nomenclature" in the database was not filled. Now it has five elements: three nomenclature positions and two groups.


Apply to the transfer of counterparties handling "Universal XML Data Exchange" processing, which should be on the disk of information and technical support "1C: Enterprise". Using it, you can download and unload data in XML format between databases of various configurations.

Unpack the above processing. Go to the "Configurator" and open the Conversion folder in the processing, select the "Unloading Description of the Configuration Metadata Structure", save it and exit the configurator.

Open the database, then go to the saved file and open another file under the name DATA (extension .xml). Do not forget to set the period.

Select data for unloading. In our case, this is a reference book of counterparties. Click the "Upload Data" button. Wait for unloading and close the database.

Go to the new base configurator. Open the file, find a file with the name "Loading Launcher loadedXML" in the processing, save it and exit the configurator.

Open the database in the "Enterprise" mode. Download the "Loading Layout" file. In the open window, go to the "Load" tab, select the file in the new Data.xml folder, set the required checkboxes and click the Download Data button.

Save the external processing in the configuration if desired, after that it will not be a hindrance when installing the update. In the same way, you can simply transfer data from one program 1C to another with the same configurations, as well as certain documents or period.


If for any reason the OTC disk with the specified processing is missing, carry out the handbook of the counterparties using the OLE mechanism. It is necessary that both bases are in one local network. Written processing is started on the basis of receiving data. References must be synchronized by code, while in the processing of the reference book ("ProcessCtrougient") sets a link to the source reference book element.


  • Transferring data between information bases "1C: Enterprise" V7.7 by OLE-Automation

Tip 2: How to transfer reference books from one base to another

Tasks on different data transfer are one of the most common in 1C programming. But this does not mean that they are simultaneously both simpler. On the contrary, most often they represent some difficulty to implement, as it is necessary to form the data filtering during transfer.

You will need

  • - data transfer circuit;
  • - Universal external processing "1C".


Create elements in the files directory, which describe the location of the source configurations and the data receiver, files containing the transfer rules. If necessary, create a unload processing file.

Make your configurations in the name of the same name. In the "Configuration Objects" directory, create items that will describe the objects of metadata of your configurations. Make a visible column "Description of the Change" using the "Column" button. If these objects have been made earlier, they will be replaced and marked in this column.

Determine the compliance of objects in the configurations of the receiver and source. It is assumed that one source of the source can be divided into - receivers and vice versa: several source objects can be combined into one receiver object. To describe the specific implementation of the transition applies the rules of details.

Set the rules of objects that define "what goes where" and the rules of details showing how source objects go to receivers objects. If you do not have enough tools for organizing unloading instances of objects and sources, describe the conditions for unloading the function of the sampling of objects.

Set the conversion over the propulsion or object that has this props. This suggests that the details of the receiver object and the source object may not coincide, and the value of the receiver's props can be obtained from other details of the source object.

Select disload and download methods. You can choose the upload history of periodic details or unloading the actual value. For documents, you can set the condition for the interaction of the tabular part. When loading, use the Search mode, which contributes to the synchronization of objects on the code, name and on an arbitrary set of details.

Video on the topic


In order to avoid multiple errors, think over and select the least time-consuming path to transfer data from one configuration to another.

Helpful advice

To speed up the upload / download process, use the rules of objects by reference. In addition, these rules will help in clearing the base-receiver from unnecessary instances of various objects.


  • how to transfer the object

Data unloading is one of the most common operations in 1C programming. At the same time, it may represent some difficulty when performing, since when transferring, the need to filter information.


Run the application "1C". Through the "Files" menu, open the "Reference" tab and set the items describing the location of the configurations as a data receiver and their source, as well as files that contain transfer rules. Specify the path to the unload processing file, if necessary.

Make the desired configuration into the directory of the same name. Through the option "Configuration objects", set the items to describe the configuration metadata objects. Click on the "Column" key so that the "Declaration of Change" column becomes visible. If earlier these objects have already been made here, they will be marked and replaced.

Compare the compliance of objects in the source and receiver configurations. It is allowed to separate one source object to various receivers objects, and vice versa, for example, several sources can be combined into one receiver "Create Receiver" command. On the "Unloading and Downloading Data XML" tab, click the Save Details button to establish the appropriate rules.

Click the Export menu tab. Set the rules for objects defining the unload path (check if you want to "replace", "save a copy", etc.), and the properties of the details to specify the method of transmitting source objects to receivers objects. For this, for example, check the box in front of the "Delete previous version" item, etc. In the event of a lack of funds for unloading instances of sources, the data transfer conditions can be asked in more detail on the "Select individual objects" tab.

Specify on the Export tab, as you need to convert props or an object with this props. To do this, opposite the name of the reference book, fill in the end path fields and the file resolution. This must be done in order for the data of the source object and the receiver object coincide. The receiver value can be obtained from any available source details on the Requisites tab.

Select a suitable way to unload the reference book by specifying the appropriate conditions on the Requisites tab. Only the history of periodic details or the actual value can be unloaded. For documents, press the "Run Blossom Table Part" button. By discharge, use the Search mode, helping to streamline objects by code, name and arbitrary set of selected details.

Video on the topic

Causes for transferring 1C (or databases) from a computer to a computer can be the most different - update in the company of the equipment park, the desire to work on the weekend at home, etc. It should be noted that the transfer of the SQL version cannot be performed by following a simple, step-by-step instruction First of all because of the difficulties of unloading and nuances of the base configuration. This requires the attraction of an IT specialist. Independently, the product user on the 1C: Enterprise platform will be able to transfer only the file version of the database, if you have appropriate rights (administrator) to work in the configurator. Consider the database transfer process on the example of the configuration of the company's accounting, version 3.0.

As with any configuration manipulations, you first need to create, unload and save the archive copy of the database.

The fastest database unloading path through the configurator menu and "Administration", and then "unload the information base", and then specify the storage address:

In fact, the database is saved - this is the regulatory procedure necessary for the safety net.

But she has a significant disadvantage for transferring the configuration: when you unload the base in this way, certain settings are not saved, providing the usual comfort of work.

To make a copy of the base, with the working settings of fonts, reports, etc., you need to select the "Configuration" menu item and continue to "save a file configuration":

At the address address, the file with extension is saved. CF (this is the base you need):

The configuration of the database with all the settings can also be copied directly from the directory. The location of the base can be clarified in the Help menu, hereinafter "about the program", the item "Catalog":

After unloading the base in the system, it is not recommended to work, as it may be discrepancies with saved data.

Platform installation

The next step will be to install the platform distribution (setup.exe file).

It can be taken:

On the ITS disk;

Download on the site support 1C support site.

Consider the second option of the installation, since the ITS disk is a limited resource and may not contain the necessary version of the platform.

Download distributions, unpack and save at the specified address:


It is required to "install the Protection Driver", put the box on the contrary, and click "Next":

Clean the tick and click "Finish":

It is possible when the installation file can be downloaded from a computer on which it was previously worked with the program, but it is impossible to guarantee the full correctness of the platform.

The launch of the file will not cause special difficulties, but note that the installation of the protection driver is necessary only when using hardware protection (USB key). If a software license is used, a tick from the offer to install the driver should be removed.

Licensed keys

As already mentioned, the license of 1C products can be maintained on software or hardware level.

The activation of the hardware license implies the use of a USB key, and software is the introduction of a PIN code when you first start 1C on a conditionally new computer. The PIN-code is used once, since the running license takes into account the parameters of a certain "iron" and does not suit the other. PIN keys (main and two backups) are included in the configuration of the program box. If there are no backup keys, you should contact the 1C-franchisee support service providing support services and get a registration form. When it is completed, it is very important that all details and other information in it absolutely coincide with the previous time. After that, you can get a set of additional keys.

After transferring the saved database on a new computer, the database must be connected.

When you first start "1C: Enterprises", you are invited to add an information base to the list:

Since we are talking about the base that already exists, in the mode selection window, click on "adding an existing IB" in the list:

In the form that appears, specify the name and type of base location (previously saved address). The type of location "On this computer or to a local network PC" requires a directory to select where the information base is installed (in Figure D: \\ 1C_BASES \\ Accounting):

If the directory did not have before, the system "1C: Enterprise 8" will automatically create it at startup. The startup parameter window is the final. If the default settings meet the requirements, when you click "Finish", the base will be added to the list:

The base was successfully transferred.