When the new iphone CE goes on sale. Should I buy a new Apple iPhone SE? He is very fast

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iPhone SE 2 - Silent PR five-day compactler?

Is it really expected to actually something new, or the next intermediate modification awaits fans?

Yes, and whether it will come at all this new SE? While we have only rumors. Here, with them and let's start.

Rumors, rumors, rumors ...

A few months ago, rumors about the release of Baby SE 2 seemed very implausible. All shouted differently, leading their arguments.

For example, it was an opinion that the developers did not plan in the foreseeable future at all.

Instead, they actively puff over the preparation of a pair of three models that should appear in September.

According to another version, the miniature, who has already already managed to like it, the same should appear in the updated version, that's just a new model, this slightly modified iPhone language is not rotated to call.

According to some rumors, the four-year flagship is expected, and with the designer modification under, and perhaps 7, or even 8, who knows?

So, solid contradictions! What to wait?

A little prehistory

To begin with, a little about the binding iPhone SE compact.

Before talking about why it is still worth expecting an updated model in this series, remember the features of the first bird.

This is a four-link, with a resolution of the display of 1136x640, dual-core per and a 12 megapixel chamber.

In general, possesses everyone. But all the shortcomings. There are complaints about free access to memory, problems with downloading applications, music, etc.

Nevertheless, those who prefer miniature four-lifted shovels were delighted with their favorite iPhone in such a format.

So the model has already won its place in the flagship market.

Well, this is all ancestor of the new iPhone SE 2. Now closer to the point - we will talk about himself.

Why exactly iPhone SE 2?

Doubt away! Most likely, the new apple toy is exactly the compact iPhone SE 2. Why suddenly such confidence? We will put on analysts closely following the registrations of the newest EEC in the information cloac.

The fact is that the two other expected models from Apple are not yet prepared for mass release, but will be officially represented in autumn. This apparently turns out to be: iPhone X 2018 and iPhone X Plus 2018.

The entire focus of these analytical forecasts is simple.

All Apple's new items before turning out of the nest to the big world, are experiencing compulsory registration in ECE.

There is registration - wait for the presentation, about, in a month. Registered devices are always, without exception, went out into the light.

And so, in April, some new Apple iPhone projects were registered. This registration has not flown more than once unprovated new companies in the past, burned and now.

In fact, the four-lita flagship was originally knocked out of the standard Apple models release.

This bird is spring. iPhone SE 2 was registered in the Eurasian Economic Commission in March two years ago. Other iPhones are standardly registered in autumn. This one is special and registered in a special time. So, who, if not SE 2?

What will he be? While the developers are silent, as if water in the mouth scored, experts, insiders and manufacturers of accessories are noisy for all.

What will be SE 2?

A new rumors crawled closer to May. Now it's not about whether the new SE will appear, and more about what it will be.

It was previously assumed mainly that it will be pumped from the inside, and the external design will remain the same, as simple, slightly outdated, like the first model of this series.

Why is that? Well, the update of specifications is the right thing, this requires a technological race. But complete modernization is too limp and requires considerable time.

Everything is very confusing due to the fact that no leakage comes from the manufacturers themselves. They are stubbornly silent. Why is that?

Does this mean that the release of a fresh fake compactler? Well, considering the registration and even received from the commission permission to issue, hardly.

Most likely, the company saves its mystery as Zenitsa Oka. Or teases his fans with a halo of mystery. After all, silence is also PR!

What will be for the beast this, who made so much noise, a new four-linked?

Other rumors are walking over the network.

For example, some insider rubbing about the fact that the compactler will really look like a gear. Its housing will perform from aluminum, it will be washed at the corners.

In general, the face will not look like the first bird line SE. That is, the full external modification of this baby is expected.

One of the experts even suggested that a new four-lifted glass will be glossy-black. So, I will copy the seven not only from the face, but with the nape.

He lit up on the Render network, allegedly demonstrating the rear panel of future new items.

Summarizing these contradictory opinions, it can be said that they are divided into two groups: either the new flagship will be pumped technically, equipped with new specifications, but will remain in old clothes, either updated and externally combining modern design, new iron and already loved many compactness .

Most likely, the second. It is saying that manufacturers generally plan to produce compactors similar to senior models.

In other words, the same, only small.

So small? Will the new iPhone be equipped with a four-dimensional?

Or maybe 5 inches?

Weird question. This is a compact model! Why would he suddenly become a five-year-old? According to the last rumors and this is possible.

Of course, companies producing accompanying ribbons for iPhones are spoileed. And their opinion is worth listening. Who knows, if not?

The first leak on that, maybe the new model will not be four-dove appeared not due to the manufacturers of related goods.

Focus Taiwan on April 2 was mentioned about the size of the novelty screen. And it turned out that the diagonal may be 4.2 inches. At the same time, the former size of the compactler will remain, due to the decrease in the frames. What is this compact frameless iPhone?

But 4.2 not the limit as it turned out. There are more bold forecasts. Why not turn off 5 inches?!

For example, Olixar is already in full piure its protective films for the screens of the future SE 2.

The company believes that the future of the brainchild will visually copies the iPhone X model and will look like the original representative of the SE series. That is, the manufacturers of accessories are also at a low start.

Perhaps Olixar is focused on informational announcement leaks in supply. The manufacturer of related accessories is confident that the new iPhone will be equipped with a display with a bench at the top, as in the X model, with a built-in camera and sensors. Well, let's see ...

Famous Onleaks thinks in the same direction. He even lit up the appearance of the future SE 2, publishing a number of photos on the Internet.

Is it really a new iPhone will be a compact five-year-old?!

In his opinion, yes! The display at the maximum, and the frames at a minimum.

Most recently, drawings appeared on the Internet, according to which the new iPhone will be even miniature in size of the housing than former SE.

True, unknown, fake them, or genuine. A good solution if so. It will be just as easy to handle and at the same time! In this case, the fresh model will become really fresh.

So, perhaps, a new four-yed-free compactler will be five-fashioned! That's time!

Then, it is not surprising that Apple's new way is waiting. In the network you can see many enthusiastic shocks of fans of the brand and supporters of elegant minimalism.

Compact frameless from Apple with a diagonal of 5 inches! Still would!

What will be the filling?

And here Apple never ceases to amaze. Perhaps the new model and here will distribute competitors among the compactors.

What info leaked to the Internet about the specifications of the new model?

According to preliminary, again, not confirmed by data producers, iron will be pumped up to the level of the seven. This means that in the heart of the iPhone there will be a new percentage of four-siders to 64 bits A10 Fusion.

The model will appear in two versions. The youngest - with a 2 gig operative and the main memory 32. Senior - with a 2 gig operative and built-in memory 128.

We see it will be a real beast! If all so, iPhone SE 2 will be in an absolute avant-garde among the compactors today.

The Japanese Macotakara Blog also sheds the untested light on some features of the configuration of the alleged SE 2. It may happen that Apple will change the classic traditions again this time and refuses the standard audio port.

Everything changes, and Apple too! The seven was first devoid of the usual connector, now the compact model. But we will not get ahead - these are just rumors.

3D Touch.

Will the new leader among the compatinals be equipped with another new-fashioned approach - 3D Touch technology?

It would be nice. The original representative of the compact series of this beam was not.

3D Touch technology allows you to enjoy different intensity of impact on the on-screen panel by setting the device various tasks.

Why predecessor lost this good. Perhaps influenced the pricing policy and Apple tried to make a compactler more accessible at cost.

Either, it was supposed to emphasize the advantages and advantages of the full-screen, that is, they worked for a PR of another model. Who knows…

Will a new compactler be equipped with a row in fact, or are it just rumors? We'll see…

Will the battery powerful?

According to rumors, a new beast will be pumped up full, but not full ... its battery will not be much more powerful than the predecessor from this lineup.

Info made public Focus Taiwan. If you believe these forecasts, the battery capacity will not be 1624 mAh, but 1700 mAh. Ensure everyone.

Special gain in the time of work from one charge does not have to wait. As it was two days, it will remain. So to speak, good, but not so long. It's a pity.

But, again, these are only forecasts of third-party observers, not the manufacturers themselves. In addition, Infa April, and rumors change every day.

According to rumors, SE 2 will also get a wireless charging.

How much will it cost?

Another essential question remained: what will this new luxury toy be fused?

And then nothing from manufacturers. And by rumors: the smaller version of 32 gig of the built-in memory will cost approximately 400 bucks, and the full version with 128 gig memory will cost approximately 500 dollars.

It should be noted that many fans of the previous compact model noted almost the only disadvantage of the loved iPhone exactly the price of it.

When will the novelty appear?

That's all muddy and difficult. Presentation is expected in May.

Noise a lot has long been. Iphone SE is a superpopular model. And some are still tormented by doubts that the updated follower of SE 2. WHY, if it is so well for sale?!

However, the confirmation of spring registrations in ECE stirred by a wave of hope. Now many are convinced that SE 2 will still come out, the joy of compactle fans, and will be released in June. Although the deadlines can be shifted.

Well, let's see ... It's not so long to wait.

Apple's compatisher made many fans, ready to buy updates in this series. And here Apple, by the way, is simply obliged to surprise.

After all, the minor modernization of external design, or minimal iron pumping will not wake up the happy owners of the original version to purchase a new one.

From iPhone SE 2 waiting for the step forward, and the step is serious! This is probably one of the most expected phones from being resolved today.

He is too promising and hopefully - he will not disappoint the fans of compact iPhones!

The first rumors about the new iPhone SE model appeared at the end of last summer, and now they have found their confirmation in the report of the Taiwanese supplier of Electronics Cens, as well as Jesadium Tekz24.com. It seems that rumors are still destined to justify, and the Chinese website QQ.com claims that he even knows the characteristics of the future smartphone. The novelty will be made exclusively by Wistron in India for sale worldwide.

Design, "Iron" and the price of iPhone SE 2

If you believe the Chinese source, the new iPhone SE externally will not look like an iPhone X, which is quite logical, because, unlike the last iPhone SE, it is positioned as a budget, and not a high-class device.

With the release of iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X Apple switched to the use of glass panels, mostly this step was associated with the implementation of support for wireless charging. With the advent of the glass panel, the new iPhone SE will be visually different from the predecessor And look more modern.

According to the source of the publication, iPhone SE 2 also wireless charging feature, which is currently available only in iPhone X. The current iPhone SE model operates on the basis of the A9 chip, first presented in the iPhone 6S released in 2015. According to rumors, the updated version, the release of which is expected in March-April 2018, will be equipped with a processor A10 Fusionwhich is currently used in iPhone 7.

At the end of April, a video of the alleged iPhone SE 2 appeared on the network, which can be assumed that Apple moves to a new device a number of features iPhone 8.

The most notable is the transition to a glass rear panel, the appearance of which can say that Apple plans to implement wireless charging, although this change can only be concerned about the appearance.

The rest of the smartphone resembles a modern iPhone SE, including a metal frame and not protruding rear chamber. The latter may mean that the camera will not be the same as in the iPhone 8.

Also in the device there is a Touch ID scanner and a 3.5-millimeter headphone jack. Further use of the Touch ID is expected, given the cost and complexity of the TrueDepth camera for Face ID, however, the refusal to the headphone jack could free the place for a number of designer solutions inside the device.

Perhaps Apple intends to continue to use as many old design elements as possible to minimize production costs, simply adding updates like a faster processor. The presence of a headphone jack is contrary to one recent ear that "iPhone SE 2" will be announced next month.

In several regulatory documents, the Eurasian Economic Commission also found information about new iPhones, which can be part of the SE 2 line.

The exact characteristics of the device are still unknown, however, the gadget will receive the A10 processor, 2 GB of RAM and will be delivered in two versions - by 32 and 128 GB of integrated memory. If Apple wants a new smartphone to make the same impression, as the iPhone SE, it should be equipped with a device with a chip A11 BIONIC.

In addition, according to numerous sources, the new iPhone SE will receive larger 4.2-inch screenHowever, it is still questionable because due to the larger display the device will be difficult to use one hand. Just ease of use by one hand is one of the most attractive names for users of the iPhone SE. It is possible that the size of the smartphone itself will remain the same, and the screen will increase by reducing the frame.

According to various rumors, the novelty will be supplied in two versions: with a memory capacity of 32 GB and 128 GB. The device will be equipped with 2 GB of RAM, the battery with a capacity of 1700 ma-h, a 12-megapixel main and 5 megapixel front chambers, as well as an IOS operating system 11.x.

The cost of the updated iPhone SE will be about $ 400.

When iPhone SE 2

Apple may present a novelty at the WWDC 2018 conference, which will take place in June, but it is unlikely. The last time on the wwdc company represented the new iPhone 4 back in 2010. Most likely, iPhone SE 2 will be announced at the traditional September event for the press.

Be that as it may, many sources claim that this year Apple has planned the release of a new iPhone SE model. In particular, not only asian sources speak about it, but also authoritative publications like Economic Daily News.

What is interesting, the analyst of the company KGI Securities Ming Chi Kuo, receiving information directly from Asian suppliers Apple recently expressed doubts about the release of iPhone SE 2 this year. Nevertheless, if Cupertinovs still prepare a new device for release, it will receive a number of changes, said Kuo. Probably, the iPhone SE 2 will be equipped with a faster processor, and its price will be lower than that of actual iPhone models. The appearance of iPhone X functions in it, such as wireless charging, cramless design and face ID, we do not have to expect, the analyst is sure.

Apple introduced the original iPhone SE almost two years ago as a budget alternative for those who are more likely to compact form factor. A year later, the company doubled the volume of the internal memory of the gadget, without changing the other specifications. Now the cost of the current iPhone SE model is 18,990 rubles per 32 GB and 24,990 rubles per 128 gigabyte of memory.

Initially, the iPhone SE was released as an Apple budget smartphone, mainly oriented to the Indian market. However, he also gained popularity from those who can afford a large model in size, but prefers to use compact devices.

A couple of years ago, Apple iPhone Se turned out to be a really very successful product, especially in Russia, so that still many are waiting for the continuation in the form of iPhone SE 2. Alas, everything indicates that in 2018, no later than the SE series will receive Continued and limited to just one model.

The first argument against Apple iPhone SE 2

FirstlyInstead of iPhone SE 2 at the presentation on September 12, the company introduced the iPhone XR, which is an imaginary version of the flagship XS. Yes, the new budget "Applephone" is strikingly differs both externally and characteristics, but it reflects a new look at what a smartphone should be.

The second argument

Actually, this very look is the representative of the second. The fact is that in the spring of 2016, when the first iPhone SE appeared, there was still a classic design of the smartphone, when the thick frame around the screen was not a problem, and the Hardware Button "Home" was commonplace.

For two years, a lot has changed. And these changes, apparently, led to the failure of the IPhone SE 2. So, the "full-screen design" firmly entered the fashion, and the manufacturers of smartphones are continuously competing in the one of which it will turn out to create an absolutely curious "mobile phone".

For the classic Apple iPhone SE 2 in this new reality there is simply no place. Even if he went to the light, it would have been seeing the "dinosaur" against the background of the rest of the products including from the Kupertinov. However, this factor is important, but it is not the most important.

Third argument

So, "thirdly". The iPhone SE 2 in the case of its appearance would cost at least one and a half times cheaper than the same iPhone XS. At the same time there is a huge number of users of old classic iPhone like 5 / 5s / 5c and even 4 / 4s. In the interests of Apple, sooner or later, forced them to go to the latest models.

And the habit is a powerful thing. Even now, some manage to make a transition from iPhone 5s on SE, and not at all on the iPhone XS or at least iPhone 8. Simply because they are accustomed to small smartphones with a small screen, which in our time have become a big exotic among new products.

Someone considers that this is not an argument in favor of refusing to release Apple iPhone SE 2 due to the fact that the company continues to produce updates even for such "ancient" devices, as the iPhone 5S appeared five years ago. If you think so, you do not understand Apple's strategy.

So, Apple Strategy

Support for old versions need a company for the existence of an extensive market of old iPhone. Thanks to this in the "universe of them. Steve Jobs "involves a huge number of new participants who, as of finance, can not yet afford a new" apple ".

But one day he will be involved in it so much that it will take a loan and buy a new powerful iPhone. In general, where exactly the money buyer will get, Apple does not care at all. Let albeit the kidney sells - from such stories of the company only an additional "Haip" will be.

So for "Cuppertinov" unambiguously favorably not let Apple iPhone SE 2. If you are still interested when it comes out, the answer is simple - never. So do not wait for fresh news, nor presentation, nor photos, nor detailed features. All this will be in the best case fake.

Consider otherwise? Welcome to comments! Or you can digest us in social networks for incorrect conclusions, if it is more convenient for you.

(No ratings no)

The smartphone was very successful, "collects the cashier" in the average price segment, mercilessly hits competitors in emerging markets.

When to wait for iPhone SE 2

Following the results of last year, in many countries (including in Russia) the best-selling Apple smartphone. This is a real find, especially for countries such as India and China. The model looks cheerfully even now, but it does not allow it to buy a fellow age "ESSA".

After a recent price reduction on the iPhone SE, it turns simply to the perfect purchase for those who need a compact smartphone who wants to try Apple for the first time or for those who are looking for a device for the role of the second phone.

Now the iPhone SE is sold from 20 thousand rubles. For this amount, we get almost flagship characteristics, a good camera, convenient to work with one hand display and tested for years design housing.

Price reduction is clearly approved by Apple and aimed at the sale of the iPhone SE deplorable

Many indicate that the "budget flagship" of the second generation will appear exactly the next spring. Each year, pumps such devices meaninglessly, once every two years - a normal cycle. Among the potential buyers SE 2 will also be those who for any reason will be disappointed in the Aphon submitted in the fall.

Especially waiting for the iPhone SE 2, I would not, no one would give a 100% guarantee of the device.

What will be iPhone SE 2

Smartphone is simply needed new design. "Corrugish surmock" from 2013 will be a complete fiel in 2018. Even last year, before the presentation of the iPhone Se, everyone was waiting for a new design in the style of "six". In Cupertino, they decided to save on the development and split the old components, but the second time cannot be done.

After the release of SE 2, the first will cheb even more, the resellers will at least offer this model on average for 15-17 thousand. At the same time, choose the novelty only for the updated stuffing will be units. Definitely we are waiting for a new design in iPhone SE 2.

Another major innovation can be a 4.2-inch display. A slight increase in the screen should not affect the size of the novelties. If the dimensions remain the same, and the screen will increase, it will be a weighty advantage when selecting SE 2.

The changes "under the hood" will be interested in potential buyers less than all, it is not a flagship model and measure points in synthetic tests will be superfluous. Nevertheless, the model can inherit from the iPhone 7. There will be an improved camera, and the second generation touch ID, and the A10 Fusion processor.

Drive and price

From many sources it is confirmed that the iPhone SE 2 will be released in two modifications: with 32 GB and 128 GB drive. In the US, the models will cost $300 and $400 , respectively.

It will fall out in 27-30 and 35-37 thousand rubles at the start of sales. Not so tempting, especially considering the cheaper iPhone 6S and iPhone 7.

Does iPhone SE 2 need

Definite! Apple is not the first time on the average price segment. An experiment with plastic iPhone 5C was ambiguous, and the second appearance with SE was much better.

Obviously, the company plans to keep the market share in developing countries and sue Android competitors in other markets.

Always cool when iPhone can be bought for $ 300-400, when you can choose between the flagship and the model easier when there is a big "shovel" and a convenient smartphone.

As practice has shown 5S, such devices are easily withstanding a 4-year operation cycle.

The release date of the new version of Apple iPhone SE 2 is postponed for not a certain period.

Apple introduced a series of iPhone SE to get buyers from the budget segment. After, almost two years of development, prepare the second generation of iPhone SE under control of iOS 11. Many rumors go around budget SE 2, and it became known about the next transfer of the model launch.

Apple plans to produce a new SE 2 fully and completely in India. It will provide an opportunity to reduce production costs and keep the price in the budget limits. This kind of event may become the first for Apple. The company is going to bring the entire production base to India to build its phones. Since 2017, the SE model has been made partially in India, but the main assembly occurred at the Chinese factory.

Recall that Xiaomi is already intensively working in the Indian market. This year, the company intends to bypass its competitors and become the first. Apple apparently decided not to lag behind and join.

At this stage, Apple is negotiating at the state level on the provision of benefits and various discounts for themselves. And with tightening the negotiation process, the SE 2 output and the date of its release is postponed. Moreover, Apple did not talk about the second SE event.

Ahead of us is awaiting at least two basic WWDC events from Apple, which will be held at the beginning of summer and autumn. The emergence of new information and other details about iPhone SE 2. It remains to wait for new data.

IPhone SE 2 characteristics

It is also known that, iPhone SE 2 will have a 4.2-inch display, a quad-core A10 processor, 2 GB of RAM with options for 32 GB and 128 GB built-in. The external design of SE 2 will be in the style of the tenth iPhone, probably with the upper "eyebrow".

The approximate value of the iPhone SE 2 will be from $ 380 - $ 400 dollars, preliminarily. It will also be equipped with a battery at 1700 MA, and it will support wireless charging technology.

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The release date of the new version of Apple iPhone SE 2 is postponed for not a certain period. Apple introduced a series of iPhone SE to get buyers from the budget segment. After, almost two years of development, prepare the second generation of iPhone SE under control of iOS 11. Many rumors go around budget SE 2, and it became known about the next transfer of the model launch. Apple plans to produce a new SE 2 fully and completely in India. It will provide an opportunity to reduce production costs and keep the price in the budget limits. This kind of event may become the first for Apple. The company is going to bring the entire production base to India, to build its phones. ...