An extremely useful Yandex service that no one knows about. Yandex calendar online for business, how to use it Technical tools for synchronizing the calendar and to-do list

The online service for planning time Yandex.Calendar, although it appeared quite recently, is actively used by a number of people.

However, so far it is still not very popular.

Moreover, many users do not even know what it is. However, those who work with it appreciated the convenient wide functionality of the service and its capabilities.

basic information

Yandex service. The calendar was developed not so long ago, and is currently in beta.

The goal of the developers was to create a simple and functional service, akin to a diary.

In which one could record important events, make the necessary notes, etc.

In this case, the system will automatically remind you of an important event for a particular time interval. You can specify the period when creating a note or event.

And also in the table, the current time and date are marked with a red dot.

The main page of the site is located at The main part of it is occupied by a grid - with dates or times.

Depending on the type of date display, you can choose to display by day, month or week. This is convenient when the event is scheduled not for a day, but for a specific time.

On the left side of the page is the settings panel. It displays the calendar for the entire month, the nature of the display of dates, etc. You can also create a list of subscriptions here.

<Рис. 1 Стартовая страница>

Display system

By default, when going to the main page, the user sees a table in which each column is signed by a particular date.

And it is divided into equal cells, each of which denotes a particular time. Cells are marked with an interval of 1 hour.

At the same time, the columns indicating Saturday and Sunday are highlighted in light blue. And light pink - Friday.

You can create an event on a particular day by clicking on the cell with the corresponding time. Moreover, the place in the cell on which the user clicks is also important.

Each of them is conditionally divided into minutes.

Thus, if you click, for example, on the very top of the cell 7-00, then the time of the event will be indicated as 7-01.

If you click on the central part - 7-30, and if on the bottom - 7-59. The exact time can already be specified when editing the event parameters.

However, displaying the week is not always convenient. In particular, it is not very convenient when the planned business does not have a clear reference to time.

And you need to plan it for the whole day. And also when you need to create several notes for the whole month at once.

In this case, you can change the nature of the table display. On the left side of the page, find the box labeled "Week".

Click on it, and in the drop-down list, select "Month".

The nature of the display has changed. It is also necessary to create an event by one click on the cell with the corresponding date.

<Рис. 2 Отображение по месяцам>

And you can also customize the display of one day. This is useful when you need to create many small notes for the whole day, and sometimes for one hour.

Such a system allows you not to configure each event by time through "Parameters", as when displaying "Week".

To switch to such a system, in the drop-down menu, select the item "Day". By default, the current date is shown. The table contains only rows, by clicking on which you can create a note for a certain time.

<Рис. 3 Отображение дня>

By default, the system always indicates the current date, week, or month. To switch between dates, on the vertical bar at the top left of the screen, find the calendar.

By clicking on the arrows next to the name of the month, you can switch between months, and by clicking on a particular date, you can switch between days and weeks.

Create an event

There are two ways to create an event. One of them is creating a note with setting parameters, including dates and times. After that, it is entered into the calendar.

The second option is to create a note immediately in the calendar, for the required date and time.

First way

To create in the first way, follow the algorithm:

  1. Click on the orange button "Create Event" at the top right of the screen;

<Рис. 4 Создание события>

  1. In the window that opens, write down the name of the event, its essence;
  2. In the "Participants" field, you can specify several addresses to which event notifications will be sent, which is very convenient, for example, when creating invitations to an event;
  3. Below are the points of the degree of access of the participants invited to the event;
  4. Determine whether the people you invite can invite others or edit the event, and check the appropriate checkboxes;

<Рис. 5 Реквизиты заметки>

  1. Specify the time by selecting from the list in the drop-down menu, or by entering it manually;
  2. Specify the date in that opens when you click on the cell;
  3. If the event lasts all day, then check the corresponding checkbox;
  4. If it needs to be repeated, then adjust the repeat settings;

<Рис. 6 Параметры повторения>

  1. Specify the method of delivery of reminders, as well as how long before the event they should be done;
  2. You can specify several methods and intervals for notifications by clicking on the "Add" button;
  3. Specify the location of the event;
  4. Click on the "Create" button.

<Рис. 7 Событие в календаре>

Second way

There is another way to create notes in the Yandex.Calendar service. To create an event for a selected date, do the following:

  1. Switch to the "Month" or "Week" mode;
  2. Click on the cell with the desired date;
  3. A window will open with event parameters;

<Рис. 8 Параметры события>

  1. Enter the name of the note;
  2. If you need to add a description, then you must click on this field;
  3. You can add participants in the same way;
  4. Change the date (if necessary) and time;
  5. Set up notifications;
  6. Specify a location;
  7. If you need to make any other additions, click on the "More options" button;
  8. The same window will open as when creating an event in the first way;
  9. Click on the "Create" button and the note will appear in the calendar.

By clicking on the created entry, you can edit it. Regardless of the method of creation.


For comfortable work, it is necessary to configure the service.

To do this, find the gear icon next to the button. "Create Event" and specifying the user's login. Click on the gear.

The options window will open. Act in it according to the algorithm.

<Рис. 9 Настройки>

  • In field "Letter to mail" you can select an email address on Yandex where notifications from the service about upcoming events will be sent. After clicking on the arrow in the field, you can select mail on a particular domain from the list;

<Рис. 10 Настройка уведомлений>

  • In the "SMS to number" section, the phone number to which events will be sent (if you connect them) is indicated. This is always the number specified in Yandex.Passport, it can be changed by going to this service;
  • If you don't want to receive reminders for upcoming events, move the slider in the "Don't send notifications" right;
  • In the grid section, set the default calendar display. In the Normal View field, you can select a day, week, or month. In chapter "First day of the week" specify the day from which the week starts to be displayed;
  • The Start of Day section can also be customized by specifying the actual time from which you can have events scheduled. This does not mean that you will not be able to create events for another time, by default the day will start to be displayed from this time;
  • Specify the time zone;
  • Specify whether you want to automatically accept invitations to events marked in other people's Yandex.Calendars;
  • Check if you want to display the week number.

You can also make a number of changes in the My Events section.

You can choose the color that will be used to mark events in the calendar, specify general notification settings for a particular type of event.

<Рис. 11 Мои события>

You can also share the calendar here. And at the end of the page you can also get a link to your calendar.

Yandex.Calendar: how to use the online service for planning personal time

How does the Yandex.Calendar service work and what is it for!? A Guide to Personalizing Your Calendar and Creating Events in Different Ways

Yandex calendar is a specialized service based on a personal manager from Yandex. It helps users create a special event, turn on a reminder, view the calendar, mark desired dates, and more. The calendar works very quickly and efficiently, and reminders from the service come to your mail or as SMS messages to your phone.

You can launch and set up the calendar from absolutely any browser, but it is advisable to use the Yandex browser. To do this, you need to have a Yandex account, best with a verified phone number.

You can find and set up a calendar through any browser by entering "Yandex calendar" in the search or by going to your mail created on the Yandex service and select a calendar.

After that, you can enter the calendar and see the whole range of work, settings and other information.

Now it is in this menu that you can go to the settings, interface and other important application parameters:

YandexCalendar is a very convenient and practical service that is available absolutely free for every user. Its capabilities include:

  • Schedule events, prioritize important things, set the time, reminder and more.
  • Convenient reminders in the form of SMS messages, emails and so on.
  • Large selection of different calendars, highlighting with colors, changing names, connecting calendars. General data and indicators from the calendar and much more.
  • Creating shared calendars, transferring data to other users via the Internet.
  • Access via the Internet and a personal PC, as well as via a smartphone.
  • Integration with Yandex programs and applications, as well as the most convenient work with mailboxes, Yandex maps and others.
  • Synchronization of calendars and all data.


Yandex Calendar is a necessary thing for every user, especially for office workers. This manager allows you to quickly and efficiently plan things, carry out a reminder and much more. Such a manager is very convenient, practical and relevant for any person. Using it is very easy and simple, thanks to a high-quality interface and simple settings.

This article talks about what Yandex calendar online is and how to use it correctly. You will also find out why this service is necessary for beginners and users who have been earning money through the Internet for a long time.

Online organizer, planner and diary

Hello, friends! Previously, people wrote down all the important events in a diary, and carried a special notebook with them. This was necessary in order not to forget what things needed to be done, or to hold important meetings with their business partners. But, with the advent of the Internet, various services have appeared that help people plan their affairs automatically.

For example, an online organizer, planner and diary are excellent business assistants. You will not need to write down all the events and notes all the time with a pen. By setting up all the features of these services once, you will receive notifications about any business that needs to be done at one time or another. Next, I will introduce you to the Yandex calendar service online, which will be useful to you both at work and in life.

Yandex calendar online is a special service that helps to plan various events and events. Today, it is used by most Internet users.

If you use Yandex Calendar, you need to know what features it has:

  1. Event Scheduler. After creating a certain event and specifying the date, you will receive reminders of the next event.
  2. Convenient synchronization settings. This action is carried out both on the computer and on the phone. With this function, you can view the entire history of the events you need.
  3. Sharing a calendar. In this case, you will easily hold common events with several users at once.

In a word, this service is needed for business planning. And the possibilities mentioned above are only a small part. Here I have listed only the most basic advantages. But, and then let's move on to the service itself.

As you know, this tool is used not only on computers, but also on mobile devices. To create synchronization on your phone, you need to find the calendar application on Android. (It is usually pre-installed). Then click on it and in the same section, select settings, accounts and synchronization. (Synchronization is the automatic transfer of personal data from one mobile device to another).

After that, add a new user. A special window appears in which you need to enter your e-mail and specify a password. Click on the next or save button for Yandex calendar synchronization to occur.

Yandex calendar for android suits people the most, since it can be used both at work and at home. Next, go to the official resource to create your own to-do planner (Figure 1).

But, this is necessary if you do not have an account on your computer.

In order for the service to start functioning, create an event. Specify the name and date, and then click on the create button. (Figure 2).

It was told how to set up synchronization of contacts, incl. using Yandex services. But in addition to working with contacts, it can be very useful to set up calendar synchronization. Thanks to this, you can have your up-to-date schedule on all your devices and thanks to this you will not miss an important event or meeting. Now we will tell you how to synchronize the Yandex calendar in such a way that you can work on the road not only with calendar events, but also with the to-do list. On the Yandex website, this to-do list is available for editing in the mailbox, while the calendar is located on a separate page. However, both of these resources are stored in the same account, and can be used on mobile devices when synchronized.

Technical tools for synchronizing the calendar and to-do list

Calendar entries and tasks are synchronized in the same way that contacts are synchronized. Newer data at the time of synchronization is stored on the devices, and thus up-to-date information is maintained everywhere. If the CardDAV server is usually used for contacts, then for the calendar and the to-do list there is its counterpart - the CalDAV server. As you might guess, the three letters Cal are short for Calendar. And such a server is publicly available on Yandex sites. And of course, if you want to use local synchronization, avoiding public servers, then the Baikal server mentioned in the last article allows you to create CalDAV accounts and synchronize them over the network.

Calendar entries do not contain a wide variety of fields. Therefore, they usually do not have such a problem as with contacts - the problem of partial incompatibility on different systems. Android smartphones are the only stumbling block - they don't have tools for working with tasks as standard, and there is also no tool for synchronizing via a DAV server. Therefore, for android, you will need to install additional software.

If you have a Yandex account, you can use the online calendar and tasks using the following software:

On a Windows system, you can work in the emClient application, given that it synchronizes, incl. and contacts. If you do not need contact synchronization, then you can use the completely free one, which, thanks to the Lightning extension, allows you to work with a shared calendar and tasks.

iOS devices are able to work with the CalDAV server by default, so the introduction of special calendar programs for them is not needed.

There are no completely free solutions for Android smartphones and tablets. The existing free application CalDAV-Sync Free does not synchronize the task list. For such synchronization, you will need to purchase an inexpensive paid version of this program and use it in conjunction with the free OpenTasks application from the same author. The second option is to use another paid DAVdroid app that syncs both the calendar with to-do list and contacts. And you still have to work with the task list in the OpenTasks program, since the standard Android calendar does not display the task list. All of the above programs are available in the Play Market.

In any modern browser, you can work with Yandex calendar directly through the web interface. Unlike the contact editor, the web version of the Yandex calendar has full functionality and is quite convenient to use.

Connecting a Yandex account on a computer

If you use the emClient mail application, then the procedure for setting up Yandex synchronization for this program is described in the previous article (link at the beginning of the article). If you want to use the Mozilla Thunderbird program, then to use the calendar synchronization feature, you will need to select the main menu item "File / New / Calendar".

The next step is to select the option - "Online".

Specify the CalDAV server type and its URL -

At the final stage, you will need to specify a name.

As a result, the account will be ready for updating over the network.

On the first session with the server, you will be asked for a login and password to log in.

As a result, all information received from the server will be displayed in the local calendar and task list. You can open them through the "Events and Tasks" menu.

Setting up synchronization on smartphones and tablets

On iPhones and iPads, connecting a calendar account is carried out in the same way as adding an account for contacts. This is done in the "Settings" / "Calendar" section. In the window that appears, select Accounts / Add Account / Other / CalDAV Account / . You will need to provide login information to the server.

On the Android system, you need to use additional applications. If you have synchronized Yandex contacts using the DAVdroid program, then through the same program you can synchronize the calendar and to-do list. It is enough to check both items in the CalDAV window in the account settings: “My events” and “Do not forget”. After updating the data over the network, all events from the Yandex calendar will appear in the standard android calendar.

But to get access to the to-do list, you will need to install the free OpenTasks application from the Play Store. This application was created by the author to work in conjunction with the inexpensive CalDAV Sync application. But it also works well when paired with the DAVdroid application.


Using Yandex's free public servers, you can synchronize the calendar between a PC and other devices - smartphones, tablets, and other computers. You can also work with this information through the web interface - all changes made will be saved on devices by synchronizing your Yandex account. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase the level of personal organization. After all, now it is not necessary to be at the computer to work with your tasks and schedule. And vice versa - it is not necessary to edit information on the small screen of a smartphone. It is much easier and faster to do this on a computer - and on a smartphone it will be updated automatically.

2018.07.25 ·

Recently, I began to use mail on Yandex a lot (mail for a domain or Yandex.Connect). An unpleasant surprise was that, although mail works via imap, Microsoft Outlook, when connecting an account to Yandex, does not allow you to synchronize your calendar and contacts.

Since only mail without a calendar loses a lot of its value, not only for me, after searching and studying the issue, I decided to describe the solution found.

What is the root of the problem

Microsoft Outlook out of the box can only work with calendars in Exchange Server. Yandex Calendar, as well as many other online calendar services, use the CalDAV protocol by default and do not support the Exchange format.

Possible reasons for this mismatch of standards:

  • MS Outlook is aimed at business users who usually have their own mail server and, usually, this is Exchange
  • Most of the software works fine with CalDAV: iOS, Android, Mozilla Thunderbird (with a plugin), etc.
  • Online calendars are a much less popular service compared to mail, and therefore the relevance of the standardization problem is lower.

Working Solution

In general, the solution is to install a plug-in in Outlook to synchronize the local calendar with the online calendar.

Of the several options I tried, I liked two the most:

  • CalDAV Synchronizer
    • Simple extension, synchronizes only the calendar
    • You can sync different calendars
    • Easy setup. You can choose a simple setting from a list of popular online calendars, including Google and Yandex
    • Free and works without restrictions
    • Open source and 300+ stars on GitHub (for those who are not in the know, this is already a decent indicator of popularity)
  • OpenProtocolsConnector
    • A more comprehensive add-on that also lets you sync contacts
    • The setup is more complicated, since there is no Yandex in the list of CalDAV providers (you need to go yourself to look for the right path to the online calendar)
    • A license is required to operate. The Personal Home License is free, but requires an annual renewal.
    • There is a source code for the CalDAV library, on the basis of which the add-on works
    • Seems less popular than CalDAV Synchronizer

Alternative (non-optimal) solutions

  • Google calendar export. In Google calendar it is possible to specify a public link for the calendar in a format that Outlook understands. But this solution has a number of disadvantages:
    • MS Outlook connects the calendar only in “read only” mode
    • There is no way to set permissions, anyone with the link will be able to read the contents of the calendar
  • EVO Collaborator. If you google a topic with a calendar, then this extension will be in the first search results. I tried it, I didn't like it very much (maybe I just didn't understand):
    • Instead of synchronizing an already existing local calendar with an online service, the add-on adds a new local calendar for each service and synchronizes it
    • Worth 28 euros against free alternatives
  • Opt out of MS Outlook:
    • I didn’t really consider the option, because, even if we discard the question of habit and convenience, the question remains (non-) portability of your vba macros and add-ons (you can call it a vendor lock)


In fact, the task of synchronizing Outlook and external providers is quite trivial. I will assume that there are other convenient alternatives, but the options described above seemed sufficient to me. If you know more convenient ways or solutions, then write in the comments.