Reminder on the iPhone lock screen. How to make the iPhone remind of birthdays

One of the oldest possibilities of the iPhone, which is not used by every gadget owner, is a reminder of the days of birth and memorable dates. Relevant notice will allow you to buy a gift to a close person in advance or not to forget to congratulate your colleague on or familiar.

Unfortunately, on the new iPhone, this feature is disabled by default.

We introduce data on birthdays manually

To begin with, the smartphone needs to provide data on all memorable dates. If they are not fixed anywhere, you will have to drive them manually for each contact.

1. Open contact card in the application Telephone or Contacts and click Change in the upper right corner.

2. Scroll list to item add birthday, enter the date and click Ready.

Import data from the Gmail account

If you previously enjoyed a smartphone on Android or simply led the address book in Gmail, you can import data on birth days from this service.

1. Go to B. Settings - Contacts - Accounts and choose Add an account.

2. After entering the login and password, it should be noted the items Contacts and Calendars. All phones, email, addresses and birthdays from Gmail will be downloaded on the iPhone.

If the desired account has already been added to use mail in the standard mail application, you only need to activate the switches Contacts and Calendars For this record.

Customize reminders

Now it remains only to include notifications about birthdays. For this we do the following:

1. Open Settings - calendar and go to the section Default reminders.

2. Press paragraph Days born. And choose the appropriate type of reminder.

3. Check that system notifications are enabled for the calendar application ( Settings - Notifications - Calendar).

the iPhone can remind about the upcoming holiday for 1 or 2 days, a week or on the day of the event. The entire list of dates will be displayed in the calendar application.

For convenient viewing, you need to click on the button today, and to hide other dates and holidays, go to the calendar section and disable unnecessary.

We transfer data to all devices

When everything is configured on the iPhone remains to transfer memorable dates to other gadgets. This will help the ICloud account.

Enough in the IClOUD settings section, turn on the calendar synchronization. This is necessary on all devices.

If another iCloud account will be used on the computer, tablet or smartphone, and the reminders of birthdays need to be duplicated, simply transfer the data by the method from the previous section.

We thank RE: Store for the capacious and comprehensive instructions!

In iOS 11, Apple has entered the ability to create and edit notes from the lock screen. We tell how to enable and configure this feature.

At the WWDC 2017 conference, Craig Federigi's vice-president focused on the fact that the iPad can run the application "Notes", simply touching the screen of the branded stylus. The iPhone does not support Apple Pencil, but you can also start notes on it directly from the lock screen.

Enable function

First you need to open the smartphone settings, go to the "Management item" menu, find in the list of "Notes" applications and add them to the list. Now a new icon will appear in the curtain, pressing which will create a new note. If you hold your finger on it or press with effort, then additional options will appear: the list of tasks, photo and sketch.

Setting Notes on Lock Screen

The user can configure application behavior at the control point. For this you need:

  • Open smartphone settings.
  • Go to the "Notes" menu.
  • Scroll down it down to the submenu "Notes on the bumps. Screen "and go to it.

Here you can reassign the basic actions of the application in the control point. For example, by pressing the button in the PU, a non-new note will be created, but the last active is opened. So convenient to keep the list of purchases or hold any other necessary data at hand.

In iOS 11, Apple has entered the ability to create and edit notes from the lock screen. We tell how to enable and configure this feature.

At the WWDC 2017 conference, Craig Federigi's vice-president focused on the fact that the iPad can run the application "Notes", simply touching the screen of the branded stylus. The iPhone does not support Apple Pencil, but you can also start notes on it directly from the lock screen.

Enable function

First you need to open the smartphone settings, go to the "Management item" menu, find in the list of "Notes" applications and add them to the list. Now a new icon will appear in the curtain, pressing which will create a new note. If you hold your finger on it or press with effort, then additional options will appear: the list of tasks, photo and sketch.

Setting Notes on Lock Screen

The user can configure application behavior at the control point. For this you need:

  • Open smartphone settings.
  • Go to the "Notes" menu.
  • Scroll down it down to the submenu "Notes on the bumps. Screen "and go to it.

Here you can reassign the basic actions of the application in the control point. For example, by pressing the button in the PU, a non-new note will be created, but the last active is opened. So convenient to keep the list of purchases or hold any other necessary data at hand.

To maintain a list of cases on the iPhone and iPad, you do not need to install any additional applications - the standard iOS functions are quite enough. The standard reminder application, albeit, can not be called the most powerful tool to create to-do-sheets, but with its task, recording and notifications about affairs and events, it is completely coping. In this small instruction, we will tell you how to properly use reminders on the iPhone and iPad.

The most pleasant application of reminders is simplicity. The user does not distract any additional functions in it and all of his attention focuses on accounting of cases that need to be performed. Another remarkable function is a widget for the control center, which always allows you to remember what matters still remain.

How to create a reminder on iPhone and iPad

Step 1. Run the application Reminders

Step 2. Click the tab with the scheduled reminders
Step 3. Click on the empty line on the screen to create a reminder
Step 4. Enter the reminder text and click on the icon located on the right of the text.
Step 5. Specify the settings for your reminder and click Ready
In standard reminders, you can combine in the lists, which is very convenient if you, for example, work on some particular project requiring a large number of tasks. These lists are created very simple.

How to create a list of reminders on the iPhone and iPad

Step 1. Run the application Reminders

Step 2. Click " Add list»

Step 3. Specify the name of the list and color of the label.

The most pleasant Apple to account is to account for the list of cases - the possibility of gaining access to tasks scheduled for the near future with the help of a special widget in the control center. At first, however, this widget must be turned on.

How to enable reminder application widget on iPhone and iPad

Step 1. Open Control center, pulling down from the top of the screen of your iPhone and iPad

Step 2. Click " Change»
Step 3. Find in the list of widgets " Reminders"And click on the icons with the image of the plus located on the left of the inscription and click" Ready "
Now, all your affairs will always be in sight, and to gain access to the list of tasks, you will not even need to unlock the device - the control center can be launched without it.

People often use stickers to write short notes, or affairs, practice shows that it is convenient and easy. And what to do if there are no stickers at hand? COLORNOTE app will come to the rescue, it will help make recordings of notes and affairs directly on the phone or tablet. Looking at the display of your device you will immediately see all your notes and do not miss important things.


The Colornote application for Android is stickers in your device. The main purpose of the ColorNote program is a replacement of a paper notepad.
Acquaintance with the program shows that its functionality is much wider than a simple notebook, here is its main functions:

  • creating notes in the form of text and list
  • color selection for different notes
  • binding notes to date
  • custom reminders
  • widget Stickers for Main Screen
  • task Password note
  • reminders in the status row
  • filter notes in color
  • view notes in the form of a list or tile
  • data backup

As you can see the functionality of the program much more than an ordinary notebook.

Work with the Colornote application

By running the program, see the main screen with notes, to select a user, it can be in the form of a list or tiled to add a new note. You need to click the Add button and select Type of Notes:

A note in the form of text looks like this:

As we can see text, you can dial with standard ways: with keyboard or voice recognition tool. To see additional actions, you need to click on the menu button, while the color selection menu will appear, blocking / unlocking, setting the reminder, send recording, records.

The second type of note is a list, will be convenient when drawing up a list of cases, purchases, etc., it is convenient because it allows you to celebrate the tasks already performed:

For any note, you can choose the color and set the lock, after setting the password.

You can also set a reminder to a specific date:

By clicking on the name of the application at the top of the screen, we get to the main menu with the main sections and settings:

In the COLORNOTE application, two color schemes are white and black, choose the scheme from the menu item the topic:

Conveniently implemented and the sort function, it will help to find the desired note if you have a lot of accumulated:

Sorting in ColorNote is possible by:

  • date change
  • date of creation
  • alphabet
  • color
  • date reminders


I would like to stop a little more on the widget of the program if the widget does not work, the developers are recommended to transfer the application into the phone's memory in our case it helped. To transfer the application to the phone's memory, you must perform the following steps: Menu Settings-application-application-COLORNOTE application and click the "on the phone" button, then it is recommended to restart the device.
After the main touch screen, call the context menu, select widgets, COLORNOTE offers 3 widget to choose from: 1x1 sticker, 2x2 sticker and "today" 2x2
In the size widget 1x1, the name of the attached note is displayed, and in the 2x2 widget, the name and text of the record.
Vijete stickers are shortcuts to the opening of the selected note, besides if the list is selected, the number of unfulfilled items is displayed, the "Today" widget displays only those events that were scheduled for this day in the COLORNOTE application calendar.

  • synchronization
  • Video reviews applications