How to make a beautiful advertising banner. Making an advertising banner with your own hands

We bring to your attention free online banners and avatars generator. Create a static banner you can just 5 steps.

Important: All changes made in the banner will be displayed only after clicking the "Update" or Ctrl + X button

Step 1. In the Layout tab, select the appropriate banner size. Create the desired background. The background can be gradient or it is possible to upload your picture. The gradient background can be 6 types with any combination of colors. To upload a picture Put the checkbox " Download your picture for background. ", Click the" Overview ... "button, select the desired file and" open ", then click" Download ". In the window that appears, set which part of the picture will be in the banner. Only GIF formats, JPG, JPEG, PNG are allowed. File size no more than 380 KBYETES.

Step 2. Go to the tab "Text". In the generator, there is the possibility of creating 3 independent lines of text. Enter the necessary text. Vertical and horizontal rules adjust the position of the row on the banner. Select the appropriate color and font size. Also clicking on the "example" there is an opportunity to choose a font. The letters "R" show the direction of the text or its tilt. It is possible to add a shadow effect with 3 levels of distance from the main text. (* If problems arise with the color of the text when using your own background pictures, it means the picture does not meet the requirements. Try downloading a picture in another format)

Step 3. In the "Frame" tab, you have the opportunity to choose the color and thickness of the banner frame. Or cancel the frame by setting the thickness 0.

Step 4.. Bookmark "Effects" makes it possible to apply additional visual effects to your banner. Or only to the background if you note the item "Apply the effect only to the background"

Step 5. Bookmark "Get Code". After completing the banner editing, go to this bookmark and enter the link in the "URL link to which the banner should lead (Example:". Also select how your link must open, in an existing one or new window. Mark the "HTML code for Web pages" item. After that, click the "Save Banner and Generate Code" button. In the window appear the banner code that you can copy and install yourself on the site.

ATTENTION! It is prohibited to use materials violating copyrights, legislation of the country, moral principles.
The site administration has nothing to do and does not carry any responsibility for materials, graphic images, symbolism, texts posted in the banners manufactured using a generator.

> > > > > Please wait for the generator loading< < < < < <

For correct display of the generator, we recommend using Mozilla Firefox

With the growth of Internet popularity, more and more advertising platforms appear, and competition becomes tougher. To attract visitors and potential customers to your site, you need to use advanced advertising methods. One of the easiest and most popular methods today is banner advertising. Therefore, if you want to advertise your product - without your own banner can not do.

Benefits of banner advertising

The advertising banner for the site is a hyperlink to the site page in the form of a small text or graphic image. Place banners on the pages of advertising or partnerships. Sometimes placed on the pages of their site to increase the attendance of a specific page or partition.

Speaking about the benefits of using banners, it is worth emphasizing that this type of advertising is connected with low spending. The manufacture of a banner does not require deep knowledge, it can be made with your own hands. Being unobtrusive, banner advertising can be focused on both narrow and wide range of potential customers.

Creating banner

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Making sure the need and usefulness of banner advertising, the question arises, how to make a banner? The easiest way, contact the designer by a specialist who will perform the work qualitatively and save the personal time of the customer. However, current technologies allow you to create a banner independently and even online.

There are many sites that offer free creation of a banner on proposed templates. The most popular and comfortable: and

The simplest, at the same time, the functional and understandable for novice designers is Canva. The resource is available in Russian, the interface is still intuitively understood. Registration is required.

Banner is created online. The generator is made in such a way that the results of already executed banner processes are always visible. And on the left part of the editor there is a panel with settings. Several basic sections are available to the user:

  • Templates The section is responsible for the backgrounds and the size of the banner. The designer can optionally adjust the size of the selected picture automatically or provide this feature to the Clator Creator (manually or from the Sample List).
  • Photo. Here you can select a background from the list available on the image resource. Their use for free.

  • Elements. Here you can add different elements on the finished background - small pictures, phrases, diagrams, etc.
  • Text. In this section, you can add a few text to the banner (title, subtitle, basic text), each of which is amenable to independent editing. The resource offers hundreds of fonts to choose from.

  • Video. Here you can add video to your banner.
  • Background This section provides the option to select a background image for your banner.

After all the processing steps, the banner can be saved and used. Other popular resources on online creation banners, such as BannersNack, work according to a similar principle.

Here you can create entire sets of static and animated banners in a matter of minutes. In addition to a single banner, there is a banner set generator on the resource - an effective solution for creating several right banners at once. The service uses artificial intelligence technology and allows you to significantly save time.

The work algorithm is as follows:

  1. Select size.
  2. Creating a banner basis (from scratch or on existing static and animated templates)
  3. Personalization of design - editing headlines and text, background or any elements.
  4. Export banners on any platform. Banner generator is suitable for the main promotional platforms: Google Display Network, Adroll, Retargeter.

Registration on the resource is required. You can use it for free, but to use all the features need a premium subscription. BannersNack has been working since 2008 and is available in several languages, including Russian.

Watch the video on the topic:

How to start making money on affiliate programs 💵Free work experience on affiliaters for beginners and those who are already in the subject 😉.

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A static banner is ready, but there is an opportunity to animate it by making it more noticeable and attractive. To do this, there is a convenient gifovina resource. Pre-create several different pictures on the Canva website, after which you upload them in GIF format to the Gifovina site. The resource will offer several settings in which you can adjust the animation speed, select the necessary backgrounds, add some effects, after which an animated banner is available for saving.

The whole process takes a little time and is understandable even beginners. Although the quality will be worse than professional designers who use complex graphic software, but the result is quite acceptable for the first steps on the site promotion.

On the effectiveness of the banner and on affiliate programs

When the graphic component is finished, the question remains how to make a banner effective? To advertise to be successful, it is important to remember some nuances:

  1. It is affected by the location of the banner transitions, that is, it should be in a prominent place (top of the page), best on the main page of the site.
  2. The banner will look more profitable on the page with bare text than on an exclusively advertising resource, where it can be lost among other references.
  3. The main thing in the banner is the text, it is he who attracts future buyers more than any animation effects.
  4. You need to advertise the content of your site on resources with similar subjects to attract the target audience, and the best thing is to find a suitable affiliate program.

Thus, the customer who places the banner of his site on the affiliate program, knows how much and what he pays for. The cheapest will cost clicks and transitions, but the return on such an advertisement is minimal. A more effective attachment is considered to be a fee for action (implies registration, subscription to the newsletter of the site, etc.), since the potential client is much stronger in the process. This type of advertising is suitable for services of services and online games. Read pro best partners.

If the site is engaged in the implementation of physical goods, the best solution is to use an affiliate program that will agree to place a banner per percentage of sales.

There are also multi-level affiliates with a developed referral network, where payments occur according to the hierarchy.

Summing up, we can say that banner advertising remains popular and efficient among Runet users. Although this type of advertising is not at all new, he proved his worth and continues to be in demand. If you do not have the ability to hire specialists to make a banner, you can create it on your own online resources. For this, it is not necessary to be a designer: a simple image under the power to create even a newcomer.

Bannerboo is a service for creating HTML5 and AMP HTML banners online. Convenient, quickly, without knowledge of programming. All banners are stored in our cloud storage and can be changed at any time. You can export banners in PNG, JPG, animated GIF, and download ready-made ZIP archives. Just try - it's easy and quick!

How it works?

Who uses banners constructor?

Bannerboo is a great tool for creating animated HTML5 banners that are displayed on any device (tablets, smartphones, etc.) You do not need to know programming or be an animator - just follow the prompts, choose from ready-made patterns and create your banners quickly and without special effort. For professionals, we also provided advanced settings and capabilities.

Can I download Bannerboo?

Banner can be downloaded as PNG or JPEG. You can also download a zip archive and form GIF. These features are available in a paid tariff. Read more about the tariffs on the "Tariff Plans" page.

What is an adaptive banner?

Adaptive banners are automatically adjusted under the width of the block / site in which they are located. They will always be displayed correctly and proportionally.

Adaptability can be activated for any banner made in Bannerboo - you will need to just put a tick.

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Good day, dear readers of my blog. We continue to talk about how to make your site work. Not so long ago, I wrote about contextual advertising as a whole and in particular. This method is slightly more suitable for young projects rather than Yandex Direct.

Today I will tell you a little about another method of banner advertising. It is not about the context, but something is approximate. This method of earning is elementary to disgrace and more profitable.

You can receive money even if only yesterday you opened our website and only 5 people come to it. I will tell you how to make a banner to the site and give a chance to a young project to bring more money at times.

Let's proceed?

Service for creating banners

Online service bannerovich. perfect for beginner. It is a bit complicated, not in terms of technology, but the process of receiving the banner itself for the first time. Nevertheless, the result you will get in the end is very good, and this article will help to deal with all the nuances.

The most remarkable thing you can use it completely free and. It will allow you to create even animated advertising, much easier to photoshop and more than perfect for beginner.

Well, let's start.

The first thing you need to do is go to the Bannerovich website and go to the banners constructor. Be careful not the editor, but the designer.

Now enter the name of the project. Set the width and height of the banner, you can use the sliders above the Create Banner button or enter the numbers in the sides of the visual sketch. Please note that it is not in full here, but only with the preservation of proportions. My result will be several times more.

This is how the editor panel looks like. Here is the ability to add background, image, button, text or animation.

It all starts with the background, as it is located at the very bottom. After you click on this button, many options will appear, of which you have to choose the most suitable.

Images are stored in the category of the same name and "different ways". There are all sorts of pictures with gifts, vector men, arrows and so on. Choose and drag to the right place with the mouse. I added a little man. If you change my mind to use some item, click on it and the "Delete" button appears in the upper right corner.

Now you can add a button. Click on this item, I will tell you more about its functions.

With basic settings I think that there will be no problems. Surely you ourselves will figure out what is the top and bottom color, in a block of corners and text. I want to talk about Open Link Tab. Since the button itself is not animated, only images are replaced at a specified time, then I recommend that you do not put a link on it, but to use the link for the whole picture.

In this case, there will be no difference to the project visitor exactly on the button or in any other place of the picture, it will go to where you need. Just do not touch anything in this column.

Now you can add text. There is nothing complicated here too.

If you want to make a banner animated, then click on "Add Animation", completely or partially change the drawing, and then click "Add Animation" again. Another frame will appear. You can add a variety of frames, they will replace one other.

Now you need to click on the "Get Banner".

There will be such an uncomplicated form. Enter your email address and click "Get Banner" wait for the mail to the mail comes, I have for some reason constantly went to spam. Enter this code and again "get a banner".

Now another letter has been automatically for your mail to come to your mail that you made your first advertising banner, as well as a password from a personal account and login. Enter them, and go to "My Cabinet".

Please note that if you have for this site, you will have to turn it off, otherwise you will not see your project. Turn it off, then pull back to "My Cabinet".

Just below, the project and HTML code will appear to add to the site. Copy it.

How to add a banner to all pages

Open and go to the "Appearance - Widgets" tab.

Here you will see the available text widget, move it to the main column, the contents or region of the basement. It depends on the side panel, the bottom or the main one is the banner. Try different options.

By the way, where exactly you put this widget, it will be visually visually. If the "search", like me, then the picture will get over this panel. If under the "categories", then ... well, you understand.

Insert the copied text to the "Content" and change the information in quotes after "a href" here should be a link where your banner will be. Also change the text in quotes after Title. This will add your prompt. Now she will look like a banner made on Bannerovich. "

That's how I did in the end, after all changes.

On all pages of the site, I now have this drawing.

Add a banner in the record

If you want to insert a picture into a specific article, then open the category "Records", and then select the one in which you want to add a picture or create a new one.

Open the "Text" tab at the right upper part of the information input field, insert the HTML code, change the link and the title. If after that you will open "visually" again, you will see a picture. It can be surrounded by the text you need.

Ready. That's how my banner.

I hope you managed to do everything yourself and problems did not have any problems. If anything - leave your comments on this article. We will understand together. By the way, in my blog you can read more for the site. They will be slightly less beautiful, but exclusively HTML.

By the way, the creation of banners is a good way to make money. I can offer you a course " How to earn, creating banners " This hobby can bring from 30,000 rubles per month. The main thing is to find a good customer and know some nuances that allow you to increase the number of clicks in the picture.

Well, if you still do not know what exactly sells or want to find new, more profitable channels, I can offer you record webinar on affiliate programs . Here you will find two effective strategies, an increase in earning formula, and learn how to make copies of selling pages and make money from almost nothing.

Subscribe to the newsletter of my blog and very soon I will teach you quickly and with benefit to work in Photoshop, ladies 10 tips that will help create projects selling twice as many and tell a few secrets of top designers.

Prior to new meetings and good luck in your endeavors.

On the Internet, banners are often used to implement various ideas, whether advertising or some announcements. You can create it with the help of special online services that we will look at further in this article.

Due to the high demand for banners, there are many online services that allow you to create similar files. However, only some websites are worthy of attention.

Method 1: Bannerboo

This online service, like most of those similar to it, provides you with a set of free services that allow you to create a banner with minimal efforts. However, if you need professional work, you will have to acquire one of the paid subscriptions.


  1. At the top of the main page of the service, click "Make a banner".
  2. The next action you need to register a new account or logged in already existing. To do this, you can use the profile in one of the specified social networks.
  3. After successful login, click on the link "Make a banner" In the upper right corner of the window.
  4. In text field "New banner" Enter your work name.
  5. From the list presented, select the size that you seem most optimal. Also permission for the banner you can specify yourself.
  6. If necessary, you can browse the page below and select a static or animated template on one of the tabs.
  7. Press the button "Choose" on one of the templates or "Create a banner" Under the list of available permissions.
  1. Use the tab "Settings"To change the color design banner. Immediately you can add a hyperlink or resize.
  2. To create the inscriptions, go to the tab "Text" And drag one of the options to the workspace. Clicking on the inscriptions that appeared, change the style.
  3. Add an image to your banner, switched to the tab "Backgrounds" and choosing one of the options presented.
  4. To enable in the design of the button or icons, use the tools on the page "Objects".

    Note: Animation is available only in the case of purchasing relevant services.

  5. To add your images, use the section "Downloads".
  6. You can enable the image in the design elements by dragging the picture to the banner area.
  7. Each layer with styles can be moved using the bottom panel.

Without paying a paid functionality, the possibilities of the online service is more than enough to create a high-quality banner.

Method 2: Crello

In the case of this online editor, all its functionality is available to you by default. However, some additional design elements can only be used after purchasing them.


  1. Open the service for the submitted link and click "Create your advertising banner".
  2. Complete the authorization process in the existing account or register a new way in any convenient way.
  3. On the editor's main page, click "Change Size".
  4. From the billet list, select the option that suits you or install your resolution. After that click on the button "Change Size".
  5. In chapter "Photo" Use the proposed images or download the picture from the computer.
  6. On the page "Backgrounds" You can add an image or colors to the background.
  7. To add the inscriptions, open the tab. "Texts" And drag the desired option in the banner editing area. You can also resort to already existing billets.
  8. Page "Objects" Allows you to place a number of additional design elements on the banner, ranging from geometric shapes and ending with logos.
  9. Click the tab "My files" To download images or fonts from the computer. Immediately all objects that require payment will be placed.

When your banner is brought to the final type, you can save it.

Thanks to the tools of this online service, you can create not only advertising, but many other varieties of banners.


Both online service reviewed have a minimum of deficiencies and provide an interface simple in terms of development. Based on this, the final selection of the website you must do.