Looking for an interlocutor to communicate in Russian. How to find friends on the Internet: ways to meet and communicate on the Web

- Five reasons to make new friends
— The art of communication
- 3 easy ways to make new friends
— 7 sites that will help you find people by interests
— Psychologist's advice
- Conclusion

Old friends are great! But there are several reasons why you should expand your social circle and find new friends (of course, without parting with old ones):

1) New people in your life open up new opportunities, both physical and spiritual, personal. They push you to new ideas, hobbies and interests.

3) With new friends it is permissible to start a lot from scratch.

4) Each new friend is a new social circle, and, as a result, an opportunity to find even more new friends, and, therefore, new opportunities.

5) Communication with new people is usually more difficult than with old acquaintances. This forces you to leave your comfort zone for a while, and while this may not seem like the best effect, it will pay big dividends later on. After all, as you know, a person actively develops only when he goes through something new and unusual.

— The art of communication

There are people who are born with the gift of communication. It is easy for them to find a common language even with strangers. But most of us are not endowed with this skill. They cannot “squeeze” words out of themselves in the presence of strangers. Therefore, learn to charm others.

There are several principles of communication that will not cause a negative reaction from the interlocutor. You should:

1) Be neatly dressed;
2) Smell good (especially bad breath);
3) Do not tell deliberate lies, gossip and nonsense;
4) Attentively, without interrupting, listen to the interlocutor.

If you see a person in front of you that you are interested in, insist on continuing your communication. If you understand that he is the one who will give you more knowledge in the area that is important to you, do not miss the opportunity to get it. If you are interested in a person as a partner for going to the gym, cinema, swimming pool or cafe, take the first step yourself - invite! Maybe today he will refuse, but he will definitely consider your offer and find free time.

Learn the art of conversation, and you will always easily join any company. There is nothing wrong with communication. Ask questions, be sincerely interested in the conversation with the interlocutor, without being distracted by anything else. If you are communicating with a stranger, then mention your name several times and, possibly, other important information that he will remember and later associate with you. And in any conversation, try to get the contacts of the interlocutor - phone, ICQ, e-mail, anything else, in order to be able to continue communication in the future.

Use every opportunity to expand your circle of acquaintances. If you came to a party, then do not limit yourself to communicating only with your company. Approach someone, introduce yourself, strike up a conversation, even if it’s “about the weather.” Be a sincere storyteller and an attentive listener, and this conversation can be the first step towards a further strong friendship.

- 3 easy ways to make new friends

1) Clubs and organizations of interest.
Look for friends in places where your interests converge. Exhibitions, fitness clubs, skating rinks, museums, clubs and circles. Lots of options. The main thing is to find what is exciting for you to find people with similar interests.

2) Neighbors.
How often do you communicate with those people who live near you? In most cases, you have not exchanged two words with them over the years of your life in the same entrance. This is unfortunate, because it is the neighbor who can become your companion and friend. After all, if you find common interests with friends, it may turn out that this friendship will last a lifetime. And what could be better than seeing a bosom friend every day? It will be easier for you to communicate, you do not need to explain to the household where and for how long you are going, a friend will always be there, and common interests.

3) Social networks.
On the Internet, you can quickly find friends by interests. It is easier for a person to communicate with a virtual interlocutor than to talk in reality. It's bad, but that's the way it is in the modern world with communication between people.

So, you have found a group on social networks or on forums where you communicate with those who are interested in what you are curious about. If you have been discussing various topics for a long time, then you should single out for yourself two or three people whose answers you look forward to with particular impatience. If you haven't found it yet, you will definitely find it.

Write a letter to these people in personal contacts. Don't push or make it difficult, let them know that you're interested in talking to them. As a rule, the majority agree to continue talking on topics of interest to both sides in PM. After some time, try to translate virtual communication into a real one. If everything works out, then you will find common interests and a friend. However, remember that the first meetings are preferably held in crowded places. This will help you overcome embarrassment.

— 7 sites that will help you find people by interests

Here is an overview of six sites and apps that will help you meet new friends with similar interests.

1) Meetup (iOS & Android).
The service is able to search for groups of like-minded people at a distance of five miles from the current location. To do this, you can use any of the service categories or set your own search conditions.

Registration in the service and connection to any of the existing groups in Meetup is free, but for the right to create your own group, you will need to pay the so-called "organization" fee.

In addition, the group organizer may ask his team members to share the costs of the service by paying something like a membership fee or providing financial support to the group.

This means that users of the service may be faced with offers to pay a fee or donate to groups of interest to them. However, Meetup provides a "trial period" during which you can use it for free.

2) Groupspaces (Web).
The Groupspaces website is a platform for finding and communicating with more diverse groups of people. So, on the site you can find non-profit organizations, churches and university clubs. Joining a group entitles you to access files, photos, newsletters shared by its members, as well as information about events occurring within this group.

Groupspaces allows you to search for groups of people in your area using a search category or a keyword of your choice.

The free account allows you to become a member of two groups with a total of 50 members and get access to 250 MB of disk space for storing files. Group members may be asked to pay monthly fees.

3) MEETin (Web).
MEETin invites its users to "make friends in the real world". It was created by volunteers and is currently completely free.

MEETin is inferior to Meetup and Groupspaces in terms of features, but it is very easy to find the city you need on it using an alphabetical list. Each city's tab contains information about upcoming events, photos from recent events, and a bulletin board.

To create a bookmark for your city, if it does not already exist, you need to send an email request to the administration of the MEETin site to create such a page.

MEETin will help you meet new people in your city, whether you've just moved or just want to diversify your social life.

4) Smacktive (iOS & Android).
This mobile application is aimed at fans of sports and an active lifestyle. Smacktive helps you meet people you can go to the gym with or find a partner to play tennis with.

Based on the idea that exercising is better in the company of someone, the main goal of Smacktive is to offer communication and record training.
Smacktive also provides information on the number of its users who are currently nearby, as well as events that you can participate in.

5) WeGoDo (iOS).
WeGoDo allows you to find and meet people with the same hobbies. People are searched according to their interests by app category, such as Urban Exploring, Mountain Biking, or even just Dogs.

The service differs from Meetup and other similar applications in that it is a kind of social network that provides the ability to share photos, leave comments and communicate with other users. WeGoDo also includes a news feed of local deals and recommendations.

6) ONE (iOS).
ONE is an application for students. It allows you to create an account in which you can specify a list of your interests. ONE will notify you if someone who shares these interests is nearby. The application only searches the database of college students. Profiles in the public domain posted photos of users, which also simplifies the search.

7) Limpa: an interest club.
A cozy social network for dating, complete with horoscopes, polls and other useful little things. Users are attracted to Limpa by the opportunity to join an interest club and meet a person who is interested in something unusual. There are a lot of clubs and everyone can create their own. The site often holds meetings "in real life", access to them is allowed only to registered users.

1) Don't sit on the sidelines.
It is more difficult for an introvert to make new acquaintances, because it is unlikely that someone will pull his hand for a good time. Join the companies yourself!

2) Take everything from life!
A bright person who is not afraid to receive new emotions is always interesting to society.

3) Don't refuse help.
Grateful people are good friends. The only thing is, don't let yourself be taken advantage of.

4) Don't be demanding.
Remember: no one owes you anything! Nowhere and never.

5) Get yourself a dog.
This is the most devoted friend who will never leave you! It is clear that she will not be able to replace your interlocutor, but with the help of her you will find new acquaintances with other dog lovers walking their pets.

- Conclusion

Even the most closed person has his own circle of acquaintances, whether they are relatives or just neighbors. The world is huge and to find in it someone who is interested in the same things as you, after the advent of the Internet, it has become quite simple even for the most anti-social people.

The virtual network is full of programs that allow you to find like-minded people with just a couple of mouse clicks. And after a while, you can transfer the acquaintance to closer communication by scheduling a personal meeting.

Our friends can make us both better and vice versa. So choose them carefully. Friends are those who support and help without asking for anything in return. They will sincerely rejoice at your success and will always lend a helping hand if necessary.

But do not forget that the world begins with you. Become the way you want to see others, and new acquaintances will not keep you waiting.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Hot topics. Finding an interlocutor in the modern world is quite difficult, but if you know some secrets, then nothing will be impossible. Being at parties, you can easily talk to any person, starting a conversation on some topical topic, he himself will not understand how he will be drawn into the conversation, during which you should ask more questions and listen carefully to the interlocutor, nodding his head in the affirmative.

Public places. When thinking about how to find a companion of interest, you should go to public places, for example, to a museum or an exhibition, where you can meet many people and find common topics for conversation. And after the exhibition, you can exchange phones and continue communication on topics of interest to both. And if the interlocutor invites home to see his collection, then all the more there is no need to refuse, so true friendship will grow out of mutual passion.

Social activity. Knowing how to talk to the interlocutor, you can capture his attention and have an interesting time, but first you need to meet him. Social activities will help with this, you can sign up as a volunteer in some charity organization, there you can find many people, among whom there are like-minded people. In addition, it will be very easy to talk to them, since there will be plenty of topics for conversations.

Debate Club. Many people think about how to be an interesting conversationalist, but for this you need to constantly communicate with people and increase your erudition. This issue can be resolved quite easily if you join a debate club. There you can talk enough and find yourself interesting interlocutors who will be happy to discuss popular topics. In the debate club it will be possible to find out how to win over the interlocutor, then it will certainly be impossible to be left without a company of friends. The knowledge gained during such verbal battles will help you become not only an interesting and erudite person, but also the soul of any company.

The ability to listen. In a conversation, it is important only to be able to speak interestingly and beautifully, but also to listen to your opponent, otherwise it will be very difficult to find an interlocutor. That is why it is so important to know how to listen to the interlocutor, and not to interrupt him in mid-sentence. The ideal option when conducting a conversation would be 60% listening and only 40% speaking, then you can pass for an intelligent person and a good conversationalist. To find an interlocutor of interest, you should constantly improve your erudition, be aware of the latest news and be sure to be able to listen to your opponent.

Slowly is a unique service for finding pen pals. The authors of the application deliberately abandoned instant messages in order to return the romance of communication through letters. You find an interlocutor with similar interests, write him a message in a few paragraphs, attach a stamp and send. Delivery time depends on how far the addressee is from you - it can be either a couple of hours or a day. You can also send photos, but their number is limited, and the speed of delivery also depends on the distance.

Social network for communication with foreigners and daily lessons on various topics. For membership in the community, you need to transfer 5 dollars to the project account every month. But there is also a seven-day free subscription for beginners. The site has chats, forums and blogs for communication in the selected language.

Convenient service and application for learning a foreign language. To use it, you only need a device with a camera and the Internet. Here you can meet both professional teachers and native speakers offering informal tutoring. Each user can be both a student and a teacher. More than 10 thousand tutors are available, and tuition is paid by the unit.

A resource for finding friends, pen pals and even travel companions around the world. You can select interlocutors in specific countries, communicate in forums, chat, or use private messages. The site is free and has tens of thousands of registered users from all over the world.

On this site you can find a partner for face-to-face or remote communication through private messages or chats. When searching, you should indicate the language you want to learn and the one you will teach the interlocutor, as well as which applications you would like to use.

More than 100 thousand people from 56 countries use Easy Language Exchange to find interlocutors who speak different languages. You can communicate with the community in an open forum, or only with selected people using private messages. In addition, this resource contains many courses for self-study.

7. Speaky

Speaky is a free social network that consists of just two elements: a list of profiles and a chat window. When filling out a profile, you choose which languages ​​you know and which you would like to learn, and the service itself selects the best candidates. You can communicate with both native speakers and those who are just learning it.

A site for finding interlocutors from the American Dickinson College. The Mixxer is aimed primarily at communicating via Skype, but also allows you to just chat. A useful bonus is free audio lessons on learning different languages ​​from consulates and leading universities.

9. Language Share

A simple and convenient service for finding interlocutors. Profiles are filtered by native and studied languages, gender and age. You can send messages to people you like: the service sends notifications by mail. If you wish, you have the right to look for a partner only in a certain country.

10. Tongue Out

An ambitious project with a design and structure reminiscent of Facebook in the late 2000s. There are not only profiles, but also forums, groups, collections of photos and videos. You can add users as friends, participate in discussions and write messages, including through the application.

11. Tandem

Stylish mobile service for finding native speakers. Finding someone to talk to is easy: Tandem is used by millions of people. You can even enlist the help of professional teachers and sign up for a private lesson. Training takes place both through chat and through audio and video calls.

12. HelloTalk

HelloTalk is a multifunctional application for learning languages ​​and communicating with native speakers. In the chat, you can exchange not only text messages, but also audio recordings, photos and videos. It is also possible to visually correct the interlocutor's mistakes in correspondence.


HiNative is a question and answer platform. You ask native speakers questions about their language, and they answer. You can also ask for feedback on your pronunciation and sentence structure. Owners of free accounts can listen and see answers only to their own questions, and those who have bought a premium version can also listen to questions from other users.

Isn't it wonderful that nowadays you can communicate limitlessly through the Internet? Our letters are not delivered to the addressee for several weeks or even months across the planet to talk about how our day went, today for this we just need to click the mouse.

Communication in the virtual world

Thanks to virtual communication, we can communicate with old friends who have gone abroad, with distant relatives, call up and correspond with classmates and classmates. Is it possible to find friends on the Internet who share our interests? Of course, all this is so simple, because there are virtual mail, instant messengers, social networks, chats and Skype. We do not languish in anticipation of a letter, but we can communicate endlessly via video link with each other every day. All this helps us to stay in touch with loved ones.

virtual friends

Communicating in social networks with our friends and relatives, we often stumble upon the pages of people from other cities, countries living several thousand kilometers away. Virtual communication, which has no boundaries and erases the distance, allows us to view their pages, follow their life on the Web and, of course, communicate and make friends.

Friendship on the Internet is romantic, mysterious and has many advantages, but the Internet cannot give us the opportunity to take our friend by the hand, hug him. Messengers and Skype are not omnipotent, but if you are a loyal friend who is willing to wait, one day you will be able to overcome the distance between you and experience the joy of meeting.

Finding new friends on the Internet is very easy, we will definitely tell you how to do it, as well as talk about the advantages and disadvantages of long-distance friendship, virtual communication etiquette and how to save friendship.

Pros of virtual friendship

Before you find friends on the Internet, you need to know that friendship at a distance requires endurance, patience. Let's talk about the benefits of virtual communication and friendship at a distance:

  • highlight as a plus the fact that virtual friendship is available, and there are no obligations between friends;
  • your friend does not care how you look, what you are wearing, whether you are overweight, because he communicates with you because he is interested;
  • you have no reason to envy, we are all equal on the Internet;
  • you can be frank with a virtual friend, he will not be able to use information about you as compromising evidence;
  • you can be anyone on the Internet, as well as be much more honest than in life;
  • if you do not want to communicate now or want to end the friendship, all this is solved with a couple of clicks.

Disadvantages of a friend at a distance

Alas, virtual friendship is not able to replace real friends. And sincere friendship is very rare on the Web. You both have to reach out and hold on to this friendship to endure the distance, the time.

There are as many downsides to virtual friendships as there are upsides:

  • you cannot be sure of the sincerity of your interlocutor;
  • if you do not communicate by phone or video, you have no guarantee that the person is who he claims to be;
  • it will be difficult for you to get good advice from a virtual friend, he does not know you in life;
  • your virtual friend will not be able to come and comfort you if there is a long distance between you.

But what if you have an online friend? Nothing, communicate, because it's great that you have found yourself an interesting interlocutor. The main thing is to be confident in this person and continue to maintain relationships. Perhaps one day you will have the opportunity to meet in person.

How to find friends on the Internet?

Well, we have already figured out what virtual communication is and what are the pros and cons of communicating with a person via the Internet. Now we have to find out how and where to find friends on the Internet. What sites, applications, platforms help people find each other? Perhaps we will be able to find a friend closer to you, and not several thousand kilometers away, and get rid of a few disadvantages.

Online communities

You probably have a page on a social network, it can be Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, as well as various instant messengers. These are all great, convenient places to find an old friend online or meet new people. To find a new person, you need to find groups, forums and chats that bring together people with the same interests. All you need is an unobtrusive offer to get acquainted. There is nothing to be ashamed of on the Internet.

If you are looking for new acquaintances in your city, then you can search for groups whose main theme is your city. Usually such groups have names: "Typical Smolensk", "Overheard in Irkutsk". There are groups created to search for each other, for dating, search by name: “Looking for you in Minsk” or “Dating in Lviv”. There you can communicate with fellow countrymen and, if you make friends, it will not be difficult for you to meet.

After opening the group, read the posts of other people, view the comments, or leave some information about yourself. People who are bored and want to get to know you will definitely write to you.

If you live in a big city, for example, in the capital, then, having found a group of your interests (computer games, hunting, needlework), you can open a search by participants and select your city. The main thing is that your city is large, and the group is popular.

Gatherings and meetings

If you are still looking for a friend by interests, then in popular groups, for example, in the fandoms of musical groups and TV shows, meetings are held, mass meetings of guys who want to get acquainted with the same as they are, for example, fans of the Supernatural series. Most often, meetings are scheduled in the city center, in squares, at shopping centers, at sights where there are a lot of people. These places are safe for meetings and are chosen due to the large number of walkers.

Some groups create separate forums, discussions, joint chats and conversations so that people get to know each other. It's convenient, leave your request. Perhaps you can find a friend from your city, or maybe one who lives across the street.

Dating sites and apps

On the Internet, you can find many sites that allow you to look for each other. Dating sites Tabor, Badoo, Tinder are focused specifically on meeting new people. Such sites are divided into several categories and each of them has its own filters. On any of them, you can indicate the purpose of your acquaintance: romantic relationships, friendship, one-time meetings.

The most popular and very convenient application for this is Tinder. This largest service, operating all over the world, is looking for friends near you for you. Register, fill out the form, post a photo and indicate the purpose of acquaintance. Tag people you like, if they like you too, the app will notify you and offer to write. This is excellent ground for finding a new friend.

Online Games

This is another way to find friends over the Internet. If you like to play computer games, register in a browser game or install it on a PC, tablet, smartphone. If you have never played online games before, you should give it a try. This is not only an interesting adventure, but also the place where it is easiest to find friends on the Internet. In the course of the game, strong ones are created between the students. Conquering virtual peaks and conquering virtual castles, you will not only find common topics for conversation, but, by uniting, you will be able to help each other achieve virtual victories. If you wish, you can continue to communicate on the Internet in popular social networks or in real life.

Online games are very popular, many of them are played by people all over the world, so games can be considered a great option to find an online friend from another country.

Communication rules

Before making friends on the Internet, remember the etiquette. It does not differ much from the real one, let's briefly discuss some of its aspects:

  • to win over a person, put things in order on your page, remove material that can alienate someone from you;
  • try to write correctly so that the interlocutor is pleased to read you;
  • do not abuse emoticons, exclamation marks and capital letters;
  • write thoughts in messages completely, and do not break into several parts, breaking sentences;
  • when getting to know each other, avoid banal remarks;
  • don't swear;
  • avoid dirty jokes if you don't know the person well;
  • Be polite.

Respect your interlocutor, respect his time and opinion, so that you are treated the same way, and then you will have a good, interesting friend, a pleasant interlocutor.

How to keep friendship?

When you find your virtual friend, you will have to try hard not to miss the thread of communication. Do not stop communication if you do not agree on an opinion or on other trifles. Don't push your friend away if he makes contact. If now is not the time to talk, tell him so, but don't ignore his messages.

Joke, send notes and photos to each other, this will help maintain communication, if nothing is happening and there is nothing to tell, perhaps in this way you will find a new topic for communication.

Feel free to text your friend first, there's nothing wrong with that, he's your friend. Show interest in him, ask how he is doing. Call sometimes using Skype or instant messengers, a real voice will noticeably shorten the distance between you. It's always nice to hear a friend's voice.

Try to surprise your friend. For example, write a letter, send a small package or order delivery to his house, maybe flowers or a toy, a cake or any other little thing. Despite the fact that you did not present this gift, you chose it, it is very nice.

Yes, write letters. It is very touching to pick up a letter that a friend diligently wrote out. Do not forget about important dates, birthdays or dating days. Memory and a small, albeit virtual, postcard - it's very nice. Support your friend with a conversation if he is feeling down or sad. It is a pity that you cannot come to him, but try to comfort him with words or call, it will help.

We are sure you will find our tips on how to find friends online, how to behave and how to keep in touch with them useful. Despite the fact that virtual friendship implies a long distance between you, if you really want to, then one day you can meet.

Search for interlocutors on italki

One of the most important opportunities that the Internet provides for learning foreign languages ​​is the ability to communicate with foreigners. Speaking practice is especially important. To learn to speak a foreign language, it is not enough just to know the words, you need to practice communication. In this review, I will talk about sites and applications where you will find partners to practice a foreign language (not just English).

Note: this is a general overview of sites for language practice, I have already written about the sites mentioned earlier, so I add links to more detailed reviews to the brief reviews.


User profile on italki

If your level allows you to communicate at least a little in English, be sure to try to take at least one such lesson - the effect of speaking classes is very noticeable.

2. HelloLingo

The fastest and easiest way to find a companion is on Hellolingo

Attention: unfortunately HelloLingo is scheduled to close on May 18, 2019. I'll leave this mini-review here in case the service recovers.

In 2015, much to the dismay of users, the popular language site sharedtalk.com closed, where it was easy to find someone to chat with in a foreign language. Fortunately, the project has recently been reborn, becoming even better, now it is called HelloLingo.

This site is convenient for quick communication: I went in for a while, chatted with a random interlocutor, and left. Here you can find foreigners for longer communication. You can communicate in text and voice chat, and if you want to switch to voice communication, you first need to write off in text mode - you can’t call right away.

The site has an interesting feature - you can’t put a profile photo here. The developers did this to avoid turning the language practice site into a dating site. The problem with many language communities is that there are many who want to flirt with beautiful foreign women. This is not welcome on Hellolingo!


Speaky has a more social design than HelloLingo

Language social network Speaky(previously called Gospeaky) is great if you find HelloLingo's design and social features too simplistic. Here you can put a photo on the profile, in addition, there is a convenient filtering function for native speakers and non-native speakers. In addition, Speaky has a mobile version (application), which, however, does not shine with particularly rich functionality.

When this site first appeared, in 2015, it was possible to communicate on it in text and voice chat, now the voice chat has been removed - apparently due to the fact that many people still preferred to exchange contacts and talk on the more convenient Skype.

A curious feature of text chat is the ability to correct messages. Ask the interlocutor to correct mistakes, and he will be able to edit your remarks in the chat: the correct option will be highlighted in green, and the wrong one in red.

4. Interpals

Interpals has very detailed people search and blacklist settings

On the Interpals they often complain because of the abundance of all kinds of spammers, fakes and “harassers”. Here, unlike HelloTalk, they do not try to get rid of flirting fans, you can even search for users with the “Flirting” filter - hence the abundance of the corresponding audience. But still, this old language site, which has been operating since 1998, is home to quite a lot of quite conscientious language lovers.

If you are plagued by annoying users, there are incredibly advanced blacklist settings at your service, where you can block people of a certain gender, age, and location.

5. Tandem

The review is called “6 sites for communicating with foreigners”, but Tandem- this is not a website, but an application for practicing languages, that is, there is no version for PC. Unlike HelloLingo, which tries to look NOT like a social network as much as possible, the Tandem app, on the contrary, looks like a dating site with photos, profiles, interests, etc. However, in this community, communication is not welcome for the purpose of language practice.

Tandem is positioned as an application for finding 1) tutors, 2) partners for communication in foreign languages. It is really convenient to find interlocutors, due to the fact that users post a lot of information about themselves (interests, level, goals, etc.) and even leave feedback about each other. As for tutors, I see no reason to look for them on Tandem - the choice is still small, the prices, on the contrary, are rather high, and studying languages ​​via video link on a phone is less convenient than on a PC.

6. HelloTalk

HelloTalk- this is also an application, not a website, it has a web version, but with very limited features. If you only want to communicate with foreigners using , then HelloTalk is a great option.

But how the HelloTalk application is much better than the same Speaky: it has everything you might need: text correction (as in Speaky), sending photos, voice messages, convenient user search.

You can learn more about HelloTalk from or from this video.

Is it possible to practice without an interlocutor?

It is impossible to practice communication without an interlocutor, because what kind of communication can there be without the participation of a second person? However, it is still possible to develop speaking skills alone (although it is NOT the same as practicing with a live person), I talked more about it in this video:


If you are serious about conversational practice, I recommend studying with tutors and taking “conversational” lessons from them. In my experience, this is the most efficient way. Yes, you will spend money (very little compared to the courses), but you won’t spend a lot of time looking for interlocutors in free language social networks, in which there are scammers, spammers, fakes, or anxious people.

Friends! I get asked a lot, but I don't do tutoring right now. If you need a teacher, I recommend this wonderful site . Here you will find a teacher, native speaker😛 or non-native speaker, for every occasion and pocket😄 I myself have taken more than 100 classes there, I recommend you try it too!