Why does the iPhone work without sound. Lost sound on iPhone - when making a call, playing music

If you are a happy owner of an iPhone, then you probably noticed that you use its functions on a daily basis. Now imagine for a second that the sound on your iPhone is not working. Unpleasant and uncomfortable, isn't it?

Such a misfortune can happen for a variety of reasons. It is the reasons for the loss of sound and their solutions that we will consider today.

By the way, the sound can disappear both in the phone itself and in the headphones. The problems are essentially similar, but at the same time, from the technical point of view, they are completely different.

Increase the volume

If this is your first time using a smartphone, then you probably don't know yet that the volume buttons are on the end. Just press the top button, it is responsible for adding sound. This is the easiest option.

Photo: volume up and vibration buttons

It should also be borne in mind that the volume for standard speakers and headphones is adjusted separately. Also, headphones can only be configured when connected to a device. If not, then you are adjusting the volume of the phone.

It often happens that the headphones have already been taken out of the phone, but it still shows that they are connected. Try cleaning the socket gently, this should fix the problem.

Photo: headphone volume control

Reboot your device

If increasing the volume with the button did not help, then something is wrong. First of all, restart your phone, and then check the sound first of the native speakers, and then in the headphones.

Photo: phone on / off / reset button

Headset jack problem

If the sound on the iPhone works only in the headphones, then there is a problem with the connector. Clean it up, look inside. Be sure to inspect for mechanical damage.

The main signs that there are problems with the mini jack (3.5) connector (headphones with the following parameters must be disconnected):

Sound control IC

Inside the iPhone, there are only two microcircuits that are responsible for sound. It:

  1. audio codec;

They can be damaged both when water gets inside the case, and when it is severely hit. In case of damage, you just need to replace it, there are no other solutions. By the way, if the above microcircuits do not work, then the sound when you call will not work.

Mechanical deformation

In case of mechanical damage to the phone, there is a high probability that either the speakers or the sound control microcircuits will fail. In both the first and second cases, it is better not to try to solve the problem yourself, since you most likely will not be able to disassemble the iPhone correctly the first time. Damage something, and repairs will cost several times more.

Moisture ingress

Moisture getting inside the phone is unpleasant. Both certain functions and the phone in general may fail. The same goes for sound.

As soon as the phone is taken out of a humid environment, you must immediately do the following simple steps:

  1. de-energize the device;
  2. remove residual moisture.

The main problem is to de-energize.

Photo: iPhone board after falling into water

The fact is that the owners of Apple smartphones do not have direct access to the battery, therefore, in order to pull it out, you will have to disassemble almost half of the phone. If you do not have the skills to disassemble Apple equipment, then it is better not to try, immediately take the phone to a service center. Do not turn it on under any circumstances!

What to do in no case:

  • dry the phone on the radiator of the heating battery;
  • check the phone for performance after self-drying;
  • put the device in a container with rice. This is a myth, rice will not help you in any way.

Video: Sound Problem

Speaker grill is clogged

If the sound still works, but not correctly, or the sound quality has significantly deteriorated, it has become much worse to hear, you should make sure that the speakers are not blocked by anything. For example, a cheap case that is improperly made may partially cover the speakers.

Photo: cleaning iPhone speaker grilles from dust

The purity of the protective mesh also plays an important role in the sound quality. If you notice that the grill is heavily soiled, take a soft brush and brush it lightly.

This cleans up both the speakers and the microphone. To check the functionality, we advise you to record your voice on a dictaphone, and then listen to the recording. If the sound is clear, then everything is fine, but if not, if the recording is intermittent, then either you didn't clean it well, or it's time to take the phone to the service center. If you do not even hear the ringing tone, the speaker is most likely broken.

If the sound disappeared for no reason, then the problem is software, and, most likely, it will be solved after a reboot. If the problems with the speakers began after the smartphone got into the water, mechanical damage, then you have to carry the device to the SC, the problem is 100% hardware.

The popularity of the iPhone today is undeniable. The smartphone has long ceased to be just a mobile phone with which people communicate.

Today, the iPhone is a multifunctional device that includes watching movies, listening to music, the ability to take videos and photos.

The owner of the iPhone uses certain functions of the phone every day, and if he is faced with such a problem as "there is no sound in the iPhone" or "there is no sound in the iPhone", then this can significantly complicate his life. This malfunction can appear for many reasons, including mechanical damage, contact with water, accumulated dust and dirt.

So, what to do if sound disappears in Iphone?

In the vast majority of cases, the owner of a mobile phone encounters this problem after using headphones. The sound disappeared because the phone thinks the headphones are still connected to the unit. To fix this problem, you need to plug and unplug the headphones again, and the problem will disappear.

Also, on iPhone, the sound may disappear after installing an application. If the disappearance of sound is related to this, uninstall the program and restart the device.

If the sound cuts out due to dust or dirt getting into the speaker, you will need to clean it. Use a small brush and very carefully and carefully remove the dust from the speaker, while not damaging other elements of the phone.

One of the reasons for the disappearance of sound may be the "mute" mode on the iPhone. Go to settings and switch the mode, and the sound should appear.

If you are sure that none of your actions could cause the sound to disappear, try turning the device off and on, and finally, if none of the above steps helped, update the phone's firmware.

None of the operations you performed helped? In this case, you will need professional help. Take your mobile device to a service center, and specialists will fix the problem as soon as possible.

The loss of sound on your beloved iPhone can shock any owner. But do not panic prematurely: calm down, try to independently determine the cause of the disappearance of the sound and try to restore the normal operation of the "apple" gadget.

Surely you have already checked the volume level and sound performance in various applications - from calls to all kinds of media players, so there are no recommendations on this matter. Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the description of problems that can be solved independently without the need to contact a service center.

Why can sound disappear on iPhone?

Most often, the iPhone ceases to delight its owner with delightful songs and sounds for the following reasons:

As a result of severe clogging of the speakers / headphone jack. This is especially true for people who carry their phone in their pocket or elsewhere without using a protective case. After a certain time of operation in such conditions, the speakers and connectors are clogged with small debris, which does not in the best way affect the functioning of the device;

Due to software glitch. Sound may disappear due to software glitch. In this case, you need to reflash the iPhone (if your iOS version is outdated and the system has suggested updating for a long time, do it);
due to broken speakers / connectors. If you do not have the skills to repair mobile phones, you will have to contact a specialized service center. Self-intervention without knowledge of the case can lead to more significant problems.

Checking the status of speakers and connectors
Take your iPhone, and examine the status of the existing inputs and speakers. Use a suitable non-metallic object to remove any detected contamination. Be careful not to damage the contacts. Alternatively, you can take a straightened paperclip and wrap it in cotton wool or a thin cloth. If there is no sound, the problem is either in the software or in the functionality of the components.

To avoid this problem in the future, carry your iPhone with a case.

IPhone Flashing Instructions

Before running to the service center, try reflashing your iPhone and assessing the changes. First of all, you need to get the firmware itself. This can be done on the wonderful site http://www.getios.com.
Here you need to select the device, model and required firmware version, and then click the "Download" button.

After waiting for the firmware file to download, do the following:
connect your phone to your laptop / computer using a USB cable;
turn on iTunes on your computer / laptop;
study the program menu. A side menu should be present. If not, press CTRL + S. In the section that appears, select your iPhone;
click "Browse", find the "Update" button in the tab that opens. Next, you need to hold down Shift and, while continuing to hold this button, left-click on "Browse";
a window will appear. Select the previously downloaded firmware file in it.

Then iTunes will do everything on its own. After completing the flashing, check if there is sound. If the problem persists, contact a specialized service center for professional diagnostics and appropriate repair measures.

If suddenly your iPhone stops playing sound, then there may be two main common reasons: mechanical damage or software failure.

With the first case, you will have to contact the service center, but in the second, the owner of the iPhone will be able to completely eliminate this problem on his own.

Before you are all possible actions that you can do yourself if the sound is lost on the iPhone.

Software glitches

If the sound disappeared for no reason, the easiest thing to do is to restart your phone. And then the actions are a little more complicated. The first step is to carry out a small diagnosis.

Check if there is sound:

  • with an incoming call (receiving an SMS message);
  • when playing music;
  • in applications (games);
  • in headphones.

If the sound partially disappears or does not play in only one case (in games), but at the same time it goes to the connected headphones, then this is a software failure, which you will not be difficult to solve.

It happens that due to a failure, the phone thinks that the headset is still connected, so it does not send sound to the speaker

Just plug in and pull out the earbuds several times. Sometimes it helps.

If this option did not help, then:

  1. Run any application.
  2. Plug in your headphones.
  3. Turn up the volume.
  4. Unplug the headset at the same time.

The sound should now appear in all applications.

If that doesn't work, try resetting your settings to factory defaults. This is done like this:

  • Go to settings on your iPhone.
Select "Basic" settings Find the item "Reset all settings" in the list Confirm your intention
  • Reboot your phone.

Now check for sound.

Better not try to solve the problem by disassembling the phone and poking around in its "insides", so you can only aggravate the situation.

Sound disappeared after falling

It is unlikely that you will be able to do in this case on your own, since you may need to re-solder or replace any small part.

When hitting a hard surface, for example, on the floor, a sharp shake of the device occurs and, as a result, the contacts on the microcircuits are displaced

Headphone jack problem

Now for something more complicated.

Due to long-term use, the headphone jack can become clogged, dusty, so it will not be superfluous to clean this hole.

For this we need a match or a toothpick and a piece of cotton wool.

Most importantly, do not use metal wire, it can scratch the fragile contacts inside.

  1. Wrap the end of the stick tightly with cotton wool.
  2. Pluck cotton wool so that fine hairs do not stick out in all directions.
  3. Gently push the cotton swab into the inside.
  4. Move the stick slowly from side to side along the walls of the nest.
  5. Also, take your time, remove the stick from the nest.

If you have had a phone for a long time, you will see dust and fine dirt accumulated on the cotton wool.

If water gets into the headset jack or you dropped your phone in the snow, then it's better to hold the cotton swab inside the jack for a while. Twenty minutes is enough, during this time the cotton wool will absorb all the moisture and the nest will become dry, as it should be.

None of the above helped? Then, most likely, the problem lies inside the iPhone - in the "hardware" itself. And here, alas, one cannot do without the hands of a specialist.

These were the most common reasons for the loss of sound on an iPhone, before taking your phone to a service center, you can try to fix the situation yourself, based on this article.

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There are many reasons iPhone may freeze in headset mode and stop playing sounds from the external speaker. In most cases, dirt or moisture getting into the 3.5mm jack is to blame, but sometimes there is a software error. In this manual, we have analyzed all the most effective ways to solve this problem, regardless of what caused it.

Note: The solutions to the problem are arranged in order of their effectiveness. Go from the first method to the last one and one of them will definitely help.

Method 1: clean the 3.5mm jack

The most common cause of iPhone locked in headset mode is dust or dirt that gets into the 3.5mm jack. The solution in this case is the simplest cleaning of the connector with any thin object, for example, a needle or a toothpick.

There is no specific cleaning technique. For 10-15 seconds, carefully move the needle / toothpick in a circle around the inside of the 3.5mm jack and then blow it out. If there is no result, cleaning the 3.5mm jack with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol may help. In addition, you should try to clean the connector with a rolled cloth.

Method 2: clean the power connector

Cleaning the power connector in the same way can solve the problem. The method is the same - a cotton swab / needle / toothpick is moistened with alcohol and with its help the power connector is cleaned, be it an old 30-pin connector, or Lighting. Please note that it is necessary to wipe the connector thoroughly.

Method 3. Put iPhone in the cold for a couple of minutes

This advice sounds like some kind of cruel joke, considering how negative the cold is. affects iPhone, but the method really works, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. An iPhone stuck in headset mode should be placed in a cold place for 2-3 minutes (no more). In winter, in this case, a balcony or just an exit to the street is suitable, in the warm season - a refrigerator.

Method 4. Blow out the 3.5mm jack with a hair dryer

Blowing out the 3.5mm jack with a hairdryer can help solve the problem. As with previous cases, there is no specific purge technique. One thing to remember is that prolonged hot air blowing can be detrimental to the iPhone battery.

Method 5. Reconnecting the charging cable / earphones

Another method based on cleaning the charging connector and audio output. Even the needle is not able to reach the hard-to-reach places of the connectors, but the connectors fill the entire connector, as a result - maximum cleaning takes place. The principle of operation is extremely simple: follow forced reboot iPhone, and after about 10-15 times, connect the charging cable and headphones to the corresponding connectors.

Method 6. Connect a Bluetooth headset / speaker

It also happens that the iPhone freezes in headset mode due to a software error. They usually happen after installing a new version of iOS. In this case, connecting a wireless headset or speaker and then disconnecting the headphones helps out. The principle of action is as follows:

Step 1. Connect headphones to iPhone.

Step 2. Connect a Bluetooth headset / speaker to the iPhone in order to output sound to it.

Step 3. Unplug your headphones.

Step 4. Disconnect the wireless device.

Immediately after that, you can check if the sound has returned to the speaker of your iPhone.

Method 7. Force restart with headphones on

Also, a forced restart of the iPhone with headphones inserted into the 3.5 mm jack can fix the software problem. To perform a "hard" restart, you must hold down the Home and Power buttons and hold them until the Apple logo appears on the screen.