How to create a new folder in explorer. How to create a folder or file

Hello dear visitors! In this article, I will explain what a folder is and how to create a folder in Windows. It's very simple! Go to the full version of the article and read.

What is a folder?

A folder is a repository for other folders and files that has a unique name within the folder in which it resides. In other words, there cannot be two folders with the same name in the same folder. Folders are designed to organize information on your hard drive or flash drive.

An empty folder does not take up any disk space at all, its volume is 0. If you place some files in the folder, then its volume will be equal to the total volume of files.

How to create a folder on the desktop?

In all versions of Windows, the creation of a folder on the Desktop is performed according to the same algorithm. And now we will look at it:

  1. Right-click anywhere on the Desktop that is free of shortcuts, files, and folders. Hover your cursor over " Create».

Desktop context menu

  1. An additional drop-down menu will appear. Move the cursor to it and click on the item " folder».

Dropdown menu Create

  1. A folder named "New Folder" will appear on your desktop. Give it a meaningful name by simply entering a new name. I named the folder "Music".

Folder on desktop

  1. To apply the new name, simply left-click anywhere on the desktop. You can also click on the button Enter on keyboard.

Folder on desktop

How to create a folder in another folder (Explorer)?

There are already two options for creating a new folder: using the context menu and using the button on the panel. The first option is similar to creating a folder on the Desktop. The only difference is that you need to right-click in an empty area of ​​the folder window - it is shown in the figure below:

Main area

To create a folder using the button on the panel (1), just click it and a new folder will appear in the active area of ​​the window, which you need to give a name (2):

Create a new folder using the button on the toolbar

After that, click anywhere in the window or press the Enter key on your keyboard to rename the folder.

This is how easy it is to create folders in the Windows operating system. I hope everything worked out for you. If you have any questions during the creation of a new folder, then write them in the comments.

When working on a computer, you will often need to create and rename your folders and files. As you already know, everything on your desktop is either . The folder can be created on the desktop or in another folder.

How to create a folder, rename folder and files

How to create a folder

Let's try to create our own folder on the desktop. If you have any windows open, minimize them and right-click on an empty spot on the desktop. You will see a drop-down context menu in which you need to select the item " Create". As soon as you hover over this item, the following context menu will open, in which we need the item “ folder».

We click on this item with the left mouse button, and a folder called " new folder". If we create another folder, then it will already have the name "New folder (2)". The next folder will be exactly the same name, only with the number 3.

Create folder in another folder

possible in three ways:

  1. Way. Open by double-clicking the left mouse button on the newly created folder, and when it opens, right-click on the empty field of this folder. Select " Create" and point " folder».

  1. Way. Open the folder, go to the very top of it to the tab " home", find the block " Create", and left-click on the icon" Create a folder».

  1. Way. Open the folder in which we need to create another folder and press three keys on the keyboard at the same time: ctrl +Shift +N

In all three cases, a new folder will appear in our folder.

But leaving folders with such names is not convenient. Better to rename them right away.

How to rename a folder and files

Once we have created a folder, its name is highlighted in blue and the cursor blinks. At this time, you can immediately enter your name from the keyboard. After completing the input, press the key on the keyboard Enter or left-click on a free desktop space or an empty workspace in a folder (this is if you created your folder in another folder.).

If, after creating a new folder, you accidentally clicked the mouse and the blue selection disappeared, you can hover over the folder and right-click on it. Again, a window will appear in which this time we select the item " Rename". The folder name will again be highlighted in blue. Now you can enter your name from the keyboard.

The file is renamed in the same way.

You can rename the folder or file in a different way. To do this, select a folder or file with one click of the mouse. Once again, click once with the left mouse button on the folder or file. After a second, the old name will be highlighted in blue and you can change the name.

If you want to rename a file or folder in English, then first change the keyboard layout. You can use hotkeys for this. To do this, simultaneously press the keys on the keyboard. Alt +Shift

A folder is a handy tool for organizing files. It can be compared to shelves in a closet. In each place there are things laid according to a certain principle, which is established by the owner.

For example, in the folder “Photos from Sochi” there are 3,000 thousand vacation photos. And in the folder “Business trip to the North” - 1,800 pictures from a working trip.

If you do not create separate folders and put them in one place, for example, on a USB flash drive, then the photos will be mixed. Therefore, it will be difficult to find the necessary files.

Now imagine that the boss asked to send a photo report about the trip to the North. You will not choose from 4,800 photos one at a time 1,800? So you can go crazy!

All of the above applies not only to photographs, but also to any kind of information: music, movies, programs and various other files.

Right! Learning to create:

How to create a folder on the desktop?

Don't worry, once you learn how to create folders on your desktop, you can make them anywhere. My choice is related to the convenience of explanation.

The desktop is the first thing you see on your computer screen as soon as it boots up.

Click the right mouse button. In the pop-up window, select "Create". Select "Folder" from the drop-down menu.

After that, a “New Folder” will appear on the desktop.

Notice the name is highlighted in blue?

This means that at the moment you can rename it. Start typing a word, the current one will be deleted automatically. Once completed, click anywhere on the screen and the name will be saved.

An alternative way to save the folder name is to press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.

Now you can create folders anywhere you want. The method of creation is similar to that described above.

How to rename a folder?

In order to rename a folder, you need to move the mouse cursor over it. Then press the right mouse button and select "Rename".

We enter a new folder name from the keyboard and save it using one of the methods proposed above (“Enter” key or mouse click anywhere on the screen).

How to create a file in a folder?

Go to the folder where you want to create the file. However, it can be empty or contain something. It does not matter.

The process is similar to creating a folder, only now you need to choose what you want to create.

I will show on the example of a Microsoft Word document designed to create text documents.

In my case, the first document will appear in the folder.

Rename and save.

How to add a file to a folder?

It remains now to learn how to move files to a folder. There are two ways:

  1. “Copy” file and “Paste”
  2. Move with mouse

Let's take a closer look at each of the methods.

First way.

I have a picture on my desktop. I pressed the right mouse button before hovering over it. And then "Copy".

Now we go into the folder and press the right mouse button again, only now we select “Paste”.

After that, the picture will be in the right place.

The second way.

Click on the desired file with the left mouse button and drag it to the open folder area. The result is similar to the first method.

Choose whichever method is easiest for you to apply.

In order to quickly find something inside the folder, I recommend using the Search function. The method is suitable for those who know the full name of the file or part of it.

The field for entering the name is located in the upper right corner. You need to write the desired name and the result will appear automatically.

All the knowledge gained in this article can be applied anywhere: on the desktop, flash drive, external hard drive, another folder - this is a small part of the examples. And also for any kind of files.

If you have any questions, ask them immediately in the comments. I'll try to help as soon as possible.

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It is used for organized storage of information, and the Android OS is no exception. Folders store system files, installed applications, and various user data (photos, videos, music, text documents, etc.)

This article will discuss how to create a folder in Android on the desktop and in the memory of a device (or memory card) running this wonderful system.

Create a Folder on Android Desktop to Store Shortcuts

In Android OS, desktop folders are designed to contain application shortcuts. Such an organization of shortcuts is convenient in that it can be unloaded with a large number of installed programs on an android smartphone or tablet. When the desktops are crammed with all sorts of icons, it is more expedient to collect them in folders according to the type of application, moreover, it will be much faster to find the desired program.

For example, programs for playing video and audio, viewing photos can be placed in the folder created on the desktop " Multimedia”, and place the games in a folder with the same name.

To create a folder on the desktop, touch any empty space on the desktop and hold your finger until a menu appears in which you need to select the item " Create a folder" or " Folder».

Depending on the manufacturer of the device and its custom Android shell, the menu may look different, but the algorithm for creating a folder is the same - in a free space on the desktop. In some proprietary firmware, a folder on the desktop is created automatically by moving one icon to another.

To move shortcuts to an already created folder, you just need to touch the selected icon and, while holding it, move it to the folder image. To change the name of a folder, by opening it, click on its name at the top and enter the desired name.

Create folder in android device memory or memory card

Now let's look at how to create a folder in the memory of an android smartphone (tablet) or microSD card. Here we need any file manager. If you still don't have it, then install some popular free file manager from the official Google Play app store.

To create a folder in memory or on an SD card, do the following:

Similarly, a folder is created on . You just need to select the microSD card installed in the file manager instead of the internal memory of your smartphone or tablet.

If the device is connected to a computer, then a folder in the memory of the android device can be created directly from the PC using the standard methods of working with the file manager available on the computer.

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If you are still a complete computer novice, then you need to know how to create folders. After all, in them we can store files by subject. In one photo, in the other music, films, in the third documents and so on.

To create folder on computer we first need to go to the desktop, for this we need to close all programs and files. You see the main picture of the computer in front of you, this is the desktop. There are mainly shortcuts for launching various programs.

Right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and select " New", And then " Folder».

The folder will immediately appear and you can immediately give it a name. Change the keyboard layout from English to Russian or vice versa and enter any (better thematic) name.

I created a folder on my desktop to store music, that's why I called it that.

Of course, we can change the name by right-clicking and selecting " Rename".

In addition, you can assign a beautiful icon to it. You need to select the next item " Properties".

And in the window that opens, go to the tab " Settings", There select the button" Change icon».

And choose any from the list. Then click OK twice.

The folder has become the prettiest.

You can also create folder on computer on some disk. Open Computer via Start or desktop icon. Then we pass to any disk. At the top you can find the button " Create a folder”, but besides this, of course, you can right-click to select New and Folder.