Resize photo in photoshop cs6. Resizing an image in Photoshop

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Good day, dear readers. The large weight of the pages of the site leads to negative consequences. The resource is not liked by readers and search engines. Such a seemingly insignificant thing, but it wasn’t there, affects the conversion.

Do not rush to get upset. If it were not for the mistakes of inattentive developers, then specialists would have nothing to do. And competition is always good. Simple work on photos will allow you to speed up the site, which cannot but affect the opinion of the audience, as well as search robots.

Benefits of small pictures

Every good webmaster worries about the weight of the images they use on their site. They must be "correct" on all sides for two reasons.

The first is the readers. Everyone's download speed is different, but everyone wants the resource to open as quickly as possible. If you use 5 mb images, they will load very slowly. Remember, there were times when the drawing was opened in small portions, stripes? This can be achieved even now, one has only to put a heavy image on the portal.

The second reason to reduce weight is search engines. Perhaps soon everything will change, but for now, robots check fat pages by half. They analyze only part of the information, a certain weight.

If you uploaded a hefty picture, then perhaps the robot will not even pay much attention to the content, but will say: “Well, please, well, you don’t need it, so I went to check something else, too much work for one day.” As a result, you lose the opportunity to take high positions.

Therefore, I recommend that you upload pictures to the media library - this is a good way to lose weight. If you do just that, then only the link is used on the page, and, as you understand, it weighs a penny. So you solve the problem with search engines. With readers the question is still open. The way is the way, but the heavy picture will remain so and it will take a long time to load. This is where we come to the rescue. It will help to “lose weight” the picture. First, let's talk about formats.

What format to use

The two most useful formats for a website builder are jpeg and png. Now I will explain why.

Here we have a drawing of a cow. Open it with Photoshop and save in two formats.

This is what png looks like. As you can see the background is transparent. You can embed anywhere and the picture will be as if cut out. Such a picture weighs quite a lot - about 3 mb.

And this is jpeg format. Weight - 260 kb, very cool. But the background is white. You can't use it anywhere. For pictures for publication, a rectangular image is the best fit, but as a design element, this is a moot point.

What is the best format for storing photos? I think that now you yourself can answer this question. Basically, everyone uses jpg, and selected pictures are stored in png. There are many more formats, but I do not recommend you fool around with them. The difference will be in color reproduction. Somewhere better colors, somewhere worse. The ideal combination of quality and weight is jpeg. He would still have transparency - and in general there would be no price.

Now let's move on to the main question, how to reduce.

The Secret to Reducing a Photo You Don't Know About Yet

So one day I needed to work on one . The site had existed for about a year, but the customer could only dream of the first page. One of the points of conquering the search engines was the work on images. There were an unrealistic number of them, just huge! You have no idea how many there were! I was ready to die under the weight of this amount. It was then that I brought out a wonderful model of work on reducing photos.

We all have photoshop. When it comes to a mountain of photos - we don’t need it, use the online service! Of course, free.

This is the same Photoshop, but much easier and faster. Here is the link - , You can view. The thing is that this service is a greatly simplified version, and therefore it works many times faster. Until you open Photoshop on your computer, until you open a photo, then a second, then a third. You can go crazy! Nafig. Use the online service and you will not regret it.

First of all, put the Russian language. Language tab.

Select all the photos by holding down the Ctrl and A buttons at the same time, or simply select with the mouse. Open. The whole procedure takes several times less time than when working in the program on your computer.

If it's png, and we don't need it, choose jpg. Pay attention to the size, instantly decreased.

You can also play around with the quality. See what the image looks like and what its size is.

Up to 50% is an adequate combination, although see for yourself. Who likes it better. As for me, and 10 looks pretty good.

Another way to scale down an image

I don’t really like the second method, you need to act on a hunch, and with a large number of images it’s too dreary, but ... but effective. Now I will show you how to compress a 5 MB photo to 60 KB while maintaining the quality.

So, let's open the photo. In the navigator on the left (shown with an arrow in the figure), you can see the full image. In the main window, we see only a small part of it. I deliberately increased it to 100%. You can open such a picture in full size only on a billboard or a screen in a cinema. Well, why on the site to use such pictures?

Go to the "Image" section and select "size".

Now click on any arrow - at least next to the length, even with the width. Doesn't matter.

And we start to pull the slider.

That's what I was talking about, you have to act on a whim. The optimal screen sizes are usually 1024 x 768. According to other sources, 1366 x 768. If you are going to use a photo as visual material for an article, then, of course, the size will be smaller. Not to open it on the whole screen. Although some readers may be interested in the picture and want to open it in a new window. In short, here you have to think for yourself. Based on tasks.

See, it seems to me that the picture is still very large.

I reduced it further.

Ready. Now, the weight is only 60 Kb.

If the topic seemed relevant and interesting to you, I recommend reading it. Also useful information for developers. And in general, subscribe to my blog newsletter to receive the necessary information that will definitely come in handy.

There is no need to wait for the weather by the sea, learn about the nuances of work before you encounter any problem. This is the secret of professionalism. No matter how experienced you are, all sorts of troubles still happen, only a specialist can quickly find a solution to fix everything.

Well, for those who want to comprehend the magic of Photoshop, I will once again recommend the course of Zinaida Lukyanova - Photoshop from scratch in VIP 3.0 video format . This will significantly speed up your process of learning and understanding the technical part and allow you to move on to gaining experience.

Whatever you say, it rarely turns out cool the first time. Be prepared that good money will start to pay you only after your projects become professional.

It's up to you, of course. Now you have all the information to think about and make the right decision.

Until we meet again and good luck in your endeavors.

Often in our lives we are faced with the need to reduce a drawing or photograph. For example, if you need to put a photo on a splash screen on a social network, or if you plan to use a picture instead of a splash screen on a blog.

If the photo was taken by a professional, it can be several hundred megabytes in size. Such large images are extremely inconvenient to store on a computer or use them for publication on social networks. That is why before publishing an image or saving it on a computer, you need to reduce it a little. The most "advanced" program for solving our today's problem is Adobe Photoshop. Its main plus lies in the fact that it has not only tools for reducing, but also has the ability to optimize the quality of the image.

Before you reduce the image in Photoshop, you need to understand what it is - reduction. If you want to use a photo as an avatar, it is important to maintain certain proportions and maintain the desired resolution. Also, the image should have a small weight (about a few kilobytes). You can find all the required proportions on the site where you plan to place your “ava”. If your plans include placing pictures on the Internet, the size and volume must be reduced to acceptable sizes, that is, when your picture is opened, it should not “fall out” of the browser window. The allowable size of such images is approximately several hundred kilobytes.

In order to reduce a picture for an avatar and for uploading to an album, you will need to perform completely different procedures. If you're downsizing your photo for your profile picture, you'll only need to cut out a small portion. The photo, as a rule, is not cropped, it is saved completely. If the image you want needs a size, but it weighs a lot, you can degrade its quality. Accordingly, saving each of the pixels will take less memory. If you have used the correct compression algorithm, the original image and the processed image will hardly differ.

Method 1: Crop

Before you can reduce the size of a photo in Photoshop, you need to open it. To do this, use the program menu: "File - Open". Next, specify the location of the image on your computer.

The second option is to use the tool "Rectangular area".

Method 2: The "Canvas Size" Function

If you need to crop the image to specific sizes, with the removal of extreme parts, the menu item will help: "Canvas Size". This tool is indispensable if you need to remove something superfluous from the edges of the picture. This tool is located in the menu: "Image - Canvas Size".

"Canvas Size" is a window in which the current parameters of the photo and those that it will have after editing are indicated. You only need to specify which dimensions you need, and clarify which side you need to crop the picture from. You can set the size in any convenient unit of measure (centimeters, millimeters, pixels, etc.). The side from which to start trimming can be specified using the box on which the arrows are located. After all the necessary parameters have been set, click "OK"- your picture will be cropped.

Method 3: Image Size Function

After the image takes the form you want, you can safely proceed to resizing it. To do this, use the menu item: "Image - Image Size".

In this menu, you can adjust the size of the image, change their value in the desired unit of measurement. If you change one value, all others will automatically change as well. This way the proportions of your image are preserved. If you need to distort the aspect ratio of the image, use the icon between the width and height values.

You can also change the image size by decreasing or increasing the resolution (use the menu item "Permission"). Remember, the lower the photo resolution, the lower its quality, but at the same time light weight is achieved.

Saving and optimizing the image

After you have set all the necessary sizes and proportions, you need to save the picture. In addition to the team "Save as" you can use the program tool "Save for Web" located in the menu item "File".

The main part of the window is occupied by the image. Here you can see it in the same format in which it will be displayed on the Internet. On the right side of the interface, you can set parameters such as the picture format and quality. The higher the score, the better the image quality. You can also change the quality very much using the dropdown list. Choose in it any value that suits you (Low, Medium, High, Best) and evaluate the quality. If you need to fix some minor sizing, use Quality. At the bottom of the page, you can see how much the photo weighs at this stage of editing.

By using "Image Size" set the options for saving the photo that suits you.

Using all of the above tools, you will be able to create the perfect photo with a small weight and the necessary size for publishing on the web.

How to reduce image size without losing quality, I became interested in the answer to this question when I wanted to make a thumbnail for an article from an image for a PC desktop wallpaper.
Entering a query in the search bar of my “favorite browser”, I began my journey through the sites, with the hope of quickly solving this problem.
But it wasn’t there, I’ll tell you dear in the words of a famous proverb. In search of a suitable one for myself, I tried many of them. After all, high-quality images and design are the right way (read the previous article), and the search engine gave me a lot of articles where, using various programs, “our blogger brother” conjures up his own and others (read downloaded from “net”) pictures.

Various ways to change the size and quality of the image

  1. Among them there are: multifunctional, shareware, such as Batch Picture Resizer. I provide a list of its features: resizing photos, renaming files and applying watermarks, batch processing photos, converting formats. It can be downloaded from this link:
  2. And very simple, they can be attributed PicSizer.

But as always, looking in the distance, we forget, or do not know about what lies very close by. After all, manipulations with can be done by standard means of the operating system itself.
Let's allow for reduce photo size in Windows 7 you need:

  • Move the cursor over the object, right-click and select: Open with Picture and Fax Viewer and click Paint.
  • Further: Menu-Properties and a sign pops up, and in the lower right corner a slider for changes. Operate the slider or set the size and click OK.
  • After that click "Save as…, here on the right are the possible options for changing the image format.

Changing an image in Photoshop

But today, using the program Photoshop (Photoshop) I want to show you how to resize an image without changing the quality. Well, in passing and the format, at your discretion. Immediately make a reservation that in order to obtain a high-quality image, it is necessary to make a phased reduction of the image. So we'll do it twice.
Open the program, upload the image - File-Open.

After that, "click" -Image- Image size, as shown in the screenshot above. When the sign for changes appears (screenshot below), first we make changes in the size of half of the original format.

And in order not to lose quality, select below: Bicubic sharper (best for reduction).
And as always, we confirm the action by pressing the OK button. After doing all the steps again and getting the required image size, you can improve its sharpness. This is so that it looks clearer and sharper on various browsers. We do as in the screenshot below, following the path - Filter-Sharpness- and choose what we want.

I think that the information I have provided you will be useful.. After all, the question how to reduce the size of an image without losing quality is of interest to all bloggers. Because the loading of images on a web page takes the lion's share of the time allotted for this action. And as you know, it is important to promote your resource.

This is where I ran out of information on this topic. And to you, dear visitors, a small request, leaving to press one of the buttons of social networks. By this you express your gratitude for my (your) work. Thank you.
Yes, sorry, I also completely forgot to remind you that the site has an interesting article on the topic of making money on questionnaires, but

Good day to you my dear friends. This is a situation I often encounter. For example, I want to put an avatar on some site, cut out the desired area of ​​my photo or other picture, and save it. And when I go to the site, it turns out that it accepts photos for avatars no larger than 150 * 150 pixels and 100 kilobytes, for example.

I look at my photo, and it is 1920*1200 and weighs more than a megabyte. Naturally, this site will not upload such a photo. So what to do? Well, in general, for this we are here and gathered.

In today's tutorial, I'll show you how to reduce the size of an image in Photoshop to fit your needs. Moreover, the matter will affect both the size of pixels and the size of kilobytes (well, or megabytes), and the quality will not even suffer. Just do not confuse reducing the size of the image with the usual one, since we will actually reduce the image here, and not create the appearance. Let's take this picture today.

Easy Save

  1. First, load the image into Photoshop.
  2. And now go to the main menu and select the item "Image", and in the drop-down list that opens "Image Size".

In the window that opens, you can see two cells (width and height) with the current image size. It is here that you have to change the size itself.

By default, the width and height are connected by such a chain. This means that the size is proportional. That is, if you change the value in any of these two cells, then the size of the second cell will automatically change. Those. the proportions of the image will be preserved.

And if you click on this chain, then the link will break and changing any value will not change the other value. The picture will become disproportionate.

As with creating a new document in Photoshop, you can choose units of measure, such as pixels, centimeters, inches, or even percentages of the current image.

After resizing, at the top of this window you will see the current size of the image in kilobytes (or other units), and the old size in brackets. This is not the final size, so do not pay too much attention to it.

Well, how clear is the point? Let's take a look at a live example for greater clarity.

I need a photo for a website with a size of 200*200 pixels. I take our 1920*1200 photo and upload it to Photoshop. And then point by point.

Saving for WEB

If the image is needed in order to upload it to the site, and not to keep it as a memorable photograph, then you can save it in a slightly different way. With this method, the size of the picture (well, that is, its weight) will decrease several times more, and you will not notice any loss in quality.

So, we have again an unlabeled picture with a high resolution. If you need to crop, then crop, but then you must click "File", then "Export", and in the next dropdown select "Save for web (old version)".

ATTENTION! This path is valid for Photoshop version 2015. For earlier versions, you simply go to the "File" menu and select "Save for web". There will be no "Export" item there.

In the window that opens, select "High Quality JPG" and the quality can not be put more 60 . If you set more, then you will not notice the difference, and the picture will take up more space, although not very significantly.

Below you will see the line "Image Size". The essence is exactly the same as in the previous example. You need to reduce the size in width and height. There is even a chain. We set up to 200 * 200, and then click "Save". Voila)

As a result, using the above two methods, I got two images of 200 * 200 pixels in size. But the size (volume) of the first image is 26 kilobytes, and the second one is 10. Accordingly, it is more convenient to use the second one, but only if you save for websites. For normal storage of a reduced copy, it is better to use the first method.

By the way, you can also enlarge images and photos. To do this, just drive new sizes into the cells in the same way. But I would not advise you, since the loss in quality is tangible. Of course, to do without loss of quality is real, but much more difficult.

Well, here are some good tools for you to reduce the size of photos and other images. After all, there is nothing complicated, right? By the way, for a deeper study of Photoshop, I suggest you familiarize yourself with great photoshop tutorial for beginners. Lessons in video format are very well perceived and more convenient for studying the program. All lessons are told in human language, unlike many other similar courses. I myself decided to watch this course recently and learned a lot of new and interesting things for myself. so don't get lost.

Well, on this cheerful note, I end my today's lesson. Train, practice, and most importantly, do not forget to subscribe to my blog update if you want to be aware of all the most interesting things. Good luck to you and bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Hello friends!

This is just another image manipulation tutorial.

In it, you will learn how to reduce the size of an image without losing quality using Paint, Photoshop and an online service.

Moreover, you will learn how to do it in two aspects. After all, the size of the image has 2 meanings:

  • Size in pixels, that is, the height and width of the picture;
  • Size in kilobytes, that is, the weight of the image on a computer or other media.

This material is suitable for anyone who is interested in reducing the size of their images, photos, and so on. And it will be very useful for site owners, since it is strongly not recommended to place large size and weight pictures in your materials.

Let's start with a little consideration of the need for all the actions discussed below.

With regards to changing the height and width of the picture, there are many options: you need the right size for printing, for placement on the site, to reduce the same weight of the picture, since it decreases when the size is reduced.

Weight reduction may be required to save weight on media (hard drive, flash drive, and so on), to quickly load images on the site, and so on.

There are actually a huge number of options. In order not to languish, we begin to practice.

By tradition, I give a detailed video lesson in which I showed everything clearly.

Now for the lovers of text instructions.

Resizing in Paint

To change the height and width dimensions, I do not recommend using any online services, as this can be done using a standard set of programs and even the standard editor of the Windows operating system - Paint.

Open the image in Paint and on the "Home" tab there is an item "Resize".

By clicking on it, we can change the size without losing quality (if we reduce it) and without losing proportion. To do this, be sure to activate the setting to maintain proportions.

By changing the horizontal and vertical sizing options, you adjust the width and height of the image, respectively. Select the necessary parameters, click on the "OK" button, and then save the final file to your computer.

This is the end of resizing the image in Paint.

By the way, changing the width and height parameters also affects the weight of the image. Therefore, take note of this.

Now consider the option using Photoshop.

Resizing in Photoshop

Open our image in the program and move to the "Image - Image Size" item.

In the next window, the change occurs in the same way as in Paint. Make sure that the checkbox for maintaining proportions is checked and set the required height or width parameters.

After clicking on the "OK" button, the size settings will be applied and you can save the file.

These methods are quite enough to resize the height and width of images.

Now we will look at 2 ways to reduce the weight of images.

But before that, I want to note that you already know one way. If you do not need images that are over large, then you can reduce their height and width, thereby reducing the weight by several, or even tens of times.

Weight reduction in Photoshop

This method will be very useful for site owners, since the smaller the page weighs, the faster it loads. And this is very important. The method is also suitable for any needs.

After opening the image in Photoshop, you need to immediately save it, but not usually, but for the web and devices.

In the next window, you need to set the image quality parameters:

  • Quality is high (60-70). Adjust the value according to your needs;
  • Format - jpeg. If you need to keep transparent areas in the image, then you need the png format;
  • Also set the setting to "Progressive".

You can also resize directly in this window, and not separately through the "Image - Image Size" item, as I showed in the paragraph earlier. It is very comfortable.

After setting the parameters, save the settings (see screenshot above).

This is the only way I managed to reduce the weight of the image from 116 kb to 75 kb without changing the size (height and width remained the same).

In this method, you can play with the quality value. It all depends on why you need to reduce the weight of the image. It is possible that you can set the parameter and smaller, making the weight even less.

Now consider how to reduce weight using an online service.

Online service for optimization

This method is very handy already for thumbnails. For example, if I have already reduced the image earlier in Photoshop, then with the service we can finish the size completely.

The service has a name Let's go to it. I gave a link already immediately to the image selection page.

On this page, you first need to decide on the degree of image compression. There are 2 parameters for this:

  • Lossy - strong compression (default);
  • Lossless - less compression.

You can decide on this parameter only by testing them. Therefore, try to compress the picture this way and that, and then choose the option you need.

The image is immediately optimized and we will see a report on the work done under the area for selecting a file.

It can be seen that the original file size was 77 kb, and after optimization it became 59 kb. It also shows how much was compressed in kilobytes (18 kb) and as a percentage (23.8%).

To save the compressed image, you must click on the "Download this file" button in the last "Status" column. We will be transferred to a new tab, where the final image will open so that we can evaluate it. To save, right-click on the image and select "Save Image As".

If you watched the video at the beginning of the article, where I clearly showed the process and all the nuances of this article, then you know that only in these ways you can reduce the image from 360 kb to 40 kb. And this is not the limit.

This material has come to an end. All the methods described in the article, as an ordinary Internet user, you will be overwhelmed.

In the comments below, I would be interested to know some of your ways to reduce the weight of the pictures. Maybe there is something simpler but more effective. Therefore, I am waiting for you below near the comment form.

Sincerely, Konstantin Khmelev!