The speaker does not work after falling into water. How to remove water from iPhone speaker? What to do if your waterproof phone falls into water

A lot can be done through carelessness. Mobile devices, which people now almost never part with, are especially at risk. They get dropped often. And it’s good if the phone fell on a soft surface. Even if you fall on the asphalt, there is a chance that nothing bad will happen. But if the device fell into a puddle, or did not even fall, but got wet in some other way, this is already unpleasant. In such a situation, you need to act quickly, without hesitation. Therefore, it is necessary to know the sequence of actions. What to do if water gets into your phone?

What not to do?

There are some strange methods, such as sticking the device in a bag of rice, which will draw out all the moisture. They also advise to completely fill the phone with alcohol. What to do if water gets into your phone? Definitely do not follow such advice. All this is ineffective, and later it will become clear why.

The most dangerous liquids for phones are sea water, water with washing powder or, attention, jam. Yes, they drop it on him too. Liquids that contain alkali, salts, and so on are also dangerous.

Even if the water that gets into the phone is distilled and does not allow electric current to pass through, the debris that is sure to be inside every device can lead to unpleasant consequences. What to do if water gets into your phone? Immediate action must be taken immediately. After all, even if you dry the device without disassembling it, then over time all the tracks on the board will still oxidize and collapse. After a month, irreparable problems may begin. A recessed phone will still work, but it won’t last long.

So, what sequence of actions is needed? What to do if water gets into your phone? And you need to do the following:

  • Remove the back cover and remove the battery.
  • Shake off any visible drops.
  • Find a dry rag or towel.
  • Remove the housing and remove all liquid inside the device.
  • The board must be washed with alcohol.
  • Do the same with all other metal parts (this can be done with a brush or in an ultrasonic bath).
  • Let the device dry for at least 12 hours.

Detailed description of actions

Do not hesitate for a second to remove the battery! What to do if water gets into your phone? You need to get it out of the water if it falls there, since even a couple of seconds is enough for a significant amount of moisture to get into the holes for headphones and memory cards. It’s even worse if it’s water with washing powder. So housewives should put their phones away while doing laundry. The battery must be removed as quickly as possible, as a short circuit may occur. During the disassembly of the device, the SIM card and storage are removed. All this should be placed on a dry towel.

Disassembling the phone

Many users, of course, will take the recessed device to a service center, but not all technicians do high-quality equipment repairs. Especially if it's a wet phone. Some do only part of the repair, after which the device can work for no more than a month. Therefore, it is better to understand this issue and do everything with your own hands. After all, the user himself will treat his gadget much more carefully than a master who does not care about other people’s property. And with their “help” you can easily and irretrievably lose all valuable information.

First, on the Youtube website you need to find instructions for disassembling exactly the same phone model as the user. The video will show everything: from the type of latches to the number of cables. Touch devices have fewer nodes.

What tools will be needed?

  • Set with small screwdrivers, asterisks or hexagons. This depends on the specific model.
  • A sharp scalpel, a pick, or some thin plate that can be used to pry off parts of the device body.

Everything needs to be done slowly, very slowly and carefully. It is necessary to carefully disconnect all cables, speakers, etc.

Cleaning from the inside

This process is probably the most painstaking. It is better not to use cotton wool here, because it leaves too much lint. It is better to choose cotton fabric or napkins.

Solvent must not be used under any circumstances! In order to wash the device board, you can take ordinary ethyl alcohol from the first aid kit. After all, he is available.

We need to put the speakers, microphone and display aside for now. Then they can only wipe the contacts. There is no need to wipe the outside of the case with alcohol, as this can leave streaks and stains, which will ruin the appearance of the device. The board itself can be dipped in alcohol. All impurities and oxidations are cleaned from it. If you don’t do this right away and efficiently, then after a while it will be too late and you will need to solder it. If there is one, after cleaning the board with a brush, you can dip it in it.

Alcohol drying

After bathing, the board is wiped dry with alcohol. This must be done extremely carefully. Once the liquid has evaporated, no dissolved substances should be deposited on the parts. Alcohol dries very quickly, but moisture can remain under the microchips.

After all the above operations, you can assemble the phone and try to start it. Everything should work. This should save you nerves and money.

If, after all, the phone does not work, then you can’t do without visiting a service center. The main thing is to choose a good master. Recommendations from other people should help with this.

Water in the sensor

Sometimes it happens that water gets into the phone screen. What to do? In most cases, it needs to be replaced with a new one, since even small droplets are undesirable. The cost of the screen is not very high, and you can find it in specialized stores. You can also ask for repairs there.

If you decide to replace it yourself, you need to do the following:

  • Disassemble the device.
  • Separate the sensor itself from the screen. If there is a sticky layer, it can be wiped off using a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover.
  • Install a store-bought sensor.

Attention, before you buy it, you need to make sure that the problem is not in the connector or cable, since often the contacts simply deteriorate due to corrosion.

It also happens that water gets into the phone speaker. What to do in this case? There is no choice here: you just need to change it to a new one. The speaker can no longer be restored. What if water gets into the phone's camera? What to do then? It’s fifty-fifty here: either when disassembling and drying, the moisture in it will completely dry out, or the particularly sensitive elements will refuse to work and you will have to take the device to a service center, where, most likely, they will say that the camera needs to be replaced.

These steps will help if your mobile phone falls into water. What to do if this happens? The main thing is not to panic. If everything is done correctly, then within a day there will be no consequences left. But it is best to be careful and make sure that your mobile phone does not end up near sources of moisture.

If the device has a removable battery, remove it immediately without wasting time turning it off. Leave the phone unassembled. If the device does not disassemble, then simply turn it off. This will reduce the likelihood of a short circuit.

If your phone is still wearing a case, remove the accessory to dry your device faster.

Remove the SIM card and memory card if they were inside. This will help dry them and protect them from moisture that remains in the device.

Place the gadget on a dry horizontal surface and carefully wipe the connectors and the entire open surface of the device with paper napkins.

What not to do if water gets into your phone

  • Do not try to turn on the phone: when electricity passes through the microcircuits, it is easier for water to damage them.
  • Do not under any circumstances connect a wet device to the mains - for the same reason. Wait 48 hours before trying to turn on and charge the phone.
  • Do not move the device unnecessarily, do not press buttons or blow air through it. Due to these actions, water may spread all over the phone.
  • Do not use heaters or hair dryers for drying as excessive heat may damage the device.

If the dried phone does not turn on or does not work correctly, you will have to show it to a specialist. The technician will clean the device and may suggest replacing damaged parts. But, as you guessed, these services are paid.

Situations arise when your favorite device gets wet and water gets into the phone’s speaker, what to do in this case, how to dry it and fix it?

If your phone just gets wet, you should take immediate action to avoid irreversible damage.

Prohibited actions

There is something that will harm the smartphone even more and it is worth paying special attention to:

  • Do not insert a towel or cloth into the charging port;
  • Do not insert any other objects into the charging port, such as cotton swabs or pads;
  • do not press any keys or buttons;
  • do not shake or knock on the device;
  • do not point the fan or blow on it;
  • don't charge your phone. Even if there is a wireless charging mat;
  • Do not dry using an external heat source. Do not use a hair dryer.

What to do if your phone gets wet

Unfortunately, not every phone can be saved. Depends on how much water got into the speaker and the smartphone itself. Moreover, most phones do not have removable parts such as batteries, making the drying process more difficult.

But whatever the situation, it is worth following these steps:

What to do if your waterproof phone falls into water

If the phone was purchased within the last two years, there is a good chance that it is waterproof. But that doesn't mean it can't get water damage. Water resistance is a condition that decreases with wear and is often not covered by warranty.

The following steps must be taken to prevent damage:

  1. Perhaps turn off your smartphone. Some manufacturers do not recommend turning it off in this case. For example, the Samsung Galaxy S8 can be left on. But if there is any doubt, it is better to turn off the device.
  2. If you decide to leave the phone on, you will need to do a number of other actions. Do not use accessories such as headphones. Do not charge. Even with a wireless charging mat.
  3. If salt water gets in, rinse. Salt water is corrosive and will definitely damage your phone, whether it's waterproof or not. Other liquids can also cause problems. This is why it is important to rinse it as soon as possible. But it is important to remember: the smartphone is not designed to work with water under pressure. To avoid further damage, quickly and carefully rinse it in a sink or bucket.
  4. If possible, contact the manufacturer. This step is important. Each manufacturer has its own advice in the situation of a “wet waterproof phone”. Different models have different levels of water resistance and connect differently. If you are unable to contact support, follow the steps below.
  5. Wipe with a soft towel.
  6. Place the phone on a towel in a place where there is air flow. You can use a fan if it is not too powerful and is not located close to the device. Samsung support advises tilting the waterproof Galaxy S8 model with the speaker facing down and shaking it lightly several times. But you can't do this with Google devices (and most other phones). There's no need to tap or shake your Pixel 2 if it's wet.
  7. Wait for it to dry.
  8. After complete drying, turn on the device and check its performance for several days.

What about rice?

Many users have probably heard that the best way to dry a phone that has been dropped in water is to immerse it in raw rice. The theory is that the rice will absorb moisture from hard-to-reach places. There is some debate as to whether it was ever truly effective.

But most still believe that if the rice method ever worked, it probably doesn't work anymore. Most smartphones don't have removable backs or batteries. They have fewer cracks and cracks. This means the rice will have less opportunity to get close and penetrate to absorb moisture.


Even if you have completed all the steps, your phone may still be damaged. It is better to go to the manufacturer's store and ask about the cost of repairs.

If repairs are too expensive, or if they are hopeless, you can sell the device to any of the dozens of online companies that accept old, broken phones.

Most of these companies don't care whether the phone works or not; all they care about are the precious minerals used to create it. Smartphones are a very rich source of gold, palladium and other rare metals.

Sometimes a few drops of water or high humidity are enough for the phone to break or stop working properly forever. Undoubtedly, the best solution would be to seek help from service workers. But what to do if this is not possible?

Here are 10 first aid tricks for your cell phone if it gets wet.

1 . The phone must be removed from the water as soon as possible and turned off immediately. The fact is that phone parts let water through in a matter of seconds. Do not turn on your phone until you are sure it is dry. In addition, water that gets into the phone can cause a short circuit.

2 . Immediately after removing the phone from the water, remove the cover and remove the battery. This will help reduce the risk of damaging internal circuits. Gently dry the phone and its parts with paper towels or a soft cloth.

3 . Remove the SIM card. It should be wiped dry, set aside and allowed time to dry until the phone itself is ready for use.

4 . You need to turn off and remove all peripheral devices, such as headphones, memory cards, as well as anything that can clog gaps, crevices and cracks in the phone (cases and protective films).

5 . If you have a vacuum cleaner on hand, use it to blow out the water. To remove residual moisture, you need to blow off each part of the phone for 20 minutes. In this case, the phone must be blown from all sides, constantly turning it.

Don't put your phone too close to the vacuum cleaner hose, otherwise static electricity will form, which will be even worse for your phone.

6 . Do not use a hair dryer to dry your phone, even on the “gentle” setting. By doing this, you can blow moisture from the surface further into the phone, which is especially dangerous for electronic components hidden deep inside the phone. You can also melt some parts of the phone.

7 . You can try to dry your phone by immersing it in a bag of dry rice. Rice draws out and absorbs moisture well, so there is a chance that all the moisture from the phone and battery will be absorbed into the rice and this will slow down corrosion. When placing your phone in rice, you should remove the cover, take out the battery and put them in the same container.

You need to keep your phone in a bag or container with rice for at least 2-3 days. This process is slow and rushing will only do harm. While the phone is drying, you need to turn it over from time to time so that the water is better absorbed.

Instead of rice, you can use silica gel, which is often put into shoes and other items when sold; it absorbs moisture better than rice.

It is worth checking the phone, placed in a container with absorbent material, every hour for the first 6 hours. If moisture has collected on the surface, you need to dry it again with paper towels or blow it with a vacuum cleaner.

8 . Place the phone in a sunny place to allow all openings to dry completely.

You can place the appliance on absorbent wipes or paper towels, even if it has previously been dried with a vacuum cleaner or placed in a container with rice. This will help absorb any remaining moisture from the device.

9 . After at least 24 hours, check that the outside of the mobile phone appears dry. It's worth checking all the ports, compartments and slots. If your phone looks dry and clean, you can replace the battery and try turning it on. Pay attention to possible strange sounds and noises that accompany the switching process: if there are any, then this is a sign that the phone is not functioning properly.

10 . If your phone appears dry but won't turn on, a dead battery may be to blame. Put your phone on charge. Then try turning it on again.

If connecting to the charger also does not help, then you should still try to contact a service center. But there is no need to hide the fact that it was damaged by water - the phone still has indicators that show the cause of the malfunction. The more detailed the circumstances are, the easier it will be for specialists to identify the breakdown and fix it.

  • Never vacuum a wet object. You may get an electric shock.
  • It is important to dry your phone before charging it.
  • Do not expose your phone to prolonged heat if you do not want parts of it to melt. Do not heat the battery; it may leak or explode.
  • Do not try to completely disassemble the phone yourself. Leave this to the professionals, as such experiments can lead to short circuits or poisoning with harmful chemicals.

  • If you flood your iPhone with water, the speaker does not work, you must urgently perform a series of procedures that will extend the life of the phone. The serviceability of the internal elements of the smartphone depends entirely on how quickly and correctly you act. In addition to oxidation processes, the iPhone is at risk of damage to contacts and microcircuits due to short circuits. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, so even a few drops of rain can damage the board, connectors and speakers of a mobile device.

    Experts suggest a number of actions that will remove moisture from the iPhone. Their timely implementation will prevent damage to the mobile phone. If, after cleaning the water yourself, you still cannot hear sounds or some functions of the device do not work, contact a qualified technician.

    How to restore a smartphone

    After prolonged contact of water with the iPhone, it will begin to work poorly, destructive processes are activated, which will no longer be possible to prevent. It is very important that after your phone has been exposed to raindrops or dropped into liquid, you react quickly. Due to moisture penetration, the smartphone may stop turning on and even an experienced technician will not be able to restore it.

    If your mobile equipment gets caught in the rain or your smartphone falls into water, you need to do the following:

    • get your iPhone out of the water immediately
    • turn off the phone (turning off the power will prevent short circuits)
    • remove the case and other accessories (the film and protective glass must be removed from the screen only if moisture bubbles have formed under them)
    • thoroughly dry the iPhone from water (try to remove water from the case and holes using any available means, make sure that the speaker does not get wet)
    • check moisture penetration indicators

    To prevent the iPhone from stopping working after moisture penetration, it is advisable to disassemble the device and dry the battery. The power supply can only be carefully removed using the Pentalobe tool. If you do not have experience and special equipment, then it is better to seek help from specialists.

    Liquid penetration indicators are located in the connectors. The normal color is white. If the indicator strips turn red, this means that liquid has entered the iPhone.

    How to disassemble the gadget and remove the battery

    After you drop your smartphone in water, do not check if it works. If the connector gets wet or the screen gets wet, quickly remove the moisture and remove the battery. When removing the power source, it is necessary to take into account the technical features of the iPhone.

    Battery removal steps:

    • Using a special suction cup and a plastic opening tool, remove the front panel
    • remove the latches connecting the case and screen
    • disconnect the connecting cables from the front panel
    • unscrew the screws holding the case to the iPhone board
    • unscrew the screws connecting the battery to the main board
    • loosen the adhesive grip around the battery (use a plastic spatula to do this)
    • remove the battery

    You need to reassemble the iPhone in reverse order. If after turning on the device does not work or the picture does not appear on the screen, most likely you have connected the cables incorrectly.

    Ways to restore a smartphone at home

    If you dropped the device in water or the connectors were filled with drops, after the above steps you can perform a number of other procedures to restore your iPhone. These include the following methods:

    • put the iPhone in a container with rice
    • download special applications that, by playing sound at frequencies greater than 150 Hz, “push” water out of the connectors
    • clean all internal elements and treat them with an anti-corrosion agent

    The first two methods work effectively in cases where you have not wet the device too much. Rice has good absorbent properties, but it will only absorb the water that was on the surface.

    If you flood your iPhone with water and the speaker partially does not work, or you can’t hear anything at all, then you should immediately contact a technician.

    • hair dryer treatment
    • wrapping the gadget in a towel
    • drying on a radiator

    Heat from a hairdryer or battery will speed up the evaporation of water, but at the same time increase the likelihood of a short circuit. If the phone gets wet and you immediately wrap it in a towel, then the humidity inside the device will increase, which will activate corrosion processes.

    How can you protect your smartphone from liquids?

    There are many ways to protect your gadget from water. First of all, to prevent your iPhone from getting wet, do not use the phone in the rain, during water procedures, or in rooms with high humidity.

    To effectively protect against moisture, Apple recommends the following methods:

    • use of waterproof cases
    • installing protective glass on the screen
    • use of water-repellent coating

    You can purchase cases and glass at any specialized store. To apply a water-repellent coating, you must contact a qualified technician.

    Cases and coatings will not 100% protect the phone if it has been dropped into liquid and stayed there for a while. Accessories will successfully prevent moisture from penetrating inside if you clean the device immediately after wetting it with water.