Reply of 1C results.

In the process of updating, data transfer from other configurations and even during everyday work, technical failures are possible when performing system operations. In most cases, such failures are detected and successfully processed, but in some cases they still lead to errors. Such errors are most often manifested when accessing final data. For example, in the ruble sild statement "does not converge" the initial, turnover and finite balance or results. To correct this situation, the results are recalculated.

Recalculation of results can be performed in configurator mode (Administration menu - Testing and Correction).

In the event that there is no possibility to start the configurator, then the recalculation of the results can be executed from the user mode. To do this, do the following actions.

  1. Determine the date of the first document in the information base. To do this, you can use the "Operations Journal" (section Accounting, Taxes, Reporting). The list should remove all selections. For example, 12/31/2011.
  2. Open the Output and Units Management form (Administration section - service panel service).

The "OK" button will start recalculating the results. After the failure is completed, the standard reports will be formed without errors.

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Consultation on working with the program 1C

The service is open specifically for clients working with the program 1C of different configurations or on information and technical support (ITS). Ask your question, and we will answer it with pleasure! The prerequisite for obtaining consultation is the presence of an existing Treaty of ITS prof. Exceptions are the basic versions of PP 1C (8 version). For them, the availability of the contract is not necessary.

Both residual and current accumulation registers are physically consisting of two tables: movement tables and totals table. The outcome table contains the data from the measurement data from the movement table, for faster access to these data. Results by default exist for months, on the first number of each month; For registers, the relevant results are also stored separately, that is, the results of the current month. For each individual register, the current results can be disabled.
At the time of the document-recorder, it is formed as an entry in the movement table, as well as the record in the outcome table, and if the document is held by the past month, the records will be made by the number of past months. That is, all past results are updated.
To measure the register, you can disable the use of results, it has a positive effect on the performance of the base:

Also, we note that there are two alternatives - the use of outcomes or the use of aggregates; The second option is more flexible.

Question 12.30 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. Results for residual accumulation registers:

  1. Do not stored
  2. Stored. They are not limited to the calculated periods, since they are calculated by the system automatically when opening the next period
  3. Can be stored, but limited to the period of calculated outcomes. If they were not expelled, then they are not stored. You can manage the calculated results in 1C mode: Enterprise
  4. Right answers 2 and 3, as the automatic calculation of the intermediate results can be set in the configurator mode

The correct answer is the third.

Question 12.32 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When working with the accumulation register with the type of "residues", turning off the results leads to the fact that:

  1. you can only get operational remnants
  2. you can get residues at any time, but the speed of them will increase

The correct answer is the second. In the case of the results included, the residues are available at the monthly period.

Question 12.33 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When recalculating current outcome by the user:

  1. current results will be recalculated only for the current session.
  2. all current results will be recalculated.
  3. current results will be recalculated for the current or for all sessions depending on the register settings

The correct answer is the second, the concept of the "current session" does not exist. And the actual recalculation of the results is the procedure for overporing the outcome tables, because Over time, the strings with zero values \u200b\u200baccumulate in it, which reduces the speed of the system.

Question 12.34 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When recalculating the results by the user:

  1. the results will be recalculated only for the current session.
  2. results will be recalculated for the current or for all sessions depending on the register settings
  3. all results will be recalculated
  4. you can choose which sessions will be recalculated by the results

The correct answer is the third, see the previous question.

Question 12.35 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When writing data to the accumulation register, there is an opportunity:

  1. refuse to use outcome (increasing parallelization of record sets recording)
  2. refuse to use current outcome (increases parallelization of record sets recording)
  3. right answers 1,2

The correct answer is the third one - the fewer the tables, the faster the system works. Disabling outcome is made programmatically:

Register \u003d registerbuchelling. Source; Register agricultural. Software services (lies);

Question 12.36 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. When working with the accumulation register, turning off current outcomes leads to the fact that:

  1. decreases the speed of receiving any residues
  2. you can get residues at any time, but the speed of obtaining operational residues to increase
  3. does not affect the speed of obtaining residues, and affects the speed of turning

See Question 12.32.

Question 12.37 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. In the configurator mode, the following frequency of the table of the outcome of the accumulation register may be selected:

  1. Within the day
  2. Within a month
  3. Within a quarter
  4. Non-periodic
  5. Any of the above options
  6. Can not be selected

The right answer is the sixth - the results are always calculated on the monthly, on the first number of the next month.

Question 12.39 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. How is the 1C system: enterprise 8 can store the results for a revolving accumulation register?

  1. Only with the table TOTAL
  2. Only using the aggregate table
  3. Simultaneously in the tables of outcomes and aggregates
  4. Either in the table of the outcome or in aggregates

The correct answer is the fourth, the results and the aggregates are alternative modes of work.

Question 12.40 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. Choose a true statement relative to the accumulation regulations.

  1. For one accumulation register, several outcome tables can be used.
  2. Only one table of aggregates can be used for one accumulation register
  3. For one accumulation register, several tables of aggregates can be used.
  4. Verpels 1 and 2
  5. All options are true

The correct answer is the third - the outcome table is strictly one for the register. Sets of aggregates can be created by many.

Question 12.44 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. What can be displayed in the outcome of the accumulation registers?

  1. Data measurements
  2. Resource data
  3. Data requisites
  4. All options are true
  5. Verpels 1 and 2

The correct answer is the fifth, the results are the main register table, rolled by measurements.

Question 12.45 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. What part of active records may not be displayed in the tables of the outcome of the accumulation registers?

  1. Data measurements
  2. Data requisites
  3. Resource data
  4. All options are true
  5. Verpels 1 and 2

The correct answer is the fifth. Details are not displayed in the results. The register measurements may not be, but the resource is obligatory.

Question 12.46 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. What part of not active entries may not be displayed in the tables of the outcome of the accumulation registers?

  1. Data measurements
  2. Data requisites
  3. Resource data
  4. All options are true
  5. Verpels 1 and 2

The correct answer is the fourth, inactive records are not displayed at all.

Question 12.47 Exam 1C: Professional on the platform. What part of active records is never displayed in the tables of the outcome of the accumulation registers?

  1. Data measurements
  2. Data requisites
  3. Resource data
  4. All options are true
  5. Verpels 1 and 2

) And the platform developers are not here, this is a fairly well-known architectural solution, not delete "zero" records. I would even say that this is a long-standing "sacred war."

The most important thing is to understand that the record with zero amounts in the end, absolutely does not mean that this record is not needed.

When designing relational DBMS, it is considered (considered) that CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) are distributed to resource costs as follows.

1. Light: Read, Update
2. Middle: Create
3. Heavy: Delete

And based on the logic of the behavior of the object register, which changes often; And because of the high costs of deleting records, there is a position that:

the result of the result does not make sense to remove synchronously at the time of the zero result, because "zero" does not mean "null" and because the likelihood of the fact that the next transaction will "want" to increase or decrease the result and it will become non-zero and we will need to incur cost more and on the insert operation.

hence the promise that records with zero result makes sense to remove asynchronously, that is, at a certain point in time - but again it is not known how to determine this very "certain point". Such a definition should lie on those responsible for the application - most often as we know the recalculation of results occurs at one point in time when the accounting periods are closed and is filed as a kind of preparatory procedure. Here it also lies the problem of which has long been known - the business task closing the period is not a task of ensuring technical stability and business can sometimes "score."
In practice, I had a table with 400 million records with zero outcome.

And here I can say that the developers of the platform slightly "missed" (from the word "defects") - the fact is that according to the above architectural solution, it is clearly understood that:

Delete recordings with zero result are needed by those keys (measurement sets) for which there were no UPDATE operations for a long time. And this functional in the platform is not - there is only a global recalculation. In large offices, this is solved by SQL Job "Ohm performing approximately the following job:

1. Find 1 set of keys (measurements) for which there were no movements for the last month and which are currently zero
2. On this set of measurements, delete an entry from the TOTAL Table

usually, this Job starts once every 10 seconds, Top 1 is selected to reduce the blocking time to the costly removal operation. Naturally, plans for recalculating statistics and rebuilding of defraganized indexes are already built into such bases. In cases where such "unnecessary" records are very much - you usually reduce the start-up period of Job, or refuse to the outcome register - because if you have many keys goes to "zero" and is no longer used, most likely you have 2 operations The movements "came" and "left" - why keep such information in the status register is not clear.

Well, about the statistics here, too, all seized - Mascular operations Create and Delete, as well as the UPDATE key column lead to a violation of the search tree on the index (key distribution range via data pages) - Well, that is, in the search range 1..10 it may be quite The key with a value 23 - so SQL was more convenient, because the data page was next to the key page 7, and the key 6 wiring the key 23 will turn out to be in the range of 100..134 - which also has been more convenient based on the data pages. An example on the fingers - but I think the essence reflects.

In general, it is convenient to understand the following statistics at the time of mass operations: when you make a mass insertion of SQL data attempts to help you and operates the proximity of the data page to optimize the insertion and completely forgets the optimization of read operations, where the parameter is the statistics (key search ranges in the table - key distribution ), Therefore, after after mass inserts, the reading operations is also fast - it is necessary to restore the performance of the read optimization tool. After performing the update STATS.

Yes, and still forgot to say - mass removal leads to the massive occurrence of phantom records: the recording is listed remote, but the place takes - this situation leads to a decrease in the performance of sample operations of type SCAN (view).

Vatkir; asylum90; Hans; Anikrion; Albert_2008; Niberu; Ser6702; Marchtomcat; OLEZHE; user598655_ilia-bers; KLAUS38; Lordkim; lmnlmn; SPENSER123; Monte Carlo; Acanta; Zaharknyaz; Aggressorak; vesd; Ilya $ n; Waanneek; Skyjack; Letarch; aegoncharov; User777757; [Email Protected]; mytg; Gang031; ICE-NET; Goga1979; Chesscat; REGRZ; 1CPROGR_NSK; Irwin; Paradise.87; Kav2; Corum; Roman100; for_questions; ragimi; Eugenemipt; kai nk; kitaevay; Crosby; Noxie41; Alex_grem; nixel; new_user; TDML; Nevid; Rimidalv; reboot; denis_aka_wolf; Flashill; marchenko.y; Freya-Khv; ASG.aleks; Denis13; ADM134; TIS_08; MTV :); SOULSTEPS; shalimski; Ansk; Pisarevev; Silenser; kwazi; ENGINEER74; vadimlp77; Artano; Dgolovanov; Pchela751; AEXEEL; ArtBear; jif; Dmitryiv; Rego1337h; Slavap; WIZAXXX; Ivanboychuk123; Fishca; Evil Beaver; DACH; Rodinmax; Sanches; MDMDVD; zakakvo; Krio2; jacksonp; Adeich; AFedor; Maximstav; Doctorroza; Serg0ffan; Sanfoto; Kinazarov; Bukaska; theshadowco; Oitnur; Jester; Detec; audion; LaeG; Morok1983; krv2k; Di-Dog; sparklemal; AWA; Kpaceb.aa; Chif13; sa1m0nn; Cratosx; Allexoft; galich; vlad.frost; igordynets; TorMozit; vasiliy_b; vladir; Meuses; Poopkeen; Andreynikus; Prad2002; DiCwork; Johnydeath; An-aleksey; IT-Developer; rgrisha; Bronislav; 7O2UYXG; Holodzar; Adyrschdv; Azagtot; Ramses; Denisch; Ponom; RD80; W-Divin; MetMetMet; Cheburator; Pressalod; Diversus; sevushka; Aleksey.bochkov; yuraos;

The functioning of the program may violate due to emergency termination of work, for example, when the electricity is disconnected. Then the database does not manage to enter.

Sometimes a functioning program can show incorrect results. From the list "disappear" documents, when trying to open the document, the program freezes, strange results appear in the reports. All these "glitches" stop after testing and fixing 1C.

Errors can not manifest itself so rude, but any oddities and inaccuracies are a reason for "repair work".

Causes leading to problems:

  • Emergency termination of work (sudden power off);
  • Physical wear of the hard disk;
  • Computer malfunctions.

Before fixing the database, back up

Before you test the database, you must make it backup.

This can be made directly copying the catalog where the information base is located. If you cannot enter the configurator, you can make a copy only in this way.

If you managed to enter the configurator, you need to select the Administration option in the menu → Unload the information base, as in Fig. 1. In the window that opens, you need to specify a directory to record a backup and the file name in which the archive will be saved.

Before testing and correcting a copy is done necessarily, since the correction is performed irreversible data changes. Sometimes (very rarely) they may not improve, but worsen the database status.

With normal operation, the backups must be done regularly, best - daily. In order for this work to be performed automatically, install a free program. BACKAPER-1C backup copies of accounting.

It is better to store backup copies not on the same carrier where the base itself is located. The flash drive is suitable, the internet storage, another hard drive. After all, sometimes the loss of data is associated with the physical wear of the hard disk.

Availability of backups - Insurance from data loss. However, it is impossible to vouch that in the backup copies, everything is perfect, so the relevance of the Testing option and the correction is not reduced.

Fig. 1. Unloading data.


  • Backup copies should be done regularly;
  • Backups must be stored on another carrier;
  • There is a program for automation BACKAPER-1C backup copies of accounting;
  • Before testing and correcting, make a copy of the base.

Correction of the information base internal means of the program

After a backup is made, open the database in the configurator mode. Select the Administration menu option → Testing and correcting the information base.

In the window that opens, you need to put ticks (Fig. 2).

But it is better not to do this: not all operations listed in the menu are necessary when repairing after the accident.

Fig.2. Window testing and fixing 1C 8 with populicks in all points. So do not do:

If you note all items, a long process will start. Testing and correction results are displayed at the bottom of the window. After performing actions, you need to click on the button. Close.

Perform everything is not the best option! Qualified users perform actions in stages and selectively.

Stages of correction

Consider all the menu items Testing and Correction.

  • Reindexing of the tables of the information base;
  • Checking logical integrity;
  • Checking reference integrity;
  • Recalculation of results;
  • Compression tables;
  • Restructuring tables.

The first stage, the reindexing of the information base tables, helps to solve 90% of the problems. What happens in the process of reindexing?

Making data into reference books, the creation of new documents is accompanied by their automatic ordering. The names are lined up alphabetically, documents - by dates, etc. At the same time, the physical order of the records does not change. Entries are displayed in a specific order, because they are assigned numbers (indexes), and the index compliance with the physical recording number is contained in the index tables.

Indices are very important:

  • The search in indexed tables occurs many times faster than in non-indexed;
  • The index number is a unique "code" code, the indexes are connected between the records from different tables;
  • Indian tables are the framework of the information base; Without them, the program 1C does not work.

Violation of index tables leads to chaos in the presentation of documents. Maybe, for example, to light up a document in which there are no items of goods, but there is their number.

Each new entry is accompanied by changes in index tables: For example, after making a record directory starting on the letter A, it will be assigned one of the first indexes, and all other index numbers will be changed. A small pause arising after making a new record is related to the recalculation of indexes; The larger the base, the more noticeable pause.

Creating a document and records in it leads to several index tables (sometimes several dozen). In fact, the reindeption of 1C tables is kept constantly while working with data. But in the operating mode, each time one or more tables are indexed, and when testing and fixing, the complete indexation of all tables is performed, and this process, for large databases, takes a long time.

So, when re-indexed, such processes occur:

  • Records are anew ranked and streamlined;
  • The relationship between tables and other objects is restored;
  • In many cases, the program is restored.

After re-indemge, you can check whether the performance of the base has been restored.

The next step is to check logical integrity. The correspondence of the real structure of the information base and its description in the configuration (the presence of objects, the presence of links between objects) is checked. This checking often reports errors even in a working database, should not be panicing with such messages. However, this is an occasion for addressing a consultation to a specialist.

Checking the reference integrity "nicknames" links between objects. Sometimes the table uses a link to a missing object, such as a remote document. Reference integrity is taken to be restored manually, according to the list resulting from verification. Sometimes reference integrity is violated on "abandoned areas" - in old irrelevant documents. Then they simply do not pay attention.

Recalculation of results - a long and risky procedure. In 1c, the results are recalculated in normal mode, but it is not "from the beginning of time", and from the beginning of the month. The final values \u200b\u200bare monitored in registers, it accelerates work. If you turn on the recalculation of the results in testing and correction mode, the recalculation will be taken from the moment of creating the base, and the correct current values \u200b\u200bof the registers can "swim" due to the long-distance recovery or fixed documents. As a result, long-term work on recalculation will not benefit.

If there is no need, then from the recalculation of the results it is better to refrain.

Compressing tables is the procedure of physical removal of records that have been marked for deletion and stopped displayed on the screen. There may be a lot of such records, they sweep the database without use.

Compress tables - useful function, although it is not necessary to perform it.

The restructuring of the tables is an operation, relevant when switching to a new version of the program. When restructuring, empty tables are created with the format specified in the configuration, and they are transferred to the recording, information from old tables. Fields can be expanded in new tables, new fields have been added. Restructuring is an operation that should prepare an information base for work in a new way, and it is absolutely necessary when updates.

If no versions changed, restructuring is not needed, this long procedure will not add anything and cannot change.

So, when correcting the "fallen" program, options are also needed:

  • Reindexing of information base tables
  • Checking logical integrity
  • Check reference integrity

What if you can't run testing and correction?

If the base is badly damaged and it is not possible to enter the configurator, another restoration feature remains: Use the chdbfl.exe utility. The file can be found in the BIN installation directory folder (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Selecting the chdbfl.exe utility

By entry on the command line shown in Fig. 3, it can be seen that the path to the file lies through the 1CV8.2, or 1SV8.3 catalog, in short through the program directory. It can be located in the Program Files folder or in another folder. You need to find the location of the directory and open it. Inside the directory open the BIN folder,

Runing the executable file, select the database to be corrected, and allow the errors detected (Fig.4)

Fig.4. Window CHDBFL.EXE program

Let's summarize. If the program does not start after emergency interruption, you need to do the following:

  • Make a backup;
  • Try to enter through the configurator and use the Testing and Correction option;
  • If the configurator fails to enter, find the EXE program and try to save the data using this program;
  • If all attempts do not give results, you need to seek help from experts;
  • In case of unbalanced data loss, set the latest workable backup;
  • If the backup is not performed - restore data on primary documents and paper prints.

Successful data recovery is not always. Insurance from data loss is daily backup: if the information base is damaged, you can go back a day ago and quickly restore lost recordings.