Personal account info-lesson for teacher and student. Personal account info lesson info lesson remote courses

The official site of the online project "Infourok" is a service through which you can improve your skills without leaving your hometown. It has more than 298 advanced training courses and 184 professional training programs in its database.

There are also online lessons aimed at any active Internet user who wants to improve their knowledge of foreign languages, IT training, beauty and health, etc. Payment is due at the beginning of the course. There is an initial payment equal to 180 rubles. The site is visited daily by 1069357 users. The service is certified - a license for educational activities, dated 05/20/2016.

Key benefits of online learning at

  • Travel savings. Learn online from the best teachers in the country. The minimum duration of one course is only 4 weeks.
  • Clear value for money. All educational projects developed by the editors of "Infourok" correspond to a high level of the educational program and are available to an ordinary citizen of the country.
  • Payment of course fees by your organization is considered.
  • There is a form of education on credit.
  • The diploma (certificate) is sent by mail to the client free of charge.
  • Reimbursement of a tax deduction in the amount of 13% of the budget spent on training.
  • No problems with the employer - study takes place completely remotely.
  • High frequency of formation of new study groups. Therefore, enrolling in your retraining course will not be a problem.
  • Attestation upon completion of studies is also carried out remotely.
  • Request a 100% refund if you as a client are not happy with the quality of the training.
  • The prospect of working in the project team. Write to the project manager about your important position, seniority, work experience and awards.
  • A pleasant interface of the service, which describes in detail the date of enrollment of the nearest group, a list of available educational programs. There are separate sections for the teacher, student, library, ordering a tutor, etc.

How to use service?

After registering as a teacher, go to the "Teacher" section and select the desired option - "Courses", "Webinars", "Tests", "Olympiads", Library and "Competitions". By logging in as a student, the client can order preparation for the exam, get access to video lessons, order a tutor in the desired subject.
For example, you want to take a refresher course. To do this, click on the "Courses" button. Then "Qualification Courses".

Choose a subject and your qualifications. We read in detail about the course, get acquainted with its program, terms of study and curriculum. We enroll in the course if all the nuances of the training suit you. We fill out the application and confirm it.

We automatically go to your personal account (my applications / courses) and pay according to the proposed scheme - print out a receipt, pay in another way or arrange for online training in installments.

In addition to access to a specific educational program, replenishment of the balance gives you the right to use useful materials for working at school and add your author's developments to the "Infolesson" project.

Working as a teacher forces you to improve your knowledge all the time. I'm not used to sitting still and being content with what I have. Self-development for me is a very important moment in life. I communicate with colleagues all over the country, we discuss innovations in education, the positive and negative sides of education. I recently heard about a site for advanced training and professional retraining called Infolesson. To be honest, he really interested me.

My acquaintance with the official site Infourok

Of course, before registering, I also first thoroughly studied what was happening. I went to the official site and read a lot of information. The info-lesson has existed for about four years, it is a rather young service compared to similar analogues. But still he became the most sought after. I wondered what it was about him that attracted such a large audience.

Categories presented in the Info-lesson service for self-education

From the first entry into the service, it is clear that the developers responsibly approached the issue of organizing the site. There are many categories in the Info-lesson, which is why they have so many visitors who leave grateful reviews.

How to register in the Info-course service

In order to become a full-fledged user of Infourok, you must register. It's easy enough, now I'll show you how to do it:

  1. Indicate the Last Name, First Name and Patronymic (there are separate lines for this).
  2. Be sure to enter your email address, this will allow you to receive the newsletter and confirm your actions.
  3. Choose your country.
  4. You need to come up with a password.
  5. Confirm the password (by entering it again in the next field).
  6. Choose the type of user - who exactly are you, student, teacher or parent.

At the end of filling in all the fields, you must click consent to the processing of data, after which registration in the Info-lesson will be completed successfully.

What people say about the site for self-education

By the way, on the Internet I came across a lot of reviews from satisfied subscribers of the Infourok website. And these were not only teachers, but also parents of schoolchildren. Many were satisfied, I did not meet a single negative review. The teachers are quite satisfied with the courses and the fact that the diplomas are recognized by the administration.

“My colleagues and I took advanced training courses on the Infourok website. They were quite satisfied, training really gives a lot of new knowledge. This is not the option when you pay money and get a certificate. No, here you need to try and study, and only then you will get a diploma. We really liked it and we learned a lot of new things, which we even reported on at the meeting, and recommended this service to our other colleagues. Lectures were held in the evening, it is convenient and does not distract from work”

In addition to teachers, parents of students in schools also respond positively to the site. Of course, there are not as many reviews as from teachers, but still they are not few. Some parents have been helped by video tutorials in order to explain the topic to their children in more detail. Others are pleased that they were able to choose a tutor according to their criteria.

“I like the website Infourok for a long time. I have two children and I devote myself to them. I like video tutorials most of all, the topic is revealed in an accessible and in a very entertaining way. I remember and refresh my memory, and then I can easily help children understand the tasks. I know that many of our mothers get a lot of information there, and someone even met an online tutor for their child”

So, the conclusion can be made unanimously that the Info-lesson deserves attention not only from teachers, but also from the parents of students. By the way, I forgot to mention that payment can be either in full or in installments. The minimum refresher courses last four weeks.

A number of advantages of using the Infourok website

I am sure that most of you have already appreciated the Info-lesson for self-education and advanced training.

I, in turn, want to give those advantages that are important to me:

  • taking courses while sitting at home;
  • saving time, effort and money (no need to spend money on the road and look for housing;
  • high level of education at an affordable price;
  • can be paid by the employer;
  • availability of certificates and diplomas, which are sent by mail;
  • the opportunity to find students and work as a tutor remotely.

As you can see, there are many advantages. As for me, the era of trips of tortured teachers to courses has long passed. It is time for teachers to be proud of their specialty, to grow and respect their work. The info lesson is great for helping you learn new things and improve your lessons, making them more interesting.

My impressions of the Infolesson service and the results of its use

I've been on the site for about a year now. During this time, I took courses and it just fell into my piggy bank, and helped me in certification. Now preparation for open lessons does not take place without the use of the Info lesson. It is convenient and simple for me, I use new methods, my lessons are varied and interesting. The kids love it and I love it. After all, my task is not just to give material for memorization, but it is important to present it in such a form that it would be interesting and exciting for students. I am very grateful to all the lecturers of the Info-lesson, who share their great experience and teach us how to become better and more professional in their specialty. Be sure to use this site and do not miss your chance for self-development and improvement.

Education in school is the most important stage in the life of every person. Modern education is undergoing constant changes introduced at the legislative level. In recent years, this industry has been significantly improved. Infolesson is a special portal that allows any user to receive up-to-date information on promotions, competitions, and innovations in Russian schools. If you register on the portal, you can receive objective information on all changes in the educational process, school programs, and so on. To do this, create a personal account on the Infolesson portal.

For schoolchildren, the functionality of the LC is almost the same as for teachers. The only thing is that they do not have access to the "Become a tutor" and "Balance replenishment" options. As for teachers, they use all the functions of the site in full, and can also upload their own author's video lessons if they wish.

Registration in the Infolesson account

The portal is perfect for schoolchildren, teachers, parents, students. Using a personal account, all these people will be aware of the latest news, in particular, modern legislative changes. In addition, they will have access to information materials that are devoted to various school subjects, speech, problems in the educational process, and more. To access the articles, you also need to go through a simple registration process.

To do this, go to the resource and click on the "Login to your personal account" button, which can be found on the right on a white background under the green "header". If you click on the button, the user will be prompted to log in. A quick registration form will also become available.

When filling out the form, the following information should be entered as accurately as possible:

  • valid e-mail;
  • user type;
  • password (several times);
  • country.

The "Register" button must be clicked after all fields are filled in. If the user did everything correctly, then he will automatically go to another page of the resource. The next step is to activate the email address from which you will need to confirm the e-mail entered during registration.

E-mail can refer to any mail service. The user must wait for a confirmation letter to the specified e-mail. If it has not arrived within ten minutes, you should resend the activation request and indicate the user's e-mail in the special field. The letter that arrives at the mailbox can be saved, since it contains the user's password and login. This is especially true for those users who have registrations on various other resources, so they cannot always remember the registration data.

Authorization in LC Infourok

Students and teachers who got into the Infolesson LC for the first time may be a little confused, because its design is different from many other analogues. On the site in the rightmost column is the menu. Using the resource, you can order the services of tutors in various subjects. You should pay for them in the personal account, having previously replenished the internal account.

Wallet in personal account

With the help of the personal account of the site, you can manage your own finances and orders. Users have access to the cash flow history, which allows you to track all expenses for a specific period of time. Naturally, the teacher will pay for the services of a tutor in a way agreed with the teacher. The following options are available:

  • cash;
  • bank transfer;
  • electronic money.

Payment for video lessons, in particular for participation in competitions, is made exclusively through a personal account. The balance in this case is replenished using the internal system. Various electronic currencies are available in "Other payment methods". You can also transfer money using a bank transfer using the details located in the personal account.

Customer support through the office

The Infolesson project support service provides comprehensive information support to all users. Messages with complaints, suggestions or questions can be sent to the e-mail [email protected]. The response from the site specialists will come as quickly as possible. Each employee is highly qualified and experienced, so they will help to deal with all problems in the shortest possible time.

Infourok is a highly visited Russian educational portal, designed primarily for educators, but also useful for students and parents of preschoolers and students. The project is commercial - educational materials, courses, passing tests with obtaining certificates and participation in olympiads are provided for a fee. To start using the capabilities of the portal, it is enough to create an Info-lesson personal account by registering online, and replenish the My Wallet electronic account, by bank transfer or by making a payment at the bank according to the receipt attached to the site.

Possibilities of a personal account

Service personal account Infourok, a password-protected personal section of the portal, allows registered participants to:

  • Take advantage of professionally compiled video tutorials. The option is recommended for use by all types of users.
  • Take courses and get a diploma. For teachers, these are advanced training and professional retraining courses and webinars; you can also choose courses from the “For All” category that are not related to the field of teaching.
  • Pass tests for teachers and educators, receiving an electronic certificate or diploma.
  • Sign up for participation in the international distance Olympiad, which provides bonus incentives for both students and teachers.
  • For teachers - add to the catalog of tutors, for parents - apply for the selection of a tutor for a child.
  • View free teaching aids for teachers from the electronic library and add your work to it.
  • Pay for materials and offers of the portal with a bank card, electronic money or from a mobile personal account.
  • Blog on a personal page, add photos to the gallery, share achievements.
  • View a list of all your applications.
  • Exchange messages with other portal users.
  • Delete the page if the portal services are no longer needed.

Registration and login to your personal account

The authorization form through which the user's account is logged in is made in the form of a pop-up window, which is called by clicking on the corresponding button located on the right side of the site menu. The window also appears when you try to order a course or other catalog materials without authorization, as this can only be done through the Infolesson personal account.

The portal provides for quick registration, during which the user specifies information about himself:

  • Last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Email.
  • Country of residence.
  • The password that will be used to work with your personal account through the official website of Infourok.
  • Type of user (you need to choose one of three options: teacher, student, parent / other, so that the interface that the Infolesson personal account is equipped with meets the user's needs).

After that, it remains to confirm the email address by activating the link from the message that came to it from Infourok. This email address will also help you recover your password - upon request, a link will be sent to it to assign a new character set to protect your account.

Education at school is an important stage in the life of any student. Like any area of ​​human life, this industry has also undergone changes and has been significantly improved. The special portal Infourok allows any user who is important to know about all the innovations, competitions and promotions in schools to register on the portal and receive reliable information in a timely manner. To do this, you only need to create a personal account in Infolesson.

Registration of a personal account on

The portal is ideal for schoolchildren, their parents and teachers. Info lesson personal account allows you to always be aware of the news, including legislative changes, as well as read many interesting articles on school subjects, learning problems, speech, and more. For this you need to register.

Infourok website

Registration instructions

To receive updates and use the functionality of the site in more detail, you need to go through a quick and simple registration. To do this, on the website you need to find the button "Login to your personal account". It is located under the green "cap" on a white background on the right. After clicking, the user will see a window asking you to log in, but you need to pay attention to the existing possibility of quick registration.

In the drop-down field of the personal account Info-lesson, you will need to fill in all the required fields:

  • Full Name;
  • valid e-mail;
  • country;
  • password and confirmation;
  • user type.

registration on the site

After filling in all the fields, click the "Register" button. If everything was done correctly, the user will be redirected to another page.

Email activation

The specified postal address can be any postal service. Now you need to wait for the activation letter in the mail. If after 10 minutes of the specified wait the letter does not arrive, you can resend the activation request by entering your e-mail in the above field. The received notification looks like this:

Registration Completion Notice

Description of personal account

Users who are accustomed to the standard view of the personal account may be confused at first, but you should pay attention to the rightmost column on the site. It is there that the entire functionality of the Infolesson personal account is located.

Parent data

The existing sections offer different functions and also allow communication between participants. Info-lesson personal account offers access to the following sections:

  • olympiads;
  • contests;
  • courses;
  • video lessons;
  • tutor.

Each section has two mandatory subsections:

  • information;
  • my applications.

The first paragraph contains all the information about current or upcoming events. Here you can also choose a webinar or courses and subscribe to participate in them. In the "My applications" section there will be all the selected courses or video lessons.

On "My Page" it is possible to blog.

In "Settings" you can change your personal information, change your password, or completely delete your account.


My wallet on the website Infourok

Info-lesson personal account provides users with the ability to manage their orders and finances. Thus, you can see the history of committed monetary transactions. Of course, the parent will pay the tutor in the way agreed with the teacher himself (electronic money, bank transfer, cash), but you can pay for video lessons, participation in the Olympiads of your child through the personal account.

Payment is made in two ways, shown in the picture below:

The first way is by bank receipt. It takes up to five days, depending on the chosen organization. The working days of the bank should also be taken into account here.

The second method is listed as "Other payment methods." This includes almost all types of electronic money, as well as the ability to pay by card through Internet banking.

The user has the right to choose any convenient payment method. The second one is more efficient, since money is credited to the account instantly, which allows you to quickly make the purchase of the necessary goods.

The functionality of the site for schoolchildren is practically the same. The form of payment is not available to students, and there is also no opportunity to become a tutor. Teachers, on the other hand, use all sections in full, while they can upload their own video lessons.

Infourok personal account: