Find a switched off phone by imei. How to find phones? Effective ways to find lost phones

Modern people practically never let go of their gadgets. Phones have taken on many functions, because in addition to standard calls and messages, they can be used to take photos, communicate on social networks, and plan events. What can we say about the standard functions of a calendar, calculator, alarm clock, etc.? Losing a gadget can turn into a real tragedy for a person. Fortunately, each smartphone has its own unique code and if lost or stolen, you can track its location even online, so how can you find a phone by IMEI?

What is IMEI

This is an abbreviation that stands for International Mobile Equipment Identifier, which translated into Russian means “international mobile equipment identifier.” It is a unique number for each mobile in GSM format. When connected, the code is automatically transferred to your mobile operator. If another SIM card is inserted into a stolen smartphone and at least one call is made, law enforcement agencies will be able to access the phone by IMEI, find out who the card is registered to and seize the device.

Code assignment algorithms are constantly changing. The structure itself underwent changes in 2004. Initially, the code consisted of 14 digits, now it consists of 15. Today it has the following structure: “AA-BBBBBB-CC-D”, where:

  • “AA” and “BBBBBB” are placement type codes (TAC) and are associated with the manufacturer and specific model of the device. For example, for iPhone 5 owners the TAC code is 01-332700, and for Samsung Galaxy S2 it is 35-853704.
  • “SS” is a unique serial number, supplied exclusively by the manufacturer.
  • “D” is a check digit for checking the entire line.

How to find out the IMEI of a phone

Code data is traditionally stored in four places: on the packaging, under the device’s battery, in the warranty card and in the gadget’s firmware. On most devices, to retrieve it, you need to enter the code combination *#06# on the dialing screen and press call. You can use regular surfing through the device settings. Below are several options for popular manufacturers and operating systems:

  • iOS (iPhone, iPad): Settings > General > About phone.
  • Android: Settings >About phone.
  • Older Sony and Sony Ericsson models: * right * left left * left *.
  • Blackberry, new Sony Ericsson models: Settings > Status.

Is it possible to find a phone by IMEI

Using the code, you can find the gadget in several ways. It is difficult to change IMEI without outside intervention. This is illegal in some regions, so you can be sure that using the code you will accurately determine the location of the gadget. If you are not interested in returning the device, but do not want others to have access to your data, then contact your cellular network company to block your smartphone and extend the block to other mobile operators.

Find a phone by IMEI

You can find out the coordinates of a lost smartphone yourself using special services on the Internet, through various applications and programs for the Android and iOS operating systems of Apple devices. In case of mobile theft, it is better to contact law enforcement agencies, write a statement and indicate the unique IMEI identification number.


People often wonder how to find a phone by IMEI via satellite for free. Finding a smartphone via a GPS satellite is a movie fantasy; in real life it is not feasible. You can track a phone by IMEI via the Internet if the mobile is linked to a Google account:

  1. Log in to your Google account.
  2. On the main page, find the “Search for phone” option, click “Proceed”.
  3. Select the device, after which the approximate location of the smartphone will be displayed on the map.

To find an iPhone by IMEI, you need to connect the iCloud service and activate the “Find iPhone” option. If your smartphone is lost, to determine its location, you need to go to and enter your access data: password and Apple ID. Using the service, you can see not only where the smartphone is located, but also how it moves. You can also block your iPhone on the site.

Airdroid app

If the question of how to find a phone by IMEI yourself is still relevant, then use an analogue of a Google account - the Airdroid application, which can be installed from the Google Play gallery. The program implements remote control of the device, the ability to completely clear and block data. If stolen, an attacker can take control of the application.

Lost Android program

Another program for finding a phone by IMEI is called “Lost Android”. The application is more powerful. You can install from Google Play. List of several remote features implemented in Lost Android:

  • search for a device on the map;
  • lock/unlock;
  • viewing and copying data (contacts, messages, photos);
  • turning on/off the sound signal, vibration, screen;
  • SIM card replacement notifications.

Application to the police

Law enforcement agencies are tracking lost gadgets. If a smartphone has been stolen, you must contact the police and write a statement. You need to specify the IMEI code in it. After contacting, employees will send a request to your mobile network operator. Unfortunately, the police react very slowly to this type of complaint. In addition, cellular operators often refuse to block the phone until the fact of theft is officially confirmed.


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As practice shows, most often a phone is stolen through a primitive robbery in a dark alley, quiet park, or underground passage. Such actions are usually aimed at people who cannot defend themselves and fight back against attackers. Young women and teenagers become victims of criminals most often. Unnoticed theft occurs mainly in a crowded place, where, amid the rush and crowd, it is difficult to notice how the thief snuck into a pocket or bag.

The theft or loss of a mobile phone always brings a lot of worry to its owner. The difficulty of returning a found phone is due to the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. People, having found the phone, do not want to return it and take it for themselves. One of the most effective ways is to search for a mobile phone by IMEI.

What is IMEI?

IMEI is a 15-digit code (International Mobile Equipment Identity). It is unique for each device and is assigned to the phone by the manufacturer. This code is issued to each cellular device operating in the GSM, IDEN, WCDMA networks. IMEI is stored in the phone's factory firmware. Its main task is authorization and identification in the cellular network. Therefore, searching for a cell phone by IMEI can be effective if it is stolen or lost.

When a smartphone is stolen, the owner submits an official report and blacklists the IMEI. In the EU countries and the USA, such a phone will not work in any cellular network, since it is prohibited from calling, with the exception of emergency services, and when you try to register, a signal is sent to the service, which allows you to transmit the relevant information about the place and time of exit to the police to the network. Therefore, in foreign countries, thanks to this system of work, it is possible to successfully track a phone by IMEI and prevent theft, since when it is blacklisted, it becomes a useless thing. In Russia, unfortunately, such a mechanism for combating intruders has not yet been developed.

How to find out the IMEI of the phone?

First of all, to answer the question of how to find a phone by IMEI, it is important to find this code. In order to find out the IMEI, just dial a simple command *#06# - and the 15-digit code will appear on the screen. The information is also located under the battery in a table along with the serial number, on the original packaging or sticker and in the warranty card. Thus, this code is a kind of “fingerprint”, since every time you register in the GSM network, the cellular operator sees the location using the phone’s IMEI.

Is it possible to change IMEI?

On some phone models, a way to change IMEI has been found; as a rule, these are Chinese devices. This feature is not available on newer mobile devices. Since manufacturers are interested in providing their users with the maximum level of protection and security, they are constantly looking for solutions to combat theft. However, along with manufacturers, scammers are also looking for ways and loopholes to hack the device’s software and resell the stolen phone. It is worth noting that in some countries, for example in Kazakhstan, there is an article for unauthorized access to protected information, which threatens with imprisonment for up to 3 years. In Russia, Articles 273 and 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for changing IMEI. And in judicial practice there are cases of imprisonment under these articles for a period of 3 years.

How to find a phone by IMEI

In Russia, mobile operators have access to information about the location of phones. However, they do not have the right to disclose this information to ordinary citizens and provide it only at the request of law enforcement agencies.

To search for a phone by IMEI, you need to contact the police with a free-form statement, indicating your last name, first name and patronymic, passport details and IMEI of the stolen phone. It is also necessary to provide copies of documents confirming ownership of the device. After this, police officers make a request to cellular communication companies in Russia, which check whether the subscriber with the specified IMEI is registered on the network, and give an official response to law enforcement agencies. The intelligence services, in turn, having learned the location of the attacker, search for him and take appropriate measures.

However, in practice, due to the bureaucratic structure of our state, requests to the police are processed quite slowly, and by the time things get underway, the attacker will already have time to resell the phone on the secondary market or change the IMEI. And cellular operators, in turn, do not turn off a cell phone until it is proven that it is indeed stolen. Therefore, a revision of the legislative framework is required to simplify the system for dealing with theft of mobile devices.

Is it possible to return a stolen phone by identifying it using IMEI yourself?

Despite the fact that there are a number of web services on the Internet that offer to search for a phone by IMEI code, they do not provide any guarantee about the accuracy of the information. Since officially only cellular operators have information, they do not have the right to provide information to anyone except law enforcement agencies. Therefore, these methods are questioned, and it is worth remaining vigilant when using them. It will be possible to identify a stolen phone only if it is not turned off and any actions are performed from it - calls, checking the balance, sending messages.

How intelligence agencies determine the location of a stolen phone

The mobile phone can only be detected using the GSM cellular communication standard. The signal from the mobile device is analyzed by software, which allows you to determine the sector and the nearest station base in which the subscriber is registered. This search system allows you to find a phone by IMEI and find out its location with an accuracy of 100-200 meters, which is sufficient for an attacker to be caught by law enforcement officers.

What to do if your phone is stolen?

For those who want by IMEI, just follow the following steps.

  1. To find a stolen phone, you should not immediately block the SIM card. If calls are made from it, there is a possibility of detecting the location of the intruder, which will help police officers in investigating the case. It is advisable to block only if there is a large amount of money in the account and a tariff with a postpaid payment system is used, since all calls on the attacker’s cell phone will have to be paid by the owner.
  2. Find out IMEI. If the IMEI is unknown, it can be found on the original packaging in which the device was sold. Using the identifier, it is possible to find a stolen phone even if the SIM card is replaced by another mobile operator. However, the factory code of the phone does not always coincide with the code indicated on the packaging, so it is worth checking it at the stage of purchasing the phone.
  3. Contact your operator's mobile phone store to obtain a printout of calls from the date the phone was lost.
  4. With your passport, documents for purchasing the phone that confirm ownership (warranty card, receipt, box), printout of calls, you must contact the police to report the loss of your mobile device. In the application, you must indicate your contact information, as well as the IMEI number, and insist that law enforcement officers contact the cellular operator to search for the loss using the identification number.
  5. You can enter your phone into one of the databases of stolen phones on such Internet resources as,, and others. If you enter your details, you can protect buyers from purchasing a stolen phone. And also if an attacker tries to sell the phone on the secondary market, other participants in this service will notify you about this.

Methods for finding a stolen phone

Android Device Manager is a service that is provided for mobile devices running on Android. When registering in the service, you have the opportunity to use the “Search for a phone by IMEI satellite” service. The option also offers to make a free call to a lost phone at maximum volume, which allows you to find the phone if it was not stolen, but lost on the street or at home.

How to find a phone by IMEI made by Apple

iPhones are popular all over the world and most often they become a tasty prey for attackers. These devices are characterized by high demand, price and good liquidity. Manufacturers of Apple products have taken care of the safety of their users by providing the ability to track the location of the device thanks to the geolocation system. To do this, you need to use the iCloud option, in which you can enable the “Find My iPhone” function. After your device is lost, just go to and enter your password and Apple ID. If this function was not activated before the theft, the system will not track the phone, and it will not be possible to find it this way. In this case, the only correct decision is to file a corresponding application with law enforcement agencies.

Alternative options for finding a stolen phone

  1. It is recommended to create a business card on the phone about the owner with contact information in case the phone turns out not to be stolen, but lost, and the people who found it want to return the loss to the rightful owner.
  2. Many mobile device manufacturers offer various services that involve sending SMS messages when changing the SIM card to the number specified during registration.
  3. You can use the LoSToleN service, which is a database of stolen phones and allows you to place information about the IMEI of the missing gadget for a reward if found.

Searching for data on the Internet

With the development of information technology, many services on the Internet offer a program to search for a phone by IMEI. However, it is worth remembering that in most cases such companies are fraudulent and operate illegally. They ask you to send a paid SMS message to gain access to the service, which ultimately does not provide any information. Therefore, when looking for a solution to the problem of how to find a phone by IMEI, you should not resort to methods of searching for information on the global network.

In order to find a phone, you must have access to the equipment and software of all mobile operators in the country. Therefore, such a service cannot be provided by ordinary web offices. Access to information is only available to law enforcement agencies, who receive information upon request from any mobile operator. Therefore, searching for a stolen phone on your own is a futile task that takes a lot of time and effort. The only correct solution that can help is to contact the special services.

How to prevent yourself from buying a stolen phone

When buying a phone on the secondary market, it is worth checking it in the database of stolen phones to avoid troubles in the future. Since if the owner has already filed a statement with the police, it will be quite difficult to prove that it was not you who stole the phone, and the device will have to be returned to the copyright holder. However, not all stolen mobile devices are included in the database. You should not purchase a mobile phone without documents from a private person, and if such a device is offered, this should immediately alert you. Also, when purchasing a device, it is recommended to check the IMEI of the phone with the one indicated on the package.

In the modern world it is almost impossible to live without mobile phones. Losing a device can cause a lot of inconvenience and cause a bad mood. What to do if your mobile is lost?

Do not despair! Canfind phone by imei via satellite for free!

In contact with

IMEI: meaning, how to use

IMEI is translated from English as International Mobile Equipment Identifier.All cell phones have a code assigned only to one specific device.This is a numeric value that is not repeated on any cell phone.

Have devices

IMEI consists of 15 digits. The code contains information about the place of manufacture, serial number and model of the device. If you look at the first eight digits, which are called TAC (Type Approval Code), and understand this identifier, it turns out that 2 of these 8 digits are the place of origin of the phone. The serial number is recognized by the following six-digit value. There remains one more number, with the help of which, using a certain formula, you can find out the correctness of all previous numbers. This check occurs using the Luhn algorithm.

To the owner of the cellular IMEI has absolutely no meaning. It determines the number of the device from which the network is accessed. The owner can only be determined by the IMSI number. Translated from English as international subscriber identifier. The IMSI is stored on the SIM card.

Why do you need

IMEI identifies devices active on the network. That is whyphone check by namehelps to find a lost device.

The owner also has the opportunity to block the mobile phone. This can be done by contacting your cellular operator. After this, the phone will be blacklisted.

Now you won't be able to make calls from it. Even if the SIM card is removed from the device or another one is installed, it will still be blocked.

In 2002, representatives of foreign mobile operators provided information according to which it was possible to change the unique IMEI number using a special program.

Cell phone manufacturers nowadays are constantly trying to improve their security, so changing the IMEI identifier is very difficult. Some existing companies claim that this is fundamentally unrealistic in their models.

How can you determine your phone number?

You can find out by different methods. There are several ways, including determination by typing a code or searching in the settings. You can find it on the device itself or on the packaging.

Find out by typing the code

This method is suitable for almost all devices that have speed dialing to a number IMEI. To determine it, you need to dial the following combination of characters: *#06#.As soon as the last character is entered, a 15-digit code appears on the screen - have this phone.

Find have in cell phone settings

For cell phones based on Android OS, you can find it in the settings. To see the ID, you need to go to your phone settings, open the menu, click “About phone” and click “Status”. This is where the name is indicated.

If the device is based on iOC, you can also find it in the settings. You need to click on “Settings”, “General” and the last one “About this device”.

Where to look for it on the device itself

For many phones, a unique code can be found under a cover located on the back. To do this, you need to follow the following steps:

  1. Before opening the cover, turn off the machine.
  2. Carefully open the cover of the device from the back.
  3. Remove the battery.
  4. After that find IMEI in the place where the battery was.

This method is only suitable for those phones that can be disassembled. On iPhone devices IMEI located on the back cover. Also, a unique code can be written on the SIM card slot.

Unique code on the box

For this method you will need the phone packaging. Usually you can see a sticker with a barcode on the side. It is also used as a filling. If you look at this sticker, you can see the device serial number, barcode and IMEI.

How to determine the location of a cell phone by IMEI

No one likes losing their phone. Nowadays, many people can no longer imagine life without mobile devices.How to find a lost phone?

Looking for a phone by imei online with the device turned on

If you follow this action plan, you canfind phone number online:

Attention!If, after search operations, it turns out that the device was in the applicant’s house all this time, he will be issued a large fine.

How to find a device that is turned off

If the mobile phone is turned off, forsearch phone by imeiFirst, it is recommended to recall the last actions in memory.It’s good if you can remember the location of your cell phone. If this method does not bring positive results in your search, then you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You need to remember whether the device has a notification function when it is turned off and whether the alarm is activated.
  2. Next, they begin to independently search for the phone. It is recommended to be patient if there are animals or children in the house, as they can take the device and hide it in the most unpredictable place. If the search does not produce results, you just need to wait until the time for which the alarm is set. When the signal is triggered, a melody will play and the phone will be easy to find.
  3. There is an item that can be useful for searching for a mobile phone - a metal detector.

There is also a method that allows you to find a missing phone, even if it is turned off.How to find a phone using a SIM card? You need to contact the nearest office of the mobile operator, report the loss of the phone and ask to find it. You need to have a passport with you, a contract for a SIM card and know the number.

If the device is stolen

When it is known for sure phone was stolen the question arises,how to find it by imei yourself. Finding out about the location of a missing or stolen mobile on your own is almost impossible. The only way may be to use a special tracking function. Modern devices transmit their location over the Internet. More services that allow you to find mobile phone numbers IMEI independently, does not exist.

iPhones are very popular these days. Their cost is high, which is why people most often try to steal them. If an unpleasant situation with the loss of a mobile device still happened, what to do? Is it possiblefind iphone by imei?

Find iPhone via iCloud

Apple is constantly improving the protection system for mobile device users.

Since 2010, an option called Find My iPhone has appeared, thanks to which users connected to iCloud can track the location of a mobile device.

The Apple mobile device system offers to activate this option immediately when you turn on the new device for the first time.

If for some reason it does not work, you can enable it as follows:

  1. Go to the "Settings" section.
  2. Search for "iCloud" and activate the "Find My iPhone" option.
  3. Go to the "Privacy" section.
  4. Next, in the “Location Services” item, turn on the “Find iPhone” option again.

The described steps will help you track your iPhone via iCloud.

Attention!The "Last Location" option may also be useful. Device location data is transmitted when the battery is low.

Internet search

Thanks to the activated iCloud optionfind iphonepossible throughcomputer. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Log in to from your computer using your ID and password.
  2. Find the application menu and click “Find iPhone”.
  3. After this, the location of the device will be displayed on the map.

When you click on it, the following functions will be offered:

  • turn on sound:
  • activate lost mode;
  • delete data.

Playing sound allows you to find the device due to loud music playing. In lost mode, you need to enter a phone number and a message, the device itself will be blocked. The person who finds the phone will see a phone number on the screen that they need to call and report the find. The last function is necessary to delete all data from the device.

How to find a device via Google

For Android-based cell phones, there isprogram to find a phone by imei. It's called Android Device Manage.This program provides the ability to find a phone by IMEI via satellite.

Attention!This function will help you find the device if it is turned on and the Internet and GPS are working.

In order to take advantage of this opportunity, you must first register in the program.

If your mobile phone is stolen, there is a special function that allows you to make a call to the lost device. The call is free. The call is made at the highest volume level that is possible for a particular phone model.

You can turn off the sound only by removing the battery or from the computer.

The service also provides the ability to block a cell phone or erase the data contained on it.

Looking for a lost Samsung

It will be useful for many to know thatfind Samsung phoneyou can use your accountSamsung. To do this, do the following:

  1. Login to your Samsung account.
  2. Enter personal data.
  3. Choose the appropriate action.

The following functions will be available to the user:

  • turn on the signal at full volume,
  • phone lock;
  • determining the device's location on the map;
  • Deleting contents permanently.

You can use the service only if the device is turned on. Otherwise, you will have to submit an application and all documents to law enforcement agencies. They will send a request to the cellular operator, who canpunch phone by imeiand indicate its location.

Fast and free mobile search program

Find phone via satelliteit is not possible to do it on your own. Most likely, the coordinates will help identify special device tracking services, nothing more. There are many programs, but they are only free for a short time, after which the user will be prompted to subscribe.

It is possible to find a mobile phone, but sometimes you have to spend a lot of time searching. Instead, it is better to take care of security, register your device in accounts and try not to lose your cell phone.

In trying to find a mobile phone, owners of lost handsets try to use the maximum number of search tools. But some methods do not give any results. Let's figure out whether it is possible to find a phone by IMEI via satellite for free and whether such technologies even exist.

What is IMEI

IMEI is the unique identification number of a mobile phone. It consists of 15 digits and does not change when the number is changed. IMEI is flashed into the phone's memory and stored there forever, so changing it is very problematic. In some countries, this process is criminalized, which is why there is no need to experiment with changing this number. IMEI is tied directly to the phone. It is transmitted to the cellular network as one of the equipment identifiers.

If the device supports two SIM cards, then there will be two IMEI numbers, not one. Thus, cellular networks track the correspondence between IMEI and phone number. All this allows you to remotely block equipment and search for lost or stolen telephones (at least in theory).

To find out the IMEI of your mobile phone, look under the battery or dial *#06#. It is also indicated in the warranty card and on the packaging.

How to find a phone by IMEI

Searching for a phone by IMEI occurs as follows:

  • A request is submitted to law enforcement agencies (documents on the phone are also provided there);
  • Law enforcement agencies submit requests to mobile operators (together with IMEI);
  • Cellular operators search for the device in their databases and find out who owns the SIM card that is installed in this device;
  • The received data is sent to law enforcement agencies for further investigation.

Thus, you can find a phone by IMEI, but satellites have absolutely nothing to do with it, since cellular communications have nothing to do with satellites.

What will law enforcement officers do after receiving a response from the operator? They will find out who owns the SIM card and find who is using the phone at the moment. It is possible to find a stolen phone by IMEI, but the police most often do not do this. The exception is complex cases when the police are interested in solving the case and catching the criminal. In other cases, no one is looking for stolen phones, although there is still a technical possibility.

Moreover, operators are able to block lost phones at their level, depriving them of the opportunity to register in their networks (in practice, this feature is practically not used).

Is it possible to find a phone by IMEI if it is simply lost? Neither the police nor the mobile operator will deal with this. Searching is labor-intensive, and the police are not a lost property office. Therefore, you will have to search for your lost phone on your own, without relying on anyone’s help.

Looking for a phone on our own

Your phone was stolen and you want to find it by IMEI online? We dare to assure you that this is practically impossible. There are simply no services on the network that could show the location of the phone by its IMEI. The only way out is to use special tracking services that allow you to track smartphones by reading their approximate coordinates and transmitting them via the Internet. All other services are nothing more than fantasy.

Recently, services have begun to appear on the Internet that allow you to find out whether a phone with one or another IMEI is listed as missing. That is, people register their devices in these services, after which they have additional chances of finding their phones if they are lost. Naturally, there is no talk about tracking phones here - these services are purely informational. And they are not widely used, so the chances of finding a lost handset using them are still small.

Finding a phone by IMEI via satellite is nothing more than a picture from a science fiction movie. Therefore, one cannot count on the availability of such services in real life.

Owners of Android smartphones can find a lost device via the Internet using the Phone Finder service. Search is possible only when the “Find device” function is active. It is included in the menu “Settings – Security and location – Find my device” or “Google – Security”. Enable the function - this will provide the ability to search if the handset is lost.

To find your phone, follow these steps:

  • Go to this page;
  • Select the device you are looking for in the list;
  • Enter your account password;
  • On the next page, click the “Find” button.

A page with a map will open, showing the approximate location of the phone.

Additional service functions:

  • Remote call activation – the phone will start ringing even if it is in silent mode;
  • Device lock – the smartphone is locked, and you can display a message with your contact information on its screen;
  • Remote device wipe – use this feature if your smartphone contains sensitive data or high-value commercial materials.

Please note that IMEI is not used here - you only need a Google account to search. The disadvantage of this method is that the phone must be turned on and connected to the Internet.

Apple smartphones are tracked in a similar way - to find a lost iPhone, use the “Find iPhone” function. Enter your Apple ID and password, the device's location will be shown on the map. By analogy with Android smartphones, you must first enable the “Find iPhone” function in the device settings.

Find phone via satellite - applications

It is impossible to find an arbitrary phone via satellite and IMEI. But if you prepare your phone for possible loss, then this is more than possible. This is done through apps that track smartphones via GPS. The “Tracking by phone number” application from the developer Family Locator Inc. has this functionality. Tracking is free and the application does not require superuser rights.

There are many other programs that allow you to find your phone via satellite. Some of them require superuser rights (root), but have advanced functionality - they work in the background without revealing their presence, they can track SIM card changes, and can be controlled via SMS (without the Internet).

Every modern person cannot imagine his existence without a mobile device, which, for obvious reasons, almost never leaves his hands. Today's gadgets, in addition to regular calls and SMS messages, have other functionality, for example, taking photographs, shooting videos, using them you can access the Internet and plan your schedule.

Therefore, the loss of such a multifunctional gadget for its owner becomes a real disaster. However, do not be prematurely upset, since each modern communicator has its own individual code, with which you can track the location of the loss. In addition, there are several other ways to help you find your phone if it goes missing.

If the phone is lost and is turned off, this may mean the following:

  • it was stolen and turned off;
  • he randomly got lost and after a certain time his battery ran out.

If the phone was simply lost within a certain room, then to find it you need to apply the following tips:

  1. Go through all the rooms, paying special attention to those places where it would be convenient to put the gadget.
  2. Conduct a survey of people in the same room. Since there is a possibility that someone simply took the lost smartphone for their own needs.
  3. If you have set an alarm on your mobile device, you should just wait for it to go off. This will happen in any case, even if the gadget was turned off.

If the communicator was stolen or lost on the street, then you must carefully examine the last route of travel, carefully looking at your feet. However, in this case, a disabled gadget means that it was stolen, or it was found by a third party and disabled. Then to find it you can try using the following methods:

If you are searching for a switched off phone using your SIM card, you first need to contact your operator. Currently, all mobile companies can send a signal to a SIM card installed even in a disabled gadget.

The signal is sent through the GPS system, which in turn is connected to satellites. It turns out that the SIM card will receive a signal sent from two or more points. And then nearby cell towers should have time to record the received signal. This is what allows you to determine the location of the communicator, even show it on an Internet map.

The step-by-step instructions for detecting a turned off device using a SIM card are as follows:

  • call the operator;
  • ask to find a lost accessory;
  • dictate a phone number that was lost;
  • give the agreement number for the SIM card;
  • wait for a response from the operator.

Search for a gadget by imei

Imei is a unique GSM code for each gadget, translated into Russian as “International Mobile Equipment Identifier”. When a mobile connection is connected, the code is automatically sent to the mobile cellular operator.

If another SIM card is inserted into a lost or stolen communicator and at least one outgoing call is made, then law enforcement officers have the opportunity to identify the mobile device by imei, that is, find out information about the owner of the new SIM card. Then it remains to track the thief, seize his telephone device.

Finding out the imei of a gadget is not difficult, especially if it was purchased in accordance with all the rules and has all the necessary documents. Usually such code is stored in the following places:

  1. On the outside of the package.
  2. Under the communicator battery.
  3. In the phone's firmware.
  4. In the warranty.

On many mobile phones, such a code can be retrieved by dialing the encryption combination (*#06#), after which you need to press the call button.

Today, there are several methods for finding a phone by imei. You can be sure that without the help of law enforcement agencies and cellular communications employees, changing this code is quite difficult, and in some cases even impossible. It is also worth noting that in some countries of the former union this action is illegal and carries administrative or criminal liability.

If for some reason the victim does not think to look for and return his phone, he can simply block it using imei. This requires an oral appeal to the mobile operator.

Independent search for a gadget

To independently find a stolen or lost communicator, you can resort to programs that were developed specifically for Android and iOS. However, if you are one hundred percent sure that the gadget was stolen, then it is best to contact the police, where you will need to write a statement indicating the unique imei identification number.

You can independently track the location of your smartphone using the Internet, but in this case, the mobile device must be linked to a Google account.

  • go to your search engine personal account;
  • find the “search for mobile device” function;
  • select the device that the system should detect;
  • click “proceed”.

After completing the above steps, the system will begin searching for the gadget; if the results are positive, the approximate location of the device will be displayed on the online map.

Another way to find a phone on your own is to use the capabilities of the smartphone (iPhone) itself.

To do this, you need to use a special service from Apple - iCloud. This program allows you to synchronize gadget data to a personal computer.

In addition, the developers of this service provided the “search for iPhone” function. In order to use this function, you need:

  1. Access the Internet from a personal computer or laptop.
  2. Connect to the official iCloud website.
  3. Enter your existing ID.
  4. Enter your password.
  5. Select the “search for iPhone” function.

If the mobile phone was turned on at the time of the search, the service will show its location.

In addition, using this program you can block the device or delete all data from its memory. To do this, you just need to send a special code.

Despite all the available programs and services, there are times when the owner is unable to find his gadget for some reason. But before you get upset, you should definitely try all possible and impossible ways to find a communicator.

There are cases when one service does not work, and another, on the contrary, shows the owner the location of his lost device on the first try.