Mobile MTS Internet Phone Belarus. Internet Settings MTS Belarus: automatic and manually

The maximum possible data transfer rate using GPRS is 85.6 kbps, EDGE - 236.8 kbps. The 3G network from MTS supports DC-HSDPA technology with data transmission speeds up to 42 Mbps.

To access the Internet, you need:

  • The presence of a GPRS / EDGE / 3G support is included with the necessary equipment;
  • Connect the "Data Transfer" setting by calling 0870 221.

Typical settings

To configure the phone, you must enter the following parameters in the phone menu:

  • Profile name / Profile Name: MTS-Internet
  • Data Channel / Data BEARER: GPRS
  • Access point / APN: MTS
  • Username / User Name: MTS
  • Password / Password: MTS

1. Open the menu -\u003e Settings -\u003e Access Point.

2. Click "Add" (in the lower left corner or the button "+" below).

3. Enter the connection name: MTS

In the next menu "Internet APN", make the settings:

  • Access point name: mTS. or mTS-Internet
  • Username: mTS.
  • Password: mTS.
  • Proxy address: We leave empty
  • Proxy port: Let's leave empty
  • Type of network: IPv4.
  • Authentication Type: not or Pap
Click the checkbox to save the access point. Next, by long press, select the created access point, select in the "Activate" menu and restart the smartphone.

The Internet has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. To keep abreast of events and support stable online in popular communication systems and social networks to help high-speed mobile Internet MTS, which is available for all subscribers, both individuals and corporate subscribers (organizations).

Mobile TeleSystems Company is the leader in the Russian mobile market, which provides Internet access in high-quality channels of the 3G and 4G wireless communication channels. Telecommunication equipment is constantly updated to more advanced models, ensuring a more stable connection every year.

The area of \u200b\u200baction is distributed in almost all settlements of the Russian Federation with the active development of new areas for more comfortable use by all the advantages of MTS.

Even by traveling from one region to another, you can be confident in good signal and receiving speeds.

Mobile Internet service MTS

Essently popular among mobile subscribers and included as a basic option in most new and archival tariffs. To start using, you need to configure the smartphone or tablet computer.

The service implies the inclusion of access in a certain number of gigabytes of Internet traffic per day or month (depending on the tariff plan). MTS takes into account all the nuances and continually interacts with its customers, providing the possibility of improving the conditions and increase the number of gigabytes for an additional fee (Internet packages).

Helpful information: Network access should be securely protected to ensure loss of personal data, so it is recommended to install Kaspersky Security anti-virus software to your mobile device (free for MTS subscribers).

How to connect mobile internet on MTS

Pre-make sure that you set up cell information correctly:

  • APN -
  • Username - MTS
  • Password - MTS.

Depending on the requirements, you can use developments for tariffs without the Internet or connect unlimited using the following USD commands:

  • Internet-mini (on weekends to the cottage) - * 160 #
  • Internet-Maxi (for daily use) - * 161 #
  • Internet-VIP (for surf lovers) - * 166 #
  • Unlimited "Fullhood" - * 345 #
  • "YouTube" option - * 678 #
  • Internet at high speed up to 4 Mbps - connects to the service Personal Cabinet MTS.

Important: Before activating one of the above options, familiarize yourself with the detailed description and cost below. If you have questions, call the support service operator by 0890.

How to disable mobile internet on MTS

The disabling process is simple, there are several proven methods:

  • Application. Download and install from the official Google, Apple or Windows repository on your phone. Open and go to the Main Menu section "Internet". Select any other tariff and go to it, the old will turn off automatically.
  • Fully disable the Internet will help your MTS personal account. Go to the operator using the username and password, then find the section "Services" - "All connected services". Opposite the desired option, click on the "Disable" icon.

How to extend access

It often happens that traffic is spent before the thirty-day service life of the service. In such situations, you can apply additional Internet packages and the most attractive solution is a turbo button from MTS.

You can connect from 100 megabytes per day to 20 gigabytes of traffic per month:

  • 100 MB - 30 rubles per day.
  • 500 MB - 95 r. / Month
  • 1000 MB - 175 r. / Month
  • 2000 MB - 250 r. / Month
  • 5000 MB - 350 r. / Month
  • 20000 MB - 500 p. / ME
  • +3 GB (300 r.) - Activation by the command * 111 * 1417 * 1 #
  • +5 GB (400 p.) - Connect to a set of combination * 111 * 1517 * 1 #
  • + 10 GB (500 p.) - Dial USSD request * 111 * 1517 * 1 # to enable traffic
  • + 20 GB (600 r.) - Press * 111 * 1517 * 1 # keys and call button

The peculiarity is an additional increase in traffic in accordance with the connected option. Payment is removed over the whole month immediately after activation, and for the next time on daily tariffing.

Attention! The service "+" works not with all tariff plans and when changing TP is turned off automatically.


The speed of the mobile Internet corresponds to the declared characteristics of the tariff plan and may depend on the relief. For example, in the mountainous area, the signal quality can leave the best and without a special amplifier, to fully use the Internet will be difficult.

In the villages, cities and in the way the data transfer rate will correspond to the characteristics with minor deviations, both in the greater and smaller side.

Check the quality of the signal and the speed in the megabit / second can be on a specialized service called and in Appendix "":

  • Speedtest is a free project, to go to which you can from any type of device - smartphone, tablet and computer. Select a point on the map (server) from which you want to check the speed and click on the "Check SPED" button. Within a few minutes, the result will be displayed on the load and return of the content at a distance in MB / S.
  • Run the application and on the Internet - My tab, click on "Check Speed".


Almost everyone supports and have included in the "Basic", Mobile Internet service.


The tariff is designed for active users of the YouTube media service. After activation, you will be able to watch clips, movies and other programs online. There is an option 399 rubles for the month of use.

Internet 4 megabita per second

The service will cost 750 rubles per month. This is the most optimal solution, the so-called optimal unlimited on everything in the presence of a branded modem or router that can be bought in the MTS store directly from the site with delivery to the house.

Tariff of all

Ideal for all socially active users. No charge restrictions on WhatsApp, VKontakte, Instagram and other sites.

Internet mini.

The basic solution is suitable for those who have a little time spent on watching video and other "heavy" content. A good option for basic actions like checking email or text communication with relatives and loved ones. Included 7 gigabytes of traffic for a month for 500 rubles.

Internet Maxi.

For 800 rubles you will receive 15 gigabytes during the daytime and the lack of restrictions at night. In addition, you can use a discount of 30% for MTS TV service.

The Internet-VIP.

The subscription fee is equal to 1200 rubles per month, this amount includes 30 gigabytes of traffic during the day and full unlimited at night. As in the previous version, you can get a 50% discount on MTS TV.

Setup and additional features

To find out how to configure MTS mobile Internet in more detail and connect additional options, you must execute the following instructions:

  • Open the settings on your mobile device.
  • Go to the "Cellular Communication" section.
  • Select "Data Settings" - "Cell data network".
  • Enter APN access point -
  • Username and password Small letters - MTS.
  • Turn off the phone for 2-5 minutes and turn on.
  • Run the browser and try to visit the official website of MTS.

At properly executed steps, you can use the Internet immediately after registering the SIM card on the network after restarting the device.


It is worth noting the fact that today the cost of MTS mobile Internet is one of the most profitable in Russia and presented in different variations depending on the purpose of use. Everyone can find optimal traffic and price package for connecting.

And other countries, making mobile services in Belarus, providing subscribers a large selection of tariff plans that I will consider in the material.

MTS Belarus cool operator?

Yes, super!No I do not like!

Actual version. Information Updated July 4, 2019

Tariffs and services of MTS in Belarus (2019)

On the territory of Belarus MTS proposes the following list of tariff plans to subscribers:

  • For smartphones "Super Games", "Super Max", "Super 8", "Super" and "4G Light", "Ultra", "Absolut".
  • Tariff for the internet "Internet".
  • Tariff for conversations "Easy to say"
  • Special tariffs: for children "Children", for the pensioners "close", for the veterans of the Victory Word, and "special" for people with disabilities.

Comparison of MTS Tariffs Belarus for Smartphones (Summary Table)

"Super games" "Super Max" "Super 8" "Super" "4G Light" "ULTRA" "Absolute" "Easy to say"
Subscription fee (Belarusian rubles per month) 34,00 22,90 17,70 10,40 6,50 52,98 143,41 0,64
Not? 5,00 55,00 145,00 Not?
Incoming calls Free, unlimited
Unlimited 400 200 250 1000 minutes (including 100 minutes for calls abroad) unlimited on all calls to Belarus, plus 200 minutes for calls abroad The first 3 minutes per day at 0.0838, from the 4th minute 0.0298
Calls to other RB numbers Unlimited 0.1147 per minute 0,1203 per minute 0.1684 per minute
Internet traffic 15 GB 8 GB 1 GB. 500 MB. 10 GB Unlimited. 50 MB.
Unlimited social networks Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, OK Live Not Yes Not
Unlimited messengers Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, Snapchat, FB Messenger Not Yes Not
Unlimited on YouTube. Yes Not Yes Not
SMS in package 50 0,0595 for 1 message 0,0465 for 1 SMS 1000 Unlimited Not
MTS Music
MTS TV. the traffic is unlimited, the service is paid separately

Tariff "Internet" MTS Belarus (Summary Table)

The TP "Internet" without a subscription fee itself, but any of the options from the table should be activated to obtain traffic on the tariff.

"Internet mini" "Internet MIDI" "Internet Maxi" "BIT" "Superbit" "Unlimited VIP"
8,71 11,35 15,55 9,30 17,45 31,10
The volume of Internet traffic at unlimited speed 10 GB / month. 20 GB / month. 30 GB / month. 250 MB / day 500 MB / day 1 GB / day
After completing the package Need to "buy" traffic Unlimited at a speed of 256 kbps / seconds until the end of the current day
Team for connecting *534# *535# *536# *741# *742# *743#
Team for disconnection 534*0# *535*0# *536*0# *741*0# *742*0# *743*0#

Special tariffs MTS Belarus

"Victory" "Close" "Children's" "Special"
Subscription fee (per month rubles) 1,00 0,64 1,15 1,19
Advance payment (Belarusian rubles) 1,00 0,30 5,00 0,30
Tariff tariffs Veterans of the Great Pensioners Children Disabled
Incoming calls Free, unlimited
Calls to MTS inside the network (minutes) Unlimited 20 minutes a month., From 21 to 50 minutes by 0.0082 rubles / min., Further

0,0357 rub. / Minute

0,09 руб. / Minute 0,0115 rub. / Minute
Calls to other RB numbers 0,0357 rub. / Minute 0,1380 rub. / Minute 0,0717 rub. / Minute
Calls abroad 10 min / month. for add. fee
SMS in RB. 0,035 rubles / Message
Internet traffic 100 MB. Not 50 MB. 50 MB.
Features 1 "Favorite Number": Outgoing at 0.0082 rubles / minute 2 "Favorite numbers": Outgoing on 0.0629 rubles / minute 1 "Favorite Number": Outgoing at $ 0,0069 / minute

Useful teams MTS Belarus

  • How to quickly contact the MTS operator in Belarus.
  • Check your tariff MTS subscribers in Belarus can via a USSD team *111*12# .
  • By team *100# You can find your account balance.
  • See 5 latest paid actions fashionable on request. *145#.
  • Learn your phone number - *111*10#.
  • View list of connected services - Team *111*11#.
  • USSD command to activate the "promised payment": *111*31# or * 113 * Amount #.

MTS roaming in Belarus is interested in many people. Before the trip, you should familiarize yourself with the basic conditions and connect. What tariffs are currently valid?

Before the trip, it is necessary to clarify whether the roaming is connected. There are several ways to get information:

  1. Go to your personal account. Follow the section with the Services and learn the list.
  2. Use the application. The program can quickly learn the parameters of interest.
  3. Call the contact center. Specialist clarify information on account.

How can I connect roaming? Methods:

  • Through a request.
  • In a personal account.
  • In the contact center.
  • In the office.

Activation in the office

You can connect in the office. You need to go to the MTS website or in the app with maps, find the nearest salon. Immediately specify the work schedule.

Come to the office and contact a specialist. It will check the availability of the service and performs activation. But the procedure takes a lot of time, so this option is not popular among subscribers.

In the contact center

You can use the help of the support service. Need to:

  1. Dial number 0890.
  2. In the Select switching item to a specialist.
  3. Wait on line for a few minutes.
  4. After the connection, ask to activate roaming.
  5. The operator will connect the service.

Minus - often the joint venture is loaded and have to wait a long time. Therefore, it is better to activate the service yourself.


The request is a popular way to control the score. Teams are used by subscribers for many years. They allow you to quickly connect and disable services, change tariffs.

To activate the roaming options, you must enter the * 111 * 2192 # command. Press the call key. The phone will receive a message with a report on the results of the query.

Personal Area

LC is a convenient method for account control. You can go to your personal account not only from the computer, but also from the smartphone. It completely replaces requests, it is possible to avoid contacting the support service.

How to activate roaming service?

  • Go to the portal
  • Specify the username and password.
  • After authorization, the main page will appear.
  • Open a section with services.
  • Find the relevant.
  • Spend activation.

MTS roaming in Belarus: Cost

If interested in MTS roaming in Belarus, the tariffs are as follows:

  1. Incoming calls - 70 p.
  2. Outgoing - 70 p.
  3. Calls around the host country - 70 p.
  4. SMS - 10 rubles.

Additionally, there is a "zero without boundaries" service. How does it affect the cost?

  • There are 10 minutes of incoming calls per day.
  • After the end of the package, their cost will be 25 p.
  • The first minute of the call to Russia - 70 p.
  • From the second to the fifth - 25 rubles.
  • With the sixth - 70.
  • Subscription fee per day - 95 rubles.

It is possible to take up to 10 minutes of calls a day for free. The subscription fee fully pays off, you can save money on communicating in roaming. At the same time, for the caller, tariffing occurs according to its standard conditions.

Roaming MTS in Belarus: Tariffs

Belarus manages to use the Internet. Standard tariff - 10 p for 40 KB. But you can activate the "Bit abroad" option. Its description:

  • The limit of consumed traffic is not limited in Belarus.
  • For a number of states, conditions may change.
  • The cost of the option is 450 rubles per day.

Of course, the service is very expensive. But in fact, unlimited mobile Internet can replace calls in roaming. It is possible to make calls through various applications - Skype, messengers, exchange audio messages, communicate in social networks. Therefore, the option is able to even save the subscriber's tools.

SMS package

Few people now enjoy SMS. But if text messages are needed, the operator is ready to offer two options:

  1. Package of 50 sms in Europe. Cost - 250 p.
  2. 100 posts for Europe for 350 p.

How to save in touch during a trip?

Roaming tariffs are not the most profitable. Many customers want to save money and get attractive conditions. How to do it?

Operator MTS Belarus has special programs for guests of the Republic of Belarus. For them, the costs of subscribers will be significantly lower. What options are offered?

  1. Guest 7.
  2. Guest 30.

Attention! According to the plans from the operator MTS Belarus, all prices are indicated in Belarusian rubles.

The approximate course is 30 Russian rubles for 1 Belarusian. You can find out the actual data on the Yandex website.

Basic conditions

For people who came to the Republic of Belarus to the short period, the Guest Plan 7 is offered. Conditions:

  • 1 GB of traffic per week is provided.
  • Call challenges to RB - 0.07 p.
  • For one message - 0.0545 p.
  • Calls to MTS Russia numbers - 0.3920 p.
  • On other operators of the Russian Federation - 0.4685 p.
  • Subscription fee - 6 r per week.

For customers who plan for a long time to stay in Belarus, guests are offered "Guest 30". Main settings:

  1. There are 2 GB of traffic for the first month.
  2. For the second period of 30 days - 1 GB.
  3. 1000 minutes are provided within the network.
  4. After their exhaustion, the cost of calls will be 0.005 p.
  5. On other RB numbers - 0.076 r.
  6. SMS - 0.0545 p.
  7. On the number of MTS Russia - 0.3920 p.
  8. On other operators - 0.4685 p.
  9. Cost - 13.08 p for 30 days.

Initially, plans were created to communicate guests with other subscribers in the Republic of Belarus. But they are well suited for calls to Russia. Call cost is significantly lower than roaming.

Additionally, Internet traffic is provided. You can go to social networks and messengers, communicate with friends and relatives.

Traffic is included in the package, you can not buy it separately.

How to connect to guest plans?


  • After placing, read the map on the official website of the operator.
  • Find the nearest office.
  • Visit it personally.
  • Tell your employee that you want to connect to the guest program.
  • Give a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • The specialist will make data to the database and give a SIM card.
  • You will remain activate it.


Round tariffs in the Republic of Belarus for subscribers from Russia are very expensive. You have to lay out a large amount for communication services. Therefore, it is better not to use your SIM card during the trip.

It is easier to spend about an hour and visit the MTS salon after placement. You will be given a new number and guest program. According to it, the cost of calls in the Republic of Belarus and in the Russian Federation is significantly lower.

There are Internet traffic in the package. The subscription fee is also small, it is possible to save on communication services. The Belarusian operator has the "My MTS" application. It is enough to change the SIM card, the program is invited to find out the balance, balance of packages, to control the score.