How to pass a polygraph? Questions at the polygraph. How to fool the polygraph

In recent times, checking on the detector of lies or polygraph is becoming more and more applications in Russia.

Many departmental and commercial organizations use this method when receiving employees to work, re-certification and conducting official investigations.

In privacy, the lie detector is increasingly used to identify the facts of married infidelity, with the selection of domestic personnel and screening of adolescents over 14 years old in order to identify such risk factors as drug use, alcohol, participation in socially acidic actions, etc.

Brief history of the method of detection of lies in Russia

Wide dissemination of a lie detector, or more accurately special psychophysiological research (SPFI) with the use of polygraph, received recently. The first polygraphs in free access appeared in Russia in the early 1990s, already last centuries. Although for the first time, the method of detecting hidden information in our country appeared in the 20s of the last century, when the Soviet psychologist, the founder of the Domestic Neuropsychology, Professor Alexander Romanovich Luria supplemented the well-known method of free associations with a special device - a monographer, which objectively registered the motor The reactions of the test on an external incentive or in more simply speaking.

Unfortunately, in the early 1930s, these experiments, like many other psychological studies in the USSR, were discontinued or more accurately prohibited by the decision of the party leadership. A scientific base developed by Russian scientists continued to develop in the United States, where he received practical application in the investigation of criminal crimes.

The revival of methods for identifying hidden information in the USSR began in 1975, when, on the initiative of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Yu.V. Andropov was created by the 30th Laboratory of the KGB of the USSR, which in 1994 was transformed into one of the departments of the Institute for Criminalistics Center for Special Technology of the FSB of Russia. With a little receipt and also in the secretion of secrecy, psychophysiological studies were conducted in the system of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Thus, the development of the psycho-physiological method for identifying the hidden information, and more precisely the veil of the mystery, for which this direction was developed in Russia, contributed to the fact that - applied chosen by the incredible number of speculations and rumors that transform the lie detector into a monstrous tool, With the help of which from the person literally pull out the soul in order to find all the earthly flavors and sins in it.

Important information for the surveyed

Checking on the lie detector as a method of psychodiagnostics

A special psychophysiological study with the use of a polygraph is not fundamentally different from other psychological (psychodiagnostic) tests or medical studies, for example, using an electrocardiograph.

Checking on a lie detector, as well as any other diagnostic methods, have the following characteristics: standard, reliability and validity.

The technique has its own scope, its specificity and its limitations, characteristic of any method of psychological research.

Important to remember!

Checking on the lie detector This is a psychodiagnostic study, the same as the temperature measurement of the thermometer or ECG.

Security check on lies detector

Physiologically, the procedure is absolutely safe for the subject. During testing on the body of the subject, there is no active impact. All sensors are passive, i.e. There are no influence on the body. From a physiological point of view, this study can be compared with measuring the body temperature by a conventional medical thermometer.

Psychologically, the procedure can be a source of stress. Before and during testing, all subjects are alarming. Participate are afraid of exposure. Not involved false accusation. And those and others are afraid that as a result of the study, any socially humored actions or intentions that took place in their past will be known. In addition, the questions themselves can cause you a perturbation, offense and other unpleasant emotions.

Important to remember!

Physiologically research on the polygraph is safe. Psychologically, it is to one degree or another stress. Be prepared that you may have to experience unpleasant emotions characteristic of every person in a similar situation. The degree of your excitement before the test will be registered and will not affect the results.

Voluntary research on a polygraph

Study with the use of polygraph is carried out only if you have any voluntary consent. No one can make you get to pass the SPFI. Prior to the start of the study, the polygraphist should ask you to sign a statement or other document indicating your voluntary agreement.

At any time, the procedure you can refuse further testing. To explain the reasons for refusal you are not obliged or oral or in writing.

Important to remember!

The study can be carried out only with your voluntary consent.

Questions of tests on detector lies

Before testing, the customer and specialist psycho-physiologist are obliged to acquaint you with the topic and questions of tests.

You can discuss these questions and clarify them. It is important that you and the specialist unambiguously understood these questions, and you decided for yourself how you will answer them.

During the proper testing methodically, not a single question can be given, except for those who were voiced.

The asked questions may concern not only the direct topic of the current, but also some parties of your personality - the level of anxiety, the ability to adapt, accept social norms, self-assessment, environmental assessments, emotionally significant memories, etc. It is not necessary to fear such issues, they are necessary to obtain accurate and Reliable result.

  1. Your sexy inclinations.
  2. Your family and loved ones.
  3. Your political and religious views.

Important to remember!

There will be no unexpected questions in the test. There may be questions that characterize you as a person. There can be no personal questions.

Position of the test during testing

Checking on the lie detector is a psychodiagnostic test, and not interrogation. A good polygraphist does not occupy a prosecutor or a lawyer. This is a specialist who conducts a study in your memory information about the investigative event.

If you have nothing to hide on the investigated topic, then you have a common goal with a polygraphist and you are partners helping each other in achieving this goal.

If you are involved, you can not be partner relations with a polygraphist. In this case, you are competitors. Try not to demonstrate it. And in no case, do not go to the competitive struggle of reasonable borders, forcing a specialist to respond. Remember, a polygraphist specialist is also a person and, like anyone, subjective.

In any case, take an active polite position, ask questions, explain your reactions, stay personality.

Important to remember!

The best position during is polite, friendly, if possible, affiliate. Interact with a specialist. Do not occupy the victim's position.

Position of the polygraphologist during testing

Unfortunately, as in any other profession, there are different specialists in practical psychophysiology. Moreover, some schools, training polygraphhologists, as well as the methods developed by them, have an obviously accusatory slope. Therefore, I recommend paying close attention to the psychological installation of a polygraph specialist.

Especially carefully, it is necessary to refer to search tests, the questions of which are aimed at finding out the specific circumstances of the event. Questions of search tests are formulated as if the polygraphology is already reliably known that you have committed an investigated event and the meaning of questions in the clarification of the details of this event.

A simple example. Question: "Do you drink a glass every morning: vodka? / Cognac? / Home tincture? / Moonshine? ".

If you reported by the specialist that every morning drink a glass of alcohol, then this test is fully appropriate. If the fact of daily use of alcohol is not proven, then use such tests is unacceptable.

Therefore, if on the behavior of the polygraphologist, the meaning of his statements, questions and other signs, you felt a priori guilty, the best solution for you will be in polite form to abandon the passage of checking from this particular polygraph and ask the customer to replace the specialist.

Important to remember!

The position of a good psychophysiologist is always neutral and friendly. If you are faced with an indictment, attempts to threat or other form of pressure - ask to replace the specialist.

Lie during check on the lie detector

As I already wrote, in tests there may be questions for which you would not want to tell the truth. It is quite natural. And I do not call you to frankness.

Sometimes I tell the truth is a very difficult and responsible decision.

The only thing I want to warn you about - the technique cannot distinguish a minor lie from significant. And this is not because it is imperfect. The reason is that for your psyche there are no such concepts as a big lie and a small lie, there are only concepts - lies and truth.

Your physiology reacts equally to theft of sweets from the chest of parents, and to theft of a million dollars from the country's budget. Therefore, in the process of discussing issues with a psychophysiologist, it will be better for everyone to inform him about the nuances that may be when answering a specific question. This will allow you to make the results reliable and save from unnecessary suspicions.

In order to clarify this important point, I will give a simple example.

As experience shows, many people at least once tried light drugs. This does not mean that they used or consumed them are systematically or dependent on drugs. Suppose that in your experience there was a fact of a single use of drugs during a trip to Amsterdam. If the tests are the question: "Did you use drugs?" And you answer it "no", the device will fix a lie.

Therefore, the question "did you use drugs?" I recommend to give an explanation that there was one case during a trip to Amsterdam. This information will allow a polygraphist to reformulate the question as follows: "Except once in Amsterdam, did you use drugs?". If it really was a single case, then answering "no", you say the truth and the detector lies will fix it. If there were still cases that you decide to teach that no answer will be fixed as a lie.

Important to remember!

It is better to inform the specialist in advance about the presence of minor misconducts related to the topic of testing to eliminate their influence on the results.

Preparation for checking on a lie detector

If you have nothing to hide, then

  1. On the eve of testing, relax.
  2. Refrain from drinking alcohol, sedative and tonic medical drugs, large doses of tonic drinks.
  3. Do not overeat or on the contrary, come with a feeling of hunger.
  4. Refrain from the use of a large amount of liquids.
  5. Transfer the meeting if sick or feel bad.

Behavior during testing on a polygraph

First calm down, relax. Sit comfortably. If something bothers you or cause discomfort, immediately inform the specialist.

Directly during testing, try not to make unnecessary movements. Breathe in the usual rhythm. See in front of yourself. Answer questions "Yes" or "No".

Before you give an answer to the question, hear it to the end, realize its meaning. No need to try to analyze the behavior of a specialist and evaluate his reactions to your answers. It can strengthen the level of your stress and make an error in the results.

The interval from 15 seconds to a few minutes is obligatory between test questions. Be prepared to pauses between questions.

Attempts to deceive lie detector

There is only one reliable way to deceive a lie detector - refuse to check.

All you read on the Internet or heard from our friends - not true.

You can try and maybe you will be lucky - you will be checked by an unfinished or illiterate polygraphist, unfortunately, such many.

But if you are just a good specialist, then you have no chance to deceive it.

The revealed attempts to counteract are immediately recorded and become known to the customer who will already be interpreted at their discretion, as a rule, not in favor of the subject.

Important to remember!

If you have something to hide on the topic of checks on the detector of lies, then the best way to refuse research.

In this article, I tried to provide you with basic information, which is necessary for the successful passage of a special psychophysiological study using a polygraph or, simply speaking, checks on the detector of lies.

More information you can find on my site at

Yours faithfully
Psychologist, expert polygraphist.
Head of the "Laboratory of Psychophysiology and Lie Detection".
Dmitry Kuzovkov.

The first device for lia recognition was called "Hydrosfigmometer". It began to use the Italian criminalist Cesare Lombroso. In the 1890s, with its help, the criminologist measured the blood pressure in suspects, while they were interrogated by the police. Lombroso argued that he could determine when criminals lie. Showing photos related or not related to a crime, he simultaneously fixed the pulse and blood frequency in suspects.

The polygraph became famous after the 1902 investigation. Then Lubromrozo was brought to the investigation of the criminal case about rape and killing the girl. During the interrogation of the suspect, the scientist applied his unusual device. Although initially all the facts spoke against the suspect, Lombroso came to the conclusion that he was innocent.

He discovered minor changes in the pulse of the questioned when he did various mathematical calculations in the mind. When the suspected images of the children wounded, the recorded pulse recording did not show any sudden changes, including when watching photos of the killed girl. The results of the subsequent investigation convincingly proved that this suspect was innocent in this crime.

Modern polygraph designed in the 1920s, John Larson, California police officer. The device created by them provided simultaneous registration of blood pressure, pulse and breathing. With this apparatus, a large number of verification of persons suspected of criminal offenses were carried out.

Larson called his "Polygraph" tool, borrowing this name from John Havcilins, who had invented this term in 1804. Thus called the car invented the machine to create accurate copies of handwritten texts. The name "Polygraph" occurred from two Greek words - "Poly" (many) and "Grafo" (write). This apparatus was used in the 19th century, including Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States and the author of the Independence Declaration, however, John Larson first applied the word "polygraph" to the device to determine the lies. Subsequently, this term firmly fixed.

Where is the polygraph applied?

Many solid domestic firms, focusing on the experience of foreign colleagues, practice checking applicants on a lie detector, he is a polygraph. Ten years ago, such "truth sessions" seemed something from the field of spy detectives, now it is an ordinary thing in structures, in no way associated with state security. Lie detector is used in many directions, but the main thing is to interrogate offenders and checking applicants when taking work.

How does a lie detector work?

The one who has already passed the check detector knows that the polygraphist alternates significant questions (for example: "Have you ever been accused of embezzling corporate funds?") With controls that do not have a direct purpose of testing (for example: "Have you ever Or deceived their spouse (ha)? "). In this case, the polygraphist monitors the testimony of several sensors (skin-galvanic reflexes, cardiovascular activity, thoracic and abdominal breathing, etc.).

The basic principle of the operation of the polygraph is as follows: physiological reactions are the stronger than the most importantly for you asked the question. As a rule, a person who is not involved in the case that interests interrogatives, approximately equally responds to all questions: meaningful for business and not significant. And the one who is involved, significant issues cause uncontrollable tension.

Usually, before direct checking on a lie detector, all issues that will be specified are discussed. The topic of checking is negotiated in advance to avoid an uncertain reaction to an unexpected question. If a person is "in the forehead" without preparation to ask something like "Did you sleep with your wife of your boss?" He simply may not understand what is happening. He will begin to be nervous or hesitated with the answer, even if he never did it. Or will be very surprised - and the reaction to a lie and surprise polygraph shows approximately the same.

During the preliminary discussion, you can already decide how you will answer. Knowing the topic and approximate range of issues, you can use it. Excognize a real picture from consciousness and create a legend favorable for you: a bright, emotionally painted image that displaces the real one. With the developed skills of imagination and self-sufficiency, it can help you overcome the polygraph. The key point here is to force yourself to believe this alternative reality, and not just to present it in all parts.

And the main complexity is "not to think about white rhinoori," to forget for the time about how it really was. Otherwise, the real picture in your consciousness will be imposed on the imaginary. Two mutually exclusive images will simultaneously cause mental. You will be able to demonstrate a late response to questions and other artifacts. They will show that you construct an imaginary event (or simply speaking, lie) and this is fixed by a polygraph as evidence of your lies.

Before the main test is carried out by the so-called. Strong (predeterday) interview for "calibration" of your answers. Your psycho-physiological indicators are studied in good condition. Sensors fix the upper (breast) and lower (abdominal) breathing, heartbeat, pressure, tremor (trembling) and electric skin reaction. Next, the tests find out how the indicators are "jumping" when the test questions for it is tested. Usually they are completely simple: "What is your name so?", "Do you have a family?", "Do you intend to deceive the polygraph?"

Your reaction is also studied to a deliberate lie. The polygraphologist calls several names, including yours. You must lie, that is, to say that the pronouncing name is not yours. Thus is checked as you react to a lie and how the detector fixes it. With a similar purpose, you may be offered to write a number of several offered, choose a playing card, put some feature in my pocket, etc. Then the polygraph operator "guess" the subject, analyzing your reactions.

Funny detail: In many instructions for polygraph operators, they are advised at "guessing" not to be limited to analyzing psycho-physiological reactions, and for reliability, resort to shoe techniques - labeled cards, hidden camcorders ... Such minor scam is considered permissible. After all, among other things, the preparatory stage should break through the tested will to resist, convince him of the uselessness of attempts to deceive the polygraph. Therefore, during the preliminary demonstration, they seek to completely exclude the likelihood of "puncture".

The main test can last several hours. Issues are read, you are invited to listen carefully and honestly answer "yes" or "no". After each question, a pause should be (15-20 seconds) during which the psycho-physiological response to it is recorded. The polygraph fixes when you have "my heart", where there was a breathing delay, after which question was followed by a "sigh of relief", and where the hands began to shovel and the knees depended. Here are some signs of emotional tension in response to the presentation of a significant question.

They may not testify in your favor:

  • the magnitude of the skin reaction increases;
  • the pulse slows down, followed by a compensatory increase in heart rate;
  • breath delay and slowing its rhythm, followed by compensatory increase in the rhythm and depth of breathing;
  • changes in the time of inhalation / exhalation, pauses on the breath and pauses in exhalation;
  • strengthening muscle tremor

To disorient the respondent and break its protective barriers, conditions and formulations can change. The same question may be placed many times. Questions on the same topic can be formulated in different ways. You may be asked to answer "Yes" to all questions, even if you previously answered them "no" - to find out what reactions in the affirmative answers will be. Or, on the contrary, give only negative answers. There is also a "silent answer" - tested asked only to think about the answer to the question, but not to pronounce it out loud.

During the survey, "Questions fillers" are used for neutral topics that theoretically should not cause excitation ("Today Monday?", "Are you sitting on a chair?"). Specialists propose to include in the test more such issues that are provided for a deliberately truthful answer. After them, a person will be harder to lie, and the corresponding physiological manifestations will become more noticeable.

There are also questions-traps regarding the details of what happened (for example, theft). They are not known innocent, and the involvement of a crime will cause a strong reaction. Often, the question lists key words and facts. "What did you get from the safe? Mobile phone? Pistol? Putting condoms? Configure keys? ". "How much time has passed after the last use of drugs? A week? Month? Year? Five years?". "Do you like to drink alone? In company? In the morning? Evenings? For days, long? ". "What bribe did you get? One hundred? Two hundred? Three hundred? Five hundred thousand?". As you approach the correct answer, there is an increase in the signs of alarm, and then relaxation as it removed from it. Although externally, it may not be noticeable.

To distract the attention of the tested, significant questions complicate. The unknown is fed testing as famous: "The package that you stole, you hid there?". A man in the inertia can "be", reply "yes" or "no". And any unambiguous answer to this kind of issues already contains indirect recognition.

There are also control questions that should cause excitement even from innocent ("Have you ever taken what you did not belong to?"). Such acts at least once in their life performed each, therefore it is assumed that innocent control issues should cause greater arousal than questions directly related to the essence of the case. And the negative response to the control check question indicates a lie checked.

Ways of deception

To date, there are several ways to deceive lies detector. Some of them depend on the preliminary training of the tested. For example, employees or former special services workers who are familiar with the principles of the operation of a polygraph or who have repeatedly used it in practice, will be able to deceive lies detector. In addition, in the process of its professional training, they pass a special course to counteract testing on a polygraph, because their work is related to the need to store a professional secrecy. Systematic workouts bring their reactions to the level of unconscious automatism.

Acting skills

If a person is a professional actor, familiar with the imaging technique in the image of another person, absolute reincarnation, up to a complete identification of himself with him, including physiological reactions, he will also be able to deceive the polygraph. After all, the main thing is to convince himself in the truthfulness of his lies, as the Lie detector estimates the reaction, and not actually the truthfulness of the answers.


In addition, there is a so-called pharmacological way to deceive the polygraph. This is the use of specially selected sedative preparations, drugs affecting blood pressure, alcohol. The point is not to give a polygraph to evaluate your true reactions to the questions asked questions and increase the number of errors. By the way, after a hangover or lack of sleep for several days, the reaction of the body will also affect the level of objectivity of the polygraph.

Straining brains

If during testing on the detector lies to be gesticulated, swing head, strain the diaphragm or abdominal muscles, the answers can also be falsified. It is possible, on the contrary, resort to psychological tricks: to form a parallel focus of attention, concentrate on mental activities that are not related to the questions asked, for example, to remember the multiplication table.

Secret way

If the options listed above, the polygraph deception will not work, you can even resort to the so-called chemical method of deception. Since the sensors that fix the electrical conductivity of the skin are put on their fingers, their tips can be processed by means blocking sweat glands. It may be alcohol or salicyl-zinc ointment sold in any pharmacy. The main thing that the polygraphologist did not notice the traces of processing, and then the main channel of receiving information will be blocked by the detector.

How to behave on the test?

Do not forget that the operator who sits in front of you is a simple person and he, like everyone else, sometimes there are emotions. Just, he is obliged to hide them from us, because Man - at work. But, we know it. Show him that you are also simple and, most importantly, an adequate person.

  • If you are a beautiful girl, it is unlikely to try to cause sympathy from the operator. The main thing is to show your adequacy and positivity of the relationship to this procedure. The operator should not think that something annoying you or you are afraid of something.
  • Watch yourself calmly. Do not make sharp movements with your hands or head, do not rotate your eyes, do not inspect the room, do not ask questions. All this can provoke additional issues from the operator and increase your blood pressure and pulse. That's all for us at all!
  • After a trial set of questions, the verification session begins directly, which is recorded on the camcorder. Keep calm. See exactly in front of yourself. Stop the look at the neutral object: wall or curtain. Yes, by the way, you don't dress something bright to the session. Even a small red handkerchief can strongly affect your pulse if it falls in the field of your vision.
  • Everything should be neutral. Preferred colors: gray, beige, pale green. Imagine yourself in such a setting, where you would be as calm and comfortable.
  • They answer without thinking what you need and rejoice again the sun on the clearing. It is a pity that the session cannot be covered with eyes. It would be much easier to indulge in such autotransigue.

Popular questions

How long does a polygraph examination last?

Depending on the complexity and number of investigated topics, checking on the detector lies usually takes 2-3 hours.

Does nervousness affect the results of a polygraph examination?

Not. Nervousness does not cause interference to a polygraph survey. It is expected that every person passing checking on a lie detector will be nervous despite the fact that he intends to answer questions truthful or falsely.

As a rule, the survey is experiencing a certain nervousness throughout the entire polygraph examination, and not only when a polygraphist asks him a separate question. Therefore, the polygraphist monitors the reaction of the surveyed person into specific questions exceeding the level of reaction associated with ordinary nervousness or excitement. If the nervous state had influenced the result of a polygraph examination, then no one would have ever managed to successfully undergo a test detector.

What includes the usual polygraph examination?

Professional polygraph examination consists of three phases: a pre-trial conversation, actually examination and analysis of polygraphs. The usual check on the detector lies lasts 2-3 hours. The most prolonged phase of the survey is 45-90 minutes of the pre-trial conversation. During the content conversation, the polygraphist fills the necessary documents and discusses the test questions in order for the examiner to fully understand every question before passing the survey.

The polygraphist also explains the verification process on the lie detector and responds to all issues that are concerned about the surveyed. In fact, the examination occurs in a quiet room with closed doors in the presence of a polygraphologist and the surveyed, without unauthorized persons in order to prevent the impact of factors distracting the surveyed.

The polygraphist fixes the necessary sensors on the body and sets previously discussed issues requiring a single response - "yes" or "no". Physiological parameters are recorded from the sensors of the lies detector in the form of polygraphs. In the last phase of a polygraph survey, a polygraphist analyzes the polygraphs and makes conclusion about the veracity of the subject of the subject.

Almost every sensible person believes that it is impossible to deceive modern techniques. The same applies to the polygraph, speaking by the common - a lie detector. Thanks to this apparatus "on clean water" withdraw all who are not wigistic to society, who tries to hide any facts or information.

Moreover, high-end polygraph masses are specially prepared for working with such a device, which can determine the moments when a person is lying, and when he speaks the truth. But is it really truthful about the fact that the polygraph is impossible to deceive? Let us find out, is it true that the accuracy of proven facts on the lies detector is almost 100 percent.

Learning to deceive lie detector - as far as possible

Immediately it is worth noting that any innovative innovation, including such a device as a polygraph, is always accompanied by myths about its extraordinary and infallibility. Let's take truthful, in order to "push" the goods, attract attention to it - each applies advertising, even if not quite objective. The myths about the polygraph around the world are supported by both polygraphhithologists themselves and companies producing this product. Thanks to such a policy, they are killed immediately "two hares":

  • the cost of the apparatus increases;
  • increased pressure on the will of the tested, and it is already a survey in advance.

Based on the above, the efficiency and profitability of the machine is growing. But there is also a third argument in favor of the myth about the polygraph - this is the cultivation of the power and mystery of the device. In front of these two components, people have always been taught and immediately obeyed who had them. In this case, we are talking about detector and its owner.

Collect myths

With great success, many interested parties prove that there is nothing to be afraid of a decent person when passing, the polygraph is dangerous only for criminals. And if someone refuses or tries to counteract participation in a polling with a polygraph - then those surrounding are already confident in the guilt of this person. It turns out - the feeling of fear is caused in advance, and wine is added to it, but in fact, the refusal does not mean anything. Normally, few people are nice when they are sinking in his life and ask unpleasant questions. In such cases, only a very psychologically strong person may have complete calm.

We immediately make a reservation - no one has the right to interfere with personal life without agreement. Of course, we are not talking about faces who committed a crime and their fault proved.

On the other hand, for silent, agreed persons, sometimes this is the only chance to prove its innocence. But in this case, participation in the survey should only be voluntary, and not by a whim of a third-party person. Also, should not be taken on the reason for the jealous spouse or spouse and justify themselves with the help of a polygraph that they did not change and did not spend money from the total family ticket office.

Important: often polygraph structures test applicants when receiving work. From this procedure, it is possible to refuse moreover, to declare a violation of human rights and interference in a personal life.

How to prepare for test

Before proceeding with the survey, an experimental polygraphic produces some pressure on the respondent. He inspires him the futility of any opposition to the detector. The respondent is informed about this during a relaxed conversation, in which he hints "they say, it's not necessary to lie, everything will be understood immediately, it will be even worse, you will fall into a dead end," etc. He convinces the client to fully relax and speak only the truth, having enjoyed the survey process. At the same time, completely turns inside out the thoughts and the most casual secrets. But you should not be angry, it speaks only about high professionalism and skill of the polygraphologist.

Polygraphist clearly follows all the skills and practices and acts in accordance with the instructions. Another important is to know how to deceive the polygraph and exit "dry" from the testing procedure.

Who is able to deceive the lie detector

Despite the wide advertising of the effectiveness and effectiveness of polygraphs, there is still no possibility to boast of high results. The reason for this is the ability of some individuals with ease of deceiving the device. But it is worth remembering that not everyone boasts with such capabilities. More than once in the press, serious scandals associated with the test on the detector of lies and bringing to the responsibility of completely innocent individuals or justifying the true criminals.

In order to improve the procedure, in the United States, colossal funds are spent on the preparation of masters of the highest category, next to which our specialists simply are fastened. But even with their qualifications, the accuracy of truthful answers comes only to 70%. As it turned out, besides the fact that the personnel on working with a polygraph is preparing, at the same time, special techniques are ripening, allowing the device to fool. So, consider a list of types that can pass the test on a polygraph without problems and exposure.

  1. Social psychopaths. Such people inadequately perceive any kind of norms and public morality, which in common is called shamelessness. These include serious criminals, killers, maniacs. Polygraph of funerals are easily passing, fraudsters for whom lies are a way to earn a living.
  2. Juvenile. They still cannot, due to the age of "deceit" the meaning of the question, to fully understand the essence and answer at random without doubt and experiences.
  3. Old men in "Mazzon". In this situation, a person does not understand the meaning and the essence of the questions asked, is responsible for the first thing that comes to mind, even if it is not related to the topic under discussion.
  4. Pathological lies. Such people are so accustomed to deceive that sometimes they themselves believe in their own wrong. Testing on the apparatus in such situations is excluded, since the deceivers, like schizophrenics, manic psychopaths and people with no able to distinguish the fictional illusory reality, from the true state of affairs.
  5. Actors of the highest category. This includes masters fully possess the famous Stanislavsky system. No specialist polygraphist can tell them in response, "I do not believe!", Since the respondent is completely dipped into the fictional image.
  6. Workers of the special services. This profession requires a high level of self-control, the ability to inspire and bring to the highest level of unconscious manifestation of reflexes and the reaction of the body.

How to work with the device

The most important point is not to be afraid. No need to revere in front of the device, this is not an omnipotent creature, but an ordinary technique that can be easily deceived. And please get rid of the unnecessary feeling of your guilt, whatever it is. Before proceeding with the official survey, the specialist asks questions, holds calibration, at the expense of which it determines - where a person is lying, and where there is no. For example, asks the name, asks to read the number and immediately sit, indicating the other.

Important: Before a survey, the issues that will be specified are required. If the official moment is asked unplanned - you need to ask to give time to calm and re-survey.

With advance stipulating themes, you can create a legend and "plunge" in illusion, make an image more bright, emotional. The main thing is to force yourself to believe in your own lie or if you want to mitigate expressions - alternative, that is, another reality. If you just represent it - it will be only worse, the picture of reality will be superimposed on the fictional and confusion will occur. There will be stress, voltage, the inhibited reaction and all the answers will seem untrue.

IMPORTANT: Experienced polygraph phrases are often taken in addition to attracting polygraph attempts to use hidden cameras, mirrors, etc. This action is necessary for breaking the will of the respondent.

The main survey procedure with the help of the device lasts 1-2 hours. From the very beginning, simple, ordinary questions that need to be answered only "no, yes" are asked. Then there should be a pause within a few seconds to record the reaction and the device fixes the work of the heart - echo or not, a brief breathing delay occurred or not. And the body responds not to the truthfulness of the indications as follows:

  • grows the skin reaction;
  • breath and rhythm delayed, then greater rhythm and respiratory growth arises;
  • the human pulse slows down, then the frequency of heart cuts increases;
  • changes time for inhalation and exhalation, pauses arise;
  • muscle trembling enhanced, tremor arises.

To suppress the will and disorientation of the respondent, a specialist can change questions, their wording. Moreover, he can ask the same question many times with different stress and permutation of words. Sometimes, in addition to the answers "Yes", "No", a polygraphist can be awake.


There are fillers on distracting topics. For example, "Today is the environment?", "Shoes are hoping for you?". It is impossible to answer it untruthfully, but they serve as an indicator, after which it is not true that it is especially bright.


Questions in the form of traps - detect the details of the perfect action. For example, if a person did not make theft, he does not know small details, and the guilty will have a reaction of the body. In a series of words, when survey slip the key points of the situation - that they stole from the bank, wallet, money, mobile, pistol, wallet, keys, etc. How long have drugs taken - day, 1 month, year, week, 10 days ago. As the queue is true, the response is interferes with the response.

Often the specialist complicates, it would seem, a simple question. For example, "stolen wallet, you rewrite over the wall or under the sofa." An inexperienced person can easily be pertaining and reply "Yes" or "no." This is already talking about the indirect human fault.

Control questions

They are asked to determine the tendencies to different kinds of offenses. For example, "Was it that you did not take your thing without demand, did you steal money?" etc.

Effective methods for prosperous survey

So, let's start first. Before the official, the master holds a preliminary session and then it is necessary to start to lie even on the simplest and most innocent questions. Thus, it is possible to "confuse" the device - a polygraph and a polygraphologist. This method is called "confused traces", despite the fact that the suspicion of infallibility is caused, but it will be difficult to prove. But these are notable ways, now let's talk about invisible - there are only 3 of them.

The first way is to reduce the sensitivity of its own analyzers. In this case, you will have a little donating health and in the evening before the survey take grams of 150-200 strong drink. Preparations are also suitable that block pressure and reduce the additional adrenaline influx. The medicine must be taken so that it starts its action after half an hour after the survey.

Important: Reception of such drugs is categorically contraindicated to persons who have hypotension - reduced blood pressure.

Powerful suppression of any emotions. The effect is achieved by distinguishing the concentration of attention on some subject, the image. In this case, you need to answer questions only in an automatic order, without thinking and not presenting objects, faces, etc. in thoughts. For example, you need to focus on the wallpaper on the wall or on the brooches, a button of the specialist, for some part of the body, etc. This method requires a long workout, as an inexperienced person will immediately give himself a polygraph. The specialist should not see the internal revenue of the respondent. Therefore, you need to hide the following signs:

  • stationary, stone face;
  • aspiring look at one point;
  • unnaturally supplied, monotonous voice;
  • the answer anticipates the question or is given before the end of the question.

An important point in the survey is not the absence, but the availability of the necessary reaction to the question. A person must behave naturally, and not pretending to notice this not only the detector, but also a man in the street. In this case, a simple advice will help - multiply several numbers in thoughts, think about something that can cause the necessary reaction - rage, pleasure.

About the wrong answers responded to the questions rated the attached sensors. To deceive them, reduce electrical conductivity, many use special substances. Thanks to them, the equipment will not be able to clearly distinguish the reaction of fingers to serious questions. In this case, the usual medical alcohol or any kind of cosmetology based on alcohol will help in this case, ointment, deodorants from sweating. When applied, it is important to pay attention to the following tips:

  • the tool must be odorless and color;
  • it should have a long-term exposure, at least 2-3 hours;
  • the tool must be stable and not washed with water.

Experienced masters on the deception of polygraphs are recommended to apply salicyl-zinc ointment. Only hands should be well warmed in hot water for deeper penetration under the skin. But do not forget that in addition to the skin, breathing and heartbeat should also be controlled.

Finally, the last but very effective way. To fool the lie detector, you should not sleep for several days. The tired and not lost, sleepy man is in a state of trance, his consciousness is stupid, and he is unclearly answering the questions. Consequently, the body reacts too weakly, as "says" a weak pulse, rare heartbeat.

Is it worth risking and torment the psyche

We studied the main ways to work with the detector of lies, methods of deception with medicines and alcoholic, own self-control, etc. But is it worth it to go out of themselves with unnecessary and completely meaningless questions, if you can simply refuse to survey and not take part in turning inside out of my own soul.

Well, if you require very serious circumstances - accusation in theft or other, more severe crime, then do not get ready here, the truth is in any case it will be floating. In any case, you will have to spend a lot of time to learn the craft of the blast around the fingers of the polygraph, or as it is called a scientific - detector of lies.

So far.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

The polygraph is a comprehensive device designed to obtain information about the body's condition during a person testing to find out, says the truth or lies tested. Lie detector is universal, applicable to any person regardless of age and mental state.

The main feature of the polygraph is to identify not the lies itself, but the reactions of the studied person on the questions set by him. The concept of reaction contains a large number of criteria, such as a change in respiration and blood pressure, pulse frequency, electrical skin resistance.

In the article, you will learn how the polygraph works, familiarize yourself with the principle of its work, the device.

One who confesses to lies always suspect more than one who actually lies.

Lie Detector (Deceiver)

Device scheme

The polygraph is a complex composite device from several elements.

The scheme and composition of lyzh detector devices looks like this:

  1. Sensors. Designed to control and obtain data on the psychophysiological condition of the human body.
  2. computer. Computing machine, which in most cases is represented by a stationary computer. Records and processing the data obtained from the polygraph sensors. In the future, the computer translates the information received into analog code and transmits to the output device.
  3. Displaying device. As such a device, an oscilloscope is applied, printer, or a monitor screen. Data devices output information obtained by polygraph sensors, on a diagram (polygraph).

The period between the moments of receiving these sensors and the output to the diagram lasts ~ 600 ms (0.6 s), in fact, the output of the data status of the body occurs in real mode.

According to the results of the analysis of information on the diagram, the specialist makes a conclusion, true or false is the answer of the person who passes the test on the polygraph.


With the help of sensors, everything is fixed and displayed on a computer-oscilloscope.

Regardless of the desire of a person, his body's reaction issues all true information. The expression of the face may be unchanged, a person can act like an easy, smile, assert, not to file absolutely no species that he lies, however, control the physiological reactions of the body is unable. Moreover, they cannot be brutened even by the reception of superal doses of sedatives, the state of sleep or hypnosis, as well as the complete absence of fear or excitement.

The inability to consciously manage and control the occurring reactions in the body, their close relationship with current information, which is stored in memory, make the method of surveys using a lie detector scientifically reasonable. This method is recognized as reliable and effective in identifying a hidden person, information in many countries of the world.

Principle of operation of the polygraph

The principle of operation of a detector of lyzh is based on the discovery of the microstresses.

During the inspection, to the human body, in those places where it is easy to catch a change in blood pressure and respiration, many sensors are attached. Then the subject set specifically drawn up questions.

When a person gives a false answer, the reflex is subconsciously triggered, as a result of which blood pressure and breathing change. The subject becomes unable to control and restrain the exacerbating physiological reactions of the body.

The operation of the polygraph is based on the definition and fixation of microstresses in humans. A lot of sensors are attached to the human body that fix sharp changes in the body's reaction. Sensors are attached to the bodies in which the change in the psycho-physiological state of the body is more clearly revealed.

The main indicators observed by polygraph sensors:

  1. arterial pressure;
  2. rhythm of breathing;
  3. pulse care;
  4. calculation.
When all sensors are installed, a person passes a test consisting of many questions.

For a high-quality check on a polygraph with a warranty of the result, the following conditions must be observed:

  • No noise and sharp movements. The third-party activity distracts the test polygraph, which affects physiological changes in the body, therefore, in the sensor indicator.
  • Easy questions. Basically, questions are asked with the options for the answer "Yes" or "No". More complex questions encourage people to additional reflections, which also lead to changes in the body.
  • Lack of amnesia. With the loss of memories of an event or subject to which the question is specified, the result of the polygraph is invalid. If a person witnessed or a member of the situation, but does not remember anything about it, regardless of the response of the body being checked, will not follow.
In the case of a deliberately false answer from the audachable, the unconditional reflex is triggered at the subconscious level, which is impossible to consciously control or prevent before occurring. The resulting reflex, in turn, creates the microreactment of the body, which is reflected in changes in the psycho-physiological state.

Even knowing how the polygraph works, it is impossible to deceive it, since the reason for the identification of the truth is not in the detector of lies, but in the work of the human brain - the detector only fixes the reaction of the body.

Sensor readings are transmitted to a computer that converts digital data into analog code, after which it sends them to the output device.

According to the results of the analysis of the polygraph, a polygraphologist with knowledge of the detector of Lie reports on the manifestation of "Truth" or "Lie" from the side of the question. At the same time, the person's response may look completely calm, without changing the expression of the face and removal of the eye, the questioned may not change the mood and calmly assert about the truth for its part. However, it is impossible to control or restrain the physiological ability of the brain.

The brain is not able to deceive himself and, regardless of the desire of a person or external factors, reproduces various reflexes in truth and deception. The impossibility of conscious control by reactions and processes inside the body, as well as their close dependence on the relevant information stored in the memory, has given a scientific substantiation and recognition of the test method using a polygraph.

Poligraphologist survey

During the test survey, the device clearly registers changes in all physiological parameters that occur in the human body when he answers. Then, on the basis of the reactions obtained, the specialist determines which of the issues the respondent given a false answer.

To test the test, it is necessary to obtain the written consent of the established sample from the suspect (victim, witness). But since the data obtained is probabilistic, they cannot be taken into account as a direct evidence of guilt or innocence.

Video: How a lie detector works

The relevance of the use of polygraph

Lie detector is used in many areas, which is not surprising, because checking the polygraph is currently the only way to check the truth of the words of a person.

The polygraph is applied in the following cases:

  • Checking the staff of the company. Serious corporations before making a decision on admission to the state of a new employee, a set of measures are held with it, including a test on a lie detector. The polygraph helps to figure out the intentions of the person and the goal of employment, which is objectively from the security point.
  • Investigation of crimes. Lie detector helps to establish a guilt of the suspect in committing a crime. Especially applied in situations where the guise of a person in committing a crime is obvious, however, it is impossible to prevent prosecution on bureaucratic reasons.
  • Private cases. Lie detectors have also established themselves as a clarification of the truth under individual cases, for example, when it is necessary to check the loyalty of the spouse. Today in many countries, private companies offer human testing services using a lie detector.

Factors affecting test results

Allocate four main reasons for which the results of the inspection on the detector of lies are recognized as biased:
  1. Location.
    The body of the subject should not be distracted by third-party situations and phenomena not related to the test.
  2. Time spending.
    According to the results of many tests, during the ten-year observations, polygraph structures have determined the most prosperous period of the day to pass the test on the polygraph - from morning to lunch.
  3. Number of checks per day.
    Recommended no more than three checks with one polygraphist specialist.
  4. Psychotropic impact or alcoholic / narcotic intoxication.
    It has similarity with the first reason, with a difference of a stronger impact on the psyche. If it is possible to test the person in the aforementioned state, the test results left by the polygraph on the polygraph will be different.

    The results of a person check in a state of affect of the results of a sober person are different due to the more inhibited reaction of consciousness at the first. Such results are not amenable to analyzing even polygraphhighs with experience and are recognized as irrelevant.

    And, by the way, on New Year's holidays, a polygraph and polygraph structures do not work as well as all other people.) Do not try to test someone these days.

In some Western countries applying a lie detector in solving legal issues, a violation of any of the above paragraphs may contribute to the cancellation of the test results and recognize them invalid.

Results check

According to statistics, conclusions made on the basis of a polygraph, very high reliability (80-90%).

When the tactics of the use of a lie detector accurately implements the principle of electoral influence, all conclusions are reliable. In addition to the image or word, the actions of the investigator, and a person or subject can also have such an impact, during its presentation for late. All this indicates the latitude of tactical coverage of situations in which the polygraph can be involved.

The polygraph works when there is a subject, the sensors that are attached to it. After recording, all the indicators are recorded, significant moments are compared with insignificant. Then, on the basis of all this, appropriate conclusions are made.

There are some difficulties in working with a polygraph. They are that the verifiable is placed in unusual conditions for itself.

The whole process resembles a medical examination, which is why the subject arises arises. There is a so-called sleep reflex, which a polygraphologist must be removed. For this, the test is trying to bring closer to natural conditions. Sometimes, specialists working with a polygraph try to make it difficult to put sensors, and the checked did not even assume that it was generally experienced.

How Polygraph works: briefly

Surely everyone heard about lie detectors used in police investigations. But sometimes such a test testing on a polygraph has to be held by those people who are arranged for a new job (for example, some government positions, where the results of checking on the lies detector are required from the FBI or CIA). The main goal of the polygraph is to see whether a person lies, responding to certain questions, or tells the truth.

When a person passes a test on a polygraph, it is attached to his body from 4 to 6 sensors. Lie detector is a car that writes numerous ("poly-") signals of sensors on moving paper ("-Graph").

Polygraph sensors usually fix:

  • breathing frequency;
  • pulse;
  • arterial pressure;
  • potting.
Sometimes the polygraph also records such data as the reaction and movement of the hands and legs.

When a polygraph check begins, the expert sets three or four simple questions to set the rules of signals. Then there are current questions for checking on the detector. In the process of interrogation, all signals coming from sensors attached to the body are recorded on moving paper.

Before checking and after its completion, a polygraph specialist looks at the schedules and sees the nature of the changes of important indicators as a result of the questions asked. Most often, significant changes (such as the acceleration of heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure, intensified sweating) indicate that a person is lying.

When the trained specialist uses a polygraph, it can define a lie with high accuracy. However, due to the fact that the interpretation of the expert is largely subjective, and people respond to false in different ways, checking on the polygraph - far from the most advanced method.

How to deceive lies detector

As already mentioned, the polygraph in fact cannot be deceived: it only registers changes, the changes itself for a false answer occur in the human body caused by unconditional reflexes of the central nervous system.

And, nevertheless, is it possible to hide a lie? Theoretically, yes, this opportunity is available. To conceal lies, it is necessary to control and preempt unconditional reflexes before their origin. The brain of an ordinary person is not capable of this, which was confirmed every time the polygraph tried to deceive. The outcome of such attempts was the insignificant deviation of the test indicators of the test, but the overall picture of the results did not differ from the test results, under which the subject did not attempt the deception.

Control of unconditional reflexes compare with supernatural abilities. And such people really exist, but their units for the whole world, and the chance to meet a person with supernatural abilities is equal to the chance to become the mayor of a major city with a simple person. These cases are unique and, if single people have hidden abilities, their brain works otherwise, which is reflected in the tests of the test. In such cases, checking on the lie detector is more irrelevant than reliable.

Polygraph (another name - Lie detector) is used in criminalistics to determine the guilt of the suspect. Also, with employment in some companies, job applicants are waiting for a check on a polygraph. Thanks to this, management receives information about whether potential employees have a tendency, for example, to theft, etc.

It should be immediately noted that the testing of people at the polygraph is permitted only by graduating special courses and received evidence of the desired sample.

Detector Lie Detector

Before agreeing to pass the test on the polygraph, it should be asked by its device and the principle of work. Lie detector is a sensory type apparatus, which fixes the physiological indicators of a person by special sensors - blood pressure, heartbeat, muscle tone, frequency, sweating, etc.

Sensors with wires are connected to the computer, on the monitor of which you can see the results of the check in the form of various graphs.

It should be noted that the attempts to "enact" the survey results have always been taken. The question of how to deceive the polygraph, exists as much as the lie detector itself.

What does testing look like

Sensors from all sides are attached to the checked. And in addition, sit on one more sensor and are asked to maintain immobility. The fact is that the reactions to provocative issues include even involuntary muscle contractions.

Before the start of the procedure, the subject should inform the verifier that some questions are bothering or if he needs to be rejected into the toilet. The comfortable state of the tested is a prerequisite for such an inspection, otherwise the results will be far from objectivity.

Also at the beginning of the process, the apparatus reads the initial parameters from a person. So it is accepted because many worries the fact of verification itself, and not a hypothetical guilt. A honest and decent person may well be a neurotic or simply an unnecessary impressionable. That is why the indicators obtained during the audit must be compared with the initial.

Is this inspection?

In principle, the lie detector is quite really fooling. After all, checking on the polygraph is carried out by a program based on measurements of physical indicators of your body: the frequency of the pulse, breathing, blood pressure, etc., and if, when answering the questions you specify, save calm, then the device changes will not be perceived.

At first glance, this is the whole secret of how to deceive the polygraph. But know that your effort to keep calm and control your own reactions program will also take into account. And, in turn, will apply the "distracting maneuver" - the first time (about twenty minutes) you will be asked for the easiest questions in order to put the device specifically for you to adjust the device.

What can affect the result

The main factor is the correct internal state of the examined. How to pass a polygraph for all the rules? The one who is subject to verification is obliged to sit fully static, it is forbidden to move his hands, legs, eyes, head, strain any muscles and even swallow saliva. These actions are able to cause an involuntary physiological response, fixed by the polygraph and affecting the result.

So it's still - is it possible to pass the test on the polygraph with the result required for yourself? Or, it's easier, is it possible to deceive the device?

If a person is accused of a serious crime, then sometimes a lie detector can become the only chance to prove his own innocence. Therefore, it is useful to have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to pass a polygraph in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

How it's done

First of all, on the eve of testing, it is necessary to sleep normally. Answers to questions on a polygraph should be given as truthful as possible, in case of any misunderstandings you need to be able to explain everything in detail in detail.

If your biography contains some violations and other negative moments, it is not worth silent about them. Much more wisely immediately frankly tell about them. A lawless citizen is nervous and does not make sense at all.

How to pass a polygraph with benefits for yourself

Specialists working with the device assure - do it not easy. Overcome the lie detector is able to only a person who thoroughly studied the principle of his work and perfectly able to own himself.

At first glance, maintaining external non-vulnerable is not such a difficult task. But the detector catches and fixes the parameters of the internal state! And they are very controlled very and very difficult. If a person in response to the question issues a lie, his body responds to false involuntarily, regardless of the desire to hide the truth. The device only can "swallow" a clear lie, when the subject or himself sincerely believes that he says, or gives the answer "on the machine" - that is, Without analyzing your own words.

Do not dwell on the significance of what is happening and not get ready immediately for the worst. To successfully pass the test, it should be elementary to relax, especially if you are not guilty of anything. In this case, the question of how to pass a polygraph, simply not need to disturb you.

With this approach, your excitement takes place, you will not begin to painfully sort out all your past sins. Suppose, often ask whether the episodes of theft were in your life. A honest and decent person, fundamentally not capable of assigning someone else, suddenly recalls a trifle children's episode - taken without demand in a kindergarten toy.

This memory confuses it, the internal voltage is immediately fixed by the instrument, and the honest answer is "no" will be fixed as false. That is why on testing do not try to go through past memories and deeply do not delve into the questions asked. Answer honestly, but at the same time slightly "mechanically" and quite indifferent.

How to achieve automatism

As already mentioned, the polygraph will help to deceive the polygraph, a calm condition - when a person is not trying to form mental images of life situations. But this is not easy - fully renounced and serve negative and positive answers in time, correctly alternating them. This is truly possible only to units.

How to achieve the desired condition? Try to mentally switch to any other problem relevant to you. In this way, you seem to be soldered from the questions asked, respectively, do not analyze them and do not imagine the images of critical situations for you.

From the history of the lie detector

The first version of the polygraph was invented and was used in 1895 by the Psychiatrist-Italian Cesare Lombroso. The device was named by a hydrofigometer.

But the real lie detector who can assist in the investigation of crimes appeared only in 1921. He came up with police officer John Larsen.

The polygraph was able to record the most minor changes in the psychophysical state of the subject, thanks to which the expert became clear the degree of truthfulness of his answers. This principle for a long time the basis for the use of a lie detector and remains to our time.

To whom the check is contraindicated

From the audit, women have the right to refuse a large period of pregnancy. In addition, it is forbidden to expose to testing adolescents who have not achieved adulthood. If necessary, they can be checked with the written permission of parents (as well as child-drinking children) or in their presence.

An important moment: the passage of the polygraph check is possible only with the written consent of the subject - you should know this in order to prevent any violation of your rights.

Now you know how to get a polygraph competently. We hope this information will help you avoid mistakes and defend our own interests if necessary.