IPhone SE turns off in the cold. IPhone turns off on the frost: why and what to do? Why many other smartphones work without problems in winter

No, he did not break and not outdated morally. Explanation Simple and generally speaking for 2018: iPhones are just weak Li-Pol batteries.

Polymeric material (Li-POL), which in modern lithium-ion batteries performs the role of electrolyte, at a temperature below zero loses its properties. Internal resistance is growing, and the container drops. As a result, the battery does not give the current current, and with it and all the iPhone quickly turns into a brick.

You can do anything. Apple warns on the official website that at least for the correct operation of devices - 0 degrees Celsius. If on the street minus, the phone batteries have the right not to work. The same story that with the protection against moisture is: it seems to be, but if your phone bothers and stop working, this is not a warranty case.

Do not drop the iPhone in the snow. Even for the sake of a beautiful frame. Photo: Depositphotos.

What if the iPhone turned off in the cold?

When the phone cut off and does not give signs of life, hide it into the inner pocket of clothing and do not remove until you enter the warm room. Next, the instructions for Gicks: In warm, get it, whenever possible, wrap in polyethylene to limit wet air access, and let it warm up 15-30 minutes. Or simply give an iPhone to get warm. He must earn.

If after that the iPhone does not turn on, it makes sense to make a hardware reboot. If it did not help it - well, carries the phone to the service.

How to make a hardware reboot (hard reset)

  • On early models - before iPhone 6S: Hold the HOME button and the power button and keep them about 10 seconds.
  • On iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus: At the same time, underpress the volume button (located on the body of the left) and the power button.
  • On iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XS Max, XR: Hard Reset is done in three stages. You must alternately press and release the volume button and the volume button, and then press the power button for 10 seconds.

Restarting iPhone - from 5 to x (XS, XR, XS MAX). / Scheme - Apple Official Site

How to avoid hypothermia? ❄

Charge the phone warm!

If in the cold, your iPhone was discharged in zero, do not rush to immediately charge it on returning to a warm house. First, give the phone to warm up to room temperature, and then turn on the outlet so that the battery is not deformed. Remember that the optimal temperature range for charging is from 0 to 35 degrees Celsius.

The dependence of the charge speed of the phone from temperature. Photo: Battery University

Try to keep the iPhone dry - from the inside and outside.

If the Snow Snow or Rain is on the street, it is clear that it is better not to get a phone without any extra need.

However, even if there is no precipitation, there is another, not too obvious problem - condensate. If you talk on your iPhone on the frost, and then you go to the warm room, condensate may form inside the phone. If this will be constantly, corrosion of parts can begin, and the phone will fail. So here's another reason once again not to get a gadget from your pocket in the cold.

It is dangerous to overheat the smartphone.

Having come home, let the iPhone warm at room temperature. Of course, we do not suspect you in the desire to warm the device in the microwave (although the story knows cases). But more innocent ways to use should not be used.

Do not try to warm it up quickly, for example, putting on a hot battery or next to the working heater. Consistent temperature differences harm to technical devices, avoid them.

As we remember, the biggest problem, because of which the iPhone is forever "sits down" on the street at the speed of light - cooling. So, we must try to keep warm around it.

Run the energy-intensive application.

You can warm the iPhone at the expense of its own resources. People's method, which will increase the temperature of the device. Before entering the street, run some kind of game or application type of postal service. At the same time, the motherboard of the smartphone is heated, and with it the entire case, and the phone is easier to transfers a minus temperature. The trouble is only that Powerbank will have to carry with me.

The case when "eats the battery" is an explicit advantage of the application. Photo: Depositphotos.

Use a cover and inner pocket.

First, as we remember when the gadget works, he heats himself a little. Save your own heat will help him with covers. Even a thin silicone case is able to give your gadget a couple of degrees in a plus. But with severe frosts it is better to use fabric or felt covers. Secondly, you can warm it with your warmth. Not figuratively, but in the literal sense. If you wear your iPhone in an outdoor pocket or bag, put in the inner. The warmth of your body will heat the device and it will work fine.

Fabric case for phone. Photo: Madeheart.

Use the headset.

"Keep the phone in warm": Such a council looks just mocking obvious. But on the street, many about it forget. In order not to get an iPhone from the pocket in particularly cold days, use the headset.

10.02.2018 9 645

Surprisingly, but why does our apple phone turn off when frost? It turns out, frost and iPhone are poorly compatible. The optimal temperature for normal operation of the iPhone is from 0 to +35 ° C.

And what to do, your smartphone still got down in the frost and how to prevent it off, these 9 tips will help.

Charge iPhone up to 100% before you go out

Banal Council, but it is better to charge a completely battery before going outside to any weather.

In the rainy and frosty weather we carry a smartphone in a case

In addition to the protection of glass and the body of the phone from damage, the cover will also not give frozen the battery and will prevent the sediment on it.

Use headphones

Use better headphones than wireless headset with recharging. In winter, you can not remove the phone from the pocket to avoid the snow from the snow, well, let's save the phone from supercooling.

Run heavy game or application

Before going out to the street, pay 5 minutes of time with your heavy toy on the smartphone, thereby dispelled the battery, and the charge is not sorry for this.

Do not turn on the navigator in the winter on the iPhone

This is the most common error, because of which the phone is quickly transferred and turned off. In general, the iPhone hold without a cover in the cold for longer than 2 minutes.

Keep the iPhone better closer to the body, but not in a bag

Wear a smartphone in the domestic pocket pants, batch files or sweaters. There is more chances that with a long walking around the frost, it is not turned off than you will carry it in a bag or in your pocket jacket.

If the iPhone is still turned off, then you need to go into a warm room and hold in your hands. Try not to poke the button, and wait 20 minutes. This time is enough for the battery to come warmed and start working fine. Do not warm the phone near the stove in the car, as condensate may appear on it.

IPhone users often complain that their smartphone turns off in the cold. This problem is characteristic of all iPhone models, but especially often the owners of the iPhone 4S, 5, 5S, 6, 6S and 7 are facing.

Usually such complaints appear in the midst of winter frosts, when the temperature on the street reaches the level -20 or lower. In this article we will tell why the iPhone turns off in the cold and what can be done to not happen.

If an iphone is influenced by negative temperatures, a variety of "glitches" and malfunction may appear. For example, an iPhone can stop working the screen sensor. But, the most typical problem when using an iPhone on the frost is a quick battery discharge. As a result of this accelerated battery discharge, an iPhone can completely turn off. How fast it will turn off the iPhone depends on the ambient temperature, the state of the battery and the load on the iPhone.

The quick discharge of the battery and the subsequent shutdown of the iPhone occurs because the battery is simply not designed to work in the frost. According to the official website of Apple, for full-fledged an iPhone, the ambient temperature should be in the range from 0 to +35 degrees Celsius. At the same time, it is noted on the site that the temperature from -20 to +45 degrees Celsius is suitable for storage of the iPhone.

But, you do not need to worry too much about this. Frost fenced not only iPhone batteries, but also all the batteries and batteries. This is their overall feature. Even a car battery may not start the engine if a strong frost is on the street, and the battery is no longer the first freshness.

What to do if the iPhone turns off in the cold

If you live in the region with a harsh climate and regularly encounter the iphone on the frost, that is, it makes sense to take some measures to solve this problem.

  • First, try to keep the iPhone as closer to the body, so that its temperature does not descend too low. Perfect option, inner pocket jacket or front jeans pocket. If you keep an iPhone in a bag, then avoid shutdowns on the frost will definitely fail.
  • It makes sense for the winter period to pick up some thick case for iPhone. The fact is that metal and glass that are used for the production of the iphone body are perfectly conducted. Therefore, when the iPhone appears to quickly give heat into the environment and, its temperature drops below zero. As a result, the quick discharge of the battery and shutdown. But if the iPhone is in a thick case, it will cool up much slower.

  • In addition, you can arm. Of course, the external battery also does not like frost, but it usually it is in a plastic case and its capacity is much higher than that of the iPhone battery. Therefore, in most cases, the external battery continues to work even when the iPhone and other gadgets have long turned off. By connecting your iPhone to such a battery, you can recharge it in the field and make a couple of calls. However, it is not necessary to abuse this method, so as the recharging of the battery in the cold can reduce its service life.
  • In the extreme case, as a solution, you can see the replacement of the battery on the iPhone. But, to resort to this option only in the event that your iPhone turns off immediately after entering the frost and refuses to work even for a while.

What to do if the iPhone does not turn on after frost

Do not panic if your iPhone turned off in the cold and refuses to turn on after entering the warm room. Give the device for a while so that it is completely warmed to room temperature. Usually for this you need 15-20 minutes.

After the iPhone temperature was leveled with the room temperature, you can turn it on again. Most likely, he will turn on without any problems. If this does not happen, the iPhone must be put on charging and leave it alone for a while.

Strictly speaking, this is a problem not specifically "apple" device, but a lithium-ion battery. It really loses the capacitance in the cold, as a result of which the iPhone is turned off. How to deal with it? Here are a few obvious (and not very) tips.

1 Charge 100% before entering the street.

The easiest way to avoid the discharge of the battery is to charge it. It's simple, but many elementary forget about charging. Actually, if you use the iPhone at home or in the office, the most than 30% will be enough for a long time. Go on a winter walk with a dog or a slide with a child? Just in case, charge the battery completely.

2 Buy Cove

Your task is not to quickly freeze the battery. The case for this is perfectly suitable - it is of course, not the heated, but how thermal insulation works well. Especially if he did not from plastic, but from silicone or dense matter, besides, it fits tightly to the housing.

3 Use the headset

To talk on the phone, it is not necessary to get, actually the phone itself. You can connect the headset (wired or via Bluetooth) and with pleasure to chat, without fearing to discharge the main gadget. At the same time learn and call using voice dialing. If you also have an Apple Watch - in general perfectly, read notifications on the clock screen.

4 Wear iPhone in the domestic pocket

This is a trite, but there is warmer. In principle, any pocket of outerwear will fit (for example, jackets): Even in the side is not as cold as on the street. Some manage to shove the smartphone into gloves or mittens, but it is easy to pick it up.

5. Take the smartphone with a useful business.

When the gadget processor is strongly loaded, a lot of heat is released. You can run a resource-intensive application (for example, the game), and the smartphone temperature will rise slightly. Another popular script is to put an iPhone for charging. Of course, connecting not to the outlet, but to Powerbank.

If he is already frozen, which can not be done

It is terribly infuriated when your phone is more than 50,000 rubles. leaves you without communication. It is not surprising that users want to return the frozen gadget to life as quickly as possible. That's what they are trying to do.

Put the iPhone on the battery. The fastest way to warm up the smartphone (not counting the plates and microwave). He is the most dangerous (again, the plates and stoves will give odds): With a sharp drop of temperature, the screen can crack, besides, condensate is formed inside, which is also detrimental to the technique. Better leave it to bask at room temperature.

Arrange a scandal in the service centerApple.Useless. You will be sent to the official website, where it is written that the normal operating temperature for the iPhone is not lower than 0 S. frozen - they themselves are to blame. Complete.

Give an announcement of the sale. And this item will leave without commemutaries;)

And in general: in the end, almost the entire last century lived without mobile phones. There is nothing terrible to stay for some hour and a half without communication. Well, at least, I want to think so.

Too high or low temperatures affect any technique, including smartphones and tablets. It is believed that the cold has a negative impact on the work of the iPhone and iPad, but as it is - the question. October frosts forced to figure out what will happen if the gadget freezes.

Earlier, smartphone users were forced to shoot gloves or mittens to answer the call, dial a message or start the application. Gloves that are compatible with capacitive screens quickly appeared on sale, and then the devices themselves began to recognize the touch in gloves.

One problem was solved, but others remained. Most often, the battery suffers in winter. The iPhone and iPad uses a lithium-ion battery, which at low temperatures behaves incorrectly, reminds UDF. Apple shares modes for storing and operating devices. Such data are indicated for iPhone and iPad: permissible operating temperature - from 0 to 35 ° C, temperatures during storage - from -20 to 45 ° C, relative humidity - from 5 to 95% without condensation. In other words, the minus temperatures of Apple are not in width.

When the battery is frozen, the smartphone believes that it is discharged and the device turns off. You can only drive it in one way - to "warm up". Putting the phone on the battery, understandable, is not worth it is enough to leave in the room with a normal temperature. The battery is generally better not to overload stressful situations for it. Almost all cases of emartphones explosions occurred due to a battery malfunction, which could be caused by violated terms of use.

Interesting case in Norway, which occurred in 2011. The woman was charged in the iPhone car, it was about -12 degrees on the street. Probably, the interior of the car did not have time to warm up, and the cold smartphone began to be charged at low temperatures.

The casing of the iPhone cracked, the glass fragments scattered in all directions. The owner of the smartphone is confident that she was saved on serious injuries. Apple studied the case and said that operating conditions were violated.

Another problem with which smartphones are faced - displays. At low temperatures, the process of updating the pixels is highly slowed down, which is why it is possible to see an unpleasant loop with animation. This is subject to all displays, slightly relates to amoled screens. At the operability of the phone, the frozen screen does not affect, and the visual "inhibition" of the display will pass when the device will move.

Most iPhone and iPad users such problems will not affect. Signs of unstable work due to frosts will manifest itself if a few hours walk with the phone in hand at -10 degrees and below. And in the city rhythm, with frequent trips in transport and visiting cafes, shops, offices, the phone simply will not have time to freeze. With a long stay on the street, it is enough to put a device in the inner pocket of the jacket or jeans. Temperatures of the body will be enough to maintain the smartphone in fully working condition.