Setting RSS ribbons to mail. Use Gmail to read RSS tape

RSS format is a fairly convenient way to subscribe to updates from your favorite blogs. Earlier to read RSS ribbons, I applied Google Reader, but, alas, the company closed this convenient service. Although, of course, now there are many other alternative projects, including Yandex.Fold. One of the options for subscription to RSS ribbon has always been email. It is possible for most users it is even more convenient, understandable and affordable (due to regular use of mail). Unfortunately, not all the authors of blogs and website owners provide the ability to send RSS to Email.

I recently reviewed the situation from the point of view of the webmaster and described the mailing setting through Feedburner. Today we will talk about users - how to subscribe to RSS by email if there is not an opportunity on the site? Previously, I remember, the RSS2Email project was quite active in RuNet, but now he finally bent. Popular earlier Feedmyinbox also became somehow buggy + sent a notice to cease its work. Fortunately, there is a way out!

The main and only task of the BlogTrottr service is to send news from RSS feeds to your email. At the same time, BlogTrottr's main chips:

  • Used Pubsubhubub to receive notification as quickly as possible.
  • Setting the time of sending notifications - immediately, for several hours or forming a digest per day.
  • Setting the topic of letters. Getting only the necessary information - headlines, texts.
  • Friendly to email to customers - goes both HTML and Plain Text version.
  • Import-export of the list of subscriptions through the OPML file.
  • Support for pictures - preview and files.
  • Customizable email templates letters or notifications in the style of "headlines only".

In order to organize a subscription through the blogTrottr service on the main page, enter the RSS address of FIDA, your email, and also choose how often you want to receive letters. Next click on the button "Feed Me".

This is a "script" of sending RSS notifications to the mail. You need to click on the "Start Using This" link, after which you get to the first step setting.

Choose in the left field "New Item in Feed", and in the right - "Send Outbound Email". You, in fact, set the character of the required action, all other settings - the email address and RSS ribbons are asked further. Tham, I remember, it will be possible to choose which data from RSS send, etc. That is, the setting is quite flexible.

I will say as the results that both services work well. Once configuring blogTrottr and Zapier I get notifications when updating the necessary RSS ribbon. If you compare 2 projects, Zapier sends the letters faster (instantly practically), but BlogTrottr is easier to configure. In addition, it should be borne in mind that Zapier has a limit on the number of actions.

Many times wrote about RSS tapes. About what a convenient mechanism is to follow updates in your favorite places of the Internet. Today I will tell you how to get the contents of those or other RSS feeds to email.

As an example, take Vanych who though started writing his wonderful messages on the LIRA, more famous as LJ-user Pesen-Net. (And to publish the message to the message). First, we need the address of the RSS tape. Where to take it? There is an unimaginable number of ways to do this. For example, for our example, you can take at least here (in the picture, which seen the frame in the screenshot below):

If you bring the mouse pointer to this inscription or image, you can show this address:

But how to copy it? But at least like this: "". Especially for those who will not read the message, the link to which gave. First, the mouse pointer should be guided by "RSS". Second click on right Mouse button. Thirdly, there to choose something like "Copy Link Address":

If you do not work, then all the same will have to go to the message, the link to which gave.

How? Copy? Not? Well, well, here you have the desired address (for example): .

Now you have to start tormented by the question: "Well, here, I already have RSS-ribbons, and what to do with it?". I want to crush in you Chernyshevsky on the root, and immediately distract you from this issue. I will say more, you need to insert it into the form on the site :

As you might notice, besides the address of the RSS tape, you still need to specify the address of your email. And choose how often letters to this address send:

For those who do not understand: send updates literally in "real-time mode", send one letter for 2 hours with all the updates, at 4 o'clock, at 6 o'clock, at 8 o'clock, at 12 o'clock and once a day. Choose the option that suits you more. Chose? Well, everything, the subscription is almost completed.

It remains only to click on this button:

Now - exactly everything. The site will check your RSS ribbon on validity and informs that you have been sent a confirmation letter:

Now you need to go to the mail, the address of which you indicated, and wait for something like this letter:

There will be a lot of text in it, but most importantly is a link (in the letter of references a little, just one):

That's actually all.

Next time I will tell you how to subscribe to the blog updates to the line available for views by anonymous to the email address.

As planned, I begin to slowly register on different in search of additional orders on web development. The first in the list of relevant projects has been (detailed). A little later I will publish a detailed review, and today I will introduce you to solve one task, which will be useful when working with it. It will be about getting the ribbon vacancies (tasks) with RSS by mail. Moreover, we will filter applications for the keyword we need.

In principle, RSS channel updates can be monitored from different ways: someone adds a tape to bookmarks, someone uses a special reader program, plus on the Internet there are different services to get RSS to email:


Probably there are other projects, but these should be enough. The first two sites have the classic RSS sending functionality to the mail, where you simply specify the RSS address of the channel and your email. The last couple works somewhat in a different principle that we just need.

Earlier in the blog, I already led several examples of use, including sending SMS when ordering a product in the store. The same project will help get RSS by mail with the addition of a special filter (key phrase).

Algorithm RSS settings by mail via ifttt

First of all, they register on the IFTTT website. Then in the top menu select "My Applets", then click on the "New Applet" link to create a new applet (it used to be called recipes).

The principle of service is that you, firstly, determine a certain condition at which your applet will work, and secondly, indicate which action should be in the end.

The whole process takes 6 steps:

1. Select service for a trigger. Click on the "This" button (see Figure above), a new tab will open a list of different options, we need RSS.

2. Defining a trigger (triggering conditions). For RSS tape there are 2 options:

Select the second item "New Feed Item Matches", that is, the appearance of a new element in RSS ribbon, which would coincide with the keyword or phrase you specify. Click on this trigger, and the service will ask to fill in the appropriate settings:

Tape of new orders / vacancies is at the following address (if the value is triggered, it is possible on the website a new RSS):

As a keyword personally, I use "WordPress", because I need all orders associated with this CMS system. Further click "Create Trigger".

3. Go to the selection of the action - the button "That". As a service, we take email to implement the task.

4. For mail there is only one option - sending a message. The service generates a letter in the HTML format, and also supports the insertion of links and pictures.

5. In the penultimate step, you will need to fill in the email settings - select the subject of the letter (SUBJECT) and the contents (Body).

As values, you can write ordinary text or specify special parameters from the Ingredient block. With their help, you can send different information from RSS to mail: recording title from the tape, its text, author, link, etc. When you finish clicking on "Creater Action".

6. In the last step you will need to check all the parameters of the applet and finish the work on it - the "FINISH" button.

After creating, all applets fall into the "My Applets" section. There you can temporarily disable or delete. As for our task with obtaining RSS by mail from WebLancer, then as a result, these letters come to me:

Benefits of the method:

  • It makes no sense to monitor the list of work on WebLancer.
  • I get only the information you need, whereas RSS Exchange includes tasks from all categories.
  • If you are engaged in different types of activities, and not just a vordpress development, you can create several applets.
  • This is relatively fast (especially when notifications are configured about new letters in Gmail).

By the way, when receiving RSS, you still have a certain delay (less than an hour), I understand because of the technology itself or the function reading the IFTTT service. Therefore, if you want to be the very first performer, you need to either monitor the site constantly, or search for alternative solutions - perhaps via RSS reader will come faster. But I personally, the speed is not critical + convenient to receive vacancies in Gmail along with other important messages.

If you know any other interesting options for sending RSS to mail, tell us about them in the comments.

Discussions and speculation around the closure of Google their RSS-feed do not subside. Some are looking for a worthy alternative, others expect new services against the backdrop of an excitement.

Earlier, I published an article that the service. After reading this article, you will learn how to read RSS feed with Gmail.

Unusual ideas can be used to solve the problem. If you like fresh and non-standard solutions, you should try to configure your postal service to receive and read the news from RSS. Such an approach has already been used earlier in some mail programs, now you can configure any of the mail services to read the tape: Gmail, Mail.Ru, and others. Of course, small difficulties may occur when setup, but in general, the idea of \u200b\u200bsetting up and use the same.

Step 1. We guide the contents of the feeds to your mailbox

To configure the mail to interact with RSS feeds, you must introduce fida using external services. To do this, you can use Pipes, BlogTrottr, IFTTT or other services. For example, we take blogTrottr - this service has many different functions, in addition to the most useful things for the fidelines, the directions of the contents of the feeds on the mailbox.

We register and add an OPML file with all addresses of your subscriptions. You can then configure the update frequency, turn on the filters, change the name. By the way, the update frequency is important, since the default service updates the RSS-feeds, depending on the technical capabilities, there is or real-time or once a hour. As a rule, this is enough. Well, if there is no need for such a frequency of updates, you can install a different interval: two, four, six twelve hours or once a day.

Step 2. Install the filter.

Installing the filter is required in this case, since after registering and adding fids to your box, many messages will come, many of which are not needed. Therefore, configure your mail service filters. For an example, in Gmail filters work very well and when you configure them under your own requirements, you will get a very convenient reader, comfortably comparable from Google Reader. The first thing that comes to mind is to create folders with names for the topics or by the sources of news. Ideas for filtering and distribution by folders set.

By the way, Gmail is a very advanced service, which is why there are so many options for using this service. It is a pity that Gmail does not know how to work with SMS messages. If you need a SMS mailing, then order this service you can on the above site.

After setting up the internal mail service filters, you will see all the news in one menu that can be collapsed so that it does not occupy a lot of space on the screen. For example, if you have a Gmail you can configure the client in such a way that the received news did not appear in the "Inbox" folder, and immediately headed into the appropriate folders, without mixing with letters and messages.

More accurately consider the process of configuring filters does not make sense - each has its own email client, and their information distribution ideas.

Step 3. We assort the information received.

So, after setting and filtering, we can read the familiar information of RSSS. Now browsing information you can distribute it depending on the importance: Some send to "marked" or "important", others - in the basket. If you need to add notes or your thoughts about this or that information, you just just click "reply", and enter text. Now, the information will always be associated with the comment and will be in the "Cherniviki" folder (for Gmail and similar services).

If you correctly set up sorting - this will allow you to save a lot of time. And time is money. By the way, good money can be earned in.

By the way, in order to thoroughly understand the sorting of letters in Gmail, I recommend viewing this video.

Step 4. Use additional features.

Makers like Gmail or Yandex have excellent additional opportunities associated with other services of these mounds. If you need to share the news to friends, will help GTalk if you received the news of an interesting event and want to create a reminder that make it in the Google Calendar if you need to process information, use Google's task manager.

For wider use of mail services, you need to spend some time to explore all the possibilities of related services. Let us sum up the results of such non-standard use Gmail: this idea has enough positive moments and little - negative. Among the advantages of use: Comfortable use thanks to filtering and settings "for yourself", there is no need to go from one site or service to another, many possibilities through adjacent services, and for Google and other large services, it is also interaction with social networks or popular applications. . In addition, it is possible to work with mobile devices, choosing a page design. Well, of course constancy - after all, it is absolutely incredible that Google would get rid of Gmail.

There are not many shortcomings at all: firstly - with unsuccessful configuration, the letter and news will be mixed, which will lead to an increase in disorder with the mailbox, secondly - for some users, such use of the service is simply unusual. Otherwise, this is a good solution to the issue of replacing Google Reader, without any problems and technical difficulties.