Adding and request notifications about reading and delivery notifications. Do not send SMS and iMessage with iPhone? It's easy to fix! The report on reading

Sometimes Apple gadget owners face the problem when sending or receiving a message is displayed incorrectly and varies with data on the device. Such a problem also happens in various third-party messengers, but now it's about the built-in service. And what to do if posts B.iMessage is not in order?

Solution to the problem

As a rule, this problem is connected with the incorrectly exhibited time or date on the gadget. A similar situation is the wrong time zone. And the solution here is to enable auto-tuning of the relevant data. In some cases, it helps to reactivate the ImemsAnd service. And the final method is resetting network parameters. Consider all of them in turn.

Option 1: Automotive Time and Date

Starting it is from this method. Go to the IOS or Mac OS settings. Here you need to go to the appropriate section and set auto-tuning. Then restart the device. Now the chronology will be displayed correctly.

Option 2: Service reactivation

This case is relevant for IOS devices. Go to the settings menu, the message "Messages". Here you need to get out of the Apple ID, turn off the aid mixer, restart the gadget, turn on the service again and later logged.

Option 3: Rollback of network parameters

In rare situations, all the above-described means do not lead to a message address. Then it is worth performing this operation. Go to its settings, "Basic Reset" items. Tap the column "Reset Settings ..." and confirm.

And then pretend to be nothing.

Articles with marks "CHIP" Include short recipes to activate little-known functions in IOS, OS X operating systems and in Apple gadgets. If a you already knew about it - We are proud to hand you the virtual medal of the "Advanced User". Let's give the opportunity to get such award and other readers;)

There are situations in life when smartphones, messengers, postal clients and the opportunity to "reach" to you at any time of the day and night begin to irritate. Banal example: Through iMessage, you received a meaningful message, but do not want the sender to know that you are reading it and impuditly ignore.

And we have two enemy at once: the first is the send function Report on reading; The second is your own curiosity. How to get out of the current situation and find out what you wanted to say, but at the same time not "to declare the office"?

Owners of newly minted iPhone 6S. and iPhone 6s Plus. lucky more. Support 3D Touch. - What we need is:

  1. The message list displays the not read news youst. In no case do not open the dialogue, otherwise anonymity is dissolved as dust.
  2. Press the message with your finger using all the features of 3D Touch and Pick & Pop. The entire chain dialog will open in the preview mode. Be careful not to overdo it with the press.
  3. Let go of the finger and the preview will close, and the message itself will be unread. On the sender screen will still take the inscription DeliveredAlthough you have already read a message.

On the iPhone who does not have 3D touch, the refusal to send a report on reading is somewhat cardinal:

  1. Before opening a message, go to Settings - Messages.
  2. In the menu that opens, disable item Report on reading. After that, you can safely open the dialogue - the sender will not receive a report on reading.

Note: Correspondence with his wife confirmed the effectiveness of this method. True, the spouse is a strong woman and the store had to go the second time :)

Delivery notice confirms the delivery of the email message to the recipient's mailbox, but does not guarantee that it was viewed or read. Notification of reading confirms the opening of the sent message.

In Outlook, the recipient of the message may refuse to send notifications about reading. There are other scenarios in which read-read notifications are not sent, for example, if the recipient's post program does not support reading notifications. It is impossible to force the recipient to send a notice of reading.

Request notifications about reading and delivering all sent messages

Tracking one message

Tracking answers to receipt receipt

    Open the source message sent with the delivery request or notification of reading. This message is usually in the folder " Posted ".

    On the tab message in a group Show Press the button Tracking.

    Note: Tracking It is not displayed until at least one arrival is obtained. After receiving the first check in the mailbox, you can pass a few minutes before the button track will be available.

Starting from large EMOJI and ending with the effects, stickers, so that you can brighter your emotions in communication and give an interactive nature conversation.

iOS 10 also allows you to enable and disable the message reading notifications for a separate contact. Thus, you get full control over those who will know, you read your message or not. In the old versions of IOS, it was possible to disable the report on reading only for all contacts, so you could not choose who will know that you have read his message, and who is not.

If it was critical for you, then with the iOS 10 output it appeared to disable the report on reading for specific contacts. Read on to learn how to enable or read a specific contact.

Please note this feature only works with notifications about reading in iMessage. iOS still does not support reading notifications for SMS messages.

How to enable reading a report for some contacts in the application message on iOS 10

Step 1: Open the message application.

Step 2: Select a dialogue with a person for whom you want to disable the message reading notification.

Step 3: Then click on the "I" button in the upper right corner.

Step 4: If you want to disable the notification of reading specifically for this person, then disable the toggle switch " Report on reading". For a person again began to receive notifications about reading the message, then turn it on.

Step 5: Click the Finish button in the upper right corner to save the changes.

How to enable or disable read notification for all iMessage contacts

Step 1: Open Settings And go B. Messages.

Step 2: Click on the switch Report on reading. If the Green switch, then your contacts will be able to see when you read their message. If the toggle switch is not green, then read-read notifications are disabled for all conversations.

This is all you need to do to disable read notifications for specific contacts. It is important to remember that if you change the settings in the Settings menu -\u003e Messages -\u003e Review Report, this will drop the configuration that you installed for individual dialogs.

If you disable reading notifications for a specific conversation, you will not be able to find out if your interlocutor read your message.

Health! Despite the fact that the world of text messages tightly captured all sorts of messengers, in some cases without "ordinary" SMS could not do - not all people use smartphones. Unfortunately. Yesterday I needed to make an elementary thing - send SMS. One simple but very important SMS. And what do you think? I struggled with her about 15 minutes, and she did not "go."

No, in the end, I found the reason for the failed shipments (myself guilty) and "won" her, but she spent nerves ... And since I always care about your health, dear readers, then here's instructions about what to do in that The case when your iPhone suddenly stopped sending messages. Prepared? One two Three. Go!

So, in the standard message "Messages" on the iPhone, you can send your text in two ways:

  1. In the form of message iMessage.
  2. As the usual SMS.

What unites them? That's right - identification of unsuccessful shipment.

Exclamation mark on the message icon - what is it and how to remove it?

On the message application icon suddenly a red circle with an exclamation mark inside? Congratulations, one of your messages was not sent.

Want to remove this reminder? For a start, we go to the "Messages" application, we are looking for a non-SMS-ku and ... We have two ways:

  1. Delete it.
  2. Try to repeat the shipment.

When removing an exclamation mark will disappear immediately, and in the second case everything will depend on the result of re-sending:

  • If all "OK", then you can close the article and enjoy life.
  • If the shipment failed, we read further and deal with the reasons for this disgrace.

iPhone stopped sending iMessage - what to do something?

So, that's what you need to do if the iMessage does not "go." First thing…

Look, and whether it is included in general? Open "Settings - Messages" - check the IMESSAGE activation and addresses for sending / receiving (you must enter an Apple ID, as well as the phone number).

"Yes, I have all activated a long time ago and before that everything went! What else may be the reason? " - you ask. But what:

However, even with such global breakdowns on Apple servers, there is an output from the situation. After all, you can always send iMessage as a simple message. To do this, just click on the unsent message and select "Send as an SMS" (the option must be enabled in the IMESSAGE settings - be sure to check!).

Although, failure can tides us and in this case ...

iPhone does not send SMS - what is the reason?

Yes Yes. It turns out that in order to send an SMS you need a positive balance on the MTS SIM card account. No money, they say, it is impossible.

Okay, in fact it was sarcasm. But still such a banal thing, as the availability of money on the account, check after all you need. I didn't pay attention to it and suffered. Let it not long, but still.

However, no negative balance of united problems with sending SMS are explained. Here are some more reasons and methods to eliminate them:

  1. Include and disable the "airrest" - so we "reboot" the network for the iPhone.
  2. Again, reset the settings of the Network Settings are basic reset - reset network settings. " Yes, it also works for SMS messages.
  3. Try insert another sim, send a message and return your card to the place.
  4. Replace the SIM card (benefit, the procedure is free).

Nothing helped? There is another very important point. To send messages, the so-called SMS number of the cellular operator may be needed. In many phones, it is prescribed in the settings with a separate string. But we have an iPhone! So, everything is not so simple :)

To begin with, check whether it is specified in your phone.

To do this, enter the command (as if we simply type the usual call number) * # 5005 * 7672 # and press on the green tube.

Two events development options are possible:

Perhaps this is the reason why SMS is not sent from the iPhone. What to do in this case? Specify the correct address.

To do this, use the team * 5005 * 7672 * SMS number #. Be sure to enter the number through +7!

Attention! If after entering the command you will see the error, then do not pay attention to it. Most likely the number is still successfully installed. Check this fact with the first combination.

So, where to get this number?

You can call and ask the operator - this is not a secret information and you will be provided without any problems. Or search the Internet. I would love to do it for you and posted the entire list here, but these figures may differ for each region (and they understand them, in Russia are not so little) - the article would be almost infinite.

However, if independent searches are not crowned with success or some other questions remained, then feel free to write in the comments - I will try to help!