Oneclick What is this program and how to remove it? How to disconnect MTS Click What is a click service.

All Hellow today comrades we will continue to study unknown programs that can dwell on PC. And this time we are dealing with a prog called OneClick, it turned out that I had this program on my computer, although I didn't even suspect it to be honestly!

Surprisingly, but the fact, on the test computer I study the program, I test them, I look at how you work, well, the most interesting thing, in the end I have on my computer even those programs that I never shook how they hit the computer, I don't I understand the same applies to Oneclick, especially I did not install this program, so where did it come from then? All I will write here, it is suitable for both Windows 7 and Windows 10

So, okay, let's better consider OneClick in fact and also I will show you how to remove it. So I learned about her using the dispatcher, somehow studying the processes in it stumbled upon oneclickapp.64.exe and oneclickbandhandler.64.exe, even now they are running, see:

Yes, they do not ship the computer, it is good, and the operatives do not take a lot, which is also plus. But the presence of them in the dispatcher I would say to say so, I was shorter done that, I completed them. And then I noticed something, it means that there was a search strip, she disappeared! I always thought that this strip from Yandex-Soft, but it turns out! Under the strip, I mean the search line on the taskbar, well, here I made a reboot and it appeared again, here it is:

As you can see, it is even written that they say the search on the Internet, if you click on this line, it will pop up such a menu:

There are already some sites spelled out, but see the gray plusings? So, if you click on this plus, you can add your website here:

So, that is, here you can search for information and you can still add your sites. If you click on some site, a browser will open (which costs the default) with this site. If you write something in this search string, there will be such tips:

See, but at the top it is written that the search is implemented from Mail Ru, well, now everything is clear, Mail Ru is probably already the specialists on such matters, they are always some kind of software Mutyat, who managed to get on the computer users, with particular benefits from him not. Well, back to the processes onclickapp.64.exe and oneclickbandhandler.64.exe, I learned that they are launched from this folder:

Let's a little spectacular content of this folder, so we have here? I wrote it as a list, see (digit 64 in the file name apparently means bit, I have 64-bit Windows):

  1. the image folder in which the tracks of sites are stored, which are fixed in the search bar, where I wrote about the gray plusings;
  2. tabs folder, inside the folder numbered, what they mean I do not know;
  3. Oneclick.ico, well, this is the icon file that is used by the program itself;
  4. Oneclickapp.64.exe is the main program file;
  5. Oneclickapp.64_update.exe is a program update module;
  6. Oneclickband.64.dll is some kind of library incomprehensible;
  7. OneclickBandHandler.64.exe is some kind of module incomprehensible;
  8. settings.ini Well, this is the settings file;
  9. unins000.dat incomprehensible file;
  10. unins000.exe is a module for uninstalling oneClick, an important module, because with it you can stupidly remove oneclick;

I'm interested in what the moment is what, and what about us there with autoload? Is there an entry from OneClick? So, I go to look, I clamp Win + R, I am writing this command:

What conclusion can the Lord do what do you think? Do you need this nanotechnology search string? If not, we think in one direction, because I also don't need it, and therefore I accepted a serious solution: OneClick should be eliminated from the computer. This can be done in different ways, but I as a decent person, I will do it competently, with the help of an uninstaller. You need to open this folder:

C: \\ Users \\ Dima \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Oneclick

Only where Dima is there, then there must be the name of your account, well, in this folder you run the unins000.exe tool:

I pressed twice, a window appeared with the title uninstalling Oneclick, here they want to make sure whether we really want to remove oneclick, I personally have no doubt, I click here yes:

All, programmind Oneclick leaves our computer I hope forever:

She did it instantly, after a second I saw such a message:

All the guys, the OneClick program successfully left the board, the task was completed, the goal is to say so!

I advise you to clean the computer with CCleaner with cleaning garbage after all actions, which and the file trash will delete and under the registry. If that, then CCleaner is not a problem on the Internet, because the program is popular, known, and therefore is on every corner

Thank you that you read, I hope I did not upset you and you got exactly what they came. Good luck and all benefits


MTS Click is one of the numerous proposals of the operator to its customers, allowing you to regularly be aware of all current events. It functions like this: promotions that prompted you about current events regularly appear on the phone screen, and you can move your finger move to the corresponding news section, without the introduction of additional characters in search strings. It is very convenient, because you significantly save time and get rid of the need to independently search. There is an opportunity to be in trend.

However, this option is connected by default to each owner of the MTS card, without obtaining its consent or failure. Therefore, quite a lot of users unexpectedly discover the unnecessary program that they need to be disconnected.

Causes of refusal of MTS Click

It should be noted that this service is a paid proposal. This means that with the user's account for its operation, money is regularly removed. Moreover, since the "sewn" service in the SIM card is initially laid, the removal of funds can become a complete surprise. When reluctance is spent on a similar option, it is better to turn off.

Some users are not interested in receiving information from all areas, because their activities can be focused on other areas. For example, lawyers or business people, such notifications can only interfere.

How is shutdown?

To find out how to turn off mts click On your mobile phone, you need to go to the site of the operator. You should not try to do it yourself - there is a predetermined disconnection method that you can use at any time. Basically, this service is deactivated in such ways:

  • via the SIM menu. In your card settings, you can find the built-in program tab. Open it and find the section "Disconnection". Click on it, and the application will stop working;
  • you can also contact the company's operators. Give them the requested information, and they will independently turn off this option on your room. It happens quite quickly and with minimal efforts on your part;
  • if there is a personal MTS Cabinet, you can find the section "Services" and turn off unnecessary to you. This method is most convenient and rapid.

All information about working with services, options and all sorts of MTS applications you will find on the computer users. It is recommended to periodically come here for obtaining new information about tariffs, services and other MTS offers.

Information services are in great demand among the subscribers of the MTS-Ukraine operator. A modern man became the most real information absorber, so the presence of additional channels of its provision is a big plus. One of these channels is service "MTS Click" from the operator MTS-Ukraine. How to connect or disable "MTS Click" via SMS and how does this information service work at all? We will tell about it in our review.

Description of the service "MTS Click"

The service "MTS Click" is a very interesting channel of information distribution. It does not require memorizing address addresses and SMS-content providers. All information services and channels operate through a special menu. MTS Click allows you to get interesting and relevant news, weather forecasts in their city, interesting facts from certain areas, sports news and much more.

How does the service "MTS Click" work? It is automatically activated, immediately after installing the MTS SIM card. During the day, the subscriber's phone will receive an announcements of information messages that can be answered by two actions:

  • Confirm the complete content of content;
  • Cancel content.

That is, the subscriber will remain click "OK" or "Reset / Cancel". When choosing the "OK" button, the corresponding content will come to the phone - it can be a complete news, a link to multimedia content, jokes, funny stories, horoscopes on the signs of the zodiac, the question of an interesting quiz or a link to some page.

By the way, if you do not respond to the received message, then a few minutes later it will disappear, and the screen will go out. On the phone, only the last 10 received messages are saved. The service "MTS Click" is ready to offer its subscribers with information on the following topics:

  • Business world;
  • Man and woman;
  • Music energy;
  • Everything about everything;
  • Gentle age;
  • Sports Life;
  • Positive;
  • News.

Using the MTS Click menu, located on the MTS SIM card, subscribers will be able to customize information according to their tastes and preferences. There is also a view of the ten latest messages received, the language and the ability to receive sound notifications are configured.

If you are tired of your operator

Guys, we know perfectly well that the operators increase prices and force subscribers to connect the services that the latners do not want to use. Fortunately, now there is a great opportunity to go to another operator with your number. There are virtual operators that provide very good tariffs and cool buns when transferring the number. One of them Tinkoff Mobile, who increasingly choose visitors to our site.

One of the most hated users of the service providing the operator " MTS Click" Its annoying messages and suggestions brought out more than one subscriber. In this case, the operator is in no hurry to remove it from the basic set of services that are activated in the packages automatically.

It is worth paying and at that time that when buying a new package, this service will already work, while it works not free. On old SIM cards, this service is not sewn.

What is "MTS Click"

The official website of the company describes it as an infotainment portal. You can view news, find out the current currency exchange rate, view the weather forecast. But the most reversing questions are the constant questions of all sorts of quizzes, which, then, fly out on the display of a mobile phone.

In general, pleasant little things that are in the global network and are provided free of charge. But then the role of mobility plays. The information portal itself is a text menu that is sewn into the sim card.

Among his items can be found: news, man and woman, positive, gentle age, energy of music, all about everything, business world and sport. It is also possible to issue the subjects as I like the subscriber.

And more precisely, edit an existing set of topics by selecting only those that you are interested. For this can be in the MTS Menu menu.

How to disable MTS Click service

To disable these services, you must use the SIM card menu " MTS Menu." Next, go to the submenu section " MTS Click", Then choose" Activation", And in it already" disable».

After that, the service will stop annoyingly thange his informational messages. The cost of using the Click service from MTS The price of each information channel is individual.

And its cost can be viewed only in the channel itself. The operator did not bother to declare all the rates, but only provided information that there are paid and free information channels.

Communication with MTS operator

So payable are marked with $. You can get detailed information by number 111 or 555 . These short numbers are suitable for MTS mobile subscribers.