How to increase the volume on Sony Iquisper Z. How to increase the speaker volume on android? The best ways

Trying to find a way how to increase the speaker volume on Android, you will probably go to this page.

And be sure here you will find this method, and not even one.

The optimal option at the same time from the proposed set of methods will help you choose intuition or the "trial and error" method.

In any case, you will be satisfied with the result, but still proceed to consider the problem.


What you should pay attention to?

Problems with sound, one way or another, can occur with any device - and budget, and quite expensive.

However, the solutions to these problems are practically identical, since the software part of the system of one generation will always be similar, even with some differences.

Accordingly, the minimum differences between the configuration process will be associated to a greater extent with the features of the version of the operating system.

As for the features of the sound of the device itself, it is worth noting that the differences between the sound of an expensive and budget device will still be tangible.

And not all software means are able to correct the quality of the sound of the speaker or on the basis of Android.

Thus, if the sound reproduced by such a speaker will be increased, hardware problems may occur in contrast.

For example, the speaker will begin to give the sound on unresolved frequencies and as a result, extraneous noises will appear, including pisks, wheezing, cracking and, possibly cotton.

Therefore, in the process of selecting settings, consider that such problems may arise and try not to allow errors to keep the device's performance.

Standard way to solve the problem

Before switching to the most rigid control measures on Android, consider the rules of standard volume adjustment.

Note that the volume adjustment can be done both globally for all sound sounds and for individual applications, which is especially important when you seem to put the sound at full volume, but in the media player the composition is played quietly.

In this situation, everything can be solved mechanically, i.e. Using the speaker-swing key.

It is not necessary to use it when the desktop is displayed on the screen, namely, when the specified application is running.

For example, in the conversation mode, the volume will be adjusted for communication, and when viewing the gallery - the volume of the video played video.

Using this method, most users comes to the fact that in some situations the sound of the smartphone is redundant, and somewhere is insufficient.

Proper way to solve the problem

The second way to adjust the sound involves the use of other standard tools - software.

Their functionality is limited to just a few categories that adjust the volume of the sound:

  • calls;
  • conversation;
  • system sounds;
  • media files.

To get to these adjustments, just a few steps are required. The first step is to find a system application with the name "Settings".

Its label looks like a gear independently of the applied theme of the decoration.

It is inside it that hinge hinge, thanks to which you can finely adjust the sound of each of the categories above.

It is worth noting that the clarity of such an adjustment leaves much to be desired, despite the modern interface.

However, playing with hinges using short and long taps (with hold), it is not difficult to understand how the application works.

At the same time, if these settings are maximally, it will only be a border that does not allow to disrupt the manufacturer of a device or developer of the branded software firmware based on and to disrupt them, other methods are required.

Fig. 2 - Volume Adjustment Window

Software solution problem

When the integrated gadget capabilities seem not enough, the first user response is to apply third-party software. They are there a great set in.

But before you score in his search "Volume Magnifier", It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all software means give complete freedom of action.

Part of the applications have a fairly narrow functionality and simply remove the hardware power of the speakers and microphones to the maximum, which is not completely incorrect, and such a result can be achieved with hidden built-in means, which will be discussed further.

In the meantime, we pay attention to the fact that using one application, you can not only improve the sound, but also improve the quality of the sound playable thanks to the special program tricks.

Therefore, it will be more correct to seek not a volume magnifier, but something like an audio center or utility for.

Therefore, when they choose, it is necessary to clearly understand what kind of team you choose.

To access the volume settings, it is necessary to find "Hardware Testing".

Most models make it possible to pull it out. In the list appeared on the screen, you will need to choose the category "Audio".

After that, the adjustment window will be available.

Inside it, you will need to select a value for the drop-down list with a custom mode, which contains values \u200b\u200band the most important of them - the first:

For each of them there is a list of virtual and physical devices:

  • FMR - FM radio;
  • Media - media player;
  • Mic-microfone;
  • Ring -Clock;
  • SIP - network sounds;
  • Sph - conversational speaker;
  • SPH2 - Additional speaker (there is not all models).

Each of them has several volumes, starting with zero. For them, manually and set values.

Installing the Volume for the device

To properly install the largest volume value for a virtual or physical device, you need to go to the list to the highest level, for example, 13level.

For it, in the appropriate cell, it will be necessary to increase the standard value to several points.

The largest and smallest values \u200b\u200bavailable for this device will be listed in brackets on the side.

All selected parameters will be applied immediately, immediately after pressing the "SET" button, located next to the cell, where the numbers are entered.

Note: Each Level is responsible for one pressing the volume key. Therefore, if you enter the volume value not in a given order, respectively, the sound will also change.

Fig. 5 - Form setting values

Increase the volume on Android to a maximum for 2 minutes (Increase VOLUME Android)

If you are tired listening to the movie on your Android smartphone, the interlocutor complains that you are badly audible - increase the volume of the speaker to the maximum and adjust the microphone sensitivity using the Android engineering menu.

Instructions for Android users, which will help you increase the volume of the device through the engineering menu. What you need to know about this operation?

Increased volume on android through engineering menu

Have you decided to increase the volume of your smartphone or tablet, because according to the standard you do not like the volume of his sound? Even if you have already set all the settings for the maximum for volume, the system can still increase its level, because at the system level it is installed, let's say on average. This practice is inherent in all manufacturers and OS, including in android. But note that at the maximum settings of the phone speaker will soon be hoarse, sniffing, and perhaps it will stop working at all, because The load increases significantly.

Attention! If you decide to change multiple settings in the engineering menu, we strongly recommend creating a full copy of all files on your phone, as well as make the menu screenshots in this form, as it was originally configured. After some changes, the phone may fail or work not entirely correctly. For example, situations occur when you don't hear an interlocutor at a telephone conversation, and scrolls yourself or speaker after changes in the volume and except for this greed nothing can be heard.

Entrance to the engineering menu

And so, to work with the volume level, whether it is an increase in or decreasing, you first need to enter the engineering menu. All ways as any android can do it, we have considered in this article.

The entry process This menu is possible through special programs available for downloading in the Google Play store, or with the help of such commands that need to be entered in the number dial mode:

Lyfhak! Sound Improvement on Sony Xperia Z1

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Sony Xperia Engineering Menu

In this video, we will show you the way to get to the engineering menu of the brand phone Sony Xperia.. In the engineering menu can be ..

  • Code * # * - Apparatuses based on MTK processor (first option)
  • Code * # * # 4646633 # * # * - MTK processor database (second option)
  • Code * # * # * # 4636 # * # * - Samsung apparatus
  • # * # * # * # * # * # 8255 # * # * - HTC smartphones
  • Code * # * # 7378423 # * # * - Smartphones Sony
  • Code * # * # 3646633 # * # * - Smartphones Fly, Alcatel, Philips
  • Code * # * # * - Huawei smartphones

The process of increasing the volume in the engineering menu

  1. So, you have successfully entered the engineering menu using any of the above codes. Now on the screen, select the "Engineering Mode" tab, then the "Processor" engineering menu and flipped the list until the point is Hardware Testing.
  2. Next, look for the Audio item. In it you will see these sections:

  • Next in the field called Tipe choose what exactly you want to add volume:
  • There will be several tabs with values. We do not recommend that you raise their value to a maximum, otherwise the device battery will be discharged much faster and the speaker will fail or work with noise. The optimal option is an increase in values \u200b\u200bby 10-30 units.
  • Once configured configuration, press SET.
  • Also, in addition to the volume in the engineering menu, there are other items, such as options for working with headphones, reprogramming keys, speakerphone mode, various tests of your smartphone and much more. You can read more detailed about each option on specialized forums, because for each model, the engineering menu can be slightly different.

    Do you think that on your Android too quiet sound? I would like to increase it? Learning how to increase the volume on Android through file editing mixer_path.xml.or engineering menu.

    You are also annoying that in almost all Android smartphones and tablets underestimated sound volume (quiet sound)? The thing is that there are certain standards of which manufacturers are held when issuing smartphones and tablets. The main purpose of these standards "not harm", but sometimes, such concern is only in harm to the user.

    Increase the volume on Android

    In this article, learn how to increase the volume of the sound editing the file mixer_path.xml.or using the engineering menu.

    Using the engineering menu (for MTK chips)

    This method does not work in all devices, but still it is worth trying.

    1. Open the Android dialer and enter one of the following combinations of engineering code. *#3646633# or *#*#3646633#*#*
    2. After entering the code, a special engineering menu "ENGINEERMOD" appears with a delay
    3. Sheet to the Hardware Testing tab and select the "Audio" section
    4. In order to increase the volume on the speakers, select "Normal Mode" in order to raise the sound in headphones Select "Headset Mode"
    5. Select the desired menu "Normal Mode" or "Headset Mode"
    6. In the menu, you will see the "Type" item, select the type "Media" from the list
    7. Next, you will see "Level-s" and their values \u200b\u200b"VALUE" and "MAX VOL" Change current values, on those that we will provide you:
      LEVEL 0 - VALUE 45 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 1 - VALUE 60 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 2 - VALUE 75 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 3 - VALUE 90 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 4 - VALUE 105 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 5 - VALUE 120 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 6 - VALUE 135 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 7 - VALUE 150 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 8 - VALUE 165 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 9 - VALUE 180 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 10 - VALUE 195 / MAX VOL 160
      Level 11 - Value 210 / Max Vol 160
      LEVEL 12 - VALUE 225 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 13 - VALUE 240 / MAX VOL 160
      LEVEL 14 - VALUE 255 / MAX VOL 160
    8. After each change in each level, you must press the button. SET.
    9. Restart Android and rejoice in the increased volume of the sound

    Using the mixer_path.xml edit

    Not in all absolutely smartphones and tablets have mixer_path.xml!

    Before you start!

    This article implies that on your Android device there are root rights! Without their presence, you do not get anything!

    Now go to an increase in the volume on Android.

    And so in order to change something you need to be installed one of these proposed file managers:

    Now open it and go along the way: / System / etc

    You need to find a configuration file. mixer_path.xml.:
    Just in case, make a copy of this file and start editing it!

    Edit Mixer_Path.xml in Android

    Option number 1 (values \u200b\u200bunder the parameter)

    Option number 2 (parameters, common value)

    If the file structure mixer_path.xml.differs from the proposed Above option, then we use this method.

    That's all! Read more articles and instructions in the section Android Articles and Khaki . Stay along with the site Android +1. , then it will be more interesting!

    Each owner of the smartphone with the Android operating system ("Android") probably more than once came across the inconsistency of the sound volume in different options of the device or the problem of too quiet speakers, even in the maximum volume mode. This becomes unpleasant when the sound does not turn out to be increased even through the settings of the phone. However, there are other ways, such as using the engineering menu. An increase in volume in this case is not difficult.

    How the sound is regulated on the phones and tablets under Android OS ("Android")

    The developers were laid in the Android OS, the differing volume modes intended for different situations of the use of the smartphone, which depend on the connected devices. Thus, without a headset, the sound on the phone can be quiet, and when the headphones are connected, sharply stun the melody of the incoming call. It is to eliminate such misunderstandings that need to customize the sound and change the volume with hidden methods.

    How to change the volume of the alarm clock, rington, music and video through the settings

    Adjusting sound on a smartphone with Android OS is possible by the buttons on its enclosure, as well as through the internal settings of the standard menu. Methods for adjustment are the same for smartphones and tablets, so you can easily figure out the functionality.

  • Go to the device settings and select Sounds and Notifications.
    Select "Sounds and Notifications"
  • Depending on the system version, you need to either click on the gear opposite the active mode, or open the "Volume" subsection. If you are afraid of losing regular settings, you can add a new mode.
    Click on the gear opposite the active mode
  • In the window that opens, depending on the system version, the following volume changes will be available to you:

  • for music, video, games and other media files;
  • for calls and notifications;
  • for alarm clock.
  • Debue the settings to provide all possible situations and prevent unexpected explosive sounds when calling a call or alarm.

    All items that can be changed through standard settings will be in the window.

    Another reason for too loud or insufficiently quiet call may be the installed melodies. Standard sounds are usually aligned on volume, but they can meet those beginning of which consists of bright sharp sounds, unlike others, where the sound is growing slowly and gradually.

  • In the Sound Settings, open the Ringtone item.
    Silent call melody - one of the possible reasons why you may not hear the phone call
  • Listen to the proposed melodies and select the most appropriate.
    To listen to the melody, click on it with your finger
  • In the same way, adjust the notification volume settings by visiting the appropriate section of the sound menu.
    By analogy with the choice of ringtone, configure the sounds of notifications.
  • Check out other parameters and think if you will not interfere with such sounds like: key signals when you set the numbers, the sounds of clicking on the screen and blocking it.
    Mark only the sounds you need or install vibration
  • You can quickly change the sound level with the buttons on the smartphone or tablet case.Manufacturers specifically take these buttons to the case so that you can not looking at find them and increase or decrease the sound. However, in this mode of settings very little.

    Adjust the volume can be ordinary icon on the phone case

    When you press the volume buttons up or down, the corresponding sliders on the device screen will be displayed.

    In some models, you can go to detailed settings from this screen if you click on the corresponding icon to the right of the volume slider.

    Some devices displays a special button designed to go to the settings.

    Sometimes the smartphone spontaneously goes into a silent or quiet mode, without visible causes. Most often it happens to Samsung, HTC and Lenovo devices. Such a situation may occur when changing the profile of sound with a quiet to loud, after which the outgoing call follows. When the call is completed, the new profile can be lost, and the gadget will mistakenly restore the previous one. The solution will reboot the device after changing the sound profile. This problem is associated with bugs in the firmware version and is usually eliminated by developers with update output.

    Increase volume through the engineering menu

    You can spend more flexible setting of sound if you get to the Andoid engineering menu. However, this section of the device is not so easy. The developers specifically hid it from the eyes of ordinary users so that they could not bring down the settings and disrupt their device.

    But for the owners of smartphones, seeking everything to understand and thoroughly study the work of their device, the possibility of access to such settings is a real gift.

    Do not forget that the mindless change in the parameters in the engineering menu can lead to a violation of the performance of the gadget.

    Before changing anything, you need to read all the available information on this item, compare with how it looks on your device, think about how to quickly return everything back in the event of an unforeseen behavior of the gadget. Only if you are confident in your own actions, you can start settings. It is best if before you make changes, you will make a screenshot of the screen or rewrite the source values \u200b\u200bin the notebook to be able to restore them back.

    Opening the menu through the call

    To enter the engineering settings menu, special efforts and root are not required. The entry in the menu is carried out through the dialing interface by the Special Code.

    Access codes for engineering menu have different devices, as they are installed by the manufacturer, and not the system. All of them will be presented in the table just below.

    You need to type the login code into the engineering menu, as well as the usual phone number. The engineering menu is usually opened independently after the set of the last code symbol. If this happens, press the "Call" key.

    Try different options if the first did not come

    Table: Access Codes

    Opening the menu through the application

    If none of the codes approached you, try to download a special utility with a Play Market, which will create a separate label to go to the engineering menu.

  • Open the Play Market and enter the "ENGINEER MODE" in the search bar and select the first attached application.
    All applications for entering the engineering menu are the same, so you can choose any
  • Install and run the application.
    The application will weigh quite a little and the installation will not take much time
  • You will either automatically send to the engineering menu, or you have to clarify the manufacturer of your device (or processor).
    In some cases, you will need to refine the manufacturer of your device.
  • Volume Increase: Step-by-step instructions

  • First of all, you need to open the Audio section. If it is not available initially, make several swipes to the left to open the Hardware Testing tab.
    Open the AUDIO section in the Hardware Testing tab
  • Now you will see a list of modes available for change, you need to choose one of the proposed.

    The values \u200b\u200bof all modes are described in the table below.
  • Now select a parameter to change in the Type section.
    The values \u200b\u200bof all sound parameters are described in the table below.
  • Select the volume level that you want to configure. Total 7 (from 0 to 6). These are the same levels that are installed in the standard smartphone settings (when you press the zoom button or decrease the volume on the smartphone housing, the level is changed). It is best to start with zero and last levels.

    First adjust the first and last levels.
  • Now you need to set the volume of the selected level (Value IS) and press SET.

    Set the volume enhancement and confirm the change.

  • Similarly, you need to set the volume limit (Max Vol.). This is the maximum possible volume.
    Set the volume limit of the selected level and press SET
  • In accordance with the values \u200b\u200bset, set the remaining levels so that the volume changes through the buttons is the most smooth.
    Calculate the volume levels on the calculator and configure the missing
  • Similarly, adjust the remaining parameters and volume modes if they are interested.
  • Table: Mode values \u200b\u200bfor spoken speaker, headphones and microphone

    Table: description of audio parameters

    Video: How to raise the volume through the engineering menu

    How to increase volume through applications

    In addition to the standard settings and system engineering menu, there are special programs that allow you to make additional changes to the sound parameters of the smartphone or tablet. Different programs work correctly on all devices, as they interfere with the usual functioning of the phone, and this is not welcomed by manufacturers. All of the following programs are available in Play Market.

    You should also understand that such editing services for any restrictions of the smartphone are not available to change in normal ways can entail a violation of the gadget and ultimately worsen its performance.

    VOLUME + (the most reliable application)

    This application is available only in English, but is the least conflict and almost unable to cause sad consequences for your smartphone.

  • Find VOLUME + in Play Market and install it.
    The paid version of the Volume + to download is meaningless
  • Run the application and select "Speaker Settings".
    Volume + has many features, but many of them do not need
  • The next screen will contain a list of available parameters. First, check Speaker Modifications (Changing the Speaker Parameters) and Virtual Room Effect (Virtual Space Effect).
    Check Speaker Modifications and Virtual Room Effect
  • Then increase the VOLUME LEVEL, BASS Encance and Virtual Room on one division (it will slightly increase the volume).
    Increase the marked parameters to one division and check the effect.
  • Check the changes in practice and change the settings again if there is a need.
  • A sharp increase in parameters can cause rolling, malfunctions and other troubles in the device.

    Jetaudio (Equalizer and Effect Setting)

    JET AUDIO refers to the category of equalizers and is a very functional program: it has an audio converter, player and ripper. Equalizer is just one of its options. Standard sound mode that it uses - Normal Mode.

  • Find Jetaudio in Play Market and install it.
    Jetaudio can be called a player or equalizer, but this is the same program
  • Press the button in the upper right corner to open the settings drop-down menu.
    If the Equalizer button is available from the main screen, click on it
  • Select "Sound Effects ...".
    If the "Sound Effects ..." button is missing, find the equalizer through the "Settings"
  • Now open the "Equalizer".
    The remaining buttons can also be useful for you, especially the audio amplifier
  • You can safely experiment on this tab with all the values \u200b\u200bwithout fearing to harm the device. If you press the button in the upper right corner, a list of additional sewn programs for changing audio settings will open.
    All changes made can be very simple to return back
  • The parameter with the value of 60 Hz must be left unchanged.

    Do not forget that increasing the volume of the sound, you lose in its quality, since not all models of smartphones and tablets are designed for good melodies. Part of the devices has weak speakers, excessive load on which wipes will cause both extraneous sounds. Do not bring the speaker to combustion and take care of your gadget.

    Volume Booster Plus (Automatic Sound Setup)

    The program is available at Play Market Apps and is the easiest to use.

    Volume Booster Plus is the easiest to use sound control program.

    After installing and running the application, you will see only one button on which you need to click.

    After clicking on the button in Volume Booster Plus, automatic optimization of volume parameters will begin.

    Ways to strengthen the speaker with infirred means

    There are several cunning tricks that will help to increase the volume of the sound on your device is very simple. To do this, you will need only scribe materials and minimal knowledge of physics laws.

  • Connect the external speakers or columns to the smartphone. Almost any external sound playback device will be better than the speaker built into the smartphone. First, because it is more in size and has a greater power. And secondly, the manufacturers of gadgets often save on speakers, establishing low-power, as users usually prefer to use their own speakers and headphones.
  • Place your device in a glass glass to enhance the sound when listening to music. Many gadget owners have already trigted this method, despite the fact that it seems stupid. The glass works as a resonator, reflecting the sound wave. Some of the owners of smartphones are cut out of paper cups and attach to the dynamics of the gadget. To add the volume of the alarm ring, especially witty users put the phone on a saucer with a coin and parallel with the call include vibration mode.
  • Take advantage of the acoustic properties of the materials of the external world that can reflect sound. Find nearby the painted wall and set the phone so that the speakers are directed to it. The sound will reflect the enhancement. Experiment with other similar materials.
  • How to remove the limit of the maximum sound level

    Manufacturers of smartphones and tablets often establish a software limit on changing the volume parameters. That is, the interface can be installed one level of sound, and in fact, the gadget will make sounds much quieter than I would like.

    It is believed that to bypass such a restriction, it is necessary to reset the settings of the gadget to the factory. However, there are no accurate data as it will affect your device. Gadget models are a lot, each manufacturer follows its logic when installing standard settings. Reset parameters will inevitably entail the removal of data in the phone. Therefore, if the effect of the application to increase the volume is not enough, prepare well and make a backup of information from the device.

    Reset settings to factory, and then select the North America region as standard for your gadget. This is due to the fact that the manufacturers of smartphones set such restrictions for some countries where society standards may prohibit the application of parameters that can violate other people's rights.

    One of the main problems of cheap smartphones is the poor quality of the built-in speakers, which causes serious difficulties when playing sound. However, a few simple ways, from the built-in parameters before the use of undergraduate means, will help the owners of smartphones with Android OS quickly navigate in the situation and change the sound settings to more comfortable.

    The huge plus of all devices operating on the basis of the Android operating system is the possibility of their customization. The user can change the literally everything starting from the appearance of the shell and ending with the addition of some new features and capabilities in the OS, it seems absolutely in all applications and browsers. Google at one time added a set of hidden settings to its proprietary software, one of which allows you to significantly increase the volume above the maximum.

    In absolutely all Android smartphones have a hidden setting, thanks to which it is possible to increase the volume by 20-30%, so that the phone becomes much louder. This can be useful in a variety of situations, for example, while listening to music at home or anywhere else, because in this case the volume will be enough for a mini-disco. In addition, there will be no extension of sound with incoming calls, because in this case the probability is reduced by chance to miss them when the phone lies in the next room.

    You can make an increase in volume through the engineering menu available in the Android operating system. We immediately note that for this procedure, the root-rule of the superuser does not need, so the volume can be increased without any difficulties. It is also worth noting that some manufacturers intentionally block access to the engineering menu in order to protect users from unauthorized interference with OS.

    To zoom in the volume of the Android smartphone you need to type the command *#*#3646633#*#* (In some individual phone models, it can be different - use Google). In the engineering menu that opens, you must invoke the top menu, then go to the section Hardware Testingand then in Audio.. If everything is done correctly, two sections will appear on the screen. Normal Mode.and Headset Mode.. The first is responsible for the volume of the speaker, and the last one in the headphones.

    Opening the first partition, you should click on the top menu Type and choose Media. As a value Level. Need to leave Level 0.. To raise the volume is necessary in value Value is 0 ~ 255 and Max Vol. 0 ~ 160. Install new indicators higher. If the default was 32 and 128, you can safely change them 45 and 160, however, after each new action, press the button SET..

    Similar manipulations must be done with all the other LEVEL values, in proportion to changing their value upwards. The editorial board has prepared a list of optimal indicators that allows you to raise the volume above the maximum on most smartphones operating on the basis of the Android operating system

    • Level 0 - 45/160
    • Level 1 - 60/160
    • Level 2 - 75/160
    • Level 3 - 90/160
    • Level 4 - 105/160
    • Level 5 - 120/160
    • Level 6 - 135/160
    • Level 7 - 150/160
    • Level 8 - 165/160
    • Level 9 - 180/160
    • Level 10 - 195/160
    • Level 11 - 210/160
    • Level 12 - 225/160
    • Level 13 - 240/160
    • Level 14 - 255/160

    As you can easily notice, the first paragraph from the level to the level increases in proportion to 15, while the last option is always 160. After all values \u200b\u200bare set, you should exit the engineering menu and restart the smartphone. If everything was done correctly, the speaker volume will increase by 20-30%. At first glance, it may seem that all this is extremely difficult, but in fact it is not so. The whole process takes no more than 5-10 minutes.

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