Sound is not added to the iPhone. On the iPhone sounded sound - what to do

If the sound is disappeared on the iPhone, in most cases the user is able to eliminate the problem independently - the main thing is to correctly identify the cause. Today we will look at what can affect the absence of sound on the iPhone.

Most problems regarding the lack of sound are usually associated with the iPhone settings. In more rare cases, the cause can be a hardware fault.

Cause 1: silent mode

Let's start with the banal: if there is no sound on the iPhone with incoming calls or SMS messages, you need to make sure that it is not activated by silent mode. Pay attention to the left end of the phone: above the volume keys is a small switch. If the sound is turned off, you will see the red label (shown in the image below). To turn on the sound, the switch is enough to transfer to the right position.

Cause 2: Alert Settings

Open any application with music or video, run the file playback and use the volume keys to set the maximum sound value. If the sound goes, but with incoming calls, the phone is silent, most likely, you have the wrong alert settings.

Cause 3: Connected devices

IPhone supports working with wireless devices, such as Bluetooth speakers. If a similar gadget was connected to the phone, most likely the sound is transmitted to it.

Cause 4: System Failure

iPhone, like any other device, can give failures. If the sound on the phone is still missing, and none of the ways described above have brought a positive result, it is precisely a systematic failure.

Cause 5: Headphone Malfunction

If the sound from the speakers works correctly, but when you connect the headphones, you do not hear anything (or the sound is extremely poorly), most likely, in your case, there is a breakdown of the headset itself.

Check it easy: enough to connect any other headphones to the phone, in the performance of which you are confident. If there is no sound with them, then you can already think about the hardware malfunction of the iPhone.

Cause 6: Hardware Malfunction

The following types of damage can be attributed to the hardware fault:

  • The inoperability of the headphone connector;
  • Malfunction of the sound adjustment buttons;
  • Sound speaker malfunction.

If the phone fell earlier in the snow or water, most likely, the speakers will work very quietly or completely stop functioning. In this case, the device should be good, after which the sound must earn.

In any case, if you suspect a hardware fault, without having proper skills to work with the components of the iPhone, you should not try to open the housing yourself. Here you should contact the service center, where competent experts will fulfill full diagnostics and will be able to identify, with the result that sound stopped working on the phone.

No sound on the iPhone unpleasant, but often solved problem. If you have previously encountered a similar problem, tell us in the comments, how it was eliminated.

The method is checked on the iOS 4.3.1 firmware, but it can also work on iOS 5 and 6.

The cause of problems with sound on the iPhone, iPod or iPad may be a physical problem or software glitch.

If the problem started after you dropped your device, then most likely this is a physical problem and have to contact the service center.

Correct problems with software glitch yourself.

1. Increase the volume level

Perhaps you just removed the volume.

Add sound using the volume slider. The sound level is configured separately for speakers and for headphones (when they are connected).

With the headphones connected, an indicator will appear with the inscription "Headphones". If the inscription "Headphones" appears when the headphones are not connected, then the problem with the headphone jack is likely. Try carefully clean the headphone socket.

2. Restart the device

If the volume level is set correctly, but there is no sound anyway, then restart the device. Maybe it will help.

3. Remove the problem

No sound from speakers or headphones?

Check out the sound of the device's speaker, then try to connect headphones.

Check out the sound

  • upon receipt of the call (receipt of SMS)
  • when listening to music
  • in running applications.

If the sound is steadily audible through the speakers and through the headphones, but there are problems with sound, for example, in applications, then most likely it is a software glitch. Partially missing sound - most likely it is a program glitch.

I have a sound attended when listening to music through speakers and through headphones, but the sound in the applications worked only with the headphones connected.

I solved the problem like this:

Launched the application and inserted headphones. The keys increased the volume and at that moment the headphones were pulled out of the nest. The volume began to add, the sound in the applications earned!

It may help reset the settings:

Settings - Basic - Reset - Reset All Settings

Settings will be reset to factory, but all information (contacts, notes, music, video) will remain.

If you have done the first two points from this article and the sound is not consistent from the speakers, but there is in the headphones, then the high probability is that this is a physical problem.

Try pressing the device on top and bottom of the dynamics, let's light on this part. If the sound will appear, this is a physical problem. You need to contact the service center.

If you failed to identify the problem, you can try to update the device firmware.

If you have a device with Jailbreak and you put a program from Cydia, problems may be related to this. In this case, the firmware update can also help.

iOS distinguishes "normal" sound reproduction (for example, playing song) and playing alert. Therefore, if the sound has disappeared on your iPhone, spend a few simple tests.

Check if music is reproduced

Open the "Music" application on the iPhone and run playback of any song. Slide the volume control until it is left until the full volume is reached.

If you hear music, but when calling your iPhone "silent", it indicates the wrong settings of the alerts. This is how to enable the sounds of alerts (to which your ringtone belongs!) On the iPhone:

1. Stop music and return to the main screen of the system.

2. Open the "Settings" and select the menu item "Sounds".

3. In about the middle, you will see the "Call and Warnings" option.

IPhone: No Sound

4. Move the slider to the right. Now all sounds must be heard.

Check if the silent mode is not included

Is your iPhone not switched to "without sound" mode? Check it as follows:

1. On the left side of the iPhone housing, find the volume switches.

2. Use the "+" button to raise the sound volume. The phone should come out of a silent mode.

iPhone: what to do if sound disappeared

You can also use the "-" button to reduce the volume to the necessary heights.

Check if external speakers are included

In the IPhone Management Center, check whether the smartphone can play sound through external speakers.

To do this, turn on the "Flight Mode". This will disable all connections to other devices.

If the music has previously played through the external speaker Bluetooth or through AirPlay, it will be disabled.

After that, turn off the flight mode and re-interface between the external columns and the phone via Bluetooth.

Restart the smartphone

The easiest advice, if something does not work: turn off the iPhone using the power button at the top of the device, and then turn it on again. The problem may decide by itself.

If the system disappeared in the system after a critical error, you can run "soft reset" or restart the iPhone via iTunes.

iPhone SE bought 3 months ago, no sound when shooting on the back camera on the street. Sometimes the sound cuts over, and then disappears. When shooting in the room all the rules.

Hello Svetlana.

When writing a video to the main chamber, the sound is written through the microphone, which is located between the camera itself and the flash. Make sure this hole is not overlapped.

Often the microphone can be blocked by a cover or film. In silence, the system increases the sensitivity of the microphone, as if the "listening" to the devilish sounds, it allows the iPhone to record an audio signal in the room. On the street sounds and so grabs, the microphone becomes less sensitive, and its covering cover or film is poorly missed the sound.

If the iPhone does not write the sound without a cover and films, try to clean the microphone hole, mud or dust fell there. It is worth it only to a brush or tassel. In no case do not use needles and toothpicks.

If after that the sound when recording never appeared, you should contact the service center for diagnostics.

Thanks to the speaker built into the iPhone, we hear voice call melodies, notifications from SMS, as well as the sounds of working applications and much more. Also, the system speaker is used to listen to music tracks in player mode. What should I do if the sound disappeared on the iPhone? The problem may have software or hardware. Let's try to figure out how to return the sound if he suddenly disappeared.

What could happen with an iPhone?

  • It could break the speaker - this is a hardware breakdown, requiring the intervention of specialists;
  • Water could get into the smartphone - in this case, the lack of sound will seem "flowers";
  • A program error could occur in the device - this is the simplest reason you can cope with no special problems.

Consider the reasons for the lack of sound in more detail.

Program errors occur in smartphones quite often - as a result of this, "brazers", incorrect operation of applications, errors appear with the playback of individual multimedia files. The loss of sound can also become a consequence of any error. How to get rid of "glitches" and return the functionality and "voice" iphone?

The easiest way out of the situation is to send an iPhone to reboot. In the reboot process, the cache will be cleared, temporary files will be deleted, the operating system will start again. If there were any errors in the system and applications, they should disappear. Therefore, after rebooting, the sound must recover - wait for the operating system to start and try any sounds from the smartphone (for example, run a music player or some kind of playing application).

If you rebooted your iPhone 2-3 times in a row, but not received any results, try to get rid of the problem in other ways - they will be discussed further.

We deal with the volume regulator

In some cases, the sound in the iPhone disappears somehow one-sided - in the applications it is, and when there is no call. There may also be a reverse situation when silence applications, and it is in the calls. What to do? Try "play" with a volume control in running applications, and also check the state of the current audio profile - it is quite possible that the sound output is simply turned off.

If nothing helped, and the sound in the iPhone is still not, send a smartphone to the reboot - the sound sets will have to be reset, after which the sound will still appear.

We understand with applications

If sound disappeared on the iiphone, you should remember, after which a problem with its playback appeared. Usually problems do not arise simply so - they are preceded by any prerequisites. Therefore, it is necessary to sit and try to remember, after which actions began problems with sound:

  • You could drop or drown your smartphone;
  • You could do something in the settings;
  • You could set some applications.

The last item is most interesting - sometimes the sound disappears as a result of any software conflicts. And the conflicts themselves arise in the process of not very correct work of individual applications. In the iPhone smartphones, conflicts are extremely rare, as the platform is literally licked to the smallest detail. Nevertheless, no one is insured against them.

If you suspect that the problem with the lack of sound in iPhone is associated with setting some applications, try removing the latest applications and restart the device. Now you can check the correctness of the playback of system sounds and sounds in certain applications. If a similar solution has not led to the elimination of the problem, act further.

Sound check in headphones

In some cases, the problem of the loss of sound on the iPhone is associated with headphones. Try connecting headphones to the smartphone and test the presence of sound. If the sound in the headphones is - it is already good. If no sound, we try to add it level using the adjustment buttons. If, after these actions, the sound appeared, we try to pull the headphone plug - the sound should appear.

Machinations with headphones did not give any results, there is no sound in neither headphones or in the speakers? So, the root of the problem lies in something else.

Dynamics check

What should I do if the sound disappeared on the iPhone? If in the headphones it is still there, and the speaker is silent, the root of the problem lies in a faulty speaker. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to check it at home - you have to go to the nearest service center and pass the device to repair. Here it will be tested and check, they will replace the dynamics, after which they will be transferred to the repaired smartphone in the client's hands. What are the reasons for the failure of system speakers?

  • Moisture could get into the smartphone - in this case, a variety of problems may occur, ranging from the breakdown of the dynamics and ending with the full loss of the smartphone;
  • The smartphone could fall or hit - another reason for the emergence of all sorts of problems. Stroks often provoke equipment failure and appearance of microcracks. As a result, the functionality of individual nodes is broken. Including the loss of sound;
  • The speaker could fail because of the factory marriage - another reason to visit the service center or pass the smartphone to repair through the store in which the purchase was performed (if the iPhone is under warranty).

Solve the problem with a broken speaker is practically impossible - To independently repair you will need special knowledge and tools. Therefore, the decision of this problem should be entrusted to specialists.

Firmware update and recovery iPhone

Sometimes the problem with the lack of sound in iPhone is solved by updating the firmware or reset to the factory settings. If there is an accessible "update" for your smartphone, connect the device to a computer, download iTunes and run the update. Although it does not affect user files, before conducting the procedure, you should back up the important data. If everything goes well, then after updating the device you can hear the sounds published.

You can also update the firmware or perform a general reset of an iPhone via the recovery mode or DFU mode - in the first case, the operation occurs with the maintenance of user data, and in the second case - without saving. We already wrote about this in our reviews, find the necessary materials by search.