Set the selection of the dynamic list 1C 8.3. Restrictions and features

Selection on managed forms in 1C 8.3

The article will consider the options for installing the selection in managed forms 1C 8.3. The selection for the dynamic list can be set statically or dynamically in the user interface or configurator. All selection options we will consider below.

  • Setting the selection in the configurator

Setting the selection in user mode

The dynamic list in contrast to the table or tree of values \u200b\u200bis a more appropriate solution for implementing forms of containing any lists, because The dynamic list provides the most wide range of tools for working with the selection, grouping of fields, sorting. This selection can be installed when working in a user mode or configurator, the principle is the same.

To set the selection in the enterprise mode, you must call the "Configure List" command.

Window opens.

The "Selection tab" contains a list of fields that are in the current list. Select the list fields for which we will filter. You can do this double click or using Drag and Drop.

We specify the type of comparison and value, click "complete editing", the selection is set.

When installing the selection in the enterprise mode on the list form, the fields of so-called fast selections are automatically created.

In order for the 1C platform automatically created the rapid selection fields, when developing a form in the configurator, you must specify a group of custom settings.

This selection will be saved only for the current user, which allows you to flexibly make customized dynamic list settings. However, if the task is to make a fixed selection for a specific list for all users of the system, we can solve it only through the configurator.

Setting the selection in the configurator

Working in the configurator, we can set the selection of a dynamic list of two species - fixed and dynamic. Fixed selection is configured once, dynamic or software - can be installed depending on any data in the system.

The principle of installing fixed selection in the configurator does not differ from the installation in the user mode described above. To set the selection, we must open the dynamic list settings.

Window opens.

Selection is asked the same as in user mode.

The Option "Enable in Custom Settings" determines whether the selection installed in the configurator is accessible in the user mode through the menu item "Configure List".

Dynamic (software) selection

Often there is a need to set the selection programmatically, for example, when opening a selection form, when we need to open a controlled form with the selection. The form pass parameter and the selection is set to this parameter. A frequent example of this is the selection of the elements of the directory by the owner.


If the configuration is present in the configuration, the BSP subsystem "Basic Functionality" is present, the software selection in the dynamic list can be installed using a typical method:

OutstandingClinerWerver. Establishing elementotor creativity ()

Signature of this method:

Dynamic list Type: Dynamic List - list in which you want to set the selection.

NamePole Type: Row - field for which you want to set the selection.

Running Type: Arbitrary - Selection (Optional. The default value: undefined. Attention! If you are able to convey indefinitely, the value will not be changed).

Victims Type: Vocational CommunicationComponation - Selection Conditions.

Representation Type: Line - Data Layout Element (Optional. The default value: Undefined. If it is indicated, only the use flag with the specified view is displayed (the value is not output). To clean, so that the value is displayed again, you should pass an empty string).

Using Type: Booleo - Use this selection checkbox (Optional. Default value: Uncertain).

Modatography Type: Model Management TelecommunicationCompletes - Method Displays this selection to the user. Possible values:

  • Model showing elementNewsCompones. Fast-access - in the group of fast settings above the list.
  • Model showing electro-setkomponovkyda. Live - in setting the list (in the submenu still).
  • Model showing elementNewsComponovkydata. Extafeated - to prohibit the user to change this selection.

Identifier services Type: String - Unique identifier for this selection (Used to communicate with user settings).

To remove some selection value, you must use the Type method:

OutstandingClinerver. DeleteElementsGroupsTootableDannamic position ()

Signature of this method:

Dynamic list Type: Dynamic Scripts - Props forms for which you want to set the selection.

NamePole Type: Row - the name of the layout field (not used for groups).

Representation Type: String - layout field view.

In the event of the absence in the BSP system, the selection can be installed on its own using the Poland object.

Elementotor \u003d list. Options. Elements. Addly (type ("elementotorbone-block")); Elementotor.levativeness \u003d new half-pink ("FULL NAME"); Elementatub. Environmentalization \u003d vocational assemblyCompon. Elementatub. Himmability \u003d Telecommunication ComplexComotive modes. Estimate access; // Optional elementator. The definition \u003d "Ivanov";

This selection will select the lines in which the value "FULL NAME" \u003d "Ivanov".

For the use of logical "and", "or", "not" is intended for the type of group-elementboratory data

Accounting \u003d list. Options. Electronts. Addly (type ("groupalemotabcompare")); Groupotherapy.TypeGroups \u003d TiberoupElementSeboLeblomBolds. Group. Elementotor \u003d groupotabbing. Elements. Addly (type ("elementotorbone-type")); Elementotor.levativeness \u003d new half-pink ("FULL NAME"); Elementatub. Environmentalization \u003d vocational assemblyCompon. Elementatub. The definement \u003d "Ivanov"; Elementotor \u003d groupotabbing. Elements. Addly (type ("elementotorbone-type")); Elementotor.levativeness \u003d new half-pink ("FULL NAME"); Elementatub. Environmentalization \u003d vocational assemblyCompon. Elementatub. The definement \u003d "Petrov";

This selection will select the lines in which the value "FULL NAME" \u003d "Ivanov" or "Petrov".

The selection in the dynamic list can also be used via a change in the text of the dynamic list request. This option is running when the dynamic list is made through a "arbitrary request".

To do this, add the condition "where the truth" to the query text ...

As can be seen, this approach is more compact from the point of view of writing code. The more complicated the selection conditions in the table part, we want to establish, the more bulky there will be an option using the selection through elementotorbone-free. However, the example with a change in the text of the query has its drawbacks - this implementation is not resistant to changes in code. For example, you made this implementation and forgot, but if in the future you want to modify the query text by adding any operator to it after where (arrange, grouped), you need to not forget about the fact that there are in the program code:

List. The setproof \u003d list. Butterproof + "and directover. FIO in (" "Ivanov" "," Petrov ")";

If this is not to take into account the error, but to avoid this, you can remake another implementation. In the Tex request, add such a condition:

Where (not & selected or the directory users in (& permitted))

List. Parameters. Setting the recognition ofparameter ("selected", FULL NAMES ()\u003e 0); List. Parameters. Installingparameter ("Allowed", FULL NAME);

Here the name is an array.

Ka is seen, 2 lines of code versus 10. Which method to choose depends on a specific applied task.

Printing (Ctrl + P)

Dynamic list

1. General information

The dynamic list is a special type of data that allows you to display arbitrary information from the database tables. To do this, you need to specify the table, the data from which you want to display, or describe the resulting sample in the query language.
The mechanism is based on the data layout system and provides opportunities for sorting, selection, search, grouping and conditional design of the data obtained. In this case, the source of the data is a query that is either formed by the system automatically (based on the specified data), or is written by the developer manually.

Fig. 1. Options for creating a dynamic list

When creating the type of form Dynamic list The developer can choose two ways to form a request to the data:
● Setting the main table - in this case, it is sufficient to simply specify the table (the property of the main table) from which it is necessary to obtain the data, and the system will automatically form a request to the data (see the right side in Fig. 1).
● Manual query formation - for this you need to set an arbitrary request property (see left part Fig. 1). After that, manual formation of a request for obtaining data from the information base will be available.
Using the query, you can select data from several tables, so you can specify the main table. It is necessary so that the dynamic list can determine which data are the main, and which are secondary, and could correctly select and display information, as well as provide standard commands. However, if you can not determine the main table in the query, it can not be indicated, but then
the dynamic list will not provide commands associated with the main table. In addition, in this case (without specifying the main table), the efficiency of obtaining data to the dynamic list will be significantly reduced.
In order to improve performance, all connections used in an arbitrary query are recommended only to obtain additional data, to make optional by expanding the data layout system requests.
For a dynamic list, which is the main details of the form, it is possible to set the selection values \u200b\u200busing the form parameter Selection. This requires that the name of the structure property in the parameter Selection,
coincided with the name of the selection of a dynamic list. In this case, the value of the structure property will be set as the right value of the selection element. If an array, a fixed array, or a list of values, is used as the value of the parameter element of the parameter, the condition with the option in the list is added to the selection, the list of values \u200b\u200b(to which the array and fixed array are transformed).
As an arbitrary request in the dynamic list, a request can be played in which a parameter is used to form the value of any field, for example:

When delivery. Coefficient \u003d 1 then & performance
Otherwise delivery. Coefficient
End as coefficient

In this case, if the type of parameter value is different from the type of object props (for example, Requisite1 It has type Number, and the value of the parameter - type Line), then for the correct field display, it is necessary to explicitly bring the value of the parameter to the desired type:

When delivery. Coefficient \u003d 1, then express (& performance as string (100)) otherwise delivery. Coefficient
End as coefficient
Document. Document Capacity as delivery

If the field for which the selection is set is disabled using functional options, then the selection by such an field is not installed, even if the selection value is transmitted as the form parameters or the selection parameters links.
Using the dynamic reading property, the dynamic list is indicated for the need to read data by small portions.
(For more information about ways to obtain data by dynamic list and data caching, see below). Regardless of this feature, the following conditions apply:

● If the viewing mode is set as a hierarchical list, only the data of the current group and the data of all parent elements (without subordinate elements) will be read.
● If the viewing mode is set in the form of a tree, only the data of the open nodes of the tree will be read.
● The one-time load of the dynamic list data is not supported in the case of a hierarchical viewing (the display property is set to a tree) and the initial display of the tree installed in the value to disclose all levels. To obtain data, so many requests to the server will be performed, how many nodes are in the displayed list.
Within one receipt of the data, the dynamic list reuses previously created temporary tables subject to the following conditions:
● There is no requests in the package query after the main query package.
● The composition of temporary tables and fields in them is unchanged from the previous execution of the batch request.

In its work, the dynamic list uses the values \u200b\u200bof the following properties of the details of metadata objects:
● format,
● editing format,
● Tip,
● sign of highlighting negative values
● Mask,
● Sign of multi-line regime,
● Sign of advanced editing
● Password mode.
When displaying and editing the selection and parameters of the data layout system, the format for editing the corresponding field is used.

2. Restrictions and features

When setting the selection in a dynamic list, it should be remembered that the selection does not act on the group if the display mode of the hierarchical list or wood is selected for a dynamic list. Under the "groups" it is understood as an element of the reference book or a plan of species of characteristics, in which the property of the etco is set to the value of truth.
Selection, automatically superimposed by a dynamic list to standard details owner, parent, date, period and etco group applied
standard data layout system. Selects that automatically superimposed by a dynamic list on key fields can be used as standard tools for the data layout system and by directly adding the Conditions to the text IN On the main table fields. As a result of the use of selections with layouts, they can be applied both in attached queries and in the parameters of virtual tables.

When developing dynamic lists, it is recommended to check all dynamic lists with arbitrary requests. In the process of verification, make sure that if there are nested queries or virtual tables in the list request, and they are available for selecting a field with aliases that coincide with the aliases of standard details owner, parent, date, period, etco group or key fields, then these fields are really Comply with standard details with which the alias coincides with them. If this is not the case - you should change the request what they would coincide or
the pseudonym differed.
If a manual formation of the query is selected, some restrictions are prescribed to the request:
● Not supported using the first instructions in the dynamic list request. If you need to use a sampling, limited by the number of entries in the dynamic list, you should rewind a request for forming a dynamic list in such a way that the actual part of the query is posted in subquery and limit the number of records received in this subquery. Instead of subquering, you can also use a temporary table.
● Not supported, sorting and grouping:

  • According to the details of the tables.
  • Presentation fields.
  • The field version.
  • Field name Distribution.
  • Field view of the table plan table.
  • Field of accumulation register table.
  • Field of type table type feature plan.
  • Type field type;
  • Field type string (unlimited length).
  • Field type binary.

● Sorting and grouping on the subconto fields is not supported.<НомерСубконто> and Wisubekkonto<НомерСубконто> Tables of MotionSubkonto Register of Accounting.
● The grouping is not supported by fields that represent the expressions of the query language containing aggregate functions.
● When the main table selected, the dynamic list request has the following limitations:

  • Uncinds are not supported.
  • It is not supported by the use of the section Sort by. You should use the request without the main table or set the necessary ordering through the settings of the dynamic list.

● If the dynamic list is displayed as a hierarchical list or tree, then the record will not be displayed by a dynamic list, if one parent is not displayed. In other words - to display the element of the hierarchy list, the dynamic list should also display all the parents of this item to the top of the list. At the same time, under the top of the list implies or actually
the root element of the hierarchical object displayed by a dynamic list or an element installed as the Property Property of the Terexual Form Table Extension for a Dynamic List.

Not supported using the following tables as the main table:

● The table for which there is no key is uniquely identifying each table entry (link for object tables and a record key for register tables). However, the following tables can be installed as the main table of the dynamic list (despite the lack of key):

● Table of subconto accounting register;
● All accounting register tables, except for the Motion Dubkonto table;
● Constant values \u200b\u200btables (including constant table);
● Tables of external data sources without key fields;
● Cube tables of external data sources;
● Accumination Register Tables:

  • roll table;
  • table of residues;
  • table of revolutions and residues.

● Calculation Register Tables:

  • table of the actual period of action;
  • data graphics;
  • basic data.

● Tables of table parts of objects;
● Change registration tables (used in data exchange mechanisms);
● sequence tables;
● recalculation tables (used in periodic calculation mechanisms).
● Tables that are used in the request only in the external connection.

In other words, the dynamic list with the specified main table will work correctly if as a result of the query execution,
the number of lines obtained from the main table does not increase as the data source, does not increase (including superimposed selection). If, as a result of the execution of the query, the number of rows received by the request from the main table increases, it will lead to a violation of the uniqueness of the key entry key displayed. In this case, you need to disable the use of the main table of the dynamic list.
When working a dynamic list, it is necessary to consider access rights to the details displayed by the list:
● On the client side, the dynamic list column data is not transmitted, which are always marked by the use of always, but for which the current user does not have the right to view. Access to data of such columns (using the properties of the fluid and data method ())
on the client side is impossible.
● If the current user does not have the right to view the key field of the dynamic list, obtaining data by this dynamic list leads to an error of violation of access rights.
For a dynamic list that displays the list of enumerations, there is no interactive list setting.
The composition of the columns and the settings of the dynamic list are associated with the fields of the selection fields in the pseudonyms. If in the query for the sample field, the alias is not specified explicitly and the field is systemic, then the name of the field name for the English embedded language is used as a pseudonym.
This relationship means that when changing (or explicitly specified a pseudonym for the field, which used an automatic alias)
the pseudonym of the query field forming the dynamic list data will be lost the settings of the dynamic list props, the elements of the form "will lose" the displayed details, the settings of the dynamic list will become incorrect, etc.
In the event that the source of the dynamic list data is the table (normal or virtual), which allows you to set the selection at the period, then if the user sets the display period in such a dynamic list (command set the dates interval ...),
the specified borders of the period will be set as the values \u200b\u200bof the selection or parameters of the virtual table. If language extension means
queries for the data layout system were explicitly indicated by the names of the parameters of the virtual table - parameters will be installed with the specified
names. Tables for which it is possible to control the display period or data processing:
● Register tables (main or virtual), for which there is a possibility of selection at the period (for the calculation register - at the registration period);
● Basic tables of documents, business processes and tasks;
● Basic table log tables;
● Basic sequence tables, sequence boundaries table.
As a dynamic list query parameter, an array or list of values \u200b\u200bcan perform. However, if the parameter is the list of values, only the first list value will be used as the selection value. If the dynamic list uses a request to parameters, the initial setting of parameter values \u200b\u200bshould be performed in the driver handler.
When displaying the dynamic list data, you should remember the following features:
● When programmatically change the properties of the dynamic list, it does not automatically re-fill the command panels associated
with this dynamic list.
● If several fields are grouped into a group with a grouping mode in a cell and in the grouped fields there is a field that is displayed by the checkbox, this check box will always be displayed first in the resulting cell (left text).
In a dynamic list, when determining the type of data for fields, the expressions of which include parameters, fields or literals, the resulting type is determined by the types of fields and literals. If the type of parameter value is not included in the resulting data type - its value will be truncated.
For example, in the following example, the field will have a type of number.

When lies
Then 5.

If you assign a parameter to the parameter to another type, the dynamic list for this field will receive a value 0 (default value for the number type).
If a similar type is required in such a situation - it is recommended to use the design of the query language Express. For example,
if the example above requires to be transferred to the parameter string not longer than 100 characters, then you should replace the simple specification of the parameter to express with explicitly lifting type:

When lies
Then 5.
Express (& parameter as string (100))

If in the arbitrary text of the dynamic list query in the expressions of the sample fields, parameters are used - one should explicitly specify the type of parameters using the design Express. For example, instead & Nomenclature as nomoculator use
Express (& Nomenclature as a reference book. NameNeture) as a nomenclature. Otherwise the search through the search string can work
incorrectly or produce errors.

3. Methods for obtaining and caching data dynamic list

When receiving data to display the dynamic list uses one of three ways:
1. Read from the database is performed by portions with the number of data elements, slightly exceeding the number of rows simultaneously displayed by the list (but not less than 20). Data caching on the server is not performed.
2. Read from the database is performed by pages for 1,000 data elements. Data caching on the server is performed. Hierarchical data is cached: no more than 2 pages of elements are cached for each parent. No more than 20 pages of elements are cached on one dynamic list. The caching will be included with a dynamic list for the following tables:
● selection criterion;
● All accounting register tables, except for the main table and table of motionSubkonto;
● All accumulation register tables except the main table;
● All information register tables except the main table;
● All calculation register tables, except the main table;
● Virtual table to the task switch;
● Tables of external sources without keys;
● Cubes of external sources.

3. Read from the database is performed by pages for 1,000 items. The first portion is 1 page. Each next portion increases by 1 page (when the end of the previous sample is reached). The closer the "viewpoint" by the end of the displayed data is moving, the greater the sample is read from the database, in the limit becoming equal to all displayed data. Data caching on the server is performed. The maximum number of records in the cache and dynamic list is 1,000,000.
Depending on what is selected by the main table of the dynamic list and the value takes the dynamic reading property, these or other data reading methods are used:

● As the property value, the main table is one of the following tables: Exchange Plan, Directory, Document List, Document Magazine, Characteristics Plan, Account Plan, Calculation Plan, Business Process, Task, Business Process Point Table:

● As the value of the property, the main table shows one of the following tables: the main table of the information register, the accumulation register, the accounting register, the calculation register, the virtual table of the accounting register of MOTRSSUBKONTO:

● Property Dynamic reading:
● Installed: Method 1 is used (the description of the methods is given above).
● Released: Method 2 (methods described above).

● As a property, the main table is the table of the selection criterion or task table for the Contractor (task executive):
● The key identifying the table string: link.

● As a property, the basic table indicates the virtual table of the composer information of the composer or the searchable:
● The key identifies the table string: key-ups.
● The dynamic reading property is not applicable.
● Method 2 is used (methods described above).

● As a property, the main table indicates one of the virtual register tables, besides the above:

● The dynamic reading property is not applicable.

● Properties The main table is not specified, an arbitrary request is used:
● The key identifying the table string: number.
● The dynamic reading property is not applicable.
● Method 3 is used (methods described above).

To display, the data is transmitted to the client by portions, the size of which is similar to the size of the portion in the 1st method of reading the data (described at the beginning of this section).
When creating a form containing a dynamic list, 45 data elements of each visible dynamic list are initially transmitted to the client (if more than 45 elements listed). If the dynamic list displays more than 45 lines, then when opening the form, an additional server call will be executed to obtain missing data items.

4. Dynamic List Settings

Property Setting the list - Pressing the Hyperlink to open leads to the opening form setting the dynamic list. The list setting is performed in the same way as similar operations in the data layout system.

Fig. 2. Conditional registration of the dynamic list

During the configuration of the dynamic list in the configuration, the applied solution has the ability to do the following:
● Set the fields for which it is necessary to conduct a streamline;
● Describe data selection in the list;
● specify conditional settings;
● Set fields by which you need to group data.
To set the sorting to the developer makes sense, if it does not suit the default sorting system installed.

Council. It should be remembered that the unsuccessful selection of the sorting fields (as well as the selection and grouping of the data) adversely affects the efficiency of the dynamic sample.
From the point of view of the application developer, the settings of the dynamic list consist of several parts that are interconnected. The main property through which you can manage the settings of the dynamic list is LockersTrakes. This object contains three sets of settings that, when operating the system, define the final settings applied to the dynamic list:
● Settings - settings created in configurator mode. The Dynamic List Procedure Provides quick access to the configuration property. The name of the dynamic list settings linker is thus the following designs are equivalent:
List. Clipped and list. Support workers. Instructions.
● Custom-to-settings are the settings that the user changes in "1C: Enterprise" mode;
● Fixed-lane - these settings are set from the embedded language. Also, this property includes selection values \u200b\u200bthat are transmitted to the form using its parameters. Properties of the dynamic list Selection, parameters, conditional application provide quick access to the fixed settings of the dynamic list settings. In other words, these appeals are equivalent:
List. Supercrowers. Refixed-intensified. Potting and list.
When forming the final setting of a dynamic list, various options for settings are combined as follows:
● If any kind of settings is entirely marked as a user, then user settings fall into the result settings
(List. Support workers. Use the user-in-law). At the same time, if any settings are marked as inaccessible, then these settings will be placed in the resulting settings from the list properties. Supercrower. Settings.
● If any kind of settings is noted as a user not entirely, but element, then:
● The elements marked as custom will fall into the resulting settings from the list properties. Supercrower.
● The elements marked as inaccessible will fall into the resulting settings from the list properties. Superman.
● Fixed settings (list. Supercrowers. Fixed-intensified) are added to the resulting settings "As is". At the same time, the situation is invalid when the settings of the same name are in fixed and user settings, such as the selection with the same left value in the condition.

If settings are present in the settings of the dynamic list that are disabled using functional options, these settings will be deleted from the list of available settings when you receive a dynamic list data.
Manage what settings will be available to the user, and which - no, runs in the Dynamic List Settings window.

Fig. 3. Management Including in Custom Settings

Checkbox at the bottom of the window (see Fig. 3) is responsible for placing in the settings (ordinary or fast) all kinds of settings. This feature is available for selection, order, grouping and conditional design. If the settings are specified with the edit mode is a quick selection, then in the User settings group of the form table, which displays the dynamic list, you must specify an empty group of the form in which the elements associated with the rapid custom dynamic list settings will be located. If the group is not specified - fast user settings will not be displayed on the form. It is also possible to explicitly cause custom settings using the built-in language using the Create element-users method () extension of the dynamic list.
It is also possible to choose the possibility of accommodating specific settings in the user settings. This feature is available for selection and conditional elements (see Fig. 3).

If it is necessary that when opening a dynamic list, any special settings are loaded, this can be done in two ways:
● Using the dynamic list of custom settings. The data contained in this parameter will be placed in the user settings of the dynamic list.
● Using the form of a dynamic list of keystalls. If, when you open the form, specify this parameter, then in a dynamic list that is the main details of the form, user settings located in the settings storage with the specified key will be downloaded.

5. Search in the dynamic list

The dynamic list located on the form provides the ability to perform an interactive search in the displayed data. The search can be carried out using the following tools: search strings, search dialog, search current value, using the search history and setting period (for dynamic lists displaying documents). The search result is a limited set of records.
dynamic List (from available to this user), which meet the search criteria.
To manage the search capabilities in the dynamic list, three properties of the managed form table displaying the dynamic list are designed:
● The position of the search string - determines the position of the search string. It can take the following values: auto, command panel, no, top, bottom.

Fig. 4. Search string in a dynamic list

If the value of this property is set to the command panel, then in the command command panel (if the dynamic list is the main details of the form) or in the command panel associated with the dynamic list, the search string will be displayed. The search string posted in the command panel is always pressed against the right edge of the command panel (along with the buttons located the right of the search bar).
If the property is not set to no, the search string will be missing on the form, and when the starting line dialog starts, a dialog will be opened.
If the property is set to the top, then the search string will be located between the List command panel and the table displaying the dynamic list. If the property is set to the bottom, the search string will be posted immediately after the table displaying the dynamic list.

● If the Compatibility Mode property is set to not to use or older Version version 8.3.4 - Value command panel.
The transition to the search bar is as follows:
● by pressing the Ctrl + F key combination;
● Mouse;
● When the text set is started in the dynamic list (taking into account the value of the property of the dynamic search list).
● The viewing status position - describes where the viewing status will be displayed: What fields search and what values
searched in each field. Can take the following values: auto, no, top, bottom

Fig. 5. Search status in the dynamic list

If the property is set to no, the viewing state will be absent on the form. As a result, it is possible to identify or not, it will be possible to cancel the selection button only by availability.
If the property is set to the top, the viewing state will be located between the list command panel and the table displaying the dynamic list. If the property is set to bottom, the viewing state will be posted immediately after the table displaying the dynamic list.
If the form is created in "1C: enterprise" version 8.3.4 and younger - the property is set to no. If the form is created in "1C: enterprise" version 8.3.5 and older - the property is set to auto. The actual value of the property in this case will be determined as follows:
● If the Compatibility Mode property is set to version 8.3.4 (and below) - no value;
● If the Compatibility Mode property is set to not to use or older Version version 8.3.4 - Top value;
● Search management position - determines where the search button will be displayed. The button opens the menu that contains the following information: Commands Find for the current value, Advanced Search, cancel search, set the period (for lists of documents and logs) and the history of search queries (last 5 requests). The property can take values: auto, no, command panel.

Fig. 6. Managing the search in the dynamic list

If the property is not set to no, the search button will be missing on the form (but commands will be available using the menu yet). Value Properties The command panel places the button to the command panel associated with the table displaying the dynamic list.
If the form is created in "1C: enterprise" version 8.3.4 and younger - the property is set to no. If the form is created in "1C: enterprise" version 8.3.5 and older - the property is set to auto. The actual value of the property in this case will be determined as follows:
● If the Compatibility Mode property is set to version 8.3.4 (and below) - no value;
● If the Compatibility Mode property is set to Do not use or older Version version 8.3.4 - Value command panel;
If there are several command panels on the form, the source of the commands for which is one of the managed form table (displaying the dynamic list data), then the search bar and the search button will be located only in one command panel:
● or in the command panel of the dynamic list itself (if automatic filling is turned on for it)
● or in any of the remaining command panels.

Consider the features of the search for the search in the dynamic list:
● In order for the search to be conveniently enjoy (including from the speed of speed), you must enable full-text search for all configuration objects that can be used as the main table of the dynamic list. Also, all details of the configuration objects that can be displayed in the dynamic list must be involved in the full-text search, which may be required to search.
If the object is excluded from full-text search, the search mechanism under consideration will work, but the performance of such a search will be extremely low. It is not recommended to use the search for objects that are not indexed by full-text search.
● The application solution must have a regulatory task that regularly updates the full-text search index.

● The search is not performed by all the dynamic list columns (and the configuration object), but only by those speakers that are displayed in the table.
● Search in a dynamic list over the fields of reference types with an arbitrary representation is performed by fields that are used for
representation formation (see here). The fields included in the representation are obtained taking into account the processor of the processing of thePole representation () of the corresponding object.
● For dynamic lists with the specified main table, a full-text search on the main table is used. All non-cristed references from the main table will be added to the results of full-text search. The result of full-text search for the main table is used as a selection by key fields. A full-text search on the fields displayed in the list from other tables is also executed (if a full-text search is used for the field and configuration object). Without full-text search, data may be
found, but the search itself will be performed very slowly.
If an error occurred when trying to perform full-text search, the search will be performed without using full-text search.
For example, this can occur when searching for one letter and a large number of rows in the information base starting with this letter.
● In the event that the selection of the comparison type is used for the field of the main table of the dynamic list, then the selection value will be added to the search query to the search query on this table.
● The search string is divided into words. This partition is carried out according to the following rules:
● The string is divided using a space and tab symbols as separators.
● The resulting fragment is then processed:
● If the fragment is a date representation (with or without time), taking into account the current regional session settings, then the word is this fragment.
● Otherwise, the fragment is broken further using symbols ",.- / \\" as separators. In this case, each resulting string fragment is accepted as a word.

● For each word, a set of conditions are formed, which are combined by "or". This set of conditions is formed if the full-text search for this word in the table, from which this field was obtained, returned at least one object or full-text search was not used for this field. Conditions are formed as follows:
● For a field of type string, the condition has a view of the name of the name like a% word%.
● For the type field, the condition of the condition has the name of the name \u003d value where the value is the word that is given to the number type. If you cannot execute correctly, the search on the field will not be executed.
● The word is looking for as a substring in the default view for the booleo type defined for the current session. If the desired word is detected in the view, then the search for a value corresponding to the presentation in which the word is detected is. At the same time, no views are used to search, which are specified using the format format item property.
● For a field of type, the condition of the condition has a view of the name of the name\u003e \u003d beginning (word) and name<=КонецДня(Слово). Если Слово подобно дате, в которой год
specifies one or two digits, the year will be given to the current century and this value will be added to the search condition.
● For reference fields, search is performed on the fields used to form a reference presentation. In each of these fields
performed according to the rules described above. To search, the fields used to form an arbitrary data representation are not used.
A set of conditions for each word is combined by "software".
● For values \u200b\u200bwith leading zeros, you can search for a line with the leading zeros and on the line indicated without leading zeros.
● If the dynamic list displays a list of documents or a document log, then the specified list viewing interval is also displayed in the shape area allotted to display the viewing status for the required dynamic list.
● The search command for the current value is not available if the main table of the dynamic list is the selection criterion.
● Foreign fragments of rows are highlighted when displayed in the table.
● For one column, only the search bar is supported. When adding a new search query for the column on which the search is already executed, the search expression will be replaced, and not the addition of two search queries.
● If there is no form in the form. Supplement element of the form Displays the search string associated with the table (property of the Form element add-on) displaying the dynamic list, then pressing the Ctrl + F keys key leads to the opening of the search dialog.

Fig. 7. Search dialogue

If the form is present in the form of the form element of the form Displays the search string associated with the table (property of the Form element add-on) displaying the dynamic list, then the Advanced Search command should be used to open the search dialog.
● When using the search dialog, you need to remember the following features:
● Opening the keyboard search dialog leads to the fact that the value of the current cell is in the string that to search, and the switch value how to search is set to accurate coincidence.

● Opening the search dialog by directly starting the search string set in the dynamic list leads to the fact that the switch value how to search is set to a part of the line, and the text dialing falls in the field. What to look for.

6. Obtaining data displayed by a dynamic list.

When using dynamic lists, you may need to perform various data actions that are currently displayed by a dynamic list, taking into account superimposed selection and the searchable. Such actions include: processing the displayed information, for example, transfer of selected documents or set any details from selected objects, generating a list of available objects (with design, etc.), for example, for printing or saving to a tabular document.
To obtain data that are displayed by a dynamic list, you should use the methods of receipt of the flash compound () and
Replenitable-based complexomples ().
An example of data receipt:

Scheme \u003d Elements. Opportunities. Persupportment ();
Settings \u003d Elements. Opportunities. Powerflower-based ();
Complimentary machine \u003d New fold-shirtsComplekdang ();
MockupsComponovka \u003d folder machine. Fill (scheme, settings);
ProcessorComponovka \u003d new processor components;
ProcessorComponovka.Initialize (MockComples);
Processor Equipment \u003d New processor-in-line results CommonTheldBlocks
Returning processor exercise. Ensure (processorComponovka);

Obtaining data to the collection of values \u200b\u200b(table or list of values) is performed similarly.
Obtaining a dynamic list data indicatedly has a number of features that need to be taken into account when developing applied solutions:
● Not supported by the following table design:
● Alternation of lines colors;
● Picture caps;
● Podle picture;
● Basement background color;
● the color of the basement text;
● basement font;
● horizontal position in the basement;
● Password mode.
● The conditional design specified for the managed form is not supported;
● When organizing a hierarchical table ascending, a link type field, records containing an empty link are always placed first.

In the dynamic list, the selection of 1C is not as difficult as it seems to many users initially. Configurators and tables for values \u200b\u200bare used. In the 1C software, it is often necessary to sort data in graphs and cells for any criteria.

How to set the selection on the list?

You can create selection in two ways: in the form of the list itself or register with the programmatically. In the first case, you must add a dynamic list of 1C 8 to the form, determine the main table for it, and then go to its properties. The managed form allows you to work with the most different values. There it is necessary to find the item "Setting the List" and go to this menu. In the window that opens, you can manually set any sorter to the list used, and after - manage the formed selection programmatically.

To establish a dynamic sorter programmatically, you should know that the selection in 1C is considered to be a property of a dynamic list. To add the selection, using this quality, you need to add a new item to the selection property. To work all, you need to set the parameter in the field of the right, left value, and in the field "Type of Comparison". It is important to enter the value "Truth" in the field of use. Thus, you can create the easiest selection. By adding conditions in other fields, you can make it more complicated and fit into your needs.

Selects in the table of 1C values

To set the selection in the table, you can use one of several options. You can make manual selection - to sort out the table and hide all the lines that you do not need. But this is a very laborious process, which will not want to do anything. This method is suitable only for those who are just starting to work with 1C and cannot yet master more complex, but productive techniques.

The second selection option in the table acts through the table method called "Find Rows". A significant disadvantage of this method is that the only type for comparison will be "equal", which significantly narrows the ability to use the selection.

The most rational selection method in the table can be done through the query builder.

Other dynamic list features in 1C

Dynamic lists provide ample opportunities for working with data, which were not in 1C 7. One of the most convenient of them is to create forms of choice. For example, in 1C: Accounting, you need to go to the "Nomenclature" menu and add a new selection form by assigning it as the main one.

To set the parameters to the dynamic list:

  • You can use selection forms;
  • When creating this form, a dynamic selection list will automatically appear on the field;
  • Going into its properties, you can see the item "Arbitrary Request". It is this query and allows you to use all the advantages of a dynamic list;
  • You can enter your parameters to this request;
  • Checking the checkbox and opening this window, you can see a new request, with all fields from the directory of the nomenclature;
  • By clicking on the query constructor button, you can change the contents of this list.

To add your own request to the drop-down list, you must go to the Settings tab. In the first tab, you will see the opportunity to make any selection according to your needs.

Software setup request

You can install the query and software methods. To do this, it will be necessary to enter only a few rows in the form module. After that, it will only be enough to click on the current line twice to pass the strings with the selected values \u200b\u200binto the document.

In 1C list of values \u200b\u200bon the form - this is a great way to do work with 1C software more rational and productive. This allows you to optimize all the work in the enterprise.