Collapse the same 1C 8 values. How to make a cushion base

Beginning of the year - Ideal time for bazz

Over time, the size of the database, especially in large organizations, is increasing. When the base 1C is conducted for a long time and occupies a significant amount, it leads to a slowdown in work.

The sweeper pursues the following goals:

  • Accelerate the program
  • Reduce the size of the base
  • Clear references from irrelevant records

What helps a convolution

Accelerate the work of the program (reducing the size of the base)

If you do not plan to increase the number of jobs in 1C (and buy a new server for them), but you are not satisfied with the speed of 1C, it is worth making a cushion of the base. This will reduce the load on computers. It will be possible to postpone the purchase of new iron for the server or the transition from the file version to SQL.

In addition, huge bases are more likely to fail, "fall" and in general work very unreliable.

Hide past periods

Cut is a good way to hide information about work over the past years. The data will be simply absent in the database. This is more reliable than limiting access rights and passwords.

Get rid of irrelevant nomenclature and other records

In the process of operation in the 1C base accumulates an unused nomenclature. It interferes with the registration of income and implementations, when choosing a product from the list. This leads to errors and reversal. In addition, a large number of positions slow down the unloading on the autonomous cash desk, for example, in front of the front, when more than 10 thousand unused goods are unloaded together with 3 thousand. Rolling the database, you get rid of old goods. We, together with a convolution, use the processing removal of an irrelevant nomenclature.

Inconvenience of working in a rolled database

Documents and reports for the "Rated Period" will be not available. You will have to have a separate base for the old period and watch the story there, to collect in one report data for all time will not work.

How drill works

The essence of the event is as follows: the date is chosen (the ideal option is the beginning of the year or quarter) for example 1 Jan 2016. This date is made by the remnants of residues for all accounting cuts (remnants of TMC, mutual settlements with buyers, suppliers and commissioners, cash balances and settlement Accounts), and the data obtained are unloaded into hard disk files. Then, on the basis of the former, a new information base is created, which contains all the necessary reference books (nomenclature, price types, units of measurement, prices, counterparties and contracts, banks, and settlement accounts, warehouses, cash registers, material-responsible persons, etc.) and by The creation of the appropriate documents for entering residues to a new database are introduced to all income cuts (based on data from files stored on the hard disk) on 01/01/2016. Remains in the new and former bases are checked. Their complete coincidence serves as an indicator of the success of the work. If there are small errors, they are easily corrected by "hands."

As a result, the speed of work is significantly increasing and, which is most important, the risk of failures of the program itself is reduced: an enterprise.

How to make a cushion base

In the ideal world, the convolution is done with the help of specialized treatments from the company 1C, which are on ITS disk for both 1C 7.7 and versions 8.2, 8.3. At the same time, the program will create duplicate documents, label to remove unnecessary documents. Directories can be removed if they are not involved in the remaining documents. Before carrying out a cushion of the base, you need to restore the sequence of documents.

It is important to remember that the trigger of the base with the ITS disk processing can only be made with a typical configuration. Otherwise, errors will appear that will not be visible immediately. If you do not have a typical configuration, you'd better contact your experienced specialist 1C for the convolution of the base.

Make a convolution yourself more or less possible in accounting and practically unreal in trade. And there is a lot of reasons, for example, the necessary information can be deleted and unnecessary. The user does not even know about it, because Does not know how to check.

Base Cut 1C: Trade Management

Speaking of a convolution of 1C Trade management, you need to mention the problems that we often have to solve.

1. Often, the program uses those registers that are not needed. For example, VAT (there are 7 registers there). First, because of them, the convolution goes longer, and secondly, they interfere with the removal of documents.

2. If batch of goods are used. In this case, this will not delete a number of documents. We can install on average, or in the introduction of remnants to replace the party document to the auxiliary document - thereby after the bope, clean the references to deleted documents.

3. COMMUNICATIONS FOR DOCUMENTS. We can reload debts or also to start the rest of the remnants to hang everything to auxiliary document.

4. There is a whole bunch of information registers (price written off, access to documents, conformity when exchanging, etc.), which "hold" documents and reference books.

5. Standard deletion works long. And if the elements are very much - it does not cope at all. We have developed our own, faster processing to remove unnecessary documents.

Cost coat

The cost depends on the complexity of your configuration (retail - cheaper, complex is more expensive) and the amount of data (the cost of the base of the base in 3 gig and 30 gigs will differ).
To find out cost - leave the application. We will contact you, analyze your database and define the final cost.
The average price range is from 8,000 to 15,000 rubles.

Cons and alternatives Complete

However, a convolution is a rather radical operation that deletes the data for previous years by replacing them to the dots of the input of residues.

The main disadvantage is that you have several databases. For example, "Base 2011-2012" and "Base 2013".

And build one report, where the 2012 and 2013 will not be displayed. Such useful things as an analysis of the sales of goods before order from the supplier or a comparison will be unavailable, as far as in January 2013, certain goods have been launched more than in January 2012.

Basic bases really makes sense only in two cases:

  1. if she is really old (at least 4-5 years old)
  2. if the data you need not just protect (passwords, for example), and securely hide (deleting it physically from the computer)

In all other cases, it is worth paying attention to alternatives.

Alternative: Disable unused modules

Even if you do not use some program features, it does not mean that it does not spend on them the resources of your computer.

There are not many potentially unnecessary, but the resource-intensive partitions of the program:

  • Access control at the entry level
  • Accounting for remains of organizations (in addition to the accounting of remains of warehouses)
  • Accounting for data books / sales, despite the fact that you form them in accounting

The following options are not used in some organizations, although it is impossible to call them unnecessary:

  • Calculation of the cost (to calculate profits from sales, margin)
  • Calculation of cost in the context of parties (despite the fact that in your sufficient calculation "on average")
  • Calculations with customers in the context of settlement documents

For example, I spent a slight study. He took the base of the company that does not use the ability to calculate profits. The source size of the base is 1.6 GB. After removing records associated with calculating the cost, the base size decreased to 1 GB. After removing all other unused tables, the size decreased to 0.8 GB.

Alternative: remove from the eye a proportion of irrelevant nomenclature and counterparties

Manufacturers constantly update their trade assortment. Because of this, the goods directory accumulate positions that will never be sold again.

The main inconvenience is that such goods

  • 1. They are prevented in the list of managers, which make out admission or implementation. This increases the likelihood of errors and reversal.
  • 2. Unloading to the autonomous cash desk (in front of the front) occurs slowly. Because not 3000 positions are unloaded, which stand on the shelf, and another 10,000 of those who have been not sold for several years.
  • 3. If barcodes and the cashier are not used at the box office and the cashier selects the goods from the list, the big list also increases the likelihood of error and reversal.

These specific problems can be easily removed without a convolution.

It is enough to add the requisite "archive" to the nomenclature and automatically put it in those goods for which there are no movements last year or two.

Additionally, such an irrelevant product can be burned to delete, move to the "_Corzina" folder and add to the name "Yayay_" so that the goods do not interfere in the search for first letters.

In this case, we have the topical processing

Alternative: increase system safety

If the data needs to be hidden, you can use some tricks (for example, place the working database is not in your office, but on a remote server. Perhaps even in another country. And for checking prepare a local white and fluffy database). But the database is of course easier.

If you need to protect yourself from your employees, the SQL server and a clear access system will come to the rescue.

Alternative: Enlarge Server Power

1C 8 Together with the SQL server is able to work normally with the databases of a huge size. The base of 20-50 GB is not a problem at all, provided a powerful computer enough.

Under a convolution of information bases 1C, the process of processing documents and configuration registers, as well as the formation of current relevant residues to the beginning of a certain year, crushed register data. At the same time removed or marked for deleting documents of past years, except for documents important for accounting VAT, OS and a number of others.

What is the cushion of the information base 1c

The convolution is performed to reduce the size of the base, faster work, reduce the time of updating and archiving the 1C database.

In addition, used to save confidential information. After the convolution, employees and auditory organizations will not have access to previous years in the current working base.

Important: If necessary, you can always deploy 1C 8.3 to convince from the archive and get the necessary information. You can add the "to a convolution" database as an extra in the launch label 1C 8.3 and always have it "at hand".

Cutter base 1C 8.3

Treatment Cutting information base In the configurations of 1C 8.3 Company Accounting, Red.3, Trade Management, Ed.11 and in a number of others available from the menu Administration - Service:

Tip 1. Use the processing on the copy of the 1C information database, analyze the results and then swipe the working database.

Tip 2.. Before a convolution, create reports on those configuration objects, information about which from past periods will be needed in future periods. First of all, we are talking about accounting for fixed assets, VAT, recognition of the costs of past periods. If you keep records of salary in 1C 8.3 Accounting, ed, then you will also need data on mutual settlements with employees.

ATTENTION: The ruble salty statement to a convolution can not be formed, because in 1C 8.3, the VES check before and after the convolution is enabled as one of the steps of processing.

Tip 3.. Think to what period you will take a convolution. Sometimes an accountant leave last year's data, as it is important for salary accrual. Or even data of the two, three previous years, if the volume of operations is not too large for these years.

How to make a cushion of 1C 8.3 Accounting for example

Consider an example of a convolution of the real base of 1C 8.3 of some enterprise: the configuration of the accounting of the agricultural enterprise, ed. This is actually the company's accounting configuration, Red.3, but extended by adding specialized industry facilities.

Suppose that the information base of the enterprise after the testing and correction process, including the packaging of the information base, has reached 4 GB. Users work in the database since 2011. Since the organization has verified the tax inspectorate, including the period of 2015, and the organization since 2016, the organization has been charged not at 1C 8.3 Accounting, and in 1C 8.3 ZPE, Red.3, it was decided to minimize the base until 2016.

Stage 1. Creating a backup

From the menu Administration - Servicerun the processing for the user with administrator rights.In our example Admin. We enter the password of the User admin to access the 1C 8.3 database. If you perform a convolution on the already created copy of the program, the checkbox Create backup You can reset. Otherwise - indicate Catalog of backup IB:

If you click on the key F1. On the keyboard, we can get a certificate about the purpose and features of using this processing. Having read, close the help and the button Further Go to the next processing step The stages passed are highlighted in green.

Step 2. Cut Setting

At this stage, we determine at the beginning of which year to form residues in 1C 8.3. The default checkbox is checked. Set the data ban date. It will be set on December 31, 2015 in the case of the formation of balances at the beginning of 2016:

It is possible to carry out a cushion of the base for all organizations or only one. According to the example in the base of 1C 8.3 one organization, so the choice of organizations for convolution in processing is not offered.

Stage 3. Formation of residues

By button Further Go to the installation of the rules for forming residues. For typical configurations, they are predetermined, and for 1C 8.3 company accounting, Ed.3 is the possibility Restore recommended settings,if they were changed.

We can set the convolution rules for Posting log:Do not turn or roll:

We can define the rules separately for each accumulation register:

By default, for example, in processing for 1C 8.3 company accounting, ed. Do not turn In registers VAT purchases, VAT sales, VAT presented and a number of others. That is, the developers analyzed what database parameters must be maintained in full, and which you can collapse.

But we can, for example, install Do not turn at the accumulation register VAT included in the price:

Stage 4. View operations

At the stage View operations You can open the balances for 01.01.2016, on December 31, 2015, can be recorded in the operation base. It is allowed to adjust the remnants or even create a new interpretation of the residual buttons. Create:

Below are variants of the created operations for accounting registers:

By registration of information:

By accumulation registers:

Stage 5. Check

Next, go to check the created documents. At this stage, we see a report similar to a reverse statement, formed at the end of 2015 at the time of the convolution and after a convolution. Discrepancies between data in our case only on an additional account 000, which was used to enter residues at the time of starting work with the base:

You can display and compare data and on tax accounting (well). To do this, we use both in all standard reports 1C button on the right Show settingsand exhibit the checkbox by the indicator well:

We form a report with data on boo and well. Then switch the check on Register of information and accumulation:

It is possible to display information on individual records of information and savings. By button Yet We can install or uncheck the selection flag from registers, the information on which we want to get:

Stage 6. Removing old documents

There is an opportunity on the button Back Go to previous convolution steps, including delete the created residual documents. Or by button Further Go to the next stage - Removing old documents. At this stage, we obtain a warning about the irreversibility of the process in 1C 8.3. But old documents will be only marked for removal. This stage is much longer than all previous ones and can be quite long:

Stage 7. Ready

Upon completion of this stage, we receive a successful completion of the convolution:

Stage 8. Deleting labeled documents

Opening the operation of operations see that the documents since 2011 are marked for removal:

Tip 4. Take advantage of processing Removing marked objects opportunity Partial removal of objects. Remove related object groups. Follow the removal of stages, and between the stages take breaks. Or schedule a convolution for a period of big holidays.

But before removing marked to delete documents, build the necessary reports that will be prompting whether all the data remained for the correct accounting of the OS, salary, VAT.

In 1C 8.3, the Accounting will be useful before and after the convolution to form reports at the Tailing date:

  • Depreciation statement OS;
  • A universal report on various accumulation registers to analyze costs in simplified, to control VAT, mutual settlements with employees, etc.;
  • And other reports depending on the company's accounting policy.

Additionally, it is necessary to find 1C processing partners that will indicate unused configuration objects. For example, find elements of the directory nomenclature, which are no longer no references, since the documents of previous periods are removed. And, if you do not assume more to sell - buy this nomenclature, you can delete it.

Cutting information base - The procedure with which many users are familiar with the time of the platform 7.7. In some organizations, we conducted this procedure every year at the appointed time. Users worked every year in the database, in which there are only remnants and movements for the current year. As the productivity of iron and the improvement of the 1C platform, the bubble convolution has not become such a regular phenomenon. In this regard, in this material, we will consider in detail what this procedure represents, and also to be carried out in various configurations 1C.

Cutting base in 1C 8 - what are these and what is it needed for?

In the course of the enterprise, a large number of documents, reference books and other data accumulates in the information system. Some of these data is not of interest in the current period of work, to some data access is needed only in reading mode. At the same time, objects are stored in the system, slow down its operation as a whole, increase the archiving time (backup), while it makes no sense to save last year's data daily, if any changes have been made in them. Of course, it is necessary to work in one database from the point of view of report analysis, data sample for a large period. It all depends on the specific situation in the organization and the configuration used. For example, with the correct statement of management accounting, the base in the current, work base of the company's accounting does not make sense to store data for 3-5 years. The history of operations can always be viewed in copies, all analytical reports are built in other products. What a way out of this situation is to regularly turn the database once for a certain period of time.

When executing a convolution, there are documents for entering outputs for registers for a specific date (convolution date) and the removal of not used documents and movements on registers (information, accumulation, accounting) to the tilt date, inclusive (foldable period). Basic goals:

Increase the speed of the program in user mode;

An increase in the speed when updating the configuration (change) of the configuration, as well as the speed of testing and correcting the information base;

Creating conditions for removing accounting objects that are no longer required by the user;

Reducing the size of the information base.

The overall procedure for performing a convolution procedure

1. Creating a backup.

Regardless of the tools used, it is especially important to create a backup of the database. First, this copy will be not just a data archive. It is quite possible, it will immediately be necessary to deploy to the enterprise and provide access to interested users. It is important to close access to changes in this database. How to make a copy read

2. Concise setting.

At this stage, you must specify the year, at the beginning of which it is planned to minimize the information base. That is, if you specify 2013, then documents will be deleted until December 31, 2012 23:59:59.

Set the data ban date. Flag indicating the need to set the date of the ban on a folded period.

3. Formation of residues.

Determining the composition of the collapsed objects and a convolution method. The following actions with registers are envisaged:

Do not turn - the convolution of objects is not produced;

Collapse - the objects preceding the convolution date are collapsed;

Clear - Objects preceded by the date of the convolution are deleted, and the residual input documents are not created. Mode is available only for information registers.

4. Iise operations.

5. Read.

At this stage, all the created documents for entering residues are displayed with the possibility of editing them.

6. The date of the old documents.

All documents are deleted before the convolution date. In the documents that the movements remain, the "Manual Adjustment" flag is set and the removal mark is not installed.

What tool to roll the database

Unfortunately, it is not even in all typical configurations a typical processing to perform a sweeter.

At the moment, processing is only in the following configurations:

  • Accounting company, revision 3.0 / company accounting Korp, edition 3.0 (BP 3)
  • Trade management, editors 11 (ut 11)

There is physically processing, but to use it and even open it will not work in the following configurations:

  • ERP Enterprise Management (ERP)
  • Comprehensive automation 2 (ka)

In the comments in the processing code, we will read not very optimistic phrase:

// Processing is used only in UT11

Accordingly, the processing itself is only a "plug" for the correct operation of the BSP.

There is no processing in the following typical configurations:

  • Salary and personnel management 2.5, 3 (ZUP)
  • Management of our company, editors 1.6 (previously managed by a small company)

Thus, for data configuration, as well as for self-contained configurations, you will have to perform a coat yourself. Also, you can order this work from professionals!

Thus, the user can perform a convolution for only two configurations: Accounting 3, trade 11. It is important to carefully read our instructions, a certificate for processing and follow all the recommendations of the assistant.

You will find a convolution processing in the Administration (or NSI and Administration) section. Subsection "Service". Open processing and carefully carry out all the prerequisites.

You can also simply write a "convolution" in the search window by program sections. Below is the image as possible to do this in the Trade Management 11.

For convolution of the following configurations:

  • Managing manufacturing enterprise, editors 1.3
  • Accounting company 2.0
  • Trade management, revision 10.3

You will need external processing from the company 1C, you can download it from the ITS website, in the processing section for the platform 8.2.

In other configurations, for example, in UNF, a convolution will be very problematic convolution. For the same reason, there is no processing in some typical configurations. The fact is that not all data can be correctly collapsed. For example, it is very important for salary to have information in registers for the correct calculation of many indicators. In essence, it is necessary to clearly imagine which register can be folded, which one can not, with what difficulties may be.

For the rest, the configuration will have to write to the processing yourself, or modify existing ones. Our team has a lot of experience in solving this kind of tasks and democratic prices. At the stage of studying the base, we will be able to immediately voice you the final amount for this type of work.


In the company where I work, the situation arose when it was necessary to cut the database, i.e. Delete all documents and movements up to a specific date. By this time, the database was wearing almost 350GB, and it was very difficult to work with it. Also suffered by the speed of 1C and the regulatory operations with the database were performed for a very long time.

The decision was made - the base is cutting off! After long-type testing tests for coagulation, I disappointed in them. More than two weeks spent alone with a computer cutting a test base. Such deadlines are simply unacceptable in the working database, especially in the database users of 6 days a week. As it was necessary to get out of a deadlock. We decided to transfer the task to the outsource. But here we were not pleased, the cost of work is high and time to fulfill the fulfillment was required.

In general, the question remained unresolved and returned to resolve the task on their own.

I had to resort to extreme measures, I turned off from all other tasks and took up the database.

And soon the question was resolved - cropped the base for 2 days, reduced it by 70%.

Circumcision of the database with a volume of 350 GB in 2 days.

I decided to fulfill the task of this algorithm:

Create a copy of the working database. In the copy, create residues on the desired date, delete all documents and movements to this date. Next, from the working database, all new documents (created from the moment of creating a copy) move to a new base. To put users to a new base.

The task was divided into 5 subtasks:

1. Create an exchange plan, in order to after circumcision, all new documents could be transferred to a new base.

2. Form the remnants of the convolution date.

3. Delete all documents and movements up to the convolution date.

4. Download documents from the current base to the new base.

5. Replace the working base of the new (cropped) base.

For a preparatory stage, about two weeks left: creating a planning plan, search for tools for creating residues and cleaning registers, testing mechanisms.

Database convolution process.

1. Formation of remnants on the convolution date.

The residues formed the typical processing of the "kinkabase.epf".

To save time, the residual formation performed in the working database during working hours. Because Remains are formed by documents "adjusting register entries" and processing establishes inactive movements in registers, this procedure for the database is harmless.

The processing has set a limit on the number of rows in one document 50,000.

I did not rush, and within 1-2 days everything was formed (about 400 documents turned out).


- If there are documents "Correction of register entries" not related to the cushion of registers on the date of the Cushion, then they are better transferred to the date later so that they will not confuse them later.

- when forming residues, it is better to view all registers, because It happens that the initial balances are not necessary for all registers. Sometimes there are situations where the register is not used anywhere. As a result, it will save your time.

2. Create a full exchange plan to unload to an identical configuration (you can do parallel to the formation of residues).

3. Inoperative time to clean the objects registered in the plan and make a copy of the base with the rules disabled.

4. Removing documents and cleaning registers.

This operation is the slowest and to speed up this operation you need to use direct SQL queries. Such tools can be found on an inforerth. There is another moment if we delete the data in this way, the objects will be removed quickly, but without controlling reference integrity. Accordingly, in our documents, water balances and other documents will appear the type of "object not found ...". "

I had the task of leaving these documents in an unwanted form for information goals.

For this, a processing was written, which took off and transferred to the convolution date all documents participating in the movements in register adjustment documents.

After that, using the processing to delete documents and movements via SQL requests, delete everything to the convolution date (logs of documents, documents, accumulation registers, information registers, etc.).


- For information registers, you need to clean only periodic. If the register is not periodic, then it is likely to clean up completely.

6. Activating the motions of documents for adjusting records of registers with the processing of "Kropababase.epf". In this case, the processing of these documents tolerates the previous date (this is convenient for reconciliation of residues in two bases).

8. Check the correctness of the input of residues and correct (for this purpose, you can attract accounting staff)

9. Perform documents from the working database to a new base. This procedure can be done immediately after creating a copy. Those. If a lot of documents are created daily in the database, then the transfer of documents is better to do in parallel in order to not spend extra time.

10. Purchase users to a new base. To do this, it is better to rename the database on the 1C server so that for users the transition was painless. Those. We call the old base as you like a new (folded) database rename into the old one.


As you know, if you directly delete objects, reference integrity is not controlled.
Accordingly, after deleting objects, objects referred to non-existent objects remain in the current base ("object not found").
I did not have the task so that these objects were in a rolled database. But broken links may adversely affect various types of exchanges between databases, and other processes.
For this, I transferred them to the folded base, but after the base turned.
1. The exchange rules that transfer documents (only the number, date in the united form).
2. Readings all the documents that met in the input documents of initial residues.
This procedure can be done after a convolution, but it is desirable to prepare the tools in advance.

After some time, the 1C base is greatly increasing in size, which may well affect the speed of the system. Yes, and see old documents of five years ago not always required and often interferes. What would get rid of old documents, extradite the base and speed up the program of 1C developers have come up with a simple action - a convolution of the 1C information base.

What is a burden of database in 1C 8.3? Cut is to enter actual residues on a specific date and removal of old, unnecessary documents. Below, I will tell you how to make a convolution for a typical configuration for example 1C Accounting 3.0.

This instruction will also work for other modern configurations - Trade Management (UT) 11, Salary and Personnel Management (ZUP) 3.0, ERP 2.0, Management of a small firm (UNF). If the configuration is not typical - the procedure must be made extremely gently and well check the data after a convolution.

First thing - be sure to do. If something goes wrong - you can always return to the initial data.

A convolution must be made without user-working. Therefore, ask you to exit the colleagues from the program.

Certification Instructions Base

Go to the program 1c in the enterprise mode. Go to the Administration tab, select "Cutting Information Base":

In the window that opens, the program itself will offer to make a backup copy of the program - you should not refuse:

If the program cannot for some reason, create a copy - be sure to make it manually, according to this instruction. Go to the next step by clicking the "Next" button. The system will propose to choose which organizations need a convolution and for what period.

Choose "All Organizations" and the period of 2015:

At the next stage, the system will propose to choose registers to form residues. These settings are better to leave the default and continue the process further.

At the "Viewing Operations", the system will generate residual tolerance documents that are available for viewing and checking.

If the operations are entered correctly - you can switch to automated check. There you can see an analogue of the ruble-salad statement before and after the convolution operation.

Checking a convolution 1c

If you have doubts, the operation can always be canceled and return to the initial state.

After manual verification, you can go to the last step - a mark on the removal of old documents. This stage can take from 10 minutes to several hours, depending on the volume of the base and the number of operations.

That's all - Base Cushion 1C Accounting 8.3 Ready! In any case, after removing old documents, I recommend checking the main reports on the similarity of information. In extreme cases, you can always restore the database from the backup.

After the process is completed, it is recommended to run the processing "Deleting marked objects" to get rid of unnecessary documents. Created Cut Documents are located in the "Operations" section, in the "Operations administered manually" item.

If you need to make a convolution in 1C 8.2 and 7.7, it is practically no different from the above, except that it is made separate handlers.