It does not work, does not open, it does not allow an empty admin in MODX Revolution. Does not work, does not open, not allowed and empty admin in MODX Revolution Setting the blog service after transfer

Today I encountered a curious error - after the transfer of the site (Jumla), authorization stopped working (it is impossible to go to the "admin" of the site).

At the same time, no error messages are given - simply updated the login-password input page and that's it.

Cause number 1.

The most popular cause of such an error is overflowing the server disk (account). As a result, when you try to log in to the site, the script fails to create a session file (because the disk is full), and as a result, the authorization on the site does not occur.

Fix the error simply - Clean the disk space so that there is still a dozen megabytes in the reserve, clean the temporary folder (TMP).

Pay attention to an important aspect - the disk may end not only the place, but also the most accessible number of files created (inode)! That is, the place can still stay, but the files cannot be created at the same time!

Cause number 2.

Check showed that in this case the cause was the wrong values \u200b\u200bof variables in the configuration.php file (which is in the site folder)

Public $ Cookie_Domain \u003d ""; Public $ Cookie_Path \u003d "/ www"; // Apparently, it is she who exactly it is, since the path is clearly indicated incorrectly;

Remedy managed to establish empty values \u200b\u200bfor them:

Public $ cookie_domain \u003d ""; Public $ cookie_path \u003d "";

By the way, in general, the value of the $ Cookie_Domain and $ Cookie_Path variables and should be empty - their use is relevant, for example, for cases if another CMS is installed in the site subfolder for which a separate input / cookie is needed:

  • $ Cookie_Domain. : Domain for which the cookie is valid. In order to allow cookie for all subdomains, the domain must begin with '.' For example - ''. By default, the domain name is used on which the Joomla installation was performed.
  • $ Cookie_Path : The path on the server for which is really a matter of cookie. For example, if installed in / Test /, then the cookie will be valid only within the directory / test / and all subdirectory (for example / test / dir /) domain. By default, cookie is valid for the whole domain on which the Joomla installation was performed.

Go to the Admin Panel of your site to the "Settings - General" page. In the WordPress Address and Site Address fields, specify the URL of the new domain and confirm the changes by clicking on the "Save Changes" button. After that, WordPress will redirect you to the entry page to the admin interface, but already on the new domain.


In the site of the site, in the WP_Options table you need to change the site domain to the new in the values \u200b\u200bof the fields title SiteURL and HOME. These options have different IDs in different versions of CMS and installations. It can be ID 1, 2, 33, 37 and any other. You can change the database by any convenient way: to make a SQL database query via any database manager, open the saved SQL database database in a text editor, use database managers like such as phpmyAdmin, MySQL Workbench, Heidisql, etc ...

If you need a SQL query, then it should be, for example, such:

Update WP_Options Set Option_Value \u003d "(! Lang: http: //new-domain.domain-zone" WHERE option_name = "home" OR option_name = "siteurl"; !}

After the actions have done, the site on CMS WordPress will work normally on the new domain.

Not so long ago, I ran into a problem that after transferring the site to another hosting, the admin MODX Revolution stopped working. The site is fully working, but when moving to the center I see the following picture.

When you click on any links, nothing happens. In short, such a strange not functioning picture came out. By the way, this can get out not only if you transferred the site, but also when updating or simply when the engine is primary installed. It may still be that the admin is empty, or simply not to open and not let you. But not everything is so scary, there is a way out that will help eliminate the problem literally in 5 minutes.

To begin with, we go to hosting on which the site stands and go to the config.cache.php folder

The path to this folder is as follows: /core/cache/system_settings/config.cache.php

After you have found the folder, open it in a text editor and find two important lines.

Two lines we need:

'Compress_css' \u003d\u003e '1',
'Compress_js' \u003d\u003e '1',

By default, on the contrary, they will stand '1', we need to change the '1' on '0', so that it is in my screenshot.

After you make these changes, save. Everything will work, but for a while, after 10 minutes, it will again stop working and zero that we ruled in the config.cache.php file will be changed by automatt on units, and everything will turn out again. To prevent it, you need to make another small change, but only no longer on hosting, but in the admin panel itself.

In the administrator itself, we bring the system with the mouse and go to the "system settings". Next, we are looking for the two same lines.

Opposite them, the words "yes" will stand, we need to be changed in two these lines "yes" to "no".

After you make these last change, then problems with empty, non-working and non-opening administratus will disappear and do not go back. Only after transfer to another hosting, or after the update, all these problems may return. But you will be ready for them and you can quickly eliminate.

Hello, today the time has come next, but long-awaited lesson. By coincidence, he turned out to be 33 in order, and the figure 3 is my favorite number.

I hope "Troika" you will also like at least by following the lesson at number 3, your blog will be on the Internet, on the real server, which you have been waiting for this long ago ... Finally you can distribute your blog to all your friends and friends , Let's start improving your own blog, will strive to make it with your excellent "brainchild," which it would not be ashamed to show the other.

So, let's start. Today's lesson will be about transferring a blog to the real server and its settings after transfer.

Transfer blog on WordPress

  1. All files that are in the folder (You may be called differently) Copy into a separate folder, where all the blog files will be stored (I told about it in the previous one).
    For example, on a local disk D, I create a folder similar to the name. I create a folder in it web.and copy all the files from d: \\ Server \\ Home \\ Localhost \\ www \\ Web \\ . I do this in order for us to work normally a blog on a local computer for experiments, etc. (Since we will change configuration file settings for transfer). Now all the blog files are here here:
    In the future, we will work only with this folder.and not with d: \\ Server \\ Home \\ Localhost \\ www \\ Web \\
  2. Open the file wP-config.php. In the theme file. We will need to change the name of the database. This data can be found in CPanel (where we created a database, the username, came to phpmyadmin, etc. In the last lesson) Hoster (how to get there).
  3. Copy the database name:

  4. Pay attention to the underlined "things" in the file wP-config.php.
  5. We need to replace them with those that we created and pointed out in the previous lesson in the process of creating a database:

  6. Save wP-config.php. and in the same place find the file Open it through and delete everything there is there, that is, the file Keep empty.
  7. Next, you will need to execute the creation process Robots.txt

File robots.txt needed to properly indexing search engines (Yandex, Google, etc.). If you do not understand something - not trouble, just do what I wrote below. For more information about this file, I will tell you in the following lessons. So, be sure to subscribe to RSS, so as not to miss new newcomer blog lessons ()

Creating robots.txt

Download yourself to your computer. Unpack it, there should be a file robots.txt

File transfer

  1. Now open Filezilla or other FTP client (you read about installing FileZilla and read it). On the left, go to the window with your blog, and on the right, go to the FTP server and open the Public_HTML folder (for example):

  2. Left allocate all files And click Download to the server:
  3. Start the process of copying files. If you are asked, "overwrite the file?", Confirm. Can also get out a message that unable to connect to the server, just wait a bit, copy files to recover.
  4. My copying process I took 30 minutes. But some files (80 pieces) I have not passedThis can be seen in the lower left corner (if all files have passed, you skip the following 2 steps):

  5. To register them click on " Failed transmissions"(highlighted in a blue marker), allocate all files (you can Ctrl + A), click on the right mouse button and choose "Clean the list and re-add files queued":

  6. Now you will transfer you to the tab " Files in task", allocate all files again, the right mouse button and choose the item" Perform the task":
    As a result, all files will be needed if there are unpainted, repeat 4-6 steps. With downloading on it all.

Setting the blog after transfer

  1. Go to the admin panel, but already on the real server, at the address / WP-Admin.
  2. If you have come out something similar to this (the picture below), just click on the link, just worked the plugin from XSS attacks, nothing terrible:
  3. Enter Admin, your password (he is the same that was on the local computer) and put a check mark "Remember me":
  4. You are in the "native" admin (with which we often worked on the local server), congratulations on your excellent passage of lessons! Now we go B. Settings -\u003e Permanent links (CNC):
  5. We descend lower and copy all the information in the window for.htaccess:
  6. Insert it into our file.htaccess, which is in me in LAN D / *** BAR / Web / .htaccess disk Insert what you copied in a 5-step, save the file. He looks like this:
  7. Now we need to update this file on the server: for this allocate.htaccess Press the right button and select item Download to the server:
  8. Press OK:
  9. Now file Updated on the server.
  10. I also renamed the name and brief description of the blog. To do this came in admin Bloga -\u003e B. construction -\u003e General:

Now go to the WP-Content folder and give the Uploads folder 777 (how to do it, shown (just read how to set rights 777 and all)).

On this Transferring a blog to the real server is complete.We also committed small setting after transfer, result - our blog on the Internetto get into it enough to dial In the browser and that's it.

I will say honestly, the lesson was written for quite a long time, as many of all sorts of pictures and tried this lesson to do as always detailed.

Now I started thinking can try Sometimes do video lessons (especially when the material for the study volume)? I think they will significantly simplify life and me, and you. In general, I will think about this topic.

I-Aya target reached. we Created a blog. It is available all.

Now, before promotion and earnings, there will be lessons on designing design, translation of templates, adding new features to the blog and everything is very interesting! I will be happy to wait for you dear reader, on, and I will jump from joy.

Seeing soon meetings on new lessons!

P.S.Soon I will tell you the address of my blog, who did together. I'll not decide, wait a week, two.


The following lesson: Lesson 34 as much as possible in painlessly.