My photo stream on the iPhone: What it is, how to configure, view, turn off, etc. My photo stream in iPhone for what

Smartphone cameras allow you to take photos anywhere and at any time. Constantly growing photo archive requires storage and processing. Apple for this purpose offers to their users Aiclaud Storage. The photo is automatically sent to the cloud and become available on all devices connected to one account. As a result, making a snapshot from the smartphone, you can edit it on a computer or tablet. From the cloud selected by the user, it depends on how to unload photos from iCloud to the iPhone.

For the full use of the "apple" smartphone, his owner returns an Apple ID. The presence of a single account opens over the user all the possibilities created by Cupertino ecosystem engineers. One of them is the use of a cloud storage. Each receives on an ongoing basis free 5 GB. Stored in this space will be backups, documents and photos.

To accommodate photos, the "my photo thumbnails" or "ICLOUD Mediamatka" can be used. Consider both opportunities in more detail.

My photo stream

The "My Photostream" feature appeared on the iPhone for a long time and can be included on the smartphone of any model, starting with 4S. You will be loaded into the cloud pictures automatically in the Wi-Fi trusted network. At the same time, within 30 days, not more than one thousand photos can be unloaded into the cloud. When the specified number is reached, the oldest image must automatically delete, freeing the place for the new one, which will be located at the end of the list.

The main ease of this method is that the volume of photographic materials sent to ICloud is not taken into account among the free 5 GB. In other words, 1000 shots are kept for a month, without occupying precious space. You can pull them on the device at any time.

Media ICloud

This feature appeared with the output version of iOS 10.3. Accordingly, it turns on on devices that support it or updated to the last, 11th version of the operating system. iPhone 5 and 6 support IOS 10 installation, but not all users install it, fearing hypothetical "brakes". Owners regarding new models of 7 or last 8 and x can not think about it. Their devices will survive even several OS updates.

Unloaded complied materials, as before, will be without user intervention. The advantage of the library is automatic synchronization of changes made on all devices, the ability to save Live Photo and video, as well as advanced formats support. Theoretically, you can upload a unlimited number of photographic materials to the libeop, but they will be taken into account. Consequently, the volume of the storage facility will have to increase to the desired size.

Setting up iPhone.

Both described methods require that the user pre-execute the login to its account. Without this, it is impossible to synchronize or look at the data stored in the cloud. Authorized using Apple IDs, you can configure both the functions described above in one place.

  1. Open the settings and wake them up to the multimedia application block. Select the photo application in the list.
  1. In the program options, we see the items indicated by numbers. The first is designed to activate the media library. The second starts the transmission of pictures in the photo stream.

Implementing images

The photo made on the iPhone, with any option to use the cloud, will not go anywhere. Using a library, you can select the setting that allows you to move the original to the storage, leaving its optimized copy on the smartphone. The quality of the photo will be reduced only on a mobile device. In this case, the size of the picture will be 2048x1536 points, which allows you to comfortably view it on the PC screen or high definition TV.

Despite the fact that the iCloud media library exceeds the photo thumbnails, Apple gives users the ability to independently select the storage method of the archive. The solution depends on the objectives that the owner of the iPhone. If 1000 snapshots per month seem sufficient to you in order not to pay for extra volume, use photo thoughts. When the quality and speed of processing of the footage is more important than symbolic monthly cost, the scale of the scales will translate a more progressive storage method.

Video instruction

The video hosted below makes it possible to see how the described operations are performed in real time and decide on the optimal method for you to use the cloud.

In IOS devices there are features such as "film" and "photo thumbnails". What are they intended for?

What is the function "Film"?

In IOS devices there is a function " camera roll", Which is an interface by which the internal memory of the device is involved. It is downloaded for photos and videos that are removed using the usual iOS application or using third-party products that do not have their own interfaces to place multimedia content.

What is the function "Photostream"?

Another remarkable function of the iOS devices - " Photostream" It is an interface that allows you to use the icloud cloud storage to accommodate multimedia content in it, access to which can be organized from any other devices that have the necessary functionality.

The ICloud repository is able to become an effective tool for synchronizing multimedia libraries between different iOS devices.

The function under consideration can be complemented by other useful interfaces - allowing, for example, to distribute multimedia content in automatic mode.


The main difference between the "Photopile" from the "photo thumbnail" is that the first function involves the use of interfaces that are adapted to place multimedia content in the built-in memory of the iOS device. "Photostream" involves the use of cloud storage, which can be accessed through Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. The "Photostream" function also allows you to organize joint access to photos and video posted in ICloud, from different devices.

Having determined what the difference between the "film" and "photo flow", reflect the conclusions in the table.

Chapter 11.

Change album location.Think

Deleting album.Touch.

The iCloud (beta) media library allows you to manage all albums from any of your devices.
with iOS 8.1, on which this function is configured.
Mark for selected photos.When watching a photo or video tap to
automatically add it to the album "Favorites". Photo can not only
in the album "Favorites", but also in another album.
Hiding photos that need to be saved, but not shown.Touch
and hold the photo, then select the "Hide" option. Snapshot moves
in the album "hidden." Touch and hold the hidden photo to show it.
Removing a photo or video from the album.Select a photo or video, tap, and then -
"Delete photos". The photo will be removed from the album and from the "Photo" tab.
Removing a photo or video from the "Photo" program.Click the "Photo" tab,
select a photo or video, tap, and then "Delete a photo" or "Delete Video".
Remote photos and videos are stored in the album "Recently deleted" on the iPhone and marked
the icon indicating the number of days before their final removal from the iPhone. To
finally delete photo or video before this time expires, select the desired object
and tap the "Delete" option, and then - "Delete a photo" or "Delete video". If a
You use the iCloud (beta) media library, remote photos and videos will finally
removed from all devices with iOS 8.1, which included this function and use your
Apple ID.
Restore remote photo or video.Choose a photo or video in the album
"Recently deleted" and tap "Restore" option, and then - "Restore photos"
or "Restore video". The object will be moved to the "Film" album or if
You use the ICLOUD (beta) media library, in the album "All photos".

My photo stream

The "My Photostream" feature (default is on) automatically unloads new photos
and the video to other your devices where it is also used.
Turn on and off my photo stream.Select "Settings"\u003e Photo and Camera
or "Settings"\u003e «ICLOUD»\u003e "Photo".

Note. Photos that are stored in iCloud occupy space in the repository
iCloud, but photos downloaded in the album "My photo thumbnails" are not taken into account when calculating
spaces in icloud.
Using my photo stream without an ICloud (beta) media library.Photo and video taken
with the help of iPhone, add to the album "My photo thumbnails" when leaving the program
Camera and if you have an iPhone connection to the Internet Wi-Fi. Any added
You are Photos, including, for example, screenshots and images saved
from email, also appear in the album "My photo thumbnails".

Photos and videos added in my photo thumbnails on other devices appear in the album
"My photo stream" on the iPhone. IOS devices can store up to 1000 of your newest
photos in ICloud for 30 days. To save them forever, you can automatically
import these photos to the computer.

Function "My photo stream" Allows you to access photos that were removed over the past 30 days on all iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, Mac, or Windows tied to a single account.

What devices "my photo traffic" works on

  • The poundation works on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with IOS 5.1 and above;
  • On Mac in the application "Photo";
  • On Apple TV;
  • On computers with Windows 7 and above (application you need).

What photo formats support "my photo thumbnails"?

"My photo stream" Limited by supporting the following photo formats: JPEG, TIFF, PNG and RAW. It is worth considering that in "My photo stream" not downloaded video and "Live photos" (photos Live Photos).

How to enable or disable "my photo thumbnails" on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch (for operation functions on the device must be installed iOS 5.1 or higher)

On devices running iOS 10.3 or later to enable (disable), the function can be opened by opening "Settings" -> [Username] -> icloud. -> "Photo" -> "My photo stream". If your gadget works on the iOS version below 10.3, open "Settings" -> icloud. -> "Photo" -> "My photo stream".

How to enable or disable "my photo thumbnails" on Mac

On Mac Open the section "System Settings" -> icloud. -> "Photo" -> "Parameters" And activate "My photo stream" (if the function is not yet included).

How to enable "my photo thumbnails" on windows

First download and install . Next, open iCloud and select the option. "Parameters" Next to the button "Photo". Put a tick on the contrary "My photo stream", click "Ready" -> "Apply". That's all.

How to use the "my photo thumbnails" function with an ICloud mediator?

As mentioned above, the function "My photo stream" Sends recent photos to the server, except. Now they can be viewed or imported to all user gadgets. As already mentioned, images are stored in the album "My photo stream" For thirty days. After activation "My photo stream" And ICloud Mediamatka All pictures that are stored in an album from other devices are displayed in the section "All photos" in the application "Photo". They will be sorted in accordance with different categories.

Is it possible to use the "My photo thumbnails" function as a backup instead of ICloud or iTunes?

Function "My photo stream" You cannot use to create backups instead of icloud or iTunes, as the files are deleted from the server after 30 days.

If you want to save the photo or make backups, transfer them from the album to the iOS device, for this: Open the application "Photo" and press "Albums" -> "My photo stream" -> "Choose".

Then select the images that you want to save and click the box icon with the upward arrival and select "Save the image". Next, you can use iCloud or iTunes to create backup files of files.

How to see (download) photo in photo stream

In order to view photos in the album "My photo stream" on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, open the application "Photo" -> "Albums" -> "My photo stream" (devices on iOS 8 and higher) or "Photostream" -> "My photo stream" (iOS 7 and earlier versions).


In the application "Photo" -> "Albums" -> "My photo stream"

On Apple TV.

icloud. -> "Settings" -> "Accounts" -> icloud. -> "My photo stream".

On computers running Windows

When starting the application "Photo" in "Explorer" A folder appears "ICLOUD photo". All photos taken on the "apple" gadgets will automatically be saved.

In order to find a photo on a PC:

Windows 10: Specify "ICLOUD photo" in line "Search on the Internet and in Windows" -> "ICLOUD photo".

Windows 8.1: On the starting screen, click on the icon pointing down the arrow in the lower left corner, and then -\u003e icloud. -> "ICLOUD photo".

Windows 8: On the start screen, select "ICLOUD photo".

Windows 7: "Start" -> "Images" -> "Favorites" -> "ICLOUD photo".

At the very beginning of his acquaintance with the phone and modern technologies, I used to transfer MMS images. In 2005, it was something extraordinary - send pictures from one phone to another. A little later, at the change of MMS, Mail came. A couple of years ago, his place was taken by Dropbox.

Approximately the year I use photo stream. This is a service from Apple, which allows you to synchronize photos between different devices that are used under one Apple ID. Briefly about the principle of work.

There is a certain central compartment of photos in ICloud, called photo stream. All photos that were made on iPhone, iPad or added to iPhoto (Aperture) fall into it. As soon as one of the above devices is connected to a high-speed Internet, all photos fall into a common photo stream. And from there are automatically downloaded to all connected devices.

In practice, it looks like this. You make a photo on the iPhone, and come home you can already work with it on your computer. A convenient way to transfer photos without wires, which works surprisingly smart. It is difficult to argue with its convenience. Nothing needs to be done: there is no need to register an additional account, set something. The photo stream is included by a pair of taps in the IOS or OS X settings and immediately starts working.

To all other photostream made me reconsider my views on how I share photographs with friends and relatives. Of course, the overwhelming majority of them have an iPhone, iPad or Mac. And it all greatly simplifies. In principle, with the help of a photo trip to share photos with anyone. From what system your vesati uses, it depends on how much it will be involved in the photo sharing process.

During the creation or after you can invite people to view photos.

It is clear that the cream will remove the iOS and OS X devices. Nothing is not necessary. Enough in the iOS gallery on your iPhone or iPad highlight the photos you want to show your friends, create an album and send invitations to their Apple ID. The same can be made from iPhoto or aperture in OS X.

The photo spells with the selected photos can be sent only to the favorites and close access to it to everyone else or to make it public. In this case, besides those invited, it will be able to view it through a browser for a direct link. Everyone who wants. You can do this from any device having a browser and connect to the Internet. But about this later.

After you create a general photo thread, the invited will receive a mail with a link or push a message that will be displayed by a badge on the photo album icon in iOS or iPhoto (Aperture) in OS X. Opening them you will get into the general photo thoughts in which you will start bootable .

In an existing photo stream, you can view the powers of the invited, as well as to commeasserted photos and "like" photos.

This is where the division on the one who is used to view photos will begin. IOS and OS X users will be able to view, comment, "like", add photos. All this can be done from the photo gallery in iOS, iPhoto or aperture in OS X. Participants in the photo stream information about "Likes" and comments will be delivered as push messages.

This looks like a photo with "Likes" and comments.

If you do not have all apple devices, but, say, you use the Windows Computer House at home, you will be available part of this functionality. To use the photo stream you need to install iCLOUD CONTROL PANEL FOR Windows And you can upload photos from it to your computer. Rather, it will all happen automatically. Naturally, such "buns" as commenting, "huskies" and the management of public photo spell will not be, but you can easily download everything without exception.

Folders photo stream in Windows. In the Shared folder there are photos to which your friends have opened access.

In the "Photos" folder, you will have a "Photo Stream" folder, in which your and public photo thumbs are posted in the form of subfolders. The only inconvenience, in my opinion, is that in order for the photo to get from a computer in photo stream, it is not enough just to add to the folder "My Photo Stream". Instead, you need to use the "Uploads" folder for these purposes. It is the photos added to it will be in your personal photo stream.

Photo from a public photo stream in Internet Explorer 8. But you can use any browser to view.

For everyone else, it is possible to view photos through the browser. It does not matter which platform your friends use: Windows Phone and Android. Total couple clicks, and they will be able to see your photos in your phone or computer browser. Of course, in this case there will be no opportunity to provide someone personal access or comment on the photo, but this is, in principle, it is not so important. It is important that a person will be able to share your emotions with you and report my impressions.

In short, not such closed technologies and services offer Apple. With a well-known desire and the attachment of at least the efforts of photos can be used with anyone.