Flashing a flash drive to a DVD drive with a mounted ISO image. how to make cd rom from flash drive how to make cd drive from flash drive

Important Note: All materials are presented for informational purposes and for the sake of enlightening blondes.

Inset. Live CD(also LiveCD and CD Live Distro - English live CD, pronounced "living si-di") - an operating system that boots from removable media (CD, DVD, USB drive, etc.) that does not require operation of the installation on the hard disk. The same concept refers to media with such operating systems (sometimes they distinguish between LiveCD, LiveDVD and LiveUSB, depending on the media).

Petersburg ordeals, or why USB-CDROM

As I expected, the option to stupidly throw the installation files of the operating system onto the card did not work. A more subtle approach is needed here. The study revealed significant differences (and part-time difficulties) recording a bootable USB flash drive, compared with a CD. Here they are:

1) The need to spend a little more time in the BIOS

Many people are generally frightened by the bluish color of this program and a lot of English words, and in our case we have to navigate through it. Moreover, USB turned out to be so "inferior" that it is often disabled by default, and in especially outdated versions it is completely absent (it is treated with a BIOS update). The BIOSes themselves can be very different from each other, each of them will have to be re-oriented.

2) Imitation of booting from a usb drive

Even if we were lucky enough to see in the BIOS the ability to boot using usb, then there will be several options for such a boot at once (although not always). Moreover, each of them is an imitation of downloading from other devices (for example, USB FDD And USB ZIP- imitation of loading from a floppy disk, USB-HDD- from the hard disk, USB-CDROM- from an optical CD). This introduces some confusion in the solution of the problem.

3) Correct formatting of the flash drive and binding to the manufacturer

Before writing information to a flash drive, it must be formatted. And this is done in a special way in order to correspond to one of the selected boot options, marked with the paragraph above. The piquancy is added by the fact that for each flash drive there is a specific set of utilities from the manufacturer, with the help of which formatting and direct recording of boot data is carried out.

Jumping ahead a little

I started my acquaintance with software tools for creating a bootable USB flash drive with flashboot- excellent multifunctional software. Its trouble is that it supported the progressive USB-HDD format, which was not presented in my BIOS. I do not give links, since this does not affect the subject of the article.

The second massive attempt involved a powerful contraption WinSetupFromUSB. Differs in support of imitation of floppy disks (USB-FDD and USB-ZIP). After stubborn battles with minimal knowledge and mastering the program, I managed to stir up a USB flash drive for download using the USB-ZIP method (which, in terms of passions, is worthy of reflection in a separate article). The system even wrote at startup, they say, Start booting and all that. After that, a black screen with this text froze for an indefinite time. I did not wait a couple of hours and rejected toys with a virtual floppy.

So I have the method USB-CDROM. Google gave out much less information about him. To implement it, you need to format the USB flash drive so that the system begins to see our device both as a CD drive and as an additional hard drive, for example. The first one contains the operating system (in our case, LiveCD), the second partition is used as a drive where you can drop additional programs (for example, a fresh working antivirus). Beauty! This is the only way that really worked on my machine, and we will talk about it in the future.
Actually, I didn't search very well. The USB-HDD option is often found in the hard disk boot submenu

Preparatory stages

First, let's take care of what to write on the flash drive. That is, we need a bootable distribution (image) of the operating system (a file with the extension .iso). You can find a ready-made image on the net or make it yourself by gutting the original Windows disk (we don’t take Linux into account), but this is worth a separate topic.

Dancing with the BIOS

Working in the BIOS is perhaps the most frightening and unexplored part of the common cause. It requires at least elementary knowledge of the English language, the ability to isolate among other foreign words such words as USB, Boot (Download), etc. Unfortunately, there are so many BIOSes stamped that it is unrealistic to reflect all the modifications and their menus in the article. I will describe the stages of work using the example of my computer.

1. Get into the BIOS

You can jump there when you turn on the computer (when the letters run on a black background) by repeatedly pressing (to be sure) the Delete key (less often F2 or Escape).

As a result, we get to the BIOS main menu. For me it looks like this:

2. Turn on USB support.

It often happens that USB is disabled by default (Disabled value), and the BIOS "does not see" the inserted USB flash drive. It is clear that in this case any attempts to boot from it are doomed to failure. The main problem is to find the menu item in which the setting we need is located. In our example, she sits on the fourth line from the left - Integrated Peripherals(see picture above). If we go there, we will see the following picture:

As you can see from the figure, USB Controller and USB Device Legacy Support parameters are suspicious. In the figure, they are already enabled (Disabled - disabled, Enabled - enabled). However, usb settings can have completely different names, and you may not see such a picture on another computer. That is, all this will be called something else. The search keyword, as you understand, is USB. To help the inquisitive mind of the user, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of possible settings and a brief description of each of them. The seeker will find.

3. Set the order of loading

By enabling USB, you need to force the BIOS to boot from it in the first place. The order of precedence in our example is determined by the settings group Advanced BIOS Features

Also quite often the load order is hidden in the menu item Boot or in combination with this word. In the figure above, CDROM is listed as the First Boot Device. Following the logic of the intended actions, change the value of the field to USB CDROM. The second device (Second Boot Device) can be left as Hard Disk. The work is completed, we exhale, save the settings and exit (usually F10 - Save & Exit). "Hot keys" and their purpose are indicated at the bottom of the screen.

It also happens like this: no matter how much we look for where to turn on USB, we do not find it. And in the order of loading there are no options from USB. Most likely, this is the most unpleasant case - the BIOS is outdated and does not support USB. In this case, soap the rope and stand on a stool, go to the BIOS manufacturer's website and update the version.

And finally. For those who want to get to know this funny animal called the BIOS a little closer, we have a little bonus in store.

Disassembly with a flash drive

Inset. Controller(English controller - regulator, control device) - control device in electronics and computer technology

If you have an exotic controller that is not on the list, you will have to go to the controller manufacturer's website and scour the search for the right programs. A reasonable question arises: how to understand which controller our flash drive is on? This is done simply. Download the useful ChipGenius utility, insert the USB flash drive into the port and run the program. Here is what she gave out for my Kingston:

So, we have decided on the controller (skymedi), let's turn to the software of this manufacturer. They turn out to be (according to the corresponding instructions) a set of utilities SK6211BA-20090227.
After unpacking the downloaded archive on the desktop, run the file SK6211_20090227_BA.exe

My flash drive was defined on one of the 8 ports, which is symbolized by the inscription Ready. We press the button Advance ( Advanced settings). We get into a new window:

This is an empty window (with inactive fields). In the only active field Password(Password) enter 123456 and click Check. After that, the program will automatically select the settings, as in the screenshot below. However, you must manually enter PreCopyPath(select after pressing the Browse key the PreCopy directory, which is located in the folder with the downloaded program).

The setup is not finished yet. We press the button Multi-Partition and get into the third window, designed for additional settings. The most important here are the ticks Enable CDROM, Enable CDROM booting and field ISO Image, where we specify the path to the previously downloaded LiveCD image. Otherwise, the filling goes automatically, as in the screenshot:

By clicking OK, we roll back to the previous window, where we enter the name of our new configuration in the Config File field (for example, Kingston_4G). Next, finally save the settings (Save) and return to the main program window. Selecting a button Auto LLF and waiting...

Formatting and recording started.

Upon completion, we safely remove the device, and when reattached, the system already sees two devices instead of one flash drive.

We send the computer to reboot and boot safely from the USB flash drive. I must say, the newly-minted LiveUSB rose without problems, and besides, in terms of speed, it was several times ahead of the analogue on CD due to high-speed data exchange. If I understand correctly, the program for the skymedi controller from the considered example can knock out only 1 partition from the flash drive for the CD drive. This means that, alas, it will not be possible to burn a LiveCD and a full-fledged image to the card at the same time. However, as a test, nothing prevents you from throwing an assembly with an integrated LiveCD onto a USB flash drive and getting a bootable contraption "for all occasions" at the output. In addition, it is quite possible that this restriction can be bypassed on other controllers. Need to check.

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Hello, dear visitors of the Start-Luck blog. Some readers remember those times when we shared our videotapes, CDs, books and then lost them in obscurity, forgetting which bad friend took "our charm".

For modern people, this is already such a rarity. Digital options include recording and re-recording. Even if you want to give something to someone, you can always make a copy with peace of mind and not worry about whether the information will be returned to you or not. It will remain at hand. This is what we will talk about today.

In this article, I will tell you how to transfer from disk to a USB flash drive in a simple way and using an ISO image. I will work on Windows 7, although in fact it is not so important. The steps won't be much different no matter which version you're using.

And, of course, we will not do without video instructions, which will resolve any misunderstanding between me and those who are thirsty for information.

I think we can start now.

Easy way without software

So, first of all, open the "My Computer" section. Then you need to insert your CD or DVD into the drive.

Some laptops do not have a dedicated disk drive. What to do in this case? I think that you already know the answer to this question and have used ISO boot disks more than once. It should be yours now.

If this is the first time you have encountered this problem, then I will explain. I already told you how to do this in one of my previous publications. Thanks to programs such as Daemon Tools, we can easily solve this problem.

You won't have a physical disc, but the computer will start to "think" the CD is in the right drive. Stop for a second, now you need to take a little break from the main task and solve an adjacent one. My article will help you with this. After reading and "inserting" the image into the "drive", return here.

As soon as you have solved the most important task and inserted a physical disk or its image, you will have an autorun window. Click on "View Files".

If the required window is not displayed, then you can right-click on the image or disk so that a dialog menu appears, select the "Open" function, or the same "Autorun" in it.

Now insert the flash drive into the USB port. This goodness is enough on any laptop or computer. Select "Open folder to view files" again. Again, if this does not happen, the right mouse button and the "Open" or "Autorun" function will help you.

As a result, you should have two windows with the "insides" of each of the disks. If this does not happen, just open the CD / DVD, then in a new window go to the "My Computer" section and open the USB flash drive.

Copy files from disk. Click on the desired ones, then the right mouse button and the "Copy" function.

Of course, you can open the disk first and copy files from it, and then "open" the USB and insert everything you need there, but I would not want you to get confused.

Open a second window in which you have files from a USB flash drive, upload them there. Right mouse button and then the "Paste" option.

That's basically it. Problem solved.

Video instruction

In this tutorial video, you can see how to download music to a USB flash drive from a disk - where the buttons are located, in what order to press them, and so on. Everything is very detailed.

If you are confused in my text, then everything will become clear in just 3 minutes.

Some licensed discs with audio files have copy protection. What to do with it? The easiest way is to use special programs that help to remove it.

This method should be treated with great care, since there are no licensed utilities that help to perform this task. The activity is illegal! Therefore, you may have to download files that may contain viruses. Personally, I am afraid of such things. There are too many "values" lurking on my PC.

Considering how active hackers are now, this is a really serious issue. You can read articles such as "" or "" in my style.

Based on the previous words, I do not give you any specific link to the program, and I offer a training video, in the description of which you can find the download URL, I offer only for reference. Know that there is such a way.

Creating an image and then overwriting it

We're moving on to disk images. What is it, I think you already understood. The same disk, only in digital format, intended for sharing with friends, deceiving a computer, they say, something is already inserted into it, and so on.

In general, any image can simply be transferred from a computer to a USB flash drive without problems according to the same principle that I have already described. However, there is an alternative method.

This blog has a detailed article on . In it, I described in detail how to create an image and throw it off, so you can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link.

To make this post of mine more useful, I will leave you only a video on this topic, which will allow those who are in a hurry to complete this task faster. I advise others, of course, to read the publication. It details everything that can be useful.

I recommend that you also download the licensed version of this program UltraISO from websiteAll soft . There is too much important information stored on any PC that hackers can use to use pirated utilities with peace of mind. I would not want your personal data to be hacked. The risks are too great.

Don't forget about antiviruses too. Of course, they are unlikely to help from well-known scammers who work on a serious scale, but there are only a few of them, and interest in other people's PCs is now huge. This is very easy money. The phrase “It will never touch me” no longer works. Everyone is interested in you.

You can download a good antivirus from the same Allsoft website. For example, I like NOD32 .

That's all. Don't forget to subscribe to my Vkontakte group . See you again and good luck.

Live CD is an effective tool for fixing computer problems, treating viruses, diagnosing malfunctions (including hardware ones), and also one of the ways to try the operating system in use without installing it on a PC. Typically, Live CDs are distributed as an ISO image for burning to a disc, but you can easily burn a Live CD image to a flash drive, thus obtaining a Live USB.

Despite the fact that such a procedure is quite simple, however, it may raise questions from users, since the usual methods for creating a bootable USB flash drive with Windows are usually not suitable here. In this manual, there are several ways to burn a Live CD to USB, as well as how to put several images on one USB flash drive at once.

From almost any ISO image from a Live CD, you can make a bootable USB flash drive using the UltraISO program.

The recording procedure is very simple - just open this image in the program and select the "Burn hard disk image" item in the "Boot" menu, and then specify the USB drive for recording. More on this: (Despite the fact that the instructions are given in relation to Windows 8.1, the procedure is completely the same).

Burning Live CD to USB in other ways

Almost every "official" Live CD on the developer's website has its own instructions for writing to a USB flash drive, as well as its own utilities for this, for example, for Kaspersky - this is Kaspersky Rescue Disk Maker. Sometimes it is better to use them (for example, when recording via WinSetupFromUSB, the specified image does not always work adequately).

Likewise, for homemade Live CDs, the places you download them from almost always have detailed instructions on how to quickly get the right image on USB. In many cases, a variety will do.

And, finally, some of these ISOs have already begun to acquire support for EFI boot, and in the near future, I think most of them will support it, and for such a case, it is usually enough to simply copy the contents of the image to a USB drive with the FAT32 file system to boot from it .

The article describes the option of creating an additional CD-ROM partition on a flash drive. Any CD/DVD image can be placed on this partition. For example, images of Windows PE/BartPE, LiveCD or any other images for installing operating systems.

For example, we used a Kingston DataTraveler 1Gb flash on a Phison PS2134 controller and the Phison UP13 UP14 UP12 V1.96 utility.

You can create additional partitions on almost any flash drive with other controllers using the appropriate utilities.

The utility allows you to create several options for flash partitions:

Mode 3 - standard mode. One partition - read/write;

Mode 4 - 2 sections. Floppy and standard drive;

Mode 7 - 2 sections. The system shows two independent flash drive;

Mode 8 - 2 sections. Hidden password-protected partition and standard drive;

Mode 14 - 3 sections. Standard storage, HDD (not visible in Windows XP) and CD partitions;

Mode 21 - 2 sections. Standard storage (read/write) and CD partition (read).

View of the flash from the side of the controller.

View from memory.

First you need to reflash the controller with standard settings. This is necessary if the flash already had a partition (hidden or CD-ROM).

If there were no additional sections, go to step 2.

Step 1.

Unpack the utility, for example, to the C:\Temp directory

Run ParamEdt-F1-v1.0.20.2.exe.

On the F1-PS223X tab, we don’t change anything, go to the F1-1 tab. Fill in the values ​​as in the screenshot.

VID&PID - can be real or any value in 0x0000 format.

Fields Manufacturer, Product can be any. The value of Inquiry Revision is not changeable. By checking the Preformat checkbox we enable low-level formatting.

Set the values ​​on the Controller tab as in the screenshot. Then save the settings Save As, for example PS2134_flash.ini

Close the configuration utility. Run F1_90_v196_00.exe and select the previously created file PS2134_flash.ini

We connect the flash to the computer. Click Start. The low-level formatting process will start.

Then a message will appear stating that formatting is complete.

We reconnect the flash, we are waiting for the definition of the flash in the system. The flash will be defined as USB DISK 28X USB Device.

The LED will flash intermittently during this time. Now click OK.

Formatting completed successfully.

Reconnect flash. Formatting with standard Windows tools.

Step 2

Create an additional CD-ROM partition.

Run ParamEdt-F1-v1.0.20.2.exe

Go to the F1-1 tab. Fill in the values ​​as in the screenshot. Please note that the mode is set Mode 21 and take down the flag Preformat.

On the F1-2 tab, select the CD image, for example, the Windows XP image is selected.

Set the values ​​on the Controller tab as in the screenshot. Then we save the settings Save As under a name such as PS2134_flash_cd.ini

Run F1_90_v196_00.exe, select the created ini file PS2134_flash_cd.ini

Click Start. The process of testing and recording the image will start.

Hi all! Today is an interesting topic how to burn a disc to a flash drive! generally read)

How to transfer from disk to flash drive?

I sometimes look at the statistics of the site and see what people are interested in. I have a popular topic, and usually people are looking for how to burn an image to a flash drive, and then I see a request: how to burn a disc to a flash drive ... To be honest, the request sounds strange, but when I looked at how many people are trying to find how I do it, I was a little surprised, they thousands ... On the site I write topics that people are interested in or I need, for the note) Well, here, of course, the first option and I hope this topic will be useful to many who are looking for how to burn a disc to a flash drive 🙂

At first I still thought, was it possible that such a program was written, but no, I didn’t even find it on foreign sites, yet it won’t be safe)

1. First we make a disk image

I have not yet written articles about the UltraISO program, but now the time has come, I just have a portable version.

Run, insert the disc into the CD-DVD-ROM and choose to create a CD image.

Now we select your flash drive, format it if necessary, but when writing, the program will format the flash drive itself and press write.

All! Myth how to burn a disc to a flash drive destroyed 🙂