How to farm accounts on Facebook? Important settings of the virtual machine before pharmine.

Course: "Traffic arbitration on Facebook (Cloacing + Farming)" . A closed share was created for this product + several reskestr. The material is good, without water. It is perfect for those who want to do gray arbitration. The material was excellent everywhere. Material sent anonymous user With a comment:

Hello. My first publication. Very good course, everything is clearly described. On the folding only positive feedback and agree with everyone. It is stated by everything in detail. So far did not kill the topic - try and try to make money on it, also do not forget that you can change the topic and adapt to yourself. I ask anonymously, and then the nickname on the folding is the same. Good luck in learning!

The material can be deleted upon request of the copyright holder!

Course description:

If in detail, then this time we really worked for fame. Dozens of sleepless nights, sought decislation weeks, hundreds of hours of work, and everything for the time to get a really suitable material that you will transmit from generation to generation your grandchildren.

Why should every arbitrary be able to clog?

Because the courtyard is already the second half of 2017 and everything inevitably goes to ensure that everything is "in pure." In partners there are more and more "white" offers, a batch, adult and the vap-click are beginning to slow down, and some CPA and completely switched to the e-commerce segment. Who caught the battlefield 5 years ago, he probably remembers that there were delicious profits and this is despite the fact that for the overwhelming majority of people, buying over the Internet was a wild novelty, and not so commonplace as now. Naturally, every year algorithms / bots / moderators of all advertising systems are improved and now advertise as cool the crucibles becomes more difficult. But it does not matter if you know how to replace the contents of the pages.


Output. New knowledge. Expansion of the horizon. Call anything. This manual is an integral technical component that is obliged to be in luggage from any media Bayer if he is seriously aimed at work.

But for starters, let's decide what's in our guide you Do not find:

  • theories for beginners;
  • account information;
  • information on payment methods

If this information does not get you, then we have a couple of copies of the pharmine manual. (included)

And now to the main one.

In the manual, the following practical material was consolidated and detailed:

  • Cloaca through trackers: Cpatracker, Keitaro (2 ways + bonus), binom;
  • Cloaca using services and applications;
  • Automotoring as an alternative to Cloacing;
  • Combo method for fast drain from FB-KILLA.

Farming Accounts on Facebook - Step by step guide

Pharma accounts, moreover, taking into account the last algorithms, this is a sore theme of many, both beginners and professional adverds. The demand for soldered accounts is growing with each day, and the proposals are becoming less and less. In early May, in our public we offered accounts for sale and were amazed by the demand for this product. However, this is all ended, because My team of pharmacles collided with the problems of Self. Three weeks we fought with Facebook, trying to understand the principles for which accomes are banyed and wounded. I personally had to study dozens of how on Russian and foreign forums to try to find a solution to the problem. But there were no answers anywhere and not so far.

No one will never give you a 100% algorithm of Pharma Accounts without a ban.

However, some paths bypass still have. And I collected them carefully and structured all three weeks that was on vacation (thanks to Zequer for this). It took almost a thousand virtual machines to understand how working accounts can be done with a tied billing at a price within 1200 rubles.
I spent hundreds of hours on research and work with the team to get a medium breaking ~ 60% of the initial number of available accounts. As a result, a guide to 25 A4 sheets was opened, in which everyone will figure out.

Who will come in handy:

The material is provided solely for familiarization!

Joint action of the three largest educational resources! You can access at once to the three largest sites: Openssource, Slivysklad & Slivup! More than 250,000 materials! The action will last until February 23! Have time to earn yourself for a gift for February 23!

The correctly promoted account in Facebook avoids suspected from bots and moderators. And the long-playing account will help as soon as possible pouring traffic on good offices. But as soon as you begin to work, the bill can go on days - the account is somehow blockage, when the offper and account connection will be found. Facebook makes two types of checks:

  1. Auto. In this inspection, the robot itself analyzes the behavior of the page owner and compares it with the models of the behavior of those people who have already violated the community rules.
  2. Manual. In this case, the company's employee will independently look at the account, and if it seems suspicious, blocks it.

How to Fine Accounts in Facebook

Since Facebook is actively fighting against a violation of the rules, and it is still necessary to work and pour traffic, there are several actions that will help to high-qualityly farm account so that it is not blocked as long as possible. For a good farm you need to cook:

  • Bank card (the Yandex electronic card is suitable);
  • Browser Linken Sphere. It is paid, it will cost $ 500 for 6 months or $ 100 per month + will have to purchase configshop with a priority service for $ 900 (per year);
  • SIM cards;
  • Pictures of a person (on one photo-Selfie clearly should be visible to the face);
  • Private mobile proxies;
  • Computer and separate smartphone on android.

For the entire operation will leave from 11 to 17 days. There are two advice, which should be adhered to the accounts every time as long as possible:

We work in one session only by one proxy with one account of the FB, to which the unique mail and the phone is tied - they will not shine on other accounts.
Constantly change the pharmaceutical scheme, do not do it pattern.

In order not to get confused, make a consolidated table in Excel, where to record the legend of all Facebook accounts, and then specify the status - farm, work, discharge or ban.


Work in this browser will have to sessions. Each new tab is, in fact, a separate browser with its settings. The pharmacy work of each account is carried out in different tabs. Even cache and cookies are separated, so the whole farm will be safe. The procedure for setting is as follows:

  1. Create an account on Linken Sphere
  2. Pay licenses and download browser
  3. Get proxy.

After preparation, you can proceed to action:

  1. Open the browser, go to the account.
  2. Create a new session. Immediate Session Setup immediately. In the title of the session for convenience, enter the name and surname of the Facebook account. In the connection settings, select the option that is suitable for proxies.
  3. Enter the IP proxy, then the desired port port.
  4. Fill the fields with login and password
  5. Configure the system. You need to select the type of browser and the operating system.

So, if you work on Windows, choose Chrome, Opera, Edge. If you work on McBook, choose Chrome, Safari. Then it is worth making a few steps for convenience:

  • Put the resolution of 1200x800.
  • The language of the system coincides with proxy and geo. Enter only
  • Click "Check Proxy / Geo" to check the work of the proxy. Save all changes.

Turn off the flash and check the anonymity on the FB. If everything is fine, you can go to the next step.

How to pump browser

It is impossible to start work right away. If cookies are empty, the FB suspects the wrong. He can immediately ban or first launch a check on selfie. Therefore, you need to create mail in Google. Please note that the name must match the name of the farm account. And that's not all: you need to fill cookies further.

Open a couple of online stores, news sites - Simply put, spend half an hour or even an hour for reading and searching for the information you are interested in. On the way, try to duck into different active elements, even by collecting the basket in the online store. Just open the site and do not act not fit - the system will consider it for an automatic action. YouTube for cheating Cook will not work. So work for three days.

Creating a Facebook Account (for the fourth day)

After creating cookies and a good visiting history on a fourth day tab, you can open it to create an account. Before this, check that everything coincides - IIP and proxy. Open Google, enter "Facebook" and from the search query to go to the site. Start registering:

  1. Enter your name.
  2. Fill out the phone number
  3. Enter password.
  4. Date of birth and floor.

All these parameters must coincide with those that are in Google Account. Keep the phone turned on - it will come to it with a confirmation code. After the account is created, pour a photo on the avatar and put any background. Then fill out information on the legend - the city of residence, study, family status.

Checking the received account

The next day (fifth) go to the tab and the Facebook account. At the same time, we first pay attention to the "Recommended Friends" carousel and apply for men about 30-40 years old and one or two women. Open each page separately, make a pair of likes in the photo, and only after that throw an application as a friend. Make no more than 40 applications at a time.

Join a couple of communities for interests, create a visible interest, leaving 1-2 lying on publications. Add a couple of events, watch video. Getting a job will be enough. Sixth seventh day: We continue to show activity and perform the same actions.

Create a page (on the eighth day)

Open Facebook in the desired tab and click on "Create a page". Create a community. Choose any subject. After creating, publish a pair of thematic posts. Advertisement is better to start 3-5 days after creation, all this time is to post something on the topic. Finally, show duty activity.

Creating a business manager (ninth day)

After all sorts of activity on Facebook, create a business manager. Open the advertisement to create and track the efficiency of advertisements. From one Facebook account you can manage two business managers. Make five thematic advertising companies. They advertise our group strictly.

Creating a bank card Yandex (tenth day)

In Yandex, get the account with the same login and password as in Google. In the Yandex.Money section, create a virtual map. Confirm your phone number and the card will be ready. Write down its data - the table in Excel is perfect. Now tie the map to the business manager.

Come in the business manager section and create an advertising account in which the currency will be rubles. Click "Create My Business". Fill in information data from a virtual card (not from the Yandex.Money wallet). Before that, replenish the card for 200-300 rubles. Drain your budget for advertising received communities. Now the account is ready.

Do not bring more than 300 rubles to the card account and Facebook
Payment method is worth changing in extreme cases.
Add not bots to friends, but ordinary people.
The next, the new account should not be any associated with blocked.

3.97 (1)

It's no secret that " pain"All (most) Blooming arbits with Facebook`a are accounts. If you have a desire to remove this problem" Welcome to Club ", read the article to the end.

At the beginning of the article, I will make a reservation that I do not pretend to Lavra Guru FB and will not give you a 146% method of Pharma Akka in 3 steps. But still this method takes place on life, because I use it and the results are satisfied with me. My accommodations live a week and more and so there is no such problem with the lack of accounts. Pour to burning offer with ROI 500% and banned account? No problem. After this article, you already have a whole arsenal of accounts that can immediately be in battle.

We will proceed that we need to successfully create a long-lived account:

  • 1) Proxy IPv 4/6
  • 2) User agent
  • 3) sim card for activation
  • 4) SpyBrowser (can be without it, if you need to create a couple of accounts)
  • 5) Domain (parked domain in a partner)
  • 6) bank card or QIWI
Go to registration:

We buy software on the site Register or log in costs 2000 rubles. If you try, I think you can find crack.

Go to the interface:

We buy a proxy, I advise you to immediately take a lot in one store, buy 3-5 proxies in each store and type the number of the proxy depending on how much you need (1 acc \u003d 1 proxy server). You can take as IPv4 and IPv6. Personally, I take IPv4. And fill in SpyBrowser program.

Go to the Facebook tab

Click the "Import" tab.

We enter any values \u200b\u200bof the format login: pass (for example 79992122123: 3333333)

We choose the account you created and click "Assign a unique" user Agent.

Go to the proxy. Click "Select from the list" and put just purchased proxies. Proxy buy individual, which are given in one hands. Do not buy batch 1000 pieces that are already banned everywhere where you can.

Simka We buy on SMS activators they are now a bunch.

There is still free analogue SpyBrowser Attention! You do not have permission to view hidden text. Register or log in

Install and run:

You must add a new browser's profile, for this click "Add Browser Profile":

To work first, you must specify the name and select the browser type:

Specify Proxy data:

Specify useRegent:

It is possible to block curves \\ dangerous plugins and disable WebrTC

"Zero FingerPrints" can change any browser data:

Jeques can be chosen from the list of:



We get ready, clean browser with our proxy, ready to register and maintain account:

Account is registered and ready by 50%

Now you need to upload a photo that is not on the network. Sfotkit your friend, girlfriend, brother, yourself, etc.

Next, we need our main resource - time. It will be necessary to keep an account for a couple of days, and better than 4-5 days. This implies the behavior of the "real user". Do not be lazy to pay half an hour on the day of the account and subscribe to a couple of groups, comment on a couple of memories, overpower some news, write not a big firebox on your wall, "hello, Facebook. I came to pour to you for the batch." You can start with someone even a dialogue. In general, you can do what every day could do if there were an ordinary user Facebook.

All profits!