How to put money on another MTS number. Top up account to another MTS subscriber

  • Use the "Direct Transfer" service if you need to replenish the subscriber's account of the MTS company of your region. The service is paid. You can find a complete list of existing restrictions and existing rates on the MTS website.

    The main terms of payment:

  • Maximum transfer amount - 300 p. (minimum - 1 r.);

    After payment and payment, the services on your balance should remain the amount of at least 90 p.

  • Send a request for the transfer of funds by typing the USSD command of the form:

    * 112 * Recipient phone number * Rendering amount

    The recipient's phone can be specified in any format. The transfer amount (1-300 p.) Is indicated by an integer.

  • For example,


  • Get to your SMS phone with confirmation code. If you did not change my mind to translate money, send the command

    * 112 * Confirmation code from SMS message

    For example,

    Wait for messages that your application is accepted and executed.

  • Use the service "Easy payment" to transfer money to the phone of any mobile operator, as well as for other payments. The service is paid. You can get acquainted with the current rates and established restrictions on the website of MTS company. After payment and payment, the services on your personal account should remain the amount of at least 10 p.

    Mobile translation from the personal account of the MTS phone can be made in several ways.

  • Dial on your phone USSD command

    The "Easy Payment" service menu opens. Send money to the recipient's phone using system prompts.

  • Enter the number of your mobile in the Special Field on the website of the MTS company. Click on the "Get link" button. Your phone will come to an SMS with a link to download the application program. Install it on your cell. Now you can easily and conveniently produce all available mobile payments both from the MTS personal account and from a bank card. Including replenishing the balance of other subscribers.

  • Use the MTS-Info SIM menu. Find in it the item "Easy payment" or MTS-Pay. To send a mobile translation to the phone number you need, follow the system prompts.

    If there is no such item in your SIM menu, contact the nearest subscriber service office (Salon-Store) MTS company to replace the SIM card to the new one. They will be given to you for free.

  • Make a mobile translation using the Easy Payment Service Web Interface on the MTS website. Select the Operator in the list logo and fill out the form you open. Next, act in accordance with the prompts on the monitor of your computer.

Telephone companies keep up with the times, expanding the list of their services and opportunities. One of them is MTS.

Miscellaneous situations happen in life. It happens that the balance on the phone is zero, that is, there is no penny, but urgently need to call. It happens that you need to replenish the account of another MTS subscriber, and there are no terminals or ATMs nearby. Of course, MTS cannot but take into account such unforeseen situations, warning them and providing a whole list of functions for such cases.

New opportunities

Here are a few answers to the question of how to replenish the balance on MTS:

"On full trust"

In addition, if you have a MTS SIM card for more than three months in use, and in the last three months you have put at least 300 rubles at your own expense, you will be available to the service "on complete trust". To activate it, you must call the number * 111 * 32 #. After activation, you will be available for calls, SMS and mobile Internet of a product in the amount of 300 rubles. The more you spend on conversations, the greater the amount of the trust limit. The service is connected at a time.

"Promised payment"

You can use the "Promised Payment" service to replenish your account. The funds granted to you are calculated depending on how much you spend money per month for payment of mobile communications according to your MTS number, and will be removed from your account in a week. That is, the company gives you a loan for seven days, take off the commission for this service in the amount of five rubles. Combination for activation: * 111 * 123 # call.

Personal Area

Finally, how to replenish the account of another MTS subscriber using your personal account via the Internet? Come in the personal account of the MTS, go to the "Easy Payment" section and fill out the form where the phone is specified, and the means, translated it, will be removed automatically from your phone account, which is tied to this Account.

Mobile operators are constantly expanding the list of services provided to customers and improve their services. Let's talk about how to replenish the account of another subscriber MegaFon from your phone, also registered in the MegaFon network, or transfer money to the number that is listed after another company providing cellular services.

Everything is quite simple. But in order for this to become possible, the following key conditions are required:

  • You are a megaphone subscriber.
  • The megaphone operator number from which the tools are transferred is not blocked and has access to the network.
  • After transferring funds the balance of the telephone account must remain positive.

There are other restrictions, but they depend on the specific methods used to translate the money.

Similarly, money is sent not only to ensure that the recipient can pay for communication services, but also for any other purposes. To do this, it is enough to send the SMS message to you that interests you, indicating the amount of the funds listed. If there is a desire, you can specify via the gap, what goals are the sent money. In this case, it is permissible to insert the text "for payment of mobile".

What is the features of the services and existing restrictions, they are as follows:

  • The owners of the iPhone of various modifications before sending funds will have to go to the "Settings / Messages" menu and disable "iMessage".
  • The translation is carried out in the amount of at least 1 ruble.
  • It is allowed to lify no more than 15,000 rubles at a time.
  • During the day there is a possibility to send a maximum of 40,000 rubles to one or several subscribers. The same amount is limited to the volume of translations carried out within a month.
  • When moving funds within the network, the megaphone commission is not charged. Sending money to the rooms of other mobile operators paid. For the use of the service with you will take 5% of the amount listed, but not less than 10 rubles.

In the event of additional questions, they will have to be solved with the Megaphone subscriber service. To contact it, it is enough to dial from the mobile phone number 0500. It is free.

Using USSD -Code

By sending a short command, known as USSD -Kod, the subscriber also gets the opportunity to replenish the balance of another telephone number. To do this, it is enough to dial * 133 *, specify the amount of the money transferred and the recipient number. If, for example, 100 rubles is translated to the number 9xx 1234567, the dialed text should look like this: * 133 * 100 * 89xx 1234567 #. After entering the command to your number, the SMS message will be confirmed to confirm the payment. Follow his instructions.

The procedure is simple, but for its use will have to pay more than in the case of the transfer of funds by SMS. From the sender will take the commission:

  • 6% of the amount listed - when conducting a transaction within the network megaphone.
  • 8.5% for translation of other mobile operators.

The recipient will not have to pay for the service. Other restrictions are the same as in the previous case.

Having an internet access device at hand, you have a simple opportunity to forward the required amount of money to another subscriber. To do this, it is not necessary to enter the personal account, but you will have to take the following steps:

Important! At the same time, as it were, you would automatically agree with the terms of the contract, the action of which applies to the service provided to you. The site page does not specify the size of the commission, nor existing restrictions. However, by default, the same rules are valid as when sending money through an SMS message. There are those who carefully examined the existing ways to transfer money from the megaphone account to the numbers of other subscribers should not have any particular difficulties. Is that on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, where the quality of communication still leaves much to be desired. Yes, because of the download of the service, the account replenishment can occur with the delay. If the translation does not pass, it is recommended to make sure that:

  • Your room is not blocked, there is access to the network, and SIM-card is proper.
  • There is a sufficient amount of funds.
  • The command is correctly entered or the recipient data is specified and, in the case of sending money through the site, the sender.
  • Mobile operator, whose subscriber is listed with money, is included in the list of companies collaborating with MegaFon. Before conducting a transaction, it makes sense to get acquainted with the list on the official website of the MegaFon, or by contacting the support service.

The main thing is not hurry and check the entered data. If wrong, the tools can not get on the number where you planned to send them, and for their return it will be necessary to spend time and effort. Want to avoid trouble? Show basic attention.

With the help of the Sberbank card, you can send money to another phone number. Many clients of the bank already know how to put money on the phone through number 900. But there are other convenient options and ways to quickly replenish the account of any subscriber.

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How to put money on someone else's phone number via SMS to 900

If there is no internet access or a plastic card at hand, send money to the subscriber through a short number 900. You need a connected "" to perform operation. A subscriber who receives money can be connected or not connected to a mobile service, it does not matter. The only difference is that for subscribers not registered in the mobile bank system, the maximum amount of the operation is limited to the amount of 1500 rubles (and up to 10 days per day) for security reasons.


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IMPORTANT: via SMS is different in the SMS, it is enough to specify the amount and no parameters more.

The operation passes without commission and money is transferred in seconds.

How to replenish your phone account through a short USSD command

Few people know that you can replenish the balance through. The service is available only for Beeline operators, megaphone and tele2. The operation will be free if the "Mobile Bank" is at the standard tariff. For users of the economical package, the service will be paid.


Important: Be careful. To avoid fraudulent schemes, send money only to familiar people, after contacting and coordinating the operation with them. Do not discard on such requests from strangers and disagree to translate money if the subscriber does not want to communicate.

Top up the balance of the phone from the Sberbank card to another number can be easily and fast. The choice of the method depends on whether there is a plastic card at hand to insert into an ATM, or the terminal in the field of view, or access to the Internet and password to enter your personal account. But in all cases of payment you need access to a mobile phone. All operations are carried out without commission.

The presence of money on a mobile account allows a person to always be available. The phone needs many for work, accessing the Internet or communicating with people. But sometimes a sudden account is reset, and a person does not find the opportunity to put the necessary amount of money for the resumption of communication services. Then the people or those who are far away can come to the rescue. Another person can always help to fill another phone account. But some subscribers are unknown, how to replenish the account from the phone to the phone.

Cellular companies are interested in providing a variety of options to their customers. We will analyze such companies in detail:

With regard to various companies, the question often arises - how to replenish the phone account from another phone. Money movement between mobile balances is carried out only with the appropriate command. Such a command can be performed in the following ways:

  • Sending a USSD request;
  • Sending SMS messages;
  • Payment on the operator's website;
  • Payment in the application.

Usually, the command processing occurs very quickly, so another subscriber receives the required money to the account in a matter of minutes.

USSD requests

For cellular operators, the presence of mobile payment portals, the use of which ensures the replenishment of the lack of funds from customers. The operation does not require access to the Internet, which facilitates the provision of the option.


Subscribers of this telecom operator have the ability to replenish a lack of a different account using their funds by performing a set of next combination - * 115 #. The following window appears where the payment is selected. And then the number and the number of funds required to replenish are already entered. For the option provided, the commission is required.

MegaFon subscribers have the ability to apply the widespread transfer option. The request for customers has the following type - * 133 * Amount of funds * Subscriber number #. Moreover, the phone number is indicated with the number 8. In response to this command, an operation confirmation message should come. If the client correctly pointed out all the data, then you need to send a unique code that came to his phone. After that, the written finances will be transferred to the specified account.

How to replenish the phone number from another phone if the money must be listed by the user of another network. This option is also available if you want to help customers of another mobile network.

For the service being executed, a certain commission percentage in the amount established by the rules for the provision of communication services MegaFon should be paid.

The service by sending a mobile command is not supported in this mobile network.

How to replenish your phone from another phone to tele2 customers? Subscribers of this operator can safely translate their own mobile finances to any subscribers. The operation is performed using the command: * 145 #. In the opened menu, the corresponding step is selected - mobile phone. After that, a window occurs where the recipient number is entered. There is a commission for calculating.

Users from tele2 have access to the sending of funds to customers who use services of various cellular companies. The Commission is charged in accordance with the Rules for the provision of the option.

SMS mandrel

Mobile companies expand the ability to make fast payments through communication. So how to replenish the balance from the phone to the phone some easier, just sending a message, the company has developed special services. When sending SMS messages, removal of funds from the client balance and their enumeration of other users.


To send funds, the MTS client must write a message with a specific text. Procedure surgery:

  • Select a telephone number of the payment destination in the telephone directory or type it on the keyboard;
  • In the text string, specify: # Translation<сумма средств>;
  • Make sending SMS;
  • Follow the scheduled scheme from the number 6996.

Confirming the operation, the client receives a notification of the Supq about the payment done.

Financial calculation requires payment of commission remuneration. As applied in the category of the Subscriber, a certain amount of finance is written off. So, for single-track customers, the amount of paid commission is 10 rubles. If funds are written off on the balance of the subscriber of the same network. When writing on customer accounts, the Commission is equal to 10 rubles with an additional percentage of money sent.

How to replenish the balance of the phone from another phone subscriber MegaFon? This issue is asked by customers of the company when they need to translate missing finances to another telephone number. To perform this task, sending messages to the payer's payment. The message text reflects the amount of payment. Example message: # 100. You can add the purpose of the listing or simply write a greeting. Then the calculation should be confirmed, and the means are debited from the balance.

When sending money to customers, the megaphone commission is not paid. When transferring finances to a person who uses a network of another company, the commission is being written off by more than 10 rubles.

Beeline clients can transfer money to recipients regardless of cellular company. Top up an account from the phone to the phone is carried out by sending SMS to a specific number. Payment steps:

  • In the address bar of the addressee, enter the number 7878;
  • In the text column, to specify the number of the receiving addressee (7xxxxxxxxxxx) and the amount of money through the space;
  • Run sending;
  • Upon receipt of a response to submission to send consent to the operation.

For the service paid commission remuneration of at least 15 rubles.

Tele2 clients can fill the balance account of another person only by means of a mobile command to the number * 145 #. The procedure has been described above.

Payment through the site


Clients of the company when visiting the official site can make payment online. For this, the position "Financial services and payments" is selected. It needs to press "Payments" and select the position "Payment of services on the site". In the window that opens, click Tools Easy Payment. Then the subscriber's operator is then selected, and the form is filled to make payment.

How to replenish the phone account from your phone MegaFon subscribers using the official website. Opening the official site page, you need to select the following categories sequentially:

  1. Services and options;
  2. Payments and translations;
  3. Payments to another phone;
  4. Specify operation parameters (amount, recipient number, sender number).

The answer to the question is how to replenish the account of another subscriber from your phone to the customers of the operator - there. Go to the Operator's website and by clicking in the category "Payment and Finance", click on the "Money Transfers". After such steps to make a listing by selecting the "Translate from the site" position.

On the Operator's website in the Translations and Payments menu, the translation option is available in the online mode from one subscriber balance to another.

Payment through the application of the operator

If it is not possible to execute the USSD command, send a message, how to replenish the account of another subscriber from the phone. The procedure is possible when using the operator's application.


MTS clients can download the MTS Money application and payments to all sorts, including the replenishment of the Balance Account of Subscribers.

An additional way to transfer finances to another person to the phone is to perform operation using the My MegaFon application. It is an analogue of a personal account, which ensures the execution of payment transactions.

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