Calculate runaways: how to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram. How to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram? Who follows me on Instagram

On Instagram, one of the most popular social networks, users can subscribe to the pages of other members. This makes it easier to receive information published on their accounts. If you notice a negative trend in the subscriber counter, then there are ways to help you find out who have unsubscribed.

See who unsubscribed on Instagram online

It will not work to get data on who exactly unsubscribed from your Instagram account using your own social network functionality. The information is especially important for commercial accounts and those with few subscribers (up to several hundred or thousands). A very simple and convenient way to help you find out unsubscriptions on Instagram is online services. Followers can be tracked using free resources:

  • Unfollowgram;
  • Justunfollow;
  • Insta.friendorfollow;
  • Statusbrew.

It is very convenient to use auxiliary Internet resources from a computer, but alternatively, you can use a smartphone or tablet. Unfollowgram was very popular, but recently it is impossible to get analytics from Instagram on it. Alternatively, use Statusbrew:

  • Open the web service in a browser on your PC or mobile device. Please note that the resource has an English-language interface - the Russian version has not been fully translated. (fig. 1)
  • Then click "Login" and select "Login with Instagram". (fig. 2)

  • Enter the required information from your Instagram account. (fig. 3)

  • Go to the section with analytics (Audience), where you can see the latest data about your account, including the number of unsubscribed users. Please note that you can find out their number after registering on the site, it is impossible to do this before this date. Only from the moment of registration, the service itself collects information on a specific profile and tracks all changes. (fig. 4)

How to find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram via phone

If your main tool for working on Instagram is a smartphone, then you can see the unsubscribed subscribers using the services described above. The main thing is to have a convenient browser and a stable Internet. An alternative is the use of special software applications.

For devices running Android and iOS, the developers have created dozens of useful utilities. You can download and install any of them for free in the Play Market (for Android) or the App Store (for iPhone). Brief instruction:

  • Open the Play Store and enter in the search box something like this: "who has unsubscribed on Instagram." (fig. 5)

  • Select a suitable application from the list and install. Insta Follow for Instagram, TrackGram, Unfollowers for Instagram, Follow Cop, Who has unsubscribed from Instagram are very popular. (fig. 6)

  • After installing the program, you will need to register, select a profile. Next, you will learn about Instagram users who decided to use unfollowing, i.e. unsubscribe from your feed.

Applications for checking unsubscriptions

If you are undecided about the right application for your mobile device, then check out the reviews of some of them. Popular programs that will help you find out unfollowers (Instagram unfollowers):

  • Insta Follow for Instagram. A popular application for devices with Android OS, which, after installation, tracks the complete statistics of subscribers, including those who have unsubscribed from your profile. The application has several interesting options, for example, identifying a list of users who have blocked you. (fig. 7)

  • TrackGram: Instagram Followers. An application for iPhone that will help you find out who added to your Instagram subscribers and who left. In addition, through it, you can subscribe and unsubscribe from members, search for new people, and receive summary data. (fig. 8)

  • Unfollowers for Instagram, Follow Cop. An application for Android devices that takes a note when someone unsubscribes from your account. Please note that the application (like others) does not detect unsubscribers until the application is installed. (fig. 9)

  • Who has unsubscribed from Instagram. The program displays all recently lost subscribers. Additionally, in it you can find out who is mutually subscribed, fans (who are subscribed to you, but you are not subscribed to them), ghost subscribers who did not leave you likes and comments. (fig. 10)

Among the most convenient mobile applications with which you can find out about those who unsubscribed on Instagram, there is "Who unsubscribed from Instagram." The principle of operation of applications is similar.

How to find out who has unsubscribed from your account on Instagram? You can notice this by the number of subscribers, which has decreased, but it was impossible to find out exactly who it was, at least in the application itself.

How to check people who have unsubscribed from a computer

Can I find out who has unsubscribed on Instagram? More recently, there were many sites that allowed you to find out online who unsubscribed, right from your computer. But due to the innovations of Instagram, most of these sites either stopped working or retrained, for example, in auto-posting services. This happened with the popular, which explicitly states on its website that the previous functionality is no longer available.

Also, and other well-known sites do not work. At the moment, our team has not found a secure site that allows you to find out who has unsubscribed from you.

Important information: no matter which third-party site or application for tracking unsubscriptions you use, namely, enter your username and password - you put your account at risk. If Instagram considers such a site to be unsafe, then your account may be temporarily blocked for suspicious actions.

We've picked up a few apps that allow you to track your account and that have proven themselves well. However, we repeat, you give access to your account to any third-party applications at your own peril and risk, because this is prohibited by the official rules of Instagram.

How to check who unsubscribed on Instagram using apps

We've tested and recommend apps like FollowMe and Followers, they are available for both iPhone and Android. Followers allows you to see new subscribers, who unsubscribed from you, to whom you follow, but who did not follow in response and who blocked you.

The FollowMe app is partially paid, but it still lets you see who has unsubscribed from you. We would like to note that statistics begins to be collected the moment you enter your username and password. That is, who unsubscribed yesterday and the day before yesterday, if you installed the application only today, you will not be able to.

How to see who has unsubscribed on Instagram using applications from iPhone and Android? After installation, you just need to enter your username and password for your account, and then the application will collect information by itself.

How to unsubscribe from someone on Instagram?

To unsubscribe from a specific user, simply go to their page, click the "Subscriptions" button and then "Unsubscribe". Ready!
Many are interested in the question: if you unsubscribe on Instagram, will a person recognize? We want to reassure you, the user will not receive a notification on the iPhone that you have unsubscribed.

How can I unsubscribe a user from my updates?

Recently, a certain part of Instagram users have the opportunity to remove a person from their list of subscribers. That is, the user will no longer be able to view your feed (if you have a private profile or you have blocked it). To do this, go to the list of your subscribers, and click on the three dots on the right next to a certain user and select “Delete”.

In this case, the person will also not receive a notification that he is now unsubscribed from your feed.

With the increase in the number of users on Insta, the competition among the participants of this social program increases significantly. The question of the popularity of an account or a particular photo among bloggers has long been in the first place. In this regard, quite often there is a need to find out who, when and what materials are marked with "hearts". In this article, we'll take a look at how to find out who a person likes on Instagram.

Where to watch users' likes?

During its existence, the Instagram application has “overgrown” with a huge amount of functionality. In order to meet the needs of users, the developers did not ignore the statistics of "likes". You can view this activity indicator directly in the mobile, WEB version of the application, as well as through special spy services.

To see on your smartphone who marked your friends' posts with a heart, follow a few simple steps:

  • enter the section "Actions";
  • open the "Subscriptions" tab;
  • select a friend's account.

After this procedure, the feed of the content you liked will open, as they say, in close-up. If you are interested in the statistics of a person whose subscriber you are not, then simply subscribe to him and in the section "Subscription actions" it will be displayed whose publications he marks. If you are wondering who liked a particular photo - or video, then:

  • open the image;
  • click on the inscription "Like".

After that, a list of users who have marked this photo with a "heart" will open. On the computer, find out which of the users of social. network appreciated the posts of a friend, to make it even easier:

  1. Go to your follower profile.
  2. Click on the heart icon.

This action will display a list of those then tagged publications of the subscriber you selected.

Spy services for tracking Instagram activity

The popularity of statistics on likes on Insta pushed developers to create specialized services that allow in one click to find out what content the user is interested in, regardless of whether he is your friend or not. In the general mass of such software, there are shareware services and resources that work on a paid basis.

One of the most popular, shareware sites in this direction is Instashpion

Without registration and completely free of charge, this resource offers 1 time to analyze any Instagram account you have chosen, on the subject to whom the person liked and who marked his publication. The next three analyzes can be bought for 190 rubles. The analysis (on average) takes 3 minutes, after which you will receive:

  • link to the user account from which there are incoming or outgoing likes;
  • the number and publication of the hearts put;
  • the number of marks put by the participant of the social program you are interested in.

The service really works (verified) and does not require any registration data, except for the name of the account.

How can I see who I liked on Instagram?

According to statistics, the majority of Instagram users are women. Inborn curiosity and "girl's memory" are their "calling card" (may they not consider me sexist). In this regard, the question sounds quite justified: "How can I see on Instagram whom I have liked?" It's simple:

  • open your profile;
  • go to settings (ellipsis icon);
  • in the "Account" section, select the "Liked publications" item.

After that, a tape with publications that you marked with "hearts" will open.

To see who tagged your post, click the "heart" icon at the bottom of the window with the selected photo. You will be redirected to a section where people, their actions or subscriptions will be shown.

Hide marks on Instagram

Likes are visible to all your followers. Likes that you give to posts of other users are displayed in the "like" field under each post. Images that you mark with "hearts" are displayed in the feed of your subscribers in the section "Actions-Subscriptions", even if your profile is closed.

To hide likes from some subscribers you need:

  • Enable privacy settings (profile - edit profile - move the "publications closed" slider).

  • Confirm the action.


Monitoring the actions of friends and competitors is the key to successful promotion and increasing popularity on social networks. Now that we've covered how to find out who a person likes on Instagram, it will be much easier for you to understand how to attract new users and old friends to view your posts. Analyzing the popularity of publications, you can easily choose the right path in this and any other social program.

The company Facebook, in whose clutches the Instagram application is now, does not forget about its "brainchild" and regularly adds new features that users find useful to use. Recently, representatives of the social network announced the upcoming appearance of two new filters - Fade ("Dim") and Color ("Color"). For iOS users, this update will be available a little later. But now is not about that. To keep track of your favorite contacts on the network, the developers have come up with a special button, the location of which we will tell you about.

In the Settings of the Instagram app, there are quite a few adjustable parameters, among which is the setting of notifications. However, here you can set alerts only for new comments, "likes", subscription requests, etc. But what if you want to receive notifications, for example, only about the latest publications of your significant other?

In this case, developers offer to use a special button. To access it, go to the page for the specific account that interests you. In the upper right corner, click on the "ellipsis" button. Among the offered functions you will find “Turn on Post Notifications.” Click, and now you will be regularly notified when the Instagram feed of the contact you are interested in is updated with a new photo. In the same way, this feature can be turned off or applied to other favorite subscribers.

Agree that this function will be useful not only for use on the iPhone, but also on the Apple Watch. We already know that the developers have prepared a version of the social network for the wrist accessory. And it just doesn't make sense to use interactive notifications about new photos from all contacts. And for people who are very interesting to you, the function makes sense to use it on the Apple Watch.

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks. More than 1 billion people use it now. Therefore, the user's page is often visited by strangers. You can find out how to determine who liked a photo by reading this article.

How to find out who likes whom on Instagram?

Sometimes there are situations when you need to find out who likes whom on Instagram. For example, this will make it possible to understand who the other half sympathizes with, who the friend likes, or what preferences the child has. Of course, you can independently determine who the necessary person likes on Instagram, but often the user's audience is so large that it will not be possible to do it on your own. In such cases, mobile applications come to the rescue.

One of these programs is. To work with it, you need to know the login of the page you want to check. Its main advantage is that no special knowledge is required to use it, it is simple and understandable for users. In addition, it is possible to analyze one account for free. But at the same time, the cost of working with three profiles is 190 rubles. This program will show the user to whom, in what quantity and on which photos they have liked, while the approximate analysis time is approximately 5 minutes.

This application is also designed to keep track of the activity of subscribers on your page. This function allows you to determine what information attracts them more in order to fill the account with such publications.

Also, for a fee, it will allow the client to make his page on Instagram more popular. The customer chooses what kind of contingent he needs to attract: sets the gender, the number of subscribers and the type of account. After that, the user selects the numbers and the exact time at which to promote the profile. All this allows you to attract those users who will be interested in the customer's content. In this case, the client can test the application for free for 7 days.

An alternative would be a program with approximately the same functions. Its distinctive feature is that it is required to purchase not a one-time service, but a tariff. For 600 rubles, a user can work with services for 1 month, and for 7200 rubles - just over 1 year. But if the client pays for 2 or more months, he will be able to use the application services for free for 72 days.

How do I hide the likes I give to other users?

There are situations in which you want to.There are several ways to do this without using programs:

  • Close profile;
  • Block a specific subscriber.

It is not difficult to make your page private from other users on this social network. To do this, you need to log into your own profile and go to the settings (the button is in the upper right corner). Next, you need to find the privacy and security tab. If the device is on the IOS platform, then you need to scroll to the "Photos private" function and turn it on. And if the smartphone is on Android, then such a tab is called "Photo privacy", which needs to be activated.

After the page has been closed, unwanted persons will not be able to see their photos without the user's approval. But, unfortunately, once confidentiality has been established, it is possible to track "Likes" from such a page. Applications have not yet been developed that would completely hide user activity from prying eyes.