How to open HP Pavilion G6. How to disassemble and clean from dust laptop HP Pavilion G6

The HP Pavilion G6 laptop has excellent characteristics of the game model. But, despite the high quality HP products, also needs regular maintenance. One of the models of this series - 1232SR was repaired.

When you start a laptop, I gave a system fan error warning (cooler) of the cooling system - System Fan (90B). Continuation of work with such a failure, with a high probability, to end overheating elements and breakdown of the laptop.

To eliminate the fault, it is necessary to inspect, and if necessary, clean the fan. But to get to him, the laptop should be disassembled.

Preparation of workplace

Before starting work, prepare a lining from the foam rubber, dense fabric or cardboard in size to the laptop so that when disassembling, do not leave scratches on the top cover. Remove unnecessary from the desktop and wipe it. You can put a blank sheet of paper, which will then be conveniently folded the screws, recording the locations of their location in the laptop housing.

Fuely to a small magnet that will help get the screw that has fallen inside the body. Prepare a pure painter brush, with a bristle medium hardness, screwdriver of the required size and shape, vacuum cleaner. You still need medical alcohol, cotton swabs and a bit of thermal paste.

When separating two half a laptop, metal tools leave scratches and jar, so for this operation it is convenient to use a tight plastic tool, such as an unnecessary plastic ATM card.

Be sure to take care of good lighting, the best option is daylight.

Order of disassembly

Disassembly of the HP-G6 laptop must be started with the mandatory power off battery. Then you need to unscrew the two cap screws covering hard disk and RAM slots.

Remove the lid, now you need to turn off and remove the hard drive. On the plume connector there is a "tail" for its safe shutdown, pull for it. Disabled disk forward and remove from the landing place.

Postpone it aside on a soft napkin. Contact hard disk carefully - blows or damage will result in data loss or breakage, it is impossible to fix it, often.

Now remove the DVD drive. To do this, unscrew one screw, with a little effort to pull for the drive body until it comes out of the connector. Further drive freely out of the landing site.

Well, I got until the next step, in which you need to remove the keyboard. The keyboard hold seven latches, five tops and two ones. Click on the latch screwdriver and prompt the keyboard. It is difficult to free only the first latch, so start from the corner.

Remove the release keypad to the vertical position to access the loop. Clip the plug up, turn off the train and set aside the keyboard to the side.

The set keyboard has opened access to the three loops that you need to turn off. The design of the connectors is the same - to shut down it is necessary to raise the bar up. Remove two other screws of the top cover.

Now it's time to split parts of the body and remove the top cover. We do it from the angle using a plastic tool so as not to leave the jar on the housing.

Several simple actions will help to remove the laptop screen.

Turn off the matrix connector, it is located on the left. Turn off the USB slot loop and the power socket connector located under it. We release Wi-Fi antenna wires, unscrew the four screws on the screen loops.

The shot screen is set aside, cover the matrix surface with a folded newspaper to protect against accidental damage.

It remains only to turn off the two connector on the left below and unscrew one screw, covered covered with a loop.

The motherboard does not hold anything anymore. Remove it, the attachment for the right edge and turn over to inspect the cooling system.

To remove the radiator with the fan, unscrew the seven screws and turn off the connection connector.


The fan housing is fixed on the adhesive tape board. When dismantling the cooling system, expect caution to not break the edge of the system board.

After dismantling the cooling, you need to remove the remnants of the thermal paste from the surfaces of the chips and the radiator and re-apply fresh. Delete a hard thermal span is comfortable with a tampon dipped in a medical alcohol.

Elimination of the cause of the malfunction

Finally, we got to the fan, which causes an error when loading the system. Let's wonder it. To do this, you need to unscrew the two screws and unbutton the latch of the metal cover.

And here is the reason - the rolling lump of dust cried the fan. It is necessary to clean all dust using a brush and vacuum cleaner.

Carefully contact the fan blades, with an unnecessary force you can break them. Then the fan will lose balancing, starts to make noise and vibrate when working. It does not avoid buying a new fan, and for HP-G6 it is expensive.

When the laptop is reversed, pay attention to the length of the screws. On the housing, near the landing destination, the manufacturer made special marks.

Disassembly and cleaning of the HP Pavilion G6 laptop:

Proper disassembly, cleaning and assembly of the HP Pavilion G6 laptop:

Disassembly and inspection of the HP Pavilion G6 laptop:

The HP Pavilion G6 laptop was very grainbed even with a simple communication on Skype, with what, the fan accelerated to the maximum, and the exit air from the fan did not feel. The output of D-Sub was heated so much that it was even possible to burn it about it (about its metal part)

Photo of the laptop HP Pavilion G6:

Before disassembling, be sure to turn off the laptop from the network and take out the battery, moving the holder to the left side:

We unscrew two screws from the back cover:

Remove the back cover by attaching a slight effort, since in addition to the bolts it is still holding a latch. After removing the lid, you immediately unscrew four coils:

With something one of the cogs keeps the keyboard, on the top of the top it is in the very top of the left.

For the label, disconnect the wire of the hard drive from the motherboard:

We take out the hard drive (it does not hold anything else):

Disconnect the antenna wiring from the Wi-Fi module, unscrew one screw to the holding this module and take it out of the motherboard slot:

Unscrew all screws (12 pieces) from the laptop housing:

We turn over and open the HP Pavilion G6 laptop cover to remove the keyboard. In addition to the screw (which was unscrewed earlier), the keyboard holds a latch on the housing, which are pressed with a flat small scolding inside the case here in these places:

Also, the holders are both on the sides, they are in these places:

As soon as the keyboard is released, it is necessary to take it carefully in order to disconnect the keyboard loop from the motherboard:

It disconnects it very simple, you only need to turn the loop lock, which presses the loop to the connector on the motherboard, 90 degrees:

We remove the keyboard on the side and unscrew the two bolts that were under it:

Now we need to disconnect these two loops (go to the touchpad):

Everything is also very simple here, the locksters turn 90 degrees and the loops calmly come out of the motherboard connections:

In the left upper area, near the fan, it is also necessary to disconnect another loop:

It is disconnected in a similar way, like the previous ones, that is, the lock must be rotated 90 degrees:

After all, you can remove the decorative / protective lid of the laptop, which hides all the insides of the laptop. In addition to the bolts, it also keeps the same latches, start shooting it better from the right upper edge:

After removing the decorative / protective cover, we observe the following:

Here we will need to disconnect several loops and wires, start from the bottom left corner:

After disconnected above the selected loop and the wire - we remove the transparent yellow film, under which "hiding" another wire with a connector:

It is simply disconnecting from the motherboard connector:

Go to the upper left corner:

I pull the label and disconnect the monitor wire from the connector:

Upper right angle, disconnect the USB loop with a swivel lock:

And below this loop is hiding another bunch of wires (nutrition), which also needs to be disconnected from the motherboard:

Here be careful because it does not immediately succumb, but in the end it should turn out to be disconnected:

Returning to the left lower corner and unscrew the screw that keeps the motherboard:

Now the motherboard does not hold anything and can be removed by pulling slightly to the right and raising up. Laptop case without motherboard:

The housing of the laptop is removed to the side, and in front of them we have a motherboard:

We unscrew the screws (7 pieces) pressing the cooling system to the processor and the processor of the video card, as well as immediately disconnect the wires of the fan from the motherboard:

Cogs are unscrewed:

Carefully remove the cooler (radiator with thermal tube, venues and fan):

Turning over the motherboard, we notice that one of the attachments fell off, it will be necessary to fix it when assembling, otherwise it will not work out by the screws to press part of the radiator to the processor of the video card:

Go to the fan, we need to remove it and first unscrew two coils:

In the process of using portable electronics, the problem often occurs - dust accumulates inside the housing. Microscopic dirt particles pass through a laptop. The cooling system ceases to fully function, thereby exposing the internal components of the computer overheating. As a rule, it is at such moments that the user has the question of how to disassemble the HP laptop. After all, often time is not in our favor, and the workshop is not always around the corner. Attention and accuracy is all you need, in order to return to your "electronic friend" lost cleanliness and ability to cool effectively.

Workplace and tools

Smooth surface and stable table legs - 25% of the successful enterprise success. Special cruciform and flat screwdriver is another 25%. The remaining 50% are already known to you that is the main component of excellent work performed. Yes, and do not forget about the folk wisdom "death seven times ...".

How to disassemble the HP laptop: step by step instructions

First of all, it is necessary to de-energize the electronic device and remove the battery from the laptop. Exclude any likelihood of damaging the integrity of the lacquer coating of the top of the body (cover). As a lining, you can use any dense fabric with non-slip textures. Make a schematic drawing of the back of your laptop. Subsequently, the removed screws should be placed according to the places of their meals. This will greatly facilitate the proper assembly of the device upon completion of preventive action. How to disassemble the HP laptop, it will be clear to you literally in a few minutes.

Step # 1: Dismantling of mounted components

The back of the housing has special compartments for quick access to RAM, various network modules and a hard disk of the computer. Protective covers are easily removed if you unscrew the locking screws. Sometimes it is only enough insignificant relaxation of tightening bolts. The above components are required to dismantle. Of course, observing all the same golden rules "Accuracy and Attention." Optical drive should also be removed. By the way, the reader is attached using just one screw, which is usually located in the middle end part of the recording and reading device.

Important information

The presented recommendations are relevant and in resolving the question of how to disassemble the HP Pavilion G6 laptop. Since the principle of disassembling the case for most of the modifications of HP in general is not identical and there is no significant difference. The exception is only the removal of the keyboard unit, since the location of fixing bolts and the latches in many models are strictly individual. Such a "impermanence of developers" can cost you a broken case. However, everything is predictable, you only need to conduct a thorough inspection of the Laptop and learn the question more carefully.

Step # 2: We free the design from fixing

The next stage of the practical solution, how to disassemble the HP laptop will be the "total" twink of all bonding screws that are located on the rear of the device. Swing bolts, do not forget to lay them on the initial location scheme, since their length is regulated by the structural features of the case. After the operation is completed, make sure that they are all really dismantled. Since often some of the bolts remain intact. For this reason, the user applies an excessive force and, as a rule, breaks or deforms the case details of the laptop.

Step number 3: Remove the keyboard module

When dismantling, such a delicate part should be extremely careful to pry (using a flat screwdriver) the upper side of the keypad. Then, shifting to the left, to release the fixing locks of the remaining deterrent elements. Solving the issue of how to disassemble the HP Compaq laptop can differ dramatically (from the other series of an identical model) is exactly the immediate torque of the keyboard module. The secret to the successful removal of the key block is simple:

  • Make sure that the facial control panel is not divided into two independent parts. In the case when the enclosure is monolithic, the above method should be applied. Otherwise, you must first remove the top deck of the panel, "undermining" plastic before the sides.
  • In newer HP models, the scotch is applied and the metal latches located around the perimeter of the keyboard.
  • At the time of the release of the keyboard, be extremely attentive, since impulsive and careless movements may have deposits - a damaged loop (often robbed), which is a link between the keys module and the system board of the device.

Perhaps some want to know how to disassemble the HP G62 laptop? Everything is simple, apply the material of this article and remember: accuracy in the disassembly process - above all!

Step number 4: Turn off the internal connectors and unscrew the residual fastening bolts

Under the keyboard module that was dismantled by you, there are connecting loops. As a rule, there are 2-3 pcs. Disconnect the device from the motherboard.

  • Two touchpad connective loops.
  • USB power connector.

After you have made all the actions described above, the top cover of the laptop can be removed. As you can see, the question of how to disassemble the HP Pavilion G6 laptop is actually elementary and independently. However, in order to thoroughly clean the inside of the device from dust pollution, it is necessary to remove the main part of the e-machine ...

Step No. 5: Dismantling of the motherboard

  • Fixing screws need to unscrew.
  • Disconnect all the plumes and contact connectors.

Now the motherboard can be freely removed from the "subsoil" of a contaminated laptop. In the case when "something" does not allow, do not use physical strength! Perhaps somewhere left an abused screw.

Step number 6: Immediate cleaning process

Only now you, dear user, can freely penetrate into all the locations of the device, in order to complete the preventive work. A practical solution, how to disassemble the HP Pavilion G6 laptop for cleaning, can be considered fully described. However, several recommendations will help you to easily remove dust accumulations using efficiently used funds.

  • Household vacuum cleaner is an indispensable assistant in a situation where "delicate" is necessary and at the same time high-quality cleaning.
  • Inaccessible places can be released from dust using the usual household brushes.
  • Do not shake and do not deform the housing liberated from parts.
  • Do not use whatever fluid.
  • Check the purified surface. Perhaps in the grooves or cracks left the bristles from the brush, a pile from a spacer material or other foreign elements.

In conclusion, or a few words for the future

In order for the cooling system not to test "stress", try not to use a laptop in dusty places. With reverse installation, try to install everything correctly, and replace dust catchers. An ordinary porous sponge will fit perfectly for this. Now even the question of how to disassemble the Compaq laptop, for you it will seem empty. Since the principle of disassembly is known to you, and its versatility is now for you - an indisputable fact. Be careful and successfully acquired experience to you!

  • Install the cooling system on the motherboard. Connect the power of the fan.
  • We establish the motherboard into the laptop housing and produce the same actions as when parsing a laptop, but in reverse order.
  • Connect the loops and connectors to the motherboard.
  • We twist the screws that the motherboard is attached.
  • Install Wi-Fi module. And connect its contacts.
  • Install the drive of optical disks.
  • Install the top cover of the laptop housing and connect the power and plumes.
  • Connect the power of the keyboard and install it in place.
  • Install the hard disk and connect its power.
  • We twist the screws that the keyboard and the optical disk drive are attached, as well as the remaining screws on the bottom cover of the laptop housing.

On this disassembly of the HP Pavilion G6 laptop is completed. As a result of cleaning from dust and replace the thermal paste working temperature of the laptop dropped from 79 to 46 degrees.

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Why is HP Pavilion G6-2323SR heavily heats up and noise? All simple! The problem of any laptop, and however, any portable technology is the small channels of heat removal, which over time are polluted and clogged with dust. Due to the limited space and lack of heat output (dusty growth) from a laptop, the temperature inside the technique rises. As a result, he begins to warm very much. So that there is no overheating of the system, capable of damageing the components of the laptop, the cooling system fan begins to work hard to remove heat. Because of this, the noise of work increases.

To eliminate such defects, a mechanical cleaning of the cooling system is required. And the usual prophesion of the radiator holes on the laptop housing in the absolute majority of cases of the positive effect does not bring. Therefore, further on a specific example, we consider how the HP Pavilion G6-2323SR is disassembered and the subsequent cleaning from dust. At the same time, I will perform the replacement of the thermal paste to improve the thermal conductivity of the "bottleneck" processor-radiator.

How to

The first step is to de-energize. Turn off the power supply and remove the battery.

Next, remove the keyboard. To do this, it is necessary to pick it up with a small flat screwdriver. Next, we drive a screwdriver along the keyboard, remove the latches.

When all the latches are unfounded, turn the keyboard and turn off its train from the motherboard.

Remove the keyboard to the side. Unscrew all the screws (all of them 5), which were hidden under the keyboard. And also turn off the entire loops that see.

Close the HP Pavilion G6-2323SR screen and turn the laptop. In the center of the case there is a screw. Unscut it first.

Next, from the side where the accamulatory battery was. There is an inscription "Release Door" and the arrow indicating the direction. We shift the lid in this direction. If it does not work with your hands, you can pry a little flat screwdriver.

Under it there is a hard disk, RAM and several loops. For convenience, everything should be turned off and removed.

Do not forget about the Wi-Fi module. Turn off the wires from it (white and black) and unscrew the locking screw.

Under the hard disk there is another screw that you should unscrew.

And then unscrew all the screws on the laptop housing in a circle. After that, remove the drive for reading hard drives.

Now you need to disconnect the case. To do this, from any convenient sides, we apply a flat screwdriver or a plastic card and disgust the first latch.

If all the screws are unscrewed and the loop is disabled, then by moving around all the latches in a circle, the case will easily figure out.

Before us is the motherboard. But there is no access to the cooling system, as it is located below. To remove the board, you need to turn off all the plumes and unscrew one screw.

After that, the board is very simply removed from the seats. Inverting it, a cooling system is visible in the form of a radiator and a fan.

In fact, on this disassembly of HP Pavilion G6-2323SR completed. But we need to clean the cooling system. So remove the radiator with the fan.

Next, disconnect the fan from the radiator, unscrewing the locking screws.

After that, there must be something like this (maybe worse, it can better) ...

Remove the dirt and tassel sweeping dust.

If the thermal paste is required on a laptop, then we clean the chips of the central processor and the video processor ..

And playgrounds on the radiator ...

On the chips purified from the old thermal panel, we apply a layer of fresh.

And we collect everything in reverse order. On this cleaning and replacement of thermal paste on HP Pavilion G6-2323SR completed. At each step, do not forget to check all the contacts and the loops so as not to have to repeat the laptop again.