How to bring to mind a multifunctional thermostat W1209 per hour. How to bring to mind Multifunctional thermostat W1209 per hour thermostat from China instruction

After the proper connection (you can see B), we go to the temperature setting and other settings.

Depending on what we need to heal or cool (at a given temperature, the relay will either close or smear the contacts), set one of two modes: cooling or heating. To do this, press and hold the "SET" button for more than two seconds, "P0" appears on the display, this means that we went to the program menu. Use the "+" and "-" buttons to navigate the program menu, but in our case we are located on the desired value "P0", so you press the "SET" button and select the desired mode: "C" is cooling, and "H" heat.

The following setting in the "P1" menu is hysteresis, this temperature difference at which the thermostat will turn on or turns on, (factory setting 2 ° C). For example, the thermostat is set on a shutdown at + 40 ° C, when this temperature reaches this temperature, the relay will open. And it turns on only when the temperature drops to the hysteresis exposed, that is, at + 38 ° C.

The following two menu item:

  • "P2" upper limit for installing a supported temperature (factory setting + 110 ° C).
  • "P3" bottom limit for installing a supported temperature (factory setting -55 ° C). When these temperatures reach the W1209 thermostat will be turned off.

The "P5" menu item is responsible for the delay in switching on the relay, you can set up to 10 minutes. (default setting 0 min).

The last item "P6" allows you to control overheating protection. OFF-protection is turned off, ON - Protection is enabled.

Temperature setting: Press the "SET" button, the indicator will begin to blink, buttons "+" and "-" set the desired temperature.

To reset the factory settings you need:

  • disable food
  • press and hold the buttons "+" and "-"
  • suggest on the thermostat

"888" appears on the LED display, after which the current temperature will appear.

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The thermostat is a control device to maintain a certain temperature with a given accuracy. It can be useful in various automation systems (refrigerator, greenhouse, heated pipes, boiler, ventilation, car, etc.).

I admit that this kind of devices are skeptical - used to working with serious multifunctional devices, so I will be very critical.

Board sizes: 50x40x16mm.

The quality of manufacture was pleasantly surprised, the board is almost washed, the installation is neat, all the details on the spot.

However, the design is uncomfortable for embedding - the indicator and the buttons are recessed with respect to the relay and connectors. According to the mind, they had to be put on the back of the board.

The setpoint and temperature range -50 ºС +110 ºС, which is quite enough for domestic use.

The red LED 3-bit discharge indicator 22x10 mm shows the temperature to the tenths of the degree, the temperature is below -10 ºС (up to -50 ºС) and above 100 ºС (up to 110 ºС) displays without decimal fractions, because The discharges of the indicator lack. The setpoint displace is given by the same principle.

The red LED on the board simply duplicates the switching on the relay.

3 control buttons: SET, +, -. SET - selects the setpoint and setting mode, + and - change the setpoint value and parameters.

The + button is more logical to put on the right, and not in the center, because In accordance with common sense, the increase should be on top or right.

In C mode (Cooling), it works like this: while the temperature is below the setpoint, the relays are open, when the set temperature is reached, the relay contacts are closed and remain in this position until the temperature is reduced by the value of the installed hysteresis (by default by 2 ºС).

In H (heating) runs on the contrary.

The control relay is 12V with no contact, switches the current to 20a (14VDC) and up to 5a (250VAC).

It would be better if the relay was set with a switching pin and all 3 outputs were displayed on the connection connector, while the thermostat scope of the thermostat is slightly expanded.

The thermal sensor is a thermal resistance of 10k, hermetically pumped into a protective metal cap. The length of the cable is 30 cm (stated 50cm), but if necessary, it can be extended.

Setting up parameters with decoding:

    Temperature setting -50 ºС 110 ºС, default 28 ºС

    P1 - switching hysteresis 0.1 - 15.0 ºС, by default 2.0 ºС. Asymmetric (minus from setpoint), reduces the load on the relay and the Contractor to the detriment of the accuracy of temperature maintenance.

    P2 - Maximum temperature setpoint -45 ºС 110 ºС, default 110 ºС. Allows you to narrow the setting range from above.

    P3 - Minimum temperature setpoint -50 ºС 105 ºС, default -50 ºС. Allows you to narrow the setpoint range from the bottom.

    P4 - correction of the measured temperature -7.0 ºС 7.0 ºС, by default 0.0 ºС. Allows simple calibration to increase measurement accuracy (only shift characteristics).

    P5 - trigger delay in minutes 0-10min, by default - 0 min. Sometimes it is necessary to delay the triggering of the artist, critical for example for the refrigerator compressor.

    P6 Restriction of the displayed temperature from above (overheating) 0 ºС-110 ºС, default OFF. Better without having to touch, because If the display is incorrectly configured, the display will constantly display "---" in any mode and will have to throw off the settings to the default state, for this you need to hold the + and - and -.

    The mode of operation C (cooler) or H (heater), by default S. actually simply inverts the logic of the thermostat.

All settings are saved after turning off the power. No additional and cunning settings (PID, tilt, processing, alarm) are not detected, but they are not needed by a simple user.

At temperatures below -50 ºС (or when the sensor is disconnected), LLL is displayed on the indicator.

At temperatures above 110 ºС (or when the sensor is closed), HHH is displayed on the indicator.

An interesting feature - the speed of updating the temperature readings depends on the rate of temperature change. With quick temperature changes, the indicator updates the readings 3 times a second, with slow changes - about 10 times slower, i.e. There is a digital filtering of the result to increase the stability of the readings. .

Managing controller - STM8S003F3P6. The reference voltage on the temperature sensor and the power of the controller are stabilized 5.0V on AMS1117 -5.0. The thermostat consumption current in the mode of the disconnected relay of 19mA turned on 68mA (with a supply voltage of 12.5V).

Power supply below 12V connected undesirable, because The relay serves a voltage of 1.5V less feeding. It is better that it is a little more (13-14B) current-limiting resistors on the indicator stand in the discharge circuits, and not segments - this leads to a change in their brightness depending on the number of burning segments. It does not affect normal operation, but the eyes rushes.

The RESET (4 PIN) entry is displayed for programming, it has only an internal high-resistance suspender (0.1 mA) and the controller is sometimes falsely reset from the strong spark interference nearby (even from the spark in its own relay), or with a random contact touch with hand.

Easy is easily corrected by the installation of the blocking capacitor 0.1MKF on the shared wire.

Verification and calibration conducted classically at two test points 0 ºС and 100 ºС in water with melting ice showed +1 ºС

The W1209 thermostat is an electronic device, the main task of which is to control the temperature and its deduction in certain values. Similar relays are used in devices to maintain a constant temperature: incubators, warm floors, greenhouses and greenhouses.

The W1209 programmable thermostat has such important quality, as low cost, is now the cheapest device from those present on the market. The price of this device is within 150-300 rubles.

A brief overview of the module

Digital dual-thumb and dual-mode - inapplicious thermostat W1209. The overall dimensions of this device are 4.8x4x1.4 cm. This is a small board with a closure, a terminal box, programming buttons, a display and an inclusion indicator. The main advantages of this device are:

  • compactness - the device has small sizes;
  • universality - this thermostat can be applied in various conditions, it is tolerant of low and high temperatures, has a fairly wide range of settings;
  • the presence of a thermal sensor installed on the connector, which is quite convenient in some cases;
  • the device is calibrated, it makes it possible to use it with a sufficiently accurate definition of parameters.

The basis of W1209 is the STM8S003F3P6 controller, the task of which is to analyze the temperature sensor, comparing it with the threshold values \u200b\u200bset by the settings. If inconsistent, the controller includes a load on the current consumer, which displays the temperature range to the programmed values.

Specifications for such an inexpensive device are also impressive:

  • temperature control range: -50 ° C ... 110 ° C;
  • measurement accuracy: 0.1 ° C (temperature elimination below 10 and above 100 ° C, in this range only integers);
  • control accuracy of 0.1 ° C (temperature elimination below 10 and above 100 ° C, in this range only integers);
  • hysteresis 0.1 ... 15 ° C, its accuracy is 0.1 ° C;
  • power supply 12V, load current 5A at 220V and 15A at 14V DC;
  • thermal sensor type NTC 10K 0.5%, cable length - 0.3 m;
  • power consumption - 65 MA;
  • connecting the load through a single-channel relay.

Additionally, it should be noted that the thermal sensor has a degree of water refractory and can work at relative humidity up to 85%. The specified temperature is shown on a three-bit LED display. The power supply W1209 DC 12 V is made from the direct current network in 12-14V, force 15a.

The users have a fairly high quality of manufacturing and propagation of these devices, at the same time there is a short thermal sensor wire - only 30 cm.

Important! The thermostatic sensor is protected from moisture, the thermostar of the body does not have, for this reason, installing it in places with high humidity will lead to its failure.

Configuration and operation of the thermostat

Tuning the thermaller is made using three buttons located under the display. These are the keys: "SET", "+" and "-". "SET" is responsible for choosing the control setting mode, plus and minus are responsible for increasing or decreasing the values \u200b\u200bof the adjustable parameters. At the same time, one of the two main modes of operation is configured: this is or heating, or cooling the thermal sensor.

At a temperature within the relay-programmed relay menu, the switching on it occurs when it is reduced or increasing the programmed hysteresis. At this point, the relay turns on and remains in this state until the temperature is changed to the level installed in the instrument settings.

When working in heating mode, the sensor responds to a decrease in temperature. The microcontroller notes a decrease in the temperature on the sensor, below the definite parameter, opens the relay contact and gives the load on the alarm. If he, in turn, is connected to the heating element, then the temperature on the sensor rises. The controller when analyzing information from the sensor marks this parameter and its coincidence with the specified one. After that turns off the alarm, reducing the load. The same process, but in the reverse order used in cooling mode.

The controller receives information from the sensor, the connector for it is located on the main board of the device. The thermal sensor itself with a sealed moistureproof NTC 10K case with a resistance of 10 kΩ is connected by a wire through the connector on the board. The disadvantage is only a small cable length - only 30 cm, but if necessary, the wire can be replaced by a longer one. The diagram of the device is shown below.

Important! Setting the parameters is saved even with short-term press on the SET key, so you need to be extremely careful when working with the control of the thermal.

Order setting

Setup is performed using the control keys. So, when you simultanely press the "SET" button, the indicator starts flashing, the current module settings are displayed on the display. At this point, you can change the values \u200b\u200bthat operate the keys plus and minus. In the absence of actions on the control buttons, the sensor returns to the work mode, it should be noted that the changes made before disconnecting the menu are stored in the memory of the W1209 relay chip.

Long-term pressing on "SET" will launch the programming mode and setting parameters. The instruction offers a detailed description of all the operating modes of the device, as well as the main values \u200b\u200bfor which the device is calculated, but we duplicate the information here. At the same time, the parameter menu appears on the display:

  • P0 - The main modes of the thermorel: heating or cooling, litera C and H, the default is cooling;
  • P1 - Changing Histerizis: from 0.1 to 15, by default 2;
  • P2 - the limit positive temperature, default 110 ºС;
  • P3 - limit negative temperature, -50 ºС;
  • P4 - correction: -7.0 and 7.0 ° C, accurate temperature range calibration;
  • P5 - delaying time and disconnect the thermostat, up to 10 minutes, by default 0;
  • P6 - Limit disconnect temperature, protection from the device overheating, is disabled by default - OFF.

All information is remembered in the board controller, and the settings are saved even with short-term disconnection of the thermostat from the current source.

Reset to factory settings is carried out by simultaneously pressing the SET, plus and minus keys for some time.

Calibration Teroreare W1209.

It can be produced in two known points: this is the temperature of the ice melting - 0 ° C and the boiling point of water - 100ºС. It is worth noting that the latter parameter is not constant and depends on the pressure of the air and its rareness, this method does not fit in the highlands.

Calibration, Verification W1209, the setting of it at home is quite simple. The sensor is lowered into the container with melting ice or snow, the adjustment mode is activated on the thermal. Next, configure the menu P4, after which you need to repeat the steps at the second checkpoint at 100 degrees Celsius. In this case, you can be sure that the sensor shows a relatively accurate temperature.

Disability of the thermostat of W1209.

Due to the compactness on the main thermostat board, the RESET input, the fourth controller terminal, is displayed for programming. This leads to the fact that from time to time the spark is knocked down the setting the controller settings. This disadvantage is eliminated by mounting a SMD capacitor of 0.1 μF per shared cable.

Despite the relatively low price, the XH-W1209 thermostat is an efficient and compact device for automatic control over the compliance of the temperature mode. Due to the technical and operational characteristics, it can be used for both various kinds of technical devices and directly to control the temperature in mini-saunas and baths.


After the proper connection (you can see B), we go to the temperature setting and other settings.

Depending on what we need to heal or cool (at a given temperature, the relay will either close or smear the contacts), set one of two modes: cooling or heating. To do this, press and hold the "SET" button for more than two seconds, "P0" appears on the display, this means that we went to the program menu. Use the "+" and "-" buttons to navigate the program menu, but in our case we are located on the desired value "P0", so you press the "SET" button and select the desired mode: "C" is cooling, and "H" heat.

The following setting in the "P1" menu is hysteresis, this temperature difference at which the thermostat will turn on or turns on, (factory setting 2 ° C). For example, the thermostat is set on a shutdown at + 40 ° C, when this temperature reaches this temperature, the relay will open. And it turns on only when the temperature drops to the hysteresis exposed, that is, at + 38 ° C.

The following two menu item:

  • "P2" upper limit for installing a supported temperature (factory setting + 110 ° C).
  • "P3" bottom limit for installing a supported temperature (factory setting -55 ° C). When these temperatures reach the W1209 thermostat will be turned off.

The "P5" menu item is responsible for the delay in switching on the relay, you can set up to 10 minutes. (default setting 0 min).

The last item "P6" allows you to control overheating protection. OFF-protection is turned off, ON - Protection is enabled.

Temperature setting: Press the "SET" button, the indicator will begin to blink, buttons "+" and "-" set the desired temperature.

To reset the factory settings you need:

  • disable food
  • press and hold the buttons "+" and "-"
  • suggest on the thermostat

"888" appears on the LED display, after which the current temperature will appear.

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